Need of Control Joint in Concrete
Need of Control Joint in Concrete
Need of Control Joint in Concrete
in Concrete
Control joints in concrete are provided at regular interval to from a weak plane, so that cracks are
formed at the joints but not in undesired places. Control joints are provided in concrete
pavements, slabs, walls, floors, dams, canal linings, bridge, retaining walls etc.
When concrete is placed, due to shrinkage, creep and thermal movement concrete tends to reduce
in size due to which small cracks are formed in the concrete at weak zone.
Concrete tends to shrink or reduce in size when it starts hardening. This shrinkage of concrete
creates tensile stresses in the concrete which develops the minute cracks at the weak plane.
Generally these joints are pre-defined in the drawings given by designer or architect. If not
defined, they will be in a regular pattern or be an integral part of the architectural
features. Control joints form a convenient point at which to stop concrete work at the end of the
day. Control joints should never be formed in the middle of a bay.
Control joint is placed at the location of highest concentration of tensile stresses resulting from
shrinkage are expected:
Concrete is not an elastic substance, and therefore it does not bend or stretch without failure.
However, concrete moves during expansion and shrinkage, due to which the structural elements
shift slightly.
To prevent harmful effects due to concrete movement, several expansion joints are incorporated
in concrete construction, including foundations, walls, roof expansion joints, and paving slabs.
These joints need to be carefully designed, located, and installed. If a slab is positioned
continuously on surfaces exceeding one face, an expansion joint will be necessary to reduce
stresses. Concrete sealer may be used for the filling of gaps produced by cracks.
1. Expansion joints permits thermal contraction and expansion without inducing stresses
into the elements.
2. An expansion joint is designed to absorb safely the expansion and contraction of several
construction materials, absorb vibrations, and permit soil movements due to earthquakes
or ground settlement.
3. The expansion joints are normally located between sections of bridges, paving slabs,
railway tracks, and piping systems.
4. The expansion joints are incorporated to endure the stresses.
5. An expansion joint is simply a disconnection between segments of the same materials.
6. In the concrete block construction, the expansion joints are expressed as control joints.
Fig 4: Expansion Joint in pavement
Based on the location of joint, expansion joints are divided into following types,
Based on the type of material used in making of joint, expansion joints are further classified into
following types,
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