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Question ,Boqklet fpr selection to the post of Assistan,t

Pftrsonnel Officer -- Group "8" against 70% quota

Date of Exam: 28th March 2015

Duration of Exam: 3 hours

(a) No cell phone or electronic gadgets allowed in examination


(b) Do not write your name or make any marks in the answer
booklet disclosing your identity except in the prescribed
part of the answer booklet. Violation of this instruction
would result in summary cancellation of evaluation of the
answer booklet.

(c) Marks for each question is indicated against the same,

except objective type questions.

Answer to the questions to be written in the answer

booklets supplied in the examination hall only.

(e) There are 7 questions in Section A of which the candidates

should answer any four of their choice. There are sub-
sections in the question and candidates are to write all the
sections of questions they select to write.

(f) Section B of the Question Booklet (objective type) IS

compulsory and each question carries 1 mark each.
Q.l In a vigilance investigation, an SAG officer was found guilty
of gross violation of rules in awarding tender to one of his
near relatives causing huge financial loss to the Railway
administration. Disciplinary Authority has decided to take
up the officer for major penalty. Explain step by step from
the stage of receipt of Vigilance report to imposition of one
of the last three major penalties, prescribed in Railway
Servants (Disciplinary & Appeal) Rules, 1968. Who is the
Disciplinary Authority in this case and also the appeal
provisions to be specifically stated.

a) Depreciation Reserve Fund

b) Revenue Reserve Fund
c) Development Fund
d) Pension Fund
e) Plan Heads

a) Name different levels of official language implementation
committee meetings in Railways. Marks 15
b) Write the States and Union Territories under "A" region
Marks 15

ii) Instructions stated in Rule 3 (1) of Railway Servants

(Conduct) Rules, 6 conducts which Railway servant is to
follow mandatorily may be written.

a) Public Accounts Committee

b) Estimates Committee .
c) Parliamentary Financial Control
d) Summary of Revenue Receipts and Expenditure
Marks 25

Q.5 The' following abbreviations are Organizations connected

with Railways. Give expansion


v) C-TARA vi) CLW vii) IRIEE viii)KRCL
Q.l In a vigilance investigation, an SAG officer was found guilty
of gross violation of rules in awarding tender to one of his
near relatives causing huge financial loss to the Railway
administration. Disciplinary Authority has decided to take
up the officer for major penalty. Explain step by step from
the stage of receipt of Vigilance report to imposition of one
of the last three major penalties, prescribed in Railway
Servants (Disciplinary & Appeal) Rules, 1968. Who is the
Disciplinary Authority in this case and also the appeal
provisions to be specifically stated.

a) Depreciation Reserve Fund

b) Revenue Reserve Fund
c) Development Fund
d) Pension Fund
e) Plan Heads

~. Q.3
a) Name different levels of official language implementation
committee meetings in Railways. Marks 15
b) Write the States and Union Territories under "A" region
Marks 15

ii) Instructions stated in Rule 3 (1) of Railway Servants

(Conduct) Rules, 6 conducts which Railway servant is to
follow mandatorily may be written.

a) Public Accounts Committee

b) Estimates Committee
c) Parliamentary Financial Control
d) Summary of Revenue Receipts and Expenditure
Marks 25

Q.5 The· following abbreviations are Organizations connected

with Railways. Give expansion

i) DCW ii) IRCON iii) RCIL iv) IRISET

v) C-TARA vi) CLW vii) I~EE viii)KRCL
Q. 6 Explain the procedure for filling up 25% qualified serving
employees quota for skilled artizans; from stage of
assessment of vacancy to the posting of selected
candidates. Answer should also cover the reservation rules
and concessions available to SC/ ST/ aBC, etc.

a) What is MACP Scheme introduced by the Government of
India for Railway servants? If you are APO of a cadre, what
action you take and points you examine for extending this

What are the procedures and eligibility for a married

daughter of a Senior Section Engineer with 25 years of
service, medically unfit in all classes, opted to retire though
left with a few~ear servic~ The married daughter has two
children, a boy and a girl and also one brother and one
sister studying in School and College respectively. Only
points to be brought out.
Q.No.l Which one of the following is a penalty prescribed in
Railway Servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules.

