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March 2021

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March 2021

March 2021

in every issue
departments resources


features columns
conference preview steelwise
24 Super Fast, Super Tall
40 Thinking Inside the 16 Lasting Longer
In a city known for the tallest buildings and TRAVIS P. CORIGLIANO, SE, PE A new series of AASHTO/NSBA documents
fastest pace of life in the country, a supertall Four insights for successfully will provide guidance on common repairs to
skyscraper opens early thanks to an innovative repurposing anchor big box stores. extend steel bridge service life.
steel connection design and modeling process.
field notes
30 Core Value 44 NASCC:
20 Raising the Bar
The Steel Conference
The first in a multi-part series on SpeedCore
2021 Exhibitor List Vicki O’Leary’s mission is to make the
AISC’s annual list of companies ironworking profession more equitable and
covers what influenced the system, how it
and organizations exhibiting safer, one heart and mind at a time.
was developed, relevant research, design and
(virtually, this year) at NASCC:
fabrication considerations, and the reason for
The Steel Conference. business issues
its name.
22 Effective Networking for
38 Century Club: Tarrier Steel
Introverted Engineers
AISC is 100! And we’re featuring our longest Here are four techniques to successfully
continuously running member fabricators navigate networking.
throughout 2021.

ON THE COVER: One Vanderbilt reaches for the clouds from its high-profile base in Midtown Manhattan, p. 24. (Photo: SL Green/Max Touhey)
MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION (Volume 61, Number 3) ISSN (print) 0026-8445: ISSN (online) 1945-0737. Published monthly by the American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC), 130 E Randolph Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601. Subscriptions: Within the U.S.—single issues $6.00; 1 year, $44. Outside the U.S. (Canada and
Mexico)—single issues $9.00; 1 year $88. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to MODERN
STEEL CONSTRUCTION, 130 E Randolph Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601.
DISCLAIMER: AISC does not approve, disapprove, or guarantee the validity or accuracy of any data, claim, or opinion appearing under a byline or obtained or quoted
Printed on paper made
from an acknowledged source. Opinions are those of the writers and AISC is not responsible for any statement made or opinions expressed in MODERN STEEL from a minimum of
CONSTRUCTION. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without written permission, except for noncommercial educational purposes where fewer than 25 10% recycled content.
photocopies are being reproduced. The AISC and Modern Steel logos are registered trademarks of AISC.

4 | MARCH 2021
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editor’s note Editorial Offices
130 E Randolph St, Ste 2000
Chicago, IL 60601
Editorial Contacts
Scott Melnick
Geoff Weisenberger
Keith A. Grubb, SE, PE
What’s your story? Well for starters, if you’re reading this, I’m guessing Erika Salisbury
you might just be a structural engineer—and if not, you’re almost certainly salisbury@aisc.org
involved in steel design or construction in some capacity. Or perhaps you GRAPHIC DESIGN MANAGER
Kristin Hall
were just looking to jump out of your comfort zone? (If so, thanks! Tell your 312.670.8313
friends and neighbors about us.) hall@aisc.org
AISC Officers
Full disclosure: I’m not a structural engi- became the head of a major Northeastern
Jack Klimp, Cianbro Fabrication
neer. Or a steel fabricator. Or an erector, or a fabrication company. And how two visionary & Coating Corporation
detailer, or an architect. architects developed an inspiring update to VICE CHAIR
But I have been Modern Steel’s senior edi- a New York icon, one that was impressive Stephen Knitter
tor for more than a decade, and I appreciate enough to win AISC’s Forge Prize Award Geiger & Peters, Inc.
buildings and bridges. Occasionally, Modern ( w w w. f o r g e p r i z e . c o m ) . A n d s e v e r a l SECRETARY/LEGAL COUNSEL
Edward Seglias, Cohen Seglias
Steel Editor Scott Melnick turns this space others. (You can find all of the podcasts at Pallas Greenhall & Furman, PC
over to a new voice. And since I like writing www.modernsteel.com.) PRESIDENT
and telling stories, it’s my turn. In this month’s issue, we’re telling the Charles J. Carter, SE, PE, PhD
I also like people. In my time with AISC story of how veteran ironworker Vicki O’Leary SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT
and Modern Steel, we’ve featured count- is changing the face of the profession and Scott Melnick
less stories related to steel buildings and making it a safer, more equitable landscape
Carly Hurd
bridges—stunning designs, means and for all.
methods for making steel projects easier Plenty of great stories will also be told by Lawrence F. Kruth, PE
and faster to create, in-depth looks at spe- the best minds in the steel industry at the VICE PRESIDENT
cific steel framing components, and behind- 2021 NASCC: The Virtual Steel Conference, Brian Raff
the-scenes tours of various processes and taking place April 12–16. Visit aisc.org/nascc VICE PRESIDENT
facilities along the steel supply chain. We’ve to register and take a gander at the more Mark W. Trimble, PE
recently made an effort to tell the stories of than 150 sessions on offer. (Oh, and you can Editorial Advisory Panel
Caroline R. Bennett, PE, PhD
the people who make steel projects better, also see a handful of preview articles—includ- University of Kansas
many of whom also make the industry, and ing our SteelWise and Business Issues col- Amanda Dean, PE
even the world, better. umns—and the exhibitor list in this issue.) Walter P Moore
And for the past year, we’ve been doing So again, what’s your story? A marquee Bryan Frazier,
Zalk Josephs Fabricators, LLC
just that via our Field Notes podcasts. We project held up by thousands of tons of
Keith R. Griesing, PE
told the story of how a longtime fabricator steel? A connection you designed that’s Hardesty and Hanover
became the longtime head judge of AISC’s so genius it borders on crazy? A eureka Stephen Knitter
Student Steel Bridge Competition (for more on methodology you developed that can be Geiger & Peters, Inc.
the competition, visit aisc.org/ssbc). And the implemented on multiple projects? Email me Advertising Sales
story of how two engineering students who (weisenberger@aisc.org) and let me know. M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc.
2 W Taunton Avenue
met sitting next to each other in a class went Let us share it. Berlin, NJ 08009
on to found (forge?) a word-class castings 856.768.9360
company. And how the CEO of an HSS giant
is working to bring manufacturing jobs back Address Changes and
Geoff Weisenberger Subscription Concerns
to the U.S. And how a psychiatric nurse Senior Editor 312.670.2401
Erika Salisbury
6 | MARCH 2021



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If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why?” about something
related to structural steel design or construction, steel
Modern Steel’s monthly Steel Interchange is for you! interchange
Send your questions or comments to solutions@aisc.org.

All mentioned AISC codes and standards, unless noted otherwise, refer Global Warming Potential Difference
to the current version and are available at aisc.org/specifications. All
mentioned Engineering Journal articles are available at aisc.org/ej,
in an HSS Environmental Product
and AISC Design Guides are available at aisc.org/dg. Declaration (EPD)
Why is the global warming potential for hollow structural
sections (HSS) different in the AISC environmental product
Restraint Classifications declaration (EPD) than in the Steel Tube Institue’s (STI) EPD
Figure C-B3.3 in Commentary Section B3.4 of the AISC
if the AISC EPD was developed in conjunction with STI?
Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360)
shows the criteria for a simple shear connection, “PR”
The EPDs from both organizations were indeed developed
moment connection, and “FR” moment connection. But the
together. AISC’s adds the impacts from transport to fabricator
specifications do not state the source of “2EI/L” or “20EI/L.”
and final fabrication, whereas the Steel Tube Institue’s EPD
Can you provide some references regarding this?
scope ends at the HSS manufacturer. You can view AISC’s HSS
EPD at aisc.org/why-steel/resources/leed-v4, and STI’s at
Max Puchtel, SE

Effective Weld Area of a Flare Bevel

Groove Weld
I’m designing a welded connection between the corners of
an HSS member to a steel plate and was wondering how I
would determine the effective weld area used in determining
the available strength per the AISC Specification. I know the
welding process used, but I am not sure how to calculate the
weld metal’s effective throat.
Fig. C-B3.3. Classification of moment-rotation response of fully
restrained (FR), partially restrained (PR), and simple connections. Effective weld area will be equal to the effective throat times
the length of the weld. Section 17.3.7 in AISC Design Guide
21: Welded Connections—A Primer for Engineers states: “Flare
Yes. Several different connection classification systems are V- and flare-bevel groove welds, when filled flush, have throat
available. Commentary Section B3.4 of the AISC Specification dimensions that are defined in AISC Specification Table J2.2. The
refers to a paper by Leon (1994). One of the most used systems throat dimension depends on the welding process and is a function
is summarized in the book by Chen et al. (2011). The basis of the of the radius on the curved member(s). It is often assumed that
values in Commentary Figure C-B3.3 is the paper by Bjorhovde filling these joints flush is required, but less than flush-filled
et al. (1990). The other two primary classification systems were joints are permitted, provided that the required throat is still
developed by Goto et al. (1998) and Nethercot et al. (1998). obtained. This cost-saving idea is simple—specify only the required
References throat dimension rather than assuming that the flush condition is
• Bjorhovde, R., Colson, A. and Brozzetti, J. (1990), required. As the thickness of the curved member increases, so do
“Classification System for Beam-to-Column Connections,” the radius and weld throat that is achieved for heavier members.
Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 11, ASCE. As a result, the potential savings can be significant when thicker
• Chen, W.F., Kishi, N. and Komuro, M. (2011), Semi-Rigid members are involved (see Section 3.4.5 of this Guide).”
Connections Handbook, J.Ross Publishing. Table 8-2 in the AISC Manual provides a detail of
• Goto, Y. and Miyashita, S. (1998), “Classification System a prequalified welded flare-bevel groove weld joint on page
for Rigid and Semirigid Connections,” Journal of Structural 8-62. The effective throat, (E), provided in the table is based
Engineering, Vol. 124, No. 7, ASCE. on the weld being filled flush and is consistent with the values
• Leon, R.T. (1994), “Composite Semi-Rigid Construction,” determined in Specification Table J2.2. While only a flush-filled
Engineering Journal, AISC, Vol. 31. No. 2, pp. 57-67. condition is illustrated in Table 8-2, the Specification does permit
• Nethercot, D.A., Li, T.Q. and Ahmed, B. (1998), “Unified welds less than flush-filled as described in AISC Design Guide 21.
Classification System for Beam-to-Column Connections,” Jonathan Tavarez, PE
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 45, No. 1.
Bo Dowswell, PE, PhD
Modern Steel Construction | 9
steel interchange
SCBF Beam-to-Column Connection
When considering special concentrically braced frames (SCBFs) for our beam-
to-column connection, we see that Section F2.6b(a) pg. 9.1-67 of the AISC
Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 341) states that the
connection assembly shall be a simple connection meeting the requirements
of Specification Section B3.4a, where required rotation is taken to be 0.025 rad.
Would a bolted-welded single plate connection meet this rotation requirement?

Yes, a single-plate connection designed following the guidance provided in Part 10

of the 15th Edition AISC Steel Construction Manual can satisfy this requirement,
although the gusset-to-column connection should be considered as well. Significant
effort was dedicated to writing Commentary to the Seismic Provisions and providing
similar language in various portions of the AISC documents to indicate a relationship
between these sections relative to this issue.
For example, the Commentary to Provisions Section D3 states: “Properly designed
simple connections are required at beam-to-column joints to avoid significant flexural
forces. As per Specification Section J1, inelastic deformation of the connections is an
acceptable means of achieving the required rotation. Standard shear connections, per
Part 10 of the AISC Steel Construction Manual, can be considered to allow adequate
Max Puchtel (puchtel@aisc.org) rotation at the joints without significant flexural moments. Double angles supporting
is AISC’s director of government gravity loads have been shown to attain maximum rotations of 0.05 to 0.09 rad and
relations and sustainability, are suitable for combined gravity and axial forces, as are WT connections, which
and Jonathan Tavarez have demonstrated rotations of 0.05 to 0.07 rad (Astaneh-Asl, 2005a). Shear-plate
(tavarez@aisc.org) is a staff connections (single plates), while inherently more rigid than double angles, have
engineer with AISC’s Steel been shown to withstand gravity rotations ranging from 0.026 to 0.103 rad and
Solutions Center. Bo Dowswell, cyclic rotations of 0.09 rad (Astaneh-Asl, 2005b). Note that reducing the number of
principal with ARC International, bolts in shear plates, and consequently the connection depth, increases the maximum
LLC, and Larry Muir are possible rotation. Other connections at beam-to-column joints are acceptable if they
consultants to AISC. are configured to provide adequate rotational ductility. Part 9 of the AISC Manual
provides guidance on rotational ductility of end plate and WT connections that can
be applied to many types of connections to ensure ductile behavior.”
The Commentary to the Seismic Provisions Section F2.6b states: “The provision
allows the engineer to select from three options. The first is a simple connection
(for which the required rotation is defined as 0.025 rad). The connections presented
in the Manual, Part 10, are capable of accommodating rotations of 0.03 rad and
therefore meet the requirement for a simple connection. However, it is important to
recognize that in many configurations, the gusset and beam behave rigidly relative
to one another such that the beam-to-column connection and the gusset-to-column
connection should be treated similarly with respect to deformation demands to
achieve rotational ductility.”
Part 9 of the Manual states: “Connections satisfying the parameters discussed in
the foregoing can be expected to accommodate rotations in the range of 0.03 rad.
Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful The checks are intended for use with connections between 6 in. and 36 in. deep
and practical professional ideas and information
on all phases of steel building and bridge
and configured similarly to the connections shown in Part 10. The use of deeper
construction. Contact Steel Interchange with connections, smaller offset distances between the supported and supporting members,
questions or responses via AISC’s Steel Solutions or smaller edge distances can affect the ability of connections to accommodate large
Center: 866.ASK.AISC | solutions@aisc.org
rotations in a ductile manner. Connections satisfying these parameters satisfy the
The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange
do not necessarily represent an official position intent of AISC Specification Section B3.4a for simple connections.”
of the American Institute of Steel Construction Larry Muir, PE
and have not been reviewed. It is recognized
that the design of structures is within the
scope and expertise of a competent licensed
structural engineer, architect or other licensed
professional for the application of principles to
a particular structure.
The complete collection of Steel Interchange
questions and answers is available online at

10 | MARCH 2021
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This month’s quiz focuses on the new version of the AISC Standard
steel for Certification Programs (AISC 207-20), which was published last year.
quiz You can download the standard at aisc.org/publications.

1 The 2020 edition of the AISC 207 a. Metal component manufacturer 2 Tr u e o r F a l s e : T h e q u a l i t y

standard contains a new chapter b. Fracture-critical requirements management system may only
addressing which of the following? c. Hydraulic metal structures address either quality control or
(Choose one.) d. Sophisticated painting quality assurance so long as the
scope is clearly defined.
3 True or False: Commonly used shop
abbreviations should be included in
the detailing standards.
4 True or False: AISC, through
the Certification Standard, sets
a required length of time for
document retention.
5 True or False: Metal component
manufacturers who manufacture
standard components that are
not specific to any particular
project are not required to have
the design sealed by a registered
design professional, so long as
the design tables or processes are
readily available and included in the
component literature.
6 True or False: A bridge comprised
of haunched built-up plate girders
with a radius of 1,200 ft requires a
higher level of fabrication expertise
and should be classified as an
advanced bridge.
7 True or False: For fabricators
of fracture-critical members, the
welding procedure specifications
must contain a procedure
qualification record for all fracture-
critical welds.
8 True or False: A fabricator must
have at least one Level III and
one Level II Certified NDT on staff
or available under contract for
each nondestructive testing (NDT)
method performed in the shop.
9 True or False: The fracture-control
plan included in a hydraulic metal
component fabricator’s documented
welding procedure shall be in
accordance with the AWS D1.5
Bridge Welding Code.


12 | MARCH 2021
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Fit Faster.
steel quiz
Weld Faster.

Keep it Simple.
1 c. Hydraulic metal structures.
2 False. Section 1.5.2 states that the
quality management system must
address both quality control and
quality assurance as defined in the
ROBOTIC WELDING 3 True. Section 1.7.1 includes com-
monly used shop abbreviations
in the list of items that shall be
described in the fabricator’s or
manufacturer’s methods of drawing
4 False. Section 1.9.1 simply states
that a documented procedure for
the maintenance of quality records
shall define the retention policy and
provisions for the disposition of the
records at the end of the retention
5 False. The design of both standard
and nonstandard components must
be reviewed and sealed by a reg-
istered design professional. These
in North America
requirements are discussed further
on base
Largest installati
in Sections 3.7.9 and 3.7.10.
6 False. The fabricator would be
classified as an “Inter mediate
Bridge Fabricator.” The Com-
mentary to Section 4.2 provides
FITTING ASSISTANT examples of intermediate bridges,
the parameters of which are satis-
fied by the bridge described in the
question statement.
7 True. This is required per Section
8 True. This is required in Section
9 True. This is required in Section
6.F.12.1, except that all instances
of the word “bridge” shall be
replaced with “hydraulic structure,”
and the first sentence of the Cer-
tification and Qualification section
ng Tap e!
Lose the Measuri
shall be omitted.

Everyone is welcome to submit questions

819.693.9682 and answers for the Steel Quiz. If you
are interested in submitting one question
call us now! or an entire quiz, contact AISC’s Steel
S o l u t i o n s C e n t e r at 866.ASK.AISC or
agtrobotics.com beam-master.com solutions@aisc.org.

14 | MARCH 2021

Features include:

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- Calculate the weight of

your material needs

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Stay tuned...more features

coming soon!

LASTING A new series of AASHTO/NSBA documents
LONGER will provide guidance on common repairs
BY JONATHAN STRATTON, to extend steel bridge service life.

THE 2018 AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration meeting in Minneapolis

involved a spirited discussion amongst the members of Task Group (TG) 12: Design
for Constructability and Fabrication—and resulted in a series of G14 documents
focused on field repairs and retrofits of steel bridges.
At the discussion’s conclusion, a challenge was issued to the group: Define a direc-
tion for a potential G12.2 document. (The Guideline “G” documents contain best
practices for the design, fabrication, and construction processes, using a common lan-
guage across all stakeholders, including engineers, owners, fabricators, and erectors.
To view all of the Guideline “G” documents, visit aisc.org/gdocs.)
The membership passed on large-scale options such as cable-stayed bridges, truss
and arched structures, and even the all-encompassing topic of complex bridges. One
suggestion from the floor was tubular structures—but that failed to gain traction as well.
The discussion digressed, eventually leading to the sharing of an observation: Just
over a decade before the meeting, and only a short distance from its location, one of
the most significant bridge collapses in U.S. history had occurred. The I-35W bridge
over the Mississippi River collapsed, succumbing to excessive loading while undergo-
ing deck, lighting, and guard rail repairs. Acknowledging the 2007 tragedy, in which 13
were killed and 145 were injured, provided the direction for the guidance document
that the group would create: steel bridge repair and retrofit. (The task group that would
eventually take on this endeavor is TG 14: Field Repairs and Retrofits of Steel Bridges.)
NSBA had actually considered such an endeavor a decade earlier. The original
TG14 was successful in generating a legacy with their development and distribution
of a survey with responses from various state DOTs. It was these responses that sup-
ported the newly activated TG14 membership to define the content for the upcoming
series of documents.
The current TG14’s membership consists of a spectrum of industry stakeholders
and has an agenda to produce documents that speak to the on-site project team, the
steel fabricator, the designer, and all the way up to the bridge owner and every project
participant in between. The effort moving forward is to present three distinct but
Jonathan Stratton (jstratton complementary documents.
@easternsteelworks.com) is a The initial document will focus on fatigue and constraint-induced fracture (CIF).
managing partner with Eastern NSBA recently identified the document Maintenance Actions to Address Fatigue Cracking in
Steel Works, Kyle Smith (ksmith Steel Bridge Structures (prepared under National Cooperative Highway Research Program
@gpinet.com) is vice president/ (NCHRP) Project 20-07, Task 387) as a candidate for a Collaboration document, G14.1.
director of structural engineering This document provides relevant insight into the causes, identification, and remediation
with GPI, and Jason B. Lloyd of deficiencies resulting from fatigue, as well as the potential risk of CIF. (Note that at the
(lloyd@aisc.org) is the Western time of this article’s publication, the NCHRP document is going through the AASHTO
Market bridge steel specialist with balloting process for acceptance as an AASHTO/NSBA Collaboration document and is
the National Steel Bridge Alliance. anticipated to be accepted with some relatively minor comments.) The proposed G14.1 is
a synthesis of best practices from published literature, project reports, and past and ongo-
ing research projects, as well as input from industry professionals. Several case studies are
discussed, providing context for the different detail susceptibilities and using a mixture of
real-world and rendered images to illustrate the problems and solutions. For each case, a
suggested sequence of steps is also provided as a “how to.”

