FragAnal RC Q
FragAnal RC Q
FragAnal RC Q
36 446
1 author:
Nikos Lagaros
National Technical University of Athens
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All content following this page was uploaded by Nikos Lagaros on 22 May 2014.
In this work fragility analysis is performed in order to assess two groups of reinforced concrete structures. The first
group of structures is composed by buildings implementing three, often encountered, design practices namely fully
infilled, weak ground storey and short columns. The three design practices are applied during the design process of a
reinforced concrete building. The structures of the second group vary on the value of the behavioural factor used to
define the seismic forces in prescriptive design procedures. Most of the seismic design codes belong to the class of
prescriptive procedures where if certain constraints are fulfilled the structure is considered safe. Prescriptive design
procedures express the ability of the structure to absorb energy through inelastic deformation using the behaviour
factor. The basic objective of this work is to assess both groups of designs with reference to the limit-state probability
of exceedance. Thus, for both groups of structures four limit state fragility curves are developed on the basis of non
linear static analysis. Moreover, the 95% confidence intervals of the fragility curves are also calculated, taking into
account two types of random variables influencing the structural capacity and the seismic demand.
Keywords: Probabilistic fragility analysis, design practice, behaviour factor, Monte Carlo simulation method
Over the last decades the risk management of structural systems have gained the attention of
various economic and technical subjects in modern society. The optimal allocation of the public
resources for a sustainable economy entails the need of rational tools for estimating the
consequences of natural hazardous events on the built environment. The risk management
addresses this claim indicating the way for optimal choices. Thus, the main purpose of the risk
management process is to choose among different options relying on technical and economic
considerations. Risk assessment and decision analysis are the main steps of the risk management
concept. It is therefore essential to establish a reliable procedure for assessing the seismic risk of
the structural systems. Seismic fragility analysis, which provides a measure of the safety margin
of the structural system above specified hazard levels, is considered as the core of the risk
A number of methodologies for performing fragility analysis have been proposed in the past
which have been used for assessing the behaviour of structural systems. Kennedy et al. [1]
releases as a result of core melt. Kircher et al. [2] described building damage functions that were
developed for the FEMA/NIBS earthquake loss estimation methodology [3]. Shinozuka et al. [4]
inherent randomness and modelling uncertainty in forecasting the building performance was
examined by Ellingwood [5] through fragility assessment of a steel frame. The importance of
fragility analysis in various stages of risk assessment, loss estimation, and decision making in
consequence based engineering to achieve the desirable long-term objective in reduction of loss
and consequence with the most efficient intervention measures was indicated in [6]. A procedure
to account for the uncertainty in the characteristics of future ground motions during seismic
response assessment was presented in the work by Aslani and Mirand [7]. Fragility functions
were developed in [8] to identify the method of repair required for older reinforced concrete
beam-column joints damaged due to earthquake loading. A methodology for the risk assessment
of reinforced concrete and unreinforced masonry structures was presented in [9]. Jeong and
Elnashai [10] presented an approach where a set of fragility relationships with known reliability is
derived based on the fundamental response quantities of stiffness, strength and ductility. A set of
procedures for creating fragility functions from various kinds of data was introduced in [11]. In
the work by Shinozuka et al. [12] bridge fragility curves are developed in order to determine the
The majority of the reinforced concrete (RC) buildings are constructed with masonry infill
walls. However, the combination of the masonry infills with the framed structure is most often
neglected during the design procedure, assuming that the contribution on the structural
predicting the lateral stiffness, strength and ductility of the structure. In a number of works
[13,14] has been studied the effect of weak ground storeys on the seismic performance of RC
frames. On the other hand short columns at the ground storey of the structures are prone to brittle
shear failure which may result in severe damages or even collapse because of the poor ductility
All modern seismic design procedures are based on the principal that a structure will avoid
collapse if it is designed to absorb and dissipate the kinetic energy that is imparted in it during the
seismic excitation. Most of the modern seismic codes express the ability of the structure to absorb
energy through inelastic deformation using the behaviour factor. The capacity of a structure to
resist seismic actions in the nonlinear range generally permits their design for seismic loads
smaller than those corresponding to a linear elastic response. The seismic loads are reduced using
the behaviour factor. The numerical confirmation of the behavior factor became a subject of
research work during the past decade [17,18] in order to check the validity of design theory
assumptions and to make structural performance more predictable from engineering point of
The main objective of this study is to assess the way that the design practices are
implemented and more specifically the weak ground storey and short columns design practices
and to examine the influence of the behavioural factor used to define the seismic design forces on
the design obtained. Therefore, two groups of structures are compared with reference to the
limit-state fragilities developed in four drift based limit states. Moreover, statistical analysis is
performed on the fragility curves defining the 95% confidence intervals considering randomness
obtain the limit-state probabilities of exceedance that serve as a hazard curve for structural