a) Administrative Counselling
b) Recorded warning
c) Confidential displeasure note
d) Censure

Q.No.2 Which of the following statement is absolutely

correct regarding imposition of the penalty of Dismissal from
service for a JA Grade officer involved in misappropriation of
Government funds?

a) General Manager
b) Union Public Service Commission
c) Appointing Authority
d) Central Vigilance Commission

Q.No.3 In a vigilance investigation culminating issue of

major penalty to Gr. A, B & C officials, which one of the
following statement is most appropriate.

a) All of them should be suspended

b) Proceedings should be initiated as per Rule 11 of the D&A
Rules .
c) Common Proceedings to be resorted to as per Rule 13 of
D&A rules.
d) Enquiry can be dispensed yvith as more than one person is

Q.No.4 As provided in Railway Servants Hours of

Employment Regulatipn Rules "full night" meaJ:?s

a) 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.
b) 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
c) 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.
d) Whole night

Q.No.5 Which one of the following is not an organized Gr. A

service explained in Section A, Para 101 of the Indian Railway
Establishment Manual Vol. I,

a) Indian Railway Personnel Service

b) Indian Railway Medical Service
c) Railway Board Secretariat ServiCe
d) Indian Railway Service of Engineers
Q.No.6 Para 228 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual
deals with

a) Promotion from Gr. D to Gr. C

b) Promotion from Gr. C to Gr. B
c) Erroneous promotions
d) Seniority promotions

Q.No.7 What is non-fortuitous service as per Para 320 of

the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol. 1.

a) Total length of service both regular and ad-hoc

b) Total length of service in different grades
c) The service rendered after the date of regular promotion
after due process
d) None of the above.

Q.No.8 Last restructuring orders for non-gazetted staff ot

Integral Coach ,Factory was implemented w.e.f.

a) 10.11.2013
b) 01.01.2013
c) 20.11.2013
d) 01.11.2013

a) A tenure post means a permanent post which an

individual railway servant may not hold for more than a
limited period
b) A tenure post means a post carrying a definite rate of pay
sanctioned for a limited period
c) Post created against sanctioned estimates to maintain new
d) None of the above ..

a) Sanctioning authority can refuse to sanction LAP to a

railway servant in the exigencies of official work.
b) Leave can be claimed as a matter of right without sanction
c) Conversion of one kind of leave into another following the
stipulation in rule 505 is permissible
d) Casual Leave cannot be clubbed with LAP
Q.No.11 For the treatment in Railway Hospital, family
members of the railway servants means

a) Wife and children

b) Wife, Children and widowed sister
c) All such persons as are eligible for pass under the pass
d) Only railway employees and wife.

a) Are entitled for only one lAC berth in Rajdhani while

travelling on duty
b) Are entitled for one 1 AC berth even when not travelling on
c) Entitled for 1 AC coupe accommodation while travelling
with family even when not travelling on duty. .
d) Entitled for 1 AC coupe accommodation while travelling on
duty even when they travel alone.

Q.No.13 A Gr. C artisan joining service in March 2015 is

eligible for (i) ~ -L j ~~ 7- 0 \ 'S ~

a) One set of 2nd class privilege pass

b) Not eligible for any privilege pass in 2015
c) 3 sets of privilege passes in 2nd class
d) 1 set of privilege pass for travelling in 3rd AC

A First Class 'A' privilege pass holder can travel in

a) 1st AC
b) Travel in any class other than 1st AC
c) Only in 1st Class or 2nd AC
d) None of the above

Q.No.15 A Gr. B officer of the Railway with total 30 years

service and 5 years Gr. 'B' service would be entitled for _
post retirement complimentary pass / passes

a) 2 sets
b) 1 set
c) 3 sets
d) 4 sets
Q.No.16 Section 9(2) of the Sexual Harassment of Women at
Work place (Preventio,n, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013,
discuss about complaint on behalf of the aggrieved women.
Please indicate who among the following can make a complaint
on behalf of such women when she is unable to make a
complaint on account of mental incapacity.

a) A qualified psychiatrist or psychologist

b) A special educator
c) Her near relatives and close friends
d) All the above stated in a, b & c

