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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
Balgovind Mishra*1, Dr. Raghvendra Singh*2
*1Dept Of Civil Engineering, Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain, M.P., India.
*2Professor, Dept Of Civil Engineering, Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain, M.P., India.
The basic concept of performance-based seismic design is to allow engineers to design buildings with
predictable and reliable seismic performance. Performance-based seismic design is an elastic design technique
performed for the expected performance of a building by inputting ground movements. Compared to with a
force-based approach, PBSD provides a methodology for assessing the seismic performance of buildings that
guarantee life safety and minimal economic loss. The nonlinear static method, also known as pushover analysis,
is used to analyze the performance of the structure under shear loads. Pushover analysis provides a sample of
the plastic hinge formation of component, along with other structural parameters that directly indicate the
performance of the component after an earthquake. Through the use of a plasticity-factor that measures the
degree of plastification, the standard elastic and geometric stiffness matrices for frame elements (beams,
columns, etc.) are progressively modified to account for nonlinear elastic–plastic behavior under constant
gravity loads and incrementally increasing lateral loads. The behavior model accounts for material inelasticity
due to both single and combined stress states, and provides the ability to monitor the progressive plastification
of frame elements and structural systems under increasing intensity of earthquake ground motion.
Keywords: Performance Based Seismic Design, Elastic Response Spectrum, Inelastic Response Spectrum,
Pushover Analysis.
Of all natural disasters, earthquakes can be the most damaging. Since the seismic forces of are random and
unpredictable, it is necessary to sharpen the engineering tools for analyzing the structure under the action of
these forces. Performance-based design takes a new dimension in seismic design philosophy, taking into
account ground motion (usually acceleration) in the near field. Seismic loads need to be carefully modeled so
that the actual behavior of the structure is evaluated with a clear understanding that damage is expected but
should be regulated. In this context, the iterative pushover analysis is considered an alternative to the orthodox
analysis. This study focuses on pushover analysis of multi-layer RC frame buildings. This causes these s to
undergo a monotonously increasing lateral force with an invariant height distribution until they reach a preset
performance level (target displacement). Performance Based Seismic Engineering (PBSE) promises to
manufacture 4,444 structures with predictable seismic performance. Implementing this promise requires
extensive and well-coordinated efforts by multidisciplinary experts. Performance-based engineering is nothing
new. Automobiles, airplanes and turbines have been designed and manufactured using this approach for
decades. In general, such applications create one or more full-size prototypes of structures for extensive testing.
The design and manufacturing process will then be revised to reflect the results from the experimental
evaluation. Upon successful completion of the design, prototyping, testing, and redesign cycles, the product will
be manufactured on a large scale. In the automotive industry, for example, millions of vehicles are
manufactured after each performance-oriented design task, and their mechanical properties are virtually the
same. What makes the Performance-Based Seismic Engineering (PBSE) different and more complex is that this
large payment for the Performance-based design is generally unavailable. That is, with the exception of the
large-scale development of the same building, each building designed using this process is virtually unique and
the experience gained is of other types, sizes, and performance goals. It cannot be transferred directly to the
building. Therefore, until now, PBSE has not been an economically viable alternative to traditional methods of
normative code design. Recent advances in seismic hazard assessments, PBSE methods, laboratory facilities,
and computer applications have made PBSE increasingly attractive to building designers and engineers in
seismic areas. It is no exaggeration to say that within just years, PBSE will become the standard method for
designing and delivering seismic structures. To use PBSE effectively and intelligently, you need to be aware of
www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
the uncertainties associated with both the performance of structure and the seismic hazard estimates. With the
recent advent of performance-based designs, nonlinear static pushover analysis techniques have come to the
fore. Pushover analysis is a static, non-linear process in which the size of structural loads is gradually increased
according to a particular predefined pattern. As the size of the load increases, weak links and failure modes are
identified. The loads are monotonous and the effects of periodic motion and load reversal are estimated using
the modified monotonous constrained deformation criteria and the damping approximation. Static pushover
analysis is a civil engineering attempt to assess the actual strength of a structure and promises to be an
effective tool for performance-based design.
