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Grade 3

Core Knowledge Language Arts® • Skills Strand

Unit 1 Reader
Classic Tales
Classic Tales
Unit 1 Reader
Skills Strand
Grade 3
Core Knowledge Language Arts®
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Table of Contents
Classic Tales
Unit 1 Reader
Introduction: Where in the World Do These Tales Come From? . . . 7

Chapter 1: Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Part I . . . . . . . . . 8

Chapter 2: Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Part II . . . . . . . 16

Chapter 3: Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Part III . . . . . . . 26

Chapter 4: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Part I . . . . . . . . 38

Chapter 5: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Part II . . . . . . . 48

Chapter 6: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Part III . . . . . . . 60

Chapter 7: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Part IV . . . . . . . 70

Chapter 8: The Open Road, Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Chapter 9: The Open Road, Part II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Chapter 10: The Open Road, Part III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Chapter 11: The Open Road, Part IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Where in the World
Do These Tales Come From?
“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”
“The Open Road”

Iran (Persia)
“Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp”

Classic Tales 7
Aladdin and the
1 Wonderful Lamp,
Part I
There once was a poor boy whose name was Aladdin.
His father was a tailor. When his father died, Aladdin’s
mother had to work to earn a living.

One day, a stranger greeted Aladdin.

“Tell me, son,” said the stranger. “Are you the son of
the tailor?”

“Yes,” said Aladdin.

The stranger threw his arms around him. “My dear

nephew!” he cried. “Your father was my brother! Now I
learn he is dead! What a shame!”

8 Classic Tales
A stranger greeted Aladdin.

Classic Tales 9
Aladdin took the man to his mother. She was
surprised. Her husband had never spoken of a brother.
Even so, she greeted the man kindly. When he promised
to help Aladdin become a merchant, she believed him.

But the stranger was not Aladdin’s uncle. He was a

magician from faraway north Africa. He had come to
Persia in search of a magic lamp. It was said that this lamp
would make a man rich. To find the lamp, the magician
needed a helper. He was looking for someone who would
help without asking any questions. He thought Aladdin
was just the right person.

The next day, the magician came to get Aladdin.

“Come with me,” he said. “I will introduce you to

other merchants.” Then, he led the boy out into the

10 Classic Tales
Aladdin took the man to meet his mother.

Classic Tales 11
The magician led Aladdin up a steep mountain. They
climbed for an hour. Then, they came to a spot where no
flowers grew.

“Get some sticks,” said the magician. “We will make a

fire. Then, I will show you something amazing.”

Aladdin did as he was told. The magician lit the fire.

Then, he threw perfumes into it and chanted magical
words. The sky darkened. Thunder rumbled. The earth
opened at their feet. There before them was a large stone
with a brass ring attached.

“Under this stone is a treasure,” said the magician.

“It will make you richer than any king. Lift the stone by
the ring. Then, go down the stairs. You will pass many
treasures, but you must not touch them. You will enter
a garden. There you will see a lamp hanging from a tree.
Bring that lamp to me. Once you have it, you may gather
any of the treasures that you see.”

Aladdin was amazed. He could not believe what he

was being asked to do. But he agreed.

“Take this ring,” said the magician. “It will keep you
safe from harm.” Aladdin took it and placed it on his

12 Classic Tales
The magician told Aladdin what to do.

Classic Tales 13
Aladdin lifted the stone. He went down the stairs.
He made his way through a hallway of treasures. He was
careful not to touch anything. When he found the lamp,
he tucked it inside his bag. Then, he filled his pockets
with all the glittering things he saw. He didn’t know they
were precious gems. He was thinking, “I will gather these
pretty things to play with at home.”

All those gems weighed Aladdin down. When he came

to the top of the staircase, he could not climb out. “Give
me a hand, Uncle,” he cried.

“First, give me the lamp,” the magician answered.

The lamp was buried in the bag Aladdin was carrying.

“I cannot reach it now,” Aladdin said.

“Hand it up to me,” said the magician.

“But I can’t!” Aladdin said.

The magician grew angry. “The lamp!” he cried, for

that was all he cared about.

But Aladdin did not want to drop anything. “I will

give it to you when I get out,” he said.

The impatient magician felt he could wait no longer.

He chanted a magic spell. The stone rolled back, trapping
Aladdin in the black darkness of the cave.

14 Classic Tales
“Give me the lamp,” said the magician.

Classic Tales 15
Aladdin and the
2 Wonderful Lamp,
Part II
Aladdin was trapped in the cave.

“Uncle!” he called. “Help me!” But there was no reply.

The magician had whisked himself back to north Africa.
All he wanted was the lamp. If Aladdin would not help
him get that, he cared nothing for Aladdin.

For three days, Aladdin stayed in the pitch-black cave.

At first, he shouted. Then, he wept. Finally, he put his
hands together to pray. As he did so, he happened to rub
the ring that the magician had placed on his finger. A
genie rose before him.

