Overview of Blended Learning: The Effect of Station Rotation Model On Students' Achievement
Overview of Blended Learning: The Effect of Station Rotation Model On Students' Achievement
Overview of Blended Learning: The Effect of Station Rotation Model On Students' Achievement
Review Article
This paper aims to review on blended learning models specifically on station rotation model includes the implementations and
results of past studies on students’ achievement. This paper starts with an overview of blended learning concepts that could be
implemented in teaching and learning and the issue arising in the promoting better understanding of the concepts. The discussion
leads to the potential of using a station rotation model of blended learning for future study as the review from the past studies
revealed that this model had positive impacts on students' achievement. These results are so promising, and this model could be
designed and implemented in future studies
© 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.06.56
Modern educational technology is a revolution due to the reportedly one of the most effective strategies to implement
widespread reach of the internet along with the information without ignoring the teachers' role in the classroom.
and communication technology (ICT) [1], [2]. ICT stands for Moreover, blended learning also compliments the benefits of
any application which involves the usage of communication both, offline traditional F2F learning and online learning [6],
devices includes radio, television, cellular phone, computer, [8]. Besides, the research by Philips [10] claimed that the
and a variety of related services such as video conferencing students do see some importance in online learning. However,
and online learning [3]. The utilization of ICT makes teaching students did not want online learning to completely replace
more effective and interesting and it also enhances students' offline traditional F2F learning.
learning which can create a modern learning environment [3].
Blended learning is frequently implemented in the education
In this revolution of ICT, teachers should take initiatives to find sector and other sectors such as nursing, the working sector
out innovative ways to fulfil students' learning needs, because and many others outside Malaysia [11]. It is believed that
the education system is always changing. Essentially, the blended learning, if implemented well, is very effective
teachers have to put effort to implement innovative teaching because, a teacher does not hold a passive role, but instead
methods in the classroom [4]. Teachers have to immediately acts as a mentor or a coach who gives personalized
replace the old learning styles such as chalk and talk methods, instructions. Online learning itself cannot solely replace the
in favour of more active learning activities by implementing teacher's role in instructing and teaching students. A
creative teaching approaches. significant part of this approach is the transition of their role
from supplying knowledge to coaching students based on their
Many innovative teaching approaches can be implemented for abilities [12]. Teachers can engage, inspire and empower
example collaborative learning, inquiry-based learning, students to experience learning when they are in smaller
project-based learning, blended learning, and many others. groups within a blended learning environment [12].
From the perspective of ICT, education can be categorized into
three main categories, (1) e-learning, (2) blended learning and BLENDED LEARNING
(3) distance learning (Kumar, 2008). Among them, blended Blended learning is created as an environment which takes the
learning has gained many spotlights in the education sector values of both offline traditional F2F learning and online
[5]. Blended learning is specified as the combination of various learning [13]. It is the new trend in teaching and learning of
instructional media, delivery approaches and different kinds of core subjects including science.
pedagogical approaches [6]. The core of blended learning is
the combination of both, offline traditional face-to-face (F2F) Blended learning is a commonly used method in schools and
learning and online learning [6]–[8]. Blended learning covers universities levels. Teachers already used blended learning in
the weaknesses of both, offline traditional F2F learning and their teaching and learning process. However, the difference is
online learning. It also helps students to study anywhere and the approach to design the learning experience [14]. As
anytime, makes it easier for them to access the learning reported, blended learning has different perceptions for
activities, and increases their interaction and engagement [9]. different people [13], [15]. Some of the researchers mentioned
that the blended learning system combines face-to-face
It is the best move to combine the advantages of offline instruction and computer-mediated learning [8]. In contrast,
traditional F2F learning and online learning in a blended some people argued that the term blended learning is ill-
learning environment [4]. The blended learning approach is defined [13], [16].
