Rouvier-EtAl EcoGeol 1985
Rouvier-EtAl EcoGeol 1985
Rouvier-EtAl EcoGeol 1985
UniversitdP. et M. Curie,Laboratoirede GdologieAppliqude,4, placeJussieu,75230 ParisCedex05, France
Laboratoirede Gdologie,EcoleNormaleSupdrieure,45, rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris, Cedex05, France
0361-0128/85/S9S/666-2252.50 666
peripheries of diapirs which we hope will form a gypsumand rock salt with a few dolomiticinterca-
basis for further discussion and research. latinns (Busson,1967). Only those Triassicbeds
upliftedby diapirismare knownin the north (Fig.
Distribution of Pb-Zn Depositsin Regions 1). These are the equivalentsof the evaporitese-
with Diapiric TriassicRocks quencein the south,which, in fact, they closely
North African ranges resemble.
2. From the Upper Jurassicand duringthe Cre-
Geologicsetting:From the beginningof the Me-
taceous,the deepeningof the Tethys along the
sozoic,the structuraland palcogeographical evolu-
tion of Tunisia and eastern Algeria was broadly as
presentMediterraneancausedthe separationof a
follows: deeply submergedzone in northern Tunisia.Two
typical palcogeographicunits may then be distin-
1. During the Triassic, these regions formed a guished:the Tunisiantroughin the northwest,and
homogeneouspalcogeographicunit. It constituteda the neritic shelf in the south and east which forms
vastshelfwhere neritic sedimentationpredominated the northward extension of the Saharan craton.
with a marked evaporite component.The complete In the Tunisiantrough,the sedimentarysequence
Triassicsequenceonly cropsout in the southof the isverythick(about5,000 m in the Cretaceous
country. The Lower and Middle Triassic units are in the E1 Kef area) and is composedmainly of
composedof sandstonesand dolomites and above carbonatesor detrital beds (limestones,marls,sand-
these lies a thick sequence of some 1,000 m of stones).
map? () I•.,• • ,n• ""w'"" .•'• •
•t . • :-' • . • ,•ll ••
• • •*•,' • • -- • •/ • (GroupI)
• • • ' • H•ofhef/bo//yconnected
• ,'• (Group2 )
4,'4,. 0 Touchk•9the Tr/ass/brocks (Group
50 km
[• or
/nthe Middle Cretaceous
not Triassic rocks ( Group 4)
.,," $4g !½ASSERIlYE
FIG. 1. Pb-Zn and siderite deposits connected with the Triassic evaporites in the northeast
Maghreb. Numbersrefer to depositslisted in Table 1.
z • • • z• z
+• +• +• +• +• +• +• +•
.•. CAIV
A Paleogene
ß Triassicrocks
More than
• Pb-Zn deposits IOOOm
Domain of
+ Basement
+ deposits ß
FId. 3. Pb-Zn-Badeposits
in the Cantabrian
Figure 2.
of the structurehas the ore-bearingcover of the beneath the main Triassic body. This structural
diapir been protected from erosion. arrangementhasbeeninterpretedby Laatar(1980).
At Fedj el Adoum,mostof the ore depositoccurs The mineralizedcap rock is only preservedin the
• Pb-Zn
ß Triassic
rocksD/EO /
i upper
toad Cretaceous
/ 200(
More hon
3000 rn
FIG. 4.
identificationin Figure 2.
80 m
I• I Bo u G r i ne * *\•----'•,•.•-••-•...•__-•
J A A A • A
/ • • • •
•I I
Upper Senonion:
I iimeslones
/ •o
/ ". ••••3 • Lower
/ / • A • •A
/ / i • • .'•// • orgilloceous
Fed j el A d o u m • Triassic:
In Tunisia and the Vocontian basin, the ascent zoneswere the sites of major thermal anomalies
phasewasaccompanied by an intensefluid circula- causedby thehighthermalconductivity of evaporites
tion which allowedthe crystallizationof potassium and by deep-seated thermalanomalies associated
andmagnesium silicatesin the caprocks(Perthuisot with the extensive fracture network in the basement.