16 | MARCH 2021
Here’s an abridged example of one mainte- Web Plate
nance action in the proposed G14.1 for fatigue
cracking at a cover plate termination detail.
A slip-critical bolted splice is a reliable Crack Arrest Hole
retrofit that can be installed at a cover plate
detail. As seen in Figure 1, an existing fatigue
crack has propagated into the web plate. A Crack
web and flange splice is recommended, suf-
ficiently designed to carry the full moment
of the girder at that location. It would also
be highly recommended to drill a hole at the
Cover Plate Fill Plate
crack tip(s) to arrest the crack, as research
has shown that a bolted splice installed after Splice Plate
fatigue cracking has initiated may not prevent
subsequent crack growth. Adding a 2-in- to
4-in.-diameter drilled hole in the web directly Fig. 1. A crack-arrest hole preventing a crack from propagating into the web plate.
above (or below in cases where the cover plate
is on a top flange) the cover plate weld toe Web Plate
could also be done to ensure that any future
crack growth cannot extend into the web plate.
Figure 1 shows a fatigue crack that has grown
through the thickness of the flange plate and
is arrested in the drilled hole. Figure 2 renders Fill Plate Splice Plate Cover Plate
what a typical fully bolted flange splice over
the cover plate termination might look like.
Flange Plat
G14.2 e
The second document, G14.2, will add to
a broad spectrum of repairs and retrofits—
including damage from vehicle impact, over-
loading, and section loss—while also provid-
Splice Plate
ing guidance for unique component-specific
repairs such as bearings and truss members. Fig. 2. A detail of a full-flange splice at a cover plate.
Damage can vary widely in type and scope,
and defining an efficient plan to remediate the
damage can be challenging. G14.2 will offer
guidance to engineers for repair alternatives
that have been successfully implemented. For
example, Figure 3 shows the aftermath of an
over-height vehicle that struck a through-truss,
damaging several members. The portal strut
reflects initial contact, and severe deformation
of the second and third struts was caused by
the front end of the garbage truck being lifted
while the rear end was snagged by the first
strut. In some cases, member replacement is
the only option (as was the case for this bridge).
However, heat straightening or mechanical
straightening techniques can sometimes be
implemented to quickly and safely restore
a member to its original geometry without
compromising strength and durability. G14.2
will provide the guidance to help owners and
designers when faced with a similar scenario. Fig. 3. Impact damage to through-truss struts by an over-height vehicle.

Modern Steel Construction | 17


Fig. 4. A typical beam-end corrosion-damage repair detail. it can be challenging to find matching
historic steel shapes in older bridges. If a
specific rolled section is required, then
Another relatively common repair per- girder end repair that will be discussed in the designer must ensure that it is actively
formed by owners is girder-end repair. Sec- the proposed G14.2 document. being rolled and is commercially available.
tion loss at girder ends is a challenge faced There are several considerations for If the existing member is a plate girder and
by every bridge owner and is often caused making this type of repair. G14.2 will time is of the essence for project success,
by leaking joints that allow deicing salts to offer guidance for engineers that will help then providing a range of acceptable plate
flow over the steel girder ends. Effective identify important considerations for each thicknesses will support timely production.
bridge maintenance programs can help repair. For example, flexibility in mate- Other considerations include defining the
mitigate corrosion and can also be key to rial selection could be an important con- extent of shop and field coating, where and
reducing damage by providing early reme- sideration for a beam-end repair, as both by which party the weld edge preparation
diation of compromised coatings. Figure 4 the fabricator and erector are directly is to be performed, and assuring accessibil-
is an example of a common detail used for impacted when options are limited—and ity for all field tasks, including nondestruc-
tive evaluation (NDE).

The third target document, G14.3, will
be more graphical in nature than G14.1
and G14.2, effectively becoming an evolv-
ing catalog of repair and retrofit details
that have been used by engineers through-
out the country. The intent is to comple-
ment the text and details of G14.2 with
supplemental drawings and details, some
procedural insight, and commentary on
a relative-cost basis, effectiveness, ease of
performance, and considerations to be
made when selecting the defined repair.
Steel bridge superstructures lend them-
selves well to repair and retrofit methods.
The repairs mentioned are just a small sam-
ple of what the G14 documents are built
around, a compilation of best practices aug-
mented with commentary on effectiveness
and design considerations. The result will
be a powerful resource for the various stake-
holders charged with extending the service
lives of the country’s steel bridges. ■

This article is a preview of the 2021 NASCC:

The Steel Conference session “Common Steel
Bridge Repairs to Extend Service Life.” The con-
ference takes place online April 12-16. For more
information and to register, visit aisc.org/nascc.

18 | MARCH 2021
field notes
Vicki O’Leary’s mission is to make the
RAISING ironworking profession more equitable and safer,
THE BAR one heart and mind at a time.

Field Notes is VICKI O’LEARY, a member of Iron Workers Local #1 in Chicago, was born into an
Modern Steel ironworking family and got into the profession herself based on a bet with her brother.
Construction’s And while she’s raised a lot of steel in her more than thirty years as an ironworker, more
podcast series, recently she has raised the bar for ironworkers everywhere as director of diversity for
where we interview Ironworkers International. In this month’s Field Notes podcast, she discusses how she
people from all got into the profession, the Be That One Guy anti-bullying program, and the evolution
corners of the structural steel industry of paid maternity for ironworkers.
with interesting stories to tell. Listen in
at modernsteel.com/podcasts. I understand you’ve been in Chicago for a while. Are you from here?
I was actually born in Paradise, Calif. When I was six weeks old, we moved to
Chicago, and from there we ended up moving to Kenosha, Wis., and then back to
Chicago. And my parents are from Arkansas, so we moved there for a while—and then,
again, back in Chicago.

Sounds like you keep getting drawn back here! I understand you had a triple
major in college and also have a master’s degree. What did you study?
I knew that I wanted to move forward in my career, and I figured that I had to bring
as much to the table as possible to stand out. So I went to National Labor College [in
Maryland] and got my degrees in union leadership and administration, labor studies,
and labor education. Then I went on to Gonzaga University and got my master’s degree
Geoff Weisenberger in organizational leadership. And then I also graduated from the Harvard Trade Union
(weisenberger@aisc.org) is senior Program as well as Cornell’s National Labor Leadership initiative. I think I’ve run the
editor of Modern Steel Construction. gamut of education!
20 | MARCH 2021
field notes
Let’s go back a bit further. How did you get into the iron- were ever afraid on the job site outside of the inherent dangers
working trade? of the work they do, and all of them said yes. There are a lot of
I got into the ironworkers on a bet between me and my brother. great women ironworkers that have left the industry, not because
The four of us were at the dinner table—my mom, my dad, my they weren’t good at it or because the work itself was too difficult
brother, and myself—and my brother, an ironworker, bet me that but because of the way they were treated. They were fine with
I couldn’t do it. So basically, it was game on. My brother and I working hard up high and in small spaces, but they weren’t okay
have always been very competitive, and he’s three years older than with the disrespect and abuse from others. So we developed the Be
me. We were raised to believe that occupations don’t have gender That One Guy program because we recognized that harassment,
limitations, so with that, I was going to prove him wrong. And it intimidation, and other kinds of bullying on the job can make for
ended up being my career. I even did better than my brother on a hostile work environment. And we recognize that it’s not just a
the apprenticeship test. I started working as an ironworker when I treatment issue but also a safety hazard. Our approach to develop-
was 20 and didn’t go back to school until I was in my 40s. ing the program included the same methods as our safety program
training and empowering everyone to address on-the-job harass-
Can you tell me a little bit about your first experience up on ment. Not everyone addresses it in the same manner, and we’re
the iron? trying to teach people that that’s okay. Even if it’s just deflecting
There’s usually a long gap between taking your tests to get into from a situation to get the person that’s being harassed or bullied
a trade and actually starting the trade. After taking my apprentice- out of that situation, that’s fine because not everybody is an in-
ship test, I was working at a law firm as a legal secretary and I got a your-face kind of person to say, “Knock it off.”
call at work, and they said they wanted me to go to work the next
day at McCormick Place in Chicago; this was the expansion in Can you talk a bit about how you’ve influenced Ironworkers
1985. And during that first experience being up on the iron, I was International’s maternity policy?
exhilarated, I was nervous, I was anxious. I was extremely proud of There’s a tragic story about a woman ironworker losing her
myself, and I remember watching the connectors and it was like unborn child while working because as a single mom, she had no
watching a well-orchestrated ballet. They seemed to be so in sync choice but to go to work if she wanted to provide for her family. So
with each other. It was also pretty cool that I was in that first group from that story, the question was posed to our general president,
of women that started in Local #1. I’m thankful that on that job, I Eric Dean, that if we can implement an on-the-job injury program
saw examples of what workers should be like on a site—unfortu- to assist ironworkers, why not also have a maternity program that
nately, it’s not always like that—but they were actually pretty cool provides similar assistance to our female members. The end result
to us as the first group of women coming through. was our paid maternity leave program. It’s funded through cur-
Another early job was on a 40-story building in the heart of rently established contributions with no additional cost for either
the financial district in Chicago. This is where I learned firsthand the contractor or the member, and the program brings relief to
about the perception of people who work in construction from our pregnant members by providing financial support that can
people who wear suits—I used to be that person wearing a suit in help families redeem their health insurance. It ensures the safety
a law firm on Michigan Avenue—as a construction worker trying of both the mother and her baby during pregnancy and allows
to go to a restaurant for lunch or trying to find a restroom. It was members to fully recover from delivery prior to returning to work.
funny because I was making more money than I ever had in my The program relieves contractors from possible liability by allow-
life. I had more money in my pocket than when I worked at the law ing ironworkers to be open about their pregnancies without fear of
firm, but the majority of the suit people didn’t give construction losing their health-care coverage. Prior to the establishment of the
workers any kind of respect. program, members couldn’t be honest with their employer about
their pregnancy, out of concern for their employment status and
As an ironworker, do you have to go into the job without a fear continued hours, and then they weren’t being honest with their
of heights, or is that something you can gradually get over? doctors about how grueling and how hard their work is. So we
On that 40-story job, I remember when we got to the 28th floor help our partner contractors retain training dollars by creating a
and we were going to jump to the 29th floor, and I wasn’t scared safe and healthy alternative for ironworker employees during their
until I got to the 29th floor. It took a few days to get over why that pregnancy and encouraging return to work following delivery.
extra floor made a difference for me. But after that, I was okay. IMPACT (the Ironworker Management Progressive Action Coop-
And that was in 1985 before fall protection became a thing, so we erative Trust) handles the program claim forms from start to finish,
weren’t wearing harnesses. which takes the administrative burden off the contractors and local
unions. It’s a win-win. This isn’t an insurance policy. This is a safety
Switching gears a bit, can you talk about the Be That One program, and like any other safety program, it’s designed to help
Guy program and what sparked it? both contractors and workers. It’s just good business sense. ■
The day that Outi Hicks was killed by one of her coworkers is
one that no woman working in the construction trades will ever To hear more from Vicki, including her favorite things about Chicago, her
forget. Outi was a carpenter apprentice in Fresno, and she was role as director of diversity for Ironworkers International, and the chal-
bludgeoned to death by a guy she was working with on a job on lenges of getting younger people interested in construction careers, visit
Valentine’s Day of 2017. I’ve asked women ironworkers if they modernsteel.com/podcasts.

Modern Steel Construction | 21

NETWORKING Here are four techniques to
FOR successfully navigate networking.

FOR SOME PEOPLE, networking can feel awkward, seemingly self-serving,

discouraging, and even embarrassing.
Many people consider the term “networking” a dirty word and don’t like the po-
tential “icky” feelings that come from attending a networking event. I agree that these
events can feel awkward, but if you aren’t networking, then it’s going to be much hard-
er for you to grow and develop as a professional. I promise you that networking has
the power to help you in significant ways in both your professional and personal lives.
Here are four of my favorite techniques to more effectively navigate the world
of networking:
Jennifer Anderson Know the difference between the different types of networking. Networking
(jen@careercoachjen.com) is a is not isolated to attending a lunch-and-learn to hear a guest speaker share thoughts
career strategist for the tech and about an engineering-related topic. Networking can look like many different things,
engineering sector. such as volunteering for a cause that you’re interested in, participating in an indus-
try conference, taking additional college courses and getting to know your classmates
through group projects, joining a running club, etc. Networking should never be just a
bunch of people in a room trying to get other people’s business cards. Those types of
events are definitely awkward!
I think it can be valuable to attend events where you learn from other profession-
als, but remember to take some time to evaluate how you want to make a difference
in the world. For example, I have a colleague who is interested in STEM (science,
technology, engineering, and math) initiatives to help adolescents learn about dif-
ferent ways they can engage with the world of science. As those kids come to realize
how important STEM is, their eyes are open to more possibilities, and they find
themselves more interested in math and science courses. The ripple effect is quite
substantial in their education and career choices. In addition to the personal gratifi-
cation, along the way my colleague has met numerous individuals that have helped
her stay connected in her field in interesting ways that did not stem (pardon the pun)
from a “typical” networking event.
As you find groups of people that are interested in similar hobbies, community
causes, professional development, and so on, you will come to meet some inter-
esting, passionate, and thoughtful people. That is when networking becomes fun
and worthwhile.
Make time for networking. This might seem like a very basic technique, but
if it’s so easy to do, then why don’t more people make time for networking? Typi-
cally, people tell me that they are “too busy” with work to network. Later, when they
are ready to make a job change or ready to hire a new person to the firm, they find
themselves with few strong connections—and at that moment, they wish they had
made time for networking.
22 | MARCH 2021
business issues

It’s imperative to invest in the people within your professional I will admit that I actually cringe when I hear people ask that
circles so that you have time to get to know them, help them get question because it can be a conversation killer. After answering
to know you, and build mutual trust and respect. In the future, the question, people typically respond with, “And what do you do?”
you’ll be able to comfortably contact them when you’re looking And then where do you go with the conversation? It’s a dead-end
to make a job change or add to your team. If you find yourself question. Instead, consider asking other thoughtful questions that
feeling awkward at networking events, it’s probably because you will help to create better, more in-depth conversations, such as:
aren’t participating in something that is interesting and thought- “What brings you to this conference?”
provoking to you. “What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned at this trade
Follow up on social media. After meeting new people, I rec- show you so far?”
ommend that you follow up and connect through social media. “What does your firm specialize in?”
LinkedIn is my favorite place for connecting with other profes- Conversations get much more interesting and far less awkward
sionals. Sure, Facebook and Instagram are loads of fun, but Linke- when you’re discussing meaningful information beyond simply
dIn is where most people think to connect professionally, so that’s telling each other your job titles.
a better use of your time.
However, just because you’re connected on LinkedIn or any In the end, networking can lead to some great conversations
other social media platform doesn’t mean you’re instantly best and professional opportunities. Don’t hold yourself back. Plan
friends. You’ll still need to nurture and cultivate relationships. to attend. Go. Bring your business cards. Have a goal of meeting
Look for ways to stay in touch with people. Find articles to share two to three people at the event (and don’t just ask them what
that you think will be interesting to specific people, then copy the they do). Then wash, rinse, and repeat. Practice makes perfect.
URL and share it in a message. Periodically check in with them; You’ll find that over time, networking is truly a wonderful way
even a quick “hello” message goes a long way to keeping in touch. to exchange ideas and meet and keep in touch with other profes-
One major benefit of being active on social media is that you will sionals. This will, in turn, provide you the opportunity to build
be exposed to other people who are likely outside your immediate your professional network, enhance the probability for future op-
circles. Join groups on LinkedIn to interact with other interesting portunities in your career, and potentially add interesting, quali-
people who live and work in different industries. Gaining a different fied people to your firm. ■
perspective from other people is a great way to grow and develop—
and in turn, you may offer a fresh perspective to someone else. This article is a preview of the 2021 NASCC: The Steel Conference ses-
“So, what do you do?” Be ready to answer that all-too-com- sion “Even Introverted Engineers Can Network!” The conference takes
mon question because everyone asks it in one form or another. In place online April 12–16. For more information and to register, visit
answering that question, you have an opportunity to differentiate aisc.org/nascc.
yourself from other people.
Modern Steel Construction | 23

HOW DO YOU CONSTRUCT one of the country’s tallest Severud Associates, features structural steel floor framing, slop-
buildings in a dense, bustling area next to one of the world’s busi- ing columns, transfer structures, and outriggers around a con-
est transit hubs, and on an accelerated schedule? For one thing, crete core—with the steel framing being erected first using a
start the steel connection design and modeling as early as possible. temporary steel core that was eventually embedded in the con-
One Vanderbilt, located at 42nd Street and Vanderbilt Avenue in crete core. This allowed the project to be erected as if there were
Midtown Manhattan—practically at the doorstep of Grand Central no concrete core, thus maximizing the impact of steel’s quicker
Terminal—is the newest, and now second-tallest, office tower in New erection time on the overall schedule.
York City. Soaring to 1,401 ft, it includes 1.7 million sq. ft of space in With a building occupancy date planned for late 2020, erect-
77 stories and was completed ahead of schedule and under budget. ing the superstructure, which comprises more than 25,000 tons of
Designed by architect Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, the steel, began in the summer of 2017. As the building went through
tower comprises four interlocking and tapering planes that spiral several design iterations in the fall of 2015/winter of 2016, Thorn-
toward the sky. The structure, designed by engineer of record ton Tomasetti’s Construction Engineering practice was brought

24 | MARCH 2021
In a city known
for the tallest
buildings and
fastest pace of life
in the country,
a supertall
skyscraper opens
early thanks to an
innovative steel
connection design
and modeling

Looking south toward Downtown

Manhattan from one of the upper floors
of One Vanderbilt, which encompasses
1.7 million sq. ft of space in 77 stories.

Max T
y, cou
rtesy o
f SL G

onto the project to reclaim time in the steel schedule and ensure that the project’s timely Steven Witkowski is a principal
completion would not be jeopardized. The firm implemented its Advanced Project Deliv- and Darren R. Hartman is a
ery™ (APD) approach, which, along with the company’s structural engineering expertise, senior principal and Construction
provides early steel connection design and Tekla modeling services for mill orders and Engineering practice leader, both
steel detailing. with Thornton Tomasetti.
Throughout the project, Thornton Tomasetti worked collaboratively with the design
and construction team, starting 15 months before steel was to arrive on-site, bridging
the gap between design and construction. During this initial phase, the company devel-
oped complex connection concepts for review and approval by Severud, identified and
resolved any missing geometry information and framing conflicts on the early available
documents as the Tekla model was being built, and gathered final force information
required for connection design. An internal request-for-information process was used

Modern Steel Construction | 25

The tower comprises four interlocking and
tapering planes that spiral toward the sky.

between Thornton Tomasetti and Severud

to track information between the two
firms, with the former frequently offering
design change suggestions or relief from
prescriptive force requirements in specific
instances that would help improve the
steel connection engineering, detailing,
fabrication, and erection.
The early connection and geometry
information developed was issued to the
structural steel bidders in summer 2016.
To facilitate a greater understanding of
the project requirements, a progress Tekla
model and connection detail sketches
illustrated some of the complexities and
helped to solicit any of the bidders’ rec-
ommendations for fabrication and erec-
tion enhancements. Additional details
and progress Tekla models were issued
throughout the bid process as the model-
ing advanced at the building podium.
Early connection engineering iden-
Max Touhey, courtesy of SL Green
tified the need for solid steel forgings
to accommodate transfer forces in two below: The building rises 1,401 right: The steel framing
directions. These elements ranged in ft and is now the second-tallest package was broken up
office tower (and fourth-tallest into seven sequences
weight from three tons to 22 tons, with building overall) in New York. for detailing.
the largest being approximately 3 ft by
3 ft by 10 ft. These special conditions
were detailed at three nodes in the lower
part of the building and included in the
bid documents to provide the bidders an
early and greater understanding of what
was required for the project, leading to
more accurate and responsible bids. The
structural steel fabrication contract was
awarded to Banker Steel in October 2016.
The building was broken up into seven
sequences for detailing. Each sequence
had a scheduled advanced bill of materi-
als (ABM) date and released for detailing
(RFD) date. Sequence 1 is the lower part of
the podium, from the foundation to Level
6. This sequence contains several 24-ft-
deep transfer trusses, typically constructed
of built-up box members, and 9-ft-deep
plate girders, as well as horizontal bracing
on several floors and the structural support
of a sloping, hung ceiling over the lobby.
Transfer truss connections were typically
26-in.-wide built-up nodes fabricated by
laminating plates up to 6 in. thick. Sequence
2, the upper part of the podium, runs from
Level 6 to Level 13 and includes a second
set of transfer structures. Sequences 3 to 6
comprise 45 floors that are typical office
framing floors with three outrigger levels.
Finally, Sequence 7 highlights the glass- Max Touhey, courtesy of SL Green

26 | MARCH 2021
Thornton Tomasetti

left: Steel framing above: Solid steel forgings accommodate transfer forces in below: A model of a
for the entire tower two directions and range in weight from three tons to 22 tons, built-up 26-in.-wide
totals 25,000 tons. with the largest being approximately 3 ft by 3 ft by 10 ft. transfer truss node.

