Institute of Health Sciences Mardan
Institute of Health Sciences Mardan
Institute of Health Sciences Mardan
Final Term Exam Model Paper for 2nd Semester Spring 2017
Program: MPH Subject: Health Management & Information System.
Q.1 Fill in the Blanks.
1. Active surveillance
2. Externalization
3. Sentinel surveillance
4. Explicit Knowledge
5. Vertical Data Transmission
6. knowledge sources for tacit knowledge
7. Health Information System
Q No.1: Define HMIs? What are the problems with health information system and how
can it be effectively managed?
Q No. 2: Briefly describe tacit and explicit knowledge and tabulate their sources?
Q No. 3: What is data quality, what are current problems with data quality and what can be
done to improve it?
1. Surveillance
2. Internalization
3. Routine Data Collection Methods
4. Indicator
5. Information
6. System
7. Combination
Q No 3: What are the different application of IT in health system also tabulate type of
information technology and its applications?