Global Seismic Reliability Analysis of Building Structures Based On System-Level Limit States
Global Seismic Reliability Analysis of Building Structures Based On System-Level Limit States
Global Seismic Reliability Analysis of Building Structures Based On System-Level Limit States
17 318
4 authors, including:
Da-Gang Lu Xiaohui Yu
Harbin Institute of Technology Guilin University of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Da-Gang Lu on 21 July 2019.
In this paper, a global limit state function for load-carrying capacity of structural system is firstly set up, in
which the margin of safety is the difference between the limit base shear of structural system and the total
horizontal seismic action. To probabilistically assess the global seismic capacity of structure, a new point
estimation method (PEM) for analyzing statistical moments of complex random function is put forward, and
then it is combined with deterministic finite element analysis to produce the so-called “random pushover
analysis (RPA)”. On the basis of the above new methodologies, a semi-analytical approach which integrates the
improved point estimation method, pushover analysis and first order reliability method (FORM) is developed to
analyze the nonlinear seismic reliability of structure as a global system. By applying the proposed approach in
R.C. frame structure, the changing rules of the global seismic reliability of the structure with the coefficient of
variation of the total seismic action and correlation coefficient of storey-level seismic forces are derived. It is
demonstrated by a numerical example that the newly developed method in this paper is simple, practical and
efficient compared with MCS, and that it has the same accuracy as MCS.
KEYWORDS: Global Reliability, Seismic Reliability, Random Pushover Analysis (RPA), Point Estimation
Method (PEM), First Order Reliability Method (FORM), Semi-Analytical Approach
As a conventional method in structural system reliability theory (Moses, 1982), the failure mode approach
(FMA) is difficult to apply in civil engineering practice, since it has many disadvantages: First, the constitutive
relations of materials are assumed to be perfect rigid-plastic, however, this is not the real case of many civil
engineering materials, such as concrete, structural steel, soil, etc.; Second, it is hardly to identify the significant
failure modes and determine their corresponding failure mode equations of large-scale and complex structures,
because the number of possible failure modes of realistic complexity can be extremely large; Third, the
correlation between failure modes is another important problem not easy to deal with; Forth, the overall failure
probability of structural systems cannot be evaluated accurately even though the dominant failure modes and
limit state equations are known a prior.
On the other hand, a new trend in which structural systems reliability is approximately calculated by using
global limit states based on nonlinear structural analysis techniques recently has been increasingly of interest in
many different communities. This novel approach encompass the following items: (1) the integrated nonlinear
analysis methods of structural systems considering real constitutive relations of materials, e.g., first order
inelastic analysis, second order inelastic analysis, etc., are utilized to search for the dominant modes of failure;
(2) the statistics of structural global load-carrying capacity are obtained by Monte Carlo simulations; (3) the
probability density function (PDF) of the global load-carrying capacity is fitted by its first few moments; (4) a
global limit state equation is set up, which comprises the global load-carrying capacity and structural load
effects; (5) the classic structural component reliability theory, such as first order reliability method (FORM), is
applied in the global limit state equation, the system reliability is then obtained approximately. This approach
The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China
has two advantages: first, it can directly bypass the difficulties in searching the significant modes of failure in
FMA; second, it can consider the real constitutive relations of structural materials. Therefore, it is a practical
and efficient approximate method to solve the systems reliability problems of structures. In this paper, we call
this approach as global reliability theory of structures.
To the author’s knowledge, Gorman and Moses (1979) perhaps are the first researchers who presented the idea
of directly computing the system reliability by structural system resistance. Grigoriu (1983) proposed a control
variable approach to approximate the reliability of complex problems from estimators developed for the
distribution of the control variable. Nowak and Zhou (1988, 1990) developed a numerical integration method to
calculate the first few moments of complex random function, and then applied the approach in system reliability
of highway bridges. Sigursdon et al. (1994) proposed a probabilistic collapse analysis method to assess the
system reliability of jacket platforms. Zhao and Ono (1998) developed a failure mode independent performance
function using load factor obtained by limit analysis, and then used response surface approach to approximate
the performance function and FORM to evaluate the system failure probability of ductile frames. Onoufriou and
Forbes (2001) reviewed and critically examined the recent developments in system reliability methods for fixed
steel offshore platforms. Moreover, they paid special attentions to pushover analysis, simplified models and
“component-based approach”. Ou et al. (2001) developed a probabilistic pushover analysis to approximately
evaluate the system reliability of buildings by randomizing both the capacity spectrum and demand spectrum.