They stated that the concept of blended learning can lead to researchers such as traditional method, web facilitated
misconceptions as it can be thought of blending in teaching approach and blended or hybrid learning.
only instead of learning. They mentioned that the true
meanings of blended learning include “blended pedagogies”, Other than that, blended learning is stated as an instructional
“blended teaching” and “learning with blended pedagogies”. approach that combines different modes of instructional
While some researchers have defined blended learning as methods, instructional technologies, and delivery methods
follows: such as offline traditional F2F learning and online learning
[15]–[17], [19]. Sometimes, blended learning is regarded as
(i) The combination of instructional media such as hybrid learning [7], [20]. Akkoyunlu and Soylu [19] stated that
audio, streaming video, live virtual classroom, blended learning is a combination of various models of online
videotape, CD ROM and collaborative learning [15], and offline education, teaching techniques, learning resources
[17] and all types of relevant technology.
(ii) The combination of different kinds of pedagogical
approaches such as constructivism, behaviourism Blended learning is defined as a combination of offline
and cognitivism [15]. traditional F2F learning and e-learning. Other than that, Allan
(iii) The combination of offline traditional F2F learning [21] believed that "blended learning is the usage of different
with online learning (delivery method) [6], [15], [18]. internet-based tools including chat rooms, discussion groups,
podcasts, and self-assessment tools to support offline
Many debates are revolving around the exact meaning of traditional F2F learning". These quotations give an insight that
blended learning. However, Bonk & Graham [18] stated that blended learning relates to various combinations of
the most accurate definition which reflects the blended technology in the teaching and learning process, and every so
learning systems is the third definition. They emphasized the often a mixture of technology and classroom-based learning.
crucial role of computer-based technologies in blended This study addresses the issues by giving a landscape of
learning. It is supported by Sloan Consortium where blended blended learning which includes time, place, focus, learning
learning is defined as a combination of face-to-face instruction relationships, different ICTs, types of learner, and learning
and online delivery. As highlighted, blended learning has a context [21]. Figure 1 shows an overview of blended learning.
percentage of 30-79% of the contents delivered online [7].
There are a variety of delivery methods as highlighted by the
According to Garrison and Kanuka [6], blended learning is can learn anywhere and anytime. Online learning has some
both effortless and complicated. The researchers considered interesting elements which are, the flexibility in time or place
blended learning as simple because it consists of both and the variety of the way of delivering.
synchronous (face-to-face) and asynchronous (text-based
internet) learning activities. At the same time, it is quite BLENDED LEARNING MODEL
complex and very challenging to implement blended learning. Horn and Staker [22] proposed six models of blended learning
For example, the suitability of the design needs to be which are face-to-face driver, online lab, flex, self-blend,
considered in many contexts and limitless design possibilities. rotation and enriched virtual model. However, they removed
Other than that, Horn and Staker [22], [23] stated that there two from the six blended learning models which are face-to-
are uncertainties in blended learning in terms of the required face and online lab because they believed that these were
expenses and the actual output. Meanwhile, they believed copies of other models. An overview of the models is given in
blended learning is a formal learning approach where students Figure 2 [24]. The explanation for each model is given below:
among the delivery modalities. The teacher will be on 6. Station rotation – Students rotate between different
the side of the students. Individual tutoring and small learning modalities which include one station of online
group sessions will be carried out if needed. learning. Other stations will include a few small groups
2. Self-blend model – The students learn one or more or the whole class. The content includes tasks by groups,
topics using the online platform with an online teacher. individual tutoring and assignments.
