Implementation Plan
Implementation Plan
Implementation Plan
Brandon Primm
In a district that is not one-to-one it can be difficult to fully embrace the concept of
integrating technology into our curriculum. With the reality upon us that the district is moving
toward a one-to-one model it is imperative that we begin to develop our skills in technology. The
goal has to remain student learning and not a tech model that simply forces technology. The idea
of forcing technology is often seen when professional development focuses on using technology
just to use it. For instance, many use technologies to give quizzes and while these are not bad
methods alone they are often not used to their full potential. I hear about tech being beneficial
because it allows easy access to feedback. Or using apps like read 180. No matter how I consider
it the question always remains: how can I use technology in a way that enhances learning,
translates to life outside the class, and best serves students? This is the question we will focus on
Ensure every educator has the opportunity to learn how to use technology in the
secondary level so that it enhances and extends learning while increasing engagement amongst
ISTE 1a: Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches
ISTE 5a: Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster
ISTE 5b: Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and
ISTE 6b: Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital
It will take one school year (2020-2021) of sustained collaborative and independent
learning to help educators reach the goal stated above. The timeline reflects the time it takes for
Action Plan
1. Make available to all secondary teachers a copy of Liz Kolbs (2015) Triple E Lesson
Plan Evaluation. Teachers will choose a lesson that most commonly reflect their use
of technology and assess it using the Triple E Lesson Plan Evaluation. A team of
designated administrators and educators will review each form. A list will be made of
the most common tools and the most common areas of weakness (extending,
2. Create and send a Google Doc to all secondary teachers and advise them add a
3. Create a presentation and plan for secondary teachers to effectively use technology
that is meaningful and applies the Triple E Model which ensures that all technology is
implemented in a way that enhances learning, extends learning, and engages students
(Kolb, 2015). The presentation will also focus on using teachers already preferred
presentation will address the above definition when showing teachers how to better
use technology. Lastly, the need for teaching to use transfer goals will be covered
6. An email will be sent out monthly to address any concerns teachers may have and to
offer asynchronous video resources that address any concerns that teachers bring to
our attention.
7. At the conclusion of the school year and this program ensure it is in a written form so
that future educators can access it as a resource for their own use.
Measuring success
During the last month of the school year a survey will be sent to all secondary teachers to
gauge their success and remaining concerns. The survey will be formative as it allows correction
for the future use of the presentation. It will also be a summative survey as it will provide direct
feedback regarding best practices and student success in light of implementation of learned
practices regarding teachers’ use of technology. Generally, success will be dependent upon
Kolb, Liz. (2017). Triple e lesson plan evaluation rubric. Retrieved from
Kolb, Liz. (2017). Learning First Technology Second: The Educator's Guide to Designing