damage. The mean annual frequency of the maximum interstorey drift θmax exceeding the value y
is obtained as:
where P ( θmax ≥ y IM = x ) is the probability that θmax, exceeds the value y given that IM equals x
and λΙΜ(x) is the mean annual frequency of the chosen intensity measure exceeding x, or in other
words λΙΜ(x) is the hazard curve and dλΙΜ(x) is its slope. The absolute value is used because the
Building fragility curves are lognormal functions that describe the probability of reaching
or exceeding a specific limit state. The conditional probability of being, or exceeding, a particular
damage state y given peak ground acceleration PGA (or other seismic demand parameter) is
defined by:
⎡ 1 ⎛ PGA ⎞ ⎤
P ( θmax ≥ y | PGA ) = Φ ⎢ ln ⎜ ⎟⎥ (2)
⎣⎢ β y ⎝ PGA, y ⎠ ⎦⎥
where PGA, y is the median value of peak ground acceleration at which the building reaches the
threshold of damage state y, βy is the standard deviation of the natural logarithm of peak ground
acceleration for the damage state y and Φ is the standard normal cumulative distribution function.
The majority of the seismic design codes belong to the category of the prescriptive building
design codes, which include: site selection and development of conceptual, preliminary and final
design stages. According to a prescriptive design code the strength of the structure is evaluated at
one limit state between life-safety and near collapse using a response spectrum corresponding to
one design earthquake [19,20]. In addition, serviceability limit state is checked in order to ensure
that the structure will not deflect or vibrate excessively during its functioning. The main principle
of new provisions, EAK 2000 [19] and Eurocode 8 [20] included, is to design structural systems
based on energy dissipation and on ductility in order to control the inelastic seismic response.
Designing a multistory RC building for energy dissipation comprises the following features: (i)
fulfillment of the strong column/weak beam rule, (ii) member verification in terms of forces and
resistances for the ultimate strength limit state under the design earthquake (with return period of
475 years, probability of exceedance 10% in 50 years), with the elastic spectrum reduced by the
behaviour factor, (iii) damage limitation for the serviceability limit state and (iv) capacity design
According to the Greek national design codes and Eurocodes a number of checks must be
considered in order to ensure that the structure will meet the design requirements. All EKOS 2000
[21] or Eurocode 2 [22] checks must be satisfied for the gravity loads using the following load
where “+” implies “to be combined with”, the summation symbol “Σ” implies “the combined
effect of”, Gkj denotes the characteristic value “k” of the permanent action j and Qki refers to the
characteristic value “k” of the variable action i. If the above constraints are satisfied, multi-modal
response spectrum analysis is performed, according to EAK 2000 [19] and Eurocode 8 [20], and
where Ed is the design value of the seismic action for the two components (longitudinal and
transverse) respectively and ψ2i is the combination coefficient for the quasi-permanent action i,
The behaviour of a building during an earthquake depends critically on its overall shape, size and
geometry. A wide range of structural damages observed during past earthquakes across the world
has been very educative in identifying construction features related to the shape, size and
geometry of the structure that must be avoided. Buildings that have fewer columns or they are
fully infilled in some of the storeys or they have partially infilled storeys tend to be more
earthquakes, due to construction features like weak stories, short columns, strong beams-weak
Weak ground storey
RC building structures have become very popular during the last decades in urban Greece. Many
such buildings constructed in recent times have a special construction feature; the ground storey
is left open for the purpose of parking. Such buildings are also called weak ground storey
buildings, while the weak storey is also called soft storey or pilotis. Weak ground storey buildings
have shown poor performance during past earthquakes across the world [23,24]; while a
significant number of them have collapsed. The fully infilled upper storeys are much stiffer than
the open ground storey. Thus, the upper storeys deform almost together, and the maximum
interstorey drift occurs in the weak ground storey. Consequently, the columns in the open ground
storey are severely stressed. If the columns do not have the required strength to resist or do not
have adequate ductility, they might severely damaged which may lead to the collapse of the
Short columns
During past earthquakes, RC buildings having short columns suffered from damages [25,26], due
to the concentration of large shear forces. The short columns are stiffer compared to the regular
size columns attracting larger earthquake forces. If a short column is not adequately designed for
such a large force, it can suffer significant damage during an earthquake. Short columns are
Μ sd
α= ≤ 2.5 (5)
Vsd h
where Msd and Vsd are the maximum moment and shear force values obtained from the
combination of Eq. (4) while h is the column depth. Generally speaking the failure modes of short
columns can be classified into two cases: (i) shear failure, occurs when α ≤ 1.50 and (ii) sliding
In this work, in order to define the 95% confidence intervals for each fragility curve developed,
the procedure suggested by Shinozuka et al. [4] was followed. In particular the Monte Carlo
Simulation (MCS) method was used generating 10,000 simulations on the basis of the non-linear
static analysis in both test examples considered. Two sources of randomness have been
considered: on the ground motion excitation which influences the level of seismic demand, and on
the material properties which affect the structural capacity. The modulus of elasticity of concrete,
steel reinforcement and masonry infill along with the compressive strength, the yield strain and
the ultimate strain for both confined and unconfined concrete were taken as random variables
influencing the structural capacity. More detailed description of the random variables affecting
the structural capacity for both test examples are given in the numerical study section.
