Lac Session
Lac Session
Lac Session
The Learning Action Cell (LAC) session for Learning Delivery Modalities 2 (LMD2) took place last
September 21, 2020 at exactly 9:00 AM. The expected presenters were Mam Melanie Abante and Mam
Cecilia Quintana. The teachers were reminded of the activities to be answered and were highly encouraged
to work on these tasks within the set duration or even ahead of time. Mam Melanie Abante also emphasized
the five (5) expected outputs in Module 3A. Mam Cirila Ramintas also reported that there are six (6)
participants who already submitted outputs with attachments ranging from 2 – 10 while there are four (4)
participants who are still expected to comply with the mentioned tasks. The submissions are expected to
complete the following afternoon.
Mam Abante started the presentation with the introduction of the day’s topic with its objectives. The
estimated time was also presented but Mam Abante mentioned that it could be adjusted if the teachers could
work on the activities in an earlier pace. Lesson 1 was introduced by enumerating the key concepts or topics
within the module. It was followed by the activity on four (4) learning modalities prescribed in LCP wherein
Mam Abante called on any one already done with the said assignment to share the latter’s given answers.
Mam Genalyn Cabatay volunteered by defining face-to-face (F2F) learning. Mam Abante succeeded Mam
Cabatay’s answer by briefly explaining the nature and features of F2F learning and even mentioned its
disadvantage in the spike of the CoVID 19. No one shared an answer about distance learning so Mam
Abante proceeded to her discussion. Mam Abante enumerated the channels through how this form of
learning could be accessed ranging from online to radio-based instruction. The independence of learners was
also highlighted which usually results to negative implications including unanswered modules returned by
students. The learner’s inability to communicate his/her difficulties was considered as reason. The ideal of
“no student left behind” was also rekindled. Mam Abante followed the discussion of homeschooling citing
as an example the school’s initiative of alternative learning modality to those incapable of going to school
e.g. due to sickness. A brief explanation of blended learning was presented.
Mam Abante restated the guidelines for distance learning. She also cited a specific scenario
concerning internet connectivity. The parents are highly-encouraged to monitor their child’s learning
engagements and the teachers were asked to support these parents along with said obligation.
Teachers were asked regarding Activity 3 concerning localized needs analysis and the evaluation of
distance learning types. Mam Abante shared her responses in the said activity with modular learning as the
easiest and TV-Based/Radio-Based Instruction as the hardest. Mam Abante also presented her answers in
Activity 4 which focuses on learner groups and possible targeted interventions. Mam Ramintas encouraged
the participants to share their answers for possible comparisons.
Mam Abante proceeded to Lesson 2 and enumerated its objectives, key concepts and resources
required. Sir Ren Care volunteered in sharing his answers for Activity 1 which focuses on Policy Guidelines
on Daily Lesson Preparation. Mam Abante reiterated the answers. Activity 2 requires the teachers to group
the learning tasks based on when they could be presented within a lesson scope. Sir Care also shared his
answers in the said activity. Activity 3 identifies successful and less successful activities and strategies that
could make the adjustments and revisions of the lesson plan easier. Mam Gemma Boongaling delivered her
answer emphasizing the “reflection” as the part to be accomplished after the lesson is delivered. Activity 4
shifts to designing lessons in distance learning.
Sir Care suggested that the activities could be highlighted in the session because most of the contents
were already browsed by the teachers. Activity 5 features the similarities and differences of formative and
summative assessments. Sir Care stated as he volunteered to answer that his activity was the same with the
projected answers in behalf of Mam Abante. Activity 6 seeks assessment methods that could be adapted for
distance learning consider the teachers’ respective content areas. Mam Abante displayed her answers
providing methods including formative assessment in Google Meet. Mam Boongaling reassured the
possibility of delivering the e-games amidst the learners’ internet constraints. Mam Abante responded that
these e-games could be converted and transformed into modular games. Sir Care raised concerns including
(a) the assessment methods to be used before distributing the modules to the learners (b) how will the
validity of the assessment methods be checked (c) how and when will the assessments be performed and (d)
existing grading system. Mam Ramintas clarified that the validity of assessment results is beyond the control
of the school. If the assessments will be included in the distribution, they would be returned prior to the
retrieval of the modules. The assessment process will consume a considerable time and the responses are not
assured as genuine insights of the learners. In view of this case, if the teachers seek for valid answers from
the students, they could assess the latter thru Messenger or thru text messaging. But the hassle of encoding
the questions lies on the teacher’s side. There is no updated grading system which means that the existing
components will still be utilized. The teachers will be given the right to adapt the method which best suits
the learner groups. Mam Boongaling refocused the concern of the incapacity of other learners to access the
Internet for the said assessment methods. Mam Ramintas sought the possibility of delivery the assessment
kits to the learners’ residences. Sir Care affirmed the idea but draw reservations pertaining to the risks that
the teachers could encounter in the said attempt. Mam Boongaling elaborated her concerns in her Weekly
Home Learning Plan. Mam Ramintas restated that the reliability and validity of the assessments are beyond
the grasp of the school and that there a high chance of granting merits to unverified recipients. Sir Care
affirmed the said conclusion and regained the idea of text messaging and chats but in restriction of the
volume of students. Mam Ramintas reminded that the distribution will be done only once every quarter and
that the initiative of separately delivering the assessment kits will not be plausible. Mam Ramintas
mentioned that the validity could be possible if the nature of the assessment will not rely on evident contents
within the modules. Mam Boongaling sought for possible guidelines from the higher authority of not
considering and declaring merit students this school year.
