SPECTRUM Techno Consultants PVT LTD: Project
SPECTRUM Techno Consultants PVT LTD: Project
SPECTRUM Techno Consultants PVT LTD: Project
Project : Construction of Major High Level Bridge across Wainganga River at Ambhora on
Khapri Pachgaon Kuhi Ambhora to Bhandara Road (S.H.-347) in Tahsil Kuhi, District
Owner :
PWD Nagpur, Maharastra.
Document :
806 EDN MJB 4001 R1
1.0 Introduction
3.0 Material
1.0 Fatigue assessment of truss members
1.0 Introduction
This design report covers the design of Deck slab with 7.5 m clear carraigeway and 3.0 m wide
footpath on either side.The road traffic is carried on cast-insitu RCC deck slab. RCC deck slab is laid
along the span and is connected to cross girder thus making the floor system a RCC structure. (Refer
drawing 806-ED-MJB-4001(Latest revision)).
3.0 Materials
i) Concrete
Dead load of various components of superstructure are considered by adopting unit weights as per
relevant IRC code.
i) Deck Slab
Deck Slab is designed for One lane of Class 70R & One/Two lanes of Class A as per clause 204.3 of IRC
6:2017, whichever produces severe effects.
2 2
P = 400 kg/m = 4.000 kN/m
SPECTRUM Techno Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Calculation Note
Analysis & Structural Model of Deck Slab has been carried out in SOFiSTiK software.Deck Slab is
spaning in Longitudinal Direction so, C/C distance between Cross beam (4.0 m) is considered in
Vehicle ------> Deck slab ------> cross giders ------> Tie beam
The deck slab will be analysed and designed as a continious member supported on cross girders
a) Material Properties
i) Concrete Grade = M 50
ii) Reinforcement steel grade = Fe500
b) Dimension Details
5.63 2
i) Self weight of deck slab = kN/m
1.65 2
ii) Wearing course = kN/m
iii) Crash barrier load
C/S area of crash barrier = 0.330 m
Wt. of one crash barrier = 0.330*25.00 = 8.250 kN/m
Width of crash barrier = 0.45 m
Intensity of crash barrier per sqm = 8.25 / 0.45 = 18.333 kN/m
Width of crash barrier
iv) Railing load including pedestal = 3.0 kN/m
Width of railing = 0.43 m
Intensity of Railing load per sqm = 3.0 / 0.43 = 6.977 kN/m
The live load is applied as a point load at wheel location. Load dispersion width is calculated as per the
effective width formulae given in informative Annexure-B3 of IRC 112:2011.
SPECTRUM Techno Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Calculation Note
Effective Width calculation for live load (As per Informative Annexure-B3 of IRC 112: 2011)
b ef = a a 1 - + b1
b1 = 0.81+0.065*2 = 0.94 m
b = Width of slab
b = 9.57 m
b/l 0 = 2.39 = 9.57/4.000
α = a constant having the following values depending upon the ratio b/l 0
= 2.6
b ef = 2.6*0.600*(1-(0.600/4.000))+0.94
b ef = 2.266 Distance between wheels = 1.93 m
If effective width more than distance between wheels
Train Point load for transverse analysis (for 1 m strip) = (125.00*2)/(2.266+ 1.93)
(Continous edge side wheel load) = 59.58 kN/m
Dispersion width along the span = (((5000/5.273)/(41-5))*10)/1000+ 2*0.220+2*0.075
b ef = a a 1 - + b1
b1 = 0.81+0.065*2 = 0.940 m
b = Width of slab
b = 9.57 m
b/l 0 = 2.39 = 9.57/4.000
α = a constant having the following values depending upon the ratio b/l 0
= 2.6
b ef = 2.6*2.180*(1-(2.180/4.000))+0.940
b ef = 3.519 Distance between wheels = 1.93 m
If effective width more than distance between wheels
Train Point load for transverse analysis (for 1 m strip) = 125.00*2/(3.519+ 1.93)
(Continous edge side wheel load) = 45.88 kN/m
Following load combinations are used to check and design the decck slab sections for SLS and ULS case.
