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North Western Railway Wrttten Examination For Selection (RCS) - 70%) FOR THE POST OF Assistant Personnel Ofiiicer in Grouf 'B' (Personnel) Service

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TimeAllowed-3 hours MaximumMarks- 150


i) This questionpaper is in three parts, and all the three parts have to be
ii) Part-I has six questions. Answer any four questions. All questionscarry
iii) Part-II has three questions. Answerany two questions.All questionscarry
iv) Part-III has two questions.Answerany one question. Both questionscarry
v) Answersmay be written in Hindi or Englisir.


Q.l a) Describethe salientfeaturesof fixationof pay on the Railways. 5

b) How is the pay fixed on promotionto a non-fi:nctionalhigher grade
andhow doesit difter from thaton usualpromotion? 5
c) How is the pay of loco runningstafffixed on absorptionin alternativepost,
aftermedicaldecategorissation ? 5
d) What is the differencebetweenofficiating pay and substantivepay? 5
e) How is the pay of OutstandingSportsman fixed at thetime of initial 5

Q.2 a) Whatarethe minor andmajorpenaltiesunderD&A Rules? 5

b) Describein detailthe procedurefor impositionof Major penaltyon a
RailwayServantunderRailwayServant(D&A) Rule i968? 15
c) What arethe groundson which a Railway servantcanbe removedfrom
servicewithout holdingdepartmental enquiry? 5

Q.3 a) Whatprocedurehasto be followedfor changeof classificationfor

'Essentiallylntermittent'to oContinuous'
underHOER ? 10
b) Whatis a wageperiod?Whatarethepermissibledeductionsfrorn
wagesof empioyeesgovemedby the Paymentof WagesAct? 10
c) What arethe specialprovisionsmadein HOER for running staff? 5
Q.4 a) Wrat do you rurderstand by PennanentNegotiationMachineryon the
Railways?How doesit functionat variouslevelsin the Railways?Whattype
of itemsarenot allowedasAgendaitemsin thePNM meetings? 15
b) Describein brief the procedure
to be fbllowe,dfor tiretransferof anoffice
bearerof recognizedunion. l0

Q . s a) Briefly explainthe selection within C:oup'C' coveringthe

following: 10
D Assessment of vacancies.andzoneof consideration
ii) Composition of Selection
iii) Notionalsenioritymarks
iv) Lit'eof panelandamendmentof the sameif required
b) Suggestwaysfor ensuring for filling
timelyconductof selections
promotionalvacancies. 10
c) What arethe specialfeatr"ues
of LDCE andGeneralselection? 5

Q.6 a) Describein detailthebenefitsavailableto a Railwayservanton

retirement. 10
b) What arethe benefitsavailableto the family membersof a Railway
employeewho dies.whilein service? 10
d) What is the role of WelfareInspectorin arrangingsettlementduesin
normalretirementanddeathcase? 5


Q.7 a) Wirat arethe firnctionsandobjectivesof Personneldepartmenton

Railways? 8
b) What do you urderstandby Scheduleof Powersin Establishrnent
rnatters? 3
c) Describethe competentauthorityfor the following: 4
i) Sanctionof hospitalleaveto Group'C' employee.
ii) Rela.xation in agelimit on compassionate appointmentcasefbr
Gro u p 'D ' post.
iii) Sanctionof HBA to Gazettedofficers
iv) Giving complementary passesto otherthanRailwaystaff.

Q.8 a) Briefly describethe schemeof CashAwards and Incentives in vosue

for prornoting the useof Official Language. 8
b) Whataretheprovisionsof Section3(3)of OfficialLanguageAct? 7

Q.9 .a) Describethe procedulefor tiling of O.A. in CAT and SLP in Supreme
Court. 8
b) Give in brief your suggestionsfor effbctive handling of court cases
pertaining to Establishmentmatterson N.W. Railway. 7
10. a) How cloesthe parliamentexercisecontrolon Railwaysfinance?
b) Whatdo yon urrderstand by WorksProgtamme?Briefly desoribethe
processof gettingan item of work includedin the WorksProgramine?5
c) Wr{te shortnoteson any four : i0
i) M&P Programme
ii) LeaveSalary
iiil Supernumerary Posts
iv) Staff Vacancy Bank
v) Next Below Rr"rle

Q.1i a) Briefly describethe objectivesandflrnctionscrfAccountsdepartmenton

the Railwaysandits organizational setup at variouslevelson the 5
b) Whatarethe enclosures sentalongwiththe pay bills andwhat is the 5
significanceof its enclosures?
c) Write shortnoteson anyfour: 10
i) Workchargedpost
ii) Leavenot due
iii) Audit Para
iv) No Work No PayRule
v) ScaleCheckRegister
tk ,|ill.,lr {. rt
vd{ qRqq k{'&
B-{-{ : 3 q'd
GfiErdqeitr: 1so
+t mrfrqq,03.12.200s

vdFro o.rFf+.GTHfl-ft.n{6 'fr' (ffif,*7g %) d qE qr q-ffi S fr'q frfu'il


i) gs se"Tqr d frq qrq t vq fff rlr.h d e-mqti t I

ii) qFr-tii a qrqS lfrr€qrswTdsmqt trlrft!e-iTder-#r{qn$
iii) q r q - 1 f r s n f i t t f u s E i r r - r T d v m q t t H * f t q - q - +edr mq q i ' q S
iv) rrq-iltii e yrq t 1fril{ftqfis-FTmrsmqq} lEtfisrqideiq.q.qrq
v) vmqF* ql erffi fr fr& qr wo-frSr
qFT_ I

qrq 1.@)tdd t t-d-{ FsTiq"Td fiqetTd mr q"t-{ of I s

sq) Tfr qta rD-inqrrf,,)s fr sza q-qqr .rqlqft qq ff,q frsTk'Td-$ frqT
qm d qq {16-qrqfq q-q}qfr crqtirq fufq"T * d-S FTq t I s
tt) frfu-trT ffie?ao qfu wrrn or qrt 'rE qq trq ttrq frqfi'T
d-$ fuqTinrcrt I s
v) enft'ffiifrq t-crqqq s. -M-q i-in fr trqrsl=arB 5
e) q-sd tl_ffiqr sqce ffi 6.r tnq fut{"T d-S ftqT qrnr t s
irfi 2.o) u]-$ fq qs wRiltT m:n S s
u) ergeminq''qsrq-f,ftqq fr s6Trgm H mqq,qrqq q-s yrRd ciltrfrf,
m-qir*-A mi frrqn q"tq ffiq | 1s
r) RqTfuiFnq Em ftrS w H offi o.i ft-fl oTreilr qq +{r q} Fdrqr
qTsqmi* | s
s{q 3.o) eimq?rm'rsq d ffi t Brffi qrff@-i"T
qffiq d frq tnqr cffrqrrro
s) {q fi-frq€ cqr t t q-cqft ,X-miqmrd{ d e-ro qm @ffi d d-c-q* Erqr
s-i)fiqr +t wr q-qrfrt I 10
fl mlffl-d frqq d rea rffi $d"rft d ftq eql fttiq qrdtnqe 5

4.tn)tdt w serfr qrafrr.r t Eqrqrrsfi H ? qe ffi fr frft;q w.qt;-qfu-q

s-s-Rm-rdmqort ? rerr$qraioq *-aofr frs s-s-Rd n< mrffi
fr q€f so'rt ur qe-frS 1b
€') qr;q-dTmq qiq6i d q-qlfi-flft d qeflqrf,qq'd ftq qrsTsfuqr Grq-qr$
' qrft B isfmq q"f{ st I ro
trq;Ts. tF)HW rr t q{q q-bqTq ftq R-Set)qr qffiK fr e'fq d : 10
i) Rfrru'i or'cnmrq gq g'ilt qfi qrd s--iqrcft
ii) qrq ff 6T ?TFr
iii) rhTqd qfr'{dT €}iEF
iv) tq-m qfr €i-qfr \q qryfrEl{qR eilqe€rfi F)

