01-12-210 Question AllenTestPaper - Unlocked
01-12-210 Question AllenTestPaper - Unlocked
01-12-210 Question AllenTestPaper - Unlocked
(1001CMD302119110) )1//1CMD3/211911/)
(Academic Session : 2019 - 2020) 01-12-2019
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: in words
1 2 3 F
(1) ¯ ¯
(2) ¯ 4N
(3) ¯ ¯ ¯
(4) ¯ ¯
16. Sound velocity is maximum in :- 3 5 t (s)
(1) H 2 (2) N2
(3) He (4) O2 (1) 8 m/s (2) 13 m/s (3) 16 m/s (4) 17 m/s
m = 0.2
(1) 7.2 m/s (2) 35 m/s (3) 36 m/s (4) 7 m/s
23. Find out ratio of tension in string (1) and
string (2) T1/T2
1 37°
weghing machine
Initially, the spring is in the natural length state. O
Then the maximum positive work that the applied
force F can do :- (1) along AOB
F2 2F 2
(1) (2) pGm
K K (2) perpendicular to AOB
(3) ¥ (4) 2pGm
2K (3) perpendicular to AOB
31. A wind powered generator converts wind energy
into electrical energy. Assume that the generator pGm
(4) along AOB
converts a fixed fraction of the wind energy l2
intercepted by its blades into electrical energy. For
wind speed v, the electrical power output will be 34. Figure shows two concentric spherical shells of
proportional to :- masses M 1 and M 2 and of radii R 1 and R 2,
respectively. Gravitational potential at a point at a
(1) v (2) v2 (3) v3 (4) v4 distance x from centre such that R1 < x < R2 will be:-
32. A particle is acted by a force F = kx, where k is M2
a positive constant. Its potential energy at x = 0 R1
is zero. Which curve correctly representes the
variation of potential energy of the block with R2
respect to x ?
–GM 2
U(x) (1)
x R2
(1) (2) æ M1 M 2 ö
(2) –G ç + ÷
x U(x) è R1 x ø
æM M ö
U(x) U(x) (3) –G ç 1 + 2 ÷
è x R1 ø
(3) x (4) x
æM M ö
(4) –G ç 1 + 2 ÷
è x R2 ø
the coagulation of ferric hydroxide sol ? is 216 pm. The co-ordination number of Ag in AgI
(1) KCl (2) KNO3 is :-
(3) K2SO4 (4) K3[Fe(CN)6] (1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4) 8
49. An emulsion is a colloidal solution consisting of:- 57. A-definite amount of solid NH4HS is placed in
(1) two solids a flask already containing ammonia gas at a
(2) two liquids certain temperature and 0.50 atm pressure.
(3) two gases NH4HS decomposes to give NH3 and H2S and at
(4) one solid and one liquid equilibrium total pressure in flask is 0.84 atm. The
50. Which of the following substance give a equilibrium constant (KP) for the reaction is :-
positively charged sol ? (1) 0.30 (2) 0.18 (3) 0.17 (4) 0.11
(1) Gold 58. On applying pressure to the equilibrium,
(2) Arsenious sulphide
Ice Water
(3) Starch
Which phenomenon will happen ?
(4) Ferric hydroxide
(1) More ice will be formed
51. Surface tension of lyophilic sol is :-
(2) More water will be formed
(1) lower than that of dispersion medium
(2) more than that of dispersion medium (3) Equilibrium will not be disturbed
(3) equal than that of dispersion medium (4) Water will evaporate
(4) any of these, depending on the dispersion 59. Amount of PCl5 (in mole) need to be added to one
medium litre vessel at 250ºC in order to obtain a
52. When dilute aqueous solution of AgNO3 (excess) concentration of 0.1 mole of Cl 2 for the given
is added to KI solution, positively charged sol change is :-
particles of AgI are formed due to adsorption of PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl 2(g) ; K c = 0.0414
ion ?
(1) 0.3415 (2) 0.0341
+ + – -
(1) K (2) Ag (3) I (4) NO3 (3) 3.415 (4) 0.3145
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60. The conjugate acid of HPO42– is :- 68. A student wants to prepare a saturated solution of
(1) H2 PO -4 (2) PO34- Ag+ ion. He has got three samples AgCl (Ksp = 10–10),
AgBr (Ksp = 10–13) and Ag2 CrO4 (Ksp = 10–12).