The randomness on the seismic excitation is considered through the response spectra. For
this purpose a set of natural records that consist of both longitudinal and transversal components
of the records, are used. The records were selected from the database of Somerville and Collins
[27] corresponding to the hazard level with 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years
(Table 1). The records are scaled to the PGA value obtained from hazard curves originally derived
for Greece by Papazachos et al. [28]. Moreover, based on the assumption that seismic data follow
the lognormal distribution [29], the median spectrum x̂ and the standard deviation δ can be
⎡ ∑ n ln( Rd,i (T )) ⎤
x̂ = exp ⎢ i =1 ⎥ (6)
⎢⎣ n ⎥⎦
⎡ n ( ln( R (T )) − ln(x)
ˆ ) ⎤
δ=⎢ ⎥
i =1 d,i
⎢ n −1 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
where Rd,i(T) is the response spectrum value for period equal to T of the i-th record (i=1,…,n) and
the number of records used and varies for different hazard levels. Therefore, n = 19 for the 10% in
Two test examples have been considered for performing fragility analysis. For both test examples
the lateral design forces were derived from the design response spectrum i.e. 5%-damped elastic
spectrum divided by the behaviour factor at the fundamental period of the building. Concrete of
class C16/20 (nominal cylindrical strength of 16MPa) and class S500 steel (nominal yield stress
of 500MPa) are assumed. The base shear is obtained from the response spectrum for soil type A
(stiff soil θ = 1, with characteristic periods Τ1 = 0.10s and Τ2 = 0.40s) for the first test example and
soil type B (stiff soil θ = 1.0, with characteristic periods Τ1 = 0.15sec and Τ2 = 0.60sec) for the
second one. The PGA value is equal to 0.31 g, corresponding to zone III for the 10/50 hazard
level. Greece is divided into three zones of equal seismic hazard. Papazachos et al. [28] have
the hazard curves for all zones. The city of Athens which is the location where the two test
examples will be built belong to zone III. Moreover, the importance factor γI was taken equal to
1.0, while damping correction factor is equal to 1.0, since a damping ratio of 5% has been
For both test examples the slab thickness is equal to 15cm and is considered to contribute to
the moment of inertia of the beams with an effective flange width. In addition to the self weight of
the beams and the slab, a distributed dead load of 2 kN/m2 due to floor finishing and partitions is
considered, while live load with nominal value of 1.5 kN/m2 is also applied. In the combination of
gravity loads (“persistent design situation”) nominal dead and live loads are multiplied with load
factors of 1.35 and 1.5, respectively. Following EAK 2000, in the seismic design combination,
dead loads are considered with their nominal value while live loads with 30% of the nominal
values. For all test cases, a centreline model was formed based on the OpenSEES [30] simulation
platform. The members are modelled using the force-based fiber beam-column element while the
same material properties are used for all the members of the test cases examined. Soil-structure
interaction was not considered and the base of the columns at the ground floor is assumed to be
Test example 1
The first test example is the 3D RC building shown in Figure 2 having four storeys first analyzed
by Lagaros [31]. The lateral design forces were derived from the design response spectrum
described above while a behaviour factor q equal to 3.5 is considered, as it is suggested by EAK
2000 for RC structures. The cross section for all columns is 45×45 cm2 and 30×60 cm2 for all
beams. The infill walls consist of 30cm×20cm×15cm horizontally perforated bricks with
compressive strength equal to 3.0 MPa and modulus of elasticity equal to 2250 MPa. In ELSA
laboratory [14] models, similar to the ones examined in this study, have been tested.
