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Motion in ST Line Ex 1,2

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)01:00 Hr

Important Instructions
This test contains 45 questions. Each question carries 4 marks. For each correct response the
candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response, one mark will be deducted from the total
scores. The maximum marks are 180.

1. If displacement of a particle is zero, the distance covered:

(1) must be zero
(2) may or may not be zero
(3) cannot be zero
(4) depends upon the particle

2. Milkha Singh can cover one round of a circular park in 40 second, after 1 minute and 40 second,
he will cover a distance and displacement respectively: - (R = Radius of circle): -
(1) Zero, Zero
(2) 4R,R
(3) 5R,2R
(4) 6R,2R

3. An ant is scramping on the stairs as shown in the figure. There are '4' stairs and each stair has
width of 12 cm and height of 5 cm. The distance travelled by the ant to scramp the stairs is: -

(1) 52 cm
(2) 68 cm
(3) 48 cm
(4) 20 cm

4. A body moves along the curved path of a semi-circle. Calculate the ratio of distance to
(1) 11 : 7
(2) 7 : 11
(3) 11: 2  7
(4) 7:11 2

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Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)

5. If a particle moves from point P(2, 3, 5) to point Q(3, 4, 5). Its displacement vector be: -
(1) ˆi + ˆj + 10kˆ
(2) ˆi + ˆj + 5kˆ
(3) ˆi + ˆj
(4) 2iˆ + 4jˆ + 6kˆ

6. A train covers the first half of the distance between two stations with a speed of 30 km/h and
the other half with 70 km/h. Then its average speed is:
(1) 50 km/h
(2) 48 km/h
(3) 42 km/h
(4) 100 km/h

7. A car travels a distance d on a straight road in two hours and then returns to the starting point
in next three hours. Its average speed and average velocity is:
(1) ,0
(2) ,0
5d d
(3) ,
6 5
(4) None of these

8. A particle moves in straight line in same direction for 20 sec. with velocity 3 m/s and then moves
with velocity 4 m/s for another 20 sec. and finally moves with velocity 5 m/s for next 20 sec.
What is the average velocity of the particle?
(1) 3 m/s
(2) 4 m/s
(3) 5 m/s
(4) Zero

9. An object travels 10 km at a speed of 100 m/s and another 10 km at 50 m/s. The average speed
over the whole distance is: -
(1) 75 m/s
(2) 55 m/s
(3) 66.7 m/s
(4) 33.3 m/s

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)

10. If a car covers 2 / 5th of total distance with v1 speed and 3/5th distance with v2 speed then the
average speed is: -
(1) v 1v 2
v1 + v 2
2v + v
(3) 1 2
v1 + v 2
5v1v 2
3v1 + 2v 2

11. The position x of a particle varies with time (t) as x = at 2 − bt3 . The velocity at time t of the
particle will be equal to zero, where t is equal to:

12. Equation of displacement for a particle is s = 3t3 + 7t 2 + 14t + 8m . Its acceleration at time t = 2
sec is: -
(1) 10 m / s2
(2) 16 m / s2
(3) 25 m / s2
(4) 50 m / s2

13. The displacement of a particle is given by y = a + bt + ct 3 . The initial velocity and acceleration
are respectively:
(1) b, 0
(2) –b, 2c
(3) b, 2c
(4) 2c, – 4d

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)

14. Displacement x of a particle is related to time t as x = at + bt 2 − ct3 where a, b and c are constants.
The velocity of the particle when its acceleration is zero is given by: -
(1) a +
(2) a +
(3) a +
(4) a +

15. The initial velocity of a particle is u (at t = 0) and the acceleration is given by f = at 2 . Which of
the following relations is valid?
(1) v = u + at2
at 2
(2) v = u +
at 3
(3) v = u +
(4) v = u + at

16. (
If the velocity of a particle is 10 + 2t 2 ) m/s, then the average acceleration of the particle

between 2s and 5s is: -

(1) 2 m / s2
(2) 4 m / s2
(3) 12 m / s2
(4) 14 m / s2

17. If a car at rest accelerates uniformly to a speed of 144 km/h in 40 seconds, it covers a distance
(1) 200 m
(2) 800 m
(3) 1440 m
(4) 2980 m

