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12.2 - Fossils Notes

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12.2 Notes - Fossils: Evidence of Past Life

What is a fossil? (it-'-" ().f ~ntt,Vll-5

~rw.,t ~~\0 ~~.r

List the type of fossils ~~,)~~rnl Sk'SH'r )S - forms when

mir\eral rich water soaks into small cavities
and replaces it with minerals
r,,o~ J. CWyf; - created when a
structure is buried in sediment then
C-<A,{G-cN\ £--~~s - delicate parts are
buried and~ds and gas leave~ fine film
~re&f/4 ~organ isms
p;eserved with little change such as freezing
or amber.
.x_'{'~~J& - indirect evidence
of prehistoric life

What are conditions required for fossilization? ~ti(~°" ~~'o,'\


What states that fossil organisms succeed

one another in a definite order. foC/7 1' so~W r-,
What theory states that life forms change
over time? C)\('0"\ ~V{\

What states that individuals that are better

suited to their environment will survive better?

What is a fossil that was widespread and

existed for a limited time? What is this useful
-t--o L~
for? \
'° r/(.__'?

How could we know if an area was at one
time under water? \~ ~~5\' {u
Name CILJSS ~l\ Date ~/L-

Chapter 12 Geologic Time

Section 12.2 Fossils: Evidence

of Past Life
This section discusses how fossils form and how they are used to correlate
rock layers.

Reading Strategy
Monitoring Your Understanding Complete the chart. After you finish
this section, correct and add details as needed. For more information
on this Reading Strategy, see the Reading and Study Skills in the
Skills and Reference Handbook at the end of your textbook.

Fossils How Fossils Form How Fossils Are Used

a. !Define! C. tlt, \oo~ Q\k
0~ \~tr-\\




2. Is the following sentence true wfalse? An extinct organism is

one that is still found on Earth. ____.:tM-"-"-'-'6'-'-f...,c./_ _ __

Types of Fossils <}

3. Casts are a common type of _db9.....,..__S__._1_ _ __
4. Circle the letter of the type of fossil formed when an organism is
buried in sediment and then dissolved by underground water.
a. coprolite b. trace fossil
f cast @)mold

Enrth Science Guided Reading and Study Workbook • 87
Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Class
------- Date _ _ _ __

Chapter 12 Geologic Time

Mntch encl, exnmple with its type offossil. Some types will be used more
than once.
Example Type of Fossil
r.A/ 5. frozen mammoth preserved remains
_b_ 6. animal footprint 'b.._ trace fossi I
CJ\/ 7. fly in amber
Conditions for Fossilization
8. Complete the following concept map showing conditions that
favor the preservation of fossils.

is favored by the
Fossil preservation
conditions of

Fossils and the History of Life

9. Fossil organisms succeed each other in an order that is
definite and determinable according to the principle of
~ , \ t;(j[(-!RJY\ .
10. According to Darwin's theory of e v o ~ ~ c i e s can evolve
into another through the process of .
Interpreting the Fossil Record
11. What are index fossils? --~--=----~,,_a°YJ
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WC0 &,C0,\~ L'M,J..t,Q

12. Is the following_ senten_ce true ~r false? Scien~se fossils to

mterpret and descnbe·anc1ent environments. /

Earth Science Guided Reading and Study Workbook 88


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You have put the layers in
• \S,,, the right order!
Click on the fossils to
learn more about them.
D Show layer names
Go to the Level Menu to
play again.
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