1) Cinitha, P. K. Umesha,Nagesh R Iyer1,N. Lakshmanan (2015) This paper presents a typical 6-storey
reinforced concrete structural frame analyzed and designed for four load cases, taking into account three
revisions of IS: 1893 and IS: 456. A conceptual framework and detailed steps for performance evaluation of
buildings with reinforced concrete frame are presented using the explicit force-based method described in the
Indian Code of Practice. The modeling process describes issues related to capacity curve generation, damage ,
and vulnerability index. Based on studies, a simple formula has been proposed for estimating the global damage
index in the hardening and elasto-plastic regions of the capacitance spectrum.
2) Lin Shibin1, Xie Lili1, Gong Maosheng, and Li Ming(2010) This paper presents a performance-based
methodology for assessing building seismic vulnerability and capacity of . The vulnerability assessment
methodology is based on the HAZUS methodology and the improved capacity requirement diagram method.
The spectral shift (Sd) of performance points on the capacitance curve is used to estimate the damage level of
the building. The relationship between Sd and peak ground acceleration (PGA) has been established and the
new vulnerability function is represented in PGA. In addition, the expected value of seismic performance index
(SCev) is provided to estimate the seismic performance of buildings based on the probability distribution of
damage levels and the corresponding seismic performance index . The results show that the proposed
vulnerability methodology can directly and quickly assess the seismic damage to large numbers of building
stocks after the earthquake. SCev provides an effective index for measuring the seismic resistance of buildings,
showing the relationship between the seismic resistance of buildings and the effects of earthquakes. The
estimation results are compared with the damage survey of Dujiangyan City and Jiangyu in the M8.0 Wenchuan
earthquake, and show that the earthquake risk assessment and decision-making method is accepted. Describes
the main reasons for the discrepancy between the estimation results and the damage report.
3) S. Choudhury • S. M. Singh(2013) Here we report on a uniform design approach for RC moment resistant
frame buildings . It takes into account both the design deviation and the intended performance level of the
component. Rays are proportional to from the theoretical processing corresponding to the target. The proposed
method was validated by designing a building with two plans, different height and different performance goals .
The proposed method was found to be sufficient to achieve a elastic RC frame building with a given
performance goal of under a given hazard level.
4) Rahul Rana, Limin Jin and Atila Zekioglu (2004) tries to performed push over analysis on a nineteen
story, slender concrete tower building located in San Francisco having 430,000 sq. ft. gross area. Building
having concrete shear wall for lateral load resistance. Push over analysis was performed to check the intent of
life safety performance under design earthquake. Software used are ETABS version 7 and SAP2000 version 7.
For all lateral member, cracked section stiffness is assumed to be 50% of gross section.
5) Dr. Rehan (2014) A Khan1Research is an attempt to understand a performance-based design approach.
Here we use STAAD.Pro to design a five-story symmetrical building and follow the N2 method using a simple
computer-based pushover analysis technique using SAP 2000, a product of Computers and Structures
International. Performs performance-based seismic design. This method compares the structural capacitance of
the MDOF system (the form of the pushover curve) with the structural requirements (the form of the inelastic
response spectrum of a one-degree-of-freedom system). This method is formulated in the acceleration distance
format. The graphical intersection of the two curves approaches the performance point of the structure. The
proposed method determines seismic performance points of a five-story reinforced concrete building in Zone
IV symmetrically in Plan (designed according to IS 456: 2002), which is exposed to three different PGA levels as

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
input floor movements. Indicated by. A large parametric study has been conducted to investigate the impact of
many important parameters on the credit score. The parameters individually include the effect of soil
movement entered on performance points, changes in the proportion of rebar in the columns, and column and
beam sizes. Analysis results are compared in terms of base thrust and floor
6) Devendra Sardiwal, Rekha Shinde,and Oshin Victor This post presents the latest literature review of
performance-based seismic analysis of nonlinear multi-story buildings using Soft Storey. Performance-based
seismic design is an elastic design technique, also known as “Performance-based plastic design”. The total load
capacity of a structure depends on the strength and deformation capacity of the individual components of the
structure. A soft floor, known as a weak floor, is defined as a building floor that is less rigid or less ductile to
withstand an earthquake triggered within the building. A soft bullet is a bullet with a lot of free space.