SLS Load
Quasi-permanent Combination
Combination 1 1.00 1.20 -
for crack width check
Rare Combination for stress
Combination 2 1.00 1.20 1.00
ULS Load
Combination 1 1.35 1.75 1.50 Basic combination
Transverse analysis of the deck slab is carried out in SOFiSTiK. as a continuous beam model. Deck slab
is modelled by using centre line model with pin supports at cross girder locations.The SOFiSTiK model is
shown below.
Traffic Direction
The Dead Loads are applied as shown in fig 1.4 . Also live loads are calculated as per their distribution
widths and applied in a SOFiSTiK model as shown in fig 1.8.
Fig 1.5 Class-70R (Boggie) Live Loads applied in SOFiSTiK model for max sagging moment condition
Fig 1.6 Class-70R (Boggie) Live Loads applied in SOFiSTiK model for max hogging moment condition
((6.95+0.00)*1.35+ ((-9.62+0.00)*1.35+-
ULS combination 90.9525 2.04*1.75+(0.00+52 -88.872 2.82*1.75+(0.00+-
.00)*1.50) 47.30)*1.50)
(6.95+0.00)*1.00+2 (-9.62+0.00)*1.00+-
SLS (Rare) combination 61.398 .04*1.20+(0.00+52. -60.304 2.82*1.20+(0.00+-
00)*1.00 47.30)*1.00
(6.95+0.00)*1.00+2 (-9.62+0.00)*1.00+-
SLS (QP) combination 9.398 -13.004
.04*1.20 2.82*1.20
Deck slab is designed for 1000 mm width in longitudinal direction as mentioned above,
Mu R = 0.1336 x fck
d reqd. = =
91.0 x 1E+06
R xb 6.680 x 1000 = 0.1336*50 = 6.680 Mpa
Maximum of
fctm fctm = Mean axial tensile strength
i) Asmin = 0.260 bt.d
fyk = 0.259 fck 2/3
= 0.26 x 3.52 / 500 x 1000 x 177 = 3.515 MPa
= 323.5 mm2 fyd = yield strength of r/f
SPECTRUM Techno Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Calculation Note
Provided Reinforcement: 16 @ 100 mm c/c ( Ast Provided = 2009.6 mm²/m ) (Hence, OK)
0 150
+ 0 @ 200 mm c/c
Distribution R/f : Transverse Direction [Cl., IRC : 112 -2011 ]
Provided Reinforcement: 12 @ 200 mm c/c ( Ast Provided = 565.2 mm²/m ) (Hence, OK)
Maximum of
fctm fctm = Mean axial tensile strength
i) Asmin = 0.260 bt.d
fyk = 0.259 fck 2/3
= 0.26 x 3.52 / 500 x 1000 x 177 = 3.515 MPa
= 323.5 mm2 fyd = yield strength of r/f
ii) Asmin= 0.0013 btd = 500 MPa
= 0.0013 x 1,000.00 x 177 bt = 1000 mm
= 230.1 mm2 d = 177 mm
Provided Reinforcement: 16 @ 100 mm c/c ( Ast Provided = 2009.60 mm²/m ) (Hence, OK)
+ 0 @ 300 mm c/c
Provided Reinforcement: 12 @ 200 mm c/c ( Ast Provided = 565.2 mm²/m ) (Hence, OK)
SPECTRUM Techno Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Calculation Note
Construction of Major High
Job: Level Bridge across Prep. by VMM Note No. 806/EDN/MJB/4001
6.61 DATA :
Grade of concrete = M 50 Dia of bar: f1 = 16 mm ##
Clear Cover ( c ) = 40 mm n1 = 10
Depth of section : h = 225.0 mm f2 = 0 mm
Eff. Depth :d = 177.0 mm n2 = 10
Width of section : b = 1000.0 mm Bar Spacing = 100 mm
Es = 200000 MPa Ast = 2009.6 mm²
Eq.A2-5 Ecm = 35220 MPa SLS BM = 9.398 kN-m (quasi parmanent)
SLS BM = 61.40 kN-m (rare case)
= Ec,eff allowable crack width : wmax = 0.3 mm