and Saliot, 1979). Study of these mineralsand of Theseinitialstagesin diapirdevelopment (initia-
the inclusionswithin them has shownthat the diapir tionandascent phases) characterizedby the intensity
and the permanenceof the deformationin certain these structuresin the stressfield. In this respect
favoredsitesare closelycomparableto the stagesin the Tunisian structuresare very similar to those in
the evolution of mineralized sites on basin borders Spain, in that both exhibit a comparablestyle of
where faultingand flexuralmovementsare frequent deformationbetween a nappe zone and a more or
during the depositionstage. less tabular shelf zone. On average,the observed
Piercementphase:In Tunisia, at the end of their result is a more or less asymmetricaland fractured
ascent,the Triassicrockspierced their coverunder- anticline cored by a diapir of salt. The mineralized
water.Thispiercementwasthusaccomplished during stratiform bodies are themselves deformed like the
the Middle Cretaceousunder differentbathymetric envelopeand broken by fractures,which in Tunisia
conditionsand with varyingsedimentological effects. are highlighted by Pb-Zn vein mineralization
This produced the zone of diapirs which trends (Fig. 10J).
obliquelyto the facieszonesdefinedby Cretaceous The intensityof the regionalandlocaldeformation
sedimentaryrocks(Fig. 10D). seemsto exhibit an influenceon the depth to which
With a deep-waterlayer (Fig. 10) in the trough erosionhasreached.This fact canexplainthe scarcity
zone, the disturbancesin the environmentbrought or even the complete absencein certain areas of
aboutby saltintrusionare smallcomparedto those outcropsof mineralizeddeposits.Thus the diapiric
featuresthat can be observedon an ordinaryshoal. structures in the Vocontian zone, which have been
If the diapir appearson the sea floor, the solution erodeddownto the Middle Jurassic rocks,are rarely
of the salineelementsfrom the diapir causesbreccia mineralized whereas those in Tunisia, which are but
formation on its outer parts and the liberation into little eroded, are mineralized as at Bou Grine. Con-
the sedimentaryenvironmentof fine insolublemin- versely, if tectonic deformationsafter the initial
erals (bipyramidalquartz included in gypsum,for piercementare weak, then the structuresand ma-
example). This is the case in the lower Eocene in terials correspondingto the initial diapiric phase
Tunisia. often become buried beneath more recent rocks,
Emergenceof the diapir onto the earth's surface even if the central part of the diapir has continued
may be precededor accompanied by the establish- its ascent(Fig. 10H and I). This could be the case
ment of carbonate reefs that form massifs(Slata, in most of the diapirs in the Cantabrian basin in
Ouenza,Jerissa)or isolatedpatches(Lorbeus,Keb- contactwith the Upper Cretaceousand Tertiary.
bouch).The temporalrelationshipof diapir pierceq
ment and reef formation has been demonstrated for Discussion
the Valle de Mena diapir in northernSpain(Schroe-
der, 1979) (Fig. 10E). Certain characteristicsof diapir-related deposits
Important changesaffect the top of the diapir are close to those of the MississippiValley type
during the piercementphase,especiallywhen the which were discussed by Ohle (1980). This compar-
top has emerged. These changesinclude dolomiti- ison has already been made for the concentrations
zation, karstification,and redepositionof insoluble in the cap rocksof the Gulf Coast(Price and Kyle,
materials in the karst cavities. These phenomena 1983). In the same area certain structuresform
caused the formation of host rocks of the Tunisian traps for hydrocarbonsor contain sulfur deposits
Middle Cretaceousdeposits,i.e., Fedj el Adoum (Ruckmicket al., 1979; Davis and Kirkland, 1979).
(Fig. 1OF). In the Tunisianexamples,as well as the depositsin
The successionof phasesoutlinedabove(initiation, the cap rocks accompaniedby hydrocarbonsand
ascent, and piercement) can recur, provided that sulfur, concentrationsalso occur in the peridiapiric
certain conditions are fulfilled which establish a new
beds. This fact justifiesfurther analysisin support
imbalance. These conditions include: burial, contin- of this comparison.