7) Ashish R. Akhare1, Abhijeet A. Maske (2015) in This paper uses standard pushover and modal pushover
analyzes to investigate power -based seismic designs for buildings with planning irregularities. Nonlinear Time
Analysis is performed to check the accuracy of both methods. In this study, the "L", "C", and "T" building models
of (G + 6) floor regular and irregular buildings are computer program ETAB. (Version 9.7.3) Generated. The
floor plan building shapes are selected at so that the total floor plan area is the same, so the deadload and
payload values are about the same. Various parameters such as pushover curve, power point, plastic hinge
mechanism, twist, etc. are examined. The results show that the standard pushover analysis gives the same
results as the modal pushover analysis and the time-lapse analysis of regular buildings, but for irregular
buildings, the modal pushover analysis is higher. Considering gives a fashion effect gives better results. Also, the
twist in irregular buildings is almost 20% higher than in normal buildings, so in irregular buildings the effects
of twist should be considered. The power-based seismic design obtained by method above also meets the
tolerance criteria for immediate occupancy and lifetime safety limit state for specific seismic intensities.
8) Irshad Timmapur1, Prof. Vikhyat Katti (2018) This paper introduces power-based seismic design
methods. The three-dimensional design method of the building is carried out under the modified movement of
the seismic floor. The Performance Based Design (PBD) method is the 's new and evolving perfection for the
future of seismic design. The PBD is a direct design method for this method. The nonlinear analysis involves
determining the damage that can be done to the structure, the performance objects are precomputed, and the
elements of the frame are refined to the intended flow. Mechanisms and structures that must operate in the
event of an earthquake caused by an earthquake with a required limit of
9) Pranali S Mehare1, Joshi M 2020 This study aims to determine the performance of buildings under
earthquake using performance-based seismic design. In this study, in order to study the performance of a
building due to seismic force, we will create various sets of reinforcements at various levels and finally provide
the optimum combination of reinforcements. Occupancy. The second is to find the performance points of the
building and compare the seismic response of the building in terms of ground thrust, floor drift, spectral
acceleration, floor displacement, and spectral displacement. Second, if the resulting roof displacement is
compared to the target displacement and the resulting displacement is less than the target displacement, the
design is based on a performance-based seismic design. Finally, compare the performance-based design with
the code-based design.
10) Mathieu Gil-oulbé*, Fouad Adnan Noman Abdullah Al-Shaibani, Abass Saad Lina (2020) The purpose
of this work is to implement a performance-based seismic design (PBSD) approach on a concrete building. A
new concept in seismic design of structures, PBSD is a reliable approach that can provide more detailed
information about performance level for both structural and non-structural elements. Method. In this study,
seismic designs based on performance were used for irregular reinforced concrete frames. A pushover analysis
was performed for this purpose. A floor drift ratio of was selected as the deformation limit to define the
performance level for a particular seismic hazard level . The results of this study show that the 's performance-
based seismic design provides structures with better seismic performance, and the meets its performance and
economic goals. It is also possible to conclude that the PBSD obtained by the above method meets the tolerance
criteria for immediate occupancy of various seismic intensities and life safety limits.