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)

18. If a train travelling at 72 km/h is to be brought to rest in a distance of 100 m, then its retardation
should be:
(1) 20 m / s2
(2) 2 m / s2
(3) 10 m / s2
(4) 1 m / s2

19. A car starts from rest travelling with constant acceleration. If distance covered by it in 10th
second of its journey is 19m, what will be the acceleration of car?
(1) 4 m / s2
(2) 3 m / s2
(3) 2 m / s2
(4) 1 m / s2

20. A body starts from rest. What is the ratio of the distance travelled by the body during the 4th and
5th second?

21. A car moving with a speed of 40 km/h can be stopped by applying brakes after at least 2m. If the
same car is moving with a speed of 120 km/h., what is the minimum stopping distance?
(1) 2 m
(2) 4 m
(3) 6 m
(4) 18 m

22. Which of the following four statements is true?

(1) A body can have zero velocity and still be accelerated
(2) A body can have a constant velocity and still have a varying speed
(3) A body cannot have a constant speed if it has a varying velocity
(4) The direction of the velocity of a body cannot change when its acceleration is constant.

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)

23. If an iron ball and a wooden ball of same radii are released from a height h in vacuum then time
taken by both of them to reach ground will be:
(1) unequal
(2) exactly equal
(3) roughly equal
(4) zero

24. A body dropped from a tower reaches the ground in 5s. The height of the tower is about:
(1) 80 m
(2) 125 m
(3) 160 m
(4) 40 m

25. A stone falls freely such that the distance covered by it in the last second of its motion is equal to
the distance covered by it in the first 3 seconds. It remained in air for: -
(1) 2 s
(2) 3 s
(3) 5 s
(4) 6 s

26. A body is released from the top of a tower of height H metres. It takes t time to reach the ground.
Where is the body time after the release: -
(1) At metres from ground
(2) At metres from ground
(3) At metres from ground
(4) At metres from ground

27. The ratio of the distances traversed, in successive intervals of time by a body falling from rest,
(1) 1 : 3 : 5 : 7 : 9 : ................
(2) 2 : 4 : 6 : 8 : 10 : ................
(3) 1 : 4 : 7 : 10 : 13 : ................
(4) None of these

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)

28. Drops of water fall from the roof of a building 27m high at regular intervals of time. When the
first drop reaches the ground, at the same instant fourth drop begins to fall. What are the
distances of the second and third drops from the roof?
(1) 6 m and 12 m
(2) 6 m and 3 m
(3) 12 m and 3 m
(4) 8 m and 2 m

29. A particle is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at half of the maximum height is 10m/s. The
maximum height attained by it is g = 10 ms−2 : –)
(1) 8m
(2) 20m
(3) 10m
(4) 16m

30. A ball is thrown upward with a velocity of 50 m/s. It will reach the ground after: –
(1) 10 s
(2) 20 s
(3) 5 s
(4) 40 s

31. A particle is thrown from the ground upward with velocity 40 m/s. Calculate maximum height
(1) 40 m
(2) 80 m
(3) 160 m
(4) 8 m

32. If a ball is thrown vertically upwards with 40 m/s. Its velocity after three seconds will be:
(1) 10 m/s
(2) 20 m/s
(3) 30 m/s
(4) 40 m/s

33. When a ball is thrown vertically up with velocity v0 , it reaches a maximum height 'h'. If one
wishes to double the maximum height then the ball should be thrown with velocity –
(1) 2v 0
(2) 3v0
(3) 9v0
(4) 3/2v0

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)

34. A ball is thrown vertically upwards. Assuming the air resistance to be constant and considerable: -
(1) the time of ascent  the time of descent
(2) the time of ascent < the time of descent
(3) the time of ascent > the time of descent
(4) the time of ascent = the time of descent

35. A stone is thrown upwards with a speed 'u' from the top of the tower reaches the ground with a
velocity '3u'. The height of the tower is: -

36. The velocity-time graph of an object is shown. The displacement during the interval 0 to t 4 is: -

(1) Area A + Area B + Area C + Area D + Area E

(2) Area A + Area C – Area B – Area D
(3) Area A + Area B + Area C + Area D
(4) Area A + Area C + Area E – Area B + Area D

37. Figure below shows the acceleration-time graph of a one-dimensional motion. Which of the
following characteristics of the particle is represented by the shaded area?

