Jan.18 Edit
Jan.18 Edit
Jan.18 Edit
Chapter I
Fake news can take on different faces. This can be a major impact because
information shapes our world view. We can make decisions based on the information that
we heard or saw through the web or on the other social media platforms.
Fake news is a term that has come to mean different things to different people. As
its core defined by Shevon Desai et. Al “fake news” are those news stories that are false:
The importance of having knowledge about fake news is not to cause harm to
others. According to the fact-checking website, Political, Fake news is a made-up stuff,
which is not even real, it is manipulated to look like credible a journalistic report that
spreads easily through online platforms to large masses of audience that is willing to
believe the fictions and spread the word. False rumors may have major consequences
especially if it targets a specific individual. They can be harassed and insulted through
social media or worst sometimes a threat that is somehow have real-life impacts on our
According to Maria Celeste Wagner and Pablo J. Boczkowski that there are these
perceptions that characterizes by: a) negative view of the current quality of news
reporting, b) particular distrust of news circulation on social media, and c) concerns about
the effects of these misinformation habits of others. To counter these perceptions, people
should rely on: a) traditional fact-based media; b) personal experience and knowledge; c)
repetition of information across outlets; d) fact-checking on other sources that you may
know; and e) trust in certain personal contacts on social media.
A Pew Research Center study found that mostly people who are engage in reading
news articles have different ideas about the definition of ‘fake news’.
“The Pew study suggests that fake-news panic, rather than driving people to
abandon ideological outlets and the fringe, may actually be accelerating the process of
polarization: It’s driving consumers to drop some outlets, to simply consume less
This is why it is important for people to seek out news with as little bias as
humanly possible.
The application of online class on students drive them to uses the internet to learn
and be connected. With a multitude of educational applications and the ability to search
information on the go a lot of student use their smartphones and the internet. In duration
of usage they are bound to be exposed to fake news on social media sites.
Malicious news stories have even led to violence and death in some parts of the world. In
many countries, they’re trust in many journalisms faded long ago, meaning broadcast
stations and newspapers are not seen as the same trustworthy article news.
Trust while looking in the media, it is important to recognize that not all countries
play as the same level of traditional trust in their media systems as we have in the
Philippines. Trust in media now is critically important barometer when it comes to the
false spread and misleading conceptions of news. Thus, in a society were citizens
wholeheartedly trust and embrace the journalisms, and it can act as bulwark against viral
falsehoods. On the other hand, as the trust in media declines, citizens increasingly turn
the flow of false and misleading news, it is important to remember the global context of
disinformation. Particularly, by looking more deeply at how disinformation has been used
as a tool around the world, one can begin to see the immense difficulties in trying to
spread it, especially in a world that is falling out of interest in the journalisms.
Putting this all together, we see the different kinds of promotions by media
Danao Campus should be informed on how fake news affect their understanding of the
Thus, the researcher is motivated to conduct a study on the assessment of the effects of
Theoretical Background
This study anchors on Echo Chamber Effect that states that people consume and
believe fake news due to the following psychological factors: (1) social credibility, which
means people are more likely to perceive a source as credible if others perceive the
source is credible, especially when there is not enough information available to access the
truthfulness of the source; and (2) frequency heuristic, which means that consumers may
naturally favor information they hear frequently, even if it is fake news (Kai Shu, 2017).
The pandemic has taken a toll on the world. The Philippine government has
implemented a quarantine on its capital city of Manila on March 16 and it has been an on
and off situation since then. According to Department of Health, there have been 33,224
active cases and a total of 416,852 cases as of November 21 since the start of the
infection in the country. The pandemic have affected a lot of sector of society especially
our economy. According to Department of Trade and Industry, there are approximately
90,000 small businesses that have shut down due to the pandemic. In addition from being
ravage by the pandemic, the government have been dealing with another problem - the
spread of fakenews.
Sport, there is no official definition of fake new but in general terms it is defined as
content with a goal to misinform. Fake news can be attributed to any kind of
misinformation including:
comment as fact.