“What is your wish?” said the genie of the ring.

Aladdin was scared but he managed to say, “Take me

out of this cave!”


Aladdin found himself outside again.

16 Classic Tales
A genie rose before Aladdin.

Classic Tales 17
He ran home to tell his mother all that had happened.
He showed her the gems, which she thought were just
pretty things as well. Then, he showed her the lamp.

“It is so dirty,” said Aladdin’s mother. “Let me clean it.

Then, perhaps I can sell it and get us some food.”

She took a cloth and started rubbing the lamp.

Suddenly, a monstrous genie appeared. This genie was far
bigger than the one that had appeared to Aladdin before.

“What is your wish?” thundered the genie of the lamp.

The poor woman almost fainted with fear. Aladdin

said, “We are hungry! Get us something to eat!”


The genie returned with twelve gold platters piled

high with food. Aladdin and his mother ate their fill.
Then, they sold the silver platters and bought more food.

18 Classic Tales
The genie returned with platters of food.

Classic Tales 19
One day at the market, Aladdin caught a glimpse of
the Sultan’s daughter. She was so beautiful that he fell in
love at once. He told his mother that he wanted to marry
the princess.

Aladdin’s mother laughed. “Have you lost your

senses?” she said. “Your father was a poor tailor!”

“Remember the glittering things from the cave?” said

Aladdin. “Take them and offer them as a gift to the Sultan.”

Aladdin’s mother went to the Sultan. “My lord,” she

said. “My son Aladdin wishes to marry your daughter.”

The Sultan burst out laughing. “Your son and my

daughter?” he boomed. “Ha!”

Aladdin’s mother opened her cloth and displayed the


The Sultan fell silent. He stepped forward to look

closely at what he saw. He realized that they were not just
pretty, glittering things.

“These are astounding!” the Sultan thought. “I have

never seen such radiant gems!”

The Sultan spoke again: “Your son may marry my

daughter—on one condition. He must send forty servants,
each carrying a bowl of gems like these.”

20 Classic Tales
Aladdin’s mother showed the Sultan the glittering things from the cave.

Classic Tales 21
When Aladdin heard this, he rubbed his lamp. The
genie appeared. Aladdin repeated the Sultan’s wish.
Almost instantly, the genie returned with forty servants.
Each servant carried a large golden bowl. Half of the
bowls were filled with pearls and diamonds; the others
were filled with rubies and emeralds.

The Sultan was amazed. He agreed that Aladdin could

marry his daughter.

22 Classic Tales
The genie returned with forty servants.

Classic Tales 23
Aladdin was delighted. He rubbed the lamp. The genie

Aladdin commanded the genie to prepare a wedding

fit for a prince. The forty servants appeared again. They
brought Aladdin rich clothes and sweet perfumes. They
gave him a beautiful horse, which he rode to the wedding.
They threw gold pieces to the people who lined the streets
to see him. They made Aladdin a palace right next to the
Sultan’s palace. They even rolled out a thick, red carpet
for the princess; it stretched from the Sultan’s home to
Aladdin’s palace. When the Sultan saw Aladdin’s palace,
he was sure that Aladdin was the right husband for his
daughter. They celebrated their wedding with a feast and
music. The party lasted all day and all night.

24 Classic Tales
Aladdin married the Sultan’s daughter.

Classic Tales 25
Aladdin and the
3 Wonderful Lamp,
Part III
Aladdin was delighted with his new life. He felt that
everything was perfect. But danger lurked.

The magician heard of Aladdin’s good fortune. “That

lazy boy?” he said. “Married to the Sultan’s daughter?
Surely this must be the magic of the lamp.”

He whisked himself back to Persia. He dressed as a

poor peddler and carried a few shiny lamps in a basket. As
he walked by Aladdin’s palace, he shouted, “New lamps
for old!”

Aladdin was out hunting. His wife, the princess, heard

the voice from the street.

“We have that ugly, old lamp,” she thought. “I would

gladly trade it for a shiny, new one.”

She handed Aladdin’s lamp to the magician. He

handed her a new lamp.

26 Classic Tales
The princess traded the old lamp for a shiny, new one.

Classic Tales 27
The magician hurried away and later that day, he
rubbed the lamp. The genie appeared.

“Take Aladdin’s palace and all that it contains,”

commanded the magician. “Set it down in my home of
north Africa.”

“I hear and I obey,” said the genie of the lamp.

28 Classic Tales
The magician rubbed the lamp.

Classic Tales 29
The next morning, the Sultan looked out the window.
His daughter’s palace was gone. So was the princess. He
sent his soldiers out and they dragged Aladdin before the

“Find my daughter!” he stormed. “If you fail, you die!”

30 Classic Tales
The Sultan sent his soldiers to get Aladdin.

Classic Tales 31
Poor Aladdin wandered far from the city. He walked
beside a river and rubbed his hands, wondering what to do.

The genie of the ring appeared once more.

