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BS en 00132-1999

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Respiratory protective |
devices Ð Definitions of |
terms and pictograms |
The European Standard EN 132:1998 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 01.040.13; 13.340.30 |
BS EN 132:1999

National foreword
This British Standard is the English language version of EN 132:1998. It supersedes
BS EN 132:1991 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee PH/4,
Respiratory protection, to Subcommittee PH/4/1, Selection and terminology, which
has the responsibility to:

Ð aid enquirers to understand the text;

Ð present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the
interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed;
Ð monitor related international and European developments and promulgate
them in the UK.

A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request

to its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European publications
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled ªInternational Standards Correspondence Indexº, or by using the
ªFindº facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 12, an inside back cover and a back cover.

This British Standard, having Amendments issued since publication

been prepared under the
direction of the Health and Amd. No. Date Text affected
Environment Sector Committee,
was published under the
authority of the Standards
Committee and comes into effect
on 15 April 1999

 BSI 04-1999

ISBN 0 580 32075 8


ICS 01.040.13; 13.340.30 Supersedes EN 132:1990

Descriptors: personal protective equipment, accident prevention, respiratory protective equipment, vocabulary

English version

Respiratory protective devices Ð

Definitions of terms and pictograms

Appareils de protection respiratoire Ð AtemschutzgeraÈte Ð

DeÂfinitions de termes et pictogrammes Definitionen von Begriffen und Piktogramme

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 4 December 1998.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical
references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to
the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

 1998 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 132:1998 E
Page 2
EN 132:1998

Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by Page
Technical Committee CEN/TC 79, Respiratory
protective devices, the Secretariat of which is held Foreword 2
by DIN. 1 Scope 3
This European Standard replaces EN 132:1990. 2 Normative references 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of a 3 Terms and definitions 4
national standard, either by publication of an identical 4 Pictograms 9
text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 1999, and
conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at 4.1 See information supplied by
the latest by June 1999. manufacturer 9
This European Standard has been prepared under a 4.2 End of shelf life 9
mandate given to CEN by the European Commission 4.3 Temperature range of storage
and the European Free Trade Association, and conditions 9
supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
4.4 Maximum humidity of storage
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative conditions 9
Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this standard.
Alphabetical index 10
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations,
the national standards organizations of the following Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this
countries are bound to implement this European European Standard addressing essential
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, requirements or other provisions of EU
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Directives 12
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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EN 132:1998