Mam Cecilia Quintana mentioned it was announced that quarterly exams will be obsolete for this
school year. Mam Ramintas confirmed that they are not yet oriented about the said matter. Mam Cabatay
shared a personal experience proving that assessments in a modular set up do not display authentic
takeaways. Sir Care suggested that summative assessments could be given in the retrieval of the learning
modules. But Mam Ramintas explained that formative assessments are necessary and the schedule of
administration should be planned. Mam Ramintas also mentioned that the total hours for the Weekly Home
Learning Plan might change with additional two (2) to the previous two hours allotment. The first couple of
hours will be allotted for discussion and the remaining hours for post class concerns like follow-ups and
reminders. Sir Care suggested that the school could refer first to the upcoming guidelines from the
authorities. Mam Quintana supported the idea that reliability and validity of the assessments will be
compromised and opted for reflections instead. The option of delivering the assessment kits will not be
considered according to Mam Ramintas. Reflection journals will be required.
Mam Boongaling asked if diagnostic assessments will be administered to the learners and Mam
Ramintas urged the need for the said form of assessment. The problem lies on the date when the diagnostic
test could be given prior to the distribution of the modules. A diagnostic test (approximately 20 items) which
is good for the whole quarter will be included in the distribution of the modules. Sir Care elaborated that his
modules contain individual diagnostic test per lesson instead of a collective test which is good for the entire
quarter. Mam Ramintas said that one (1) diagnostic test for the whole quarter should be used instead. Mam
Boongaling clarified that Sir Care was referring to the initial activities provided before each lesson proper.
Sir Care restated that those initial activities are forms of diagnostic assessments as well and are better
considered because they are deployed per lesson. Mam Boongaling emphasized that the pre-assessments
could be used already as they are instead of creating a new test. The weekly assessments would just be
retrieved every week in line with the duration of the lessons.
Sir Care notified the session that there are concerns in the group chat. Sir Alex raised concern about
the modules in MAPEH and Mam Ramintas reminded that those are the ones provided by the higher
authorities and that those modules are the ones to be used. The printing of diagnostic test was also queried
and Mam Ramintas replied that the concerned teachers will also be the ones to print it. Diagnostic test could
also be done thru text message as suggested by Sir Ruben Leyba. Mam Care reminded Sir Alex of the Home
Learning Plans of the advisers. Mam Ramintos clarified if there are questions.
Mam Abante continued the discussion proceeding to Lesson 3 which focuses on guiding and
monitoring the students in different learning delivery modalities. Sir Leyba enumerated his answers in the
check-up quiz in Activity 1. The Activity 2 requires the teachers to create a Weekly Home Learning Plan
and Mam Abante also shared her output in this activity. Activity 4, on the other hand, requires the teachers
to create an Individual Learning Monitoring Plan. Mam Abante displayed her sample as well. Sir Care
clarified if it is needed that learner status be already identified. The learner status would only be stated in the
ILMP prior to the evaluation of the learner’s intervention. Mam Abante affirmed that the learner status will
be identified after the intervention. Mam Ramintas acknowledged the presence of coach Sir Herman
Aguado. Mr. Aguado stated the set-up of debriefing and assistance of the groups. Mr. Aguado also clarified
that ILMP is similar with the WHLP but the former focusing on individual monitoring. Mr. Care reiterated
his understanding of the learner status. Mr. Aguado confirmed that the learner status part in the output in
Activity 4 could already be filled out for the purpose of documentation of the training. But to put it in the
actual context, the said part would only be identified after every learning cycle. Sir Care clarified if all the
columns in learner status part will be filled out, in compliance of the output completion, having the idea that
one status could only be available for each learner. Mr. Aguado mentioned that two or more statuses could
be identified but specific parts or topics in the lesson should be specified. The ILMP serves as the basis for
the next module or activity that will be given to the learner. Mr. Aguado finalized that the sample ILMP
should be filled out. Mr. Aguado reminded the teachers and facilitators to forward their concerns and
questions to him so that he could raise these questions to the general meeting. Mam Abante ended the
presentation with an inspirational message. Mam Ramintas noted that Mam Abante’s presentation had been
covered in two (2) hours. She also asked Sir Leyba of participants who were not able to enter the virtual
meeting. The session has a complete attendance.
