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Best Practice

SABP-G-026 23 July 2017

Piping and Structural Vibration Measurements and Evaluation

Document Responsibility: Vibration and Lubrication Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents
1 Scope………………………...………………..…..2
2 Conflicts and Deviation.......................................... 2
3 Reference................................................................ 2
4 Piping Vibration in Brief........................................ 3
5 General Observations/Documentation ................... 3
6 Vibration Measurements…………………………. 4
7 Piping Vibration Levels Assessments…………… 7
8 Valve Vibration Criteria…………………………. 7
9 Steel Structural Vibration Criteria……………….. 7

Appendix-I - Walk-Through Check List...................... 9

Appendix-II - Measurement Guideline ...................... 10
Appendix-III - Measurements Example-1 ................. 12
Appendix-IV – Measurements Example-2……....….14
Appendix-V – Measurements Example-3……..…....17


Previous Issue: 30 May 2016 Next Planned Update: May 2020 Page 1 of 18
Primary contact: Khaleel Al-Hussain (hussaikm), +966 13 880-9720 or Abdulkarim Rinawi, +966 13 880-9612

©Saudi Aramco 2017. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Vibration and Lubrication Standard Committee SABP-G-026
Issue Date: 23 July 2017
Next Planned Update: TBD Piping Vibration Measurements and Evaluations

1. Scope
The scope of this best practice is to establish an effective vibration measurement and an
initial assessment for vibrating piping and supporting structural systems. This document
provides guidance for documenting basic piping/structural system information, identifying
the potential measurement locations, providing setup details for the vibration instrument
and assessing the vibration severity. In addition, this best practice will provide general
awareness of the most common vibration excitation sources and response mechanisms.
This best practice is intended to be used by field engineers and vibration technicians to
preform their own initial vibration measurements and assessment for vibration of
piping/structural systems.

2. Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Conflicts with Mandatory Standards
In the event of a conflict between this Best Practice and other Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirement, the Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
Requirement shall govern.

2.2 Disclaimer
This Best Practice is being provided for the general guidance and benefit of Saudi
Aramco engineers and operating facilities. The information or material contained
here will not release the users from the responsibility of safeguarding and
controlling their operations within Saudi Aramco established guidelines such as
GI’s and engineering standards.

3. References

This Best Practice is based on the latest edition of the references below, unless
otherwise noted.

1) SAER-5659: Guidelines for Setting Acceptable, Alarm and Shutdown Vibration

2) Energy Institute. Guidelines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue
Failure in Process Pipework 2nd Edition, 2008
3) Wachel, J. & Smith, D. “Vibration Troubleshooting of Existing Piping
Systems”. Engineering Dynamics Incorporated, 1991
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4) Wachel, J. & Morton, S. & Atkins, K. “Piping Vibration Analysis”. Engineering

Dynamics Incorporated, 1990
5) API 618 “Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas
Industry Services.”
4. Piping Vibration in Brief

4.1 Consequences of Excessive Vibration

Vibration in piping systems produces dynamic stresses, and when stress levels are
critical, fatigue crack initiation and/or propagation can occur. Fatigue cracking can
lead to process release and consequently plant shutdown.

4.2 Forms of Excitations in Piping System

Vibration in a piping system is normally classified based on its form of excitation as
broad band or discrete type of excitation.

o Broadband type of excitations including:

▪ Two phase flow excitation: This type of vibration often times is visible.
▪ Acoustically Induced Vibration often a concern with pressure-reducing
devices e.g., a control valve or pressure relief valve. It is often associated
with high cycle fatigue failures, particularly at branch connections.
▪ Cavitation is formation of vapor cavities in a liquid and it is generated by
pumps or valves.

o Discrete type of excitations: It appears in the vibration spectrum as single

components: The source of this type of excitation could be reciprocating
machinery pulsation, pump vane passing frequency, compressor rotating stall, fan
blade frequency, vortex shedding, etc. This type of excitations can appears in any
frequency range (low or high)

Note: Both of these types of forces can excite structural and/or acoustic resonances leading
to excessive discrete frequency response.

5. General Observations/Documentation
Piping and structural networks are not monitored routinely, simply due to the complixity of
the system and high vibration is less likely to occur compared to rotaitng machinery. Often
times, it is observed by plant personnel, i.e. operation or maintenance. When a piping
system vibration is observed, an engineer should conduct a site walk-through intially and
then take some vibration measurements to evaluate the vibration severity.

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Walking-through the piping system is essintal to visualize and feel the vibration piping
system. It is important to walk down each vibrating pipe from the downstream equipment to
the upstream equipment. During the walk through it is important to look for potential
cause(s) of vibration like control valve, rotating equipment, orfice, poor supports … etc.