1 Scope prEN 250:1998, Respiratory equipment Ð Open-circuit

self-contained compressed air diving apparatus Ð
This European Standard is applicable to respiratory
Requirements, testing, marking.
protective devices except diving apparatus for which
the definitions are given in EN 250. This European EN 269:1994, Respiratory protective devices Ð Powered
Standard defines commonly used terms and pictograms fresh air hose breathing apparatus incorporating a
of this area. hood Ð Requirements, testing, marking.
The object of this European Standard is to achieve a EN 371:1992, Respiratory protective devices Ð AX gas
uniform interpretation of these terms and pictograms filters and combined filters against low boiling
in order to prevent ambiguous use of them. organic compounds Ð Requirements, testing,
EN 135 contains a survey of these terms in the three
official languages English, French and German. EN 372:1992, Respiratory protective devices Ð SX gas
filters and combined filters against specific named
compounds Ð Requirements, testing, marking.
2 Normative references EN 400:1993, Respiratory protective devices for
This European Standard incorporates, by dated or self-rescue Ð Self-contained closed-circuit breathing
undated reference, provisions from other publications. apparatus Ð Compressed oxygen escape apparatus Ð
These normative references are cited at the Requirements, testing, marking.
appropriate places in the text and the publications are EN 401:1993, Respiratory protective devices for
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent self-rescue Ð Self-contained closed-circuit breathing
amendments to or revisions of any of these apparatus Ð Chemical oxygen (KO2) escape
publications apply to this European Standard only apparatus Ð Requirements, testing, marking.
when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For
undated references the latest edition of the publication EN 402:1993, Respiratory protective devices for
referred to applies. escape Ð Self-contained open-circuit compressed air
breathing apparatus with full face mask or
EN 135:1998, Respiratory protective devices Ð List of mouthpiece assembly Ð Requirements, testing,
equivalent terms. marking.
EN 136:1998, Respiratory protective devices Ð Full EN 403:1993, Respiratory protective devices for
face masks Ð Requirements, testing, marking. self-rescue Ð Filtering devices with hood for self-
EN 137:1993, Respiratory protective devices Ð rescue from fire Ð Requirements, testing, marking.
Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing EN 404:1993, Respiratory protective devices for
apparatus Ð Requirements, testing, marking. self-rescue Ð Filter self-rescuer Ð Requirements,
EN 138:1994, Respiratory protective devices Ð Fresh testing, marking.
air hose breathing apparatus for use with full face prEN 405:1998, Respiratory protective devices Ð
mask, half mask or mouthpiece assembly Ð Valved filtering half masks to protect against gases or
Requirements, testing, marking. gases and particles Ð Requirements, testing, marking.
EN 140:1998, Respiratory protective devices Ð Half EN 1061:1996, Respiratory protective devices for
masks and quarter masks Ð Requirements, testing, self-rescue Ð Self-contained closed-circuit breathing
marking. apparatus Ð Chemical oxygen (NaClO3) escape
prEN 141:1997, Respiratory protective devices Ð Gas apparatus Ð Requirements, testing, marking.
filters and combined filters Ð Requirements, testing, EN 1146:1997, Respiratory protective devices for
marking. self-rescue Ð Self-contained open-circuit compressed
EN 142:1989, Respiratory protective devices Ð air breathing apparatus incorporating a hood
Mouthpiece assemblies Ð Requirements, testing, (compressed air escape apparatus with hood) Ð
marking. Requirements, testing, marking.
prEN 143:1997, Respiratory protective devices Ð EN 12021:1998, Respiratory protective devices Ð
Particle filters Ð Requirements, testing, marking. Compressed air for breathing apparatus.
EN 145:1997, Respiratory protective devices Ð EN 12941:1998, Respiratory protective devices Ð
Self-contained closed-circuit breathing apparatus Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a
compressed oxygen or compressed oxygen-nitrogen hood Ð Requirements, testing, marking.
type Ð Requirements, testing, marking. EN 12942:1998, Respiratory protective devices Ð Power
prEN 149:1998, Respiratory protective devices Ð assisted filtering devices incorporating full face
Filtering half masks to protect against particles Ð masks, half masks or quarter masks Ð Requirements,
Requirements, testing, marking. testing, marking.