<9/ ,,=\ ,-, -\\
qcl'-llcl ,n
9Dtc cPt Sh=r+
ltlcKlql t,,=+
+l +l('1 +O A-
fd'g ffi
q"rFi ffi: ,,f-,i\,,
q{ {tl=f q|fl-pqd ---..g -: -,-+ +s
mf;I $'4rr *r
g-srqd I 10
rT) Sfr-d futn'iftu effi'ft qfte1T
gq Hlqrq q6r d 4fi fr'qtqqp1ETFT
d{ u
qrr 6.o) tdt odqt o'r *eT qr frtri qrd Eirrior ffia q"h ffit | 10
s) t-qTd *rq Td H q;{qffr d qRdT{d q-qrd .F}qqTani tq t 10
rr) wmrv *-qTfi-{fr gq Tq d q-6T{oT
tf rJrTil-q
Eftqrysn fu oourr
(-\,S^- \ -
r-Mffih o-T4{n 5q6T E ? 5

qFr- | |

s'{q'7.?F)t-dt q{ ETffE'fuflq' d eqTB'Etq.qq'orSqETqif 8

u) wru-+ qdi qq $ffi o1 qfr d eliq wr sqst B 2 3
q) ft=.Td rrq$ q qerqeTffi or ffi uq ' 4
i) ql16rr-od"rfr o\ ersq-drfr
ge-fr d-qa eer I
ii) q
tr{d fr eqmql d ernmq-qFrqfu t-q sjq frff fr wr
iiit v-"lq.rk erffii 6.I T6 fuiuT 3Tfuqffi etiqT I
iv) H oqqfui d erar-m qnTefqRTtfl l

s'rq 8,o) rru"+rwr

. ---i
d serq d ft\ Rrr Rir qrrEg{qon qq fuEq uhci!-t\E\.
qul-l cpt I I
u) nrwrlwrefi'frqq'd erms (e)t eqr qrqt{Hd' ? 7

qFI e. o) de q ei\ deT sqm qr{nErirfi q-'sq-6,fiS1-r1-r

t5g} +t eqr s'fu'qTt I
quf{ d I a, 8

u) vcr qRaq H q-qretrq-{rq-fl t qqFo ste qqdi fr iffi-q

ffid ertdgvmd I z
rilrT_ | | |

st=r10.F)risq ffi fre w frrs s-s-RfirqlT Fft g -J 5

Tqd stfiq t eTIqen qqsi d q-d dr'nq q frtfi Frd d
si'qftftffi 5
ffi q.ri a1 eqr qfuqTtiriftq frq-i"Tt I
.Tj fr;€ qrq q-{€Rrq ft;.q!ftftt-*J,' 10

i) wwsftqtfiq
ii) gd& ien
iii) gqcgW.rq
iv) wtq. ftfrd tm-
v) fffie ffi wa

Tsr 1r,o)tai qq +tfl ftqFTd Bqiqq qq 6,m or €f*rq qlh o,t \g

W d frft'q Kr q{ ETd riq-dqrffi ati mr vd-s of I
re)tf,q frd d qrel .id qri qrd sTarffi eot tpw g+ot 4Ir
q) fit€ qrq qq rifffi fr:q!fr ftrel ' 10

.r -!-g
vl ) q c n q l v | -L t q
vll) c4lq 'llc \e({
viii) sTBd qqr
lX) il qcr) .'1| I te1

x) Fitf, +6 rfqw

Time : 3 houls
N4axirnum Marks:150
Dateof erErmination:
QuestionPaperfor Supplementary Written Examinationfor promotionto the
Group oB'postof AssistantPersonnel
Officer(Regular- i$o/o)
i) There are three parts and all tire tirree parts are to be attempted.
Lt) Thereare six questionsin part-I. Answer any four. A11the questionscarry
iii) Therearetirreequestionsin part-il. Answeranytwo. A11thequestionscarry
iv) Therearetwo questionsin part-Iil. Answeranyone. Both the questionscarry
v) Answerscanbegivenin Hindi or English,
Q,I a) Describein detailthescheme of conpassionate
appointmentson tire
\t raiiways. 15
b) Whatarethe casesin whichprior approvalof RailwayBoardis necessary
beforemakingcornpassionate appointment? 5
c) Whatis the role of Personnel
Inspectorin compassionate
Q. 2 a) How is seniorityin directrecruitment
determined? How it is
differentfrom seniorityof a promotee
to the grade? 10
b) How is seniorityfixedin thefollowingcases:
i) On transferon adrninistrative
interest -)
ii) Own requesttransferof employee -)
iii) On mutualtransfer a

iv) On rnedicaldecategorisation 6

Q.3 a) "Cordial IndustrialRelations"and "Staff Welfare" are importantfuirctional

areasof PersonnelManagernent.Expain how you would effectively
dischalgethesefrmctionsas a PersonnelOtflcer. 18
b) Wltat are the important fonrms on Indian Railways which reflect the
St labour participation in Mairagement? 7
o4 a) Distinguishbetw-een
Maior andMinor Penalties
unclerDAR rules. 5
b) Distinguishbetween'AppointingAuthority'anci'Disciplinar.y
Authority'. 5
c) Describein detail the procedurelaid down under DAR for imposition
of Minor Penalty. g
d) What are tire prorrisionsunclerConductRules regardingirrohibition
. of Sexual Harassmentof working u'omen? 7
Q.5 a) What are the relaxationsavailableto SC/ST/OBC candidates/emplovees
hr matter of lecruitment/promotionon the railways? 15
b) wirat do you understand by PostBasedRoster.How it is clift-erent
from VacancyBasedRoster'? 5
q) Brieily describethe 'L' shapecl
roster. 5
Q'6 a) What zu'ethe maiu classificationsunderFIOER. Explain them in
detail ti
b) How is the o'ertime calculatecrr.urderHOER tbr dif-ferent
categoriesof staft. Explain with examples. I0
Q.i a) Whatdo you understand
bi, OftlcialLanguage
Acr i963, Blietl;l ciescribe
_ the importantprovisionsof the same. 5
b) What dc'you understandby Officia.lLanguageRule 1976'?Brietli'
describetire irnpofiantprovisionsof the salle. 5
c)Briefly descritrethe incentivesavailalriefbr increasingt]re use of
Official Lanugage. 5
Q.8 a) Brief)y describevarious Welfiue Scireinefrurctionins on the
Railways. 5
tr) what are tire sourcesof funds for stalTBenefit Fund ? Horv is
the fund rnanaged? 5
c) wliat are the facilities given on the Railwaysto the Railwayinen's
ConsunrerCooperativeSocieties? S
Q.e. a) Give brief descriptionof the scherneof writing of ACRs on the Raiiways,
Briefly distinguishbetweenACR, part ACR. Mid T'ennAppraisal ancl
Working Report. 5
b) Describe the procedurefor conveying adverseremarks and for
dealing'withthe representations againstremarksso conveyerJ. 5
c) what do you urderstandby expungeof 'AcrverseRemarks'. How is
the 'overall Glading' aft-ectedlry expungingof aclverseremarks? 5


Q . 1 0 . a) \\,hat aretheo'Canons of Financialpropriety,'?How is the

reasonableness of ratesestablished? 1t)
b) what arethevariousdemands underwhichthe budgetof clivisioriis
sanctioned.To rvhichdemandthe expenditureof "personlel
Brarrch"is charged. 5
v) Explainthe fllirctionsof PublicAccountsCommittee -5

Q.11. Writeshortnoteson foilowine:

