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64-QAM Uplink: Feature Description

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64-QAM Uplink

Feature Description

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© Ericsson AB 2016. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be

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The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to
continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall
have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of
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1 Introduction 1
1.1 Basic Characteristics 1
1.2 64-QAM Uplink Summary 1
1.3 Additional Information 2

2 Feature Operation 3
2.1 Network Requirements 3

3 Parameters 4
3.1 Feature Configuration Parameters 4

4 Network Impact 5

5 Associated Features and Affected Functions 6

5.1 Prerequisite Features 6
5.2 Affected Features 6
5.3 Affected System Functions 6

6 Performance 7
6.1 KPIs 7
6.2 Counters 7
6.3 Events 8

7 O&M Information 10
7.1 Activate and Deactivate Feature 10

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64-QAM Uplink

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1 Introduction

This document describes the 64-QAM Uplink feature, which offers an

increased uplink throughput to UEs with UL 64-QAM capability in good
covering areas, and makes the uplink spectrum more efficient.

The benefits on uplink cell throughput increases if more receiving antennas

are used. This feature provides support of 64-QAM modulation in the uplink for
Category 5 UEs, and UL-Category 5, defined in 3GPP TS 36.306 v12.4.0.

1.1 Basic Characteristics

This section describes the basic characteristics of the feature.

Feature name: 64-QAM Uplink

Product identity: DU Radio Node, see Feature Overview.

Baseband Radio Node, see Licensed Feature


Replaces: N/A


This feature has no prerequisite features.

This feature can affect the following RAN features:

• Carrier Aggregation

1.2 64-QAM Uplink Summary

The 64-QAM Uplink feature enables higher order modulation on PUSCH,
increases the number of bits per symbol used in LTE physical layer resources,
and improves throughput.


• Allows uplink peak rate up to 70 Mbps for 64-QAM capable UEs in FDD
20 MHz bandwidth

• Increased uplink throughput for 64-QAM capable UEs in good coverage


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64-QAM Uplink

1.3 Additional Information

More information about this feature and related topics can be found in the
following 3GPP documentation:

• 36.211 v12.5.0 – 64QAM modulation mapping

• 36.212 v12.4.0 – Multiplexing and channel coding

• 36.213 v12.5.0 – Modulation order determination in PUSCH

– MCS 0 – 28, are supported for Category 5 UEs, where MCS 21 – 28

are used with 64-QAM modulation

– Non-Category 5 UEs still support MCS 0 – 24 where MCS 21 – 24 are

used with 16Q-QAM modulation

• 36.331 v12.7.0 – Signaling of enable64-QAM in PUSCH-ConfigCommon,

as well as UE capability signaling; Signaling of UE UL 64-QAM capability
and supported bands

– enable64-QAM is to true in SIB2 and Mobility Control Information,

when feature is enabled

– enable64QAM -v1270 is true in SIB2 and Mobility Control Information,

when feature is enabled

• 36.306 v12.4.0 – UE category definition; UE UL Category definition

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Feature Operation

2 Feature Operation

This section describes the 64-QAM Uplink feature in detail, including network
configuration requirements and operation flows.

2.1 Network Requirements

This is a licensed feature. This means that for the feature to be operational, a
valid license key must be installed and the feature must be explicitly activated
by setting a MOM attribute. See Section 7.1 on page 10 for more details.

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64-QAM Uplink

3 Parameters

This section describes configuration parameters for the 64-QAM Uplink

feature and parameters affected by activating the feature.

3.1 Feature Configuration Parameters

Table 1 describes the feature parameters.

Table 1 Feature Parameters

Parameter Description
puschPwrOffset64Qam puschPwrOffset64Qam = 0 { 0..8 }
Power offset to the target received PUSCH Power Spectral
Density (PSD) for 64-QAM-capable UEs. Used to control the
received SINR target.
It is used to enable maximum throughput for 64-QAM, which in
some configurations is not possible otherwise, see
Dependency: Only relevant if the license for 64-QAM Uplink is
present and the feature is active. For 2Rx, pZeroNominalPusch
+ puschPwrOffset64qam needs to be -100 dBm or higher to
achieve maximum throughput.
Unit: 1 dB
Disturbances: Changes may affect traffic.
Takes effect: Immediately.
Ul64QamEnabled Ul64QamEnabled=true enables Ul64Qam on cell level.
Only relevant if the license for Ul64Qam is present and the
feature is active.
Takes effect: Cell lock/unlock.