ued supply to the salt-bearingbody, or erosional The Tunisiandepositsare poor in differentmineral
elimination of any blockage.The latter condition types and it is impossibleto link their genesisto
seems to have occurred in Tunisia and in northern magmaticphases.The depositsare contained in
Spainfor the piercementthat occurredduring Late rocks situated directly above the diapirs. These
Cretaceous to Eocene time. The stratiform miner- rocksare thin comparedwith the thick interdiapiric
alization of Koudiat Safra in sandstonesof upper basin rocks. The host rocks are dolomites or lime-
Eoceneto Oligoceneage may be correlatedwith an stonesand occasionallysandstones. Zn is mostoften
earlier phaseof piercement (Fig. 10G to I). associatedwith the carbonate rocks, whereas Pb is
Subsequent deformation:In mostcases,the diapir associatedwith the sandstones. Two types of min-
structuresthat formedduringthe Cretaceousin the eralizationsmay be distinguished:epigeneticmin-
peri-Alpine zone were subject to Late Cretaceous eralization filling cavitiesand syndiageneticminer-
and Tertiary deformations.The intensity of the alization in sedimentswhich are rich in organic
deformationvaried accordingto the positionsof materials.
from diapir formationsas metal vectorshas been zoneswithin the diapir to the top, (2) an appropriate
envisaged(Vadala, 1981; Vadala et al., 1981). chemistry and temperature of the mineralization
fluidswhich will mobilize and transportthe metallic
A Model for Peridiapiric Metal Concentration elements,(3) an abundantsourceof sulfur,and (4)
the existence of a trap for mineralization fluids
The model proposed herein takes into account located at or near the top of the diapir. A very
the characteristicsof peridiapiric concentrations similarmodel to ourshasbeen proposedfor mineral
themselves.First, the depositswere isolatedin the depositsoccurringin the cap rock of a Texasdiapir
midst of a vast basin; the depositshad no direct
(Price and Kyle, 1983). Moreover, our model is a
continentalsupply.Second,the emergedsurfacesof variantof the "pal•insule"modelproposedby P•I-
the Thiassicrockswere exposedin onlya smallarea; issonnier (19,59, 1962, 1967), which brings into
this makesreworkingof pre-Triassicmineralization
play the conceptof the "bottleneck." Our model
an unlikelyhypothesis. Third, whenthe salt-bearing alsotakesinto accountthe manysimilaritiesbetween
formations were mineralized, the mineralization oc-
peridiapiric Pb-Zn mineralization and Mississippi
curred only at the upper tectoniccontactwith the Valley-type deposits,i.e., the sameoccurrenceof
surroundingsedimentaryrocks.In fact, in the case traps which are (systematically)higher than the
of Turonian mineralization, the absenceof reworked
basinfloors,similaritiesin sedimentological,hydro-
Triassic rocks and the great homogeneityof the logical, and structuralcharacteristics between de-
faciesprecludesthe existenceof Triassic position sites and certain hydrocarbontraps; and
outcrops.Emplacementmodelsin which the imme- compatabilityof temperaturesand salinitiesof the
diate sourceof supplyis continentaland where the mineralizing fluids. Finally this model takes into
trap is located at the geochemicalboundary of accountthe data recently obtained about the fun-
continentaland marineenvironments(Lagny, 1980) damentalrole of compactionin the genesisof strata-
are thereforenot applicable.Thus,a differentprocess bounddepositsaccordingto the hypothesis proposed
mustbe suggestedfrom that of simplesupplyfrom by Noble (1963) and subsequently developedin a
atmospheric weatheringandleachingof a preexisting recent synthesis by Wolf (1976).
metal-rich continental source. The source of the
metal can only be situatedat depth. Sourcesand movementof fluids
In the proposedmodel the followingfour main Postsalt-bearingcover: With compaction fluid
factorshave to be taken into consideration:(1) an presentin the poresof the sedimentaryrockmigrates
internal and external structuralarrangementof the upwardto the top of the diapir structurewhere the
diapirwhichwill channalizefluidsfromthe superface fluid pressureis lower whateverthe stageof diapir
of the salthorizon,the diapir itself, or from deeper development maybe (Fig. 11). The quantityof fluid
offluids ....¾';:.•.."'
"•¾:¾ of the fluids in the
that migrateddependsin particularon the size of exist,andif they are relatedto basementdislocations,
the peripheralzone of the diapir involvedin this then the fluids can move up the structure along
migration. fractures, permeable zones, or solution conduits
In the initial stages,compactionis fairly rapid. within the diapir body itself.