Q.No. 17 What is the penalty prescribed for contravention of

Section 16 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at work place
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, subject to the
provisions of Rule 17 of the said Act.

a) The employer shall recover a sum of Rs. 5,0001- as

penalty from such persons
b) The employer shall forthwith suspend such persons from
service and issue warning letter
c) The employer shall recover a sum of Rs. 1,000/ - as
d) The employer shall recover a sum of Rs. 25,000/- as

Q.No.18 The Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace

(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 got the assent
of Hon 'hIe President of India on

a) 22nd April 2013

b) 20th April 2013
c) 25th April 2013
d) 23rd April 2013 '

Q.No.19 Which one of the following is not covered under

Section 19 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at work place
(Preven~ion, Prohibition and Redre.ssal) Act, 2013.

a) Provide safe working environment at the work place which

shall include safety for the persons coming into contact at
the work place
b) Provide safe transport facilities for women employees to
reach work place without any difficulty ensuring safety as
per provision of the Act
c) Treat sexual harassment as a misconduct under the
service rules and initiate action for such misconduct
d) Assist in securing the attendance of respondent and
witness before the Internal Committee or Local Committee
as the case may be
Q.No.20 Which one of the following statement is absolutely
correct as per Section 3 (1) of the Sexual Harassment of Women
at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

a) Every employer at a work place shall by an order in

writing constitute a committee to be known as the Internal
Compliance Committee
b) Local Compliance Committee would be entitled to look into
the grievance of the aggrieved women.
c) No women shall be subjected to sexual harassment at
work place.
d) None of the above.
(i) 3>CI\)
Q.No.21 Which of the following refers to Rule 3 (a) Railway
Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966

a) Observance of Government policies

b) Prohibition of Sexual Harassment
c) Taking part in politics and elections
d) Promptness and courtesy

Q.No.22 As per the Railway Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1966,

which one of the following statement is correct, if an application
for casual leave is presented by a railway servant specifically for
the purpose of participating in a demonstration.

a) It is open to the competent authority to refuse casual leave

for this purpose.
b) Sanctioning of CL for such purpose when sought in
advance is automatic .
c) Casual Leave is the right of the employee to be taken for
any purpose
d) None of the a1;>ove

Q.No.23 Which one of the statement is correct as per Railway

Service (Conduct) Rules, 1966.

a) Accepting· gift of any amount from father need not be

intimated to the Department
b) Acceptance of gift beyond the prescribed limit, even from
the father requires the approval of the competent
c) Gift amount from near relatives irrespective of the amount
do not come under the purview of conduct rules.
d) None of the above
Q.No.24 As per rule 14 of the Railway Service (Conduct)
Rules, 1966, officers in Gr. 'A' service upto the JA Grade level
should fumish promptly particulars of all invitations received by
them from foreign missions in India and accept them only after
obtaining the necessary clearance from

a) General Manager of the concerned Railway

.b) Principal Head of the Department concerned
c) Railway Board
d) Director General of Police of the concemed State vJ \-
Ro..~\\)OO--~ S-Q."~c.u. Co u
Q.No.25 . As per rule 17 (2) (iii~ which one of the following
statement IS true ~ ~

a) A railway servant who seeks assistance of the insolvency

court without the previous permission of the competent
authority shall render himself liable to be removed from
b) A railway servant shall report to the Government when a
portion of his salary is constantly attached for a period
exceeding two years
c) Steps would be taken by the Head of an office to ascertain
from pay sheet whether any railway servant under him are
in habitual st~te of indebtedness
d) A railway servant who is arrested for debt is liable for

Q.No.26 Section 2 (h) of the Right to Information Act, 2005

explains about

a) "Public Authority"
b) "Record"
c) "Information"
d) "Competent Authority"

Q.No.27 Which one of the following statement is correct

when referring to Section 6 (2) of the Right to Information Act,

a) Applicant has to indicate the reason for seeking

information under this Act·
b) An applicant seeking information shall not be required to
give reasons for the same or any personal details except
those that may be necessary for contacting him
c) An' applicant seeking information under this Act has to
justify the necessity of the information sought for
d) The applicant has to give an. undertaking that the
information so received would not be used against any
other person
Q.No.28 Chief Information Commissioner can hold office for
5 years from the date he enters upon his office or till he attains
the age of __

a) 60 years
b) 62 years
c) 65 years
d) As long as the Government of India is pleased without any
age limit.