Also, during the walk-though, it is important to document all obserations that might be
indicative of the high vibration source. A comprehensive checklist is outlined in Appendix I
which should be completed during the walk-through.

6. Vibration Measurements
6.1. Measurement Guidelines
The following are general measurement guidelines:
o Identify possible measurements locations based on the observations and
accessibility fort the operating condition that trigger the vibration.
o Document the measurement locations on a piping Isometric drawing or a
o Select a proper vibration transducer considering its operating frequency
o Take measurement on the piping as well as supporting structure to identify
the relative movements between the piping and the structure.
o Measurement should include structural vibration of the highest floor for
multi-story supporting structure.

Detailed measurement guidelines are outlined in Appendix-II. A comprehensive piping

vibration examples are available in Appendix-III, IV and V for more clarifications.

6.2. Vibration Instrument Setup Procedure

Vibration can be defined in terms of displacement, velocity and acceleration.
Displacement and velocity are commonly used for piping vibration assessment. The
amplitude of these parameters is frequency dependent. The following table shows
the type of measurement required for the assessment based on vibration frequency:

Table 1 – Piping Vibration Measurement Types

Frequency Range Discrete Broad Band

Low Frequency (< 300 Hz) Displacement and Velocity Velocity

Medium / High Frequency Velocity Velocity

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A basic piping system vibration survey will require a (Fast Fourier Transform) FFT
vibration analyzer with suitable accelerometer / velometer.
In all cases three sets of measurements are required:
1. Velocity-low frequency range.
2. Velocity-high frequency range.
3. Displacement-low frequency range.

Table 2 – Instrumentation Setup

Required Setting

Measurement Velocity Velocity (High Displacement

Parameter (Low Frequency) Frequency) (Integrated)
Frequency Range 0-500 Hz 0-3000 Hz 0-300 Hz
Low Cutoff Frequency 1 Hz 5 Hz 1 Hz
Number of Lines 800 3200 800
Window Type Hanning Hanning Hanning
Number of Averages 10 10 10
Scale Type Linear Linear Linear
Measurement Unit inch/sec RMS inch/sec RMS mils Pk-Pk

6.3. Low Frequency Intermittent Type Vibration Measurements:

Intermittent type of excitation normally excite the piping and supporting structure
low natural frequencies, typically less than 50 Hz. Therefore, accelerometers are
more suited for low frequency vibration. Make sure that the accelerometer can
measure frequencies as low as 0.1 Hz. This can be checked from the data sheet of
the sensor which is often found online. Most Velometers (velocity transducers) have
an operating range above 3 Hz and hence are not suitable.

When using CSI 2130 or 2140 spectrum analyzer, use the low frequency
measurement feature called Slow Speed Technology (SST) which is designed to
detects problem with low speed equipment (steady state), usually below 10 Hz, that
was integrated from acceleration to velocity or displacement. The SST process
enhances the low frequency data.

Note: FFT analyzers can severely attenuate low frequency signals below 3 Hz. When using
SST expert option, the minimum frequency should be set to zero to prevent further
attenuation of low frequency signals.
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The following tables provide the type of measurement required for the intermittent low
frequency vibration, below 3 Hz:

Table 1 – Structural Measurement

Frequency Range Steady State Intermittent
Low Frequency: 0.1 – 50 Hz Acceleration converted to 1. SST Velocity (Spectrum)
displacement 2. SST Displacement (Spectrum)
3. waveform (Displacement &
Medium/High Frequency Velocity (Spectrum) Velocity (Time waveform &
(2-500 Hz) Spectrum)

Table 2 – Instrumentation Setup for Intermittent Vibration

Measurement Parameter Velocity Displacement
(Low Frequency) (Integrated)
Frequency Range 0-50 Hz 0-100 Hz
CSI Expert Option SST SST
Low Cutoff Frequency 0 Hz 0 Hz
Number of Lines 6400 (6400/50=128 sec) 800 (800/100=8 sec)
Window Type Hanning Hanning
Overlap 75% 75%
Number of Averages 1 60 ( Total time=2 minutes)
More averages if slugs are less
Average Type Linear Peak hold
Scale Type Linear Linear
Measurement Unit inch/sec Pk mils Pk-Pk
Store data type Waveform Spectrum & waveform
Measurement requested (structure) Waveform peak Overall displacement (SST)
Main frequency and SST
spectrum value
Measurement requested (Pipe) Overall displacement (SST)
Main frequency and SST
spectrum value

Note: Example of this type of measurement is shown in Appendix-IV.