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EN 132:1998

3 Terms and definitions 3.12

The terms are listed in alphabetical order. The breathing apparatus for use in abrasive blasting
alphabetic index is given at the end of this European operations
Standard. breathing apparatus incorporating a protective hood or
a blouse fitted with an impact resistant visor.
3.1 Breathable air is supplied to the wearer from a source
aerosol of air not carried by the wearer
suspension of solid, liquid or solid and liquid particles 3.13
in a gaseous medium, having a negligible falling breathing bag
velocity (generally considered to be less than 0,25 m/s) a device which compensates for variations in the air
3.2 supply or demand and provides for peak inhalation
air supply hose flow requirements
hose for supply of air at about atmospheric pressure 3.14
breathing hose (low pressure)
a flexible hose connected to the facepiece through
ambient atmosphere which breathable gas enters at atmospheric pressure or
the air surrounding a person at a pressure slightly above or below
3.4 3.15
assisted breathing resistance
describes a filtering device or a fresh air hose resistance of a respiratory protective device (RPD,
breathing apparatus in which air is delivered to the see 3.102) to the flow of air during inhalation
facepiece by an assisting device (inhalation resistance) or exhalation (exhalation
3.5 3.16
blouse breath-responsive
garment, used as a facepiece, which covers the head actively or passively responsive following the wearer's
and upper part of the body to the waist and wrists and demand for air
to which air is supplied
3.6 checking device
body harness a device to enable the user to check that the
means to enable a user to wear certain components of manufacturer's minimum design air flow rate or
a respiratory protective device (RPD) on the body minimum design conditions are achieved or exceeded
3.7 3.18
breakthrough concentration chemical oxygen (KO2) escape apparatus
see: self-contained closed-circuit breathing
the concentration of test gas in effluent air at which a apparatus; chemical oxygen (KO2) escape
gas filter undergoing a gas capacity test is deemed apparatus (3.105)
3.8 chemical oxygen (NaClO3) escape apparatus
breakthrough time see: self-contained closed-circuit breathing
the time from the start of the gas filter capacity test to apparatus; chemical oxygen (NaClO3) escape
the time when breakthrough concentration has been apparatus (3.106)
reached in effluent air 3.20
3.9 clogging
breathable air accumulation of particles on a filter with a consequent
air of a quality that makes it suitable for safe increase in its resistance to flow
respiration. For compressed air for breathing apparatus 3.21
[EN 12021:1998] combined filter
3.10 filter intended to remove dispersed solid and/or liquid
breathable gas particles and specified gases and vapours from the
flow of air passing through it
composition of gases which is suitable for respiration
3.11 compressed air escape apparatus
breathing apparatus see: self-contained open-circuit compressed air
an apparatus which enables the wearer to breathe breathing apparatus with full face mask or
independently of the ambient atmosphere mouthpiece assembly for escape (3.110)

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EN 132:1998

3.23 3.35
compressed air escape apparatus with hood downstream valve
see: self-contained open-circuit compressed air a valve which opens with the pressure of the air and is
breathing apparatus with hood for escape (3.111) normally kept shut by means of a spring
3.24 3.36
compressed air filter dust
filter intended to remove dispersed solid and/or liquid general term denoting finely distributed solid particles
particles and specified gases and vapours from (see also fume and smoke)
compressed air passing through it
compressed air line breathing apparatus escape-type respiratory protective device
apparatus which is not self-contained and in which the RPD designed to be used only during escape from
facepiece is supplied with breathable air from a source hazardous atmospheres
of compressed air 3.38
3.26 exhalation valve
compressed air supply tube non-return valve which allows the escape of exhaled
a tube which delivers breathable air at a maximum and excess air from the facepiece
pressure of 10 bar from a source of compressed air 3.39
3.27 exhaled air
contaminant air breathed out by the wearer
undesirable solid, liquid or gaseous substance in the air
exposed parts
continuous flow valve
any parts which are visible during foreseeable
valve which allows the wearer of a breathing apparatus conditions of use should be considered as being
to regulate a continuous air flow within prescribed exposed
dead space face blank
volume of inhaled gas which is rebreathed from the the main body of a facepiece to which the functional
previously exhaled gas components are attached
3.30 3.42
demand type facepiece
a type of RPD which is fitted with a demand valve the part of a RPD which connects the wearer's
governed by the breathing action of the lungs respiratory tract to the other parts of the device and
3.31 isolates the respiratory tract from ambient atmosphere.
Facepieces may be full face masks, half masks, quarter
demand type with positive pressure masks, mouthpiece assemblies, filtering facepieces.
a type of RPD which is fitted with a demand valve, Helmets, hoods, blouses and suits may serve the same
governed by breathing action of the lungs, that purpose
actuates at a positive pressure in the facepiece under
conditions defined in relevant European standards 3.43
3.32 facepiece incorporating head protection
demand type without positive pressure a facepiece incorporating head protection comprises a
facepiece either attached to or integrated with a safety
a type of RPD which is fitted with a demand valve,
governed by breathing action of the lungs, that
actuates at a negative pressure during inhalation in the 3.44
facepiece face seal leakage
3.33 inward leakage of the ambient atmosphere between
demand valve the face and the facepiece, when measured in the
a valve, governed by the breathing action of lungs, laboratory in the specific test atmosphere. It is
supplying the breathable gas on demand expressed as a percentage of total inhaled air
3.34 3.45
dew point filter
temperature of air at a specified pressure below which device intended to remove specific contaminants from
condensation will occur the ambient air passing through it