“What do you wish?” asked the genie of the ring.

“Bring my palace and my beloved wife home to me,”

begged Aladdin.

“Sadly,” said the genie, “I cannot. That duty belongs

only to the genie of the lamp.”

“Then, take me to be with my wife.”


Aladdin found himself in Africa. His wife greeted him

joyfully. She told him about the peddler and the lamp.
When Aladdin heard this, he knew that the magician had
used the lamp to work his evil deed. He and his wife made
a plan to get the lamp back.

32 Classic Tales
Aladdin begged the genie for help.

Classic Tales 33
The next day, the princess cooked the magician a fine
supper. Aladdin kept out of sight. She slipped poison into
the magician’s cup. One sip was all it took. The magician
fell on the floor, dead.

Aladdin ran in and found the lamp. The magician

had hidden it in his sleeve. Aladdin rubbed the lamp. The
monstrous genie appeared.

“What do you wish?” the genie of the lamp thundered.

“Take this palace, with all it contains,” commanded

Aladdin. “Carry it to Persia and set it down beside the
Sultan’s home.”

34 Classic Tales
Aladdin told the genie his wish.

Classic Tales 35
“I hear and I obey,” replied the genie of the lamp.

The palace was lifted up into the air.

The next morning, the Sultan arose and looked out

the window. He was very happy to see his daughter
and her palace once again. He ordered a month of

From then on, Aladdin lived with the princess in

peace, pleasure, and safety. When the old Sultan died,
Aladdin took his throne. He ruled justly over all people,
rich and poor.

36 Classic Tales
The Sultan awoke to see his daughter.

Classic Tales 37
Alice’s Adventures
4 in Wonderland,
Part I
In 1865, the English author Lewis Carroll introduced the
world to a girl named Alice and the strange and funny world of

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her

sister on the bank of the river with nothing to do. Once or
twice, she had peeked into the book her sister was reading.
But the book had no pictures or conversations in it.

“What is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without

pictures or conversations?”

It was a hot day. The heat made Alice feel sleepy.

She was thinking if the pleasure of making a daisy-chain
would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the
daisies. Just then, a White Rabbit ran past her.

38 Classic Tales
Alice sees the White Rabbit.

Classic Tales 39
There was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did
Alice think it so very peculiar to hear the Rabbit say to
itself, “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” But when
the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket, Alice jumped to
her feet. She ran after the Rabbit and saw him pop down a
large rabbit hole.

Alice followed the Rabbit down the hole, never once

thinking how she would get out again. The rabbit hole
dipped suddenly down. Alice found herself falling down
what seemed to be a very deep well.

40 Classic Tales
Alice followed the Rabbit.

Classic Tales 41
Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly,
for she had plenty of time to look about her. She looked at
the sides of the well. They were filled with cupboards and

“Well!” thought Alice to herself. “After a fall like this, I

shall think nothing of tumbling down the stairs!”

Down, down, down. Would the fall ever come to an


“I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen by this time.”

Alice said aloud. “I must be getting somewhere near
the center of the earth. Let me see: that would be four
thousand miles down, I think. I wonder if I shall fall
right through the earth! How funny it will be to come
out among the people that walk with their heads pointing
downwards! I shall have to ask them what the name of
the country is. ‘Please, Ma’am, is this New Zealand?
Or Australia?’” She felt that she was dozing off when
suddenly, thump! Down she came upon a heap of sticks
and dry leaves.

42 Classic Tales
Alice fell down, down, down.

Classic Tales 43
Alice was not hurt. She got up and looked around.
Before her was a long tunnel. The White Rabbit was
hurrying down it. Alice ran after him. She heard him
say, “Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it’s getting!” She
thought she was catching up to the White Rabbit. Then,
she turned the corner and, poof! He was gone.

Alice found herself in a long, low hall. There were

many doors, but they were all locked. She wondered how
she would ever get out.

Suddenly, she came upon a little three-legged table.

It was made of solid glass. There was nothing on it but a
tiny, golden key. But, it would not open any of the doors.

44 Classic Tales
Alice ran after the White Rabbit.

Classic Tales 45
Then, Alice spotted a curtain she had not noticed
before. Behind it was a little door about fifteen inches
high. She tried the little, golden key in the lock. It fit!

The door led into a small tunnel. It was not much

larger than a rat hole. Alice knelt down and looked out
into the loveliest garden she had ever seen. She longed to
get out of that dark hall. She longed to wander about the
garden. But the doorway was tiny. She could not even get
her head through it.

There seemed to be no use in waiting by the little door

so Alice went back to the table. This time, she found a
little bottle on it.

“Hmm,” said Alice. “That was not there before.”

Alice looked closely at the bottle. The label said,


“I’ll look first,” Alice said, “to see if it’s marked


The bottle was not marked Poison so Alice decided to

taste it. She found it had a sort of mixed flavor. It tasted
like cherry tart, custard, pineapple, roast turkey, toffee,
and hot buttered toast. Alice drank it up.