11) Vasileios Vatsikas and Prof. Yong Lu(2001) The main purpose of this project was to compare the
Eurocode 8 based design with the design obtained from the proposed performance-based method. The

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
comparison was related to the design life of 50 years and was made with reference to: • Acquisition cost:
Immediate construction cost, related to material, content, and labor costs. • Lifecycle Cost: Take into account
the potential damage costs of seismic events that can occur during the design life of the structure.
12) R. Karami Mohammadi A. Ghasemof(2014)Uniform Deformation Theory (UDT) is a relatively new
concept in optimizing structural seismic design. However, the results of optimizations based on this theory
have not yet been compared with other optimization techniques such as metaheuristics, and design
optimization has only been proven by comparing the results with traditional designs. increase. This article
introduces a new UDT-based algorithm for performance-based design optimization (PBDO) of steel moment
frames. To verify the robustness of this method, the PBDO achievements of the two baseline steel moment
frames consist of a genetic algorithm (GA), an ant colony optimization (ACO), and a particle swarm optimization
(PSO). Compare with three metaheuristics. The results show that UDT-based optimizations have a much higher
rate of convergence to optimal designs than metaheuristics.
13) R.M.Saravana Kumara*, S.Sivaranjania, R.Devananthb, A.Aravindanc, D.Zunaithur Rahmand(2020)
In this paper, we consider the RCC frame structure of a 7-story building for seismic analysis in Zone III to be
analyzed by an equivalent static calculation method. Six models were considered for the analysis, one of which
is a model without shear walls. Initially, wall panels were used in reinforced concrete buildings to withstand
wind power. Buildings with shear walls perform well under seismic forces, so shear walls are widely used in all
seismic structures. Shear walls give the system lateral stiffness and support gravitational loads. When designing
wind loads, the position of the wall panels in the construction plan does not play an important role. The
position of the wall panels plays a decisive role in the event of seismic loads. Perfect elastic behavior is expected
under wind loads, but considerable inelastic deformation is expected in strong earthquakes. Therefore, in this
article, we will place column retaining walls at various locations on the RC frame of a G + 6-story building to
investigate the effects of earthquakes and perform static pushover analysis. Modeling and analysis is done in
Staad Pro. Attempts are made to examine and compare seismic parameters such as floor displacement, floor
drift, floor thrust, and floor stiffness using equivalent static calculation methods. The purpose of this work is to
find the optimal position of the wall slab, which can be determined using seismic performance parameters. The
effects of building twist can be minimized by proper placement of vertical resistance elements and mass
distribution. Multi-story RCC buildings with wall panels are gaining popularity as an alternative structural form
to withstand seismic forces.
14) Rohit Ranjan Singh and P. Polu Raju (2017) approach had some drawbacks that led to the development
of alternative design methods. The performance-based approach aims to develop a design that meets specific
performance criteria for specific hazard levels. This paper introduces a displacement-based approach based on
Indian conditions and obtains a seismic design for RC frame structures. Compare the effectiveness of the Direct
Displacement Based Design (DDBD) over the Indian code base design with the. Three sets of 3, 5 and 8 story RC
frames are designed according to 's latest Indian code and DDBD approach. Then perform a pushover analysis
of structure to evaluate the performance of each design method. It has been observed in that the base shear
calculated by DDBD is significantly lower than calculated according to IS1893: 2002. The DDBD approach leads
to a more economical design. In addition, as the height of the structure increases, the force-based method
becomes more conservative and inefficient.
15) Said M. Easa and Wai Yeung Yan (2019) This white paper provides an important overview of PBA
applications in the three areas of civil engineering: transportation, environment, and building construction.