− As Es + ( As Es ) 2 + 2 b As Es Ec,eff d
b Ec,eff
= - 2,009.60 x 200000 + sqrt[ (2,010 x 200000 )² + 2 x 1000 x 2,010 x 200000 x 35,220 x 177 ]
1000 x 35,220
= 53.16 mm
0.425 k1 .k 2 .f n1 f12 + n2 f 22
Eq.12.8 if spacing ≤ 5( c + f/2) S r ,max = 3.4c + f=
r p,eff n1 f1 + n2 f 2
S r . max =1.3(h − x ) = 10.00 x 16^2 + 10.00 x 0^2
10.00 x 16 + 10.00 x 0
bar dia = 16 mm 5( c + f/2) = 5 ( 40 + 16.00 /2 )
bar spacing = 100 mm = 240.0 mm = 16.0 mm
k1 = a co-efficient which takes account of the bond properties of the bonded reinforcement
= 0.8
SPECTRUM Techno Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Calculation Note
Construction of Major High
Job: Level Bridge across Prep. by VMM Note No. 806/EDN/MJB/4001
1 Ec,eff 3
I= b d c + As (d − d c )
3 Es
= [ 1/3 x ( 35,220 / 200000 ) x 1000 x 53.16^3 ] + [ 2,009.60 x ( 177 - 53.16 )² ]
= 39638501 mm4
M ED Ec ,eff M ED
c = s =
zc Es zs
9.40 x 10^6 x 35,220 9.40 x 10^6
= =
( 3,96,38,501 / 53.16 ) x 200000 3,96,38,501 / ( 177 - 53.16 )
f ct ,eff
Eq.12.6 sc − k t (1+ a e r p ,eff )
r p ,eff sc
e sm − e cm = 0.6
Es Es
esm - ecm = [ 29.36 - 0.5 ( 3.52 / 0.0351 ) x ( 1 + 5.68 x 0.0351 ] /200000 ≥ 0.6 x 29.36 / 200000
Calculation of wk :
wk = 213.5 x ( 0.00008808 )
STRESS CHECK A S P E R I R C : 1 1 2 - 2 0 1 1
M ED Ec ,eff
c =
zc Es
s =
= 61.40 x 10^6
3,96,38,501 / ( 177 - 53.16 )
6.71 DATA :
Grade of concrete = M 50 Dia of bar: f1 = 16 mm ##
Clear Cover ( c ) = 40 mm n1 = 10
Depth of section : h = 225.0 mm f2 = 0 mm
Eff. Depth :d = 177.0 mm n2 = 10
Width of section : b = 1000.0 mm Bar Spacing = 100 mm
Es = 200000 MPa Ast = 2009.6 mm²
Eq.A2-5 Ecm = 35220 MPa SLS BM = 13.004 kN-m (quasi parmanent)
SLS BM = 60.30 kN-m (rare case)
= Ec,eff allowable crack width : wmax = 0.3 mm
− As Es + ( As Es ) 2 + 2 b As Es Ec ,eff d
b Ec ,eff
= - 2,009.60 x 200000 + sqrt[ (2,010 x 200000 )² + 2 x 1000 x 2,010 x 200000 x 35,220 x 177 ]
1000 x 35,220
= 53.16 mm
0.425 k1 .k 2 .f
S r ,max = 3.4c + n1 f12 + n2 f 22
Eq.12.8 if spacing ≤ 5( c + f/2) r p ,eff f=
n1 f1 + n2 f 2
S r . max =1.3(h − x ) = 10.00 x 16^2 + 10.00 x 0^2
10.00 x 16 + 10.00 x 0
bar dia = 16 mm 5( c + f/2) = 5 ( 40 + 16.00 /2 )
bar spacing = 100 mm = 240.0 mm = 16.0 mm
k1 = a co-efficient which takes account of the bond properties of the bonded reinforcement
= 0.8
SPECTRUM Techno Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Calculation Note
3 Es
= 39638501 mm4
f ct ,eff
Eq.12.6 sc − k t (1+ a e r p ,eff )
r p ,eff sc
e sm − e cm = 0.6
Es Es
esm - ecm = [ 40.63 - 0.5 ( 3.52 / 0.0351 ) x ( 1 + 5.68 x 0.0351 ] /200000 ≥ 0.6 x 40.63 / 200000
Calculation of wk :
wk = 213.5 x ( 0.00012188 )
STRESS CHECK A S P E R I R C : 1 1 2 - 2 0 1 1
M ED Ec ,eff
c =
zc Es
s =
= 60.30 x 10^6
3,96,38,501 / ( 177 - 53.16 )
0.43 1.77
= 3.167 t.m
As per Cl. 206.3, IRC-6 : 2017, Footpath Live Load of 500 kg/m² can be considered.
