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College of Social Scinences And Humanities

Department of Bussines and Managmenet

Group Assignment of Introduaction to


Submitted to:- Kalebe

Prepared by:- Group Members

Name ID ,No
1. Ephrame matusala
2. Timothywos mekuria 054/17
3. Abriham beyene 005/17
4. Temesgen aleme
5. Abrhame yohannes 006/17
6. Hilina filfilu



1. Meaning, element of directing and the need for leadership.
Directing is the process of influencing or integrating the people with the organization so as
to obtain their willing and enthusiastic for the achievement of its goal. This required goal.
Directing is a management function, that in carried out primarily at higher level of
management and on the bases of which permits down into lower-level. It gives meaning to
organization and planning by bringing together the inter organization to the task of
achieving a goal.
1.1. Element of leadership
Leadership is the ability of a manager to influence subordinates to work with confidence
and enthusiasm. It is an activity of influencing people to strive willingly for mutual
objectives motivation is the act of stimulating someone or oneself to take a desired course
of action; it is the act or process of furnishing with an incentive or inducement to achieve.
Communication is a process by which information is transmitted between individual and
organizations; so thatanunderstanding response results.
Communication is a means by which people are linked together in an organization to
achieve common purpose. Communication is a transfer of information from the sender to
the receiver, with the information being under. Stand by the receiver.
Supervision is refers to a process by which a superior overseas and ensure the work done
by hissub-ordinates can from to predetermined requirements and standards.
The need for leadership
There are different types of leadership styles that can be practiced on different
 It is the behavior exhibited by a leader during influencing subordinates to accomplish
organizational objectives.
 It implies in which the leader exercise leadership; the ways in which the functions of
leadership are carried out, and the ways how the leaders behave towards their subordinated
in the accomplishment of the work.
 It describes how a leader has relationship with his group some of the leadership styles
are discussed below.
What is leadership?
 A leader is one who lead others and is able to carry an individual or a group towards
the accomplishment of a common goal.
 A leader able to influence their behavior, because the enjoys some power over them.
They are willing to be influenced, because they have certain needs to satisfy in
collaboration with him.
 French and raven have proposed the following bases of power for a person exerting

1. Legitimate: -that the target of influence, followers or subordinates understand that
the power the leader enjoys is legitimate and they should comply with his orders in order
to meet their own goals.
2. Reward:- that the followers know that the leader has the power to grant promotions,
monetary inducements or other rewards if his orders are complied with.
3. Coercive:-That the followers know that if the leader`s orders are not complied with,
he has the power to hire ,fire, perspire and discharge the followers.
4. Expert: - that the followers know that the leader possesses specialists, knowledge in
the field they lack it.
5. Referent: - that the followers feel attracted towards him because of his amiable
manners, pleasing personality or they feel that he is well connected with high-ups.
The first three powers bases indicate positional power, which one derives from one`s
position. The other two indicates personal power, which is based on the individual`s own
Leadership is therefore, regarded as the process of influencing the activities of an
individual or a group in efforts influencing the activities of an individual or a group in
efforts towards, goal achievement in a given situation. This process as Heresy and
Blanchard suggest, can be explained in the form of the following equation.
That is, the leadership is a function of the leader (L), the followers (F) and other situation
variables (S)……….A manager who is a true leader as well is always desirable. Situation
variably include the whole environment the task, the group, organizational, policies, etc.
Some modern management scholars like lvancevichital. have identified three major issues
in leadership, which has received only cant attention from researchers and theorists. These
issues include:-
I. Leader reward behavior
II. The casual relationship between leader behavior and subordinate behavior, and
III. Substitute for leadership
Management scholars have generally examined the effect of leadership style on
subordinate behavior and have rarely related it to the leader reward behavior. But whether
little research exists on this issue has shown the strength of the relationship between the
positive leader reward behavior and subordinate satisfaction and performance to be
significantly greater than that reported for relationships involving the leader style
components. Similarly, the use or negative rewards has been found to have different
effects on subordinates, depending on the individuals organizational level. At higher
levels, because of ambiguous and vague descriptions of the task, negative rewards
arereported to be motivational, whereas at lower levels where tasks are clearly defined,
they cause disatis function.
Another interesting issue, though neglected, is whether subordinate behavior of a
particular style is a consequence of leader behavior is a consequence of subordinate

