Ch-06 Electromagnetic Induction: Lect-06
Ch-06 Electromagnetic Induction: Lect-06
Ch-06 Electromagnetic Induction: Lect-06
Solution of DPP-01,02,03& 04
2𝑖𝑙𝐵𝑡 𝑖𝑙𝐵𝑡
(c) (d)
𝑚 3𝑚
14-09-2020 Physicswallah Lakshya Batch 2020-21
Q 1) Figure shows rod 𝑷𝑸 of mass 𝒎 and resistance 𝒓 moving
on two fixed, resistance less, smooth conducting rails (closed
on both sides by resistances 𝑹𝟏 and 𝑹𝟐 ). Find the current in
the rod (at the instant its velocity is 𝒗).
Q 5) Two smooth conducting fixed parallel rails are inclined at
an angle 𝜽 to the horizontal. The top end of the rails are
connected with a resistance 𝑹. A straight horizontal conducting
rod 𝑴𝑵 of length 𝒍, and mass 𝒎 slides down on these rails as
shown in figure. The system is located in a uniform magnetic
field of induction 𝑩 in vertically upward direction as shown in
figure. The resistances of the bars, the rod and the sliding
contacts are considered to be negligible. If the rod is released
from rest, find the steady state velocity of the rod.
Q 6) A rod of mass 𝒎, length 𝒍 and resistance 𝑹 is sliding
down on a smooth inclined parallel rails with a constant
velocity 𝒗. If a uniform horizontal magnetic field 𝑩 exists,
then find the value of 𝑩.