The model employed in this study for simulating the masonry infill panels is based on the
one developed by Perera et al. [32]. According to this model the contribution of the masonry infill
panel to the response of the infilled frame is modeled by a system of two diagonal masonry
compression struts. The two struts are considered ineffective in tension since the tensile strength
of masonry is negligible. The combination of both diagonal struts provides the lateral load
resisting mechanism for the opposite lateral directions of loading. Each strut element is modeled
as a simple longitudinal inelastic spring whose behaviour is described in terms of the axial
force-axial deformation relation of the strut using the notion and principles of continuum damage
mechanics. In the work by Perera et al. [32] the following relation was obtained:
where N is the axial force of the strut, δ, δe and δp are the total, elastic and plastic shortenings of
the strut, respectively. K0 is the initial stiffness before cracking and d is the internal damage
variable representing the degradation of the infill. More details about the damage model of the
masonry infill used in this work can be found in the work by Perera et al. [32].
For this test example three different cases have been examined: (a) fully infilled model that
corresponds to the design where all circumferential frames in all storeys are considered fully
infilled (see model of Figure 3a), (b) weak ground storey model, where no masonry infill are
present in the ground storey (see model of Figure 3b) and (c) short columns model, where
transverse frames C3-B12-C6-B11-C9 and C1-B8-C4-B7-C7 are fully infilled (see model of
Figure 3a) and longitudinal frames C1-B1-C2-B2-C3 and C7-B5-C8-B6-C9 are partially infilled
in the ground level (see model of Figure 3c). All models were designed to meet the EKOS 2000
[21] and EAK 2000 [19] requirements, implementing all the provisions suggested by the codes in
order to alleviate the effect of the design practices on the structural performance. The weight of
the steel reinforcement and the concrete volume required for the three models are given in Table
2. As it can be seen the concrete volume is the same since the cross section for all columns and
beams is equal to 45×45 cm2 and 30×60 cm2, respectively, all for the three designs. The difference
on the reinforcement of the columns and the beams is due to the implementation of the code
provisions for the various design practices. As it can be seen from Table 2 the fully infilled design
requires less reinforcement than any other design required, while the weak ground storey design
Figures 4a to 4d depict the limit state fragility curves for RC buildings for the Slight, Moderate,
Extensive and Complete structural damage states. The limit states are defined with respect to the
drift limits given in the work by Ghobarah [33]. For the case of the fully infilled case the drift
limits defining the damage states are equal to 0.1%, 0.4%, 0.7% and 0.8% for Slight, Moderate,
Extensive and Complete structural damage states, respectively. While for the case of the bare
frame the drift limits become 0.2%, 1.0%, 1.8% and 3.0% for four damage states, respectively. In
Figures 4a to 4d, the PGA value for the design earthquake for EKOS 2000 is denoted with a bold
vertical line and the corresponding limit-state probabilities of exceedance are given in Table 3.
Worth mentioning the observation that, although, the probability of exceedance for the fully
infilled design for the Slight damage state is almost the same with that of the weak ground storey
and short columns designs (87% versus 100%), the probability of exceedance for the Moderate
damage state of the fully infilled design is one order of magnitude less than the corresponding
probability of the other two designs (4.5% versus 97.0%) while for the Complete damage state the
probability of exceedance for the fully infilled design is three orders of magnitude less than the
corresponding probability of the other two designs (0.02% versus 42.0% and 13.0%).
In order to define the 95% confidence intervals for all fragility curves two sources of
randomness have been taken into account: (i) those affecting the structural capacity (fc:
compressive strength, εc,y: yield compressive strain, εc,u: ultimate compressive strain, Ec: concrete
modulus of elasticity, fy: steel yield stress, Es: steel modulus of elasticity, finf: perforated brick
compressive strength, Einf: perforated brick modulus of elasticity) and (ii) those affecting the
seismic demand. Details on the two sources of randomness can be found in Table 4. The
confidence intervals for the four sets of fragility curves are also depicted in Figures 4a to 4d,
while the 95% confidence intervals of the probability of exceedance of the four limit states for the
Test example 2
The three storey bare 3D RC building (see Figure 5) first analyzed by Lagaros et al. [34] has been
employed as the second test example of this work. The 3D RC building has been designed to meet
the EKOS 2000 and EAK 2000 requirements for different values of the behaviour factor q ranging
from 1.0 to 6.0 with a step size equal to 1.0, while all six cases were designed as bare frames.