False context of connection: factually accurate content that is shared with false
contextual information, for example when a headline of an article does not reflect the
Satire and parody: presenting humorous but false stores as if they are true.
Although not usually categorized as fake news, this may unintentionally fool readers.
Fake news may seem new, but the platform used is the only new thing about it.
Propaganda has been around for centuries, and the internet is only the latest means of
According to Jeffrey Kluger, the internet is not always the appropriate source of credible
information. There a lot of articles, webpages which may contains fake or true news and
distinguishing between them is not easy. The easy sharing access also makes the news
disseminated easily. The more the news stirs emotion the higher the chance that people
instantaneous response from the audience mind without any hesitation. The magic gun
(media) shoots the message directly into audience head without their own knowledge that
As of January 2020, there are 73 million social media users in the Philippines which is
half of the total population. According to Maria Pilar Lorenzo, the speed on the dissemination of
valid and fake news on social media platforms has a high possibility to make the citizens
uncertain online.
Social media news distribution has a larger reach than traditional media. As media
messages (fake news) passes through the opinion leaders to other people who were not as
frequently exposed to media, it was indicated that opinion leaders have influence over the
The concept of the ‘two-step flow of communication’ suggests that the flow of
information and influence from the mass media to their audiences involves two steps: from the
media to certain individuals (i.e., the opinion leaders) and from them to the public (Gabriel,
According to Ivor Gaber, fake news is a challenge to the journalist as it is hard to identify
which is fake. It also provide validation on the importance of responsible journalism. In the
Philippines, it has been identified that at least 300 websites disseminates fake news (Maria). This
website are often used to broadcast fabricated accounts to smear political opponents (Peter,
2020). Fake news on the pandemic has risen considerably in the duration of the quarantine period.
There have been 32 people arrested by the Philippine National Police due to posting false
information on COVID-19. These people have cause panic in the populace and are now facing
charges of violating "Unlawful Use of Means of Publication and Unlawful Utterances” under
Article 154 of the Revised Penal Code. Fake news are not only spread by common people but
also those who are in power or in media. A Mayor in Cavite and two newsmen are charged for
allegedly using a fake Facebook account to attack political opponents and spreading fake news
The health crises brought by the pandemic has increased the people need for information
to quell their anxiety and fear - in which fake news exploited. In an era of modernization,
information exchange has been efficient and so is the demand for solutions that combats
There are vast misinformation that are happening in social media as fake news often have
a large numbers of shares and often can be seen in every webpages. This can be attributed to
illusory truth effect which describes how repeated and constant exposure to fake news makes us
believe that it is true. Troublingly, this even happens when people should know better—that is,
history in which technology and social media are being used on a massive scale to keep people
safe, informed, productive and connected. At the same time, the technology we rely on to keep
connected and informed is enabling and amplifying an infodemic that continues to undermine the
infodemic. People have to responsible in tackling fake news or misinformation about Coronavirus
disease (COVID-19).
The highlights of this study includes the different platforms where fake news is
disseminated, its effect of on student's view of the pandemic and possible solutions to this
This study assessed the effect of fake news on how the CTU Danao students
perceive the ongoing pandemic as basis for designing the action plan. This study sought
3. What is the effect of fake news on how CTU Danao students view the ongoing
5. Based on the results of the study, what action plan can be designed?
skills and knowledge that result from practice and experience with sought for quality
The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to the vast
knowledge in relation to fake news and its effect on students perception of the pandemic.
Vital result of this investigation could be highly significant and beneficial to the
Students. This study sought to open their minds on the issue concerning the effect
of Fake new on Students Perception of the Pandemic on a general scale. The researcher
would like to encourage students to give more importance in identifying the credible
Teacher. This study with the given data would guide the teacher to help their
student finding the genuine sources of news and encourage them to verify news before
School. This study will accentuate the issue of effects of fake news on students of
Cebu Technological University Danao Campus. With the information that provided in
this study, the researcher would like to address impel the school administration to address
new researcher or extracting the validity of other related findings. This study will serve as
a cross references that will give them a background or overview and guide to support
future researcher pursuing the topic of fake news to develop their study.