40 L − 300
Intensity of Load (P) = P = P' − P = The Live Load in kg/m²
P' = 500 kg/m²
40 x 4.00 - 300
= 500 -
= 0.913 t/m
= 1.004 t.m
SPECTRUM Techno Consultants (P) Ltd
Construction of Major High Level Bridge across
Wainganga River at Ambhora on Khapri Pachgaon
Job : Prepared by VMM Note No: 806-EDN-MJB-4001
Kuhi Ambhora to Bhandara Road (S.H.-347) in Tahsil
Kuhi, District Nagpur
ULS 1.35 1.35 1.75 1.5
SLS 1 1 1.2 1
ULS BM = [ 1.35 x 1.21 ] + [ 1.35 x ( 0.00 + 0.60 + 1.36 ) ] + [ 1.75 x 0.00 ] + [ 1.5 x 1.00 ]
= 5.78 t.m
0.5 f ck 4.6 M u
Ast = 1 − 1 − xb xd
f yk f ck x b x d 2
Maximum of
fctm fctm = Mean axial tensile strength
i) Asmin = 0.26 bt.d
fyk = 0.259 fck 2/3
1 DATA :
Grade of concrete = M 50 Dia of bar: f1 = 16 mm ##
Clear Cover ( c ) = 40 mm n1 = 10
Depth of section : h = 200.0 mm f2 = 0 mm
Eff. Depth :d = 152.0 mm n2 = 10
Width of section : b = 1000 mm Bar Spacing = 100 mm
Es = 200000 MPa Ast = 2009.6 mm²
Eq.A2-5 Ecm = 35220 MPa SLS BM = 31.7 kN-m (quasi parmanent)
Φ(∞, t0) = 0.00 SLS BM = 41.7 kN-m (rare case)
Ec,eff = 35220 MPa allowable crack width : wmax = 0.3 mm
− As E s + ( As E s ) 2 + 2 b As E s Ec ,eff d
b Ec ,eff
= - 2,009.60 x 200000 + sqrt[ (2,010 x 200000 )² + 2 x 1000 x 2,010 x 200000 x 35,220 x 152 ]
1000 x 35,220
= 48.58 mm
0.425 k1 .k 2 .f
Eq.12.8 5( c + f/2) S r ,max = 3.4c + n1 f12 + n2 f22
if spacing ≤
p ,eff f=
n1 f1 + n2 f2 Eq.12.8
k1 = a co-efficient which takes account of the bond properties of the bonded reinforcement
= 0.8
k2 = a coefficient which takes account of the distribution of strain :
= 204.31 mm
3 Es
= 28224091 mm4
Eq.12.6 f ct ,eff
sc − kt (1+ a e p ,eff )
p ,eff sc
e sm − e cm = 0.6
Es Es
esm - ecm = [ 116.03 - 0.5 ( 3.52 / 0.0398 ) x ( 1 + 5.68 x 0.0398 ] /200000 ≥ 0.6 x 116.03 / 200000
Calculation of wk :
wk = 204.3 x ( 0.00034810 )
s =
= 41.71 x 10^6
2,82,24,091 / ( 152 - 48.58 )
Width of Beam = 400 mm
Load Data
Load Combinations
SLS Load combinations DL+SIDL WC LL
Combination 1 1.00 1.20 -
Combination 2 1.00 1.20 1.00
UDL on Beam
ULS combination 85.82 kN/m
SLS (Rare) combination 60.24 kN/m
SLS (QP) combination 36.76 kN/m (22.75+5.00)*1.00+7.51*1.20
ULS Shear = 85.82 3.43 = 294.35 kN
√ M
Equation : D = + cover
R x b
= √ 504.8 x 10 ^ 6
+ 0.098
8.290 x 400