The parametric study resulted in six different designs depending on the value of the behavioural
factor q. The design process for the Greek design code started with the same initial design having
the same minimum dimensions for the beams and the columns. The minimum dimensions that
have been considered were the following: columns 25x25 cm2 and beams 25x30 cm2. The
dimensions of the columns and the beams were increased until fulfilling the requirements and
provisions of either the EAK 2000 for the current value of the behaviour factor q. Beams and
columns that fail to meet the constraints imposed by EAK and EKOS design codes were increased
in size according to the following procedure: (i) columns: increase the size of the smallest
dimension by 5 cm and if column constraints are not yet satisfied increase the size of the second
dimension by 5 cm, this rule is processed until satisfying all the constraints, (ii) beams: increase
the size of the height of the beam by 5 cm and if constraints are not yet satisfied the width of the
web is increased by 5 cm (the with width of the web is restricted not to exceed 35 cm) until
satisfying all the constraints, similarly with the columns. The weight of the steel and the concrete
quantities required for the six designs obtained with the Greek national design codes are given in
Table 5.
Figures 6a to 6d depict the limit state fragility curves for RC buildings for the Slight, Moderate,
Extensive and Complete structural damage states. In accordance to the previous test example, the
limit states are defined with respect to the drift limits given in [33] for the bare frame. In Figures
6a to 6d, the PGA value for the design earthquake for EKOS 2000 is denoted with a bold vertical
line and the corresponding probabilities of exceedance of the four damage states are given in
Table 6. In order to evaluate the performance of the different designs achieved, three
characteristic designs were selected. These designs correspond to the two extreme designs with
respect to the value of the behavioural factor q. The first extreme design, denoted as Dq=1, is the
one achieved for q=1 (permitting linear behaviour only) and the second extreme design is denoted
as Dq=6, corresponding to the largest value of the behaviour factor examined in this study. While
the third design that is employed, denoted as Dq=3, corresponds to the design obtained for q=3.0.
The probability of exceedance of the Dq=1 design for the Slight damage state is almost the
same with the corresponding of the Dq=3 and Dq=6 designs (66% versus 100%), the probability of
exceedance of the Moderate damage state for the Dq=1 design is one order of magnitude less than
the corresponding probability of the other two designs (3.5% versus 17.0% and 78% respectively)
while for the Complete damage state the probability of exceedance for the Dq=1 design is two and
three orders of magnitude less than the corresponding probability of Dq=3 and Dq=6 designs,
respectively. Comparing the values of Table 6 with those of Table 3 worth mentioning that the
behaviour of the Dq=1 design is similar to the fully infilled design of the previous test example in
terms of probabilities of exceedance for the design earthquake for all four limit states.
In order to define the 95% confidence intervals for all fragility curves, similarly to the
previous test example, two sources of randomness have been taken into account: (i) those
affecting the structural capacity and (ii) those affecting the seismic demand. Details on the two
sources of randomness can be found in Table 7. The confidence intervals for the four sets of
fragility curves are also depicted in Figures 6a to 6d, while the 95% confidence intervals of the
probability of exceedance of the four limit states for the design earthquake can be found in Table
The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of the fragility analysis in
order to assess the seismic performance of multi-storey RC buildings designed based on modern
codes. For this reason a parametric study has been performed considering two groups of
buildings. In the first one weak ground storey and short columns construction features have been
implemented, while in the second group six different designs have been obtained implementing
different values of the behaviour factor. Fragility analysis has been proved as an efficient tool for
assessing the behaviour of a structural system. Through this parametric study, three were the most
significant findings:
(i) Although, the probability of exceedance of the slight damage state, for the design
earthquake, is of the same order for all three designs. On the other hand, it was found that
the probability of exceedance for the fully infilled design is one and three orders of
magnitude less than that of the other two designs for the moderate and complete damage
states, respectively.
(ii) Similar observations obtained for the structure designed for q=1 compared to those
designed for larger values of the behaviour factor. More specifically the probability of
exceedance of the moderate damage state for the Dq=1 design is one order of magnitude less
than that of the other Dq=3 and Dq=6 designs, while for the complete damage state the
probability of exceedance for the Dq=1 design is two and three orders of magnitude less than
(iii) Furthermore, an important observation of this study can be obtained comparing the results
of the two test examples studied. Through this comparison it was found that the behaviour,
in terms of limit-state probability of exceedance for the design earthquake, of the bare
design obtained for q=1 is similar to that of the fully infilled design obtained for q=3.5.