behavior of a particular type. It an outcome or cause? Any effort that examine these
relationships will be a great interest to managers and behavioral scientists
The third issue concerns our frequent assumption that the subordinates are dependent up
on the leader for direction, influence, and rewards. In practice, experience and job
expertise, professional education, and training, help from co-workers and peers,
specification of rules, procedures, policies, etc, may reduce the subordinate`s dependency
on the leader.
This does not be little the importance of leadership on other hand, it suggests that
individual employees may also be influenced in their work by factors other than leader
behavior. Towards the conclusion of this lesson it can be summed up that there is no
single leadership style that could be effective leaders you need to learn to understand your
environment, your situation, and the circumstances to help you act accordingly.
Remember, your success as a leader will depend on your assessment of the situation and
your ability to communicate what you want such a way that others will do as you wish: -
thatis the art of leadership.
The best management style, as Blake and Mouton (1962), was one they termed team
management, in which the manager has both a high concern for people and high concern
for production see management style below.

Use of Authority by manager

Areas of freedom for subordinates
1. Tells: Manager makes decision
2. Tells: Manager sells decision
3. Tells: Manager presents ideas and invites questions.
4. Suggests:Manager presents tentative decision subject to change
5. Consults: Manager presents problems gets suggestions makes decision
6. Joins: Managers defines limits asks group to make decision with leader as equal member
7. Delegation: permits subordinates for function within limits defined by superior.

. The Tannen Baum and Schmidt continuum (1973)

2. Concept and meaning of leadership theories

2.1. Trait theory
This theory assumed that
 People are born with inherited traits
 Some traits are particularly suited to leadership.
 People who make good leaders have the right(or sufficient) combination of traits.

Early research on leadership was based on the psychological focus of the days which was
of people having inherited characteristics or traits, attention was thus put on discovering
these traits, often by studying successful leaders but with the underlying assumptions that
if other people could also be found with these traits, then they, too, could also become
great leaders. Mc call and Lombardo (1983) researched both success and failure identified
four primary traits by which leaders could succeed or `de rail.

 Emotional stability and composure? calm, confident, and predictable, particularly

when under stress.
 Admitting error: owning up to mistakes, rather than putting energy into covering up.
 Intellectual breadth:able to understand a wide range of areas, rather than having a
narrow (and narrow minded )area of expertise.
2.1.1 Approaches to study leadership style
There are broadly three major approaches to the study of the leadership phenomenon.
1. Traits of the leader
2. Behavior of the leader
3. Situation in which leadership is exercised
2.1.2 Trait approach
There have always been very few persons in society organizations who are leaders. But
what is it distinguishes leaders from non-leader? Or what make a person the success
fullleader? It is, perhaps, some thing, that is in born in him and which the followers lack.
This approach stresses the in born qualities or characteristics of an individual.
 One way to identify the traits to ask the leader himself how he considers himself
different from his follower or what distinguishing characteristics he possesses.
 Another way is to analyze the past and the present of the leader in terms of his family
background, education, career events, etc. and built up a list of traits or attributes that the
leader possesses.
In both cases, a leader’s life becomes highly interesting only when he has emerged as a
leader. This compilation of a list of traits or attributes does not give any predictive power
and therefore, investigators have tended to relate leadership even with hand writing
(Graphology) skullshape (Phrenology) and occult in flounce of stars (astrology)
A number of studies have been conducted to identify traits or characteristics that can be
used to distinguish successful from UN Successful leaders or followers, Asinvancevichet
al have suggested, the most researched traits include the following:
1. Physical characteristics: age, appearance and height
2. Social background :education, social status, and mobility
3. Intelligence: judgment,knowledge, decisiveness, and fluency of speech.
4. Personality: Alertness, dominance, extroversion, independence, creativity and self-

5. Task related characteristics: Achievement drive, initiativepersistent, enterprise and
task orientation
6. Social characteristics: attractiveness, popularity, sociability and interpersonal skills.
2.2 Behavioral theory
 Leaders can be made, rather than are born
 Successful leadership is based in definable, learnable behavior
Behavioral theories of leadership do not seek in born traits or capabilities. Rather, they
look at what leaders actually do.
If success can be defined in terms of describable actions, then it should be relatively easy
for other people to act in the same way. This is easier to teach and learn then to adopt the
more ephemeral “traits”er “capabilities”
2.3 Great man theory
They assume that:
 Leaders are born and not made
 Great leaders will arise when there is a great need
The idea of great man also strayed in to the mythic domain, with notions that in times of
need, a great man by pointing to the people such as eisenhewer and Churchill, let alone
those further back along the time line, even to Jesus , Moses , Mohammed and the buddah,
Gender issues were not on the table when the “great man” theory was proposed
In general, there appears to be a consensus that effective leaders possessed intelligence,
social maturity and breadth, inner motivation and achievement derive, and a human
relation attitude.
However, inability to value the followers, ideas, power human relations, display of
emotional immaturity, and poor communication skills have been regarded as dysfunctional
to effective leadership.
3 Concept and meaning of leadership style
Leadership style is the pattern of behaviors you use when you are trying to influence the
behaviors of those you are trying to lead. Each leadership style can be identified with
different approach to problem solving and decision-making, possessing a better
understanding of the various leadership styles and their perspective development levels
will help you match a given style for a specific situation, the challenge is the master the
ability to change your leadership style for a given situation as the person`s development
level changes. TannenBawon and Schmidt (1973), classification of management style as a
continuum from the hard `tells`, through `suggests`,to ` delegates ` one of the determinants
of the management style of these scholars which you adopt will be the wider culture of the