Ou et al. (2003) also established a global limit state function considering the limit base shear of the whole
structure based on limit analysis to evaluate the system reliability of existing fixed jacket platforms. Li and
Cheng (2004) employed pushover analysis together with Monte Carlo simulation to check the probability
distribution types that the global resistance of steel and R.C. frames satisfies with K-S testing. Li et al. (2002,
2004, 2006) presented a reliability-based integrated design (RID) methodology of steel frames based on
nonlinear structural analysis, and gave a system-level RID format like as the LRFD formulations of structural
members to directly checks the structural system limit states and the corresponding system reliability. To
compute the system reliability, they proposed a semi-analytical simulation method to assess the reliability of
structural systems, which combines variance-reduction techniques including systematic sampling and antithetic
variates simulations to obtain the moments of system resistance, the procedure of fitting the PDF of system
resistance by exponential polynomial method (EPM), and first order reliability method (FORM). They have
succeeded in applying their methodology in advanced design of steel portal frames with tapered members in
industrial buildings and plane steel frames in high-rise buildings.
The theory of global reliability provides a practical and operational means of moving from member design level
toward system design level for reliability-based probability design of structures, and bridges the gap between the
two design levels. Moreover, the main ideas of this theory are consistent with those of performance-based
design theory now prevailing in the community of earthquake engineering. Therefore, it has a broader prospect
of applications. However, the research on global reliability theory of structures is still insufficient, and has not
been paid much attention to. Furthermore, there is a little study on the global seismic reliability of structural
systems, and nearly all the existing research employed Monte Carlo simulation to get the moments of system
resistance. Since the probability of failure of structures due to strong earthquakes is usually very small, the
number of nonlinear finite element analysis required by MCS is usually around 105-107, and so the
computational cost may be prohibitively large.
In this paper, a global limit state function for global seismic reliability of structures is provided, which is the
difference of the limit base shear of structural system minus the total horizontal seismic action. A new
semi-analytical approach combing point estimation method (PEM), pushover analysis with FORM is developed
for analyzing the global seismic reliability of structures. The developed methodology is applied in R.C. frame
structures considering the nonlinear effects. The applied method is also compared with MCS. A numerical
example demonstrates that the approach put forward by this paper can significantly reduce the number of finite
element simulations, and has the same accuracy as that of MCS.
structure as the global seismic capacity of structural system, and take the total horizontal seismic action as the
seismic demand of structures. Based on these considerations, we propose the following global seismic capacity
limit state function for structural systems:
g (VS , FE ) = VS − FE (2.1)
where VS = limit base shear of structures, FE = the total horizontal seismic action of structures in the base. They
are all random variables, so we can use static reliability theory to conduct the analysis of seismic reliability,
which is a dynamic reliability problem in nature.
The formulation of Eq. (2.1) is the same as the performance function of structural members in the format, in
other words, the limit base shear VS and the total horizontal seismic action FE correspond with the resistance and
load effect of structural members, respectively. Therefore, the classical component reliability methods such as
FORM and SORM (Ditlevsen and Madsen, 1996) can be used to approximately compute the system reliability
of structures.
There is another advantage in applying Eq. (2.1) in seismic reliability analysis: the real constitutive relations of
structural materials and nonlinear effects of structural systems can be considered through the limit base shear VS.
As such, although Eq. (2.1) is linear in the format, the approach based on this formulation is a nonlinear
reliability analysis method in nature.
There are two causes for Eq. (2.1) just to include one load effect, i.e. seismic action. One reason is that both the
mean value and the variability in the seismic intensity are much larger than those of the live loads and wind load,
so the randomness in the live loads and wind load should not be considered, and their characteristic values are
taken, when analyzing the seismic reliability of structures. Therefore, only one single random load, i.e., seismic
action, is included in Eq. (2.1). The second reason is that, when the total horizontal seismic action is computed,
the equivalent total gravity load has included the combination effects of dead loads, live loads and wind load, so
the total horizontal seismic action FE is equivalent to the comprehensive load effect.
Based on response spectrum of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillator, the equivalent static random
seismic action can be described as
FE = α GD = β (T , ξ )GD (2.5)
where, G is the equivalent total gravity load, D is an appending factor considering the modeling uncertainty
from, α = β (T , ξ ) is the earthquake effect coefficient, g is the gravity acceleration, Am is the peak
ground acceleration (PGA), β (T , ξ ) is the dynamic amplification factor, in which T and ξ are the vibration
period and damping ratio of the oscillator respectively.