Design/ Method
The descriptive method was applied in this research. This type of research
method is used since the purpose of the study is to analyze and interpret the effects of
fake news to the students in understanding of the pandemic. This descriptive method of
research is the most compatible design because the survey is concerned with perceptions
of people of the pandemic; effects that are being seen and felt; platforms of fake news
The System Approach Model is followed by the study namely; input, process
and output. The inputs are profile of the respondents, the social media sites the students
are using, dissemination of fake news on social media, effects of fake news on how CTU
efforts amid fake news, and action plan that can be designed. The process was undergone
through Statistical Treatment which includes percentage and ranking and weighted mean.
Campus. In order to gather absolute data despite of the pandemic and government
restrictions. The researchers only selected students that has an internet access as the
1. Profile of thestudents.
2. Social Media Platforms that were used and the ranges of its usage duration.
3. Reasons of fake news spreads and ways to verify news.
4. Effect on Students Perception of the Pandemic
5. Implementation of government recovery efforts amid fake news.
6. Recommendations that can be taken.
Gathering of Data
Statistical Treatment
Action Plan
The respondents of this study were the students of CTU - Danao Campus who
possesses internet access and applications such as; Facebook Messenger and Web
Each of the students age were asked at the beginning of the survey as one of the
There are 12 (17.14%) youngest respondents at the age of 19 while there 2 (2.86%) at the
age of 27.
Table 1
The researcher- made questionnaire was used in obtaining the desired data. It
was divided into six parts. The first part deals on the profile of the respondents. The
second part focuses on the social media platforms that were used and its duration. The
third part is about the reasons on the dissemination of fake news and ways to verify it.
The fourth part deals with the effects of fake news on students perception of the
pandemic. The fifth part includes the implementation of government recovery efforts
amid fake news. The sixth part is about the recommendations of the respondents to stop
In the conduct of the study, the researchers applied the following steps:
1. Preliminary Preparations
The researchers secured a written approval from the Campus Director of Cebu
The researchers prepared questions that answered the objectives of the study. The
The entries of the respondents was gathered and stored in the cloud storage that
The responses was hourly monitored by the researchers until the needed quantity
was enough.
Statistical Treatment
The data gathered was subjected to statistical treatment using percentage and
2. Ranking - was used in arranging the social media platforms used by students,
the reasons of fake news dissemination, the effects of fake news on viewing the
pandemic, effects of fake news on how CTU Danao students view the ongoing pandemic,
implementation of government recovery efforts amid fake news, and possible solutions to
3. Weighted Mean - was used in the usage duration of social media platforms
used by the students, verification of fake news and the students perception of the severity
of the effect of pandemic on society amid the fake news on social media.
Scoring Procedures
the platform.
To have a greater visualization of this study, terms are defined in relation of this
Perception. This research sought to know on how the fake news affects the
perception or understandings of the Students in CTU Danao regarding to the Fake news
Fake News. It refers to the false information that is presented as a news in television,
Misinformation. A misleading content that could reach a wider audiences that may
News. Refers to the informations that is being published across social media,
being published that will depend on what is being produced in social networking
Danao Campus is located in Sabang, Danao City. CTU Danao is the external campus of
Cebu Technological University. It started in June 1949. On June 22, 1957, RA No. 1907
converted it into a national vocational secondary school. In 1965, the school transferred
into its present site in Sabang, Danao City. In the year 1984 the school became a part of
the Cebu State College of Science and Technology and was known as CSCST-College of
Industrial Technology.
spreads swiftly, includes the dissemination of fake informations or news about the
Dissemination. The distribution of the news that can reach the students.
Designing Action Plan. In designing an action plan, this research will show a
progression on how the students of CTU Danao identifies the resources that are needed
and to help them monitor, evaluate, and to be more updated regarding to the fake news
Problem. In doing this research, there are sort of questions, obstacles, and
to the hindrance of the students who experienced the bad effect of acquiring false
Chapter 2
This chapter is concerned with presentation, data analysis and interpretation of the data collected.