organization in which you adopt will be the wider culture of the organization in which you
work the way things are done.
Writer on management style have tried to describe the range of style which managers
adopt, without whiting their analysis to a specific time or place, yet these categorizations
may not be as universal as their authors assume. For example, according to the
management research Chris Brewster a verydirective (`tells or sells`) management style
tends to be strongly rested by employees in Scandinavian countries while in the UK it is
often seen as the mark decisive manager.
What does the twenty first century require interms of management style and leadership?
For any changes which transforming performance it is vital to surround yourself to people
with people of practically making change happen.`` the power behind the throne is
important for change the people who make it happen`` who translate the leaders vision in
to reality are the crucial force.
In the global competitive world the environment is turbulent, the world changes very fast,
the present is no longer the same with the past and the future unlikely critical. Be it private
or public, enterprises need transformational and social archival leaders.
Leadership has great role and contribution for success or failure. Today, organization
companies to private or public, and our society need leaders more than ever in the past,
more emphasis is now placed on the role of business leaders in sloping the future.
The transformational leader will pay most attention to meet customer needs to what extent
the business has world class performance. The business has a shared minded inside and
outside the organization technical, political, and cultural fit. The primary focus of the
transformational leader is one enter priting the external environments of customer
preferences competitor advantage, global environments and developing a vision that will
help the organization find new ways to outstrip the competition.
The social architect or the internal leader on the other hand focuses on constantly finding
ways to transform task, structure systems, process and individual developments in order
for the organization to support the vision and mission of the external leader (Ulrich,
1990:260-5), if the leader can be both it would be good if not both leader are important.
The ultimate change for the leader in the new decade will be to assume the role of
mobilization, participation in whatever change is appropriate, for the organizations future
survival and success and managers role requires particular specialist knowledge, greater
importance, is a manager1s skill at managing people .the manager is the first recipient of
problems which require solutions or decisions.
So leadership is not concerned with the exercise of control and coordination in the pursuit
of a particular direction, but also with a sensitive understanding context in which actions
are exercised and the appropriate mobilization of others in essence, the generation of
social capital. Performance measures and incentives systems reward individuals for the
creation of value (ibid: 70-80).
There are different forms of leadership styles; from those the following are briefly
discussed below:
3.1 Autocratic or dictatorship leadership style
 It centralizes power and decision making for him and exercises complex control over
the subordinates.
 It develops frustration, low morale and conflict
 The leaders have full power or authority to take a decision.
 The leaders create a work situation under which the subordinates are expected to
work no more or less than the instruction of the leader.
 The followers are not aware of organization goals besides; the followers fell insecure
and are afraid of the authority of the leaders. The reason is that these leaders have the
desire to weed loving more powers.
 The leader uses his power for the interest of his group and motivates his followers.
Then the productivity is increased and the followers get full satisfaction from their job.
In an organization characterized by an autocratic form of leadership, the subordinates have
very little to no say in the way things work out, and their major responsibilities be carry
out the world of the leaders, no question asked with the propaganda of liberalism having
spread globally, an autocratic style does not suit most organizations. And yet there are a
few set-ups that work fine under the autocratic system. One highly popular one being
trump organization have been centrally led by Donald trump, not such a surprise, huh?
This kind of leadership has normally very short life.
3.1.1 Advantages of autocratic style
 Reduced stress due to increase control
 A more productive group “while the leader is watching ”,
 Improved logistics of operations
 Faster decision-making
3.1.2 Disadvantage of autocratic style
 Short termistic approach to management
 Manager perceived as having poor leadership skills
 Mereased work lead for the manager
 People dislike being ordered around
 Teams become dependent upon their leader.
3.1.3 What is their personality dimension look like?
Personality is a set of relatively stable characteristics or dimensions of people that account
for consistency in theirbehavior in various situations. Personality is a major determinant of
what will be done and how it will be done in the job where most of the working day is
spent in interacting with other people.
Authoritarianism: A closely related to authorization “dogmatism” which refers to the
rigidity of a person`s beliefs. Authority. Authoritarian people believe obedience and
respect for authority.
They believe that there should be status and power differences among people in
organization. The individual with high authoritarian personality intellectuallyrigid,