Betweendepthsof 0 to 1,000 m, compactionof a
clayformationis some40 percentandonlyreaches Channalizationof fluids along the contact
50 percent at a depth of severalthousandmeters of the diapir
(Athy, 1930). It maybe supposed that mostof the The diapir contactzone, on either side of the
fluidsrelatedto thisrapidchangein volumemigrate edgeof the saltdiapir, is markedby intensefractur-
up towardthe basinedge.Where a sedimentcontains ing andbrecciation.This zone is the major drain for
60 percent water at the outset, the loss of 40 fluid migrationresultingfrom the postsalt-bearing
percentof one volumeresultsin a new pore water cover compaction.These fluids are composedof
contentof 33 percent.Thus, it is probablethat a watersincludedin the evaporitesandwaterswelling
large part of thesefluidsthen migratetowardthe up from basementfaults (Fig. 11).
edgeof the sedimentary basin,ashasbeenenvisaged The extent of fluid circulation in this zone is
for PinePoint(Jackson andBeales,1967;Billingset shownby the abundanceof new silicate and mag-
al., 1969), or towardthe drainrepresented
by the nesiummineralsoccurringin both the Tunisianand
diapir structure. the Vocontiandiapirs(Perthuisotand Saliot, 1979).
In the caseof a standardTunisiandiapir during Part of theseminerals(micas,talc, and potashfeld-
of the compactable spars)date back to the Middle Cretaceous(K/Ar
the Aptian,the originalthickness
clay formation between the Neocomian and the method)(Bellonand Perthuisot,1977). This age is
Aptianmaybe about3,000 m (coreOB 101), from approximatelythe dateof the firstdiapirpiercement
Fourni$ and Pacaud(1973). If 100 km2 is the and the first mineralization.Thus it seemsprobable
estimatedsurfacearea drainedby the diapir, then that the fluid which precipitated the initial base
about300 km3 of sediments haveundergone pro- metals is related to the solutionsthat precipitated
gressive compaction; the sediments thus enclosed thesenew silicates(Fig. 12).
approximately200 km3 of interstitialwater. If a
third of thisvolumecanmigratelaterally,then 70 Mobilizationand transportof metallicelements
kma of waterwill movetowardthe diapir.With
metal contentsof similarmagnitudeto thoseknown The problemof the basemetal sourceof peridi-
in the brinesin centralMississippi,
i.e., 450 mg/1 apiric mineralizationhas not yet been solved as is
Pb-Zn (Carpenteret al., 1974), the sum of the mostoften the casein manyother typesof deposits.
(some30 milliontons) Therefore only speculationis possible.
is well above the tonnage estimatedfor the two It seemsprobablethat metalliccationswere orig-
of thistype knownin Tunisia,Fedj inally dispersedthroughoutthe sedimentaryforma-
el Adoum and Bou-Grine (in all, 1,300,000 tons tions in the basin, partly in solutionin interstitial
Pb-Zn). watersbut mainly as cationsadsorbedon the clay
Evaporitebeds:The evaporitescontaina great particles(Noble, 1963; Krauskopf,1967); the pos-
volume of water. It consists of interstitial connate sible existence of base metal cation concentrations
water, brines containedin the inclusions,and waters in post-Triassicrocksor even in Triassicstratais not
derivedfromthe dehydrationof gypsumbodies. excluded. This is the case in Tunisia where the
In principle, evaporitebeds are thought to be Lower Jurassicoften containsPb-Zn deposits(Sain-
relativelyimpermeable.In the caseof an evaporite feld, 1952). A finalandvery hypotheticalpossibility
horizoncontaininga notableproportionof carbonates would be the presence in the Triassic evaporite
and detrital minerals,then enoughdiscontinuitiesbasin of mineralized brines identical to those found
can exist in the impermeablebeds to enable fluids in the Red Sea(Bischoff,1969; Brookset al., 1969).
to pass through. Such is the case in the Triassic These brines could have accompaniedthe opening
evaporitesof North Africa and southernEurope phase of the Triassic basin. The mobilization and
whichcontainsandstone anddolomitebedsreaching transport conditionsof the base metals must also
severaltensof metersin thickness. Thesepermeable remain speculative.