Applications are grouped into a wide range of civil engineering disciplines, including road transport, road
construction and management, air traffic, hydraulic engineering and operations, landfill planning, building for
evacuation building planning, urban energy planning, earthquake-based buildings. It has been. Planning,
construction wind-based design, bridge design and management. A total of 187 publications on PBA were
viewed and provided details of 122 application documents (from 23 countries / regions). Review consists of a
vertical scan and a horizontal scan of the PBA application. Vertical scans summarize each civil engineering
application in a tabular format showing modeled system elements, analysis targets, performance criteria,
analysis tools, and specifications / code. The horizontal scan (discussion and lessons learned) addresses the
following aspects of PBA: (1) a wide range of analytical tools used, (2) a wide range of functional and process-
related areas, (3) benefits, challenges, and Opportunity and (4) possible future use. The latest review presented
www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
in this white paper is expected to help researchers / practitioners quickly find useful information about PBA
and advance development in their respective fields
16) Prof. Rekha Shinde; Prof. Mukesh Shinde (2014) The main purpose of this search task is to present a
detailed 3D seismic analysis and a capacity-based design of G + 3, G + 8, and G + 15-story reinforced concrete
frames with three fields. The report provides a review of the literature on seismic introductions, their impacts,
building design, and performance-based seismic analysis. It reveals various aspects of capacity-based planning
and discusses the old way of building planning, marginal design. This study shows modeling and analysis. G + 3
capacity-based design. The old and new building planning methods G + 8 & G + 15 were modeled and analyzed.
The report summarizes the findings and provides a comparative study. The project report also provides
comprehensive conclusions and space for future research.
17) Dalal Sejal P 1 , Vasanwala S A 2 , Desai A K(2011) in This paper provides an up-to-date literature
review of the Seismic Design (PBSD) performance-based method. Performance-based seismic design is an
elastic design technique that is performed against the expected performance of a building under various ground
movements. A derivative of the PBSD method, known as the Performance-based Plastic Design (PBPD) method,
was also reviewed and discussed. It is widely recognized as an ideal method for future seismic design practices.
The performance-based plastic design method is a simple design method that starts with the 's pre-quantified
performance goals, where the performs the plastic design, details the frame members and connections, and
aims. Achieves the yield mechanism and behavior of. The results show that a huge number of studies are
needed to develop PBPD methods for other types of structures.
18) Bhumika Pashine, V. D. Vaidya and Dr. D. P. Singh (2016) Wind analysis of T-shaped and L-shaped RC
frame structures were carried out. The behaviour of skyscrapers with respect to wind power with two irregular
shapes (Tshape and Lshape) is investigated and analysed at various heights. When we investigated the shapes
of both the 15th, 25th, and 30th floors, we found that as the height increased, all parametric coefficients per
unit length increased.
19) Dnyaneshkumar H. Lanjewar and Prof. Ameya Khedikar (2017) Seismic analysis of asymmetric RCC
structure was performed. Seven floor plans of the G + 10-story building were recorded with one correct floor
plan and the other incorrect floor plan (C, E, H, L, T, Shape). The planes of each structure are the same, only the
shape is different. The height is the same for all models. Static and dynamic analysis was performed on a
computer with STAAD. Pro software with computational parameters compliant with IS 1893 2002 Part 1.
Estimate the seismic characteristics of structures of various shapes located in the strong motion region and the
strong motion region, and compare the calculated shear force, period, joint displacement, etc. The analysis uses
response spectrum analysis.
20) Mr. Chetan Ingale1, Prof. M.R. Nalamwar2 (2017) Current research based on performance-based
seismic design and nonlinear analysis of multi-layer RCC buildings. Performance-based seismic design is an
iterative process that begins with the selection of performance goals, preliminary design, assessment of
whether the design meets performance goals, and finally redesign and reassessment. The required level of
performance is achieved. In this project work, a performance-based seismic design of a multi-layer (G + 5) RCC
building was carried out. When the design is complete, a non-linear analysis is performed to investigate the
seismic performance of the building to see if the selected goals are being met. In this work (G + 5), the RCC
building is designed according to the IS Codes for Zones 5, 4, and 3 of the Maximum Earthquakes (MCE) (IS
1893 (Part 1): 2002, IS 456: 2000). Base seismic (DBE) and nonlinear static calculations are performed using
self-plastic hinges. After the building is designed, it will be imported into the ETABS platform for pushover
analysis. A displacement control pushover analysis was performed to determine the building pushover curve
according to the guidelines provided in ATC40. Based on the analysis performed at ETABS 2015, capacity
spectra, floor displacements, floor drifts, demand spectra, and building performance points were determined.