Hospital Leavennd PaternityLeave 5

Rules for P.etentionof Railway euarler _t
Manporver:Planningon Indian Raillvavs
_ __-a_ \___-\
$ctr] t r.it{qfl tfiq

I]'qq : 3 q-
eftm-trqelm : 1so
qfrelteft arQ-s:1102.2006
w6lrrm'ffTHo.ffi s{6 'fr' 1frqfrf,-zoo/o)
d q-qqq trffi d ftK ftrfud
T16 qfreilo-rs*r q={
i) q v w F r. r a S f r q q m H q q f f i - n f r d v m q t i d I
ii) a T r r lt-f r o ! - ' f i t t f t r € z r q w d s r e - q d t w t ! e - + i d e i q r r { f l q t I
iii) q r q - l r t s s r q B t f r r + q r q a - i id s - o q d t r f l f t e e - r l d e - m ' r r f l q d
iv) qFT-tttq z l-gqgtftffi qfi T{q ol seil{drffi !e-iTd eroq{flqSt
v) vmq fr=t qr erfrfr q frd qr s+t d I
qm- I

s'gq 1 6) i-drdqR'srd.DqTsltln q-t qtff wtq m-rfrqil q"fq Ft I 1s

s) t FH qq-e d ffi e|Tm-Rrr w qfr EFTit q-6-dW
Etd q,1T-dr@ enerqfi t r s
.t) ergmqi efltrx .rq ,rff t 6Tffimfr-ft*rmo-f qqTofqq * t 5
T{q 2. o) qftft .T-trfr qfrq-dTd-tTfirrtRd frt v.rfr t aen u5' q'ffi qq
qft-frdT* fu-s qffi{ f,-q g r 10
s) frq qq-dit s-ftqirfu-srorq frefft-do1 qrfr B ,
i) R-d fr qefl{idilT J

ii) offi o1 q'tQfilw terrqffi{ur J

iii) qssP* r€ITqrdwf

iv) frfrrgl c{TEr{qq ffift-E-f, e}'i qq o

sfi 3. o) emi GftnFrfr $qq qq zndqtf tr@rol @rffio-ee-4rfi d qffqwi ei{ d

\-o fiffifi Griffi d tq { erq sq-mTfuq q-fr-Rs+lfr s.T * ffin
ft-$T I 1R

u) tTiTfrqt-a w oH qE-q"f ilt g q.\ s-q-arqd o64p4 of q-drrTpml

qtriitz T
trfi 4. o) ergvre-tFrqqid oan q'S Tq d-& pilfu fr er<-qqqe si I s
u) foffi qifffi vo ergenwhoffffi t er<q q-dd I s
r) ergvnn Mi d' nea Et-Eerk aq wi +t efr-qr fr-rqd 8
uq * sq-s€d I
q) @ldrerdq.{ o1-q-m1-frqtrdrcfi m diq B-S-g{ R}-6i fu tEl
el.qqq'fr-'qqit eqr q-rqq-r-T
s-fi s. o.) trff7q6q6 q-{ orsT/sT\fl"qT
/ w fte-sr r.f d Fffiq\i/
s-flfiffi q'qT-qq."t
ee sqaer -* z 1s
s) qq eil'qTRd+{eq t eTTqEqr qr+rs'dd oen qa Rfu ffi'etTRd
t-{rr * frrs s-fiT-{
ft-q t z s
l) q{'Rq fr 'L' shapedit{rr .nrs"f=T
fit I s
s.fi 6. o) gftrl$eix Frcqi d rrao gw e.ftor"r esl g t ft-q--nq"fq Ft I ts
s) qftr-$eilr d FrqC d e-anfrft-q ifrdi d ft\ qqqffi q-d et 10
qrnr d-S ot u-ffi t '/ sEt-6-trT
ng6 g.q-flf$ |

9TTT- r r

7. e') rrqqqT crBfruq tgoa {i sTIqquTeE-srfl$ t ge-d T6-€T"f

_ __\ _ ______!-----r 4
9lqtll'1 | cl)l qul.1 q?\ I

s) nq'qqr F-+q rgzo t ettqqql tro-s-frt' : rqr* q-d-d$

-------:: - -!- ----:
9lqtll'l I cPl quli cP\ |
rr) nuursr d' rc-T o\ ed-qTtq d frf cqc-erdriHTE-{
- r-\- I ------I- ---l
c.Pl t1€l q I qul-l cP\ |
e. o) W qq rizrfr.d frF-q o@rq dm-qrcrior qdq t a",t tt I
rq) ?F{'ilt R-f,frts d erqd Eid eqr B ? gnfi eq=fiqf$ fuqT
T) i-fli rrTI sqqffil q-f,mTfrqftffi ol.qFfl-zrqT
gfrqd fr \flrfr B?
g o) ffi qq rrffiq ffid frrst of ql-q-rT or qidq q q"fq tnit oen
rffiq ffid, qld ri1q-frqffij, ft-s Ed srqtq.-dqq qfr{T ffii
fr eftr{ s+q o-q I
u) vfrry ftrqrft Efrd ori ft1 rqTq"fuqlB qq gq qq qfrilfi @-l
frqem ftffi !-flq ft-qTiiltrT g t r+
,,r\ , a-.s' -\ --J r-- -------'_J + ^- # TFFF\ -G.-
Tt') gj-trm^? Idq'sn 6 O-fd (expunge)qli H ,rlq crql H'1sc E HlqqQl
ftq"fr d ol-d rnri qq sir+qeilanfuq st qqTs+ns'qscflt r

ro.m) ftfrq wgffidT (Canons of FinancialPropriety)d eqr Rrn-< B :

dsiT + frqkq m1nqlFrfi-dT (reasonableness of rates) dt
q€fifr-flq't q.rfr t
u) t offi frR-q qr=TS ffi Te-f,ws-fr'qtl qq'd r$-qd ftqr uim s
S srH-fi en-isT d e-qf tms qir d aen qrd fr-qr qini B I
,T)af*. dgt qftfr d orqI or q"lq or | 5

rr.o) frrdi qR sq e-ftR fr:qrftfrrd ,

1 J ' r l t ' q n l c ' 1| t 9 C C l \ c l
J -a--
lqq(9 'ti qctrl<l 5
ii) ffi" ertrnrffi d ft-qq 5
iii)i-qTEer{r-m.fl 5
iv) cfl{fiq ia w rnq eTfudrm-ri 5
g6q qFaq W North Westem Railway
offio fd*nq d qrn-crm.FTffifrGrfrffi q+{F,!3f' d q-qqq qrft;+fu d frf {ftR-d
frarT.hlqffiF;_dl .rften

R-i-rfr : Date 1l.oz.2ool s.+EITime:11.00to 14.00

ef*o-oq eto MaximumMarks:150
yg{ttf,* lPaperd
. etc Note:r)vw gff srM t t risq go oT sf,{ sif,.{-gRffiT w fr t-qT
t, I|gq-.|f qq TSf I Question1 is compulsory.Theanswers to QuestionI
shouldbe givenin answersheetandnot on qurestion paper.
2) .rT.T d g*ft qqq oiFrqrdd t att questionsin PartB arecompulsory.
3) ,il-,l"'m' 4 qrq 'u' zF)fr-fl-+"qE: Heq o-E+t- IncludingPartA andPart
B, six questions areto beattempted.