46 Classic Tales
Alice tasted what was in the bottle.

Classic Tales 47
Alice’s Adventures
5 in Wonderland,
Part II
When last we saw Alice, she had decided to drink from a little
bottle. The contents of the bottle tasted rather odd.

“What a curious feeling!” said Alice. She was shrinking

smaller and smaller. Soon, she was only ten inches high.
That was just the right size to fit through the little door
that led to the garden. But, when she got to the door, she
found she had forgotten the little, golden key. She went
back to the table for it, but she was too short to reach it.

Alice sat down and cried, but soon her eye fell on a
little, glass box that was under the table. She opened it
and found a very small cake. The words ‘EAT ME’ were
spelled out on the cake with currants.

“I’ll eat it,” said Alice enthusiastically.

48 Classic Tales
Alice found a small cake.

Classic Tales 49
“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice. “Now, I’m
growing larger and larger! Goodbye, feet!”

Alice’s head bumped against the roof of the hall. She

was nine feet tall. She grabbed the little, golden key and
ran to the garden door.

But, she was now too large to go through the doorway!

All she could do was peek into the garden with one eye.

50 Classic Tales
Alice grabbed the key.

Classic Tales 51
Alice sat down and began to cry again. She went on,
crying gallons of tears, until there was a large pool around

Then, Alice heard a pattering of feet in the distance.

It was the White Rabbit returning. He was splendidly
dressed, with a pair of white gloves in one hand and a
large fan in the other. He was muttering to himself, “Oh,
The Duchess! Won’t she be cross if I’ve kept her waiting!”

When the Rabbit came near her, Alice tried to speak

to him.

“If you please, sir—”

The Rabbit was startled. He dropped his gloves and

his fan and scurried away into the darkness.

“How odd everything is today!” said Alice.

52 Classic Tales
Alice saw the White Rabbit again.

Classic Tales 53
As she said this, Alice could see that she was shrinking
again. In another moment, splash! She was up to her chin
in water. Poor Alice was swimming in a pool of her own

“I wish I hadn’t cried so much!” said Alice as she swam

about in search of a way out. Thankfully, Alice did find a
way out. She was not one for sitting still doing nothing, so
she began to wander further and further into Wonderland.

54 Classic Tales
Alice swam in a pool of her own tears.

Classic Tales 55
It was at that point that she came upon a large, blue
Caterpillar. The Caterpillar was sitting on a mushroom
and smoking a pipe.

Alice stood on her tiptoes and peeked over the edge of

the mushroom. Her eyes met those of the Caterpillar. The
two of them looked at each other for some time in silence.
At last, the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth and
asked, “Who are you?”

Alice replied, “I—I hardly know, sir. I know who I

was when I got up this morning, but I have been changed
several times since then.”

“What do you mean by that?” said the Caterpillar

sternly. “Explain yourself!”

“I can’t explain myself, sir,” said Alice, “because I’m

not myself, you see.”

“I don’t see,” said the Caterpillar.

“I’m afraid I can’t put it more clearly,” Alice replied. “I

find that being so many different sizes in one day is very

“It isn’t,” said the Caterpillar.

56 Classic Tales
Alice came upon the Caterpillar.

Classic Tales 57
Alice felt a little irritated by the Caterpillar and she
turned away.

“Come back!” the Caterpillar called. “I’ve something

important to say!”

This sounded promising, so Alice turned and came

back again.

“Keep your temper,” said the Caterpillar.

“Is that all?” said Alice.

In a minute or two, the Caterpillar took the pipe out

of his mouth and got down off the mushroom. Then, he
crawled away into the grass. As he went, he said, “One
side will make you grow taller. The other side will make
you grow shorter.”

“One side of what?” thought Alice to herself.

“Of the mushroom,” said the Caterpillar.

In another moment, the Caterpillar was gone.

Alice broke off a bit of each side of the mushroom.

She ate small bites and managed to bring herself back to
her normal height.

58 Classic Tales
Alice watched the Caterpillar crawl away.

Classic Tales 59
Alice’s Adventures
6 in Wonderland,
Part III
Next, Alice wandered until she came upon a Cheshire Cat. The
Cat was sitting on the branch of a tree and grinning from ear to
ear. Alice was beginning to wish her time in Wonderland would
come to an end.

“Cheshire Cat,” Alice said, “would you tell me, please,

which way I should walk from here?”

“That depends a lot on where you want to get to,” said

the Cat.

“I don’t care much where—” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the


“—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added.

“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only
walk long enough.”

Alice tried another question, “What sort of people live


60 Classic Tales
Alice came upon the Cheshire Cat.

Classic Tales 61
“In that direction,” said the Cat, waving his right paw,
“lives a Mad Hatter. In that direction lives a March Hare.
Visit either of them if you like: they’re both mad.”