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)

(1) change in velocity

(2) change in position
(3) change in momentum
(4) velocity

38. Fig. shows the displacement of a particle moving along x-axis as a function of time. The velocity
of the particle is zero at: -

(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D

39. The displacement–time graph for two particles A and B are straight lines inclined at angles of
30° and 60° with the time axis. The ratio of velocity of particle A & B ( VA : VB ) is: -

(1) 1 : 2
(2) 1: 3
(3) 3 :1
(4) 1 : 3

40. Which of the following velocity-time graphs represents uniformly accelerated motion?


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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)




41. A stone is dropped into a well in which the level of water is h below the top of the well. If v is
velocity of sound, the time T after which the splash is heard is given by.
(1) T =
2h h
(2) T = +
g v
2h h
(3) T = +
v g
h 2h
(4) T = +
2g v

42. Water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap 6 m above the ground. The third drop is leaving
the tap at the instant the first drop touches the ground. How far above the ground is the second
drop at that instant ?
(1) 1.25 m
(2) 2.50 m
(3) 3.75 m
(4) 4.5 m

43. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with velocity 600 m/s. Calculate distance travelled in last 2
sec of its upward motion :-
(1) 20 m
(2) 30 m
(3) 10 m

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line Test (NEET Pattern)

(4) 25 m

44. The displacement-time graph of a moving particle is shown. The instantaneous velocity of the
particle is positive at the point :

(1) D
(2) F
(3) C
(4) E

45. The graph between the displacement x and time t for a particle moving in a straight line is shown
in figure. During the interval OA, AB, BC and CD, the acceleration of the particle is:

(1) + 0 + +
(2) – 0 + 0
(3) + 0 – 0
(4) – 0 – 0

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line NEET PYQs

1. A car runs at a constant speed on a circular track of radius 100 m, taking 62.8 seconds for every
circular lap. The average velocity and average speed for each circular lap respectively is: -
(1) 0,0
(2) 0, 10 m/s
(3) 10 m/s, 10 m/s
(4) 10 m/s, 0
AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)
2. A particle moves along a straight-line OX. At a time t (in seconds) the distance x (in metres) of
the particle from O is given by x = 40 + 12t − t 3 . How long would the particle travel before
coming to rest?
(1) 24 m
(2) 40 m
(3) 56 m
(4) 16 m
AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)
3. Two bodies, A (of mass 1 kg) and B (of mass 3 kg), are dropped from heights of 16 m and 25 m
respectively. The ratio of the time taken by them to reach the ground is: -
AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)
4. A car moves from X to Y with a uniform speed v u and returns to X with a uniform speed v d . The
average speed for this round trip is: -
v +v
(1) u d
2v dv u
vd + v u
(3) v uvd
vdv u
vd + v u
AIPMT 2007 (+4 /–1)

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line NEET PYQs

 t
5. A particle moving along x-axis has acceleration f, at time t, given by f = fo  1 −  , where fo and
 T
T are constants. The particle at t = 0 has zero velocity. At the instant when f = 0, the particle's
velocity is: -
(1) fT
(2) foT
1 2
(3) fT
(4) foT2
AIPMT 2007 (+4 /–1)