Modern Steel Construction | 27

Thornton Tomasetti implemented its Advanced Project Delivery service, which provides early steel connection design and Tekla modeling for
steel mill orders and detailing.

Max Touhey, courtesy of SL Green

enclosed top-of-house structure with exposed hollow structural With Sequence 2 released for RFD a month-and-a-half after
section (HSS) perimeter columns, horizontals, and diagonals up Sequence 1, several steel pieces and a large amount of tonnage
to HSS22×22 in size. were already being turned into shop drawings for review and
When the structural steel fabrication contract was awarded, an approval. Future sequences up the building were issued for RFD
ABM model totaling approximately 11,500 tons (45% of the total approximately every two months thereafter, and the RFD mod-
project tonnage) for Sequences 1 and 2 was provided to fabricator els allowed for the steel to be ordered to actual lengths rather
Banker Steel, along with anchor rods and steel embedment plates for than typical ABM order lengths where connections are not yet
detailing. Three weeks later, an RFD model for Sequence 1, totaling known, thus eliminating wasteful drop material. Those members
7,000 tons, was provided for shop drawing preparation. This was with long lead times were ordered earlier based on the length
clearly one of the most complex sequences for the project and got information available at the time. Finalizing the connection
the steel detailing and fabrication processes moving early on. design and modeling before mill order allowed for member
As connection engineering and modeling were developed, any sizes to be changed beforehand when beneficial to simplify con-
outstanding information required between Thornton Tomasetti nections or eliminate the need for costly reinforcing, such as
and the design team, as well as the connection design and Tekla increasing HSS walls that were locally undersized at connections
modeling status, was reported to the entire team during weekly for out-of-plane forces.
project meetings. The sequenced model delivery schedule that was With the steel framing erected before the concrete core,
included in the contract with Banker enabled the project team, both Thornton Tomasetti also coordinated the concrete core rebar
design and ownership, to provide answers and make key decisions with any major steel connections. This included providing rebar
in a timely manner. Staggering the model release dates and setting couplers welded in the shop and/or holes in connection material
the dates early on supported the overall project schedule. Not only for rebar to pass through in the field. This coordination helped
did this approach help streamline the flow of information, but it also reduce field issues between the steel and concrete trades, providing
allowed for early detection of potential conflicts and helped ensure greater flexibility.
that the project schedule could be accelerated.
28 | MARCH 2021
Thornton Tomasetti

above: A steel truss node at street level prior to erection.

right: Transfer trusses in Sequence 2, constructed of built-up
box members.
below: The steel framing for the tower topped out in September 2019.

Thornton Tomasetti

Bess Adler, Thornton Tomasetti

The structural steel shop drawings were reviewed by Thornton Owner

Tomasetti and the design team to confirm that they were prepared SL Green/Hines/National Pension Service of Korea
according to the details in the model, as well as designed for the Construction Manager
proper connection forces. Any comments that could potentially AECOM Tishman
affect the connection design were reviewed and coordinated prior
to releasing the shop drawings back to the construction team.
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
The shop drawing submittal process went smoothly, especially for
a project of this size and complexity, with most drawings being Structural Engineer
approved or approved as noted on the first submission. By the time Severud Associates
steel erection started in summer 2017, shop drawings had been Connection Design and Modeling
submitted up to Level 31 and approved up to Level 27. Thornton Tomasetti
By preparing the Tekla connected model as the design Steel Team
progressed, the steel fabrication and erection schedule was Fabricator
reduced by at least eight months. Connection engineering and Banker Steel , Lynchburg, Va.
modeling were essentially completed in November 2017; all steel
shop drawings were substantially submitted by late spring 2018;
NYC Constructors, LLC , New York
the framing topped out, with the last piece of the spire erected,
in mid-September 2019; and the ribbon-cutting ceremony took
place a year later. AISC’s Need for Speed initiative
They say the early bird gets the worm, and in the case of One recognizes technologies and
Vanderbilt, getting an early start on connection design and modeling practices that make steel projects
resulted in Manhattan’s latest marquee super-tall building opening come together faster. Check out
ahead of schedule, even in the midst of a global pandemic. ■
aisc.org/needforspeed for more.
Modern Steel Construction | 29
Core Value The first in a multi-part series on SpeedCore

covers what influenced the system, how it was developed, relevant research,
design and fabrication considerations, and the reason for its name.

Fig. 1. SpeedCore cross sections

using (left) tie bars and shear studs
and (right) tie bars only.


And if you haven’t yet, you will soon—especially if you keep reading.
The system, whose longer, technical name is “composite steel plate shear walls/con-
crete filled (C-PSW/CF),” is intended for use as a lateral force-resisting system (LFRS)
in multi-story steel construction, with Rainier Square Tower in Seattle being the first
commercial steel building to use the system (see “Core Solution” in the February 2018
issue, available at www.modernsteel.com). SpeedCore is what is known as a “sand-
wich” structural system, which generally refers to a system composed of stiff outer layers
with a softer layer in between. It can be used to replace reinforced concrete (RC) shear
walls in building structures—and similar to RC shear walls, its walls may be coupled or
uncoupled as required for the LFRS.
Here’s how it works: Outer steel plates act as permanent formwork and reinforcing
steel to an inner concrete core. The plates are tied together using round tie bars that
can either be welded to the steel plate (as is the case at Rainier Square) or secured
with a double nut configuration (see Figure 1 for the schematics of a typical Speed-
Core panel). The system is optimized such that panels are fabricated in the shop and
shipped to the job site, where they are connected into their final “core” configuration
(at left in Figure 2). While sandwich construction is not a new concept, SpeedCore
Devin Huber (huber@aisc.org) is takes this methodology, literally, to new heights—to the tune of 850 ft in the case of
AISC’s director of research. Rainier Square (at right in Figure 2).
Amit Varma (ahvarma@purdue.edu) Sandwich-type construction has a fairly extensive history, seeing use in metal struc-
is the Karl H. Kettelhut Professor tures ranging from bridges to ships to nuclear power plants. Here, we’ll provide a brief
of Civil Engineering at Purdue overview and background to sandwich construction, summarize background research
University’s Lyle School of Civil that has helped develop the SpeedCore system, and describe some of the considerations
Engineering and heads up all for and benefits of using SpeedCore in a building structure.
of Purdue’s SpeedCore-related
initiatives and research.

30 | MARCH 2021


Fig. 2. The Rainier Square project in Seattle, with (left) SpeedCore panels being erected and (right) framing approaching the building’s full 850-ft height.

A Brief History of Composite Plate Shear Walls

Historically, there have been various iterations of sandwich systems.
In “modern” history, the first large-scale application of sandwich systems
in a civil engineering project was the construction of two railway bridges
in Great Britain in the mid-1800s. Both bridges, the Brittania and
Conwy Suspension bridges, were known as tubular bridges and were
made of wrought iron built-up sections and configured with the rail
traffic traveling within the structure. (A section and a rendering of the
original bridge are shown in Figure 3.) These structures showed how a
structure using stiff outer layers with a “softer” inner layer maximizes the
efficiency of structural metals for carrying heavy loads.

Williams, Frederick, Smeeton

Fig. 3. A section of the original wrought iron tubular Britannia Bridge

(left) standing in front of the modern bridge and (right) a rendering of
the bridge circa 1852.

AISC’s Need for Speed initiative recognizes

technologies and practices that make steel
projects come together faster. Check out
Williams, Frederick, Smeeton aisc.org/needforspeed for more.

Modern Steel Construction | 31

steel plate concrete core Over the years, numerous types of struc-
tural sandwich systems of various materials
were developed for use in applications like ship
hulls, airplane wings, and even some automo-
tive uses. However, the first predecessors of the
SpeedCore system were originally developed
in Great Britain in the late 1980s and early
Liang et al, Proceedings of the Institution of 1990s for use in tunnel construction. These
stud shear connector Civil Engineers. Structures and Buildings
systems were known as double-skin composites
Fig. 4. A cross section of double-skin composite panel. and consisted of outer steel plates with welded
shear studs and a concrete core between them
(one of the early concepts shown in Figure 4).
A major breakthrough on double-skin
composites came in the early 2000s when the
British company Corus devised an efficient
way to shop fabricate panels using a patented
process where tie-bars were connected to the
plates using a friction stir welding process.
The resultant product from this process was
known as a “Bi-Steel” panel and had the tie
bars welded to the inside of the plates, creat-
ing a smooth outside surface (see Figure 5).
These panel types were initially intended for
defense applications as blast-resistant walls
and eventually became more commonly used
as core walls in buildings.
As the application of Bi-Steel panels
became more extensive in building applica-
tions in Britain as shear walls, Corus rebranded
this application as the “Corefast” system. The
system gained some popularity in Britain in
the early to mid-2000s, where it was used in
several steel buildings as the LFRS. Much like
Corefast Corefast
SpeedCore, the system was panelized, most of
Fig. 5. A Friction-stir welding tool (left) to fabricate a bi-steel panel and the fabrication occurred in the shop, and final
a completed fabricated panel (right). assembly occurred at the job site (as shown in
Figure 6). While Corefast closely resembles
the SpeedCore system, there are some key
differences: SpeedCore does not use Bi-Steel
panels, Corefast was never intended for seis-
mic regions (SpeedCore can be used in both
seismic and non-seismic areas), and Speed-
Core is not patented and can be used by any
designer and contractor on their given project.
The use of composite plate shear walls,
referred to as steel-plate composite (SC) walls
in safety-related nuclear facilities, has been
evaluated since the early 1990s. In particular,
the AP1000(R) nuclear power plant uses SC
walls for almost all the containment internal
structures and even for the external shield
building. The internal containment structures
(steam generator compartments, pressurizer,
etc.) are designed for extreme load combina-
tions, including seismic, accident thermal, and
pressure loading. The external shield building
Corefast Corefast
is designed to resist seismic loads and aircraft
Fig. 6. A Corefast panel arriving at a site as a prefabricated unit (left) and impact, which is required by regulatory agen-
being erected into a final configuration (right). cies following the 9/11 terrorist attack.

32 | MARCH 2021
© Georgia Power Company
Fig. 7. Composite plate shear walls being used in the Vogtle Unit 3 Shield Building (a nuclear facility application).

SC walls have two steel plates located on the exterior and inte- nearing completion of its first U.S. installation, in Vogtle, Ga. (see
rior surfaces, resulting in armored construction, which is excel- Figure 7). Several other nuclear power plant structures and other
lent for resisting missile/projectile impactive loading or impul- safety-related nuclear facilities are also using or considering SC
sive/blast loading. The AP1000(R) nuclear power plant design, walls due to their inherent advantages of construction speed, seis-
initially implemented in Sanmen and Haiyang, China, is currently mic performance, and resistance to impactive and impulsive load-

Modern Steel Construction | 33

ing. For several decades, there was no industry code or standard SpeedCore Research
governing the design of SC walls in safety-related nuclear facili- Initial research into the use of composite plate shear walls in com-
ties. This became a major roadblock for their use, as well as for mercial construction began at Purdue University as part of a Charles
expedient review and approval by regulatory agencies. Project- Pankow Foundation Project. The industry champion and primary
specific design criteria, submissions, experimental results, etc., motivator was Ron Klemencic, chairman and CEO of Magnusson
had to be developed by the vendor, and detailed review plans, Klemencic Associates. A 3:8 scale model of composite plate shear
audits, and expert panels had to be coordinated by the regulatory wall was constructed and tested at Purdue’s Bowen Laboratory, and
agencies. The designers had to rely on and build upon ACI 349 the experiments were used to investigate the stability of the empty
(Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures steel modules, strain compatibility between steel and concrete, shear
and Commentary) as the basis of design, but it was inapplicable strength of horizontal splice connections, and behavior of the wall
and inappropriate for composite SC walls. Simply put, the tech- under cyclic loading. The results from the experimental and analyti-
nology needed an advocate. cal investigations were used to develop the first design procedure for
AISC recognized this industry need and constituted an ad- dual-plate composite shear walls (you can download a PDF of the
hoc committee for the design of composite SC walls for safety- results from Pankow at tinyurl.com/pankow-sc).
related nuclear facilities in 2006. Researchers from Purdue Uni- Further research, completed between 2014 and 2017, was per-
versity and industry experts on the committee led a decade-long formed to experimentally and numerically evaluate the in-plane
effort to generate and synthesize research results for SC walls, shear behavior of composite plate shear walls. The results showed
including extensive experimental results and numerical models/ that these composite walls have significant in-plane shear strength,
analyses. The results were instrumental in the structural design which includes the contributions of the steel plates and the concrete
approval of nuclear power plants by regulatory agencies, which infill. A subsequent experimental investigation was conducted at the
eventually led to their licensing and construction. The research University at Buffalo, led by SUNY Distinguished Professor Michel
was also used to generalize behavior and develop the first consen- Bruneau, on the flexural behavior of composite plate shear walls with
sus code AISC N690 Supp. No. 1 (2015), which included exten- semicircular or circular concrete-filled tube (CFT) boundary elements.
sive provisions for the design, modeling, analysis, and detailing The results showed that these walls can develop their plastic moment
of SC walls for safety-related nuclear facilities. In order to make capacity and have excellent ductility. The out-of-plane shear behavior
the specifications more useful and user-friendly, the AISC Design of composite plate shear walls was experimentally evaluated further,
Guide 32: Modular Steel-Plate Composite Walls for Safety-Related with the results showing that the out-of-plane behavior is similar
Nuclear Facilities (aisc.org/dg) was published to guide designers to RC walls and depends on the shear strength contribution of the
in effectively following the specifications. concrete and the tie bars.



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Investigations were also performed on the stability of the empty steel modules
before concrete casting between 2014 and 2019. The testing used experimental and
analytical results to propose tie bar spacing requirements for composite plate shear
walls. Additional investigation was performed on the local buckling of steel plates after
concrete casting, as well as on the compressive strength of composite plate shear walls.
They developed shear stud or tie spacing requirements (in the composite phase) to
achieve non-slender steel plates that undergo yielding before local buckling. (Figure
8 shows a test specimen that was used to help develop tie bar spacing requirements.)
The missile impact behavior of composite plate shear walls was investigated
using experimental results and numerical models to develop design methods for
composite plate shear walls subjected to impactive loading. Also evaluated was the
behavior of composite plate shear walls subjected to impulsive (blast) loading using
experimental results and numerical simulations to develop design methods for walls
subjected to impulsive loading. The work has helped demonstrate that composite
plate shear walls perform well under extreme impulsive loads.
In addition to this research, Charles Pankow Foundation has partnered with AISC on
multiple projects related to composite plate shear walls for use in commercial construction
since 2016, all conducted at Purdue University and the University at Buffalo under the
leadership of Amit Varma and Michel Bruneau. This research is far-reaching and includes
work on seismic design, coupling beam connections, and fire engineering. With respect
to fire engineering and designing composite plate shear walls, one of these endeavors
included funding by the Steel Institute of New York with the work conducted at Purdue
University. For this project, experimental and numerical research was conducted to
evaluate the effects of standard fire loading on the thermal and structural behavior of
composite plate shear walls. Different heating configurations, duration, and structural
loading were considered. The results were used to develop standard fire-resistance
Charles Pankow Foundation
rating (FRR) for prescriptive design and design equations for calculating the strength
of walls subjected to elevated temperatures for performance-based design. Furthermore, Fig. 8. A test specimen to calibrate tie bar spacing
the research showed a typical SpeedCore system using 18-in.-wide panels can readily requirements for SpeedCore modules.



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i n n ova� ve co mp o n e nt s fo r i n s p i re d d e s i g n s

Modern Steel Construction | 35

Fig. 9. A SpeedCore specimen being tested under combined elevated temperature and axial loading at Purdue University.

achieve a two-hour fire rating without any additional fire protection Design, Fabrication, and Erection Considerations
applied (bare steel). This also assumes an axial load ratio of less than The benefits of using SpeedCore in commercial construction
17% and a slenderness ratio of the wall less than 20. (A photo of one of applications center around its speed of installation, which is rooted
the test specimens from this research is shown in Figure 9.) Note that in its modular construction techniques. The ultimate goals with the
the online version of this article will provide additional information on aforementioned ongoing SpeedCore research and development
the other related Pankow-AISC projects. work are to 1) develop clear specification language and design tools
for engineers to efficiently design the system and 2) conduct fur-
Standardization ther research that results in optimized fabrication techniques and
The research results have been used to develop design details, efficient and constructable panel-to-panel splice details,
provisions for SpeedCore. For example, design specifications and wall-to-foundation details that are simple to erect.
for composite-plate shear walls in non-seismic applications When it comes to specification language, there is some limited
are included in the forthcoming 2022 Specification for Struc- existing language in the current AISC Seismic Provisions for com-
tural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360; the current version is posite plate shear walls, but there is no language in the current
available at aisc.org/specifications). The public review bal- AISC Specification. The intent of the proposed specification and
lot issued in 2020 included structural design specifications in provisions language is to provide the engineer with a systematic
Chapter I and fire-resistant design provisions in Appendix 4. process for designing composite plate shear walls in both seismic
In addition, seismic design provisions for SpeedCore will be and non-seismic applications.
included in the 2022 Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Build- In addition to these updates, an AISC Design Guide on Speed-
ings (ANSI/AISC 341), also forthcoming. The public review Core is expected to be published this year. The guide will include spe-
ballot issued in 2020 included seismic design provisions for cific design examples for composite plate shear walls—both seismic
uncoupled SpeedCore in Section H7 and for coupled Speed- and non-seismic cases—and will also show scenarios using uncoupled
Core in H8. These provisions are also published as part of the walls and those using coupling beams in their design. The guide will
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) also use the proposed specification provisions currently being bal-
Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other loted within the AISC Specification and Seismic Provisions.
Structures and are also in line for publication as part of ASCE From a fabrication and erection standpoint, SpeedCore does
7-21, which includes the seismic design coefficients (R-factor, involve a learning curve. However, early involvement with a proj-
etc.) for coupled SpeedCore. ect’s steel fabricator and erector will allow for most encountered
With all this work being done to get SpeedCore written into concerns to be alleviated early on in a project. Items that should be
standards, you may be wondering if you can actually use Speed- considered and agreed upon early in a SpeedCore project include:
Core for your next project? The short answer is yes. Beyond the 1. Layouts and placements of tie-bars either by welding,
Rainier Square Project, a recent project is underway in San Jose, double-nuts, or other means and methods
and others are in the planning phases for construction on the east 2. Locations and methodology of completing splice
coast of America. In fact, SpeedCore has been approved by the connections in the field (welding versus bolted)
New York City Department of Buildings for use in all boroughs 3. Modularization of panels—i.e., what can be reasonably be
of the city. Using the system will only get easier as the standards shipped to the site and handled in the field for erection
being updated continue to be published. (preferred module geometries)
36 | MARCH 2021
4. If using a coupled wall system,
an agreement on coupling beam
layouts, geometry, and field
installation requirements
5. Alignment with the authority
having jurisdiction (AHJ) on any fire
protection requirements
6. Wall-base-to-foundation connection.
The interface between the base of
a SpeedCore wall system to the
building foundation can be complex
and should be considered early in
the design process with fabricator
involvement when possible
Once some of these key items can be
investigated and agreed upon by all rele-
vant parties on a given project, a significant
amount of optimization and speed can be
realized for the project using the system.
The core can then be detailed much like

Over the Top CallSt.orLouis

any other steel structure and the panels laid
out and modeled so the fabricator can plan email us your inquiry!
their fabrication sequencing.
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The Speed in SpeedCore
The most pronounced benefit to using
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The industry’s toughest, most weather
SpeedCore is, of course, the potential con- 800-237-7059
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bring when properly specified, fabricated,
and erected. The Rainier Square project Protects labels & custom tagging!
realized a 43% schedule improvement by
going to the SpeedCore system compared

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to a traditional reinforced concrete core.
This quantified to an overall multi-million

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dollar savings to the building owner.
To best gain schedule improvements
using SpeedCore, as has been mentioned
previously, early fabricator and erector
involvement is critical. This involvement
includes collaboration with the engineer of
record (EOR) to align on key elements such
as module arrangements, wall thicknesses,
tie bar size and spacing, splice details, and
erection aids that may be required.
When considering implementing the sys-
tem on a given project, the potential sched-
ule improvements should be communicated
as the primary driver for using the system.
This is important when comparing the sys-
tem to a traditional cast-in-place reinforced
concrete wall, which may come with a lower
up-front cost but a much longer construc-
tion schedule. These increased schedule
times with a traditional reinforced concrete
wall system will impact other trades on-site,
increase general conditions cost, and impact
overall construction efficiency.
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Future articles in this series will go into

further detail on specific topics of interest
related to SpeedCore, including seismic 1 800 552 1999 info@appliedbolting.com
design, wind design, fire considerations, and 1 802 460 3100 appliedbolting.com
fabrication and erection considerations. ■
Modern Steel Construction | 37
AISC is 100! And we’re featuring our
longest continuously running member
fabricators throughout 2021.