The next presentation was supposedly be presented at 1:00 PM but the group decided to pursue it
right after the former. Mam Quintana presented Module 4 which highlights the Planning for Continuing
Professional Development and LAC Planning. She started her presentation with a simple introduction and
the objectives of the module. She also enumerated the lessons that will be covered in the module, the
specific lesson objectives, key concepts and resources required. Mam Quintana differentiated the two
concepts ‘professional life’ and ‘professional development’. Mam Quintana also highlighted the PD
Priorities with regard to CoVID 19 response (LCP). The first activity includes a Professional Self-
Assessment Questionnaire. Mam Quintana assigned specific participants to share answers. She also shared
Mam Semira’s answer explaining that the latter’s responses usually dwell on Agree because of the recency
of the modalities. Mam Quintana mentioned that it is connected to Professional Standards for Teacher
(PPST). She also enumerated the domains included. Activity 2 requires the participants to provide
reflections on their self-assessment in the previous activity.
Mam Quintana proceeded to Lesson 2. She discussed first the guidelines in Continuing Professional
Development provided by the National Educators of the Philippines including its context, specific
requirements, providers and forms of professional developments ranging from commission-certified to self-
directed professional development. Activity 1.1 asks participants to categorize the available PD
programs/activities whether online or offline. Mam Quintana restated the Professional Development
Priorities for Teachers elaborating the PD programs for each domain strand. It is followed Activity 1.2
which seeks for the list of Regional and Division Training Programs of the respective area. Activity 1.3
requires the completion of Individual Development Plan. Activity 3, on the other hand, enumerates the goals
of the teachers in terms of professional development. Mam Quintana explained the possible or expected
answers in the activity in relation to the IDP. Mam Quintana also shared a sample IDP explained the
contents of said sample. She also cited sample on Professional Development Objectives related to
Modalities and equivalent specific topics.
Mam Gemma shared her answers in Lesson 1 Activity 3. Mam Gemma presented her IDP which had
been based in the activity she previously displayed. Mam Quintana clarified if the Strengths to be identified
in the IDP refers to personal assessment of the teacher or the results after the IDP. Mam Ramintas clarified
that there is no specific guidelines for the said concern. Sir Care clarified that the self-assessment could be
the basis of the Strengths but there is no specifications that could be include in the IDP. Mam Quintana
affirmed the idea as well. Sir Care mentioned that Activities 1-3 are scaffolded to one another. Mam
Ramintas finalized that the self-assessment will be the basis and the format to be followed is that of the
ICPRF. The items in the self-assessment labeled as Agree and Strongly Agree would be considered as
Strengths and those labeled as Disagree and Strongly Disagree will be the Weaknesses. Mam Gemma
clarified if strengths would still be provided with interventions. Mam Ramintos affirmed that enrichments
could be provided instead. Sir Care also shared a comprehensive IDP. Mam Ramintos noted that Strengths
would be left as it is and the rest of the columns will be allotted for the Development Needs. Sir Care
reiterated his question regarding professional growth specifically days related to PD that were considered as
absence of work. Mam Ramintos clarified that it may be because of the possible liabilities that the teacher
has as the latter prioritized the PD. Mam Ramintos also mentioned that there are PD’s consented by DepEd
and would not be considered as an absence. Mam Gemma mentioned that it was not allow to avoid the
possibility of overwhelming requests for PD. Mam Ramintos also clarified if non-DepEd PD’s are
recognized in promotions. Mam Quintana also restated the guidelines for professional development. Mam
Ramintas recognized and acknowledged the participation of everyone as the session retired. She finally
noted that modules will be arriving in Friday and that the modules will be delivered on Monday. The group
planned for rescheduling of the said activities. Mam Ramintas surveyed the group of their availability
whether weekend or Monday. Mam Gemma suggested that advisers could be the only ones present on
Monday for the packing of modules. Mam Ramintas reminded the teachers to work on the expected outputs
in the Google Classroom and sought questions so she could address them to Sir Aguado. The session
finished at 2:50 PM.
Mam Melanie Dote -
Module Objectives Activity