“But I don’t want to visit with mad people,” Alice


“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat. “We’re all mad

Then, the Cat vanished slowly, beginning at the end

of his tail and ending with his grin, which remained some
time after the rest of him had gone.

“Well!” thought Alice. “A grin without a cat! How


62 Classic Tales
Alice spoke with the Cheshire Cat.

Classic Tales 63
She walked a bit and came to a house with a table set
up in front. The March Hare and the Mad Hatter were
having tea. A Dormouse was sitting between them. The
table was large but the three of them were all crowded
together at one corner of it.

“No room! No room!” they cried out when they saw

Alice coming.

“There’s plenty of room!” said Alice indignantly. She

sat down in a large armchair at one end of the table.

“Have some lemonade,” said the March Hare.

Alice looked all around the table.

“I don’t see any lemonade,” she remarked.

“There isn’t any,” said the March Hare.

“Then, it wasn’t very civil of you to offer it,” said Alice


“It wasn’t very civil of you to sit down without being

invited,” said the March Hare.

64 Classic Tales
Alice met the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, and the Dormouse.

Classic Tales 65
The Mad Hatter looked at Alice for some time. At
last, he said, “Why is a raven like a writing desk?”

“A riddle!” thought Alice. “We shall have some fun


“I believe I can guess that,” she added aloud.

“Do you mean that you think you know the answer to
it?” asked the March Hare.

“Exactly so,” said Alice.

“Then, you should say what you mean,” the March

Hare went on.

“I do,” Alice replied. “At least, I mean what I say—

that’s the same thing, you know.”

“Not the same thing at all!” said the Mad Hatter.

“Why, you might as well say that ‘I see what I eat’ is the
same thing as ‘I eat what I see!’”

“You might as well say,” added the Dormouse, which

seemed to be walking and talking in its sleep, “that ‘I
breathe when I sleep’ is the same thing as ‘I sleep when I

66 Classic Tales
The March Hare answered Alice.

Classic Tales 67
“It is the same thing with you,” said the Mad Hatter.
Then, he turned to Alice again and asked, “Have you
guessed the riddle yet?”

“No, I give up,” Alice replied. “What’s the answer?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Mad Hatter.

“Nor I,” said the March Hare.

“Well,” thought Alice, “this is the strangest tea party I

ever was at in all my life!”

Alice stayed for a while longer and listened to the

Dormouse tell a story about three sisters who lived at the
bottom of a treacle well. The story was very odd indeed.
Alice, confused by the tale, frequently questioned the
Dormouse. At last, a frustrated Alice walked off.

“It’s the strangest tea party I ever was at in all my life!”

Alice concluded.

68 Classic Tales
Alice walked away frustrated.

Classic Tales 69
Alice’s Adventures
7 in Wonderland,
Part IV
In this final chapter, Alice comes across even more odd things in

As Alice wandered further into Wonderland, she

found a door in a tree that led into a hallway. The hallway
led into the beautiful garden that she had been in earlier.
Remarkably, upon entering the garden, she met a huge
number of people, including royal courtiers and royal
children, as well as the King and Queen of Hearts. They
were about to begin a game of croquet and they invited
Alice to play.

The game itself proved to be nothing but chaos, partly

because the croquet ground was all ridges and furrows.
The croquet balls were live hedgehogs and the mallets
were flamingos. Alice found that her biggest problem
was managing her flamingo and stopping the balls—or
hedgehogs—from walking away. In addition, the players
all played at the same time without waiting for their turn.
The Queen, for her part, began stamping about and
shouting, “Off with his head!” or “Off with her head!”

70 Classic Tales
Alice came across even more odd things in Wonderland.

Classic Tales 71
But lucky for Alice, she was removed from the game
by none other than the Queen who was eager for Alice to
meet the Mock Turtle. On their way to meet the Mock
Turtle, Alice was introduced to the Gryphon. What are a
Mock Turtle and a Gryphon? Alice did not know either;
nor did she ever get an answer that made sense. The
best answer is that they are two more examples of the
extraordinary inhabitants of Wonderland.

Together the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon told the

Queen and Alice stories of their school days. They recalled
the subjects they had studied in school, including Reeling,
Writhing, and Ambition, not to mention ancient and
modern Mystery. Alice was quite certain that she had not
yet studied these subjects.

72 Classic Tales
Alice met the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon.

Classic Tales 73
This odd conversation was stopped by the news that
an important trial had begun. Alice raced off with the
Gryphon to discover that the Knave of Hearts was on trial
for stealing some tarts.

Just like the game of croquet, the trial itself was a

confusing mess. The witnesses were not at all helpful.
Quite strangely, Alice herself was called as a witness.
When the Queen said that the sentence should be
announced before the jury had decided upon their verdict,
Alice was ready to scream. In fact, she did.

“Stuff and nonsense!” said Alice loudly. “The idea of

having the sentence first!”

“Hold your tongue!” said the Queen, turning purple.

“I won’t!” said Alice.

“Off with her head!” yelled the Queen.

