CISA Domain 1: Auditing Information Systems
CISA Domain 1: Auditing Information Systems
CISA Domain 1: Auditing Information Systems
The Process On
Overall understanding of the domain:
Weightage - This domain constitutes 21 percent of the CISA exam
(approximately 32 questions)
Points to remember:
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giving an “independent audit opinion”
Point to remember: The first step in the audit planning is always under-
standing the business mission, objectives and business environment, then
analyzing the risk involved based in the audit scope.
1. Short term planning – considers audit issues that will be covered during
the year
2. Long term planning - audit plans that will take into account risk-related
issues regarding changes in the organization’s IT strategic direction that
will affect the organization’s IT environment.
Risk analysis is part of audit planning, and help identify risk and vulnerabili
ties so the IS auditor can determine the controls needed to mitigate those
Risk Assessment Process –The process starts with identifying the source
& events, then identifying the vulnerabilities associated with the sources, &
then analyzing the probability of the occurrence and the impact.
Point to remember:
The board of directors are responsible for establishing the effective inter
nal control system
a. Preventive controls
b. Detective controls
c. Corrective controls
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Preventive controls: are those internal controls which are deployed to pre
vent happening of an event that might affect achievement of organization
al objectives. Some examples of preventive control activities are:
bank reconciliations
control totals
physical inventory counts
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reconciliation of the general ledgers to the detailed subsidiary ledgers
Internal audit functions
data backups can be used to restore lost data in case of a fire or other
data validity tests can require users to confirm data inputs if amounts are
outside a reasonable range
insurance can be utilized to help replace damaged or stolen assets
management variance reports can highlight variances from budget to
actual for management corrective action
training and operations manuals can be revised to prevent future errors
and irregularities
5 Principles 7 Enablers
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d. Residual risk – Risk that remains after controls are taken into
Substantive testing -
gathers evidences to
evaluate the integrity of
individual transactions,
data or other information
performance of a
complex calculation on
sample basis
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testing of account balances
Point to remember:
Methods of sampling
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to discover fraud
b. Objectives of CSA
to leverage the internal audit function by
shifting some of the control monitoring
responsibilities to the functional areas
not intended to replace audit’s
responsibilities but to enhance them
c. Benefits of CSA
Early detection of risk
More effective and improved
internal controls
Developing a sense
of ownership of the
controls in the
employees and
process owners
reducing their
resistance to
control improvement
Increased communication between operational and
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top management
Highly motivated employees
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