These results are compared zone by zone to give you an idea of what the building looks like. It works in
different zones. In terms of performance, it was found that buildings designed according to Indian standards
with design-based earthquakes in mind far exceed performance levels for life safety.
21) Dilip J. Chaudhari, Gopal O. Dhoot (2016) The nonlinear static method, also known as pushover analysis,
is used to analyze the performance of the structure under shear loads. Pushover analysis provides a sample of

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
plastic hinge formation for structural member, along with other structural parameters that directly indicate the
performance of member after a seismic event. In this article, a four-story RC building is modeled and designed
according to IS 456: 2000 and analyzed for the life safety performance level of SAP 2000v17. The analysis is
performed on according to ATC 40 and the floor drift, pushover curve, capacitance spectrum curve,
performance point, and plastic hinges are determined according to FEMA273 in SAP2000v17. The analysis
checks if the building's performance level meets the assumptions.
22) Y.K. Wen (2001) For this purpose, a design framework based on the reliability of has been proposed.
Structural performance reviews are highlighted at two levels, corresponding to early damage and early
collapse. Among several natural disasters, the standard for minimum life cycle cost has been proposed to
achieve optimal target reliability for performance-based designs. The issue of structural redundancy under
stochastic loads is also addressed. Structural configuration, ductile capacity, 3D movement, and the impact of
demand and capacity uncertainty will be investigated in. Structures with different degrees of redundancy A
uniform risk redundancy factor has been proposed to equalize the reliability of systems. Attention is being paid
to the current code's reliability / redundancy coefficient mismatch.
23 R. Hasan, L. Xu, D.E. Grierson (2002) This article presents a simple computer-based pushover analysis
technique for performance-based planning of buildings under seismic loads. This method is based on the
traditional displacement method of elastic analysis. By using a plastic coefficient that measures the degree of
plasticity, the standard elasticity of frame members (beams, columns, etc.) and the geometric stiffness matrix
are gradually modified to provide non-linear elasto-plastic behavior under constant gravitational loads. Is
considered. Increased lateral load. The behavior model considers the inelasticity of the material due to both
individual and combined stress states and can monitor the progressive plasticization of frame elements and
structural systems as the strength of the ground motion of an earthquake increases. Provide sex. The proposed
analytical method is illustrated using two examples for building the frame.
24) Dimpleben P. Sonwane, Prof. Dr. Kiran B. Ladhane2This paper presents effective calculation methods,
including pushover analysis, along with pushover drift performance. The study begins with the selection of
performance goals, develops a preliminary design, evaluates whether the design meets the performance goals,
and finally redesigns the, and if necessary, the desired performance. Re-evaluate to level has been achieved. In
this study, RC building example (designed according to IS 456: 2000) was analyzed by pushover analysis and
redesigned by modifying the main bars of at different frame heights at different floor levels. The pushover
analysis was performed using Computers and Structures International's SAP2000, products. Building is
considered a special moment resistance building and. The main purpose of this study is to see the performance
that building can perform when designed according to IS. The best possible combination of economical and
effective rebar and the ready-to-use with minimal damage is determined by the and is called a performance-
based design
25) peter fajfar,m.eeri (2000)A relatively simple nonlinear method (N2 method) for seismic analysis of
structures is presented. It combines pushover analysis of a model with multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF)
with response spectrum analysis of an equivalent system with one degree of freedom (SDOF). This method is
formulated in an acceleration-displacement form that allows for a visual interpretation of the method and the
relationships between the foundations that control the seismic response. An inelastic spectrum is used instead
of an elastic spectrum with comparable damping and period. This feature is the main difference in the
capacitive spectral method. In addition, you can determine the required quantity without repetition. In general,
the results of the N2 method are fairly accurate if the structure oscillates primarily in the first mode. Some
additional restrictions apply. The dissertation explains the method, discusses it, and gives basic reasoning.