aTftl 'ff' Part-A

swl -1 ffifurd q $ frr€ q-d-s (zs)ge-r)d lrmq d - er-n-so(nt-o d z erm)

j1 W'ffiEld6ETq{=€t t'?
t ffi 2, {dl€T-qTE
s .ilregv +.q-$frt<ft
1.2 ft.w. qqq|.ffim.q|q
ftt cq frm-frC.?
1, BYo 2. B.\Yo
3, s%o 4. 12oA
1.3 "drrft qfi-q" fu-€-mT
;il-q t ?
1 qfdfr f-f, 'rTS 2, q'6r"-S
s fi"ffi f-d Fq-{ +. B}q @1q-il-iT-ft
1.4 fu-{ft qrS rrg qfi erfDraoqffqd frteffi E} ls-fi-fi t ?
t ra R 2 zosd
e zafVd q.zoed
1.s 'W qmqTlg 6TfuN' q-fli mTq-{dTq* ?
ii fu-f,i mrR-sT-{
1. qI "Rt**
2. i'fq
3. qR 4. d-q
1.6 fr"gtftqt-s rer"gq M
\ r \ a
d f,rfr ti (€q-{-ffiqtqTGfid Ets-dx)fu-d-qT
6IflT F /
t. zs ffi 2 j2 fAtahqtee
3. izz ffirc +. rsooqlc
1.7 "eq Tq frd" EFrq-iT q
rrtrfrq td ftrq-$ qwLT {€-fl t z
1. uw moqo;po to qrq q
t nqtr fr qri qrd Wq t

3 Wl*HHffiq;"d$qsT*r
q q-q)'.r qrd q-eJ
4. 3rfs6-i$frarq-T's frd rrfi d frt t
1.8 ' enrfrrq{i\rrqEr* r
r. rlcng-r 2. frrsfr
2. Ei{q s. qRn'q'
1.e cffi{ qRqq.kT} q tr$ nrgq fr-t drtrTli sz frtdfieq fu-f,-{TB ?
1. 2s4ofrrdrft-e-q 2. 2640ffifre-q
3. 5340frrdfieq 4. 3s4oftdfr-eq
1 10 "rrfrq ?e/"ffi t fu-s r+x d H arfr d ?
r. s g{fr++{R@rR z s g$qz \.'S
e frqq + ftq{T+rft.T{
1.11 3Trqchc,{ d sw Tf, o.+Tq {crm-{ta tnBi ff"FTi\ q-f, vS d ?
1. m-{figvtt z d.q*q.*fi c.rq'ird t
3.trrlgrt + irrT$c"erqrat
1.12 rsrfrqTffiaflffit?
r. tRa Afrrl z. tft-q+
s. t€flg +. qndocrc{
1.'13 qIB qqf, uFTr{qq q{ftq i-a .rq qqTt ?
r. zzq-ddo cS z. zsqdt z e-d
3. qtr qlB r\ q ed 4. qts {iB t o cd
1.14 qFI
{Jii +t gq-dr th-r eot.B ?
i. q'I'r 2 d-re \ \
s. \;.1 +. q'qo-{m.tg$wr
11s fr.vs { or e-qsT fttq-d B ?
r. q}.w qcrcfl,q 2. )ftffitq oils-{
g. frM rb\-d\ 4. g1rl)6.fr-1lq
'1.16 Yfr q-aTqT -
r. *i'fto-ond 2. ?Fr-fi-€g
3. ncreffeTq6t + qmr t
117 Ri,Jqfrrrl-d qrg Rerf,t ?
r. 4tdtFtcTt 2. qfd-fl'
s Xarcr& +.ffit
1,is fr.q.1-r. frrs.{ni d crM * ?
1. rs. 1o,oooq\ oiB-tr 2. s 2o,ooot erBm
3 s. 2s,oood ei[*o 4, rn. 5o,oooS elf*ff
1.1e TilSaTq@\ dFH-m Effii d afq qn qd sqY-,T d erot t ?
1. Yfr.gcb.-| 2. gq".qr5'.-s
3. \ril.gw-7 4. Ts\q.- I I
i 20 ft.qq.qq. .ii q-q frrsi ftqr en ?
r. fi"fr.ffi 2. dTFiq-6T-g{qTrtfi
3. q"q-qftaqqlq 4. qtl ffi
1"21 E-{-nt dq w lg-wtfi rfle-TFT ta'* rffif, qfr t ?
r, erl.w.S.{ft, 2.affir
'3. YrE-cs +. en$.enq{ft.8.qft.
1.22 W frs-e ot *w.nq qir rilTflfr m-d t d rnl E-cF-ft
t ?
r. eir$.fr.ein.vs'. 2. g-e{+d
a q)etfa qq Ts.qq.rl-s. 4. gq r{s d grqr
l.zJ a-f,S 4T ffimwT t -
1 df,S zn-rsilg q-d-frt z. aro-Sqq 3rzfr qq.6 crft B
3, qd .ilRd.F Ei "ffift t +. en* t enqnfit ?F--fiB
1.24 ffiq,q,otofrt-
r. sfr-s q{ 3r+f{qsil. * z frrc-{ttnrmrdfrqcnT
^ -t-'---.'----_--_\ qS
J. \q(lqt9 6tgflt F + E*qrTt ?DY-$
1.25 s-dfimodwRem*?
1. s{qgI z. *"rq'q
3. rtr-figq +.ffiq
1.26 grmfr 'Grtrqd 'iqs' fu-fli ftfS t ?
i. q fr.d.srgd cn-fl-q 2. qcll-{q d]-f, i E\a
s qq-fiq qrw + frs .t .es
t.zl ffi-c ft--qot rql cqrg t ?
1. 21 qq 2. 22 1r\'-
3. 23 lTW 4. 24 T\f,
1.28 v1dq-gafr d w d r qqd E-sTTF B -
1 .g F 2Yd
e. qft +. q.ra
1.29 qTftt{ {ft fr--d"-it, q\ e,}qR Tfi fr qq t e-ft b :
r. eH z *qe,rqt
g. Gfr-d 4. FtrTm-a
' qt-6TRem t z
1. 3Tm{f z q-{ffi
s. tflqlq a.'ffi
Answer any 25 questionsfrom the following - Marks 50(two marks each)
Q. 1

i.1 Railway RecruitmentBoard is not locatedat - Chennai/ALD/GI(P,{l.lDLS

1.2 Tlrerateof intereston PF per yearis - 8%l 8.5.%l9%l l2%.
1.3 Fairy Queenis - a nameof Tourist Train/aHill Station/Diesel
Locomotive/Queenof Britain.
|,4 . The maximum length of coachingtrain can be - 18120124126 coaches,
1.5 The number of corridorsplannedfor constructionin DedicatedFreight
Corridor Project are-21 31415.
1.6 The voltage on OverheadElectric Traction on Electrified Routes(otherthan
suburban) is - 25 KVI 12KYI I22KY/ 1500V
L7 & Feel" phraseon IndianRailway concern:-
a) A type of rexine usedon befthsof 1" AC coaches
b) Softer designof Gravity Cocks
c) Provision of PassengerAmenitiesat Railway Station
d) Type of cuftainsusedin Officers' Rest House
1.8 Angiographyconcerns-Lungs/l(idney/Head/Brain
1.9 The approxRouteKilometrageon BG on NWR is - 2940lcml264Akml
' fl 1kml3540knr
1.10 "Garib Rath" train only has- 3AC+CC13AC+2AC/GSIGS-I-GN coaches
1,11 PresentlyDouble Decker Containertrains operatefrom l(anakpura/JNPTport

