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Dissertation Report

(In partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration – Human


AUUP Enrollment No: A0102308046
MBA (HR), Class of 2010





Sector – 125, Noida, UP

I Garima Parikh hereby state that this final evaluation report has been submitted to Amity
University, NOIDA in partial fulfillment of requirements of Dissertation in MBA (Master
of Business Administration) program class of 2010.

The empirical information of this report is based on my experience in dissertation. Any

part of this report has not been reported or copied from any report of the universities and

DATE Garima Parikh

Enrollment number A0102308046
MBA (HR) - 2010

This to certify that Garima Parikh, (Bearing enrollment no. A0102308046) a student of
Master Of Business Administration (MBA- HR) , class of 2010, Amity Business School,
Amity University has done the Dissertation under my guidance for the project Title
‘Employer Branding “ A New HR Arena”’. This project report is prepared in partial
fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (MBA-HR) to be awarded by Amity
Business School, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh.

Date: March ,2010 Mrs. Dr H. Gujjral

(Assistant Professor, ABS)


Guidance, Cooperation, and Inspiration are three important factors in the

accomplishment of an assigned task. I am most indebted to those mentioned below for
their moral and active support.

The writing and research of this project involved help and creative energy of many
people and this is certainly not the exception. I am grateful to my industry and faculty
mentors. I highly express my gratitude to Asst. Prof. Mrs. Dr. H. Gujjral, under whose
guidance this project was possible. I specially appreciate the confidence and support
received during the project. I also thank the various support personnel to help me in my

I am extremely thankful to those who contributed majorly in the development of the


It was their suggestion, comments and ideas that dramatically improved and helped me to
innovate and complete the final project. The learning during the project was immense and

Finally, I would like to thank Mrs. Swati Jain, Marketig Head Taj group Delhi and Ms
Somya Sharma, Training Manager, Oberoi Hotel, Delhi. for giving me the opportunity to
conduct a survey in their organizations and helping me out in getting the necessary
information and also, all the employees of the hospitality sector who enthusiastically
participated in providing me information that helped me in putting the contents of this

MBA (HR), Class of 2010
Enrollment No.-A0102308046


In theory, an ‘employer brand’ has the ability to attract and retain the right people,
influence productivity, engage, motivate, innovate, and therefore fend off competitors.
An organization’s wellbeing and reputation relies on more than the sum-total of its
varying operations. Everything an organization says and does plays a part in shaping its
employer brand.

The demand for qualified working capacity is increasing faster than the offering. As
competition in the labor market has intensified, the companies have shown an ever
increasing interest in strategies in differentiate themselves. Strong demand for specific
skill in addition to ever tighter labor market generally, is making much more difficult
both to retain current employees and to recruit new employees.

Employer Branding is called the “Hottest Strategy in Employment”. It is an international

concept referring to the work with making the identity clear as Employer. Employer
Branding is “the image of your organization as a ‘great place to work’ in the mind of
current employees and key stakeholders in the external market (active and passive
candidates, clients, customers and other key stakeholders).”

HR is often tasked with being the midwife and nurse to the concept of the employer
brand within an organisation. However, too often it is seen as being the sole
responsibility of HR.

Employer brands and associated values that are the exclusive preserve of HR or internal
communication teams will, more likely than not, end up as meaningless words translated
into glossy posters, mouse mats and expensive videos. This is where organisations get it
wrong. An important dimension to successful employer branding is the role played by an
organisation’s leadership. Visible direction setting by leaders a vital component in
showcasing to employees the desired behaviours and culture. Organisations which try to
encourage employees to understand and engage with their employer brand will
invariably fail if their leaders are not actively living the brand themselves. Another
argument is that any successful employer brand comes from within the guts of an
organisation – based on the innate culture, values and traditions of the workforce. It is not
artificial, based on an expensive branding consultancy’s musings or simplistic focus
groups findings. But what if an organisation wants to move its culture on – changing
behaviour and the way people understand, experience and relate to what their employer
stands for?

Successful employer brand which supports your organisation’s strategic goals you have
to set a marker in the sand. You need to define what kind of culture, values and behavior
will help deliver the organisation’s goals. And you have to get leaders to be very clear
about what kind of organisation they want to lead.

But – and it’s a big but – this vision of the desired employer brand has to be realistic and
achievable. It has to be rooted in the organisation’s current cultural traits so employees
can recognise aspects which are important to their self esteem and why they joined the
organisation in the first place. As such, knowing where you start from and where you
want to get to will help define the journey of step-by-step culture change.

This report takes your through the concept of Employer Branding, its importance,
essentials in current scenario and how Hospitality Industry creates an environment which
build up its brand to attract the best talent. This report through light on how these two big
bands in hospitality sector maintains their brands.
The results and recommendations of the report throw light on key factors which are
retaining talent in the organization and also the factors which can be improved upon the
sustain and attract employees.

(V )

Certificate by faculty guide…………………………………………ii
Chapter 1. Introduction to the topic
(1.1) Employer Branding – Concept………………………………..01
 It is about…………………………………………………….03
 A New HR Arena…………………………………………….05
(1.2) Employer Branding Bridges HR,
Internal Communication & Marketing………………………...11
(1.3) Employer Branding
 Benefits……………………………………………………….16
 Essentials……………………………………………………...18

Chapter 2. Literature Review…………………………………….…..26

Chapter 3. Research objectives……………………………………....41

Chapter 4(4.1) Research Methodology……………………………....42

(4.2) Data Analysis…………………………………………………..44

Chapter 5(5.1) Discussion………………………………….………...57

(5.2) Recommendations……………………………………………...60

(5.3) Limitation………………………………………………………62

(5.4) Conclusion……………………………………………………...63


Annexure ……………………………………………………………..iii

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