beds,especiallywhen they are dislocatedasis the The return of metallic ions to solutioncan only
casein the diapirs,act as drainsthat direct the fluid occur if conditionschange.The important changes
movement.Moreover, if the hypothesisof diapir includean increasein temperatureandpressure,an
locationdirectlyabovemajorfaultsin the basement increase in the salinity of the solutionsas they
is correct,then at the base and the lower parts of migrate(Neglia, 1979), andthe presenceof organic
the saltdiapirtheremustbe a discontinuity favoring compoundsfrom the maturationof kerogen. The
the passageof fluids (especiallythe deep-seated increasein the grain sizeof the clay mineralsduring
fluidsunder the salt-bearingseries).If suchfluids late diagenesisnecessarilybrings about a decrease
in the surfaceareawhichmaybe usedfor adsorption. in the brine. The Pb-Zn-Ba content of these fluids
Some of the metallic cations could thus be freed to is sometimeslarge enoughfor barite, galena,or Pb
reenter the pore-watersolutionand migratein fluid metalto crystallizein certainore conduits.Scattered
channelwaysin accordancewith the methodsde- depositsare alreadyknownin Gulf Coastsaltdomes
scribedabove.In this hypothesis,the transportation (HannaandWolf, 1934; Smith,1970a andb). Similar
efficiencyof the metals(andhydrocarbons) from the depositshave been demonstratedin the Cheleken
cover strata toward the dome would be assuredby oil field on the edge of the CaspianSea (Lebedev,
a salinesolution.The frequent presenceof hydro- 1967).
carbonsin the host rocks of certain peridiapiric A similarproeessean be envisagedfor the origin
concentrations in Tunisia(Fedj el Adourn,Kebbouch, of eertaindepositsfounddose to diapirs.Brine from
Boukhil)suggests that the basemetal-bearingsaline a Triassiesalt-bearingbody eould have migratedin
fluids were oil field brines. This hypothesisis in- part to the lower zonesof the postsalteover and
creasingin importance at present as a result of the aeeumulatednear the diapir strueture.Part of the
work of Jacksonand Beales (1967) and that of brine would thus have beeome enriehed in Pb-Zn-
Sverjensky(1984) more recently. Ba (and depletedin K) as it erossedthe day layers.
In Tunisia, it is, in fact, difficult to decide whether Another part may have remainedwithin the diapir
the migrationsof the hydrocarbonsand the metal- strueture and supplied the potash and magnesium
bearingfluid were simultaneous or successive. Nev- minerals to the earbonates in the eortieal zone of
ertheless, the presence of hydrocarbonsin base the diapir.
metal-mineralizedbeds proves the hydraulic con- In the Gulf Coast it has been shown that brine
nection between the base metal-mineralized site and movementhasonly reallybeen importantafterburial
a more or less distantpetroleum parent rock. The to at least 1,500 m with temperatureson the order
probablehydrocarbonsourcerocksare Cretaceous, of 50 ø to 75øC (Moore and Druekman, 1981). In
but Jurassicor even pre-Triassicformationscannot all the easesproposedhere, sueheonditionswere
be excluded.As a variant of this hypothesis,the eertainlyreaehedfairly early duringthe Cretaeeous.
mobilizingand transportingfluidscouldbe trapped This generalizedeireulationsystemdeseribedfor
in the salt beds after crystallization.These highly the whole eover is perfeetly eompatiblewith the
concentratedbrinescanin fact occupya largevolume restrictedsystemdose to the diapir, with the latter
(up to 50%) in a salinesediment,which preservesa only being neededfor the first phaseof mineraliza-
very high porosity as long as salt recrystallization tion.
does not intervene. In all the eases eonsidered, the fluids tend to
Such brines could be the origin of saline fluids aeeumulatein the apiealpart of the diapir strueture
rich in Ba-Pb-Znin the petroliferousMesozoicbeds as long as piereementhas not oeeurred.During or
of the Gulf Coast (Carpenter et al., 1974). Highly a little before piereement,when the diapir eover is
concentrated brine saturated in NaC1 and rich in K, suffieientlydistended,fluidsmigraterapidly toward
Mg, and SO4initially trapped in the evaporitebeds the outside and can deposit their metal contents
(Louansalt)couldhavemigratedslowlythroughthe where loeal eonditionsfavor sulfidepreeipitation.