1.12 SaniaMirza plays * Table TennislTennis/Hand ball/Basketball_

l.l3 N i g h t d u t y p e r i o d o n l n d i a n l t a i l w a y s i s f r o-r2n2 l : r " : s . t o 0 6 h r ls2. 3 f u s , t o A 7
hrs. /00 to044 hrs. / 00 to 06 hours
l.l4 The purity of Gold is measuredin Grammes/CaratslColour/ Brigtnessindex.
1.15 BSE is associated with SharesTrading/Phone Lines/Videogallery/Astronomy
I .16 R. K. Laxnranis a famousMusician/Cartoorlist/'fabla Plaver/Actor
1.17 Singr,rris iocateclnear-- Koll<attalMalda/ Gauhatii Shillong
1.18 Quoting of PAN is rrandatoryin transactionswhich are more than -
R.s.10,000/Rs.20,0001Rs. 25,000/Rs.50,000
I.19 Form r,rsed for Revocationof Suspension on IR is called- SFI/SF5/SF7/SFi1
1.20 PNM was foundedby - V.V. Giri/ Lal BahadurShastri/JagjivanRam/
Madhu Dandavate
l.2l Which cf the PSU is not associated with Rlys - ONGC/ CONCOR/ RITES/
1.22 The statusof PNR of Railway ficket canbe accessed throughIVRS/ Internet/
SMS on mobile/ all of these
I.23 Seasoning of u'ood leadsto - Increasein iifc of wood/ givesfine finish to
woodi becomingplastic/ easycutting by saw
1.24 Lack of Vitatnin A leadsto - Rffect on Eyes/Kidney malfunction/ Increasein
Blood Pressure/None of these
1.25 Dal Lake is locatedin - Udaipur/ Srinagar/Chandipur/Jaisalmer
1.26 The bool( "Wings of Fire" is written by - APJ Ab<iulKalcun/ Jawaharlal
Nehrul KuldeepNayar / Bill Gates.
1.27 The lengthof CricketPitch is 21 yardsl22yardsl23 yafisl 24 yafis.
1.28 Therearenine planetsin SolarSystem.T.hebiggestis -- VenuslEarthlsaturn/
1.29 The Indian Movie which hasbeenmadetwice by the satnenameis - Sholay/
1.30 "JantarMantar" is locatedin Agra/ New Delhi/ Flyderabad/Clhennai

"g' Part -oBt

sq*T2 - (o) ta oqqTRd d ftrd ghtrq-d dRqy s}qq-{ q)*,rqr(q{ftq rqfi.{) .h1
4Tl-$g ffi t ? Whatarethefeaturesof AssuredCareer
(ACP)Schemefor RailwayEmployees? t0 ci-qD \__-
(tsT)gfrRq-d dRq-i d-{qq q}-q-qT(qfifi {+1.i) d crtr fd qqT "d qH f,,r
B ? Are newpostsrequirecl
to be createcl
Scheme? 2 cn-m'
(,T)fr-n q-dri.r-$d-aFrftq RRilqi Fi ,r{i d eqr ft'qq d * whatisthe
mode of filling up of vacanciesfor the following. Answer any one:-lO eifi"
1. *qd {{dfqiF Diesel Assistant 2. 1f.6l{|f, €eRTf qr€{ Assistant
Station Master 3 Acdw ftftqi-d rle- | I I qfr s. 5000*-8000Welfare
- Inspectionin GradeRs. 5000-8000 '
(q) erx d qr erlqenqqiflH d Wi* gu 'd)' q.rS.{fr{ q{tent qirq-{*
?Trfrfu f}fu-a qftsr +E--e-{d[ Rqtrd,nq ftxr-f,r q.fi ftq] .il+Tr
J- v+l?-qr
? If tivo more or candidatessecureequalmarks in aggregatei.e. Written Test
_ Vova Voce Test + Recordof Servicein LDCE for promotionto Group
oost"then indicatewho shall be selected. s 3i4',
€6 zs q-m'Total25 marks
s{;I 3 -(o) ffi t-n t'crqtzhtq-d;qft d q-rq-d d e.n4o q-eF{fr lrftfr ($ffi)
ofqrft d futEq 3nqrqffirrq-fiqrrffi d fr.gnET mi Sddq fttqrd i
"if{-6 \{rfr
o.E {rq-fr *, *mq uv erlqrrq-fl-.q-cn
mTffif y$ d t ei)q{ftmqq
ft.m-rdtn) E)-dlrnrnrt Gi-isrriTho q-dqfr t Td t-d +q-n d ft-s-€qlrft
sqeTrsqrcrf,olffi g_5E\ qrft B, C W"d*df, rht qElqft fu-En-rt-d
qff qlffi ? The DepartmentaiPromotionCommittee(DPC) keepsfindings
regar:dingpromotion of a Railway Servantin a sealedcover as disciplinary
proceedings arependingagainstthe employee.But when disciplinary
proceedingsare con'rpietedand sealedcover is openedand beforeactual
promotionanotherdisciplinaryproceedingis initiated againstthe Railway
servant. How will the promotion of Railway servantbe handled? to efO

@ em qr)-i Grfffi {fl'm S srfqznTyt qq-q d drlq FrdR_d{6T,n\ q{ii q6

ftilq-{ d 3Tfi-qqq-} 3pftq-qe1
endqTftEft qtffi.Frffi"q-ffid ftrcr ql+rn t
? Can an officer under Suspensionwrite Annual ConfidentialReport of his
subordinateif during major part of the year he was under suspension? 2 3Tf,

(q) da-mS o\-e t q-ff rht zrt-{-ed'{ qft E\ qT-qrq

* ? What are two streams
- ^;-
of recruitmentof SporlsQuota b \tlcf,

ffi.,T zntdof ot{-at{ {ft frq ifufr d-fr * ? iqa 'rT'ii

rd-f, fi-q tn.)eq\ d ffi frtirfl 6fdT ftsTlRdftrql rtqr t ? wtrat arethe
threecategoriesof PhysicallyHandicappedQuota? How mtich quotais
prescribedfor eachof the threecategoriesin Group 'C' I 3rO
€6 25GI-oTotal25 marks
gqFI4 - fr'EqTfuf,q li ftF* .ii-q qa-d cFTsf,{ d - Ansu,erany five of the following
20 cfo' (9-+r d + el-s 4 marks for each)

(6) fiqifuf, qTTd) fr eirqsqo Efu i-q @-T wq rql E)-dTB - what is the
levelof visiontestrequiredin thefollowingcases?:
1. d-{d qlnrq d tra'd eirsqqf, Efu sfti Vision resrsrequirecl in tlie inreresr
of administrationonly.
z" . sdq* Frq, sqrd qrrpfro-ffi qr Elqi d Ra fr errq'gqcnEk qtq vision
. testsrequiredin theinterestof employee himself,his fellow *'crkersor both.
(qg)ffifu-d qrq-d)t eirqqq-f,qfu zF)tr eqTEtft t ? fat€i qn rD smq d t
Whatis the visioncategoryrequiredin the followingcases? Answeranyfour;
1 ftR-fr Clerk 2. rlnf{fo €RTq qrcf,q ASM 3. o**} qrrr.'rd Loco Pilot
4. d.}fr} frftefm Loco Inspector5. TfiItIN q{ rFl--fr 4TdI Gatemanon Level
Crossing 6. t.Eelq E-ShqqetF,) $sea{en{) SectionEngineer(Track)PWI
t. cba 9lQq( Lrane LJnver
('T)6 ot 'q- t' f,eri 'fi* t' fr)fr d ft'd qgq$ or ens-,1.1
qqr E)il t ?
Whatis theperiodicityof PME for A-oneandBee-onecategoryof staff?
1q) fuft o{qt @\ q-E-Sqlq q{fl d.Tri d ftid qT qt-EETqyqT qft'ri d
ftd qqg q{ q-d qri qrt cr-gr-derqft efl dt=fi t ? What is the time
allowedto be considered asdutyfor equippingan employeewith spectacles
for I't
time or for changeof existingspectacles?
(a) rfuau H cq "qlrLr"o1 g_..no .n-{i d fid H trRrqql +ffi o1 qr
q--fifr t t ? Wirat action can be initiated by Railwaysto introcluceYoga in Training

(u) erua iY-qTqi"Tilq qfl t ? What is Foreign Service Contribution?


l[{;T 5 - frt€ fr" gp_qT

zrr sffi-{ t - Answerany five of the following:-
zo sio (u-d+. d + eio- 4 marks for each)