Century Club:

IN CELEBRATION OF AISC turning 100, throughout the year we are highlighting

member fabricators that are even older than we are.
This month’s century clubber is The Tarrier Steel Company, a family-owned
fabricator that was founded just after World War I.

Answers provided by Ben Tarrier, president of The

Tarrier Steel Company:

How and when did your company start?

Geoff Weisenberger The Tarrier Steel Company was founded in
(weisenberger@aisc.org) is senior Columbus, Ohio, by Fred Tarrier in 1919 after
editor of Modern Steel Construction. his return from World War I. The early years
are not well recorded, but we have documents
showing that Fred designed and fabricated

some of the first steel joists. Four generations
later, we have been able to maintain our status
as a leading fabricator of structural steel in the
YEARS central Ohio area, and we are still located on
the same property.
Fred Tarrier, the company’s founder.

38 | MARCH 2021
above: Tarrier fabricated the steel for Marietta
High School in Marietta, Ohio, seen here in 1965.
opposite page: The original Tarrier shop in 1921.
right: Ford Motor Company – Columbus Assembly
Plant, also fabricated by Tarrier.

Your company has been able to weather challenges for AISC turns 100 this year. How long has your company
over a century. How has this helped you weather the been involved with AISC?
current pandemic? We have been an AISC member since 2002 and became certi-
Construction companies have to be flexible regardless of the fied in 2009, and since then our production quality and output
situation. Our margins are so small and the risks so great that if have gained tremendous ground because we have a quality manual
you can’t figure out a way to bend, then you will absolutely break. we can refer to instead of simply “doing it the old way.” It’s not
We like to react quickly but not so fast that we can’t apply critical just a certification in order to gain access to bid on projects, it’s an
thinking and backward planning. The pandemic had a silver lin- entire business transformation that gives everyone in the company
ing for us in that we were not set up for every office employee to a better understanding of quality standards and how the work is
work from home, and now we are. Instead of an employee having supposed to be performed. When we have a project or part of
to use PTO because they have the sniffles, we have them work a project that we need to sub out to another fabricator, the first
from home so they don’t lose any time or come to work and get thing we do is look at the AISC list of certified members, even if
everyone else sick, and we don’t lose any productivity. We strive the project doesn’t call for an AISC fabricator. We want to know
to see how we can improve our processes when we’re faced with that the fabricator can maintain the level of quality that we are
a challenge. expected to adhere to. ■

What’s the best advice you’ve received from past leadership at

the company?
The biggest lesson that’s been passed down is: Take care of
our people and our people will take care of us. This applies to
employees, customers, and vendors. We make every effort to do
what’s right, and we want companies and people we work with to
do the same thing. There’s no substitute for doing the right thing.

above: The National Veterans Memorial Museum in Columbus, which

opened in 1918. Tarrier fabricated the project’s 400 tons of steel.
left: The 500 Neil Avenue office building in Columbus, for which
Tarrier completed steel fabrication in 2020.

Modern Steel Construction | 39

THINKING Four insights for successfully
INSIDE THE repurposing anchor big box stores.

LET’S FACE IT: America’s retail sector is experiencing a host of profound chal-
lenges—from the ongoing and increasing shift from in-person to online shopping to
the simple fact that the country is “over-retailed.”
While the COVID-19 pandemic’s economic impact is certainly another chal-
lenge, malls were already struggling prior to its onset; the pandemic just forced
property owners to consider new development strategies sooner.
Hundreds of department stores—once anchor tenants at shopping malls across
the country—have closed their doors forever. Typically, large anchor stores account
for as much as 30% of a mall’s square footage, and more than half of all mall-based
department stores are estimated to close by the end of 2021. Across the country, this
demise of the anchor store is having a large impact on the health of mall properties.
A quarter of the 1,000-odd remaining U.S. malls now look likely to close in the next
three to five years, according to Coresight Research.
Repurposing anchor stores that have gone dark offers a promising solution for
the new retail landscape—but it’s no simple task. While most anchor box stores may
look the same from the street, the structural systems supporting those unadorned
exteriors can vary drastically.
An understanding of the underlying structure is vital to informing the costs and
design approaches for revitalizing these structures. Here are four key insights to con-
Shelley Clark (sclark@mka.com) sider when determining if a structure should be repurposed or torn down and rebuilt.
is a senior principal and Travis
Corigliano (tcorigliano@mka.com) Assess the Existing Structural System
is an associate, both with Answering the following questions can help property owners, developers, and
Magnusson Klemencic Associates. design teams determine if a vacant big box store is a good candidate to be repurposed
and redeveloped:
• Is the existing column grid spacing generally compatible with the planned use
for redevelopment?
• Does the existing floor have the live-load capacity required for the planned
future use? If not, can a simple strengthening method be applied to achieve
the higher load required?
• Is the existing exterior wall a nonstructural façade element that can easily be
removed and replaced (as opposed to a structural, load-bearing shear wall,
which is part of the primary structure)?
In general, if two or more of these questions can be answered “yes,” the structure
should at least be considered for repurposing and redevelopment.

Understand the Advantages of Steel-Framed Buildings

Anchor boxes with beams and columns made of wide-flange steel often provide
the easiest and most economical redevelopment opportunities. These buildings typi-
cally include steel lateral systems of braced frames or moment frames, which allow
the exterior skin to be removed and replaced with no impact to the primary structure.

40 | MARCH 2021
conference preview
When wide-flange strengthening is
required, increased capacity for individual
members can often be provided by welding
new steel elements to the existing framing.
For projects looking to increase floor-
loading capacity, consider the following:
• For composite wide-flange floors,
welding steel plates or WT sections
to the underside of the existing fram-
ing is often the most efficient way to
provide increased bending strength.
• For non-composite sections, welding
steel plates to the underside of the
top and bottom flanges of the exist-
ing steel beams will typically provide
the most efficient increase in
bending strength. All images courtesy of MKA
• For column strengthening, attaching
side plates to “box out” a column will
provide a larger radius of gyration
to allow for increased axial load or
longer unbraced lengths.
When adding new floor openings in
steel-framed buildings, it is important to
evaluate whether there is sufficient ceiling
space for an “underslung” beam. An under-
slung beam can be connected into existing
framing (likely strengthened) before any
existing structure is cut. With the under-
slung beam in place, the existing floor can
be removed without any temporary shor-
ing or impact to the floors below.

Recognize the Opportunity to

Improve Concrete Buildings
with Steel
It is common for anchor box stores
built in the 1950s and 1960s to have
exterior load-bearing walls support-
ing floors—whether mild flat slab, mild
slab with beams, or hollow-core planks
with concrete topping—made of con-
crete. While these buildings tend to have
reserve capacities in their floors and walls,
understanding those reserve capacities
can be difficult without full and legible
existing drawings that provide concrete
design strengths along with reinforcing
quantities and locations. Field tests can
provide this information, but such tests
can be time-consuming and costly.

Three examples of steel-framed buildings

that have been structurally retrofitted.

Modern Steel Construction | 41

conference preview
A new underslung beam positioned beneath
existing wide-flange steel framing.

Once enough information is collected to

determine the baseline strength of the con-
crete building, several techniques can be used
to redevelop and repurpose these box build-
ing types—and rarely does the list include
adding new concrete to the concrete box.
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) added
in the tension regions of the slab—typically
underside of the middle of the bays and over
the top of support locations—can enhance
the distributed floor-load capacity. Alterna-
tively, if there is enough head clearance, steel
beams can be added underneath the existing
slab to reduce the slab span lengths.
If redevelopment conditions require new
and concentrated loads, floor openings, or
floor extensions, FRP is not likely to be help-
ful. Instead, steel beams can be added below
the slab to directly support the new condi-
tions. With some creative detailing, the new
steel beams can frame directly into the exist-
ing vertical concrete structure, eliminating
the need for new columns and foundations.

Understand the Challenges of Open-

Web Steel-Joist Buildings
When looking to retrofit big box stores
built between the late 1960s and early 1980s,
open-web steel joist (OWJ) floors are almost
certain to be encountered, especially in the
Southeast. In general, OWJ floors are struc-
above and below: A floor extension using new steel framing. turally efficient but lack reserve capacity.
Redevelopment and retrofitting challenges
inherent in OWJ floors include:
• The actual OWJ elements are manu-
facturer-provided items, and their final
designs are not often kept with other
structural base building drawings.
• There are no guarantees OWJ-framed
buildings have steel lateral systems.
Rather, these structures are often
supported by load-bearing exterior
concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls.
• It is difficult to efficiently strengthen,
cut, and reconfigure OWJs for new
floor openings. New floor openings
likely require peeling back all slab and
OWJ framing to their nearest unaf-
fected beam or girder and reframing
full, new bays with wide-flange steel.

42 | MARCH 2021
conference preview
Speedier and Sustainable
While redeveloping and repurposing anchor
big box stores can be complex and somewhat
costly, many of these projects are generally
faster to complete and more sustainable than
tearing down an existing structure and building
a new one. Early due diligence is required on the
part of the structural engineer to help the proj-
ect team decide up front whether the anchor
box can be economically repurposed.
Will the future of mall properties be driven
by designers thinking outside the box, tearing
down existing structures and bringing whole
new visions to life—or rather those who think
inside the box, working to redevelop and repur-
pose existing big box stores that, while vacant
today, can be reshaped with new purpose and
potential tomorrow? ■

This article is a preview of the 2021 NASCC: The

Steel Conference session “Rebuilding the Big Box.”
The conference takes place online April 12-16. For
more information and to register, visit aisc.org/nascc. Using structural steel to enhance OWJ framing for added load.




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Modern Steel Construction | 43

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2021 exhibitor list

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bolting in bridge construction, commercial Canada www.alliedmachine.com
steel structured buildings, and public infra- ph: 819.693.9682 Allied Machine & Engineering is a leading man-
strure projects. A new product of battery www.agtrobotics.com ufacturer of holemaking and finishing tooling
powered shear wrench in on the way to the AGT Robotics is an automation and robotics expert systems. Allied devotes its advanced engineering
market in spring of 2021. We stay proudly specialized in the metal industry. They also manufacture and manufacturing capabilities to creating the
on high product quality and commitment to the BeamMaster Weld, a robotic welding line specially widest selection of value-added tooling available
100% customer satisfaction. engineered to answer all the welding needs of structural to metal-cutting industries around the world.
steel fabricators. BeamMaster features a small footprint, Our tooling solutions deliver the lowest cost-
AFF Design Services, Inc. complete robotic automation and integration with dedi- per-hole in a wide range of drilling, reaming,
Dallas, Texas cated software. With its attractive prices, all sizes of fab- threading, boring and burnishing applications.
ph: 214.712.8223 rication shops can now consider solving their welding Precision engineering and expert application
www.affsteel.com production issues with robotic welding. support make Allied the first and best choice for
AFF came into existence in 2008 with the solving complex metal-cutting challenges.
goal of becoming a premier detailing and AKYAPAK USA
connection design company in Dallas, Texas. Tampa, Fla. American Galvanizers
Connoisseurs in detailing and connection ph: 813.351.7100 Association
design, we work tenaciously to deliver effi- www.akyapakusa.com Centennial, Colo.
cient results. With an ideology to succeed, One of the longest-established producer in Bursa, ph: 720.554.0900
our team of project managers, detailers and Akyapak celebrates its 59th foundation anniversary. www.galvanizeit.org
connection design engineers circles their Akyapak proudly exports metal-bending, drilling, The American Galvanizers Association (AGA),
guidelines around the requirements of our cutting machines and welding solutions to 110 countries headquartered in Centennial, Colo., is a not-
customers. Our innovative and comprehen- in six continents and delivers high quality from Turkey for-profit trade association dedicated to serving
sive detailing procedures help us identify to the world. Akyapak is a source of pride to Bursa and the needs of specifiers, architects, engineers,
issues; this enables us to maintain the project Turkey with its total 350,000 sq. ft covered technological contractors, fabricators, and after-fabrication
schedule. Our methods have been tested and manufacturing facilities. Akyapak, established in 1962 hot-dip galvanizers throughout North America.
are proven to give effective outcomes. in Bursa, is continuing to shape technology in Turkey Since 1933, the AGA has provided information
and the world with its 370 qualified and experienced on the most innovative applications and state-
staff. Akyapak has taken new steps to reinforce its strong of-the-art technological developments in hot-
image all over the world. dip galvanizing for corrosion protection.

44 | MARCH 2021
fy W14×
W14 ×68
W14×68 earn up to
23 PDHs


150+ sessions

American Institute AMPP ArcelorMittal International

of Steel ph: 281.228.6200 Chicago, Ill.
www.ampp.org ph: 312.899.3051
Construction (AISC) The Association for Materials Protection and Perfor- www.arcelormittal.com
Chicago, Ill.
mance, AMPP, is the world’s leading organization focused ArcelorMittal is the leading supplier of
ph: 312.670.2400
on the protection of assets and performance of materials. quality steel products in all major steel
AMPP was created when NACE International and SSPC markets, including construction. Signature
The American Institute of Steel Construc-
united after more than 145 combined years of corrosion products, like our HISTAR® (ASTM A913)
tion (AISC) is a non-partisan, not-for-profit
control and protective coatings expertise, and service to steel, have been integral to numerous iconic
technical institute and trade association
members worldwide. AMPP is active in more than 130 structures, including One World Trade
whose mission is to make structural steel
countries and has more than 40,000 members. Center, 150 North Riverside, Mercedes-
the material of choice by being the leader
Benz Stadium, and SoFi Stadium. Through
in structural-steel-related technical and
market-building activities, including speci-
Anatomic Iron our world-class R&D team and outstanding
fication and code development, research, Steel Detailing distribution network, we offer innovative,
North Vancouver, competitive, and sustainable solutions that
education, technical assistance, quality cer-
British Columbia have led to several industry firsts, such as
tification, standardization, market develop-
Canada the 80-ksi rolled-steel shapes supplied in
ment, and advocacy. AISC represents the
ph: 604.841.0555 Chicago’s Union Station Tower.
total experience, judgment, and strength of
the entire domestic industry of steel fabrica- www.anatomiciron.com
tors, distributors, and producers. Anatomic Iron Steel Detailing specializes in complex Atema, Inc.
structural steel detailing, design-detailing, connection www.atema.com
American Punch Company design, design consulting and 3D modeling. We oper-
Atlas Tube, a division of
Euclid, Ohio ate both Tekla and SDS2. We also complete steel erec-
ph: 216.731.4501 tion animations and 3D rendering. Our team oriented Zekelman Industries
toll free: 800.243.1492 approach with our staff and clients has resulted in an out- Chicago, Ill.
www.americanpunchco.com standing track record of completing high profile complex toll free: 800.733.5682
The American Punch Company is the leading projects accurately and on time. With over 150 staff, we www.atlastube.com
manufacturer of high-quality punches, dies, can detail over 10,000 tons of structural steel per month. Depend on Atlas Tube for steel hollow struc-
and shear blades for metalworking and Please review our website at www.anatomiciron.com or tural sections (HSS) and answers to all your
structural steel fabrication. In addition, the call 604.779.3800 to discuss our project history. design and shipment questions. We manu-
company supplies precision tooling and facture the largest size range with the best
custom die components to the stamping, Applied Bolting availability in the industry for all products:
roll forming and metalforming industries. Technology, Inc. ASTM A500, A1085, A513 and A252; CSA
American Punch is proud to be ISO- Bellows Falls, Vt. G40.21 Class C and Class H; jumbo sizes;
certified, demonstrating a high level of toll free: 802.460.3100 and Epox Z Kote® powder-primed tubing.
commitment to quality in manufacturing www.appliedbolting.com As a division of Zekelman Industries, we’re
and customer service. Quality tooling We make Direct Tension Indicators, i.e., load cells, that doing our part to MAKE IT eZ. Ask us
combined with superior customer service assure compliance with bolting standards and specs. about the world’s largest ERW Continuous
make American Punch the right choice for Torque, Turn of Nut, and TCs can all produce false posi- Mill coming to Blytheville, Arkansas in 2021.
your tooling needs. tive tension, and regularly do: Torque scatter is ±40%, for
new bolts, and worse for weathered. Relying on torque is
optimism, at best. TCs are torque bolts that are adversely
affected by cold or wet weather. Turn of Nut can be
defeated by mispresenting turn angle, regardless of turn
applied. DTIs read load. If a bolt is tight, a DTI will show
it, independent of weather, torque, angle, tool, or skill.
Modern Steel Construction | 45
Automated Layout Technology, LLC Bend-Tech Dragon CADeploy, Inc.
Hudson, N.H. Osceola, Wis. San Ramon, Calif.
ph: 603.402.3055 ph: 651.257.8715 ph: 408.375.9200
www.automatedlayout.com www.bend-tech.com toll free: 855.444.9497
Automated Layout Technology is the maker of Bend-Tech products are at the forefront of www.cadeploy.com
the Lightning Rail, the first automated marking designing and fabricating tube and pipe. The CADeploy, Inc. (ISO 9001:2015) is a Califor-
machine created specifically for the layout of Bend-Tech Dragon is the essential production nia corporation and member of AISC, NISD,
stairs and hand rails. The Lightning Rail works machine for any company that produces hand- MBMA, and ACI. We offer steel engineering,
with DXF files to quickly and accurately print rail or other miscellaneous metals. The Dragon steel detailing, estimation services (Structural
an entire stair stringer or rail in minutes sav- accurately and efficiently plasma cuts round, Steel/PEMB/Rebar), and as-built services and
ing hours of labor. The fully automated CNC square, rectangle, angle, and channel tubing. HSE studies (oil and gas) to 400+ clients spread
machine takes your design and prints the entire The Bend-Tech Dragon also accurately marks across the globe. Our team of 1,000+ engineers
work piece on a rigid steel frame table in any bend locations/rotations and part numbers. With specializes in structural and miscellaneous proj-
configuration including rails, pickets, hangers over 27,000 customers Bend-Tech Software has ects across industrial, commercial, residential,
and more. Easily place channels on the table for reduced production time and material waste for and other industries. We work on TEKLA,
the automatic layout of stair stringers. companies since 2001. SDS2, Advance Steel, AutoCAD, RebarCAD,
Revit, PDS, PDMS, and other widely used plat-
Axis Virtual Construction Bentley Systems, Inc. forms. We have completed more than 3,200+
Lehi, Utah www.bentley.com projects on time with 100% quality.
ph: 801.734.6410
www.axissteel.com Birmingham Fastener
Axis Steel Detailing is now Axis Virtual Con- www.bhamfast.com
struction. Axis Virtual Construction applies
cutting edge BIM solutions to build complex Birmingham Rail & Locomotive
steel structures. They specialize in structural www.birminghamrail.com
steel detailing, 3D laser point scanning, full
BIM solutions, engineering, connection design, Blair Corporation CAMBCO, Inc.
and expert consulting. Their past projects have www.blairwirerope.com www.cambcoinc.com
won six North American Modeling Awards, four
Tekla Model Awards, three AISC IDEAS2 Merit Bluebeam Inc. Carhartt, Inc.
Awards, and 20-plus features in industry publica- www.carhartt.com
tions and magazines. Brown Consulting Services, Inc. Cast Connex Corporation
Houston, Texas
AZZ Metal Coatings ph: 281.260.9749
New York, N.Y.
Fort Worth, Texas ph: 647.725.1446
ph: 817.810.0095 www.castconnex.com
Professional structural engineering firm special-
www.azz.com Cast Connex is the supplier of connection solu-
izing in connection design calculations and shop
AZZ Metal Coatings, a division of AZZ Incorpo- tions for structural steel, including brace end
drawing supervision for structural steel, steel
rated, headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, owns connectors for use in SCBF (High Strength
stairs and miscellaneous steel projects. Licensed in
and operates 40 hot dip galvanizing plants strate- Connectors), sculpted clevis-type connectors
46 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Brown offers
gically located across the U.S. and Canada. With and tapers for AESS (Universal Pin Connectors
additional services including: structural design,
kettles ranging from 16 ft. to 62 ft. in length, and Architectural Tapers), high-ductility yielding
forensic engineering, expert witness testimony,
we can easily handle a wide variety of material connectors for use in the retrofit of seismically
light-gauge steel calculations, project pricing and
sizes. With our network of plants we are able to deficient structures (Scorpion Yielding Connec-
quick turnaround. Contact: sales@brownfirst.
accommodate the largest projects with custom- tors), and cast steel fittings that enable unobtru-
com. Make Brown Your Engineering Connection.
ized turnaround time at a competitive price. sive field bolted splices (Diablo Bolted Splice).
Cast Connex also designs and supplies custom
Baco Enterprises, Inc. Brown Strauss Steel cast steel structural nodes for use in building and
www.bacoent.com bridge structures.

