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Pain Anxiety Delirium: Rass CAM ICU

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MANAGING PAIN, ANXIETY, & DELIRIUM by Nick Mark MD onepagericu.

com Link to the

most current
General guidelines: differentiate PAIN from ANXIETY from DELIRIUM, each should be assessed separately @nickmmark version →
use a quantitative tool to assess each and be goal directed in interventions to treat


Direct: Ask RASS: +4 violent, dangerous CAM- 1. Fluctuating or change in baseline?
+3 pulls T/L/D, aggressive ICU yes
Pain scales numeric
visual analog +2 freq movement, dyssnchrony 2. Inattention? (SAVE A HAART)
+1 restless >2 errors “Tap each time you hear an A”
0 alert, calm 3. Altered LOC? (check RASS)

Indirect: vital signs

-1 awakens (>10 sec) to voice RASS ≠ 0
Typical goal
Tools: CPOT -2 awakens (<10 sec) to voice 4. Disorganized? (questions & commands)
Does a stone float on water?
many others (PAIN, NPAT, etc) -3 moves to voice, no eye contact Are there fish in the sea?
>1 error
-4 no response, moving Does 1 lb weigh more than 2 lbs?
Goal for NMB Can you use a hammer to pound a nail?
-5 no response, not moving Hold up two fingers?
Delirious Do it with the other hand.

Treat: causes Prevent and treat pain Treat: pain and anxiety
Minimize: procedures, interventions (everything listed to the left) Minimize: deliriogenic meds

Position: for comfort Maintain: day-night cycle

Premedicate: before procedures Provide reassurance Avoid: restraints, tubes/lines, noise
Optimize: ventilator mode/settings Optimize: vision, hearing, mobility
Have family present Use correct language, have family present
Continue/restart home medications Mobilize patients early and aggressively

Local: LIDOCAINE Many patients will not require any meds. Use non-pharmacologic modalities instead of
Non-opiate: TYLENOL (PO, PR, PFT, and IV) mediations if possible.
NSAIDS (Toradol, Motrin) GABAergic: PROPOFOL
Adjuncts: GABAPENTIN, TCAs Stop possible offending medications before
Opiates: PO OXYCODONE α2 Agonist: PRECEDEX adding more agents to control symptoms of

MORPHINE delirium.
(bolus vs gtt) IV FENTANYL BZDs: VERSED
DILAUDID (preferably bolus instead of gtt) ATIVAN Typical: HALDOL

v1.1 (2020-03-30)
Other Routes: Epidural, PNC, nerve block
Consider patient controlled (PCA) Dissociative: KETAMINE Other: MELATONIN

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