postsaltcover to a clay formationwhere potassium
wouldbecomefixedon the clay minerals.This fixing Modes of deposition
would be accompaniedby a recrystallizationof the The possibleeausesof the preeipitationof Pb and
clays,thusaidingthe solutionof the adsorbedmetals Zn mineralsin MississippiValley-typedepositshave
been listed by Heyl et al. (1959). Among these samestructuresand were probablyformed in the
causesmay be notedthe loweringof salinitylevels same way.
and of temperaturesor pressures.This must occur Examplesof diapir zones,with few or without
when the dome approachesthe surface.The exten- sulfidedeposits,includethe Gulf Coastandthe Gulf
sionfracturescausedby hydraulicfracturingaround of Mexico, the Canadian Northern Territories, north
the intrusionsoffer a channelwayfor the fluids and Germany and the North Sea, the PersianGulf and
thusacceleratethe circulationsystemat depth (Fig. its borders,and the north Caspiandepression.
12). Mixing of the metal-saturatedbrine solution When diapir structuresare emplaeedin several
with surface water that is colder and undersaturated stages,asoftenseemsthe ease,we haveshownthat
in metalsthen inducesthe precipitationof the base the depositionof significantamountsof basemetals
metals.Metabolic reductionof the evaporitesby could have occurred during the initial phase of
micro-organisms providesthe sulfurfor the galena, ascentandpiercement.Thisinitialdepositmaylater
pyrite, and sphalerite.The lowering of the fluid be buried by local sedimentation,with the result
pressure also contributes to base metal mineral that discoveryof the mineralizedzonescan only
precipitation(P•lissonnier,1982). The formationof occur if tectonic movements and erosion enable
cap rocksand the sulfur often associatedwith them them to be exposed.In the areasthat are scarcely
is generallyattributedto mixingof two distincttypes affectedby compressional tectonics,it is possible
of fluids,one,originatingat depth,whichis highly that Pb-Zn depositsdo exist at depth around the
salineand the other, originatingnear the surface, diapirs,either in solutionor in the form of Pb-Zn-
which containslittle salt (Ruckmicket al., 1979; bearing mineralsallied to related sedimentaryor
Davis and Kirkland, 1979). Thus the depositionof tectonic structures.
base metal sulfides can occur under the same con- In the caseof the Gulf Coastdomes,the scarcity
ditions as sulfur itself. 3 of sulfidedepositsmaybe explainedby the factthat
The above outline can account for the different Zn- and Pb-bearing
fluidsare ?appedin nearby
types of basemetal depositsfound arounddiapirs. hydrocarbondeposits.Migrationsof these fluids
The stratiformsulfides in theTuronianandOligocene through any deformationphasewould causeboth
bedscouldhave precipitatedfrom the fluidscon- the precipitationof sulfidesin the upper parts of
tainedin an,asyet,unconsolidated sedimentary bed the structuresand the lossof mostof the hydrocar-
directlyaboveor adjacentto the domes.Aboutthe bons.Thus it is not in oil fields that importantPb-
sametime as this syndiageneticmineralizationwas Zn depositsmaybe found.The samereasoningcould
produced,sulfidecrystallization couldoccurin the apply to other diapir and oil field areaswhich are
spacesin the cap rock or in the fractures in the characterizedby the relative persistenceof sedi-
consolidated part of the cover. mentaryfluids(Germany,the Middle East).Unfor-
The differentmodesof emplacement of this first tunately,informationabout the Pb-Zn contentsof
generationmineralizationdo not precludea subse- these fluids is too scarce to conclude that base metal
quent redistribution of the metal stock. Remobili- depositsare absent. Nevertheless,no base metal
zationcouldhave occurredwhen a bed bearingan anomalyseemsto be indicatedin thesezones.
initial deposit was subject to solutionor became In the ease of northern Germany, it may be
karsticduringemergence.Similarly,remobilization observedthatevaporiteformations differappreciably
by the ascentof an initial mineralizationmay also fromthe EuropeanandAmericanTethysformations,
be a possibilityduringa subsequent diapirphase. especiallyby the presenceof potassiumsalts.The
natureof thesebrinesand the porosityof the evap-
Limits of the model orite materialis thereforevery different.The same
If the proposedmodelis correct,it mustaccount compositionaldifference probably applies to the
for all the possibleobservations and especiallythe southAriantiesalt diapirs.