74 Classic Tales
Alice spoke at the trial.

Classic Tales 75
Again, lucky for Alice, just at that moment she woke
up on the river bank beside her sister. The sun was still
shining and it was indeed a beautiful day. Alice eagerly
told her sister all about her dream and her adventures in
Wonderland. Alice’s sister was quite entertained by the
stories of Wonderland and the way in which Alice told
them. Alice’s eyes twinkled and shone as she told her sister
about the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter,
the March Hare, the King and Queen of Hearts, not to
mention the White Rabbit.

As Alice skipped away to enjoy some afternoon tea,

her sister imagined this magical world full of curious
creatures. Alice’s sister hoped that Alice would always
remember the day that she dreamed of Wonderland and
continue to tell the stories.

76 Classic Tales
Alice told her sister of her adventures.

Classic Tales 77

8 The Open Road,

Part I
In 1908, the Scottish author Kenneth Grahame delighted readers
with stories of Toad, Mole, and Rat and their adventures in a
book called “The Wind in the Willows.”

“Won’t you take me to call on Toad?” said Mole to his

friend, Rat. “I’ve heard so much about him.”

“Why, of course,” said Rat. “Get the boat out and we’ll
paddle up there at once. It’s never the wrong time to call
on Toad. Early or late, he’s always the same fellow: always
good-tempered, always glad to see you, and always sorry
when you go!”

“He must be a very nice animal,” said Mole, as he got

into the boat.

“He is indeed the best of animals,” replied Rat, “so

simple, and so friendly. Perhaps he’s not very clever—we
can’t all be smart. It may be that he is both boastful and
conceited. But Toady is a great friend.”

78 Classic Tales
Rat told Mole about his friend, Toad.

Classic Tales 79
Rounding a bend in the river, they came in sight of
a handsome, dignified old house. It was faded red brick,
with well-kept lawns reaching down to the water’s edge.

“There’s Toad Hall,” said Rat. “See that creek on

the left? That leads to Toad’s boathouse. That’s where
we’ll leave the boat. The stables are over there. That’s the
banquet hall you’re looking at now—very old, that is.
Toad is rather rich, you know. This is really one of the
nicest houses around, though we never admit as much to

They glided up the creek and passed into the shadow

of a large boathouse. There they saw many large boats.
Some were slung from the cross beams. Some were hauled
up on a slip. But none of them were in the water. The
place seemed deserted.

Rat looked around him. “I see how it is,” he said.

“Boating is old news. Toad is tired of it and done with it.
I wonder what new fad he has taken up now. Come along
and let’s go see. We shall hear all about it soon enough.”

80 Classic Tales
Rat and Mole arrived at Toad Hall.

Classic Tales 81
They stepped out of the boat and walked across the
flower-decked lawn. They found Toad resting in a wicker
garden chair. He had large map spread out on his knees.

“Hooray!” he cried, jumping up upon seeing them.

“This is splendid!” He shook the paws of both of them
warmly, never waiting for an introduction to Mole. “How
kind of you!” he went on, dancing round them. “I was
just going to send a boat down the river for you, Ratty,
with strict orders that you were to come here at once,
whatever you were doing. You don’t know how lucky it is,
your turning up just now!”

“What a delightful house you have!” said Mole.

“Finest house on the whole river,” cried Toad proudly.

“Or anywhere else, for that matter,” he could not help

82 Classic Tales
Rat and Mole found Toad looking at a map.

Classic Tales 83

9 The Open Road,

Part II
Toad was so excited that Rat and Mole had come for a visit.

“Now then,” Toad said. “You fellows must help me. It’s
most important!”

“You want us to help you with your boating?” asked


“O, pooh, boating!” said Toad, in great disgust. “A

silly, boyish amusement. I gave that up long ago. A waste
of time, that’s what it is. It makes me very sorry to see you
fellows, who ought to know better, spending all your time
thinking about boating. No, I’ve discovered the real thing,
the best occupation for a lifetime. I plan to spend the rest
of my life on it, and can only wish I hadn’t spent so many
years boating. Come with me, dear Ratty, and your dear
friend also. Come with me just as far as the stable yard,
and you shall see what you shall see!”

84 Classic Tales
Toad led Rat and Mole to the stable yard.

Classic Tales 85
Toad led the way to the stable yard. Rat followed,
with a most unhappy look on his face. There, for all to see
was a travel wagon, shining with newness. It was painted
yellow and green.

“There you are!” cried Toad. “There’s real life for you
in that travel wagon. The open road! The dusty highway!
Camps, villages, towns, cities! Here today, up and off
to somewhere else tomorrow! Travel, new places to see,
fun! The whole world before you! A horizon that’s always
changing! Mind you: this is the very finest wagon of its
sort that was ever made. Come and look at the inside.
Planned all of it myself, I did!’

Mole followed Toad eagerly up the steps and into the

wagon. Rat did not move. He only snorted and put his
hands deep into his pockets.