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Network Impact

4 Network Impact

64-QAM is selected based on estimated uplink channel quality.

Since UE is power limited, 64-QAM can be applied in good radio conditions

with the knowledge of UE’s power headroom.

The overall uplink cell throughput and spectral efficiency is expected to

increase, however the amount of the increase depends on the ratio of 64-QAM
users and their channel characteristics.

Ideally UL64QAM allows for single user uplink peak rate and spectral
efficiency as below:

• ~75 Mbps in 20 MHz, while ~55 Mbps in case of 16QAM

• 3.75 bits/s/Hz, while 2.75 bits/s/Hz in case of 16QAM

RBs are allocated to PUSCH and PRACH. Thus a realistic single user uplink
peak rate is 70 Mbps with 90% 96 SBs allocation and 10% 90 SBs allocation.

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64-QAM Uplink

5 Associated Features and Affected


This section describes how the 64-QAM feature affects other features and

5.1 Prerequisite Features

This feature has no prerequisite features.

5.2 Affected Features

This feature affects no other feature.

5.3 Affected System Functions

This feature affects no system functions.

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6 Performance

This section describes performance indicators, counters, and events

associated with the 64-QAM Uplink feature.

6.1 KPIs
This feature has no associated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

6.2 Counters
Table 2 lists the counters associated with the 64-QAM Uplink feature.

Table 2 Counters
Counter Description
pmMacHarqUlSucc64qam The total number of successful HARQ transmissions in the
uplink direction using a 64-QAM modulation.
Condition: To decide if it was successful is based on the CRC
check, not based on if RBS sends HARQ ACK (RBS can use
the ACK even if the transport block was not successfully
decoded in a way to control the HARQ).
Counter type: ACC
Sampling rate: -
Scanner: Not included in any predefined scanner
Counter is reset after measurement period: Yes
pmMacHarqUlFail64qam The total number of unsuccessful HARQ transmissions in the
uplink direction using a 64-QAM modulation.
Condition: To decide if it was failed is based on the CRC check
for received transport blocks (which results in NACK).
Counter type: ACC
Sampling rate: -
Scanner: Not included in any predefined scanner
Counter is reset after measurement period: Yes
pmMacHarqUlDtx64qam The total number of occasions when an uplink grant was meant
for HARQ transmission of a transport block using 64-QAM
modulation in the uplink direction, where DTX is considered the
reason for no reception of HARQ in uplink in the eNB.
Condition: To decide if it was DTX is based on not receiving a
granted uplink transmission using 64-QAM modulation.
Counter type: ACC
Sampling rate: -
Scanner: Not included in any predefined scanner
Counter is reset after measurement period: Yes
pmSinrPuschDistr [0]: SINR <= -5
[1]: -5 < SINR <= -2
[2]: -2 < SINR <= 2
[3]: 2 < SINR <= 6
[4]: 6 < SINR <= 10
[5]: 10 < SINR <= 14
[6]: 14 < SINR <= 17
[7]: 17 < SINR <= 20
[8]: 20 < SINR

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64-QAM Uplink

Counter Description
pmSinrPuschSectorCarrierDi Distribution of the SINR values calculated for PUSCH. One bin
str added to extend the range as done for pmSinrPuschDistr
pmUeCategoryDlUlCombDistr Distribution of supported combinations for UE capability
parameters ue-CategoryUL and ue-CategoryDL for established
UE contexts, according to 3GPP TS 36.306 Table 4.1A-6. PDF
[0]: ueCategoryDL = 0 and ueCategoryUL = 0
[1]: ueCategoryDL = 6 and ueCategoryUL = 5
[2]: ueCategoryDL = 7 and ueCategoryUL = 13
[3]: ueCategoryDL = 9 and ueCategoryUL = 5
[4]: ueCategoryDL = 10 and ueCategoryUL = 13
[5]: ueCategoryDL = 11 and ueCategoryUL = 5
[6]: ueCategoryDL = 12 and ueCategoryUL = 13
[7]: ueCategoryDL = 13 and ueCategoryUL = 3
[8]: ueCategoryDL = 13 and ueCategoryUL = 5
[9]: ueCategoryDL = 13 and ueCategoryUL = 7
[10]: ueCategoryDL = 13 and ueCategoryUL = 13

