J.A.Ghani, K. Othman, M.N.A. Rahman, B.M. Deros and C.H.C.Haron
J.A.Ghani, K. Othman, M.N.A. Rahman, B.M. Deros and C.H.C.Haron
J.A.Ghani, K. Othman, M.N.A. Rahman, B.M. Deros and C.H.C.Haron
3, 362-366
speed and low feed rate should always be used. microscope (AFM), a confocal white light microscope,
Furthermore, low values of surface roughness and and a scattering light system. They found that the
cutting force were obtained when the feed rate and different methods led to different roughness parameters
depth of cut were kept at low values (Ghani et al. of the same surface.
2004b). Increasing the feed rate value also resulted in
higher cutting force, which requires more power
consumption to remove the material, and consequently
generates more heat at the tool edge, which in turn
promotes tool wear and shortens tool life (Ghani et al.
Cutting speed (m/min)
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of coated carbide tools when turning AISI 1045 lathe dry turning. International Journal of Quality
steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology Science 23: 167–180.
145(1): 46-58