A Food Grade Warehouse Business Plan: 473 3 Avenue, Prince George, British Columbia Market
A Food Grade Warehouse Business Plan: 473 3 Avenue, Prince George, British Columbia Market
A Food Grade Warehouse Business Plan: 473 3 Avenue, Prince George, British Columbia Market
Prince George is the largest city in northern British Columbia, Canada, with a population of
86,622 in the metropolitan area. It is often called the province's "Northern Capital" or sometimes
the "Spruce Capital" because it is the hub city for Northern BC. It is situated at the confluence of
the Fraser and Nechako rivers, and at the crossroads of Highway 16 and Highway 97. In Prince
George, the summers are comfortable and partly cloudy and the winters are freezing, snowy, and
overcast. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 12°F to 76°F and is
rarely below -15°F or above 86°F.
2. Executive Summary
This report is developed to explain the business plan of the food grade warehouse in order to
provide high-quality of food items to all the customers by ensuring full service distribution of
food including vegetables, grains, dairy products throughout the market situated around Prince
George, British Columbia. In this business plan, we show continuous focus on service, quality,
and efficiency, we will set industrial standards in service excellence by partnering with different
vendors/customers who want to store their food products in this warehouse to execute an
effective distribution of their food products. This food grade warehouse will provide facility of
any size, storing both small and large amounts of food for either shorter or longer period of time.
The most common types include dry storage and refrigerated or chilled storage.
We will provide the best facility to our customers by protecting their food stored within the
warehouse by maintaining superb sanitation and health standards, such as, use of pallets to keep
food from coming into contact with the floor.
For the proper distribution of the all food items, we have hired employees that are well
experienced in logistics because logistic professionals are very good at arranging track and
shipping products to their destination point. We also hired employees who will physically
operate forklifts and lift items in your warehouse facility as well. The hired employees have
allocated the tasks of overseeing items entering the facility, as they are the ones responsible for
tracking when food products and which type of food is entering the warehouse. As a warehouse
owner, employ an experienced shipping and receiving person who will assist checking items in
as they arrive. This person can set up specific locations in the warehouse where storing each
client’s item can be done. Moreover, for the accurate management of all food products, we have
labeled sections with letters A to Z.
2.1 Objectives
Distribution businesses play an important role in the development of an economy. Products
involved are mostly finished goods that are distributed to end-users or consumers. Our main
objective while constructing warehouse food storage is "know your product." A thorough
labeling system will be done to avoid storing incompatible products together, reduce cross-
contamination and ensure you don't end up triggering your customers' allergies.
Moreover, being a leading food products distributor, our commitment is to provide quality
products and services in a cost-effective manner, enabling retailers to excel in serving their
customers. The following points explain the other main objectives of our opening a warehouse:
1) To achieve clean environment which will enable the customer to buy or store the food
2) To get registration with the FDA and in compliance with local food safety inspections.
3) To attract maximum customer by assuring them a safe place for food storage
4) To provide friendly services.
5) To offer less food storage rates to the retailers.
6) To ensure the retailers on-time and safe distribution of their food items
7) To open and operate a successful food distributorship in the market situated around
Prince George location, employing five to seven employees the first year.
8) To obtain a minimum of 100 regular customers/retailers in the Prince George market the
first year of operation.
9) To achieve first year sales of $200,000.
2.2 Mission
The Food grain Warehouse intends to become a recognized distributor of all types of food items
to nearby grocery store, houses, etc. throughout Prince George. The Food grade Warehouse plans
to develop strong relationships with key customers so we will be viewed as indispensable
partners, rather than just another supplier. We will work closely with each customer to
recommend product assortment unique for their retail base, appropriate stocking levels, pricing
and display assortments, as well as promotional ideas and material to increase sales. The Food
grade will seek out and work with the manufacturers we represent to deliver the most innovative
and exciting products possible to the customers we serve. We are not only selling product, we are
selling service.
We believe that our responsibility for customer satisfaction is not focused solely on the sale of a
product, but rather is the total relationship a customer experiences when interacting with our
organization. We believe in honesty and truth in all transactions and in providing products of the
highest quality and at fair prices. We should do everything possible to provide outstanding
service in marketing the products we sell.
We at Prince George warehouse are committed to bringing you the best all-around shopping
experience. Our nice pledge campaign includes an intense training session for all of our
employees, and a firm understanding and commitment to deliver these pledge points at the
Grocery Lounge.
3. Demography
Black 710 1%
Aboriginal group
Métis 4,365 6%
Inuit 25 0%
The Warehouse will be located at 473 3rd Avenue, Prince George, British Columbia market. The
total area of the location is 4100 sq ft. The building is in an amazing location in great condition
has an additional compound lot in the back.