Q.No.29 Which one of the following statement is correct with

regard to Section 20 of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

a) Central Information Commission has no power for to

impose any penalty on Central Public Information Officer
whatever may be the manner in which the RTI application
is dealt with
b) CIC has immense power without any restriction provided
in the Act to impose any penalty on the CPIO if the
information is not provided in specified time
c) When the applicant demands for compensation of delay,
the CIC can order to compensate the claim of the
applicant without any limit
d) CPIO or SPIO has not furnished the information within the
time prescribed in sub section 1 of Section 7 of the Act, a
penalty upto a maximum of Rs. 25,000/- can be imposed
by CIC

Q.No.30 Section 31 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 has

repealed which of the following

a) The Freedom of Information Act, 2002 (5 of 2003)

b) The official secrets act, 1923
c) The Information Technology Act, 2000
d) The Delhi Right to I.nformation Act, 2001.,

Q.No.31 As per the Tamil Nadu Payment of Wages Rules,

1937 "the Act" means

a) The provisions of various' acts covered in the Tamil Nadu

Payment of Wages Rules, 1937
b) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
c) Act of Parliament passed in 1930 for ensuring minimum
d) None of the above.
Q.No.32 For the purpose of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936,
Section 14 "an inspector" means

a) Welfare Inspector in-charge of ensuring payment of wages

within the wage period .
b) Inspectors entrusted with powers under the Workmens'
Compensation Act
c) An inspector of Factories appointed under the sub section
1 of Section 8 of the Factories Act, 1948
d) None of the above.

Q.No.33 As per Section 2 (c) of the Factories Act, 1948

"Child" means

a) A person who has not completed his 15th year of age

b) A person who has not completed his 18th year of age
c) A person who has not completed his 218t year of age
d) A person who has completed his 15th year of age, but has
not completed his 18th year

Q.No.34 As per section 7 of the Factories Act, 1948, how

many days in advance the occupier should send written notice
to the Chief Inspector of Factories to occupy or use any premises
as a Factory.

a) 30 days
b) 15 days
c) 2 weeks
d) 3 months

Q.No.35 As per section 8 (4) of the Factories Act, 1948__

shall be an inspector for his District.

a) Superintendent of Police
b) District Magis:trat~
c) Divisional Commissioner
d) Divisional Medical Officer

a) Hoists and Lifts

b) Casing of new machinery
c) Prohibition of employment of women and children near
Cotton Openers
d) Self-Acting machines
Q.No.37 As per rule 46 of the Factories Act, 1948, a canteen
or canteens shall be provided and maintained by the Occupier
for the use of workers where __ workers are ordinarily

a) 100 or more
b) 150 or more
c) 50 or more
d) 250 workers

Q.No.38 Section 93 of the Factories Act, 1948,

shall be responsible for the maintenance of common facilities,
where in any premises separate buildings are leased to different

a) Owner of the premises

b) Occupier who run the factory
c) Chief Factory Inspector
d) General Manager of the Factory

Q.No.39 What is the penalty for obstructing Inspector as per

Section 95 of the Factories Act, 1948

a) A fine of Rs. 25,000/-

b) Imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 months or
with a fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000/ - or with both
c) Imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year
d) Imprisonment for a term of one month or fine of Rs.
1,000 / - or with both


a) This act is ~not applicable to factories under. the

Government of India
b) This act is not applicable to factories under the State
c) Unless otherwise provided, this act shall apply to factories
belonging to the central or any state govemments
d) This act is primarily applicable to private sector factories

a) Shri Arunendra Kumar

b) Shri P.C. Ghajbaye
c) Shri Hemant Kumar
d) Shri A.K. Mittal
Q.No.37 As per rule 46 of the Factories Act, 1948, a canteen
or canteens shall be provided and maintained by the Occupier
for the use of workers where __ workers are ordinarily

a) 100 or more
b) 150 or more
c) 50 or more
d) 250 workers

Q.No.38 Section 93 of the Factories Act, 1948,

shall be responsible for the maintenance of common facilities,
where in any premises separate buildings are leased to different

a) Owner of the premises

b) Occupier who run the factory
c) Chief Factory Inspector
d) General Manager of the Factory