(m) zoo+fr "r$ gs frt 'r$ tqTq fGrqT a1 fr-dq-fl{ trqTd ? what arethe
featuresof newly IntroducedPensionSchemein2A04?
(ta) grrft tisT-q€il"q-ilfr e-e g{ sq E o-gApm Td qd qmr * | {$qr-rq{f or$r t
? In Old PensionScheme,the commtitationvalue decreaseswith increasein age.
What is the reasonfor this?
(q) sd-o- tql .F-t-qqT flTird dFdTt ? what does Qualifying service mean?
(4 ?TRtaTq{zhtel-i'i f}-o-€qd n+q t Td fr g.g d rrlfr t, a'r qqT sird qRn{
o) +oX oq;dari ch-Ii4t'q frqr rql tl-frTl t ? Cunthe family be giventhebenefit
of 40a/ocommutation if a pensionerdiesbeforeexercising his optionof Commutation?
q,1 .liq
(a) o_rg-etTq e-fu-qlt fr'fuffi *q zht 3TrqY+m-aT *fi t ? when is Medical
Examination requiredin theprocess of Commutation?
(u) S* th) qrRqrR-r qvi{ fr'dfil cns q( E} \ilrfr t ? when doesfamily pensionto a
daughter getsstopped?
(rn) ffiomfr C U..n-q q ffiq q{ qlw 4nqiq E}-aT t ? Whendoesinteresron
delayedpaymentof DCRGis applicable?

IIFI 6 - Fmifrtd q i\ (fl d sfl{ d - Answeranyten of the following:

20 eio (rd+- 2 3f4' 2 marks for each)

(m) W }-d-{ t 50%rirrir$ ,r-d m) furl frfU * eqq}fud ft-qr qql ei-.qse inq t
qflFfi rT{I I F'rom r.vhatdate the merger r:f 50Yocf DA with Basic Pay was done and
showndistinctly as DearnessPay?
(s) s.-l.jqfl w=t*o(o) .\ s-".d-funrgqnifu'o 'TF'r$ ,l,i q\ rrqr qftur qTi{.dq/Sq
flsTT3iTqrfl enq*cq lT*ilftfl gi d ? ifas tire t)A merger mentioneclin Question 5 (a)
aboveeffestedthe entitlernentfor PrivilegePasses,TA/DA and Quarterallotment?
(rT)*rT{afr e-{i 'rr' tp:iqrBui ot eilIlrq 3TTfirsr{fr-qd s-{i dt qrfrfl fr'fi rq|q ftt
.d t ? Who is empowerecl to sanctionStudyT,eave to Group'C' staffin India?
(q) "W M frqq" .rql t' ? Whatis "Next Bel-<rw Rule"?
(q) qR oid q-6oT3Tq-fti\ gd sl q-rEq ri_qqfrf, elqsnrvr/eTffq'fq/{Eqn sr{ftlplsrl
qTdTB, ni ffiTd rr6uTsrEl0if*-s arg d q''.nhd El"fi * ? Fiow is Joining Time
afTectedif GazettedHolidaysiSaturdayiSunclay fall beforeor afterthe same?
(E) "3trfifu6 dqr" eqr dfr * ? Whatis "FoftuirousService"?
(q) "#4r i fr(rq" frxi drs tr q'*ilfto d--dTt ? qR' 6r er+b oi eftrd kqiT d wq
fr qr;|| qr$ | IIow is Ilreahin Servicetreatedif theperiodhasbeentreatedas
.D IE SN ON '?
(s) .rql i-fl 6t$ W +-q-frqq €yrq qs qcr-r{ ftriiS 'rd (qftrTqq) o-r ETqT6-r
sq' t er?rrgffi Sd d Grlqyri €ql-r q{ erfr faxr.dmr
t, tr) sfiTfBT-qn
STfdIq mEAf t I Can a Railway servantclaim HRA at a new stationwho has
unauthorisedlyretainedRailway accommodationand pay damagerent at old station?
{O eqTBtift n--s-qqRfreltftqo} +ror-q
ftrt.qTqf,r +i +1 .r:qfr t ? CanGroupa
Probationerbe allowed to draw HRA?
(a) qqr qftiq qgp6fr'IrTrflqtrften fr s.{RsrdE}-i d ftrS qqf,d ol 6fr-(f{ e}-nrB i
Is Rumringstaffentitled to ALI( for attendingdepartrnentalexamination?
(s) to.d rsnr d fr,,n-fl 3{qtetqr11rq{.q.fr.
gfrE-dqfi ']l-fi S ? fo r,vhatextentLAP is
grantedto School Staff-/
(a)aqTfurft +s qre€ €Eq -d W $ffi o\ qraqaliorffi .nd dI srgqfr dfr
ftd ta} srnr-$rffiq sq t ftkd Firqrrq-r-$ i Is Transporr
t, th-tT-d
Allowance admissibleto Railway employeesat Way Side Stationsfor whom Railway
accommodationis soecificallv ear-marked?
("T)fr-q EiE d ffi^qrffi -d frr} cTfsdGrTm.
qBc qffiTr$-mr-dt nenfu-w
g{dqq C ffi ? Out of PocketAllowanceis admissible to whichcategoryof
Railwaymenandfor whatpurpose'?
(n) 1.fr S €aTq s{ 3{erry-3Te'F"f
H erTqtqd e,i mqqt ft-fitt. o-{i d, q-f,-(qTt i\
fr Fqr& 6-r qqFTTfrrEr o-Est gaarur q-;$ry z 11
fr.qre flq +fr *, {$ GttN€-TT
two empioyees in occupation quartersat samestationmarryoneanother,
of separate
howtheissueof quarterwill behandled?

IR"T7 (o) Sfern q q\ rfi-N 'S sil-c{eTi tnr ft-qqq t, ftfi-d frs-€ q;It Gtfrar-ft ot
.ill T{fft | Givedetailsof two typesof orclersin DAR againstwhichthereis no
Appeal. (ei6 o rnarks 6)
(9 eisrcnq.TqRReTfui d ei$q, thf$ qrB-stt ftxft eisft{{{l fl fuqq o{ qq'f,T* |
qq cileqiS qroq frti v-fi d ffi qql fif,q" t ? atr authority,underexceptional
circumstances. can place a subordinateunder suspension.What aie the directivesfor
this orderto be cornolied? (si-$ Z marks 2)
('r) qq$F*s s.{ qqrclti d rTq"rq,s15erT$frFsrlqorft efiRfl 3TTtts-d
@Ti .i Td
tci ilq-o-o) R-qr6on 31ril)-fir ?FTsrercNRC Ei--SaTrk sTrilBd cn{ scDf,I
* t eqT?m"gtft t ? Aft"r givingdefenceon SF-5,theIJA canimposeminor
penaltywithoil giving Railway Servantany fufiher opportlrnity.of making
representationbeforethe penalt-vis imposed, Is this correct:?(3FF'2 rnarks 2)
'qft',/}"s '$'
(q) d€ qflero i-ilflilq 4500-2000 gr-{r t€ ceT.F q-{ E}8 €nRf, e4-rn
t ? gql GttN€lI
T{m-aT Br a
t r}.s'rfr'/l).s'S'qenn fri3-'frldq.ffd S l5-4tf,T
minor penaityto Group C/Group D staff can be imposedby a Supervisorin Grade
4500-7000. How many stageslower in gradecan the Group C/Group D staff be.
(eftF Z marks 2)
(q) SIGil-{ fr $fid npn qMrq q" fta .rqr Gidq E)-dTt Wtiat is difTerencebetween
AppealandRevisionin DAR? (eim + marks 4)
(u) i-iTFff, qTq qut EY-f,Tt What is NaturalJustice? (si6' 2 marks 2)
(v.) qql ffie' ,rd t fi\qt qff qqfr qtt u.rfr t CunPF berecoveredfrom Subsistence
Allowance? (er6 Z marks 2)

tlt;T I (o) riv"-nvr sfUftqq 1e63d ffiftq &it o. &)_t,ct e|f, dan et-{ 'T fttq-otq t
t WtratareRegionsA. RegionB anclRegionC r-rnder OfficialLanguage Act 1963?
(ei6 o marks 6)
(qs)$ioT-fr or{ftlaT ii qrq,nqr zF}drffiBil q,-{i * ftfd eril.f,qhfl cnfaTRdi S ftd
ErlT-qqi gttrT6-{ BqFfal d WtratareIncentivesavailableto NG staff for promoting
Rajbhasha in Official use? (cio s marks 9)
frifr ft-{ qgq) enttrtr{ d Ans*er anythreeof the following-
fi-do d s eifr'5markseach)