It will assist the offline traditional F2F learning. 7. Lab rotation –Students rotate from their classroom to
Students blend themselves by learning online the learning lab to join the lessons.
individually and learning at schools with F2F teacher. 8. Flipped classroom – Students rotate between offline
3. Enriched-virtual model – Students take offline traditional F2F learning at school and the delivery of
traditional F2F learning and learn the content and content via online sources at their home after the school
instructions alone using online learning. They divide the session.
time on their own. In general, it is a normal school 9. Individual Rotation – Students will rotate based on a
experience. fixed individual schedule. The teacher will set their
4. Rotation – Students rotate between different learning student schedules. The students do not need to rotate
methods. They rotate between online learning in offline for every station or method.
traditional F2F classroom and online environments. Meanwhile, Staker and Horn [22] proposed four major
5. Then, they also have to learn in F2F learning classroom. models in the blended learning classroom. The detailed
The rotation model is divided into four small groups. comparison of each of these four major models in the blended
learning classroom is discussed in Table 1 below.
Based on Table 1, it is clearly stated that all the models should Types of Rotation Models
have at best one station of online learning. The rotation model According to Staker and Horn [23], one of the blended learning
is quite flexible because students rotate to other stations models is the rotation model. Within the rotation model, there
according to the teachers' desires. The stations include are four specific types which are station rotation, lab rotation,
activities in a small group or involving the whole class, flipped classroom model and individual rotation model. Each
projects in groups, individual tutoring and completing specific type of rotation model is a little bit different from
assignments [23], [25], [26]. Verstelle [12] believed that others; however, they are required to have at least one station
teachers have already mastered the act of rotation between which includes an online learning method [23]. The table 2
different kinds of learning activities, but what would make it below summarizes the four specific types of rotation models in
become blended learning is the involvement of online learning. a blended learning classroom.
Table 2: Four Specific Types of Rotation Model in a Blended Learning Classroom [27]
Individual rotation
Characteristics Station rotation model Lab rotation model Flipped classroom model
Students rotate in a fixed
schedule between offline
traditional F2F learning
Students rotate in a fixed or projects in school and
Students rotate in a fixed Students rotate in a
schedule according to the content delivery using
Setting/ schedule according to fixed schedule among
teachers’ desires within a online learning after
Rotation teachers’ desires among learning activities
classroom or a set of school time
locations in the school [28]. individually [28].
classrooms [25][12], [28] independently [28]. Time
in classes is used to
discuss the concepts
learned [12].
At least one station is The primary delivery of
predominantly an online content and instruction
At least one station is an At least one station is
Learning learning station in a computer from the teacher is
online learning station an online learning
method lab [28]. delivered during online
[28]. station [28]
Students rotate in computer learning outside the
lab for online learning [25]. school [25], [28]
Other stations: small
group or whole class
activities, projects in
groups, individual
Students rotate among Teachers will set
tutoring, online Students need to do
different locations in the student’s schedules
Activities individual learning, homework online at
school instead of rotate in one individually
assignments, night [25], [28].
classroom [28] [25].
independent work at
students' desks, direct
instruction from a
teacher [28]
Example: students
Example: students use
are given a specific
Very similar to station the internet to watch
Students rotate in schedule to rotate
rotation; the lab will be free up online videos for 10-15
Setting different stations in one between online
for other activities within the minutes and complete
classroom [25]. learning and offline
rotation model [12]. questions on Moodle
traditional F2F
learning [28].
Teachers have been using lab
Students practice and
rotation for many years, but
apply learning in school
Location - the difference is that this -
during offline traditional
model combines it with online
F2F learning [28]
learning [12].
This model is common, but Example: students listen
students need to compete with to teachers outside of the
other students to use the class time and complete
Example - -
computer lab [12]. There is the homework during
also a limit of time to stay in a class time with teachers
computer lab. [12].
It was found out that the lab
rotation model is ideal for Students will not be
teachers who want to use passive learners because
software to access the learning it is more like an activity-
materials or to repeat and based learning method
relearn a specific lesson [12]. [12].
Students rotate through Students do not need
Students rotate out of their Students can control
all stations and not just to rotate every
Differences classrooms to computer labs their own time, place,
the usual routines [25], available station or
to further their understanding path and pace [28]
[28]. modality [25], [28]
of the learning matter [28] Allows the teacher to use
More supervision and careful class time efficiently to
guidance are needed to enhance the
prevent the students from understanding of the
misusing the computer labs topic [12].