More information about counters can be found in Managed Object Model


6.3 Events
Table 3 lists the events associated with the 64-QAM Uplink feature.

Table 3 Events
Event Event Parameter Description
INTERNAL_PER_RADIO_U EVENT_PARAM_UE_HARQ_UL_SUC The total number of successful
TILIZATION C_64QAM HARQ transmissions in the uplink
direction using a 64-QAM
Successful is based on the CRC
check, not based on if RBS sends
HARQ ACK (RBS can use the
ACK even if the transport block
was not successfully decoded in a
way to control the HARQ)
EVENT_PARAM_UE_HARQ_UL_FAI The total number of unsuccessful
L_64QAM HARQ transmissions in the uplink
direction using a 64-QAM
Failure is based on the CRC check
(which will result in an NACK).
EVENT_PARAM_PER_UE_MAC_DTX The total number of occasions
_UL_64QAM when an uplink grant was meant
for HARQ transmission of a
transport block using 64QAM
modulation in the uplink direction,
where DTX is considered the
reason for no reception of HARQ in
uplink in the eNodeB.
EVENT_PARAM_SINR_MEAS_PUSC Number of samples for the
H_7 measured SINR on PUSCH, with
17 < SINR <= 20
EVENT_PARAM_SINR_MEAS_PUSC Number of samples for the
H_8 measured SINR on PUSCH, with
20 < SINR

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Event Event Parameter Description

EVENT_PARAM_UE_CAP_CATEGOR The ue-CategoryDL and ue-
Y_DL_UL_COMB CategoryUL Combination indicated
by the UE, which sets many other
UE L2 parameters for the UE; it
has a range of [1..12].
See Table 4.1A-1, 4.1A-2, 4.1A-3,
4.1A-4, 4.1A-5 and 4.1A-6 3GPP
Rel-12 TS 36.306.
EVENT_PARAM_SINR_MEAS_PUSC Number of samples for the
H_7_XL measured SINR on PUSCH, with
17 < SINR <= 20
EVENT_PARAM_SINR_MEAS_PUSC Number of samples for the
H_8_XL measured SINR on PUSCH, with
20 < SINR
EVENT_PARAM_UE_HARQ_UL_SUC The total number of successful
C_64QAM_XL HARQ transmissions in the uplink
direction using a 64QAM
Successful is based on the CRC
check, not based on if RBS sends
HARQ ACK (RBS can use the
ACK even if the transport block
was not successfully decoded in a
way to control the HARQ)
EVENT_PARAM_UE_HARQ_UL_FAI The total number of unsuccessful
L_64QAM_XL HARQ transmissions in the uplink
direction using a 64QAM
modulation. Failure is based on the
CRC check (which will result in an
EVENT_PARAM_PER_UE_MAC_DTX The total number of occasions
_UL_64QAM_XL when an uplink grant was meant
for HARQ transmission of a
transport block using 64QAM
modulation in the uplink direction,
where DTX is considered the
reason for no reception of HARQ in
uplink in the eNB

More information about events can be found in Manage Lists.

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64-QAM Uplink

7 O&M Information

This section provides Operation and Maintenance (O&M) information for the
64-QAM Uplink feature.

7.1 Activate and Deactivate Feature

Activating the feature requires that the corresponding license is installed.
When the license is installed, an MO instance Ul64Qam is automatically

Table 4 Feature MO Instance

Node type MO instance
DU Radio Node MO instance is OptionalFeatureLicense
Baseband Radio MO instance is FeatureState =Ul64Qam

Feature activation and deactivation are described in Manage Licenses.

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