86 Classic Tales
“There you are!” cried Toad.

Classic Tales 87
The wagon had little sleeping bunks and a table that
folded up against the wall. It had a cooking stove, lockers,
and bookshelves. It had a birdcage with a bird in it. It had
pots, pans, jugs, and kettles of every size.

“All complete!” said Toad happily. “You’ll find that

nothing whatever has been forgotten, when we make our
start this afternoon.”

“I beg your pardon,” said Rat. “But did I hear you say
something about ‘WE’, and ‘STARTING’ and ‘THIS

“Yes, yes!” begged Toad. “You’ve GOT to come. I can’t

possibly go without you. So please don’t argue—it’s the
one thing I can’t stand. You surely don’t mean to stick to
your dull, old river all your life and just live in a hole in a
bank and go boating? I want to show you the world!”

“I don’t care,” said Rat, doggedly. “I’m not coming and

that’s that. I am going to stick to my old river and live in
a hole and go boating, as I’ve always done. What’s more,
Mole’s going to stick with me and do as I do. Aren’t you,

88 Classic Tales
Toad, Mole, and Rat inside the travel wagon.

Classic Tales 89
“Of course I am,” said Mole, loyally.

“I’ll always stick with you, Rat. What you say has got
to be. All the same, it sounds as if it might have been,
well, rather fun, you know!” he added, wistfully.

Poor Mole! The Life Adventurous was a new thing to

him and so thrilling. It was all so tempting. He had fallen
in love at first sight with the yellow-colored wagon.

Rat saw what was passing in Mole’s mind and began to

change his mind. He hated disappointing people and he
very much liked Mole.

Toad was watching both of them closely.

“Come in and have some lunch,” he said. “We’ll talk

it over. We don’t need to decide anything in a hurry. Of
course, I don’t really care. I only want you fellows to have
fun. Live for others! That’s my motto in life.”

90 Classic Tales
Toad leads Mole and Rat back to Toad Hall.

Classic Tales 91

10 The Open Road,

Part III
Lunch was wonderful, as everything at Toad Hall
always was. During the meal, Toad spoke to Mole. He
played inexperienced Mole like one would play a harp. He
described what would happen on a trip and the joys of the
open road in a glowing way. Mole could hardly sit still in
his chair because he was so excited.

In the end, Rat allowed Toad and Mole to change his

mind. He could not disappoint his friends. So after lunch,
they loaded up the wagon and set off.

92 Classic Tales
Lunch at Toad Hall

Classic Tales 93
It was a golden afternoon. The smell of the dust they
kicked up was rich and satisfying. Out of thick orchards
on either side the road, birds whistled to them cheerily.
Travelers called out “Good day,” or stopped to say nice
things about the beautiful wagon.

“Ah,” said Toad, kicking out his legs. “This is the real
life for a gentleman!”

They had a pleasant journey along the narrow roads. It

was not until the afternoon that they reached the highway.
There, disaster sprang out on them.

94 Classic Tales
Toad, Mole, and Rat set off in the wagon.

Classic Tales 95
They were strolling along the highway when they saw
a small cloud of dust. It seemed to be coming at them
fast. From out the dust they heard a faint “toot-toot!” that
sounded like an animal in pain. They turned to continue
talking. But in an instant, everything changed. With a
blast of wind and a whirl of sound that made them jump
for the nearest ditch, it was on them!

The horn of the motor car rang out, “TOOT-TOOT!”

They had a quick look at an interior of glittering glass and
leather. Then, the magnificent motor car flung a cloud
of dust that blinded them and dwindled to a speck in the

The old grey horse and the wagon lurched forward.

Then, there was an awful crash. The yellow-colored
wagon, their beautiful wagon, fell over onto its side in the

Rat danced up and down in the road.

“You villains!” he shouted, shaking both fists. “You

scoundrels! You, you, road hogs! I’ll call the police on you!
I’ll report you!”

96 Classic Tales
“TOOT-TOOT!” the horn rang out.

Classic Tales 97

11 The Open Road,

Part IV
Where was Toad? He was sitting in the middle of the
dusty road and staring in the direction of the disappearing
motor car. He went into a sort of a trance. His face looked
calm and he murmured, “toot-toot!”

Rat shook him by the shoulder, but Toad did not budge.

“What a beautiful sight!” Toad murmured. “That is

the REAL way to travel! The ONLY way to travel! O my!
O my! I must get one!”

Mole tapped the Rat on the shoulder, but Toad went on.

“To think I never KNEW!” he said. “All those wasted

years that lie behind me. I never knew. I never even
dreamed of it! But NOW—now that I know—oh, what
fun awaits me! What dust clouds shall form behind me as
I speed on my way! What wagons I shall fling carelessly
into the ditch! Those awful little wagons, common
wagons, yellow-colored wagons!”