Beamcut Systems/ Bull Moose Tube Company Cerbaco, Ltd.

Chesterfield, Mo.
Machitech Automation ph: 636.537.2600
Warrington, Pa.
St. Louis, Mo. ph: 908.996.1333 ×1
toll free: 800.325.4467
toll free: 833.232.6288 www.cerbaco.com
www.beamcut.com Cerbaco’s line of 500+ configurations of non-
Creating value for customers across a variety of
Automate your structural steel fabrication and metallic weld backings permit finished-quality,
fields, through manufacturing, engineering, and
eliminate costly mistakes with BeamCut, an full-penetration welds from one side. For use
support services of exceptional strength. Bull
industry-leading robotic plasma cutting system with structural steel, shipbuilding, pipeline, pres-
Moose produces Hollow Structural Sections
that integrates advanced FANUC robotics sure vessel, and tank manufacturing. Backings
(HSS) from 2 in. square to 12 in. square and cor-
and easy-to-use 3D simulation software with work with MIG, TIG, Stick Electrode, Sub Arc,
responding rectangles. Charpy V-Notch HSS
Hypertherm’s XPR300 plasma systems.  We’re and Flux Core welding processes to weld carbon
available in wall thickness up to 0.625 in. Largest
masters of automation and we’ve designed and alloy steel, stainless, and aluminum. Where
Metric HSS producer in North America. HSS
this remarkable machine to help structural one-sided welding is not desirable, backings
available in additional yield strengths of 70, 80,
steel fabrication companies across the world eliminate arc gouging or heavy grinding prior to
100, and 110 KSI. HSS available in ASTM A500,
substantially improve productivity, profits, safety second-side welding.
A847 (weathering grade), A1085, and EN 10219.
and on-time deliveries. Beamcut is a member of
the Machitech Automation group with 20 years
of dedicated experience, 1,500+ machines in
service worldwide and 98% customer referral.

46 | MARCH 2021
Charlie Irwin Painting, LLC Cleveland Punch & Die Co. Consolidated Pipe & Supply Company
(CIP) Ravenna, Ohio Birmingham, Ala.
Franklin, Tenn. ph: 330.296.4342 ph: 205.323.7261
ph: 615.790.8822 toll free: 800.451.4342 toll free: 800.467.7261
www.cipaint.com www.clevelandpunch.com www.consolidatedpipe.com
CIP-Charlie Irwin Painting, LLC, is dedi- Cleveland Punch & Die Company is the Our Piling and Structural Division offers a complete
cated to providing the best commercial paint- World Leader in manufacturing punches, dies inventory of carbon steel structural pipe, H-Pile, sheet
ing, industrial sandblasting and painting and and shear blades in the steel industry. All of our pile, and piling accessories. We also offer piling fabri-
fireproofing the Nashville area has to offer. In products are proudly manufactured in the U.S. cation at our yards and a full line of coating services
business since 1984 and located just south of Original Equipment Manufacturers continue from our in house coating plant. We pride ourselves
Nashville, we are a locally owned and oper- to trust and recommend our products to meet on understanding and servicing our customer’s needs
ated business. We specialize in commercial and surpass our customers expectations for all on time and at competitive prices. Consolidated Pipe
painting, sandblasting, industrial painting steel applications. Our customers continue to & Supply has several divisions including: structural/
services and fireproofing. Mission statement: trust and rely on the most experienced and piling, line pipe, utilities, industrial, and nuclear.
coating the construction industry with qual- friendly engineering and customer service sup- Please visit our website or contact us for more infor-
ity, excellence and integrity while empower- port team in the industry. We are proud of our mation on our products and services.
ing our employees and honoring Christ the 141 Years of Quality, Experience and Tradition.
Lord. Core values: quality, excellence, integ- Customer Service Hours: 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Controlled Automation, Inc.
rity, relationships, dependability. EST, sales@clevelandpunch.com. Bryant, Ark.
ph: 557.557.5109
Chicago Clamp Company Color Works Painting, Inc. www.controlledautomation.com
Broadview, Ill. New Castle, Del. Controlled Automation is a customer-driven company
ph: 708.343.8311 ph: 302.324.8411 specializing in the design and manufacture of supe-
www.chicagoclampcompany.com www.colorworkspainting.com rior fabricating equipment. Our mission, as a team,
Chicago Clamp Company provides an inno- Color Works Painting, Inc. is an enclosed is to strengthen and grow through the success of our
vative method for framing roof openings and SSPC-QP3 certified shop. Celebrating customers while offering them constant respect, grati-
supporting rooftop loads with no welding or over 28 years of experience and knowledge tude, and a quality product. Along with new machin-
drilling. This standardized method for con- in blasting and high-performance coatings! ery, we offer material handling systems to compliment
necting joists and beams allows structural CWP offers capabilities to handle massive each of our machines. All machines, software, and
engineers to focus on load distribution rather structures, Duplex Systems, AESS-4, DOT, controls are designed, manufactured, and supported
than attachment apparatus or welding con- and bridge projects. What’s more, they staff entirely in the United States.
cerns. With up to 4,000-lb capacity per sys- NACE Level 3 QC inspectors, guarantee-
tem, it is ideal for the safe and economical ing your project meets specifications. Their
framing and installation of rooftop units, sky safety record is impeccable—receiving nine
lights, exhaust fans, and vents. consecutive National Pinnacle Awards! No
downtime keeps projects progressing with
Chicago Metal ease. Moreover, CWP offers their own fleet CoreBrace, LLC
West Jordan, Utah
Rolled Products delivery services and access to nearby Port
ph: 801.280.0701
Chicago, Ill. and Rail services.
ph: 773.523.5757 CoreBrace buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are a cost
toll free: 800.798.4504 effective solution to improve the seismic performance
www.cmrp.com of structures. This highly ductile system has been used
Curving every size of in hundreds of projects for earthquake risk mitigation.
angle, bar, channel, tee, and beam up to CoreBrace’s expert staff works closely with owners,
W44335# the hard way (x-x axis) on the architects, engineers, fabricators, and erectors to meet
world’s largest beam bender. Tube and pipe their design and construction requirements and is com-
bending up to 30 in. OD. Rectangular tub- mitted to providing braces to the highest level of qual-
ing up to 20×20 in. Low-deformation, Columbia Safety and Supply ity. Our latest research has focused on sustainable and
thin-wall bending. Single radius bending in Atlanta, Ga. resilient designs of structures in high seismic zones.
one plane, as well as off-axis and multi-axis ph: 800.969.5035
bends; multi-radius bends; true, helical coils; www.colsafety.com
and plumb, circular stair stringers. Hard way, Columbia Safety and Supply is North Ameri-
easy way, and every way in between. Plate ca’s Premier Outfitter of safety gear, contrac-
rolling up to 2 in. × 12 ft and 1 in. plate × tor equipment, and industrial supplies. We are CSC – Canam
20 ft wide. High-accuracy straightening of fall protection experts and we’re here to help Steel Corp.
beams and tees. Induction Bending of pipes you find exactly what you need to be safe and Point of Rocks, Md.
up to 12 in. OD. productive. Our Gear Experts combine indus- ph: 301.874.5141
try knowledge with professional experience. toll free:
Cleveland City Forge We service a variety of industries, including 800.638.4293
www.clevelandcityforge.com steel construction, road and bridge construc- www.cscsteelusa.com
tion, manufacturing, oil, gas, wind energy, and Canam Steel Corporation (CSC) is a service oriented
more. We carry thousands of products from manufacturer of open web steel joists and steel deck
the world’s best manufacturers. Be Safe, Do that services the entire U.S. via our six manufacturing
More, with Columbia Safety and Supply! facilities. We are a company that prioritizes safety and
efficiency of the entire process for both our employ-
ComSlab ees and our customers. We believe in the power of
www.comslab-usa.com partnerships and the need for flexibility throughout
the process for all of our partners. Our projects range
from the small retail store at a local strip mall to some
of the largest distribution centers, high-rises, schools
and stadiums. We are a participating member of both
the SJI and SDI.
Modern Steel Construction | 47
Cutting Edge Steel & Stair DBM VirCon DOT Quality Services
Dacono, Colo. Tempe, Ariz. www.dotqs.com
ph: 303.651.3180 ph: 480.615.1700
www.cesteel.com www.dbmvircon.com DuraFuse Frames
At Cutting Edge Steel, we have the knowledge We make design constructable. DBM Vircon West Jordan, Utah
and expertise to provide an affordable solution is a premier construction modeling, detailing ph: 801.727.4060
to all of your project stair and rail needs. We are and digital engineering company. With our vast www.durafuseframes.com
your one-stop solution. Our specialty includes experience, we help our market leader custom- DuraFuse Frames are the ideal moment-frame
work across North America of architectural, ers including owners, engineers, EPCM firms, and dual-frame solution for all building types in
commercial and service class stair and rail prod- general contractors and fabricators build with all seismic design categories, making them the
ucts. CES offers “Pre-Engineered” systems when confidence across the globe. Our proven meth- most versatile SMF/IMF system on the market.
applicable or can work with clients who envision ods and preconstruction collaboration platforms DuraFuse Frames are fully compliant with the
a one off product for true uniqueness. Depend- help our clients compress schedules and mitigate performance requirements in the AISC Seismic
ing on scope and location CES can also provide a cost overruns by proving design constructable Precisions for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/
complete miscellaneous steel package. Please call and complete. AISC 341) with code approval from IAPMO
to discuss the needs of your next project. UES ER 610, including 2018 IBC, 2019 CBC,
Delta Steel, Inc. and LA Supplement. Instant benefits include
Houston, Texas overall costs savings, elimination of seismic brac-
ph: 713.635.1200 ing, smaller protected zones, larger open spaces,
toll free: 800.324.0220 and outstanding resilience.
Delta Steel, Inc. is a customer oriented company, EDSCO Fasteners
striving to build long lasting and mutually prof- www.edsco.com
CWB Group itable customer relationships. We are commit-
www.cwbgroup.org ted to continuous improvement in our service, Ercolina – CML USA, Inc.
in our products, in safety and in our personnel. Davenport, Iowa
DACS, Inc. We emphasize professional and ethical business ph: 563.391.7700
www.dacsinc.com dealings with customers, suppliers and employ- www.ercolina-usa.com
ees. Formed in 1963, Delta Steel is a subsidiary CML USA, Inc. is the North American supplier
Daito Seiki Co., Ltd. of Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. Delta Steel of Ercolina tube, pipe and profile bending and
Elk Grove Village, Ill. is one of the largest steel service centers in the metalworking machinery. CML has experienced
ph: 847.437.6788 southwest United States serving industrial, com- sales, service and support staff ready to offer
www.daitousa.com mercial as well as OEM markets. positive application solutions for today’s fabri-
DAITO is focused on metal cutting, drilling, cator. Ercolina’s affordable tubing benders and
and plasma cutting machines and has become fabricating machinery reliably and accurately
the most technologically advanced machine pro- produce your applications increasing profit and
ducer in its field. Along with being the world’s improving product quality and finish.
top manufacturer in its field, DAITO is geared
toward customer satisfaction by supporting our DGS Technical Services, Inc. Exact Detailing
customers with our knowledgeable and respon- Elgin, Ill. www.exactdetailing.com
sive sales, applications, and our sales personnel. ph: 630.539.8200 ×5204
toll free: 630.539.8200 ×5202 Fabreeka International, Inc.
www.dgsts.com www.fabreeka.com
DGSTS is a Quality-Focused Engineering ser-
vices enterprise, providing end-to-end solutions FACCIN U.S.A., Inc.
in engineering design and structural domains, Fairhope, Ala.
based out of Elgin, IL (U.S.). We are an AISC, ph: 833.611.3676
NISD, QPP & ISO 9001:2015 Certified company www.faccin.com
with over 800+ engineers. We have presence with FACCIN Group is a leading global metal form-
Dale Fastener Supply ing machine manufacturer that provides a wide
www.dalecompany.com offices in North America, Canada, United King-
dom, Bangladesh, and India. We have Certified range of plate rolls, angle rolls, dished heads
Damptech USA American P.E. and technical PMs with over 35+ line and special machines. FACCIN Group is
www.damptech.com years of experience located in the U.S. We use the sole proprietor of FACCIN – ROUNDO
smart software like Tekla, SDS2. All our teams and BOLDRINI brands. The FACCIN &
Danny’s Construction are specialized in detailing steel structures, bridge ROUNDO solutions are suitable for bending
Company, LLC detailing, connection design, and estimation. different type of profiles (standard and non-
Shakopee, Minn. standard) at very tight diameters and strict
ph: 952.445.4143
Dlubal Software, Inc. tolerances. Wide range of accessories and
toll free:
Philadelphia, Pa. CNC controls are available with the aim to
877.451.9627 ph: 267.702.2815 increase precision and productivity. FACCIN
www.dannysconstruction.com www.dlubal.com & ROUNDO angle rolls are the best solution
Dlubal offers powerful programs for structural for your next future challenges!
Danny’s Construction Company is a leader in the
and dynamic analysis of multiple materials includ-
steel erection industry because we recognize and
ing steel, concrete, aluminum, timber, CLT, glass,
embrace the uniqueness of each project and strive
cables, and fabric form-finding per the USA/Inter-
to provide innovative and creative methods for
national standards. The 3D FEA program RFEM
erecting structures of varied sizes, functions, loca-
efficiently and accurately performs non-linear anal-
tions and difficulty. The successful construction of
yses of member, plate and solid elements. RFEM
any building, bridge or arena is only as strong as
is one of the most highly sophisticated yet user-
the erection plan and its execution, and we work
friendly programs especially suitable for new users
tirelessly to offer solutions to the structural chal-
with its intuitive modeling work flow. Experience
lenges presented on each job site (WBE).
why more than 5,000 companies and universities
worldwide trust in Dlubal Software.
48 | MARCH 2021
FICEP Corporation GIZA
Forest Hill, Md. St. Louis, Mo. provides a comprehensive set of calculations with
ph: 410.588.5800 ph: 314.656.4615 references to all applied codes. We offer integra-
www.ficepcorp.com www.gizasteel.com tion with Tekla Structures and Tekla Structural
Ficep Corporation is currently the largest manu- GIZA is a connection design software that covers Designer but can also be used as a standalone
facturer of structural steel and plate fabrication more than 400 different connection types in the option. GIZA has been in use for over nine years
systems and software. Ficep offers over 100 dif- shear, moment, vertical brace, horizontal brace and has successfully designed thousands of con-
ferent CNC systems to achieve the optimum and splice categories. Compliant to AISC 14th, nections on thousands of projects over that time.
solution to any specific fabricators application. 15th editions—ASD and LRFD methods, GIZA Try it yourself free for 15 days!
In addition to the different CNC work centers,
Ficep totally integrates custom designed mate-
rial handling systems for Intelligent Steel Fab-
rication without the requirement for multiple
operator involvement.

Fasteners, Inc.
Frankfort, Ind.
Fontana Fasteners, Inc., a Fontana Gruppo com-
pany, produces LE USA® fasteners and provides
customers with high-quality cold-formed fasten-
ers produced from steel melted and rolled exclu-
sively in the U.S. In fact, Fontana Fasteners Inc.
is the only North American full-service manu-
facturer and provider of structural bolts, nuts,
washers, and TC assemblies.

Freedom Tools, LLC


GERB Vibration
Lisle, Ill.
ph: 630.724.1660
toll free: 888.454.GERB
With a company history of over 100 years,
GERB is dedicated to vibration and seismic con-
trol of buildings, tall structures, rail trackbeds
and large machinery (e.g. emergency generators
etc.). GERB Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDs) in
particular are used worldwide for the vibration
control of pedestrian and wind induced vibra-
tion of long-span and slender structures (e.g.
floors, bridges, skyscrapers, etc.). GERB systems
are based on well-established physical principals
using elastic elements and the VISCODAMPER,
a viscous fluid dashpot/damper that is friction-
less and can work at very low amplitudes.

Tampa, Fla.
ph: 800.367.8144
toll free: 800.237.0230
Gerdau Long Steel North America (GLN) man-
ufactures structural steel, piling, rebar, merchant
bar, and special bar quality products for the agri-
cultural, automotive, civil construction, distri-
bution, energy, industrial, and mining markets.
GLN operates seven mills in the United States
and three in Canada, and is a wholly owned sub-
sidiary of Gerdau S.A.

Girder-Slab Technologies, LLC


Modern Steel Construction | 49

Graitec Hexagon HYTORC
Houston, Texas; Houston, Texas Mahwah, N.J.
Montreal, Quebec ph: 281.890.4566 ph: 201.512.9500
Canada www.hexagonppm.com www.hytorc.com
toll free: 800.724.5678 Hexagon is a global leader in software, design, HYTORC makes industrial bolting safer and
www.graitec.com project performance, and autonomous solutions simpler. With over 50 years of experience
GRAITEC (1986), Autodesk Partner and Autho- that boost efficiency, productivity, and quality focused entirely on developing the highest qual-
rized Training Center, is a long-standing soft- across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, ity industrial bolting systems, HYTORC is the
ware developer of design, simulation, fabrication safety, and mobility applications. We empower most trusted name in the industry. From steel
and management solutions for the steel industry. our clients to transform unstructured informa- mills and mining equipment to refineries, power
Our extensive range of CAD and BIM software tion into a smart digital asset to visualize, build, plants, and wind turbines; we have developed
combined with the Autodesk portfolio (Revit, and manage structures and facilities of all com- solutions for every bolting application imagin-
Advance Steel) are used by structural engineers plexities, ensuring safe and efficient operation able. For custom projects, our highly experienced
and detailers worldwide. With 48 offices in 13 throughout the entire lifecycle. engineering team is at your service to design the
countries, North American customers can count most efficient solution for your job with simple
us for all their needs: implementation, custom- operation and economical pricing in mind.
ization, training, workflow optimization and
technical support. Ask about Advance Workshop, IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Service
Advance Design Connection & Opentree. www.uniform-es.org

Holloway Steel Services IDEA StatiCa

Saginaw, Texas Brno
ph: 817.232.8663 Czech Republic
toll free: 800.869.8663 ph: 420.725.078.287
Grating Fasteners www.hollowaysteelservices.com www.ideastatica.com
Harvey, La. Holloway Steel Services—we specialize in struc- IDEA StatiCa Connection is a revolution-
ph: 504.361.3471 tural steel rolling, plate rolling, ASME code ary software for structural design of steel con-
toll free: 800.227.9013 vessels, shop fabricated tanks and custom plate nections/joints. It is based on a new CBFEM
www.gclips.com cutting Holloway Company provides tube bend- method and allows structural engineers to design
Grating Fasteners specializes in producing the ing, bending of pipes, bar bending, beam bend- and check connections of all topologies in min-
G-Clip line of grating fasteners. G-Clips are ing, structural steel bending and plate rolling for utes. IDEA StatiCa is improving workflow of
used to attach grating to structural members OEMs and construction projects. We feature engineers all around the world by linking to FEA
using simple hand tools. The entire G-Clip line fabrication of structurally formed alloys, includ- and CAD software they use.
of fasteners are noted industry-wide as being ing tank manufacturing, plate rolling, angles,
a cost-effective, fast, and dependable way to bars, bricklintel, pipe and tubes. IKG
fasten grating. www.ikg.com
HRV Conformance Verification
Greenbrook Engineering Services Associates, Inc. Infasco / Ifastgroupe
www.greenbrookengineering.com www.infasco.com
Moon Township, Pa.
ph: 412.299.2000
GRM Custom www.hrvinc.com Informed Infrastructure
Products Leading experts in materials QA/QC inspection, www.informedinfrastructure.com
Conroe, Texas coatings inspection, NDT, and CM/CI focused
ph: 936.441.5910 on transportation, rail and transit, oil and gas,
InfoSight Corporation
www.grmcp.com Chillicothe, Ohio
power, commercial, and water/wastewater mar-
For over 60 years, GRM Custom Products has ph: 740.642.3600
kets, with the capacity to provide AWS CWI, toll free: 800.642.3600
worked with engineers, steel fabricators, and NACE, SSPC, ACI, PCI, and API inspections
contractors to provide customized high-quality www.infosight.com
in materials fabrication plants and on project
industry and project-specific solutions on a wide “We Barcode Difficult Stuff” is InfoSight’s
sites. We excel by maintaining high standards
variety of construction projects. As the exclusive promise to our customers to provide unique,
of technical training, leveraging deep industry
fabricator of Fluorogold Slide Plates in North value-added products and services that reduce
knowledge and experience, practicing ethical
America, we manufacture our products to meet risk and cost and increase efficiency and safety.
conduct, applying innovative technologies, and
your project’s specifications and schedule. FRP Our metal tags and LabeLase® laser print-
communicating openly with our clients. We are
Wear Pads and structural components are an ers are the best and most durable identifica-
Quality. Assured.
alternate solution to steel in corrosive environ- tion and traceability solutions on the market.
KettleTag®PLUS, ShotTag™, and PaintTag™
ments. With our experience in manufacturing Hypertherm Inc. are the go-to laser printed metal barcoded tags
structural components, we can help your project Hanover, N.H.
using a variety of materials. used by galvanizers and fabricators. Our ever-
ph: 603.643.3441
growing selection of metal tags and laser printers
toll free: 800.643.0030
Grupo Cano www.hypertherm.com is driven by our dedication to satisfy the unique
www.grupocano.com.mx/home needs of our customers.
Hypertherm designs and manufactures indus-
trial cutting products for use in a variety of
Haydon Bolts, Inc. industries such as shipbuilding, manufacturing,
www.haydonbolts.com and structural steel. Its product line includes
cutting systems, in addition to CNC motion
Hercules Bolt Company and height controls, CAM nesting software,
100% Employee Owned
robotic software and consumables. Hypertherm
systems are trusted for performance and reli-
ability that result in increased productivity and
profitability for hundreds of thousands of busi-
nesses worldwide.