(.F) fiqfi fi sltr.c'qFffir-{fr d nn-.q tht{-E+-{ t o.rqq d what arethe variousreasons

of Finalwithdrawalfrom PF?
1rs)ftnT f,sil gr dit W t-qm * | GTrRn-dTrffigif, dt vld t n.n sq-d TrT{ H
3TrqRT 3r-{tsd * r srqi gr d qlq t @r& ftrrRf, oqri d qfhqFrf, qql-qqT B
BothfatheranclsonareRailwayServants.If the fatherretiresandhe wasin
possession of a Railwayquarter,whatis thenormfor regularizing the quafierin the
nameof his son?
(l) onvnrO GtctcnTqi it zrfl 3ffl{ E)-flTt I What is
ogfi ffiq fteIffif,I e1_d-s-Rl
difference betweenHospitalLeaveandSpecialDisabilityLeave?
(u) c-e ol$ qhq q{FF ftfbnn ffifr-qn e\ vrnr t ei-i \t$ ffi*.F q( rR f,rrTql
\flfaTt- e\ sq--fir A'in Rqiq"r fu-s +{d fi fuql qIf,T t I qqT fq$-S tqT d fl''rT
s1 tqTq d a.m d ft{-& 3Tfqfr Et-ft t I How is fixation of pay donefor Medically
l)ecategorised Runningstaffwhenabsorbed on alternative post? Is benefitof past
serviceallowedfor oensionarv benefits?

;tr{ qRq-qt-a-i Xcrth WestentRailwav
srffir furFT * w.qrq-f,?Frffir GTQ.+T-S s-{-€ 'qf d e-qq's q-{ffi d frT rfifr-d
fr'tn'ftq q-ffirilr-fl t1.tieT
ffiO : Date 14.02.?007 s"fl"{ Time: 15.00to18.00
' eif*oerq eim Maximr"rmMarks :l5()
IR;t tl3{ _ ll Paper-Il
qle Note: qeq qF cTFmrdt r d"{ sk*-ilfi i\ fu,€ !-rqt d smq d t Ea d-o
ggqtd TftN +i t t Qucstion1 is ccmpulsclry. "lq
areto beanswered.
questions.In ail five questit:n.s

trfi 1 FF{-iftr$ { t m=ef g{ii * snrq t -- Answeran,yten of l.[rcliiliowir:rg:

(qo so - gd--qEa, 3{}niarks - 03 firn cach}
(r r) ft-{fr ffi.r (d"ri sftdi *) W m*ert d ere{si* 4f*flt W, sfAee$}
qnT ?F-fi mt e.'f"n 6-q t qr $m'fi R ? \&'henuanafl attendantbe allow'edto
travelin sameclass*'ith a blind Rail'*'ayemi:loyee(biindwirh botheyes)'/
{t z) qh dqT qTft Eti} * td} e-ao E}q fi Re{fr d, gidqr qrw fu-s tN€ * ri'rft
ffi qr*i ? lf bothhusbandandwife areRailt'ay Servants. how will the
PrivilegePassbe issued? '3ilfhf,
(rs) wr q'{qITaI + frd "a,r$r t'q q\ n:il-m?;tT"eJt=l s} ritiErqTdi
fi qr 'leg*lly dit;orceel s'ister'be
t1m" m-qsft{fu-d Jb-ff fi-*-flTB I w?rencan
includedin the list of dependent relativeslor eiigibllitrvof-passes'i
(r.a) ffiTf, 6rfut rht firrdl qrflT E) rWW.h d ers qlqTpJrmJ fr qTlfu f*'erT
q q;ocl t i .rqi q-F .Fari E-S t ? Widerwerd rnotherof a retircd cmployeecai-,
beincludedin postretirementcompiimentary pass.ls thiscornect?
'q' 'd1')
(r,s) W ffi (l-e qr i"€ 4tf ffiq-{ m ei',ft-qftTri gl?uT r{R"{"TIfr fr"}
PrivilegePasses to RailwayServants (CiroupA or
"tTTi-qtdd I I-iowmay many
GroupB) undersrispensicn canbe issued?
(r.o) W qar*t # 'di-.} * frr$ Wffi * qpErq EiTqleiqR{ d e-ditf
d eqr frqq g ? Whatis thescaleof deduction*l'post retircurent
compiimentaryilassestor unatithorized reteirtron oi' railwaycluarter?
(r z) €zi d ergtu q{ reff{rf,.{ut d f+rS na'T zB erBrr gqfrTq .TTrq}-cr.T* t qql
q'S tnQri ql8 B ? Advanc.,of payon transt-er is alsocligiblelbr Ow'nRequest
T'ransfer.[s thiscorrer:t?
(r.e) far{ft fdo.s{ u4 q s-€-fi q-d d ftr$ eiEl*-s r"*i"a wut 6} ricqT .*-e srt} *e
* t eqr qF wel{ cr-"Tt ?'Ihe nnmtrerofSchaolFass'es admi-ssible ft:rrer,,ery
child is fve ltalf seisin a calendaryear. Is this corrcct'/
(r.g) rrq-r lhqfui Gih'T /,qqdi\) dr gq, giTaTqo{* tht erirfl qtr$rc tfied o-qd qq-q
ffdETft * frc.F cld q iTftT * aq Ehtqidt S I Ss e.EE qq tsqsfi
mi t lhe repa1.'ing capacityof t'IB;\ is detennined trythe ami;untof PFavaiial:le
. at thetime of sarrctioniirg of lIBa in his acoount.Comrnenton this .rtatement.

it-to) 6t$ qfr-6 ql F-E d m e}e q-ffi -t* r*ar *"nY ryeTe-6erftffi qfrqH q-{d d
nEn eTm 6-r qrqt Sq Ff+-dr* ? An infur;,lrappens to a *.orkrnanfor a
peri':ti of two days' Can he clairn compensationunder Warhnen Cornpensation
(r.tt) rRng E-q * ftt s qrs d F*-EKdi *t e$ qr€miq R* * ? apprentices
tue entitlerci.ibr
passesfirr self only. Is this correct.?
(r.rz)'b:rfi e{R-dr} qfq-*$r6l giaf,qTsT qRil-d l},.u1,f}sg s{Tfi r.g 6i
\sr* * I .r{il BTfrqF "I.,e{
o} eTft'f,fH\l-r * d6f, eTfhTffie* w Trrfi * I A wcrkman
aadit cariseshis death. Is c+mpensati+n
underWL'Act rravable?
(r.rs) FE"fr q ggK-reTEF q{ +Tfuflqfr,iffi \{c H11r€i E1ET
B"ttmr ?166effi 116
* ? WC RJ is nor applicablero staffposiedin f'creigr:countries.ls this con"ecr?
qYq 2* (m) qniqlq Rr mlq tn) erq fu-q+
nqE qftro f*?rT wdT * ? ql]fiqrn m
tqdeu t ? Florvis the StaffBenefitFundfinanced?Whatarethe
r:f SBF? {arq 16 marks 16}
({s) q{rfi\qt * An- frrktiq sftd 6tT-$t{ iE d ? \vhar
ar.ethe varioushcadscl.
allocationo1'SBF? ($?f' 0g rnarks 0B) ilq--"
(".T).'dqrq;i mq'qrtrft-s 6)* t s-.tn t-a o6qre.d fa* frrn* frft-ft*Rn
glis crrrent per capitaallocationf*r eachernplo"y$cunderSBF (fuS
(i )_
E) *
(ansrveranytwo):- (aio oe marks 06)
r qFd] wvfrnei{q qftfrM 'women
2 S-rse TfrfrfslqT ScoursActivities
e s*'m-fi"q
$ rronqr q-d1'-{ Recreationotherthansi}orr$
+ "g-M 3iqtfr qqrift Indigenous
sysremof medicines