6. The position x of a particle with respect to time t along x-axis is given by x = 9t 2 − t 3 where x is
in metres and t in seconds. What will be the position of this particle when it achieves maximum
speed along the + x direction?
(1) 24 m
(2) 32 m
(3) 54 m
(4) 81 m
AIPMT 2007 (+4 /–1)
7. The distance travelled by a particle starting from rest and moving with an acceleration m / s2 , in
the third second is: -
(1) m
(2) m
(3) 6m
(4) 4m
AIPMT 2007 (+4 /–1)
8. A particle moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration. It changes its velocity from 10 m/s
to 20 m/s while passing through a distance of 135 m in t seconds. The value of t is: -
(1) 12
(2) 9
(3) 10
(4) 1.8
AIPMT 2008 (+4 /–1)

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line NEET PYQs

9. A particle shows distance-time curve as given in this figure. The maximum instantaneous velocity of
the particle is around the point: -

(1) D
(2) A
(3) B
(4) C
AIPMT 2008 (+4 /–1)

10. A particle of mass m is projected with velocity v making an angle of 45° with the horizontal.
When the particle lands on the ground level, the magnitude of the change in its momentum will
be: -
(1) mv 2
(2) zero
(3) 2 mv
(4) mv / 2
AIPMT 2008 (+4 /–1)

11. A body starting from rest is moving under a constant acceleration up to 20 sec. If it moves S1
distance in first 10 sec., and S2 distance in next 10 sec. then S2 will be equal to:
(1) S1
(2) 2S1
(3) 3S1
(4) 4S1
AIPMT 2009 (+4 /–1)

A particle moves a distance x in time t according to equation x = ( t + 5)

12. . The acceleration of
particle is proportional to: -
(1) ( velocity )

(2) ( velocity )

(3) ( distance )

(4) ( distance )

AIPMT (Pre) 2010 (+4 /–1)

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line NEET PYQs

13. A ball is dropped from a high-rise platform at t = 0 starting from rest. After 6 seconds another
ball is thrown downwards from the same platform with a speed v. The two balls meet at t = 18s.
What is the value of v? take g = 10 m / s2 )
(1) 60 m/s
(2) 75 m/s
(3) 55 m/s
(4) 40m/s
AIPMT (Pre) 2010 (+4 /–1)

14. ( ) ( )
A particle has initial velocity 3iˆ + 4jˆ and has acceleration 0.4iˆ + 0.3jˆ . Its speed after 10s is: -
(1) 10 units
(2) 7 units
(3) 7 2 units
(4) 8.5 units
AIPMT (Pre) 2010 (+4 /–1)

15. A boy standing at the top of a tower of 20 m height drops a stone. Assuming g = 10 m/s2 , the
velocity with which it hits the ground is: -
(1) 10.0 m/s
(2) 20.0 m/s
(3) 40.0 m/s
(4) 5.0 m/s
AIPMT (Pre) 2011 (+4 /–1)
16. A body is moving with velocity 30 m/s towards east. After 10 seconds its velocity becomes 40
m/s towards north. The average acceleration of the body is: -
(1) 1 m/s2
(2) 7 m/s2
(3) 7 m / s2
(4) 5 m/s2
AIPMT (Pre) 2011 (+4 /–1)

17. A particle covers half of its total distance with speed v1 and the rest half distance with speed v2 .
Its average speed during the complete journey is: -
v +v
(1) 1 2
v v
(2) 1 2
v1 + v 2
2v1v 2
v1 + v 2
v12 + v22
AIPMT (Mains) 2011 (+4 /–1)

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line NEET PYQs

18. The motion of a particle along a straight line is described by equation x = 8 + 12t − t3 where x is
in metres and t in seconds. The retardation of the particle when its velocity becomes zero is: -
(1) 6 m / s2
(2) 12 m / s2
(3) 24 m / s2
(4) zero
AIPMT (Pre) 2012 (+4 /–1)

19. A particle has initial velocity (2iˆ + 3jˆ ) and acceleration (0.3iˆ + 0.2jˆ ) . The magnitude of velocity
after 10 seconds will be: -
(1) 5 units
(2) 9 units
(3) 9 2 units
(4) 5 2 units
AIPMT (Pre) 2012 (+4 /–1)