50 | MARCH 2021
Infra-Metals Co. JH Botts, LLC Lapeyre Stair
Langhorne, Pa. Joliet, Ill. New Orleans, La.
ph: 215.741.1000 ph: 815.726.5885 ph: 504.733.6009
toll free: 800.899.3432 toll free: 800.888.5885 toll free: 800.535.7631
www.infra-metals.com www.jhbotts.com www.lapeyrestair.com
Infra-Metals Co. is one of the largest structural As specialists in manufacturing anchor bolts Lapeyre Stair is a complete outsource solution
steel service centers in the United States. We from raw material emphasizing ASTM F1554 with in-house design, engineering, and detailing.
are well-positioned to satisfy your needs in New and ASTM A449 material, we stock many 1/2 in. Steel welded egress stairs with pre-engineered
England, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Southwest and to 31/2 in. diameter round bars in 20 ft–0 in. to components meet applicable codes and allow
Florida. As a subsidiary of a leading international 40 ft–0 in. lengths. Additionally, we can manu- for customization. Steel bolted egress stairs are
company, Infra-Metals is provided with secure facture using many different grades of material a cost-effective solution that does not require
financing and has a strong commitment to steel including ASTM A615 rebar, Stainless Steel welding. Alternating tread stairs are a safe alter-
distribution and processing. Infra-Metals offers rods and other assorted carbon steel grades. native to steep stairways and ladders. Platforms,
unparalleled service with on-time delivery and a Our ability to produce within the tolerances legs, and crossovers integrate to create custom
substantial lineup of processing equipment. Any- prescribed by the American National Standards stair systems. The lead time guarantee ensures
one can quote a price, Infra-Metals can quote it Institute (A.N.S.I.) make us a valuable asset to orders arrive on site, on time, every time.
from stock. our customers.

Kinetic Cutting Systems, Inc.

www.kineticusa.com LECGI Inc.
Louisville, Ky.
Kobelco Welding of America, Inc. ph: 502.425.1647
Stafford, Texas
International Design Services, Inc. ph: 281.240.5600
LECGI, Inc. is an engineering firm specializing
St. Louis, Mo. www.kobelcowelding.com
in structural design and steel detailing. We use
ph: 314.872.1791 Kobelco, your best partner for structural steel
state-of-the art computer technology and a group
www.ids-inc.net fabrication, including seismic application is
of talented and ambitious employees with great
IDS is committed to delivering the highest qual- proud to be one of the few companies that devel-
experience and high education. Our 3D modeling
ity of detailing and connection design services. ops all of its own original welding materials,
software, Tekla Structures, enables us to design
Our over 600 team members, including connec- welding robots, and welding power sources.
projects very efficiently. Our models reduce
tion design engineers, detailers, and supporting
Kottler Metal Products, Inc. design errors and allow us to design the best pos-
staff provide ample manpower to support any
Willoughby, Ohio sible structures. Our detailing experience enables
project type and schedule. Our shop drawings
ph: 440.946.7473 us to recognize the importance of detailed struc-
and calculations are produced under the direct
toll free: 800.678.0808 tural design and permits us to decrease cost by
supervision of licensed professional engineers.
www.kottlermetal.com using the most practical designs and connections.
In addition to 3D and BIM Models in SDS2 or
Tekla, IDS provides NC1, CNC, DXF, DSTV, Structural steel bending and fabricating special-
and other production file formats. ists. Kottler Metal Products is proud to have LeJeune Bolt Company
Burnsville, Minn.
one of the largest pipe, tube, and structural steel
ph: 952.890.7700
Interstate Gratings bending capacities in the Midwest, bending up
toll free: 800.872.2658
www.interstategratings.com to 10 in. angle, 20 in. pipe and tube, and 40 in.
channel and I-beam, both easy-way and hard-
Ironworkers/IMPACT LeJeune Bolt is the leading international supplier
way. Family owned and built on a 100+ year
www.impact-net.org of structural fasteners and tools as well as your
legacy, our business philosophy is based on a
source for the ASTM F3148 TNA Fastening
dual commitment to quality and service. For five
IRyS Global, Inc. generations we have maintained the tradition of System. With the recent approval of the Com-
Rodney, Ontario producing the highest caliber of metal fabrica- bined Method of installation in the 2020 edition
Canada of RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Using
tions throughout the world.
ph: 519.652.6625 High-Strength Bolts F3148 TNA Bolt Assemblies
toll free: 800.711.IRYS KTA-Tator and Torque & Angle installation can be specified
www.irysglobal.com Pittsburgh, Pa. with confidence knowing the necessary industry
We are a company that offers customers imme- ph: 412.788.1300 approvals are complete. Contact LeJeune Bolt
diate access to a professional virtual desktop toll free: 800.245.6379 Company to learn more about how our TNA
solution. If you always wanted to continue your www.kta.com Fastening System can provide improved effi-
work when you go home but found it hard to do KTA provides government, facility owners, ciency, quality control, and cost savings for your
that due to technical limitations, look no further. engineers, and contractors peace of mind that next project.
There are many benefits that come from using the integrity of steel and concrete structures are
our virtual desktops. For example, we provide properly assessed and protected. KTA provides Lincoln Electric Company
sequential user logins, which means each desk- Cleveland, Ohio
professional consultation and support during
top has two login accounts that can be accessed ph: 216.481.8100
any phase of a project—design, construction,
one at a time. This way you can cut the licensing www.lincolnelectric.com
post-construction, and maintenance. KTA’s
costs in half while also extending your productiv- Lincoln Electric is the world leader in arc weld-
specialties include steel and concrete fabrica-
ity and taking it to the next level. It’s the ultimate ing, robotic welding systems, plasma and oxyfuel
tion inspection; NDT; coatings and corrosion
remote office solution. cutting equipment and brazing and soldering
engineering and inspection; field and lab coat-
alloys. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Lin-
ings failure analysis; and coatings training. KTA
J. B. Long, Inc. also distributes a complete line of field inspec- coln has a worldwide network of manufacturing,
Fleetwood, Pa. distribution, sales and technical support covering
tion instrumentation.
ph: 610.944.8840 more than 160 countries. For more information
www.jblong.com LAP Laser, LLC about Lincoln Electric and its products and ser-
Cheap Detailing Ain’t Cheap! J.B. Long, Inc. has www.lap-laser.com vices, visit the Company’s website.
supplied structural steel and miscellaneous iron
detailing to the fabrication industry for 35 years.

Modern Steel Construction | 51

Lincoln Electric equipment. We are a fully integrated manufacture MDX Software
of airless shot blast cabinets using conveyor and
Cutting monorail systems. LS also has complete product
Columbia, Mo.
ph: 573.446.3221
Solutions lines of cleaning systems for rebar, pipe and tubing; www.mdxsoftware.com
Hamilton, Ontario dust collectors; parts washers and vibratory tubs. MDX Software Curved and Straight Steel
Bridge Design & Rating is in use by many top
ph: 905.689.7771 LTC, Inc. design firms and DOTs to design and rate steel
toll free: 833.798.4669 Onalaska, Wis. girder bridges for compliance with LRFD, LFD,
www.lincolnelectriccutting.com ph: 608.786.0893 and ASD AASHTO Specifications.
At every step in our evolution, we’ve focused on www.ltcsteeldetailers.com
building a portfolio of expertise that encompasses LTC is an innovative structural steel detailing
every cutting application within the fabrication
Metals USA
company that has been producing quality shop Langhorne, Pa.
and industrial manufacturing universe: plasma cut- drawings since 1985. We have production teams ph: 267.580.2100
ting and motion control, tube and automated pipe at both of our office locations in the U.S. and the toll free: 800.523.3340
cutting, structural steel cutting, and more. Every Philippines, allowing us to provide exemplary www.metalsusa.com
segment of our overall business is aimed at provid- service at a competitive price. All management Structural fabricators across North America trust
ing solutions to the challenges you face every day. and communication is U.S. based. We exclusively and rely on Metals USA for their structural steel
Cutting with plasma is about more than just cut- use Tekla and have worked on some of the largest requirements. Metals USA is the industry leading
ting metal. It’s about the complete solution. projects in the industry, including professional source for extensive inventory, and sophisticated
stadiums and high-rise towers. We have in-house processing services including plate burning, tee
Lindapter software teams that provide custom business splitting, cambering and press brake forming.
Leander, Texas software applications for clients, including cus- Learn more about our wide range of product
ph: 866.566.2658 tomized scripts in Tekla. offerings and find out how we can partner with
you to help you get even better results. Steel,
Over 85 years, Lindapter has pioneered the LUSAS Processing, Service and Commitment. Metals
design and manufacture of structural steel www.lusas.com USA—Your partner for all your steel needs.
clamping systems and HSS blind fasteners,
enabling faster steel construction. Products Mac-Tech
include the Hollo-Bolt, the HSS expansion bolt www.mac-tech.com
approved by ICC-ES for all seismic design cat-
egories (A through F); while the girder clamp is Magni Telescopic Handlers
approved for quickly connecting W&S beams. Roselle, N.J.
Lindapter connections eliminate the need for ph: 908.280.8899 x110 Meyer Borgman Johnson
time-consuming drilling or welding in the field toll free: 833.624.6487 www.mbjeng.com
and reduce time and labor costs. www.MagniTH.com
Magni Telescopic Handlers is the world leader Midwest Structural Products, LLC
Linders Specialty Company, Inc. and rotating and heavy lift telehandlers. ELIMI-
www.lscmetalfab.com NATE THE NEED TO RENT A CRANE!
Magni offers 16 rotating models with lift heights Miller Electric Mfg., LLC
Lion Lumber from 57–167 ft and lifting capacities from 8,800– Appleton, Wis.
www.lionlumber.com 28,600 lbs. There are 100 attachments which ph: 920.734.9821
allow the machine to serve as a telescopic fork- toll free: 800.426.4553
LNA Solutions lift, RT crane, aerial work platform, and more.
Buffalo, N.Y. www.millerwelds.com
Magni’s are the safest, most productive and effi- Solutions Designed for Welding in the Shop or
ph: 734.677.2305 cient machines in their class. Magni also offers
toll free: Field! Whatever and wherever you build, there
eight heavy lift models with lifting capacities are Miller solutions specifically developed to
888.724.2323 from 22,000–110,000 lbs.
www.lnasolutions.com support you—so you can effectively manage your
labor pool, achieve productivity goals, maintain
LNA Solutions is the premier supplier of steel- Manni Green Tech USA, Inc. quality, and reduce expenses. Miller Electric
to-steel connection products including seismic- www.mannisipre.com/products/introduction
approved BoxBolt® Blind Fasteners and Beam- Mfg. LLC, a leading worldwide manufacturer of
Manni Sipre is one of the largest steel service
Clamp® Structural Steel Connectors. Our wide Miller brand arc welding, provides welding, cut-
centers in southern Europe. The company’s
range of pre-engineered connectors deliver safe, ting, and heating solutions consistently deliver-
history in engineering steel structures includes key
cost-effective solutions that never need field ing the highest level of performance and quality.
projects worldwide. Manni Sipre has engineered
drilling or welding, installing easily with basic steel structures for multiple sectors including
hand tools, saving you time on the job. High- Miner Grating Systems,
buildings, bridges, petrochemical, processing,
quality LNA products, services, and warehouses sports venue and pressure vessel projects. a Powerbrace Company
are based in North America. Trust LNA Solu- Dallas, Texas
tions for every structural application wherever Max Weiss Co., LLC ph: 214.630.0033
steel connects to steel. www.maxweiss.com www.minergrating.com
Miner Grating Systems is North America’s leading
LS Industries MCL Hangers, LLC manufacturer and fabricator of grating products.
Wichita, Kan. www.mclhangers.com Our lines consist of bar grating (Premier Grate),
ph: 316.265.7997 ×328 diamond safety grating (Premier Diamond),
toll free: 800.835.0218 ×328 McLaren Engineering Group and round hole safety grating (Premier Grip).
www.lsindustries.com www.mgmclaren.com Our mission is to provide the highest quality
From design and manufacturing, to parts and grating products and be the most cost effective
service LS Industries is committed to providing the solution provider.We welcome the opportunity
highest levels of performance in addressing your to partner on any projects requiring grating for
metal cleaning needs. LS Industries engineers, steps, platforms, or walkways for use on OEM
designs and manufactures metal cleaning equipment or in plant maintenance.

52 | MARCH 2021
exhibitors ThE PRovEn
Modern Steel Construction STEEL BRIDgE
Chicago, Ill.
ph: 312.896.9022
Modern Steel Construction magazine is the offi-
cial publication of the American Institute of
Steel Construction. By focusing on innovative
and cost-effective steel designs and applications,
Modern Steel brings its readers in-depth infor-
mation on the newest and most advanced uses

of structural steel in buildings and bridges. Mod-
ern Steel is the leading magazine for profession-
als involved in the design and construction of
steel-framed buildings and bridges. Advertising 15-DAY
in Modern Steel is the best way for you to reach
your customers directly. TRIAL*
*see website
MOLD-TEK Technologies, Inc. for details
Cumming, Ga.
ph: 470.302.8178
www.moldtekengineering.com/detailing.html The leading software package
We offer structural steel detailing and engineer- for designing and rating curved
ing services, connection design certification and
sealing with BIM coordination for all the major and straight steel girder bridges.
steel fabricators in the U.S. Our company is a
public corporation with HQ in India and our
U.S. HQ in Atlanta, Georgia. We have a strong Used by Many State DOTs and Top Design Firms
team of 400+ detailers, project managers, check-
ers, and connections engineers in India in addi- (573) 446-3221 n www.mdxsoftware.com n info@mdxsoftware.com
tion to PEs and project oversight from one of
our four U.S. offices.

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ph: 231.995.0637

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Bone up on steel design with your very own copies of the
The Steel Conference exhibit hall is your chance 15th Edition Steel Construction Manual and the
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National Institute of Steel

Detailing, Inc.

National Steel
Bridge Alliance NEW
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The National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA),
a division of AISC, is a national, non-profit
organization dedicated to the advancement of
steel bridge design and construction. NSBA ORDER YOUR SET TODAY!
functions as the voice of the bridge fabricators
and steel mills while also partnering with the
aisc.org/publications | 800.644.2400
bridge design and construction community.
NSBA’s partners include AASHTO, FHWA,
state DOTs, design consultant, contractors, Learn more about these great CELEBRATING
and academia. With these resources, NSBA
is uniquely positioned to find solutions to the
toughest bridge challenges, including those
AISC steel design resources
at aisc.org/manualresources 100 YEARS
related to cost, sustainability, and performance. and aisc.org/seismic. 1921–2021
Modern Steel Construction | 53
New Millennium Building Systems Nucor – Fastener Division Ocean Machinery, Inc.
Fort Wayne, Ind. St. Joe, Ind. Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
ph: 260.969.3582 ph: 260.337.1600 ph: 954.956.3131
www.newmill.com toll free: 800.955.6826 toll free: 800.286.3624
New Millennium structural steel building sys- www.nucor-fastener.com www.oceanmachinery.com
tems support your project and we support you. Manufacturer of 100% made in the U.S. carbon Ocean Machinery delivers versatile and afford-
From steel joists and deck to long-span composite and alloy steel hex head cap screws, heavy hex able solutions for the small to medium fabri-
floor systems, we engineer and manufacture solu- structural bolts, dome head Tru-Tension tension cator. Including: *OCEAN AVENGER and
tions that control costs, enhance performance and control assemblies, nuts and build-to-print spe- AVENGER PLUS—the world’s best selling
ensure project success. Together, let’s build it bet- cials in inch and metric sizes in various grades CNC beam drill lines *OCEAN CLIPPER II—
ter. Over the years, our company has grown into with finishes and thread coatings to meet fasten- the most compact CNC angle line *OCEAN
one of the largest providers of cost-efficient, high- ing requirements. LIBERATOR—the most affordable CNC
performance structural steel joist, joist girder and beam coping machine *OCEAN BLASTER—
deck solutions for commercial steel construction Nucor – Plate Mill Group the smallest footprint shot blasting solution
projects. We have manufacturing facilities strate- Cofield, N.C. | Tuscaloosa, Ala. *OCEAN CHALLENGER—a compact, auto-
gically located across North America. ph: 252.356.3700 mated welding robot, as well as several other
toll free: 877.626.8267 game changing solutions that improve the effi-
www.nucorhertford.com ciency and profitability of fabricators worldwide!
Manufacturer of carbon, alloy, high-strength low Ohio Gratings, Inc.
alloy (HSLA), pressure vessel and heat treated Canton, Ohio
(normalized and quench and tempered plate) ph: 330.477.6707
that is available as discrete, cut-to-length and toll free: 800.321.9800
Nickel Institute/IMOA coiled plate. Nucor Steel Hertford County pro- www.ohiogratings.com
www.nickelinstitute.org duces discrete plate through 3 in. thick, 124 in. Ohio Gratings, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of
wide and 1,035 in. long. Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa aluminum, carbon and stainless steel bar grating
Nitto Kohki U.S.A., Inc. Inc. produces hot rolled coil and temperleveled products—all proudly made in the U.S. By deliv-
www.nittokohki.com plate up through 1 in. thickness and discrete ering a blend of artistry, safety, and seamlessness
plate up through 2.5 in. thickness, 96 in. in width thats unmatched in the grating market. From
Nucor – Beam Mill Group and 720 in. long. design to manufacturing to custom fabrication
Blytheville, Ark. | Huger, S.C. services, we offer the complete solution. Our
ph: 870.762.5500 Nucor Tubular Products drive to keep looking ahead separates us from
toll free: 800.289.6977 Chicago, Ill. other grating makers. And its this search for the
www.nucoryamato.com ph: 708.496.0380 unexpected that helps us repeatedly surprise and
www.nucor.com/products/steel-beam toll free: 800.376.6000 satisfy customers. Let our people, processes and
Nucor has two beam mills: Nucor-Yamato Steel www.nucortubular.com vision move your next project A Step Ahead.
in Blytheville, Ark. and Nucor Steel Berkeley in Nucor Tubular Products is committed to taking
Huger, S.C. Our Nucor-Yamato facility is the care of our customers through unmatched quality Oliver Van Horn, LLC
only North American producer of high-strength, and service. With eight locations located across www.ohvanhorn.com
low-alloy beams. Manufacturer of wide flange the United States and a wide variety of sizes, we
structural steel shapes (up through W14730 are ready to help you get the job done. NTP OpenBrIM Platform
columns, and W44 beams), H-piles (including manufactures high quality HSS, piling, A53 pipe, www.openbrim.org
HP16 and HP18), sheet piling, angles, channels, fire protection sprinkler pipe, auto mechanical
and car building shapes. Grades include ASTM tubing, and electrical steel conduit. Our value Ovation Services, LLC
A36, ASTM A572, ASTM A588, ASTM A690, added offerings include: in-house bandsaw Copley, Ohio
ASTM A709, ASTM A992, ASTM 913; and cutting and mechanical properties testing, I.D. ph: 330.400.2833
CSA G40.21-13 Grades 345WM and 345WMT. flash removal, Charpy V-notch testing, pipe www.4ovation.com
beveling, and miter cutting. Together, let’s build Ovation Services is a leading provider of
Nucor – Corporation something bigger. engineering services. Combining experience,
Charlotte, N.C. technology and a client-centric approach,
ph: 704.366.7000 Ovation Services provides structural steel
www.nucor.com detailing, connection design and BIM services
Nucor and its affiliates are manufacturers of steel across the United States. The acquisition of
and steel products, with operating facilities in MMW, Inc. a detailing firm with over 30 years
the United States, Canada and Mexico. Products Nucor Vulcraft/Verco Group experience in the steel industry, gives Ovation
produced include: carbon and alloy steel—in North America Services a talented project management team
bars, beams, sheet and plate; hollow structural See website for contact info. to ensure a quality product. Strong leadership,
section tubing; electrical conduit; steel piling; www.vulcraft.com global resources and U.S. based checking
steel joists and joist girders; steel deck; fabricated www.vercodeck.com uniquely qualify Ovation to be your preferred
concrete reinforcing steel; cold finished steel; Nucor, Vulcraft/Verco engineers and manufac- partner.
precision castings; steel fasteners; metal building tures steel joists and deck (for structural roof or
systems; steel grating; and wire and wire mesh. floor systems), as well as steel bar grating. We
Nucor is North America’s largest recycler. also provide, RediCor, a modular steel form sys-
tem for concrete stair and elevator cores. Nucor,
Vulcraft/Verco also provides multiple design aids
and resources, such as our online design tools, to
support the design community.