(3) H3 PO4 (4) H3 PO3
Which of the above compound will be used by him
61. Species acting as both bronsted acid and base is :-
using minimum weight to prepare the saturated
(1) HSO -4 (2) Na2CO 3 solution ?
(1) AgCl
(3) NH 4 (4) OH– (2) AgBr
(3) Ag2CrO4
62. Given H F + H 2 O ¾ K¾¾
a® H O+ + F-
3 (4) All of these
F - + H 2 O ¾ ¾¾
b ® HF + OH -
69. The solubility products of Al(OH)3 and Zn(OH)2
Which relation is correct ? are 8.5 × 10–23 and 1.8 × 10–14 respectively. If
(1) Kb = Kw (2) Kb = 1/Kw NH4OH is added to a solution containing Al3+ and
(3) Ka × Kb = Kw (4) Ka/Kb = Kw Zn2+ ions, then substance precipitated first is :-
63. How many litres of water must be added to 1 litre (1) Al (OH)3
of an aqueous solution of HCl with a pH of 1 to (2) Zn(OH)2
create an aqueous solution with pH of 2 ? (3) Both together
(1) 0.9 L (2) 2.0 L (3) 9.0 L (4) 0.1 L (4) None of these
64. The total number of different kind of buffers 70. The dissociation constant of HCN is 1.3 × 10–9. The
obtained during the titration of H3PO4 with NaOH value of hydrolysis constant of KCN will be :-
are :- (1) 1.3 × 10–9 (2) 10–14
(1) 3 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) Zero (3) 7.7 × 10–5 (4) 0.77 × 10–5
65. 10 mL of a solution contains 0.1 M NH4Cl + 0.01 M
71. 0.1 M acetic acid solution is titrated against 0.1 M
NH4OH. Which addition would not change the pH
NaOH solution. What would be the difference in
of the solution :-
pH between 1/4 and 3/4 stages of neutralisation
(1) Adding 1 mL water
of acid ?
(2) Adding 5 mL of 0.1 M NH4 Cl
(1) 2 log 3/4 (2) 2 log 1/4
(3) Adding 5 mL of 0.1 M NH4 OH
(3) log 1/3 (4) 2 log 3
(4) Adding 10 mL of 0.1 M NH4 Cl
72. The volume in litres of CO 2 liberated at NTP
66. The H+ ion concentration in 0.001 M acetic acid
when 10g of 80% pure lime stone is heated
is 1.34 × 10–4 g ion/litre. The H+ ion concentration
completely is :-
when 0.164 g of CH3 COONa is added to a litre
(1) 22.4 L (2) 2.24 L
of 0.001 M CH3 COOH will be :-
(1) 9 × 10–6 (2) 18 × 10–6 (3) 20.16 L (4) 1.8 L
(3) 4.5 × 10 –6
(4) 5 × 10–6 73. At NTP, 5.6 L of a gas weight 8g. The vapour
67. The precipitate of CaF 2 (K sp = 1.7 × 10 –10 ) is density of gas is :-
obtained when equal volumes of the following are (1) 32 (2) 40
mixed :- (3) 16 (4) 8
(1) 10–4 M Ca2+ + 10–4 M F – 74. Calculate the number of electrons present in
(2) 10–2 M Ca2+ + 10–3 M F – 18 mL of water.
(3) 10–5 M Ca2+ + 10–3 M F – (1) 10 (2) 18
(4) 10–3 M Ca2+ + 10–5 M F – (3) 10 NA (4) 18 NA
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75. For the reaction N2 + 3H2 ® 2NH3, 28 g N2 and 84. Which of the following match is incorrect ?
67.2L of H 2 at NTP are reacted. Calculate the (1) Malachite green- CuCO 3. Cu(OH)2
volume of NH3 formed at NTP. (2) Calamine- MgCO3
(1) 22.4 L (2) 44.8 L
(3) Limestone- CaCO3
(3) 34 L (4) 89.6 L
(4) Carnallite- KCl. MgCl2 . 6H2 O
76. A compound contains 20% oxygen. Then
minimum molecular weight of compound will 85. Which reaction is correct with respect to
be :- Mc-Arthur forest process ?