The findings from the 70 respondents are presented in tabular form. The chapter is divided into six parts.
The first part deals on the profile of the respondents. The second part focuses on the social media
platforms that were used and its duration. The third part is about the reasons on the dissemination of fake
news and ways to verify it. The fourth part deals with the effects of fake news on students perception of
the pandemic. The fifth part includes the implementation of government recovery efforts amid fake news.
The sixth part is about the recommendations of the respondents to stop the spread of fake news.
Table 2
Table 2 shows the respondents who respond to our questionnaires. Out of the 70 respondents, there
are 25 (35.7%) males, 45 (64.3%) were females. This implies that there are more women students who
uses social media sites than men in Cebu Technological University Danao Campus.
Table 3
problem. Table 3 shows that majority of the respondents (82.9%) is 20 years old and up while the
remaining 17.1% are 19 years and below. This implies that majority of the respondents are old enough to
Table 4
Table 4 presents the courses of the respondents. Out of the 70 respondents, 39 (55.7%)
respondents or the majority of the respondents are Bachelor in Industrial Technology students. This
Table 5
Table 5 presents the usage of social media of the respondents. The table shows that 68 (97.1%) of
the respondents uses Facebook. Facebook users in the Philippines were almost at 74 million as of 2019.
This implies that Facebook is the most used social media website in Cebu Technological University
Table 6
Table 6 presents the time spent by the respondents on using social media. The table shows that
students are using Facebook for 5 to 6 hours per day followed by Youtube for 2 to 4 hours per day and
Table 7
Table 7 presents the respondents’ response on the question “What do you think is the caused why people
share fake news on social media?”. The table shows that 47 (67.1%) of the respondents think that people
share fake news on social media because they want to have fame. It is followed by “they want to spread
misinformation” and “they just want to mess around albeit knowing that it is not right”.
WM Remarks
Cross checking with other 2.6 Once in a while
Asking a friend 3.4 Sometimes
Compare with what is 3.6 Frequently if not always
reported on TV
Check the author 3.6 Frequently if not always
Check the source 4.0 Frequently if not always
Check the Date 4.1 Frequently if not always
Check the biases on the post 3.7 Frequently if not always
Table 8
Table 8 shows the respondents actions in verifying news. The students of Cebu Technological
University Danao Campus rarely verify their news by cross checking with other website and sometimes in
asking a friend. On the other hand they frequently compare and contrast with TV news outlets, checking
the author, article for biases and also checking the time and the source of the news.
Table 9
Questions Frequency
Yes No
If you can’t verify the authenticity of the news, would 3 (4.3%) 67 (95.7%)
you still share it?
Have you ever been a victim of fake news? 53 (75.7%) 17 (24.3%)
Are you aware that not all news you read and saw are 62 (88.6%) 8 (11.4%)
Table 9 shows that 53 (75.7%) of respondents is a victim of fake news on social media sites. It
also shows 62 (88.6%) of them are aware that not all news they read and saw online are true. On the other
hand 67 (95.7%) of the respondent will not share any news that are not authenticated.
Table 10
It causes depression 35 50 4
I am doubtful of the news from other sources 35 50 4
The respondents were asked on what are effect of fake news to students understanding of the
pandemic. Table 10 presents the respondents response to the question. The table shows that the pandemic
gave them false hope and panic. Followed by influence of unnecessary fear and depression.
Table 11
Effect of the Pandemic to the Society
WM Remarks
Financial 2.5 Very Severe
Health 2.4 Very Severe
Economy 2.5 Very Severe
Job 2.5 Very Severe
Table 11 presents on how severe the student thinks of the effect of the pandemic to the society on
the basis of the news they seen on social media. The table shows that students think the pandemic have a
Table 12
Table 12 presents the effect of fake news on the pandemic recovery efforts. Out of the 70
respondents, 52 (74.3%) respondents that people tend to self-medicate instead of going to the hospital.
Followed by breaching of government regulations and panic buying that leads to mobbing.