54 | MARCH 2021
P2 Programs Pan Gulf Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Paramount Roll and Forming, Inc.
Dripping Springs, Texas Houston, Texas www.paramount-roll.com
ph: 512.858.2007 ph: 832.615.3128
toll free: 800.563.6737 www.pangulftech.com Peddinghaus Corporation
www.p2programs.com Pan Gulf Technologies Pvt. Ltd. an ISO 9001:2015 com- Bradley, Ill.
P2 Programs sets the industry standard pany) is a structural and concrete steel detailing company. ph: 815.937.3800
when it comes to barcoding and efficiently We have a front office in Houston and design center in www.peddinghaus.com
tracking structural steel from raw material Mumbai, India. As one of the top five steel detailing sub- Peddinghaus Corporation, headquartered in
receipt to erection at the job site with contractors in India, we use Tekla (135+ licenses), SDS2 Bradley, Illinois, U.S., is an American manu-
our NEW web-based product, STSX, (20+) and STAAD Pro to design and detail drawings for facturer of CNC controlled equipment for
allowing instant, real-time information commercial, industrial and infrastructure projects, for the structural steel and heavy plate fabrica-
to be viewed from virtually any device. American and European fabricators, design consultants tion industries. With two manufacturing loca-
Since 1986, we have been using Auto-ID and contractors. We have worked on projects ranging tions within the U.S., Peddinghaus focuses on
technology to improve manufacturing from 200–10,000 tons in structure and 50–50,000 tons providing highly innovative, and long lasting
process tracking. Using our real-time in concrete, with a man power of 350+ team members. solutions to fabricators of all shapes and sizes.
update capabilities, P2 Programs is the These solutions are designed to increase the
company with the technological expertise Pannier Corporation production of steel components, and reduce
and experience you need for an affordable Pittsburgh, Pa. costs for fabricators thus enhancing profitabil-
and successful solution to the challenges ph: 412.323.4900 ity. Beyond just machinery, Peddinghaus offers
in your manufacturing operation. toll free: 877.726.6437 a 24 hour customer help line and consumables
www.pannier.com department.
Pacific Stair Corporation Industrial marking systems for structural steel
www.pacificstair.com identification. Automatic dot peen marking systems
make deep marks that remain legible after cleaning
and coating. Embossed metal tags remain legible after
galvanizing and painting. Industrial ink jet systems and
dot and stripe printers for easy, reliable piece marking.
With over 100 years of experience, we can help you with
your most challenging product identification needs. Visit
www.pannier.com/steelfab for more information.

603-402-3055 • Automated Layout Technology™


The first automated marking machine created specifically

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Nat Killpatrick • Basden Steel Corporation

“I think it’s fair to say that this machine continues to

exceed our expectations. We are very happy with it.”
Chief Operating Officer • Koenig Iron Works
STEEL CONFERENCE “The machine is fantastic and could not be happier.

EXHIBITOR 2021 Keep selling this machine, it’s a winner.”

Misc. Shop Foreman • Koenig Iron Works

Modern Steel Construction | 55

Power of Design Group, LLC Qualis Solutions, LLC RISA
www.podgrp.com Highlands Ranch, Colo. Foothill Ranch, Calif.
ph: 303.493.5400 ph: 949.951.5815
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings www.qualissolutions.com toll free: 800.332.7472
Pittsburgh, Pa. The team at Qualis Solutions has over 30 years’ www.risa.com
toll free: 888.9PP.GPMC experience detailing structures thoughout the RISA has been developing leading-edge struc-
www.ppgpmc.com U.S. using AISC standards. Over the years, tural design and optimization software for over
PPG delivers protective coating solutions for a we’ve created drawings for a wide range of proj- 30 years. Our products are used by 24 of the
wide range of industries. Whether our custom- ects including office buildings, hospitals, schools, top 25 U.S. design firms in over 70 countries
ers need proven protection from corrosion, high warehouses and airports. Qualis is best known around the world for towers, skyscrapers, air-
temperatures and fire or want to ensure durabil- for our focus on miscellaneous metal detailing. ports, stadiums, petrochemical facilities, bridges,
ity and aesthetic performance that will protect Our team of 18 detailers have mastered the art roller coasters, and everything in between. The
valuable assets, we have the advanced coating of stairs, railing, canopies, balconies and many seamless integration of RISAFloor, RISA-3D,
systems that can meet the specific needs of any other miscellaneous designs. You’ll find us easy RISAFoundation, and RISAConnection creates
environment. to work with and a reliable part of your project. a powerful, versatile, and intuitive structural
design environment, ready to tackle almost any
Prodevco Robotic Solutions, Inc. Quality Emphasis Steel design challenge.
Concord, Ontario Solutions Pvt., Ltd.
Canada Thane, Maharashtra Scougal Rubber Corp.
ph: 905.761.6155 India www.scougalrubber.com
www.prodevcoind.com ph: 973.536.2660
Prodevco Robotic Solutions offers Advanced www.qessindia.com SDS2
Robotic Plasma Steel Cutting sytems. There QESS is an innovative steel detailing com- Lincoln, Neb.
are three models the PCR42, PCR41 and PCR pany dedicated to delivering high quality steel ph: 402.441.4000
31 that will process standard structural steel detailing services to steel fabricators, engineers, toll free: 800.443.0782
profiles, and round tubes from 4 to 26 in., cuts contractors and the construction industry since www.sds2.com
copes, notches, holes and weld preps, splits 2006. Quality, accuracy, efficiency and busi- SDS2 is driving success in structural steel
beams, and scribes and marks on all four faces ness integrity are the fundamentals we employ construction through advanced 3D modeling
of H-beams, channels, angles, HSS and plates to ensure each job is done right the first time. and automated design. Our solutions leverage
using automated robotic technology. All-in-one Our total experience in detailing field can be proprietary, AI-powered design to optimize
system reduces fabrication time, manpower and counted at 36 years. QESS is in business since your projects for fabrication and construction
materials to meet everyone’s goal: lower manu- past 14 years. efficiency, accelerating projects workflows from
facturing costs. concept to completion and powering up your
QuickFrames USA productivity.
Mesa, Ariz.
ph: 480.464.1500
QuickFrames USA is leading the industry with
its bolt-on, adjustable, engineered structural sup-
Project + Quality Solutions port systems created for commercial roofs and
Portland, Ore. floors. Designed for new construction and tenant SE University by SE Solutions, LLC
ph: 503.550.9918 Holland, Mich.
improvement, QuickFrames can be easily moved
www.projectqualitysolutions.com ph: 616.546.9420
when locations change and can be installed from
At any stage of a project, PQS represents the www.learnwithseu.com
under the deck. The company is based in Mesa,
project owner, contractor and fabricator to pro- SE University helps structural engineers get
Arizona, and has earned a strong reputation
vide third party representation, interpret proj- high quality continuing education via web
around its exceptional customer responsiveness,
ect specifications, deliver reasonable solutions, seminars in a format that is economical and
quality and frames-to-job-site speed.
maintain project schedule, train and certify easy to use. Every subscription includes access
personnel, provide expert witness services and to past session recordings through the SEU
maintain project schedule. For quality assurance, Session Library. Provide the benefit of ongo-
process planning and evaluation, quality control ing education to your engineers by participat-
inspections, project management and engineer- ing in SE University!
ing, count on industry experts from PQS. We Radley Corporation
offer scalable resources, value engineering, proj- Grand Rapids, Mich. Seismic Bracing Company
ect management/engineering, nondestructive ph: 616.541.6010 Salt Lake City, Utah
testing and dispute resolution. www.radley.com/steel ph: 801.550.7745
Increase visibility to materials with Job-site www.thesbcllc.com
Qnect, LLC Tracking and Traceability while maximizing We are makers of Buckling Restrained Brace
Hadley, Mass. your workforce with Labor Tracking. Streamline (BRBs). The state of the art braces for bracing
ph: 413.387.4375 and automate work flows with bar code or RFID buildings and other structures during earth-
www.qnect.com scans while reducing errors with real-time data quakes. As the name implies, BRBs do not
Qnect, an intelligent, cloud-based connection validations. Track Work-in-Progress (WIP) and buckle. They smash and stretch axially absorb-
service gives fabricators, detailers and engineers validate loads against FabTrol, PowerFab (Fab- ing seismic energy. We have patented a simple,
fast and flexible connections with significant cost Suite), or other business systems. easy and repeatable methods to manufacture
and schedule savings. In minutes, connect most BRBs, which brings better value to projects.
steel buildings without capital cost and with Our methods have been fully tested and exceed
minimal training. With Qnect, prevent schedule governing building code requirements. All our
drift, utilize one-station fabrication and reduce projects to date have been a great success for
time to fabricate and erect. our clients and us, delivering on time and with-
out erection issues.

56 | MARCH 2021
Shandong Hanpu Machinery Skidmore-Wilhelm SKM Industries, Inc.
Industrial Co., Ltd. Solon, Ohio www.skmproducts.com
www.hanputool.com ph: 216.481.4774
www.skidmore-wilhelm.com SlipNOT Metal Safety Flooring
Sherwin-Williams Protective For more than 60 years, Skidmore Wilhelm been the www.slipnot.com
and Marine standard tool to verify bolting methods (pre-installation
protective.sherwin.com verification). Recently we have developed an online SNC Engineering, Inc.
training program to save time and help Ironworkers www.snceng.com
Short Span Steel Bridge Alliance to safely do their jobs. Please visit our training site at
Soitaab USA, Inc.
Washington, D.C. www.skidmore-training.com. We are also the leading
supplier of devices to test impact wrenches. www.soitaabusa.com
ph: 202.452.7100
The Short Span Steel Bridge Alliance (SSSBA)
is a group of bridge and buried soil steel struc-
ture industry leaders who have joined together
to provide educational information on the design
and construction of short span steel bridges in
installations up to 140 ft in length.

SidePlate Systems, Inc.

Mission Viejo, Calif.
ph: 949.238.8900
toll free: 800.475.2077
At 26 years old, SidePlate is showing no signs
of slowing down. Our newest innovation, the
All-Bolted Connection eliminates all shop and
field welding to expedite your project. SidePlate
is a design optimization process that puts steel
exactly where it is needed in a building. Our
process reduces overall tonnage, minimizes
required connections and accelerates erection
times. The SidePlate team gets involved early
and stays involved through the engineering,
detailing, fabrication and erection phases to
ensure a simple and successful project.

Simpson Strong-Tie Co.

Pleasonton, Calif.
ph: 925.560.9000
toll free: 800. 999.5099
For over 60 years, Simpson Strong-Tie has
focused on creating structural products and
software solutions that help people build safer
and stronger structures. Simpson Strong-
Tie was one of the first companies to develop
connectors specifically for steel framing. Today,
we continue to invest in product research and
development to offer our customers connectors,
fasteners, anchors, steel shearwalls and special
moment frames, which feature our innovative
Yield-Link® connection. Our commitment to
the steel industry has never been stronger.

Modern Steel Construction | 57

SRG Onesource, LLC Steel Erection Bid Wizard Steel Studio, Inc.
www.srgonesource.com Bluffton, S.C. www.steelconnectionstudio.com
ph: 505.249.2390
St. Louis Screw & Bolt www.steelestimatingsolutions.com Steel Tek Unlimited
Madison, Ill. Introducing the Steel Erection Bid Wizard “only www.steelteku.com
ph: 314.389.7500 software on market created for steel erectors by a
toll free: 800.237.7059 steel erector.” Reduce the time it takes to estimate Steel Tube Institute
www.stlouisscrewbolt.com by 50% or more! Steel Erection Bid Wizard uses Glenview, Ill.
Selling direct to structural steel fabricators, St. more than 300 built-in task as well as offers com- ph: 847.461.1701
Louis Screw & Bolt is one of the oldest struc- plete customization to make estimation a snap… www.steeltubeinstitute.org
tural bolt manufacturers in the U.S. Specializing Get immediate estimates of your costs—including The Steel Tube Institute is the leading techni-
in ASTM F3125 heavy hex and tension control labor, cranes, welders, fuel and equipment. Learn cal resource in North America for all steel tube
structural bolts in grades A325/F1852/120ksi how over 250 Steel Erectors have revolutionized products. Our main goal is to increase utiliza-
and A490/F2280/150ksi, types I and III, plain, the way they estimate. Take your estimating depart- tion of HSS and other tubular products in con-
mechanically galvanized, hot dip galvanized, ment digital with the Steel Erection Bid Wizard. struction and other industries, and to reveal the
F1136 and F2833 coatings. St. Louis Screw & wealth of possibilities afforded by designing
Bolt also has a very large inventory of other con- Steel Erectors Association with HSS. STI’s programs include continuing
struction fasteners including anchor bolts, weld of America education, technical resources, technical assis-
studs, and concrete anchors just to name a few. www.seaa.net tance, and safety programs as we promote best
practices in manufacturing techniques, industry
Stainless Structurals America Steel Founders’ Society safety, environmental concerns, and the overall
www.stainless-structurals.com steel industry.
of America
Crystal Lake, Ill.
Steel and Pipe Supply ph: 815.455.8240
Steel Deck Institute SFSA, akin to AISC, is a technical association.
Glenshaw, Pa. Members of SFSA are steel foundries that sup-
ph: 412.487.3325 ply a range of cast steel products for demanding
environments such as railroad, mining, construc-
tion, military, and nuclear. SFSA can assist you Steelweb, Inc.
Founded in 1939, the Steel Deck Institute (SDI) Coral Springs, Fla.
is a trade association representing steel deck in utilizing steel castings for building construc-
manufacturers and those manufacturing prod- tion. Steel castings offer performance, aesthetics,
Steelweb Inc. has offered comprehensive steel
ucts used in conjunction with steel deck. The design freedom, and green manufacturing. SFSA
detailing services for over 25 years. Based in
SDI actively publishes design manuals, develops leads the Steel Performance Initiative (SPI) pro-
Florida the company specializes in 3D detail-
standards for steel roof and floor deck, offers gram, a collaborative structure of steelmakers
ing of medium to large industrial and commer-
website tools, provides an industry standard (mills, forge, cast), researchers, and end-users to
cial projects such as schools, hospitals, offices,
EPD, offers educational opportunities, and sup- advance steel technology development for com-
with the occasional small scale jobs or difficult
ports research related to steel deck. Our most mercial and defense applications.
revamps. Our Mission is to deliver the highest
recent publications are the Second Editions of quality, error-free shop and erection drawings in
the Roof Deck and Floor Deck Design Manuals, Steel Joist Institute
Florence, S.C. a timely and efficient manner. Our team of 50
which include additional information regarding engineers and detailers provide the best services
ph: 843.407.4091
concentrated loads. including project management, BIM coordina-
The Steel Joist Institute (SJI), a nonprofit tion, connection design and estimating. We work
Steel Dynamics Long with both Tekla and SDS2 software.
organization of active joist manufacturers and
Products Group other organizations and companies connected
Columbia City, Ind. to the industry, was founded in 1928 to address Strand7 Pty., Ltd.
ph: 625.625.8100 www.strand7.com
the need for uniform joist standards within
toll free: 866.740.8700
the industry. Today, the Institute continues to
www.stld-cci.com maintain the standards for steel joist construction.
Stronghold Coating Systems
Steel Dynamics, Inc. is one of the largest www.strongholdone.com
In addition, the SJI provides educational
domestic steel producers and metals recyclers opportunities for construction professionals Structural Bolt and
in the United States based on estimated annual utilizing a library of printed publications and
steelmaking and metals recycling capability, both live and recorded webinars. We also offer Manufacturing, Inc.
with facilities located throughout the U.S. Nashville, Tenn.
assistance in identifying existing joists in buildings
and in Mexico. Steel Dynamics produces steel ph: 615.255.2540
undergoing retrofit.
products, including hot roll, cold roll, and coated toll free: 800.423.1730
sheet steel, structural steel beams and shapes, Steel Projects Corp. www.structuralbolt.com
rail, engineered special-bar-quality steel, cold www.steelprojects.com Since 1985, Structural Bolt and Manufactur-
finished steel, merchant bar products, specialty Steel Projects is a company that has been edit- ing has been providing the finest products and
steel sections and steel joists and deck. ing software solutions for steel fabricators since services in the structural fastener industry. We
1994. We offer a complete, digitalized and opti- specialize in heavy construction fasteners and
mized management of steel fabricators’ shop anchoring products for the structural steel
floors, including both CNC machines and industry. As one of today’s leading anchor rod
manual workstations. Our main features include: manufacturers and structural fastener distribu-
project and production management, section and tors in the United States, our capabilities are
plate nesting, automatic CNC programming, limited only by an engineer’s imagination.
live production monitoring, stock and purchas-
ing management and traceability management.
Some of them are available on a dedicated
Android mobile application. Today, our ambition
is to remain one of the world leaders in the field.
58 | MARCH 2021
Structural Engineering Institute SY Stairs Tnemec Company, Inc.
of ASCE Louisville, Ky. Kansas City, Mo.
Reston, Va. ph: 502.361.5445 toll free: 816.483.3400
ph: 703.295.6195 www.systairs.com www.tnemec.com
www.asce.org/sei A LEADER IN COMMERCIAL STAIRS Established in 1921, Tnemec Company, Inc.,
Join more than 30,000 members of SEI of SINCE 1945, SY Stairs was formed from the understands the importance of providing facili-
ASCE to advance your career and build the partnership of Sentry Steel Inc. in Louisville, ties with the most high-quality products avail-
future of the structural engineering profession. Kentucky and Yokomori in Japan who, together, able. Tnemec’s combination of time-tested
SEI stimulates technological advancement, have a rich history designing and manufactur- coatings technology has produced an advanced
improves professional practice, and drives the ing stairs around the world. For over 70 years, coatings system featuring Aerolon—a fluid-
practical application of cutting-edge research. we have pursued continuous innovation, giving applied, thermal insulating coating that can be
Visit www.asce.org/SEI for Virtual Events: you a product perfected over decades of expe- applied in areas where traditional installations
#SEILive, Standards Series, Structures Virtual, rience unrivaled in the industry. We take pride are problematic. With over a 120 architectural
career resources, the latest knowledge incl in the fact that our stair system is used in 85% and industrial coating products and invaluable
free performance-based design pre-standards, of of the high-rise buildings in Japan, and that technical support, Tnemec provides coating
Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety, SE we are expanding rapidly in the U.S. market is a specification assistance to engineers, owners and
2050 Commitment program, and get involved. testament to our ability to meet and exceed our contractors around the globe.
Join us at Electrical Transmission & Substation customers’ high expectations.
Structures Conference Sept 19–23. Trilogy Machinery, Inc.
Taylor Devices, Inc. Belcamp, Md.
Structural Stability North Tonawanda, N.Y. ph: 410.272.3600
ph: 716.694.0800 toll free: 888.988.ROLL
Research Council www.taylordevices.com www.TrilogyMachinery.com
Chicago, Ill.
Taylor Devices is the world leading manufacturer Trilogy Machinery, Inc. is the Exclusive North
ph: 312.670.7015
of Fluid Viscous Dampers, Lock-up Devices, American distributor for SWEBEND Bending
Shock Transmission Units, Shock Absorbers, Rolls as well as Exclusive U.S. Distributor for
The Structural Stability
Cable Dampers and custom Tuned Mass Damp- SUNRISE Ironworkers including CNC Models,
Research Council is a
ing systems. These devices and systems can be LEMAS Plate Bending Rolls, BSP Tube Punching
technical organization that focuses on the
used to protect building and bridge structures Systems, INDUCTAFLEX Machines and United
state-of-the-art understanding of the impact of
from the devastating vibrations caused by earth- States Distributor for Turkish Bending Rolls. Tril-
stability related issues on the analysis, design, and
quakes, wind, hurricanes and other vibrational ogy offers sales, service and support for every brand
behavior of metal structures. SSRC is comprised
disturbances. they sell from their Maryland headquarters as well
of engineers, educators, and industry members
as local dealers around the country.
with an interest in stability related issues. TDS Industrial Services, Ltd.
STRUMIS, LLC www.tdsindustrial.com Triple S Steel Holdings
www.strumis.com Tectonix Steel, Inc.
Stubbs Engineering, Inc. Orem, Utah TurnaSure, LLC
ph: 801.377.0315 Langhorne, Pa.
Las Cruces, N.M.
www.tectonixsteel.com ph: 215.750.1300
ph: 575.993.5228
Tectonix Steel offers over 30 years of experi- toll free: 800.525.7193
ence providing the highest quality steel detail- www.turnasure.com
Stubbs Engineering, Inc. is a full service
ing using the latest technology. We are an estab- TurnaSure announces their ViewTite™ self-
structural engineering firm specializing in
lished detailing firm with the ability to handle indicating Direct Tension Indicator. ViewTite’s
providing creative, economical structural
virtually any size job. We specialize in structural innovative and unique design provides a highly
designs that provide our clients with the
aesthetics they desire at the most cost efficient and industrial projects ranging from 200 tons to visible green indication once the bolt is properly
3,000 tons. tensioned. Inspection is quick, easy, and reliable.
means possible. Our vast experience in both
ViewTite™ DTIs, and the new SnugR™ washer
design and construction methods gives us the
unique ability to provide our clients with a level
Terracon Consultants, Inc. for visibly tight snug tight bolts, are now part of
Olathe, Kan. the world’s most comprehensive product line of
of service beyond that of our competition. We toll free: 800.593.7777 Direct Tension Indicators. DTIs provide a cost-
work diligently to ensure our clients receive the www.terracon.com effective solution to tensioning high-strength
best structural designs, communication, cost Terracon is a 100 percent employee-owned bolts, studs, and anchors. All TurnaSure DTIs
awareness, and project management possible. consulting engineering firm that has provided are proudly manufactured in the U.S. to ASTM
quality engineering services to clients since and EU Standards.
Sugar Steel Corporation 1965. From its roots in geotechnical engineer-
ing, Terracon has evolved into a successful mul- V&S Galvanizing
Sumter Coatings, Inc. tidiscipline firm specializing in environmental, Columbus, Ohio
Sumter, S.C. facilities, geotechnical, and materials services for ph: 800.801.3648
ph: 803.481.3400 private and public sector clients. Terracon cur- www.hotdipgalvanizing.com
toll free: 888.471.3400 rently provides services in all 50 states with more V&S Galvanizing is a leader in the hot-dip gal-
www.sumtercoatings.com than 5,000 employees and ranks 22nd on Engi- vanizing industry, with eight locations on the
Sumter Coatings is a manufacturer of premium neering News-Record’s list of the 2020 Top 500 East Coast and Midwest. Specializing in corro-
industrial and specialty coatings, with a strong Design Firms. sion protection of steel with zinc by hot-dip gal-
emphasis on corrosion resistant primers, inter- vanizing. We offer the DUROZINQ system of
mediates and topcoats for structural and miscel- Thermal Bridging Solutions galvanizing, packaging, tagging and guaranteed
laneous steel. Sumter Coatings is dedicated to www.thermalbridgingsolutions.com service. We also offer our COLORZINQ system
producing coatings that protect, beautify, renew (paint over galvanizing) that adds brilliant color
and extend the life of our customer’s assets while to a base of corrosion protection. V&S offers
meeting or exceeding the stringent specifications trucking and many other value added services.
required by today’s architects and engineers. V&S Galvanizing is part of Voigt & Schweitzer
LLC, a holding of Hill & Smith Holdings, PLC.