judgmental of others, differential to those above and exploitive of those below, distrustful
and resistant to change. They rightly adhere to parental control for keeping the family
together, are concerned with toughness, where the job demands sensitivity to feeling of
others, fact and ability to adopt the complex and changing situations ,the persons with
high-authoritarian personality would be negatively related to performance.
3.2 Democratic or participative leadership style
 It invites decision sharing and practices leadership by consultation. The authority is
decentralized. The followers are permitted to take decisions under this style.
 The leader draws ideas and suggestions from his group by discussion, consultation
and participation. He secures condenses or un an enmity in decision-making subordinates
are duly encouraged to make any suggestions as a matter of their contribution in decision
and to enhance their creativity. This kind of leadership is liked in most civilized
organization and has very long life. Eg. UK, Germany, France, Russia, etc in a democratic
environment, the subordinates are givena fair share of responsibility and authority to
undertake independent projects. However, the final strategic planning is in the hands of
the leader, with inputs from his subordinates. It argued that the group is greater than the
sum of its parts. Best examples are Indian and USA where world`s largest democracies.
3.3 Lassies-fair/free-Reich leadership
 It is a complete delegation of authority and subordinates so that they must plan,
motive and central and be responsible for their own actions. The free rech manager avoids
power and relinquishes the leadership positions.
 It is desirable in mainly professional organization and where the employees are self –
motived. Leader works here just as a member of the team.
Under this form of leadership, the leader is generally passive and allows the subordinates
of employees to make decision by themselves and work on projects without any
interference from the top-level. Although it provides autonomy and freedom to the
subordinates to carry the work of their Owenaccord, research has shown that thisis the
least style of leadership.
3.3.1 Characteristics of lassies fair leadership
 It refuses’ decision for others and he try to satisfy everybody in the system
 He is anxious about the unity of the writer
 He try to solve problem by himself
 He tries or refers to hold meeting with individual members of the group
 It refers no action to ensure peace.

3.4 Transformational leadership style

This style of leadership entails change in the fundamental ways of working in which an
organization works. It can work wonders when there had been constant downward trend in
the revenue or performance of a company. A transformational leader is typically once who
can motivate and in spire people to achieve their highest potential, so as to further the
interest of the organization at large. Transformational leadership style assumed that
- People will follow a person who inspires them
- A person with vision and passion can achieve great things
- The way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy
Transformational leader are often charismatic but are not as narcissistic as pure
charismatic leaders who succeed through a belief in themselves rather than a belief in
III.5 Characteristics of effective leader
The eight characteristics of that effective leader possesses
1. Honesty
To inspire others, leaders need credibility, which comes from being truthful. Being
dishonest, even by telling ``little white lies,`` is quick way to lose credibility. Emphasize
honesty in yourself and your team will follow.
2. Communication
Communication is an essential characteristic, knowing when to speak up, give praise or
ask questions is just as important as knowing when to listen to others. The ability to
clearly communicate your vision often means the difference between a coercive team
working toward the same goals and floundering group that accomplished little.
3. Confidence
Even in the toughest situations, leaders demonstrate confidence by keeping calm, solving
problems and encouraging others, team members observe and pick-up on this behavior,
which can help to build their confidence as well.
4. Delegation
Just as your team members want to trust their leader, they also want to be trusted.
Effective leaders delegate responsibilities for others, to follow them to learn, grow and
sline. Identify your team members, strengths and delegate accordingly.
5. Positivity
Staying positive will motivate your team to produce their best work. Conversely, a
grumpy or un enthusiastic leader can have a negative impact or moral, which can lead to
lower productivity and higher turnover.
6. Creativity
Effective leadership takes creativity. Find new ways to approach issues, solve problems
and engage teams.
7. Inspiration