According to the table above, by using the station rotation STATION ROTATION MODEL
model, students can rotate with an unfixed schedule based on From the four specific models above in Table 2, the station
the teachers' desires in a single classroom or a set of rotation model is selected for the review of past studies to
classrooms [25], [28], [29]. It is different from the other conduct a blended learning classroom. It is because the
models because it does not set any usual routines in the classroom can be split into two, three or even four different
classroom. stations based on the needs of the students and teachers [28],
[29]. Meanwhile, the research by Truiit [29] reported that
teachers witnessed an increase of 21% in the performance of
students during the math block lessons using four different
stations of the station rotation model. Their students’ math
Table 3: Review of Blended Learning Classroom using Station Rotation Model Towards Learning Achievement
Author Objectives Sample Findings
112 students :
Study the effects of blended
experimental group (n = Blended learning had a positive effect on the science test
Alsahi [33] learning on ninth-grade students'
61) and a control group (n scores of intermediate school students.
achievement in science
= 51)
Investigate the achievement of
26 students of the second-
Isti’anah students after implementing Blended learning had a positive effect on the Grammar
semester students from
[34] blended learning in an English test scores
English Department
grammar class
Significant effect shown for experimental group
Study the effect of blended (learning via blended learning method) compared to
34 3rd and
learning on students control group (implemented offline F2F method)
Oweis [35] 4th year students majoring
’achievement and motivation to There was statistically significant impact (α = 0.05) on
in German-English
learn English students’ motivation in experimental group (mean =
1.938) compared to control group (mean = 1.835).
Explore the experiences of Finding proposed five positive themes; technology,
Truitt & Ku 31 elementary students in
learning in Station Rotation learning, variety of activities, getting help, and fun and
[26] a third-grade classroom
model two negative themes; technology and challenging work.
The average of learning outcomes in the experimental
Determine the effect of the 31 students in the
group was 57.8 for pre-test and 82.5 for post-test
blended learning model on senior experimental group and 32
Utami [36] Result shows the students in the experimental group had
high school students' students in the control
higher levels of learning achievement than the control
achievement group
Students able to interact with the teacher and friends.
Students experiences increase when involves in various
Investigate effect of station activities at a different station.
Govindaraj 150 college students for
rotation classroom activities Only 11% of students disagreed this learning helps them
[37] Physics subject
towards students’ learning. to learn better due to some factors. Two reasons are the
activities were either too long or too short and
insufficient time to complete the task and in rush.
Investigate the effects of blended Significant effect shown in students' academic
learning on academic 53 students in 6th-grade achievement for the experimental group.
Ceylan [38]
achievement of middle school classrooms in Turkey Experimental group's test scores are greater than the
students'. control group's test scores.
Investigate the students 108 male and female Lack of a statistically significant difference due to the
Khader [39] achievement between two students (3rd grade interaction between the teaching method and the gender
different teaching method. Science) of students.
The test scores on the Pennsylvania System of School
Assessment (PSSA) have increased for all grades and
subjects of the blended learning program.
Case study: Spring city
Apply station rotation model for Comparison of subjects between offline traditional F2F
elementary hybrid
all core subjects learning and blended learning ;
Powell et al. learning school
Reading : 63.9 % (offline) to 82.9 % (blended learning)
Math : 61.4 % (offline) to 85.4 % (blended learning)
Science : 63.0 % (offline) to 90.0 % (blended learning)
Apply the station rotation model Case study: blended The station rotation model has been effective in
to improve math and English learning in Randolph improving math scores on state assessments.
language (ELA) central school district It shows positive improvement among students.
Eddeen et Evaluate the effectiveness 427 students from King Blended learning had a positive impact on academic
al. [40] of blended learning on the Abdulla II School for achievement of the students.
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