w.T* s (m)
triyq 6err
orp ftt-*fr($"s*uffio'ffi:iffiY*
basicfeatures'f JCM andpNM.
({s) qq$T'slam {al-6 to marks "ro}
d srnddEq*qR,r6fraftEt $H i?"f#.+;#$r'ijno*,
lioER, how eretheratesof overtimereguiarecl?
1u-o *u.il, oij oo
('il d€ wrs€#i g^fum 6ffirn d ftd FqR'*,et qt etra6g' .
onfor$ q-a 4qT d ? daat areworkinghoursin'HI' caregoryclecidedror statf
postedat roaciside
(") *ut ** *e6.*rE * ** *$"*
d n-s-c
dh-:ht-{-ft dff ra.i
fufu-f,qfrai d| .Trfi B. frfi q*ffi d B-4-.S
Ed .ht E-$ qff rn.wmt S.?
Whatuitegories arecoveredunderSafetyRslateCR.etimme*fSchemel)
Is fherea
writtentest? In w,hatcategoriescanthewardreeruiteci?
ier-*.oa *-r*, oni
(€E Sff ss Totat mnrks 30)
ffi I 1 (m)3RH qK d qmrr * srm'fc gnit or srT*q"rfre'.nrr
I q't sd*snq"qfrqr S fh-qTiilnT
i E# rqr t'li;*a*,royn *n,*f wagesAi:t"Iroivis
"ifiis the maximnm limit .,f fines?
imposition of fines reg'lated? what
{$-fi 0B marks {}g}
ttci I gq.ertglene.* frr;Tifu-dtbtffi *\ 46" in
et Ciassifythefollc-.,ring
one of fhe categoriescf,HOER:- qeimos marks S5)

1) T-* Stego z) e*d'dClerl<3)+qRH 6-qle-t SeclionController4i*'b\

l-ocoPilot s)'et=n-"ff,,
u-frmra-o t'ti' WaitingRcomBearer
(q) q*B-fl 1.rd 1e61d qtrwnl f,e{r S"{d. qM t fsrft f}aTE*s fr sl?i*rq
d frn .t-fi ffi rn.ii ?nftri. eirqqqe sRTel*id qftqrtrql *fi t ? Uncler
ApprenticesAct 1961,rvhatis the limit of rlpprenticesrequiredto be recruitedfq:r
training in Workshop.sancll)iesel Shedsin a particular trade? leiF of marks $8)
(r{) spr'*rq-qrq€fldt rfr eTffi/s'ft1effi q1drftg, rr'* qRiq]"Iq-d Znr5rTflT fats
il{6 * ft-ql {ilmT * ? }]ow i.spayrnentoiTraining Aliowance to I'eaching Faculty
in Training Institutesregulated'i loim.os rnarks{}9)
€A 3ItF 3o
q.fi - s (q;) "q-d$ qi-rrrrfi{' d qn'nfrfi eftRrS I i)c'fi''e 'substitute'
1al-Ooa marks 04)

(qs) f,Oq qRfuffii d s{'il'fd' "\-qd mll-rrrr' figffi {?'} qr H-fi-* * ? What arethe
oircumstances underlvhich'substitritecanbe appointsd? leim o+ rnnrks$4)
qit q-qqTd ftr}
FT) iisn Erri S ftd "\-q-fi qtl{qn" S wq fr rtqi etqts
mtq*rh\q rfr ?rtr t* 6i* €T-e* ? Whatsonditionsareto be satisfiedf'or
countingthe periorJof servii:erenclered a-s'substitttte'for pensionriryhenefits?
(sIiF os marks 05)
(rT) qq.sf.$"3ilq d 3i-f,{'r "{er{" ?F\,frthl "3TR-{rfi" slR E fr-,-q RTd * q{taffiE
'EI' categorybe convert*dto 'Continuous'cat*gory
fu"r1p* gOf,T t t Ho* can
underi-lOER? 1eA-O 0e rnarks09)
g; fri{fi qTqdr m.n qfrq-q d qqTffif $ refl-qr-\RrTd qTTrd i gq fisftdi 'fr tr.qr
fr{q d Whararedirectivesrcgarciingtransferof a RecognizerlUnion Office
Bearerin ca.seof - 1i qqtrqfr Promotion 2) gTIT-qfi6'Bo administrative
interest lafo oa mnrks 0tl)
(€E {t!-tr30 Total marks 3fti

s€q o (m) "d-r;s q6 q-$iFn"c-a lTqdf" Eqi FYfr$ ? uihat arecailonsof finar:rcial

(s) FFq .pqTt Wtut arefbllcwing - qoiw os m*rks $9)
r) qr6e s{3-flE BudgetGrant Z} TjqilF6 ex-fin RevisedGrant
3) clk'q 3fiatsrr.Final Mocii{'icatior: {&itr 0s ryar$ 0!)
.t RtS -)
('T) fu€ qR qilT ftfunq aft'd,d ;Ttq €f*E sl-{slft t-d gt qnr* t ffi
€rrr taq q q-r;Tl*.rrfi qTrrqr d wqFr4q qRi eui EI-e ? }riameany firr:r
WhatirrePrimaryunitsof staif
ireads61dernaldallocationu'jth l:riel'descr:iption.
suiatyaednon-siclckinrleniin a pariicularhead? leim' O0 mnrhs {}6)
(tr) nw Fr:u SIRS ftB mr qql rrffiw *ar B ? what is thepwpo$eof Depreciation

I $5.
_t -.r',r.'f
r-' -tt-.

\ Fr

7 * (6) Fgf,ra q frftqTGi** #q lql s{..R

tdT * ? what is differencebetweelt
strike and Lock-out?
tet+ ss merks 0s)
tcd I
Bfu* @TET-*t ? +qr r+fu'fi ir@ 6Yffi 6Fr qr q*s-flT
Retre'chment? can voruntaryretirementt e cailed B ? \,vrratis
{q?f' 06 marks 06)
('T) cil{.s !:€ d s*q qqq*q o' synsstq *Rfi-d d a'Tfd ..,-$
ffi w *qi'
st tft $ift'd fu-qrqT '*fiir t r eor ue sam =*€tt ?
unaerID Acr,aRailway
in Managerialor Administrativecapacityis alsoincluded.
correct? '(a* Is this
o3 marks 03)
(E stre-{rd qqq sRE fii gt qna w vq * qryddTTddT tr ecr rE mrq
Hs t ? wc Act is applicableto workershavingbeenunderinfluence
thetimeof accident.Is this conect? ofalcohol at
iuo oe marks 03)
(e/ kr}'ffi d y d onrifi rormd ergowderpmw
Eq'I-Etn qrrHq * ? wtrar are the guiderines fufra *ftr$ iu
for compassionateAppointmentin
caseof missingRair*ay Employee?
(st ro marris l0) *;
{EE q6 ro Total marks 30)

I \.-r---.* t

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