20. A stone is dropped from a height h. It hits the ground with a certain momentum P. If the same
stone is dropped from a height 100% more than the previous height, the momentum when it hits
the ground will change by: -
(1) 200 %
(2) 100 %
(3) 68%
(4) 41%
AIPMT (Mains) 2012 (+4 /–1)

21. A stone falls under gravity. It covers distances h1 ,h2 and h3 in the first 5 seconds, the next 5
seconds and the next 5 seconds respectively. The relation between h1 ,h2 and h3 is: -
(1) h1 = h2 = h3
(2) h1 = 2h2 = 3h3
h2 h3
(3) h1 = =
3 5
(4) h2 = 3h1 and h3 = 3h2
NEET-UG 2013 (+4 /–1)

22. A particle is moving such that its position coordinates (x, y) are
(2m, 3m) at time t = 0
(6m, 7m) at time t = 2 s and
(13m, 14m) at time t = 5s.
( )
Average velocity vector Vav from t = 0 to t = 5 s is

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Motion in a Straight Line NEET PYQs

13iˆ + 14jˆ )
( )
7 ˆ ˆ
i+ j

( )
(3) 2 ˆi + ˆj

( i + j)
11 ˆ ˆ

AIPMT 2014 (+4 /–1)

23. A particle of unit mass undergoes one-dimensional motion such that its velocity varies according to
v ( x ) = x −2n
where  and n are constants and x is the position of the particle. The acceleration of the particle
as a function of x, is given by:
(1) −2n2x −4n −1
(2) −22x −2n +1
(3) −2n2e−4n +1
(4) −2n2x −2n +1
AIPMT 2015 (+4 /–1)
24. If the velocity of a particle is v = At + Bt 2 , where A and B are constants, then the distance
travelled by it between 1s and 2s is: -
(1) A + 4B
(2) 3A + 7B
3 7
(3) A + B
2 3
(4) +
2 3
NEET-I 2016 (+4 /–1)
25. Two cars P and Q start from a point at the same time in a straight line and their positions are
represented by xp ( t ) = at + bt 2 and xQ ( t ) = ft − t 2 . At what time do the cars have the same
2(1 + b)
f −a
2(1 + b)
2( b − 1)
NEET-II 2016 (+4 /–1)

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line NEET PYQs

26. Preeti reached the metro station and found that the escalator was not working. She walked up
the stationary escalator in time t1 . On other days, if she remains stationary on the moving
escalator, then the escalator takes her up in time t2 . The time taken by her to walk up on the
moving escalator will be
t 1t 2
t2 − t1
t 1t 2
t2 + t1
(3) t1 − t 2
t1 + t2
NEET(UG) 2017 (+4 /–1)

27. The x and y coordinates of the particle at any time are x = 5t − 2t 2 and y = 10t respectively, where
x and y are in meters and t in seconds. The acceleration of the particle at t = 2s is: -
(1) 5 m / s2

(2) −4 m / s2

(3) −8 m / s2
(4) 0
NEET(UG) 2017 (+4 /–1)

28. A person travelling in a straight line moves with a constant velocity v1 for certain distance 'x'
and with a constant velocity v2 for next equal distance. The average velocity v is given by the
1 1 1
(1) = +
v v1 v 2
2 1 1
(2) = +
v v1 v 2
v v1 + v 2
(3) =
2 2
(4) v = v1v2

NEET(UG) 2019 (Odisha) (+4 /–1)

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TG: @Chalnaayaaar

Motion in a Straight Line NEET PYQs

29. A ball is thrown vertically downward with a velocity of 20 m/s from the top of a tower. It hits
the ground after some time with a velocity of 80 m/s. The height of the tower is : (g = 10 m / s2 )
(1) 300 m
(2) 360 m
(3) 340 m
(4) 320 m
NEET(UG) 2020 (+4 /–1)

30. A small block slides down on a smooth inclined plane, starting from rest at time t = 0. Let Sn be
the distance travelled by the block in the interval t = n – 1 to t = n. Then, the ratio is: -
S n +1
2n − 1
2n − 1
2n + 1
2n + 1
2n − 1
2n − 1
NEET(UG) 2021 (+4 /–1)

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