This warehouse will be open 7 days a week with hours as follows:
Warehouse Products Quantity Price Units
Cheese 20 $14.27 lb
Milk 30 $4.26 lb
Eggs 100 $3.59 (one dozen) lb
Yogurt 3 $5.06 lb
Butter 32 $3.94 lb
Warehouse Products Quantity Unit Price Units
Beef Brisket 4 $4 to $5 lb
Beef Shank 33 $9.70 lb
Sirloin 4 $5.99 - $ 7.99 lb
Ham 24 $ lb
Bacon 100 $6.93 lb
Chicken 33 $3.50 lb
Steak Tips 100 $8.40 lb
Warehouse Products Quantity
Apple 44
Banana 33
Guava 34
Grapes 34
Kiwi 11
Orange 13
Cheery 12
Warehouse Products Quantity
Wheat 150
Flour 25
Corn Meal 25
Oats 25
Rice 50
8. Start-up summary
Start-up costs will be financed through owner investment. The start-up chart shows the
distribution of financing.
One Time Start-Up Costs:
Rent Deposit $25,200
Software and Hardware’s $7000
Buildout/ Renovations $ 8000
Decorating, Painting and Remodeling $5000
Starting Inventory $40,000
License from FDA and Permits $2000
Advertising and Promotion $6000
Shelves and display cases for displaying items $25,000
Carts or baskets $15,000
Forklift $,9,850
Total One Time Start-Up Costs: $143,050
Monthly Expenses:
Bank Charges $800
Insurance $200
Maintenance & Repairs $1000
Marketing & Promotion: Advertising $2000
Payroll: Wages (Owner/ Manager) $2,906
Payroll: Wages (Employees)/Night Gurard $450
Credit card processing machine $500
Security system $3500
Telephone $2000
Total Monthly Expenses: $13,356
9. Warehouse Operation
Retail operations can encompass everything about how a store operates each day. These six
sections provide a more detailed overview of responsibilities that may fall under the field of
retail store operations:
Customer Service
Product Inventory
Warehouse Management
10. Customer Service Functions
Much of a warehouse success depends on customer service - how it treats its customers.
Customers may not always be right, but they are always the customer, representing a potential
sale and potential review. With excellent customer service, stores can increase their
competitiveness, and even make up for shortfalls in other areas, such as convenience or pricing.
Positive, personalized customer service can help the small stores compete against the big stores.
Returns and refunds are another vital area of customer service. A store buys faith and loyalty
with customers when it handles returns easily and without hassle. Customers want to know that if
they make a mistake with a purchase, the store will not penalize them. Stores should also
carefully track returns to understand patterns and resolve problems.
These functions fall under administration, the fifth major area of operations.
Maintain the warehouse in good working order. Make sure customers aren’t turned off by
inadequate facilities or poor maintenance.
Managing budgets and keep the statistical and financial records
Ensuring storage of all food products in compliance with the health and safety rules and
Preparing promotion materials and displays
Increase the promotions to enhance the business of the warehouse.
Ensured proper licensing with the FDA
14.1 Promotions
The strategy we have adopted to attract the customers to store their food products in the
warehouse is by advertising in a good trade publication like ‘THE BOOKSELLER’ in which
clients are most likely to read. We will list all the services which will be presented to them,
explaining all the benefits we can offer. Leave business cards with different business owners
who may need a warehouse for storing their products. Also, we will create websites while
promoting it through local online yellow pages and search engines can be done.
14.2 Community service
Our warehouse will serve community by giving out products to different religious places
(mosque, gurdwara, church) before 3-4 days of expiry of products as a good will gesture. If we
unable to sell customers/vendors products then we will charge no money.
Swot analysis
We realize the success of warehouse will have to be achieved by doing more that serving great
products, and providing friendly service. We will utilize a marketing plan to build customer
traffic. We will continually strive to win more customers by being proactive rather than reactive
in our marketing efforts and stay current with popular industry trends.
Swot analysis
1. Successful track record of storing 1. The fruits category is expected to
new food products – product grow at 6% annually until 2021
innovation. which will more opportunities for the
2. Reliable suppliers food grade warehouse to introduce
3. High level of customer satisfaction: more fruits and fresh vegetables.
the company with its dedicated 2. Customers around the Prince George
customer relationship management area are more interested to purchase
department has able to achieve a products from warehouse which will
high level of customer satisfaction increase the net profit
among present customers and good
brand equity among the potential
1. Lack of marketing expertise. 1. Rising operating costs
2. Limited budget for marketing 2. Building/maintaining sales volume
and advertising 3. Business competitors
16. Management
People are our most valuable asset and Grocery Lounge provides a complete line of human
resource services designed to help us develop the greatest potential from our associates. The
people we employ are also a major investment in our company. It is their goal to help us fully
capitalize on this investment. Staff is highly experienced in the retail supermarket industry and
familiar with its unique problems and opportunities.
Our store will hire one Manager (owner), one Cashier, one Laborers/ Stockers. Our Store
Manager will have a college degree and several years of experience with managing a retail store.
Basic salary of cashier (Canadian national) will be $15 CAD per hour, laborers salary will be
$11 CAD per hour.
Total start-up costs are estimated to be $143,050. The majority of the costs are associated with
the renting site for grocery store, product inventory and store equipment. Owner Omaya Tariq
will contribute $143,050 to startup small warehouse for food storage.
Use of funds
By household size, grocery spending ranges from an average of $120 per week in two-person
households = $120 x 4 = $480 per month
Out of 72,550 Population, our aim is to attract at least 25,000 people towards our store. So,
$480 x 25,000 = $ 12,000000