“What should we do with him?” asked Mole

98 Classic Tales
Toad murmured, “toot-toot!”

Classic Tales 99
“There is nothing to be done,” said Rat. “He is mad.
He has got a new craze. It is always like this, in the first
stage. He’ll go on like that for days now, walking in a
happy dream, not able to do anything useful. Never mind
him. Let’s go and see what can be done about the wagon.”

They inspected the wagon and found that it would no

longer travel. One wheel had been broken into bits.

“Come on!” said the Rat. “We’ll have to walk. It’s five
or six miles to the nearest town. The sooner we get started
the better.”

“But what about Toad?” asked Mole. “We can’t leave

him here, sitting in the middle of the road by himself! It’s
not safe. What if another . . . thing . . . were to come along?’

“Never mind him,” said Rat. “I’m done with him!”

100 Classic Tales

Rat and Mole inspected the wagon.

Classic Tales 101

They had not gone very far, however, when there were
footsteps behind them. Toad caught up with them and
put a paw inside the elbow of each of them.

“Now, look here Toad!” said Rat sharply. “As soon as

we get to the town, you’ll have to go straight to the police
station. You must see if they know anything about that
motor car. You must find out who it belongs to. You must
complain because your wagon is broken. Then, you’ll have
to go to a blacksmith so he can fix the wagon. Meanwhile,
Mole and I will find rooms where we can stay until the
wagon is ready.”

“Police station? Complain?” murmured Toad dreamily.

“Why on earth would I complain about that beautiful
motor car? I am done with wagons forever. I never want to
see the wagon again or hear of it. O, Ratty!”

102 Classic Tales

Toad caught up with Rat and Mole.

Classic Tales 103

The animals spent the night. The next day, Rat and
Mole made their way back to the river bank.

A few days later, Mole was sitting on the bank fishing,

when Rat strolled up.

“Have you heard the news?” Rat asked. “Everyone’s

talking about it. Toad went to town on the train this
morning. He has ordered a large and very expensive motor

104 Classic Tales

Rat told Mole the news.

Classic Tales 105

Core Knowledge Language Arts
Series Editor-in-Chief
E. D. Hirsch, Jr.

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Editorial Staff Design and Graphics Staff

Carolyn Gosse, Senior Editor - Preschool Scott Ritchie, Creative Director
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Kim Berrall
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Cynthia Peng Ang Blanchette
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These materials are the result of the work, advice, and encouragement of numerous individuals over many years. Some of those singled out here already
know the depth of our gratitude; others may be surprised to find themselves thanked publicly for help they gave quietly and generously for the sake of
the enterprise alone. To helpers named and unnamed we are deeply grateful.

Contributors to Earlier Versions of these Materials

Susan B. Albaugh, Kazuko Ashizawa, Nancy Braier, Kathryn M. Cummings, Michelle De Groot, Diana Espinal, Mary E. Forbes, Michael L. Ford,
Ted Hirsch, Danielle Knecht, James K. Lee, Diane Henry Leipzig, Martha G. Mack, Liana Mahoney, Isabel McLean, Steve Morrison, Juliane K. Munson,
Elizabeth B. Rasmussen, Laura Tortorelli, Rachael L. Shaw, Sivan B. Sherman, Miriam E. Vidaver, Catherine S. Whittington, Jeannette A. Williams

We would like to extend special recognition to Program Directors Matthew Davis and Souzanne Wright who were instrumental to the early
development of this program.

We are truly grateful to the teachers, students, and administrators of the following schools for their willingness to field test these materials and for
their invaluable advice: Capitol View Elementary, Challenge Foundation Academy (IN), Community Academy Public Charter School, Lake Lure Classical
Academy, Lepanto Elementary School, New Holland Core Knowledge Academy, Paramount School of Excellence, Pioneer Challenge Foundation
Academy, New York City PS 26R (The Carteret School), PS 30X (Wilton School), PS 50X (Clara Barton School), PS 96Q, PS 102X (Joseph O. Loretan),
PS 104Q (The Bays Water), PS 214K (Michael Friedsam), PS 223Q (Lyndon B. Johnson School), PS 308K (Clara Cardwell), PS 333Q (Goldie Maple Academy),
Sequoyah Elementary School, South Shore Charter Public School, Spartanburg Charter School, Steed Elementary School, Thomas Jefferson Classical
Academy, Three Oaks Elementary, West Manor Elementary.

And a special thanks to the CKLA Pilot Coordinators Anita Henderson, Yasmin Lugo-Hernandez, and Susan Smith, whose suggestions and day-to-day
support to teachers using these materials in their classrooms was critical.
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Writers Illustrators and Image Sources

Rosie McCormick Cover: Jed Henry, Guy Jones; Title Page: Jed Henry, Guy Jones; 5: Jed
Henry, Guy Jones; 7: Shutterstock; 9: Jed Henry; 11: Jed Henry; 13: Jed
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Classic Tales
Unit 1 Reader

Skills Strand
grade 3

The Core Knowledge Foundation


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