(1) 40 (2) 20 (1) 3AgNO3 + [Co(NH3 )6 ]Cl 3 ®3AgCl
(3) 80 (4) 100 +[Co(NH3 )6](NO3 )3
77. The equivalent weight of a metal is 4.5 and the
(2) Au + Aqua regia ® AuCl3
molecular weight of its chloride is 80. The atomic
weight of the metal is :- (3) Au + CN– ® [Au(CN)2 ]–
(1) 18 (2) 9 (4) None of these
(3) 4.5 (4) 36 86. Which of the following can act as strongest
78. 0.45g of acid (molecular weight = 90) was exactly oxidising agent in aq. medium ?
neutralised by 20 mL of 0.5 N NaOH. Basicity of (1) Cr+3 (2) Mn +3
the acid is :-
(3) Fe+3 (4) Co+3
(1) 2 (2) 1
(3) 4 (4) 3 87. Which of the following is used to acidify KMnO4 ?
79. When KMnO4 reacts with KI in neutral medium (1) Conc. H2 SO4
then the product obtained is :- (2) dil. H2SO4
(1) I2 (2) IO 3 (3) dil. HCl
80. The highest stable oxidation state shown by 88. During electrorefining of copper, which of the
actinoids is :- following elements are obtained as anode mud ?
(1) +3 (2) +4 (3) +5 (4) +6 (1) Na, K (2) Ag, Au
81. For which of the following element, E °M +2 /M value (3) Zn, Cu (4) Mg, Fe
89. Which of the following is not a method of
is positive ?
concentration of ore ?
(1) Sc (2) Mn (3) Cu (4) Zn
82. +3
Eu can act as :- (1) Leaching
(1) Oxidising agent (2) Polling
(2) Reducing agent (3) Gravity separation
(3) Both (4) Magnetic separation
(4) None of these
90. Maximum spin-only magnetic moment is shown
83. Which of the following products are not obtained
by ?
when lanthanoids are heated with carbon ?
(1) LnC2 (2) Ln2 C3 (1) Eu+3 (2) La+3
(3) Ln3 C2 (4) Ln3 C (3) Lu+3 (4) Gd+3
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TOPIC : Plant Morphology - Flower to Families, Plant Anatomy, Plant Diversity upto History of Taxonomy,
Circulation, Excretion, Digestion
91. The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in 95. Given figure represent a drupe fruit select the
floral bud with respect to the other members of the option that correctly identifies A, B, C, D :-
same whorl is known as :-
(1) Placentation (2) Aestivation A
(3) Adhesion (4) Cohesion B
92. In morphology of flower which of the following
statement is incorrect ? D
(1) In Pea plant two bundles of stamens formed
(2) A sterile stamen is called staminode. A B C D
(3) In salvia, filaments of stamens are of same
(1) Pericarp Epicarp Mesocarp Endocarp
(4) Epitepalous condition is found in lily. (2) Epicarp Mesocarp Endocarp Seed
93. Identify the family with its character from the given
(3) Mesocarp Epicarp Endocarp Seed
below floral diagram :-
(4) Epicarp Mesocarp Seed Endocarp
(1) Thalamus grows upward completely and getting
(1) Central Cortex Protoderm Root cap
fused with it
(2) Ovary is said to be superior
(3) Ovary is said to be inferior (2) Protoderm Cortex Central Root cap
(4) It is found in guava and cucumber cylinder
(A) (B)
(A) (B)
open closed (1) Monocot Exarch Centripetal Dicot Root Exarch Centripetal
(4) conjoint, collateral, conjoint, collateral, (2) Dicot stem Exarch Centripetal Monocot Exarch Centripetal
closed open
(3) Dicot stem Endarch Centrifugal Monocot Endarch Centrifugal
111. Which of the following statements are incorrect ? stem
(4) Monocot Endarch Centrifugal Dicot stem Endarch Centrifugal
(a) The two kinds of woods that appear as a alternate stem
concentric rings constitute an annual ring
(b) The spring wood is darker in colour and has a 115. How many tissue are the result of re-differentiation
higher density. in dicot root ?