Leadership is the ability to inspire others, it`s important to focus on goals, but focusing on
people is essential to reaching those goals. Make each person feel invested in the
company, encouraging team members to do their best and recognizing their efforts will
inspire them to follow your leadership.
Sense of humor: - A leader’s character is tested when sales volumes slip, profits fall short
or goals are not met. A good sense of humor will help keep morale during tough times and
essential to keeping your team motivated and productive.
8. Passion
Leaders rely on passion to sustain them when no one else believe in what they’re doing
your passion will communicate your vision to the people who will carry it out. It is
motivating and helps your team believe on you. In today’s fast-changing world, teams are
looking to their leaders for stability and vision. They need guidance and smart decision-
making especially when an organization faces big challenges and changes. That`s where
leader ship style come in.
4. Motivation and importance of motivation
4.1 Motivation:- is defined as the desire to achieve a goal or certain pertain performance
level, leading to goal –directed behavior and also the person is trying hard to accomplish a
certain task. Is that process of indueing in a person the will to do something in return few
something he wants, Motivation definition. According to Stanley vence, motivation implies
`` on emotion or desire which so conditions one`s will that the individual is propelled in to
- Robert Dublin defines, it as, the complex of forces stations and keeping a person at work
in an organization.
- The encyclopedion of management has described motivation thus`` motivation refer to
the degree of designated goals and implies the determination of the nature and locus of
force inducins a degree of readiness,
- According to breach, it is an inspirational process which gets members of the team to pull
their weight effectively to give their loyality to the group, to carry out their accepted jobs
properly and generally taplan an effective part in the job that the group has undertaken.
- Motivation also defined is the act of stimulating same one or oneself to take adesired
course of action:-it is the act or process of furnishing with an incentive or inducement to
- According to viteles defines motivation as motivation represents an unstifed need
which creates state of tension or disqulibiar causing the undiviodual to move in a
goal directed pattern - towards restoring a state of equilibirum by stisfying the need .

Work motivetion approaches (Theories)

4.1.1 Foundation Of Motivation

1. The tradition opproach

- represented explicitly by the tayler, who suggested the use of on incentive
pays system.
2. The human relation approach
- grew out of the work at western electric of eltan mayo and his associates.
3. Human resource approach
- carries the concepts of economic and social man further to introduce the
concept of the whole person
4. Contemporary approach
- it is an analysis of underlying human needs.
- Content theories provide insight in to the needs of people in organizations
and help managers understand how needs can be satisfied in the work place

4.2. importance of motivation

- To get people to contribute activities that help to achieve the mission and goals of on
- To guide peoples activities in desired directions requires knowing what leads people to
do things
- Whether physical or mental activities are goal oriented, that means people do things that
lead them to accomplish their goals.
- The hope will satisfy needs and induce the subordinates to act in a desired manner.
- Maximum utilizatiion of factors of produaction
- Willingness to work
- Reduced absenteeism
- Reduced labor turn over
- Avalability of labor turn over
- Buliding of good labor relation
- Increas in the efficiency and out put
- Sense of belongingness
- Basic of cooperation
- Helps in realzing organizational goals
- Improvement up on skill and knowledge

5. Contemporary theory of motivation

NO organization can succeed without highly motivation and committed team of
employees. It is only through them that all other physical resources like land,
building, capital, machine, etc are used to achieve predetermined goals.
Some of the theories are
a. Need theories of motivation.
Human behavior is basically a need based phenomenon .it is greatly in flueneed
by needs. Need theories of motivation are based on the assumption that an
individual behaves in a particular manner to satisfy his needs these theories are
also know as content theories and focus on inner needs that motivate an individual
to be have so, provision to reduce.satisfy their needs would force them to behave
in a particular way.
b. Maslow`s need hierarchy theory.
This theory of motivation has received more attention from managers than any
other theory of motivation Abraham maslow, an eminent us psychologist has
classified human needs in logical and convenient way

Need Drive (Tension or Action (Goal

Deprivation Drive to fulfill needs) Directed behavior)

Satisfaction (Reduction drive and

Satisfactionof original need)

In this theory he has pointed out and explained the needs that influence human behavior.
Maslow has attempted to describe human behavior with the help of hierarchy of five needs
ranging from physiological needs tohighest needed for self-actualization.

