Pain Anxiety Delirium: Rass CAM ICU
Pain Anxiety Delirium: Rass CAM ICU
Pain Anxiety Delirium: Rass CAM ICU
Treat: causes Prevent and treat pain Treat: pain and anxiety
Minimize: procedures, interventions (everything listed to the left) Minimize: deliriogenic meds
Local: LIDOCAINE Many patients will not require any meds. Use non-pharmacologic modalities instead of
Non-opiate: TYLENOL (PO, PR, PFT, and IV) mediations if possible.
NSAIDS (Toradol, Motrin) GABAergic: PROPOFOL
Adjuncts: GABAPENTIN, TCAs Stop possible offending medications before
Opiates: PO OXYCODONE α2 Agonist: PRECEDEX adding more agents to control symptoms of
MORPHINE delirium.
(bolus vs gtt) IV FENTANYL BZDs: VERSED
DILAUDID (preferably bolus instead of gtt) ATIVAN Typical: HALDOL
v1.1 (2020-03-30)
Other Routes: Epidural, PNC, nerve block
Consider patient controlled (PCA) Dissociative: KETAMINE Other: MELATONIN