spatialrelationshipcommonly observedbetweenthe Elsewhere,the presenceof high local or regional
saltdiapirsandvariousbasemetaldeposits. Although thermal gradientsis perhapsnecessary for mineral-
the previouslymentionedrelationshipshave been ization to occur. Regional thermal gradients are
demonstratedin the area around the Mediterranean, especiallynecessaryfor facilitatingthe movement
it mustbe recognizedthat many diapir zoneslack of fluids and the depositionof their metal load. In
significantPb-Zn deposits.However, they have the this respect,it is dear that the Tethys zone from
the eastern Mediterranean to the Gulf of Mexico
wasthe preferredlocationof regionalthermalanom-
a In the Tunisiancasesstudied,zonedcap-rockformations alies during the Triassic to Lower Jurassic,the
have not been encountered like those described from the
Middle Cretaceousand the Eocene to Oligoeene
summitsof domesin Germany or the Gulf Coast. However, the
calcitizationoften observedon the apicalrock of diapirsclearly periods.Suggestions as to why some diapir zones
seemsto be the equivalent of that marking the classiccap-rock are ore bearingand othersare not shouldnot hide
calcitic zone. one fact:the ore-bearingdiapir zonesare restricted
to geographicaldomainsthat are preferentiallyen- more in the diapir zone of Tunisiawhere the con-
riched in certain metal concentrations such as lead centration reaches the Oligocene beds. Without
and zinc (Boyer et al., 1975; Routhier, 1983). This diapirism it is unlikely that these depositscould
fact alonecouldexplainwhy, outsidethesedomains, have been exposedand thus reveal the presenceof
diapir-rich zonesare devoid of base metal deposits. a buried lead-zinc zone.
Nevertheless,the limits of metal provincesmust be
determined with more precision in many regions Acknowledgments
around the world.
We are grateful to Ali Attya, PresidentGeneral
Conclusions Director of the Office National des Mines of Tunisia
who kindly grantedpermissionto publishthispaper
The principal characteristics of peridiapiric de- and to Pierre Routhier for his critical reading.We
posits and MississippiValley-type depositsshow are alsogratefulto Alwyn Scarthfor the translation
somestrikingsimilarities,as previouslyemphasized of this article.
by PriceandKyle (1983). In the caseof the Tunisian
depositswhich have been discussedhere, some July 18, 1983; December13, 1984
are similarto the exhalative(volcanic)
sedimentarytype of deposits.
The processes proposedherein for the genesisof
peridiapiricconcentrations couldbe usedto explain Assereto,R., Jadoul,F., and Omenetto,P., 1977a, Stratigrafia
similar concentrations on basin borders. It would e metallogenesi
del settoreoccidentaledel distrettoa Pb, Zn,
then be necessaryto abandoncompletely the hy- fluorite e barite di Gorno(Alpi bergamasche):
tologia Rivista, no. 3, p. 395-532.
pothesisof a nearby continent source of metallic Assereto, R., Brusca,C., Gaetani, M., and Jadoul, F., 1977b,
elements and substitute a model involving base The Pb-Zn mineralization in the Triassic of the Dolomites.
metal-saturatedfluid ascenttowardthe basinedges. Geologicalhistoryand geneticinterpretation:l'IndustriaMi-
Within this framework,the present model is but a neraria, v. 28, p. 1-34.
particularcaseof the moregeneralmodelattempting Athy, L. F., 1930, Density, porosityand compactionof sedi-
mentaryrocks:Am. Assoc.PetroleumGeologistsBull., v. 14,
to explain all strata-associated
mineralizations.It p. 1-24.
would be interestingto be able to demonstratea Attya, A., 1967, Les min•ralisationsmercurif•resde Tunisie
geochemicalkinshipbetween the fluidstrappedin septentrionale:Tunis, Office Natl. Mines Tunisie, unpub.
the ore minerals and the fluids from the bottom of rept., 50 p.
the basin. Unfortunatelythe latter fluids are inac- Baudrimont,A. F., andDubois,P., 1977, Un bassinm•sog•en
cessible. du domainep•ri-alpin: le sud-estde la France:Centre Re-
chercheExplor.ProductionElf-AquitaineBull., v. 2, p. 261-
The followinghave been identifiedas precondi- 308.
tionsnecessary for the formationof diapir-associatedBellon,M., andPerthuisot,V., 1977, Age radiom•trique(K/Ar)
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