Q.No.39 What is the penalty for obstructing Inspector as per •

Section 95 of the Factories Act, 1948

a) A fine of Rs. 25,000/-

b) Imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 months or
with a fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000/- or with both
c) Imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year
d) Imprisonment for a term of one month or fine of Rs.
1,000/- or with both


a) This act is .not applicable to factories under the

Government of India
b) This act is not applicable to factories under the State
c) Unless otherwise provided, this act shall apply to factories
belonging to the central or any state governments
d) This act is primarily applicable to private sector factories

a) Shri Arunendra Kumar

b) Shri P.C. Ghajbaye
c) Shri Hemant Kumar
d) Shri A.K. Mittal

Q.No.37 As per rule 46 of the Factories Act, 1948, a canteen

or canteens shall be provided and maintained by the Occupier
for the use of workers where __ workers are ordinarily

a) 100 or more
b) 150 or more
c) 50 or more
d) 250 workers

Q.No.38 Section 93 of the Factories Act, 1948,

shall be responsible for the maintenance of common facilities,
where in any premises separate buildings are leased to different

a) Owner of the premises

b) Occupier who run the factory
c) Chief Factory Inspector
d) General Manager of the Factory

Q.No.39 What is the penalty for obstructing Inspector as per

Section 95 of the Factories Act, 1948

a) A fine of Rs. 25,000/-

b) Imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 months or
with a fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000/- or with both
c) Imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year
d) Imprisonment for a term of one month or fine of Rs.
1,000/- or with both


a) This act is .110t. applicable to factories under the

Government of India
b) This act is not applicable to factories under the State
c) Unless otherwise provided, this act shall apply to factories
belonging to the central or any state governments
d) This act is primarily applicable to private sector factories

a) Shri Arunendra Kumar

b) Shri P.C. Ghajbaye
c) Shri Hemant Kumar
d) Shri A.K. Mittal
a) Diamond Jubilee Year
b) Golden Jubilee year
c) Silver Jubilee year
d) Platinum Jubilee year

a) Bilaspur
b) Bhubaneswar
c) Allahabad
d) Jaipur

Q.No.44 Pre-promotional training for SC/ST employees in

selection from Gr. C'to Gr. 'B' for APO is mandatory

a) In all selections
b) Whenever SC/ ST candidates are participating II}
c) When posts reserved for SC/ ST is to be filled up and
such candidates are participating in the selection
d) When all the posts are for UR, but SC/ ST candidates are
also participating in the selection

Q.No.45 The tenure of Staff council in Production Unit

normally is

a) one year
b) two years
c) five years
d) three years

Q.No.46 As per provisions of the Industrial Dispute Act,

1947, "Trade Union» mearis

a) A trade union registered under the Trade Union Act, 1926

b) Association of more than 100 persons recognized as a
union by management
c) Unions recognized by the Central Government
d) Unions recognized by the State Governments

Q.No,47 Section 25-G of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947

deals with

a) Re-employment of retrenched workmen

b) Procedure for retrenchment
c) Compensation to Workmen in case of transfer of
d) Compensation to Workmen in case of closing down of

a) Promotion
b) Pension
c) Seniority
d) All the three a, b & c
<V \=,~\l..t,
Chairman of the Staff Benefit ,Committee in ICF is

a) General Manager
b) Chief Mechanical Engineer
c) Chief Personnel Officer
d) Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer

Q.No.50 As per paragraph 515 of Indian Railway

Establishment Code Vol. I

a) Leave shall not be granted to a railway servant whom a

competent authority has decided to dismiss, remove or
compulsorily retire from Railway services
b) Only 50% of the leave at credit to be sanctioned while
undergoing major penalties
c) Study leave should not be sanctioned to employees who
are not likely to return after the leave
d) LAP & LHAP cflIl be sanctioned even for dismissed and
.removed employees.

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