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EN 132:1998

3.46 3.58
filter housing half mask
component which is attached to either a facepiece or a tight fitting facepiece covering mouth, nose and chin
other part of the device and into which a filter, either [EN 140:1998]
encapsulated or unencapsulated, is inserted 3.59
3.47 half mask without inhalation valves
filtering device a filtering device with a half mask and without
RPD in which air passes through filter(s) before being inhalation valves, which may or may not have
inhaled. The device can be unassisted, power assisted exhalation valves. It comprises a half mask and
or powered separable and replaceable filters
3.48 3.60
filtering device with hood for self-rescue from head harness
fire (filtering smoke hood) means of holding a facepiece in place on the head
see: smoke hood (3.115) 3.61
3.49 head net
filtering facepiece head harness in the form of a net (mesh fabric)
see: filtering half mask (3.50) 3.62
heavy duty construction
term that denotes mechanical properties of a RPD.
filtering half mask Designed to be used in work situations with need for
RPD entirely or substantially constructed of filtering mechanically robust device. see also: light duty
material. Marked FF as for filtering facepiece construction (3.71)
[prEN 149:1998]
3.51 helmet
filter self rescuer a part of a RPD used as a facepiece offering head
RPD exclusively intended for escape, incorporating a protection
filter against carbon monoxide through which the 3.64
ambient air is drawn to a facepiece high pressure
[EN 404:1993]
pressure between the source of compressed gas and
3.52 the device which is reducing the pressure to medium
fresh air hose breathing apparatus or low pressure
RPD in which breathable air is obtained through an air 3.65
supply hose either assisted (see 3.4) or unassisted hood
[EN 138:1994 and EN 269:1994] a loose-fitting facepiece, which covers at least the face,
3.53 and may cover the entire head
fresh air supply hose 3.66
see: air supply hose (3.2) hose
3.54 a hollow conduit to carry air at or around ambient
full face mask pressure.
a tight fitting facepiece covering mouth, nose, eyes see: breathing hose and air supply hose
and chin (3.14 and 3.2)
[EN 136:1998] 3.67
3.55 ion valve
fume non-return valve which allows breathable gas to enter
the facepiece and prevents exhaled air from leaving via
fine solid aerosol the inlet path
3.56 3.68
gas filter inhaled air
filter intended to remove specific gases and vapours air breathed in by the wearer
from the atmosphere passing through it
[prEN 141:1997, EN 371:1992, EN 372:1992]
interactive flow
3.57 the flow resulting from the combined action of a
hair net power-assisted device and a tidal breathing pattern at
see: head net (3.61). the facepiece