Contemporary theory of motivation

1. ERG(Existence relatedness and grow theory-alderfer (1972)

1. The existence needs category that provides our basic material existence
requirements(axin to maslow`s physiological and safty)
2. Relatedness needs category which provides relationship and social status (axim to
3. Growth needs category which refers to personal development (axin to esteem and self

2. mcclellends theory of needs mcclellands (1961) theory focus on three needs
achievement,power and affiliation. This actually descrives the predominance of disposition of
various types of people all people have all these needs but the predominant need drives them.
These are disused beloow.
- Need for achievement- those predominant in this drive satisfaction from reaching goals.
To do that they generally under take tasks of mode rate difficulty rather than very easy or
very difficult ones.
- Need for attiliation- those predominant in this drive satisfaction from social and -
interpersonal activities. Those high in this tends to compromise task orientation for
personal relations and often tend to be in effective managers.
- Need for power- those predominant in this drive satisfaction from ability to control
others and goal achievement is secondary

3 cognitive evaluation theories:-some people do not get motivated by extrinsic reward.

4 goal setting theory: - This theory proposes that challenging goals produce a higher level
of out than do the generalized goals. A goal serves as a motivator because it causes people to
compare their present capacity to perform with that required to succeed at the goal

- Goal commitment:- an individual is commited to the goal.

- Adequate self-efficacy:- individual believe that he/she is capable of performing task
- Task characteristics:-tasks are simple, well learned and indepenedent.
- National culture:- in adequate performance will be negatively affected and that an
employee needs opportunity to perform and prove his/her worth.
- NitinNohria model-he proposed in one of the latest article that there are four drives with
which an individual grapies.
- Drive to acquire- this drive makes us acquire things which are not strictyly needs the
drive comes because of comparison with others. Thus even if we have a good house, we
need a better one
- Drive to bond-all of us need families to fulfill this drive
- Drive to comprehend-we want to make sense of the world around us, understand the
phenomenon, making meaningful contribution and are demoralized by monotonous work.

5 motivation language theory: - Sullivan is (1988) explained that it is language that

motivates people. At least to some extent this is true we motivate people through tasks,
explanations and instructions we have seen this happen and this is perhaps the reason why
some motivational speaks are so popular.

V ROOMS expectancy theary
There are three important element in the model. These are :-

a. Expectancy :- this is person.s pereception from a particular out come will result
from a particular behaviour or action
b. Instrumentality :- this facto relates to a apers on.s beleef and jexpection that this
performance w;ill lead to a particular desired reward
c. Valence :- valnce in the value a person assign to his desired reward .

For example :- if a worker ex hibits a poorly motivated behavior :- it could be due to

- Low effort – performace expectancy

- Low performance - reward instrumenta;lity relation ship
(J. stacy adam.s )

- Equality theory :- equality theaory is based on thhe assumption of some reduced that
one of the most widely ass umed source of job dissatisfaction lis the feeling of the
employees that they are niot being treated fairly by the mnanagement or the
organizational sysytem

If has two element :- these are

1. The worker ewants t’o get afair reward for their efforts.
2. You would campare your rewards with the rewards others who put in s;imilar
effort .

Herzberg.s two factor theaory

These factors are describe as:-

1. Hydgiene factors :- hygiene factors do not motivat e people . they s;imply but
prevent loss.

Some of hygiene factors are

- Wages . salary and /other types ;of employee benefits

- Company policies and afdmin stration rules that govern the working enivironment
- Interpersonal relations with peers supervisions and subordination cordial relation w;ith
all will pyement trustration and distisfaction
- Supervisors techinical competence well as the quality of this supervision

2. Motivation factors :- these factors are related to the nature of the work (job
content)and are intrinse to the job itself . these factors have a postive in thenee on moral .
satisfaction efficency and higher . prodluctiv;ity . these factors are

a. The job uself :- to be motivated . people must like and enjoy therir jobs. They
become highly committed to goal achevement and do not mihal working late hours
inorder to do what is to be be done.
b. Recognition :- proper recognition of employess contribuation by the management is
highly moral of worth and self ateem

c. achievement :- goal achivement gives great feeling of accomplsh ment

d. responsibility :- it an obiligation on the part of the employe to carry out the assigned
duties satsifactorly

e. groeth and advancement :- rthese factors are all interellated and are positively related
to motivation. Job promoations higher responsibility. Particioation in centeral d ecision
making and ghexecutives benefits are all signe of gr;owth and advacement and add to
dedicaton and commitment of employeed .


1. surinder sinh management nconcept and organizational behavior ,vitter . prof. harb
hajan .pp prentice hall. India
2. Dr. karam p1: management concept and organizational behaviour , vetter :Dr. B.s.
Boldo PP. 322-356 prentice Hall In dia .
3. Introduaction to management lecture notes 2018
4. Dr. B.s moshat . pr;in ciples of management , 2011 ane.s students edition , New
Delh. India .


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