= 0.488 m
providing Depth of Beam = 0.600 m
So, As,min will be maximum of two As,min = 367 mm
Shear Resistance w/o R/f (cl. 10.3.2, IRC : 112-2011) at critical section
K = 1+ 2 = 1.02 < 2
1/ 2
vmin = 0.031 K 3 / 2 f ck
= 0.226
NED = 0.0 (longi. force)
σcp = N ED
0 . 2 f cd = 0
A c
ρ1 = Ast
0.02 = 0.016
bw d
f cd
Max. shear resistance of a cw bw z v1 αcw = 1 (σcp = 0 )
member (with shear r/f)
= (cot + tan ) z = lever arm (R. C Section)
VRd.smax = ( 1 x 400 x 451.80 x 0.5 x 22.33 ) = 0.9 d
( cot 45 + tan 45 ) = 451.8 mm
= 1015.5 kN v1 = 0.5 (fck <80 Mpa)
fcd = 22.33 MPa
θmax = 45 °
Design shear resistance of
member (with shear r/f) =
Equating VRd.s and Ved we get,
Ved =
= 2.17 mm²/mm
Grade of concrete = M 50 Dia of bar: f1 = 32 mm 2
Clear Cover ( c ) = 50 mm n1 = 4
Depth of section : h = 600.0 mm f2 = 0 mm
Eff. Depth :d = 502.0 mm n2 = 0
Width of section : b = 400.0 mm Bar Spacing = 100 mm
Es = 200000 MPa Ast = 3217.0 mm²
Eq.A2-5 Ecm = 35220 MPa SLS BM = 216.2 kN-m (quasi Parmanent)
= Ec,eff = 354.3 kN-m (rare case)
allowable crack width : wmax = 0.3 mm
− As Es + ( As Es ) 2 + 2 b As Es Ec ,eff d
b Ec ,eff
= - 3,216.99 x 2,00,000 + sqrt[ (3,216.99 x 2,00,000 )² + 2 x 400 x 3,216.99 x 2,00,000 x 35,220 x 502 ]
400 x 35,220
= 173.28 mm n 1 f 12 + n 2 f 22
n1 f 1 + n 2 f 2
0.425 k1 .k 2 .f
Eq.12.8 if spacing ≤ 5( c + f/2) S r ,max = 3.4c +
r p ,eff Eq.12.8
k1 = a co-efficient which takes account of the bond properties of the bonded reinforcement
= 0.8
Spectrum Techno Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Job : Construction of Major High Level Bridge
across Wainganga River at Ambhora on
Khapri Pachgaon Kuhi Ambhora to Bhandara
Road (S.H.-347) in Tahsil Kuhi, District
Nagpur Prepared by VMM Note No: 806/EDN/MJB/4001
Title : Checked by YAK Revision: R1
BRIDGE 13-12-2019
Date Page No:
= 266.21 mm
3 Es
= 469783513 mm4
c =
M ED Ec ,eff s =
zc Es
Eq.12.6 f ct ,eff
sc − kt (1+ a e r p ,eff )
r p ,eff sc
e sm − e cm = 0.6
Es Es
esm - ecm = [ 151.31 - 0.5 ( 3.52 / 0.0565 ) x ( 1 + 5.68 x 0.0565 ] /200000 ≥ 0.6 x 151.31 / 200000
Calculation of wk :
wk = 266.2 x ( 0.00055120 )
M ED Ec ,eff
c =
zc Es
s =
= 354.34 x 10^6
46,97,83,513 / ( 502 - 173.28 )
= 247.9 MPa
< 400 MPa (0.8 fyk, cl.12.2.2, IRC:112-2011)