Table 13
Table 13 presents the responds of the respondents on what recommendations can be proposed. Out
of the 70 respondents, 64 (91.4%) respondents recommends to educate people on how to be aware of fake
news online. Followed by imposing laws that penalized dissemination of fake news and enforcing tighter
Chapter 3
This study assessed the effect of fake news on students perceptions of the
pandemic at Cebu Technological University Danao City Campus during the Academic
Year 2020-2021 as basis for designing an action plan. Specifically, the study sought to
answer the sub-problems raised, thus: 1. What is the profile of Students as to: age and
gender; course; field of specialization? 2. What social media sites the students are using
in the pandemic, with the following scope: duration; and frequency of fake news
appearance 3. How fake news is disseminated on social media and how students verify
the news? 4. As perceived by the students, what are the effect of fake news in their
understanding of the pandemic? 5. What are the effects of fake news in government
This research method used in this investigation was the descriptive method. There
were one set of instrument employed to generate the data needed to shed light on the
On the basis of the data gathered from their identified sources, the following findings
Profile of Students
Age. Majority of the respondents (82.9%) is 20 years old and up while the remaining
17.1% are 19 years and below. This implies that majority of the respondents are old
Gender. Out of the 70 respondents, there are 25 (35.7%) males, 45 (64.3%) were
females. This implies that there are more women who uses social media sites thanmen.
respondents are Bachelor in Industrial Technology students. This implies that majority of
All of the respondents uses at least two social media websites. The table 5 shows
that the majority of the respondents uses the social media website, Facebook and
Menlo Park, California. According to Statista, Facebook users in the Philippines were
implies that Facebook and Youtube are the most used social media website by students in
Student spends more time on Facebook than any other social media app, with
average duration of 5 to 6 hours of usage. Youtube has lesser duration with an averageof
2 to 4 hours per day. This is due to Facebook providing uses free access without
Table 7 shows that students think that people share fake news on social media for
fame 47 (67.1%), followed by the goal to misinform the public. Surprisingly the third
reasons on why people share fake news online is just to mess around albeit knowing that
Verification of News
Verifying news is a major process in finding genuine posts on social media. Table 8 shows the
respondents actions in verifying news. The students of Cebu Technological University Danao Campus
rarely verify their news by cross checking with other websites. They tend to frequently compare and
contrast with news with TV outlets, checking the author and the source the article for biases and the date
of publication. Students sometimes ask their friends for verification of the news.
There are a lot of students who are victim of fake news. Table 9 shows that 53
(75.7%) of respondents is a victim of fake news on social media sites albeit being aware
62 (88.6%) that not all news they read and saw online are true. On the other hand 67
(95.7%) of the respondent will not share any news that are not authenticated or verified.
Fake news has a negative effect on the understanding of students of the pandemic.
Table 10 shows that fake news about the pandemic gave them false hope; Headlines like,
"Coronavirus being a hoax" or "Coronavirus only affects those who are sick with other
diseases in the first place" or "Covid-19 is just a seasonal flu" makes the students view
the pandemic lightly that can results in fatal repercussion. It also causes panic as some
fake news in social media promote anxiety and stress. The influence of fake news in their
The pandemic has affected people in all walks of like. In table 11 it presents on
how severe the student thinks of the effect of the pandemic to the society on the basis of
the news they seen on social media. It shows that students think the pandemic have a very
The government have been employing several actions to stop the spread of the
virus since the start of the pandemic. Table 12 shows the students view of government
guidelines during pandemic amid fake news on social media. Out of the 70 respondents,
52 (74.3%) respondents said that due to fake news on social media proper pandemic
procedures from government agencies are not followed as people tend to self-medicate
instead of going to the hospital resulting in inadequate medical care and higher risk for
infections. People also breached government regulations like using masks and staying
Table 13 presents the responds of the students on what possible solutions to fake
educate people on how to be aware of fake news on social media. Followed by imposing
laws that penalized dissemination of fake news and enforcing tighter control over news
Based on the findings of the study, it can be drawn that fake news have a negative
effect on how students percieve the pandemic.. Thus, the designed action plan is
Based on the above findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are
hereby presented:
1. Fake news awareness and the importance of news verification should be taught in
schools in order for student to have a wider perspective of this aspect of the
2. Social Media companies should also enforce strict screening of post in their
Chapter 4
Goal: Students who are responsible of their actions and knowledgeable about fake news
Concern es ce ble e s
Indicator Person
for the
es fake news.
about the
unverified Teachers
%20misleading%20or% 20unknown.
