Concrete masonry:
They are made from Portland cement and aggregate, are manufactured
acco rd in g to standardized dimensions, and are properly cured before use. Therefore,
total strength is required at the time of installation in the structure.
The use of cement concrete blocks for masonry construction has developed
rapidly due to the various advantages which they possess over traditional building
materials like bricks and stones. The main advantages of concrete blocks are their large
size, uniformity in design, easy handling and placing, attractive appearance, and
strength. Cheapness and ease with which blocks of any size or form can be
manufactured and laid are the two distinct qualities of concrete blocks as a valuable
building materials. The use of machines with large manufacturing capacity enables
quick production. The method of steam curing enables these blocks to be laid within
hours after casting. In the same way, the main disadvantages of concrete blocks are:
a. Expensive labor – concrete masonry unit (CMU) construction is labor-intensive.
Depending on localities, labor can be very expensive
b. Heavy - Masonry buildings weigh more than comparable steel-framed and
wood-framed buildings.
c. Absorbent - CMU like any other cementitious material is absorbent to water
penetration and must be weather-proofed.
d. Modular - Typical CMU has modular 20*20*40 cm nominal dimensions and is a
bit difficult to have walls that have odd dimensions or smooth curves.
e. Difficult to insulate - Block has a very low "R" value and generally, walls must
be insulated by adding width to them - decreasing available floor square footage.
There are several kinds of concrete masonry units depending on the shapes and
sizes in which they are manufactured. However, two distinct types of concrete masonry
units are:
1. Regular concrete blocks: these are precast cement concrete blocks made from
dense aggregates and intended for load bearing walls.
2. Light weight concrete units: Light weight aggregates are used in the construction
of these units and although they are not as strong as the heavy concrete blocks,
yet they are extensively used for both load bearing and non-load bearing walls.
The situations where they are used for load bearing walls are external walls
rendered or otherwise protected, the inner leaf of cavity walls, backing for brick
work and stone masonry, internal load bearing walls and partitions and in filling
panels for framed buildings. The non-load bearing units are used in partitions
and in filling panels for framed buildings.
Fig. 8-1 Typical concrete masonry units
Concrete block masonry can be built in various sizes depending on the job
requirement. There is no standard size of concrete blocks. However, as
recommended, the face thickness should not be less than 5 cm and the net area
should be at least 55 % of the gross area.
B. Columns:
Whenever large bearing surfaces are needed, columns are used. They can form
an integral unit with the wall or can be built separately. They are made of t h e
standard stretcher and corner blocks or other special shapes. The hollows within the
blocks may be filled with concrete.
Fig. 8-3 Jamb details for 200 mm thick hollow block wall
D. Reinforced walls:
Vertical reinforcement may be provided in the hollow of the corner block and
filled with concrete.
Reinforcement is provided at the horizontal joints for developing higher strength
in walls. Further expansion cracks which can be occurred due to moisture and
temperature changes are reduced. Two horizontal bars of 6 mm diameter are placed
one each on the face of the wall. This reinforcement may be restricted to top and
bottom courses of window openings, door openings, etc. Welded steel mesh can also
be used.
Fig. 8-4 Corner details for 200 mm thick hollow block wall
Steps of construction of reinforced walls:
Step 1:
Lay your first four courses of the concrete block wall. On the fourth course, trowel a
very thin coat of mortar on the block.
Step 2:
Lay a run of masonry lathe down the entire course of the wall. (Masonry lathe is a kind
of metal mesh (with large openings) that acts as a horizontal reinforcement to the wall.
Horizontal reinforcement helps to evenly distribute the weight of the wall bears from
the upper storey or roof.
Step 3:
Drop rebar rods into every other cell of the hollow block. (Hollow blocks have two
openings, referred to as cells; each block should have one bar dropped into it.) The bar
should extend up into the air to reach what will be the next four courses of concrete
blocks. Double-check your construction drawings--some buildings specify that more or
less rebar be dropped in vertically than this typical placement. The plans will also
specify how long each piece of masonry rebar must be.
Step 4:
Drop an extra vertical bar in the cell of the hollow blocks located next to any door or
window opening. (These areas of the wall are subjected to greater stresses during
storms or seismic activity and require extra reinforcement.)
Step 5:
Fill each cell with fill mortar. (Fill mortar is a specific mix of Portland cement designed
for vertical pours in block walls.) Pull the vertical masonry rebar into the center of the
concrete block after the mortar has been poured. According to that, the bars that were
knocked out of place during the pour will not require to bend when the next course is
Step 6:
When the fill mortar has cured, you’re the next four courses should be laid on top of
the one that just was poured. Steps 1 through 6 should be repeated to complete the
construction of the block masonry wall.
Fig. 8-5 Reinforced walls
Expansion joints:
The masonry is liable to crack due to unequal stresses created due to the
expansion and contraction of the block. Hence, controlled joints are introduced at
definite intervals (5 to 10 m). These arrest the movement of the concrete masonry units.
They can be placed at the junction of load bearing and non-load bearing walls or at the
junction of walls and columns or at other suitable places.
a. S.K.SHARMA, Building construction