Ou et al. (1994) has proven that the random seismic action under deterministic earthquake intensity satisfies
type I extreme value distribution. When the seismic intensity I takes J, the CDF of FE is
FFE ( f | I = J ) = exp {− exp[−α ( f − u )]} (2.6)
where the distribution parameters take the forms of
α= (2.7)
6μ F VF
u = μ FJ (1 − 0.45VFJ ) (2.8)
where μ FJ and VFJ are the mean value and COV of FE under the jth intensity respectively. Based on the
research of Ou et al. (1994, 1995), μ FJ = 0.75 FJK , in which FJK is the characteristic value of the horizontal
seismic action under the jth intensity, VFJ = 0.73 . Put the above results in Eqs. (2.7) and (2.8), we can obtain
the final results: α = 2.34 / FJK , u = 0.5 FJK .
2.4. A New Semi-Analytical Method for Global Seismic Reliability Analysis of Structures
From the above statements we can come to the conclusion that the central problem of applying Eq. (2.1) in
analysis of global seismic reliability is how to get the moment information of limit base shear VS, since the
probability model and distribution parameters of random seismic action FE have been certain. Most of the
available research generally makes use of Monte Carlo simulation combined with pushover analysis to obtain
the samples and then the estimators of statistical moments. To reduce the variance of simulation, many
techniques have been introduced, such as importance sampling, systematic sampling, antithetic variates, etc.
Unfortunately, the computation cost of these random simulation approaches based on MCS is still extremely
large. In next section, we will propose a random pushover analysis approach based on point estimation method
(PEM), which can significantly reduce the number of nonlinear finite element analysis while keeping the same
accuracy as MCS.
After obtaining the statistical moments of VS by numerical analysis techniques, the approximate analytical
method such as FORM/SORM can then be applied to solve Eq. (2.1). For this purpose, we suggest herein a new
semi-analytical method as follows:
(1) Obtaining the statistical moments of limit base shear VS by using random pushover analysis based on point
estimation method;
(2) Fitting the PDF of VS according to its statistical moments. If the probability model of VS can be decided a
prior, then this step can be omitted;
(3) Using FORM and/or SORM to solve Eq. (2.1).
3.1. Characteristics and Difficulties of Probabilistic Analysis of Structural Limit Base shear
Since there are randomness and uncertainties in many factors influencing structural limit base shear VS, we
should make use of probability theory to analyze and compute the statistical moments of VS. Put all factors
influencing VS together into a basic random vector X = [ X 1 , X 2 ," , X n ]T , then VS can be generally denoted as
The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China
variables X i (i = 1," , n ) ; Φ(⋅) denotes the column vector comprised of all CDFs of standard normal random
The computation of the first two moments of random function h( X) is undertaken in the standard normal
space by using the inverse Nataf transformation,
μh = ∫ h(x) f X (x)dx = ∫ h ⎡⎣TN−1 (u) ⎤⎦ ϕn (u)du (3.5a)
σ h2 = ∫ [ h(x) − μ Z ] f X (x)dx = ∫ h ⎡⎣TN−1 (u) ⎤⎦ − μ Z ϕ n (u)du }
2 2
where, μh and σ h are mean value and standard deviation of random variable h respectively; f X (x) is the
joint PDF of random vector X ; ϕn (u) is the joint PDF of n-dimension standard normal random variables.
For single-variable function h( X ) , Nataf transformation reduces to iso-probability
transformation x = F [Φ (u )] , and then Eq. (3.5) can be approximated by using Gauss-Hermite numerical
quadrature in standard normal space:
μh ≈ ∑ Pj h { FX−1[Φ (u j )]} (3.6a)
j =1
σ h2 ≈ ∑ Pj ⎡⎣ h { FX−1[Φ (u j )]} − μh ⎤⎦
j =1
where, u j ( j = 1, " , m) are estimation points; Pj are corresponding weights; m is the number of
estimation points.
The abscissas x j and weights w j of Gauss-Hermite quadrature with weight function exp(−u 2 ) are listed in
Table 3.1.
The estimating points u j and weights Pj in Eq. (3.6) can be obtained according to Table 3.1:
u j = 2 x j , Pj = (3.7)
For a function of random variables h( X) , it is approximated by a non-product function proposed by Zhao and
Ono (2000):
h(X) ≈ h′(X) = ∑ ( H i − H μ ) + H μ (3.8)
i =1
in which,
H μ = h(μ) = h( μ1 ," , μi ," , μn ) (3.9)
The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China
where μi and σ i are mean value and standard deviation of H i by using point-estimation of single-variable
3.3. Application of Point-Estimation Based Random Pushover Analysis in Statistical Moments Computation
of Structural Limit Base shear
The nature of point estimation method is that it is a kind of deterministic sampling in standard normal space
according to Table 3.1 and Eq. (3.7), whose total sampling number is m × n , in which m is the order of
numerical quadrature, and n is the number of basic random variables. Compared with the huge sampling
number of Monte Carlo simulation, obviously the sampling number of point estimation method reduces
dramatically. On the other hand, from the viewpoints of experimental design, point estimation method belongs
to a kind of deterministic experimental design.