Appendix A
November 2020
Dear Ma’am/Sir,
Good Day.
We, the students of BIT - 3E of Cebu Technological University would like to ask
for permission to allow us to conduct a survey about, "FAKE NEWS ON SOCIAL
PANDEMIC". The survey will last only about 5 to 10 minutes. Rest assured that the data
gathered will remain confidential and for academic purposes only. We are hoping that
this request will merit your favorable approval.
Yours Sincerely,
Noted By:
Jose Brian Jungco
Research Adviser
Appendix B
How much time do you spend on the following social media in a day?
Instructions: Tick one of the options to the right of each item to indicate your response.
1 - I don’t use thissite.
2 - 0 to 2Hours
3 - 2 to 4Hours
4 - 5 to 6Hours
5 - 7+Hours
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Cross Checking with other website
Asking a friend
Compare with what is reported in TV
Check the author
Check the source
Check the Date
Check the biases on the post
If you can’t verify the authenticity of the news, would you still share it? Yes No
Have you ever been a victim of fake news? Yes No
Are you aware that not all news you read and saw are true? Yes No
1 2 3
In your opinion what are the effects of fake news on the recovery efforts right now?
It hinders health professionals conducting Covid tests
People may believe that masks are not essential
Misinformation that Covid only affects old and young people
It forces panic buying that leads to mobbing
Going out in public even though it is not allowed by authorities
People do not follow the government regulations due to fake news
People tend to self-medicate instead going to the hospital
Others (PleaseSpecify)
B. Educational Background
Senior High School
Catmon Integrated School – CIS
Highway, Catmon Cebu
Bactas Elementary School
Bactas, Catmon Cebu
A. Personal Background
Stephan Jean F. Capul
Poblacion, CompostelaCebu
Email address: stephanjean.capul@ctu.edu.ph
B. Educational background
Senior High School
Compostela National High School
Poblacion, Compostela Cebu
Cogon Compostela Central School
Poblacion, Compostela Cebu
A. Personal Background
Wengiel A.Cortes
Suba, Poblacion, Liloan Cebu
Email Address: Wengiel.cortes@ctu.edu.ph
B. Educational Background
Senior High School
Britech College
White rose, Yati, Liloan Cebu
Ibabao-Estancia, Elementary School
Ibabao-Estancia, Mandaue City
A. Personal Background
Joshua Hanzel D. Jugalbot
Landing, Catarman, LiloanCebu
Email Address: joshuahanzel.jugalbot@ctu.edu.ph
B. Educational Background
Senior High School
Britech College
White Rose, Yati, Lilo-an Cebu
Tayud Elementary School
Tayud, Lilo-an Cebu
A. PersonalBackground
Magcayan Mauren C.
Lo-oc, Danao City Cebu
Email Address: mauren.magcayan@ctu.edu.ph
B. Educational Background
Senior High School
Maripipi National Vocational School - Home Economics
Maripipi, Biliran
Danao City Central School
F. Ralota, Danao City Cebu
A. Personal Background
Jhon Carlo A. Sabang
Sabang, Danao CityCebu
Email Address: jhoncarlo.sabang@ctu.edu.ph
B. Educational Background
Senior High School
Ramon M. Durano Sr. Foundation – STEC
Guinsay, Danao City Cebu
Sabang Elementary School
Sabang, Danao City Cebu
A. Personal Background
Chelseay Mae P. Yurag
Email Address: chelseaymae.yurag@ctu.edu.ph
B. Educational Background
Senior High School
University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue Campus
Mandaue City Cebu
Compostela Central School
Cogon, Compostela Cebu