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6.4. Acoustically Induced Vibration Measurement

o Acoustically Induced Vibration (AIV) refers to high-frequency vibration
(typically 500-3000 Hz)
o Often a concern with pressure-reducing devices e.g., a control valve or
pressure relief valve
o Often associated with high cycle fatigue failures, particularly at branch
Note: AIV in flare lines or blowdown systems can result in fatigue cracks and leaks within
hours or days. The failure assessment may not require vibration measurement initially.
Example of this type of measurement is shown in Appendix-V. Refer to SAEP-415,
Appendix-H, for initial AIV assessment.
6.5. Valve Noise Measurement
Very often noise measurement is needed near control valves. Noise should be
measured at 1 m downstream of the valve and 1m away from the pipe as shown in
Appendix-II. The noise level should be measured using dB(A) (A filter). Noise
levels in excess of 85 dB(A) should be checked against SAES-J-700.

7. Piping Vibration Levels Assessment

o Compare overall velocity measurements with allowable vibration levels stated in
Section 9 of SAEP-415.
o For discrete frequencies below 300 Hz: Plot the velocity or displacement values in the
severity chart shown in SAEP-415 Appendix E & F: “Allowable Piping Vibration
o If any of the above vibration levels is above the acceptance criteria (in correction or
danger zone) specified in SAEP-415, CSD should be consulted. In such instances, the
following information should be prepared, see example in Appendix-III, IV and V:
1. Piping Isometric drawing or a sketch showing all measurements
2. All supports types and locations
3. The completed walk-through check list (Appendix-I)
4. Summary table of the vibration points along with main frequencies and amplitude
levels in velocity and displacement, see example in Appendix-III.
5. Plots showing discrete-frequency amplitudes on the severity charts.
6. Frequency spectrum plots for the high vibration locations
7. If available, provide the piping stress analysis electronic records.

Note: For clarification, a comprehensive piping vibration example is available in Appendix-


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8. Valve Vibration Criteria

The maximum vibration levels of the control valve, manifold and associated piping system
shall be less than 12.5 mm/sec Root Mean Square (0.5 inch/sec RMS overall) under all
specified operating conditions. This limit is specified in SAES-J-700. Vibration can be
measured on valve body in any direction.

9. Steel Structural Vibration Criteria

SAES-M-001 recommends keeping the peak velocity for pipe racks below 0.5 in/sec. The
peak value should be read from the velocity waveform and should not be converted from
spectral RMS values unless the vibration is steady and no two phase flow pipes or
equipment is supported on the structure. At this level the structure is not expected to show
any real damage. Although this guideline applies to top floor horizontal vibration, it is often
used for local vibrations on beams and columns.

If vibration levels on the structure exceed SAES-M-001 levels, fatigue analysis of the
piping and structure should be undertaken to insure safe operation.

Note: Structural damage has been observed on members where the vibration velocity exceeds
approx. 0.80-1.60 in/sec pk.

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Appendix-I: Walkthrough Check List

Plant/Train: _______________________________Date/Time: _____________ Windy? (Yes/No): _______________________

Line Number: _____________________________ Design Pressure: _________ Design Temperature: ____________________
General Information

Line Function(from, to): _____________________________________________ Service: _______________________________

Fluid Phase (Liquid/ Gas/Two Phase):___________________________________ Current Flow rate: (Design/Normal/Low) ____
When the piping vibration was first observed? ____________________________ Actual Flow rate: _______________________
When was the piping system constructed? ______________________________
Was there any operational change lately? Specify ________________________

Observation Description Yes No Comments

Can the vibration be seen? Give estimate if larger than 1mm (peak-peak) mm
Is the vibration steady or intermittent?
Vibration Type

Is there any noise associated with the vibration? This is an indication of high frequencies dB(A)
Can the vibration be felt by hand (use hand gloves for hot pipes) – Medium frequencies
Does the vibration increase at certain operation conditions?
Is there any sign of weeping/leaking on piping branch connections?
Is there another identical piping layout in the same plant? If Yes, is it vibrating also?

Was there any piping/equipment modification on this system lately? Specify

Is the piping system in compliance with SAES-L-310 section 20 “ Vibration consideration”
e.g. are 2” and smaller connections braced in two directions per AB-036521

Is the vibration frequencies are related to connected machinery?


Machinery type (centrifugal pump, reciprocating pump, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating

compressor, steam turbine … etc.)
Is the vibration near a control valve? If yes, then monitor the valve’s control behavior Valve Tag:
Valves and orifice Survey

(throttling), and see if the vibration is associated with it.

If high noise, measure noise level at 1m downstream of valve and at 1m away from pipe dB(A)
If orifice plate flange present, measure noise at 1m downstream and 1m away from pipe dB(A)
If there is a check valve in the system, check the following:
1. Is the valve creating slamming noise? If Yes,
2. Is the slamming associated with the piping vibration?
Is there any flimsy support?
Check supports anchor bolts, stud bolts, U bolts conditions, is there any loose bolt or sheared
bolt? Does the U bolt have Tico pads?
Check support contact; is every support in full contact?