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3.70 3.82
inward leakage mist
inward leakage of the ambient atmosphere into the general term denoting a liquid aerosol
facepiece from all sources excluding filters of the
device, when measured in the laboratory in the specific
atmosphere. It is expressed as a percentage of total mounting flanges
inhaled air (see also 3.117) device to fix tightly together a full face mask and a
3.71 helmet
light duty construction 3.84
term that denotes mechanical properties of a mouthpiece assembly
RPD designed to be used in work situations with little facepiece held by the teeth or by teeth and head
risk of mechanical damage. see also: heavy duty harness, sealing against the lips and through which air
construction (3.62) is inhaled and exhaled while the nose is closed by a
3.72 clip
low boiling organic compound [EN 142:1989]
an organic compound having a boiling point # 65 8C at 3.85
atmospheric pressure multiple filters
3.73 term that denotes constructions where the full air flow
low pressure for a RPD is divided between two or more filters
pressure within a facepiece or in a breathing hose 3.86
directly connected to the facepiece, approximately multi-type gas-filter
ambient atmospheric pressure
gas filter which meets the requirements of more than
3.74 one type of gas filter
lung governed demand valve
a valve for breathing apparatus by which an air supply
is regulated in accordance with the wearer's breathing nominal working duration
(see 3.33) the working time of a device, used for the
3.75 classification determined in laboratory tests with a
flow rate specified in the European Standard. The
manufacturer's design duration
nominal working duration does not give an indication
the time, as stated by the manufacturer, for which the of the possible effective working duration of a device
manufacturer's minimum design flow rate is exceeded in practical use. Possible effective working durations
3.76 can differ from the nominal working duration in both
manufacturer's minimum design condition directions, positive and negative depending upon the
the lowest level of operating conditions of the device actual work rate
as stated by the manufacturer at which the complete 3.88
device will still meet the requirements for the overflow valve
designated class
s non-return valve, fitted to the breathing hose, that is
3.77 specially designed to allow the excess air supply to
manufacturer's minimum design flow rate escape to atmosphere
the minimum air flow rate, as stated by the 3.89
manufacturer, at which the class requirements are met.
oxygen deficient air
ambient air containing oxygen less than 17 % by
mask volume (dry air) where filtering device can not be used
see: full face mask, half mask and quarter mask
(3.54, 3.58 and 3.99) 3.90
3.79 oxygen enriched air
medium pressure air containing oxygen at higher concentrations than
that of natural air
normally 2 bar to 10 bar gauge pressure
3.80 3.91
medium pressure connecting tube particle
a tube connecting the demand valve or the control solid or liquid substance in the finely divided state
valve with the air supply system at medium pressure 3.92
3.81 particle filter
minute volume filter which is intended to remove airborne particles
volume of air exhaled in 1 min [prEN 143:1997]

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3.93 3.104
pendulum-type respiratory protective device self-contained breathing apparatus
RPD in which the wearer alternatively inhales and breathing apparatus where the breathing gas supply is
exhales by the same route carried by the wearer
3.94 3.105
power assisted filtering device self-contained closed-circuit breathing
filtering device in which air is delivered to full face apparatus; chemical oxygen (KO2) escape
mask, half mask or quarter mask by means of blower apparatus
worn by the wearer. In the classification the letters TM RPD for escape only. Function based on chemically
are derived from the words ªTurboº and ªMaskº generated oxygen (KO2) in a closed breathing circuit
[EN 12942:1998] [EN 401:1993]
3.95 3.106
powered filtering device self-contained closed-circuit breathing
filtering device in which air is delivered to a hood or a apparatus; chemical oxygen (NaClO3) escape
helmet by means of a blower worn by the wearer. In apparatus
the classification the letters TH are derived from the RPD for escape only. Function based on chemically
words ªTurboº and ªHoodº generated oxygen (NaClO3) in a closed breathing
[EN 12941:1998] circuit
3.96 [EN 1061:1996]
powered fresh air hose breathing apparatus 3.107
incorporating a hood self-contained closed-circuit breathing
apparatus which is not self-contained and in which apparatus; compressed oxygen escape apparatus
breathable fresh air is blown from an air source by RPD for escape only. Function based on compressed
means of a powered air supply oxygen in a closed breathing circuit
[EN 269:1994] [EN 400:1993]
3.97 3.108
prefilter self-contained closed-circuit oxygen breathing
filter intended to remove coarse particles before they apparatus
enter the filter self-contained breathing apparatus which removes
3.98 carbon dioxide from the exhaled air and adds oxygen
or oxygen/nitrogen to the inhaled air for breathing by
pressure reducer
the wearer and is independent of the ambient
device which reduces pressure to a lower pressure atmosphere
3.99 [EN 145:1997]
quarter mask 3.109
a tight fitting facepiece covering mouth and nose self-contained open-circuit compressed air
3.100 breathing apparatus
rated working duration self-contained breathing apparatus (see 3.104) which
the working time of a device used for the classification has a portable supply of compressed air and is
determined in laboratory tests with a flow rate independent of the ambient atmosphere. The exhaled
specified in the European Standard. The rated working air passes without recirculation to the ambient
duration is the effective working duration of the device atmosphere
in practical use [EN 137:1993]
3.101 3.110
relief valve self-contained open-circuit compressed air
breathing apparatus with full face mask or
a valve to release overpressure
mouthpiece assembly for escape
3.102 RPD for escape only. Function based on air supply
respiratory protective device (RPD) from a high pressure cylinder to full face mask or
personal protective equipment designed to protect the mouthpiece assembly
wearer's respiratory tracts against inhalation of [EN 402:1993]
atmospheres that would normally cause adverse health 3.111
effects self-contained open-circuit compressed air
3.103 breathing apparatus with hood for escape
respiratory protective device for escape RPD for escape only. Function based on air supply
see: escape-type respiratory protective device from a high pressure cylinder to a hood
(3.37) [EN 1146:1997]