Since point estimation method makes use of deterministic sampling or experimental design techniques, we can
combine this method with deterministic finite element analysis, herein the pushover analysis, to compute the
statistical moments of limit base shear of structures. We call this combination of pushover analysis with point
estimation method as “random pushover analysis (RPA)”, the detailed implementation steps are as follows:
(1) Building the finite element model of structure;
(2) Determining the probability distribution types and their distribution parameters of basic random variables
X that influence the limit base shear VS of structures;
(3) Generating structural samples by sampling of the basic random variables X according to Table 3.1 and Eq.
(4) Conducting pushover analysis for each structural sample to derive its base shear-top displacement curve,
from which the limit base shear is obtained;
(5) Computing the statistical moments of limit base shear VS according to Eqs. (3.8) to (3.11).
where ϕn (u) is the joint PDF of n-dimension standard normal random variables.
After variable transformation, the linear performance function Eq. (2.1) in original random space is changed into
a nonlinear performance function (4.1) in standard normal space. In u space, the nonlinear function G (u) is
approximately expanded as one-order Taylor series:
G (u) ≈ G (u∗ ) + ∇G (u* )T (u − u∗ ) = ∇G (u* )T (u − u∗ ) (4.5)
Eq. (4.5) is a linear function. For linear functions and standard normal variables, it has been proven that
Hasofer-Lind reliability index β HL equals Cornell reliability index β C = μG / σ G , then
μG −∇G (u∗ )T u∗ −∇G (u∗ )T u∗
β HL = = = = α*T u∗ (4.6)
σG ∇G (u ) ∑ U ∇G (u )
∗ T ∗ || ∇G (u ) ||
where ∑ U is the covariance matrix of standard normal variables, which is an identity matrix, i.e. ∑ U =I;
α* is the sensitivity vector at the design point u∗ :
α* = −∇G (u* ) / || ∇G (u* ) || (4.7)
Since the design point u is unknown a prior, it needs numerical algorithms to solve by iterations. This paper
makes use of well-known HLRF algorithm:
⎛ G (ui ) ⎞
ui +1 = ⎜⎜ + α iT ui ⎟⎟ α i (4.8)
⎝ ∇G (ui ) ⎠
where || ⋅ || is l2-norm; α i = −∇G (u i ) / || ∇G (ui ) || is the sensitivity vector at the ith iteration; the gradient
∇G (ui ) is computed according to the chain rule of differential:
∇G (ui ) = ⎡⎣ J y ,u (y i , ui ) ⎤⎦ ∇g (y i ) (4.9)
where ∇g (y i ) is the gradient of performance function g (y ) in original random space at y i ; J y ,u is the
Jacobian matrix of inverse Nataf transformation, T represents transpose of matrix.
After obtaining the design point u∗ and reliability index β HL , the failure probability in Eq. (4.4) can be
approximated by
p f ≈ Φ ( − β HL ) (4.10)
20.06KN/m 3.6m
20.06KN/m 3.6m
20.06KN/m 3.6m
20.06KN/m 3.6m
20.06KN/m 3.6m
6.6m 2 7m
2.7m 6.6m
By applying the random pushover analysis based on Nataf transformation proposed in this paper in probabilistic
analysis of limit base shear of the R.C. frame, the changing rules of mean value and standard deviation of limit
base shear with COV of total horizontal seismic action and correlation coefficient of storey-level seismic forces,
as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
820 100
Mean value of limit base shear (kN)
740 50
680 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Coefficient of variation of seismic action Coefficient of variation of seismic action
(a) Mean value of limit base shear (b) Std of limit base shear
Figure 2 Changing of mean value and standard deviation of limit base shear with COV of seismic action
730 45
Mean value of limit base shear (kN)
Std of limit base shear (kN) 40
660 20
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Correlation coefficient of storey-level seismic forces Correlation coefficient of storey-level seismic forces
(a) Mean value of limit base shear (b) Std of limit base shear
Figure 3 Changing of mean value and standard deviation of limit base shear with correlation coefficient of
storey-level seismic forces
From Figure 2 it is evident that the mean value and standard deviation of limit base shear tend to be large with
the increasing of COV of total horizontal seismic action. This result is predictable since the pushover results of
structures depend on the loading cases and lateral load patterns. Obviously, the more is the randomness in the
total seismic action, the more are the statistics of limit base shear.