Is there sliding or rubbing signs on the pipe support? If yes then record the movement direction

Is there fretting damage (explain)

Is there a spring support/hanger in the system, if yes, then inspect its condition, and check::
1. Is the load indicator on the working range?
2. Is the travel stop (lock) removed?

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Appendix-II – Measurement Guidelines

The following are detailed measurements guidelines:

o Vibration measurement should be performed at the most severe vibration condition which
may require measurement at multiple operation conditions.

o For main line, take vibration measurements at those locations perceived to have the highest
vibration amplitude, e.g., mid span, near valves, elbows, change in diameters, expansions
and orifices.

o For small bore connections, measurements should be performed at the end flange of the
cantilever arrangement.

o Utilize the piping isometric drawing and mark and label the measurements locations.

o Take data in the vertical and horizontal directions at each measurement location. Where
necessary, also take measurement in a direction along the pipe axis (axial), e.g., at an

o Ensure that the pipe surface temperature does not exceed the transducer allowable
temperature range.

o It is critical to ensure that the transducer is firmly secured to the piping. Use a magnet
where possible, or if necessary use a glue to obtain a secure mounting. Hand-held
transducers should never be used for this type of measurement.

o For small bore piping, you may need to use a smaller size transducer (less than 50% of the
pipe mass), see below sketch.

Figure 1 - Small Bore Piping Measurement Location

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Appendix-II – Measurement Guidelines (Contiued)

o Noise should be measured at 1 m downstream of the valve and 1m away from the pipe as

Figure 2 - Valve Noise Measuremetns Location

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Appendix-III – Example-1: Steady State Vibration Measurements

List of Tables and Figures

o Figure 3: Example of identifying the vibration measurement locations on an isometric
o Table 3: Method of summarizing the data in tabular format.
o Figure 4: A sample of velocity and displacement spectrum of a single point. As shown,
the dominant frequency is 4.0 Hz.
o Figure 5: Displacement severity Chart indicating displacement magnitude at 4.0 Hz. o

Figure 3 – Measurement Location Identification and Directions

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Appendix-III – Example-1: Steady State Vibration Measurements (continued)

Table 4 – Measurement Summary Table

Velocity (in/sec RMS) Displacement (Mils Pk-Pk)

Overall Freq = 4.00 Hz Overall Freq = 4.00 Hz

Point-1 0.78 0.66 75 61.71

Point-2 0.25 0.18 18 12.53

Point-3 0.20 0.14 20 15.43

Figure 4 – Vibration Spectrum

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Appendix-III – Vibration Measurements Example (Continued)

Figure 5 – Displacement Severity Chart

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Appendix-IV (a) – Example-2: Intermittent Vibration Measurements

This is a case of two phase flow that

produces intermittent vibration. The sudden
impact of the process on the structure, excite
the piping and structrual natural frequencies
which decays in a short time. It is important
to measure vibration over a prolonged period
of time preferably using a vibration recorder
such as Slam Stick. This way the frequency
of impact loads are determined. If the
frequency of impacts is less than 2 minutes,
spectrum analyzers can be used.
Figure 6 – Vibration Locations

Figure 7-Piping Displacement Spectrum Figure 8– Piping Disp. Severity Chart

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Appendix-IV (b) – Example-2: Intermittent Vibration Measurements

▪ Vibration Measurement on the Structure:

Often times the structure supporting the piping system is vibrating. The velocity waveform
is needed for assessment. Vibration can be assessed in accordance with Standard SAES-M-
001 for which the limit is 0.50 in/sec Peak. The measured overall displacement can be used
for fatigue evaluation.

Figure 9 - Structure Velocity Waveform (LOC 4) – Peak value = 0.678 in/sec

Table 5 - Sample Vibration Readings Summary for Intermittent Vibration

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Appendix-V – Example-3: Acoustic Vibration Related

Acoustic fatigue is normally associated with high noise exciting some of the shell wall frequencies. It is
normally broad band with high frequency range. The accelerometer needs to be capable of reading more
than 5000 Hz and the number lines needs to be set to 3200.

The following case is for a sales gas compressor that reported high vibration close to the suction piping.
Using high frequency accelerometer with velocity RMS, the frequency was detected to be 1806 Hz.
This frequency was found to be generated by the compressor suction strainer.

Figure 11: Spectrum Near Suction Strainer

Figure 10: Highest Measurements Locations.

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CSD acknowledges the following engineers for their support and active participation in producing
this best practice:

1. Khaleel Al-Hussain, Vibration

2. Abdulkarim Rinawi, Vibration
3. Nadhir Al-Nasri, Piping
4. Husain Al-Muslim, Piping
5. Emad Abu-Aisheh, Structural
6. Saad Al-Dossary, Vibration
7. Ammar Abu Ghdaib, Structural

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