(c) In spring season, cambium is very active and Intrafascicular cambium, Interfascicular cambium,
produces a large number of xylary elements Primary medullary rays, Secondary medullary rays,
having vessels with wider cavities Vascular cambium, Secondary xylem, Secondary
(d) During rhytidome formation new phellogen phloem, Phellem, Phelloderm, Phellogen.
develops outside the old one.
(1) Five (2) Six (3) Seven (4) Eight
(1) b, c (2) a, c (3) b, d (4) b, c,d
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116. Identify the correct order of the components with 120. Select the mismatch from following :-
reference to their arrangement from outer side to inner (1) Key ® used for identification of plants and
side in a woody dicot stem :-
(2) Monograph ® contain information on any
(i) Secondary cortex (ii) Autumn wood one taxon
(iii) Secondary phloem (iv) Primary phloem (3) Museums ® collections of preserved plant
(1) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i) (2) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii) specimens only
(3) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii) (4) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii) (4) Herbarium ® storehouse of collected plant
117. A cut trunk shows 26 concentric rings of spring wood specimens
and autumn wood in alternate rows. The age of trunk 121. Observe the gradation of taxonomic categories and
identify the missing categories according to the
would be :-
statements given below :-
(1) 26 years (2) 52 years
(3) 13 years (4) 104 years
118. Find the correct statements from the followings Division
(2) Calyx Cortex Renal column Ureter
S. Column-II Column-III
Name of (3) Medulla Cortex Renal capsule Urethra
No. Substrate Product
(4) Calyx Cortex Renal pelvis Urethra
(i) Maltase Maltose + 146. Which is correct with respect to all leucocytes :-
Fructose (1) Neutrophils - 2-3 lobed nucleus, 20% - 25%
(2) Monocytes - bilobed nucleus, 5% - 8%
Glucose (3) Basophils - 2-3 lobed nucleus, 0.5% - 1%
(ii) Lactase Lactose +
(4) Acidophils - 3-7 lobed nucleus, 2% - 3%
147. Which of the following is correct option for Blood
(iii) Nucleosidase Nucleotide Sugar +N- Bases groups :-
Blood Antigens Antibodies
Glucose + Group on RBCs in plasma
(iv) Sucrase Sucrose
(1) A A Anti-B
Nucleoside +
(v) Nucleotidase Nucleotide
phosphate group (2) B A Anti-A
Allele frequency
(2) Out-crossing
(1) Inbreeding
Allele frequency
Allele frequency
(2) Out-crossing
(3) Cross-breeding
(3) (4)
(4) Interspecific hybridization
Time Time
179. Select the correct option from column I and
173. Viceroy butterfly escapes from predators by: column II about the different forms of honeybee:
(1) Foul smell (2) Bitter taste
Column-I Column-II
(3) Mimicry (4) Rough skin
(a) Queen (i) Haploid
174. Which is not correctly matched? (b) Drone (ii) Egg laying
(1) Natural selection – Charles Darwin (c) Workers (iii) Sterile
(iv) Secretion of Royal jelly
(2) Use and Disuse of organs – Lamarck
(v) Largest in size
(3) Theory of Biogenesis – Hugo deVries (vi) Maximum in numbers
(4) Swan neck flask experiment – Louis Pasteur (vii) Sting absent
175. The milk yield in a dairy farm is primarily dependent on: (viii) Minimum in numbers
(ix) Males
(1) Quantity of fodder (x) Nourishment of larvae
(2) Quality of fodder
Options :
(3) Cleanliness of farm
(1) a-ii,iv,v,vii,viii; b-i,iii,ix; c-vi,x
(4) Quality of breed
(2) a-ii,v,viii; b-i,vii,ix; c-iii,iv,vi,x
176. Which is an exotic breed of high milk yielding
breed of cow? (3) a-iii,v,vii; b-i,viii,ix; c-ii,iv,vi,x
(1) Merino (4) a-ii,vi,vii; b-i,viii,x; c-iii,iv,v,ix
(2) Jersey 180. Which is a fresh water fish among the following?
(3) Bikaneri
(1) Hilsa (2) Sardines
(4) Leghorn
(3) Mackerel (4) Catla
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