From Figure 3 we can see that the mean value and standard deviation of limit base shear do not necessarily
increase with the correlation coefficient of storey-level seismic forces. When correlation coefficient ρ > 0.6 , the
mean value of limit base shear becomes smaller; while when ρ > 0.7 , the standard deviation becomes smaller.
If we assume the storey-level seismic forces are all perfect correlated, then the conservative results will be
obtained. In other words, the storey-level seismic forces are not perfect correlated in nature, since the
combinations of dead load, live load and wind loads have been considered when calculating the characteristic
value of total seismic actions, thus it lead to the partial correlation between storey-level seismic forces.
By using the semi-analytical method proposed in this paper, the changing rules of the reliability index of global
load-carrying capacity of the structure with the COV of total seismic actions and the correlation coefficient of
storey-level seismic forces, as shown in Tables 5.4 and 5.5 as well as Figures 4 and 5, are obtained. To
investigate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method, Monte Carlo simulations are also conducted
with simulation number N = 106 . The results of MCS are also listed in the corresponding tables and figures.
Table 5.4 Results of global seismic reliability index considering the variations of total seismic action
δ Fi 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
β FORM 2.8645 1.9306 1.5394 1.3209 1.1716 1.0667 0.9836 0.9248 0.8537 0.8220
β MCS 2.8699 1.9335 1.5380 1.3216 1.1729 1.0684 0.9874 0.9300 0.8572 0.8280
Table 5.5 Results of global seismic reliability index considering the correlation of storey-level seismic forces
ρ Fi 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90
β FORM 0.9032 0.9695 1.0161 1.0492 1.0704 1.0821 1.0838 1.0741 1.0447 0.9772
β MCS 0.9003 0.9706 1.0189 1.0493 1.0710 1.0844 1.0824 1.0756 1.0453 0.9774
seismic reliability index
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Coefficient of variation of seismic action
Figure 4 Changing of global seismic reliability index with the COV of seismic action
seismic reliability index
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Correlation coefficient of storey-level seismic forces
Figure 5 Changing of global seismic reliability index with the correlation coefficient of seismic forces
The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China
From Tables 5.4 and 5.5, it is evident that the results by using the method proposed in this paper has nearly the
same accuracy as that of MCS, while the number of nonlinear finite element analysis in our method is only 50.
It is shown from Table 5.4 and Figure 4 that the global reliability index tend to become smaller with the
increasing of COV of total seismic action, and that the speed of decreasing becomes more rapidly. This
illustrates that the more the randomness in total seismic action is, the smaller the reliability index is, and hence
the larger the failure probability is, which makes the structure more unsafe.
It is shown from Table 5.5 and Figure 5 that the global reliability index tends to become larger with the
increasing of correlation coefficient of storey-level seismic forces when ρ < 0.6 . When ρ = 0.6 , the global
reliability index attains the largest value. Otherwise, when ρ > 0.6 , the global reliability index becomes
smaller. This result shows that not considering the correlations between storey-level seismic forces or assuming
their perfect correlation will lead to conservative results in any case.
This paper built up a global load-carrying limit state function based on limit base shear, put forward a new
semi-analytical method to analyze the nonlinear global seismic reliability of structures, which comprises point
estimation method, pushover analysis and FORM. By applying the proposed methodology in reinforced
concrete frame buildings, some changing rules of global seismic reliability of the structure with COV of total
seismic action and correlation coefficient of storey-level seismic forces were obtained. Through the
comprehensive study in this paper, some conclusions are derived as follows:
(1) The method of system reliability analysis based on global load-carrying capacity is simple, practical and
efficient. On the one hand, this method can overcome many difficulties of conventional system reliability
theory; on the other hand, it can be linked with the current design codes so that the static reliability method can
solve the difficult dynamic seismic reliability problems.
(2) Semi-analytical method is a compound approach which combines numerical simulation or integration
methods, deterministic finite element analysis and approximate analytical reliability methods such as
FORM/SORM. This method is a practical and efficient approach to conduct the seismic reliability analysis of
large-scale and complex structures. The practice shows that this method has the same accuracy as MCS.
(3) Random pushover analysis is a good alternative for probabilistic seismic capacity analysis (PSCA) of
structures. Meanwhile, it is also an efficient tool of uncertainty propagation structural system.
(4) The variation of total seismic action and the correlation between the storey-level seismic forces have great
effect on the limit base shear and the global seismic reliability of structures.
(5) The methodology proposed in this paper can be extended to probabilistic seismic performance assessment
and design of structures based on global reliability.
The support of National Science Foundation of China through projects (Grant No. 90715021, 50678057,
50108005) is greatly appreciated. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation of
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