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3.112 3.123
separator warning device
a device to remove liquids from compressed air a device to inform the user that the RPD will soon stop
or has already stopped operating at the desired
3.113 conditions
single use
term denoting that a RPD or a filter is not designed for
repeated applications after the first shift water based aerosol
aerosols produced from solutions and/or suspensions
3.114 of particulate materials in water such that the only
smoke workplace contaminant is attributed to this solid
general term denoting an aerosol generated by material
incomplete combustion
3.115 4 Pictograms
smoke hood 4.1 See information supplied by the
RPD for escape only. Function based upon a filter manufacturer
through which ambient air is drawn to a hood
[EN 403:1993]
spiral coiled tube
a tube which is manufactured such that being in its
relaxed state it assumes a natural spiral coil
3.117 4.2 End of shelf life
total inward leakage
inward leakage of the ambient atmosphere into the
facepiece from all sources including filter or device,
when measured in the laboratory in the specific test
atmosphere. It is expressed as a percentage of total
inhaled air
a hollow conduit to carry air at pressures in excess of 4.3 Temperature range of storage conditions
ambient pressure
turbo filtering device
see: power assisted and powered filtering device
(3.94 and 3.95)
valved filtering half mask
a filtering half mask fitted with exhalation and 4.4 Maximum humidity of storage conditions
inhalation valves
[prEN 405:1998]
gaseous phase of a substance which is liquid or solid
at 20 8C and 1 bar (absolute)
the part of the facepiece which meets at least field of
vision requirements of a European Standard and can in
addition provide eye protection

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EN 132:1998

Alphabetical Index

aerosol 3.1 escape-type respiratory protective device 3.37
air supply hose 3.2 exhalation valve 3.38
ambient atmosphere 3.3 exhaled air 3.39
assisted 3.4 exposed parts 3.40