Modern Steel Construction | 59

Valmont Coatings VIRTUELE Whiteboard Technologies
Omaha, Neb. San Jose, Calif. Pvt., Ltd.
ph: 402.359.6145 ph: 415.889.8480 ph: 612.605.5833
www.valmont.com www.sanriaengineering.com www.whiteboardtec.com
As a full-service coatings company, Valmont We believe in simple solutions for solving com- For over two decades, Whiteboard has perfected
Coatings provides quality surface finishes that plex problems. VIRTUELE is a cloud-based the art of professional steel detailing with an
extend the service life and improve the appear- software platform for the steel industry. Our AI unwavering focus on quality and design-based
ance of metal products throughout the country. and ML based applications change the way you thinking in all our projects. We invest heavily
In fact, Valmont Coatings is one of the largest work and solve your problems. Our applications in having the right people who understand
custom galvanizers in North America. Our pro- address the existing gaps in BIM implementa- steel from a value perspective and deliver
cesses and transportation capacities are designed tion and take your BIM models from design to contemporary solutions to a diverse range of
to efficiently handle steel products of all shapes construction with ease. construction projects. Our Hybrid-Delivery
and sizes for customers anywhere in the country. model offers onsite and offshore to ensure that
Voortman Steel Group there is maximum utilization of resources round
Valmont Industries, Inc. Monee, Ill. the clock. We use 3D BIM software to detail the
Valley, Neb. ph: 708.885.4900 steel ranging from 50–15,000 tonnes.
ph: 402.359.2201 www.voortmancorp.com
www.valmont.com Voortman has designed, developed and Würth Construction
HSS SuperStruct custom steel structural tubes manufactured machinery for steel fabrication Birmingham, Ala.
are BUILT TO FIT into your architectural, and plate processing related industries for more ph: 205.949.4183
construction, and OEM projects. We are capable than 45 years. With international subsidiaries www.wurthindustry.com
of fabricating custom HSS squares from 12–60 responsible for sales and service, we are a Between Würth owned companies, Weinstock
in. and rectangles from 12×10 in. to 60×58 globally recognized supplier with thousands Bros., Inc., and House of Threads, we
in. outside diameter with wall thickness from of Voortman systems installed. We continually offer more than 150 years of service to the
.313–.750 in. in a variety of steel grades. We develop our equipment range to enable us to Construction industry. These companies have
can also fabricate shapes! These large tubes are keep at the forefront of technology and in step served the needs of the construction industry
available in lengths up to 55 ft with our standard with any new developments in the market. to build some of the nation’s most renowned
2 in. inside corner radii. Find out how HSS Voortman partners receive long-lasting cutting high-rise buildings, skyscrapers and bridges,
SuperStruct can make your project one of a kind! edge CNC machinery that processes profiles and such as the new World Trade Center, Tappan
plates utilizing high-speed precision processing Zee Bridge, Comcast Building, Goldman Sachs
Valmont Structures technology. Building, Tower A at Hudson Yards, Goethals
www.constructbridge.com Bridge, and many others.
Voss Engineering, Inc.
Vegazva Engineering Lincolnwood, Ill. Z Modular, a division of
www.vegazva.com ph: 847.673.8900
toll free: 800.323.3935
Zekelman Industries
Viking Blast ph: 312.275.1608
www.vossengineering.com www.z-modular.com
& Wash Voss Engineering, Inc. provides expansion/ To get your building on the ground, it seems like
Systems slide bearing assemblies, bearing pads, and iso- you have to choose between speed, quality and
Rose Hill, Kan. lation materials for highway bridges, industrial cost. But with Z Modular, you get all three. With
ph: 316.634.6699 structures, machines, process piping, and com- up to 80% of total project labor done inside fac-
toll free: 800.835.1096 mercial buildings. Voss’ product line includes tories across North America, we control every
www.vikingcorporation.com the following structural bearing pad materials: step of the process so you can meet more ambi-
Viking Blast & Wash Systems offer a full line of SORBTEX (preformed fabric pad/cotton duck tious business goals—where you need one build-
industrial cleaning equipment including airless pad/CDP), VSB Slide Bearings (PTFE and steel ing per year or one per month. Markets we serve:
shot blast systems, parts washers, and vibratory plate), VTB (thermal break pad), NEOSORB hospitality, multi-family residential, student
degreasers. This equipment cleans and removes [AASHTO grade neoprene (polychloroprene)], housing, senior housing and more.
mill scale, dirt and rust from a wide variety of and FIBERLAST or VOSSCO (random ori-
materials including plate steel, structural I-beams, ented fiber pads).
weldments and pipe. Vikings abrasive blast sys-
tems provide clean, uniform surfaces for better Weinstock Bros., Inc.
paint adhesion or other finishing operations. www.weinstockbros.com


Colorado Convention Center

March 23–25, 2022

60 | MARCH 2021
150+ Registration earn up to
sessions NOW OPEN! 23 PDHs


April 12–16, 2021



This month’s offerings include a moment connection
solution with new sloped beam and multi-axis
new capabilities, a steel connection design software package
products that recently received its patent, and a downsized
robotic welding gantry.

Simpson Strong-Tie Yield-Link

The Yield-Link moment connection for structural steel
now features newly validated sloped beam and multi-axis
moment applications. Designed to absorb forces in a seis-
mic or high-wind event, the moment connection requires
no field welding and allows beams to be designed without
supplemental lateral bracing. At the roof level, structural
steel beams are often sloped to accommodate drainage,
and two new solutions provide greater design flexibility
and streamlined field connections when using the Yield-
Link in slope beam applications. Designed for corner,
three-sided, and four-sided column connections, Yield-
Link multi-axis moment connection solutions provide a
connection that resists moment demand in both directions
of the column.
For more information, visit www.strongtie.com.

Kranendonk Artemis Micro Welding Gantry

The Artemis Micro Welding Gantry—which can fit in a 40-ft container—
was developed for maximum efficiency in smaller spaces. The gantry is con-
structed so that the side covers can be positioned along the gantry beam.
Even the robots do not need to be removed for transport. The solution
can be implemented into an existing production process and become fully
operational within days. The system comes with one or two robots, with the
second robot increasing production capacity and enabling optional double
fillet welding (with both robots welding on the same stiffener). This opti-
mizes welding and product quality by limiting distortion from heat input.
For more information, visit www.kranendonk.com.

IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa is a steel connection design software
package for all types of welded and bolted connections,
base plates, footings, and anchoring. It also enables
designers to solve buckling and stability of steel mem-
bers. And it just became patented! The software can
now design and code-check all types of connections,
not just those in design guides, thanks to its compo-
nent-based finite element method approach, which
effectively combines all the code equations and condi-
tions with finite elements, breaking down the topology
and loading limits of older methods.
For more information, visit www.ideastatica.com.

62 | MARCH 2021
safety matters
Welcome to Safety Matters, which high- • Unusual behavior, increased confusion, Z89.1 hard hat must have the following
lights various safety-related issues. This restlessness, or agitation information clearly marked inside the hat:
month’s topics are brain injuries and hard • Loss of consciousness • Manufacturer’s name
hat replacement. (passed out/knocked out) • ANSI standard that the hard hat
Even a brief loss of consciousness conforms with, such as
Brain Injuries should be taken seriously, and anyone who “ANSI Z89.1-2009”
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) result has been thought to suffer a concussion • ANSI type (Type I or II) and class
in millions of emergency room visits, hos- should be seen by a healthcare provider. designation (G, E, or C)
pitalizations, and deaths per year in the Properly used fall-arrest equipment • Size range for fitting
U.S.—2.87 million such incidents in 2014, and hard hats are key to minimizing TBIs • Date of manufacture
as a matter of fact. A TBI is caused by a in steel construction work, whether in • If the hard hat meets Z89.1-2009 or
bump, blow, or jolt to the head or a pene- the shop, on the job site, or somewhere later, it must also contain the following:
trating head injury that disrupts the normal in between. • Two arrows curving to form a circle
function of the brain. Not all blows or jolts when the helmet can be worn forwards
or backward
to the head result in a TBI, and the sever- Hard Hats • LT if the helmet is designed to provide
ity of a TBI may range from “mild” (a brief When it comes to hard hats, some
change in mental status or consciousness) protection at low temperatures
companies are switching to helmets instead.
to “severe” (an extended period of uncon- -22 °F (-30 °C)
ANSI Z89.1 Type II helmets provide
sciousness or amnesia after the injury. • HV if/when the helmet meets all
protection from lateral impact in addition
A recent CDC (Centers for Disease requirements for high visibility
to the top impact protection provided by
Control and Prevention) report, Deaths Hard hats must be replaced if they show
Type I hard hats. Many also have chin
from Fall-related Traumatic Brain Injury, signs of damage (dents, cracks, penetration,
straps, which help improve their record of
found that in most states, the rate of fall- or fatigue due to rough treatment), and it
preventing injury. Note that not all climber-
related TBI deaths has increased signifi- is essential to inspect hard hats for damage
style helmets are ANSI Z89.1 Type II. Look
cantly, and the country as a whole saw a and signs of fatigue each time they are used.
for the type marked on the helmet.
17% increase in fall-related TBI deaths In addition to visual inspections, another
The current standard for head protection
from 2008 to 2017. The most notable way to test a hard hat is to grasp it in two
is ANSI Z89.1-14 (R2019). Each ANSI
increases in fall-related TBI deaths were hands and apply force by squeezing the
observed among persons 75 years of age hat. If you hear creaking or other unusual
and older and persons living in the most sounds, it is time to replace the hard hat.
rural counties. This report highlights the While OSHA has no specific provision
importance of expanding efforts to stem for an expiration date, manufacturers are
the continued growth in the rate of fall- allowed to determine if their equipment
related TBIs among at-risk groups. expires on a specific calendar date. In lieu
Effects of TBIs can include impairments of an expiration date, a generally accepted
related to thinking or memory, move- rule is to replace the support strap yearly
ment, sensation (e.g., vision or hearing), and to replace the hard hat every five years.
or emotional functioning (e.g., personal- Harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures
ity changes, depression). Falls are a lead- can make a hard hat degrade more quickly.
ing cause of TBIs and typically account for UV light exposure deteriorates shells and
nearly half of all TBI-related emergency is a particular concern of those who work
room visits, and being struck by or against outside. Be sure to check with the manu-
an object is another leading cause of TBI- facturer for guidelines on hard hat replace-
related emergency room visits. Concus- ment and maintenance.
sions are a common TBI, and it’s important We are always on the lookout for ideas
to recognize the signs: for safety-related articles and webinars that
• One pupil larger than the other are of interest to AISC member compa-
• Drowsiness or inability to wake up nies. If you have safety-related questions or
• A headache that gets worse and suggestions, we would love to hear them.
does not go away Contact us at schlafly@aisc.org. And visit
• Slurred speech, weakness, numbness, AISC’s Safety page at aisc.org/safety for
or decreased coordination various safety resources. In addition, AISC
• Repeated vomiting or nausea, Type II has established its own resource page with
convulsions or seizures hard hat information on employment, contract, and
(shaking or twitching) and helmet. safety issues regarding COVID-19. It’s at
Modern Steel Construction | 63
news & events
AASHTO Selects Steel Press-Brake-Formed Tub Girder
as 2021 Focus Technology People & Companies
The American Association of State along Lake St. Clair in Clay, Mich., a 2020 Bridge engineering and supply
Highway and Transportation Officials Prize Bridge Award winner, is an example of company (and AISC member)
(AASHTO) Innovation Initiative (AII) a PBTG bridge; see the July 2020 issue in the Acrow announced that it has
selected the steel press-brake-formed tub Archives section at www.modernsteel.com. p ro v i d e d 2 6 m o d u l a r s t e e l
girder (PBTG) bridge system as a 2021 “We are honored to have PBTG bridges to Administração
Focus Technology. AII will invest time and selected and thank the AII selection com- Nacional de Estradas (ANE), the
resources to accelerate the system’s adop- mittees for their recognition of its eco- National Road Administration
tion among AASHTO member associa- nomical and sustainable benefits,” said of Mozambique. The bridges
tions, local agencies, and industry partners David Stoddard, senior steel applications will be installed in rural areas
to improve U.S. infrastructure. engineer for SSAB Americas and chairman of Mozambique to restore vital
Researched and tested by the Short Span of the SSSBA. “Since AII advances innova- transportation routes damaged by
Steel Bridge Alliance (SSSBA)—of which tion from the grassroots up, this opportu- cyclones in 2019.
the National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA) nity will fast-track this economical system
is a member organization—the PBTG is further into the mainstream, providing an Canam Steel Corporation (CSC),
an accelerated bridge construction system optimal steel solution to meet the nation’s an AISC associate member and
consisting of modular galvanized shallow infrastructure challenges.” manufacturer of open-web steel
trapezoidal boxes fabricated from cold-bent Learn more about the PBTG system at joists and steel deck products,
structural steel plate. Anchor Bay Drive www.buildusingsteel.org. announced that Chris Ervin has
become regional general man-
ager (RGM) of the Southeast
Region. With nearly 30 years of
professional experience in the
Several AISC Standards Available for Public Review industry, Ervin will be responsible
A draft of the 2022 edition of the AISC Buildings (AISC 370) and the AISC Code of for expanding CSC’s new brand
Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC Standard Practice for Structural Stainless Steel identity, spurring from its recent
360) is available for public review until March Buildings (AISC 313). Both standards are separation from its former parent
5, 2021. This is the second public review expected to be available by the end of 2021. company.
period for this specification, which is expected All draft standards and related review
to be completed and available in late 2022. forms can be downloaded from the AISC Thornton Tomasetti announced
Also, the 2022 edition of the AISC Seismic website at aisc.org/publicreview. Hard that Brian G. Morgen, SE, PE,
Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC copies of review drafts are available (for a $35 PhD, has joined the firm as vice
341) is available for public review from charge each) by calling 312.670.5411. Please president and Seattle office direc-
March 5 until April 2. submit comments using the forms provided tor. Morgen has more than 16
In addition, two new AISC standards are online or to Cynthia J. Duncan, AISC’s years of experience in the Seattle
available for public review until April 12: the director of engineering (duncan@aisc.org), market and an extensive back-
AISC Specification for Structural Stainless Steel by the dates indicated for consideration. ground in structural analysis and
design and project management.
He has collaborated with proj-
ect teams on many technically
corrections challenging structures, includ-
The Individual Awards news item in the In addition, the January 2021 article “Cen- ing office and residential tow-
February 2021 issue listed the incorrect tury of Service” (www.modernsteel.com) ers, healthcare facilities, civic and
award type for a handful of winners. Please included a list of AISC member fabricators cultural centers, and mixed-use
note the following corrections: that have been in operation for over 100 complexes. Morgen is a special-
• Dennis Noernberg, Jeffrey Packer, years. American Bridge Company has ist in performance-based seismic
and Rafael Sabelli received been in existence since the 1800s, and design and played a key role in
Lifetime Achievement Awards, not AFCO Steel, now part of W&W/AFCO the design of several high-per-
Special Achievement Awards. Steel, was founded in 1909. Both companies forming buildings in earthquake-
• Scot Becker and Dale Ison received should be included in this list. If you happen prone areas in the Western U.S.
Special Achievement Awards, not to know of another 100-year-old fabricator and Asia.
Lifetime Achievement Awards. that wasn’t on the list, please email Carly
Hurd at hurd@aisc.org.

64 | MARCH 2021
marketplace & employment

All of the issues from Modern Steel Construction’s

60+ years are now available as free PDF downloads at

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All inquiries are kept confidential.
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Search employment ads online at www.modernsteel.com. To advertise, contact M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc.: 856.768.9360 | mjmrvica@mrvica.com

advertiser index
AISC 53 | 61 Infra-Metals 8
AGT Robotics 14 LNA Solutions 49
Applied Bolting 37 MDX Software 53
Automated Layout Technology 55 Nucor Tubular 15
Bull Moose Industries back cover Nucor Vulcraft 5
Burlington Automation 67 Peddinghaus Corporation 2
Cast Connex Corporation 35 QuickFrames USA 18
CE Steel, Inc. 33 SDS2 7
Chicago Metal Rolled Products insert St. Louis Screw & Bolt 37
Color Works Painting Inc. 34 Trimble 3 | 19
Controlled Automation 57 V&S Galvanizing LLC 11
FICEP 13 Voortman Corporation 43
InfoSight Corporation 12
Modern Steel Construction | 65
structurally sound

A LOT HAS HAPPENED since the first U.S. steel bridge still in service—Dunlap’s Creek Bridge in Brownsville, Pa. (technically
a cast iron bridge)—opened in 1838. And today, there are thousands of 100-year-old (and then some) steel bridges across the country.
An interactive timeline on AISC’s website lets you take a stroll back in time—to 1838 and even earlier—highlighting major world
events and aligning them with the number of U.S. steel bridges, still in service today, that were already open to traffic when they hap-
pened. For example, in 1843, Marc Brunel’s tunnel opened under the Thames River in London. It was the world’s first tunnel under a
river and took 18 years to build, and eventually became part of the London Underground mass transit system. As impressive as that feat
was, there were already six U.S. steel bridges open to traffic at the time that are still in operation today.
You can jump in the time machine at aisc.org/timeline.
And speaking of steel entities that have hit the century mark, AISC turns 100 this year! Check out the “Centennial Content” section
at www.modernsteel.com for content related to this milestone. ■

66 | MARCH 2021
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