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Workshop on Performance-Based Seismic Design, June 28-July 1.
34. Lagaros, N.D., Fotis, A.D., Krikos, S.A. (2006), “Assessment of seismic design procedures based on
the total cost,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; 35(11):1381-1401.
Table 3. Test example 1 – Limit-state probability of exceedance (%)
Weak ground
Limit state Fully infilled Short columns
Mean 87.03 100.00 100.00
Slight + 87.73 100.00 100.00
- 86.32 100.00 100.00
Confined Concrete
fc (MPa) Normal 16.0 0.15 0.3
εc,y Normal 0.002 0.15 0.3
εc,u Normal 0.0035 0.15 0.3
Unconfined Concrete
fc (MPa) Normal 12.8 0.15 0.3
εc,y Normal 0.002 0.15 0.3
εc,u Normal 0.0035 0.15 0.3
Ec (GPa) Normal 28.0 0.15 0.3
fy (MPa) Normal 500.0 0.05 0.5
Es (GPa) Normal 200.0 0.05 0.5
Masonry Infill
Finf (MPa) Normal 3.0 0.15 0.3
Einf (GPa) Normal 2.25 0.15 0.3
Seismic Action
Seismic Load Lognormal x̂ (Εq. 6) δ (Εq. 7) 0.0
Table 5. Test example 2 - Comparison of steel and concrete quantities
Columns Beams
Design procedure
Steel (kg.) Concrete (m3) Steel (kg.) Concrete (m3)
Dq=1 12700 32 6940 27
Dq=2 7720 21 4180 17
Dq=3 5730 15 3170 13
Dq=4 4600 14 2490 11
Dq=5 4010 12 2140 11
Dq=6 3750 11 1940 10
Confined Concrete
fc (MPa) Normal 16.0 0.15 0.3
εc,y Normal 0.002 0.15 0.3
εc,u Normal 0.0035 0.15 0.3
Unconfined Concrete
fc (MPa) Normal 12.8 0.15 0.3
εc,y Normal 0.002 0.15 0.3
εc,u Normal 0.0035 0.15 0.3
Ec (GPa) Normal 28.0 0.15 0.3
fy (MPa) Normal 500.0 0.05 0.5
Es (GPa) Normal 200.0 0.05 0.5
Seismic Action
Seismic Load Lognormal x̂ (Εq. 6) δ (Εq. 7) 0.0
Median 10in50 X
SA (m/sec )
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
T (sec)
Median 10in50 Y
SA (m/sec )
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
T (sec)
Figure 1. Natural records response spectra and their median a) Longitudinal(x), b) Transverse(y)
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Test example 1 - Geometry of the three storey 3D building (a) layout, (b) front view
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Test example 1 - The models for the C7-B5-C8-B6-C9 frame (a) fully infilled, (b) weak ground storey, (c) short
1 1
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
fully infilled fully infilled
weak ground storey weak ground storey
short columns short columns
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Design Earthquake PGA=0.31g Design Earthquake PGA=0.31g
PGA (g) PGA (g)
(a) (b)
1 1
Probability of exceeding the limit state
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
fully infilled
weak ground storey
short columns
0.2 0.2
fully infilled
weak ground storey
short columns
0 0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Design Earthquake PGA=0.31g Design Earthquake PGA=0.31g
PGA (g) PGA (g)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Test example 1 - Fragility curves for the four limit states and their confidence intervales, (a) Slight, (b) Moderate, (c) Extensive, (d) Complete
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Geometry of the three storey 3D building (a) layout, (b) front view
1 1
View publication stats
Probability of exceeding the limit state
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 q=6 0.2
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Design Earthquake PGA=0.31g Design Earthquake PGA=0.31g
PGA (g) PGA (g)
(a) (b)
1 1
q=1 q=1
q=2 q=2
q=3 q=3
q=4 q=4
q=5 q=5
Probability of exceeding the limit state
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Design Earthquake PGA=0.31g Design Earthquake PGA=0.31g
PGA (g) PGA (g)
(c) (d)
Figure 6. Test example 2 - Fragility curves for the four limit states and their confidence intervales, (a) Slight, (b) Moderate, (c) Extensive, (d) Complete