blouse 3.5 face blank 3.41
body harness 3.6 facepiece 3.42
breakthrough concentration 3.7 facepiece incorporating head protection 3.43
breakthrough time 3.8 face seal leakage 3.44
breathable air 3.9 filter 3.45
breathable gas 3.10 filter housing 3.46
breathing apparatus 3.11 filtering device 3.47
breathing apparatus for use in abrasive 3.12 filtering devices with hood for self-rescue from 3.48
blasting operations fire (filtering smoke hood)
breathing bag 3.13 filtering facepiece 3.49
breathing hose (low pressure) 3.14 filtering half mask 3.50
breathing resistance 3.15 filter self rescuer 3.51
breath-responsive 3.16 fresh air hose breathing apparatus 3.52
fresh air supply hose 3.53
C full face mask 3.54
checking device 3.17 fume 3.55
chemical oxygen (KO2) escape apparatus 3.18
chemical oxygen (NaClO3) escape apparatus 3.19 G
clogging 3.20 gas filter 3.56
combined filter 3.21
compressed air escape apparatus 3.22 H
compressed air escape apparatus with hood 3.23 hair net 3.57
compressed air filter 3.24 half mask 3.58
compressed air line breathing apparatus 3.25 half mask without inhalation valves 3.59
compressed air supply tube 3.26 head harness 3.60
contaminant 3.27 head net 3.61
continuous flow valve 3.28 heavy duty construction 3.62
helmet 3.63
D high pressure 3.64
dead space 3.29 hood 3.65
demand type 3.30 hose 3.66
demand type with positive pressure 3.31
demand type without positive pressure 3.32 I
demand valve 3.33 inhalation valve 3.67
dew point 3.34 inhaled air 3.68
downstream valve 3.35 interactive flow 3.69
dust 3.36 inward leakage 3.70

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light duty construction 3.71 rated working duration 3.100
low boiling organic compound 3.72 relief valve 3.101
low pressure 3.73 respiratory protective device (rpd) 3.102
lung governed demand valve 3.74 respiratory protective device for escape 3.103

manufacturer's design duration 3.75 self-contained breathing apparatus 3.104
manufacturer's minimum design condition 3.76 self-contained closed-circuit breathing 3.105
manufacturer's minimum design flow rate 3.77 apparatus; chemical oxygen (KO2) escape
mask 3.78
self-contained closed-circuit breathing 3.106
medium pressure 3.79
apparatus; chemical oxygen (NaClO3) escape
medium pressure connecting tube 3.80 apparatus
minute volume 3.81 self-contained closed-circuit breathing 3.107
mist 3.82 apparatus; compressed oxygen escape
mounting flanges 3.83 apparatus
mouthpiece assembly 3.84 self-contained closed-circuit oxygen breathing 3.108
multiple filters 3.85
self-contained open-circuit compressed air 3.109
multi-type gas-filter 3.86 breathing apparatus
self-contained open-circuit compressed air 3.110
N breathing apparatus with full face mask or
mouthpiece assembly for escape
nominal working duration 3.87
self-contained open-circuit compressed air 3.111
breathing apparatus with hood for escape
O separator 3.112
overflow valve 3.88 single use 3.113
oxygen deficient air 3.89 smoke 3.114
oxygen enriched air 3.90 smoke hood 3.115
spiral coiled tube 3.116
particle 3.91 T
particle filter 3.92 total inward leakage 3.117
pendulum-type respiratory protective device 3.93 tube 3.118
power assisted filtering device 3.94 turbo filtering device 3.119
powered filtering device 3.95
powered fresh air hose breathing apparatus 3.96 V
incorporating a hood
valved filtering half mask 3.120
prefilter 3.97
vapour 3.121
pressure reducer 3.98
visor 3.122

quarter mask 3.99
warning device 3.123
water based aerosol 3.124

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Annex ZA (informative)
Clauses of this European Standard
addressing essential requirements or
other provisions of EU Directives
This European Standard has been prepared under a
mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association and supports
essential requirements of EU Directive 89/686/EEC.
WARNING Other requirements and other EU Directives
may be applicable to the products falling within the
scope of this standard.
The clauses of this standard are likely to support
requirements of Directive 89/686/EEC, Annex II:

EU-Directive 89/686/EEC, Annex II Clauses of this

standard 3
1.2.1 4 4
1.3.2 4
1.4 3, 4
2.4 3, 4
2.6 3
2.8 3, 4
2.12 4
3.10.1 3, 4

Compliance with this standard provides one means of

conforming with the specific essential requirements of
the Directive concerned and associated EFTA

 BSI 04-1999
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