Describes the similarities and differences between the proposed method and the nonlinear static analysis
methods FEMA273 and ATC40.
In this review paper study, which is about the different criteria and parameter used by different researchers on
performance-based design on RC building under seismic excitations. The following conclusions can be made
from the studies: -

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
 The pushover analysis relies on the lateral load pattern applied to represent the inertial load induced by the
earthquake. The relevant literature proposes to use a series of lateral load patterns to obtain the upper and
lower limits of inertial loads. According to analytical studies, the lateral load pattern IS 1893 (push 1)
defines a lower limit of, the uniform lateral load pattern (push 2) indicates an upper limit, and the elastic
first mode lateral load pattern (push 3). Give median.
 In contrast to the force-based design approach studied in the need for performance-based seismic
engineering and the performance levels of the four buildings: operation, immediate occupancy, life safety,
and collapse prevention were examined. Performance-based designs take into account multi-level seismic
hazards with an emphasis on transparency of performance goals, ensuring improved performance and
minimized lifecycle costs.
 The floor drift performance of high-rise buildings has been recognized as an important measure of
structural and non-structural damage to buildings due to various seismic motions. The floor drift
requirement specified in FEMA 273 is met by the building under consideration. Therefore, the overall
performance of the building's was considered satisfactory for its design goals.
 Performance-based seismic design provides a reliable methodology for seismic retrofitting or
refurbishment of existing buildings to achieve the required performance goals.
 Pushover analysis is a reliable way to determine the order given by the building components, the possible
failure modes, and the final state of the building after a particular shear load carried by the structure.
 For projects, the complexity of the nonlinear model is high, and it is necessary to understand and classify the
parameters included by skilled personnel in order to maximize the accurate response of the structure at a
specific location of ground movement during an earthquake.
 As the frame is pushed towards the plastic area, ductility requirements increase and, if necessary, various
peak ground acceleration level plastic mechanisms eventually cause the structure to collapse.
 The maximum base shear of the structure and ultimate Roof displacement obtained for first, second and
next generation procedure is in close tolerance to values of base shear deduced from I.S 1893.
 The axial compression ratio is the most sensitive factor influencing the required ratio of column-to-beam
strength. The reasonable ratio of column-to-beam strength is proposed to avoid the brittle failure of the RC
frames in seismic design.
 Performance-Based Seismic Design gives a structure with better seismic load carrying capacity, there by
achieving the objective of performance as well as economy.
 The increase in reinforcement of columns only results sinto a nominal increase in base shear. It is observed
that changing reinforcement of 1st storey affects base shear more than other storeys
Within the limited scope of current work, a comprehensive conclusion of this work has been reported.
Additional research can be done in the following areas: -
 In this study, we performed a pushover analysis on a five-story building. This study can be further expanded
to for tall buildings.
 In this study, conceptual design, i. NS. Maintains the size of beams and columns. Pushover analysis can be
used to optimize the size of various frame elements.
 We can perform comparative studies to see the effect of shear reinforcement on performance-based seismic
 The plastic hinges made of columns and beams are built on the "concept of strong columns and weak
beams" and are therefore subject to immediate safety of use and life..
 Separate studies can be done to study the effect of near-field earthquakes on the governing collapse
mechanism and collapse fragility.
 Seismic analysis of capacity-based designed RC frame building can be done for vertical and horizontal
 Comparative analysis can also be done between capacity-based design approach and other lateral load
resisting elements such as shear wall, bracing etc., for irregular RC frame building.

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
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e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752 www.irjmets.com
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