16. The equivalent axial tensile load Pe, 22. Pick up the incorrect statement from the
which produces an average axial tensile following:
stress in the section equivalent to the
A. The nominal diameter of a rivet is its
combined stress due to axial tension P and
diameter before driving
bending M, at the extreme fibre of the
B. The gross diameter of a rivet is the
section, is given by (where Z is the section
diameter of rivet hole
modulus of the section).
C. The gross area of a rivet is the cross-
A. Pe = P + MA/Z
sectional area of the rivet hole
B. Pe = P - MA/Z
D. The diameter of a rivet hole is equal to
C. Pe = P – Z/MA
the nominal diameter of the rivet plus 1.5
D. Pe = P + Z/MA mm
E. None of these.
17. Live load
A. varies in magnitude
23. The allowable stress in axial tension for 28. The maximum permissible slenderness
rolled I-sections and channels, is taken as ratio of a member carrying loads resulting
A. 1420 kg/cm2 B. 1500 kg/cm2 from wind, is
C. 2125 kg/cm2 D. 1810 kg/cm2 A. 180 B. 200
C. 250 D. 300
24. When a tension member is made of four E. 350
angles with a plate as a web, the allowance
for holes is made as 29. If d is the distance between the flange
A. two holes for each angle and one hole for angles, the vertical stiffeners in plate girders
the web are spaced not greater than
B. one hole for each angle and one hole for A. d B. 1.25 d
the web C. 1.5 d D. 1.75 d
C. one hole for each angle and two holes for
the web 30. If the unsupported length of a
D. two holes for each angle and two holes for stanchion is 4 metres and least radius of
the web gyration of its cross-section is 5, the
E. none of these. slenderness ratio of the stanchion, is
A. 60 B. 70
25. The failure of a web plate takes place by C. 80 D. 90
yielding if the ratio of the clear depth to E. 100
thickness of the web, is less than
A. 45 B. 55 31. The area Ap of cover plates in one
C. 60 D. 75 flange of a built up beam, is given by
E. 82 A. AP = (Zreq.+ Zbeam)/ h
B. AP = (Zreq.+ Zbeam)/ A
26. The minimum edge distance of a rivet C. AP = (Zreq..Zbeam)/ h
line connecting two or more plates, is kept D. AP = (Zreq.- Zbeam)/ h
equal to 37 mm plus (where t is the
E. none of these.
thickness in mm of the thinner outside
32. The average shear stress for rolled steel
A. 2 t B. 4 t
beam section, is
C. 6 t D. 8 t
A. 845 kg/cm2 B. 945 kg/cm2
E. 10 t
C. 1025 kg/cm2 D. 1500 kg/cm2
E. 1875 kg/cm2
27. Pick up the correct statement from the
33. For a rectangular section, the ratio of
A. Dead load includes self-weight of the
the maximum and average shear stresses, is
structure and super-imposed loads
permanently attached to the structure A. 1.5 B. 2.0
B. Dead loads change their positions and C. 2.5 D. 3.0
vary in magnitude E. 4.0
C. Dead loads are known in the beginning of
the design
D. None of these.
3. The spans are considered approximately 8. The effective length of a weld, is taken as
equal if the longest span does not exceed the the actual length
shortest span by more than A. minus the size of weld
A. 5% B. 10% B. minus twice the size of weld
C. 15% D. 20% C. plus the size of weld
D. plus twice the size of weld
4. If the depth of the section of an upper E. none of these.
column is smaller than the lower column
A. filler plates are provided with column 9. The permissible bearing stress in steel, is
splice A. 1500 kg/cm2 B. 1890 kg/cm2
B. bearing plates are provided with column C. 2025 kg/cm2 D. 2340 kg/cm2
splice E. 2250 kg/cm2
C. neither filler plates nor bearing plates are
provided with column splice
10. The main assumption of the method of
D. filler plates and bearing plates are simple design of steel frame work, is :
provided with column splice
A. beams are simply supported
E. none of these.
B. all connections of beams, girders and
trusses are virtually flexible
5. A tension member, if subjected to possible C. members in compression are subjected to
reversal of stress due to wind, the forces applied at appropriate eccentricities
slenderness ratio of the member should not
D. all the above.
A. 180 B. 200
11. Strengths of a rivet in single shearing, in
C. 250 D. 300
bearing and in tearing are 3425 kg, 4575 kg
E. 350 and 5025 kg respectively. If the load in the
member is 35 tonnes, the number of rivets
6. An axial loaded column is supported on a required, is
slab base whose projection is 8 cm. If the
intensity of pressure from concrete is 40
34. For a steel grillage footing to support 39. If f is the maximum allowable bending
two unequal column loads stress in a tension member whose radius of
A. line of action of the resultant of two gyration is r and depth is 2y, the required
column loads, is made to coincide with the cross sectional area A is given by
centre of gravity of the base of the footing A. A = My/fr2 B. A = My2/fr2
B. trapezoidal shape is used for the base C. A = My/fr D. A = My/f2r2
footing E. A = My2/fr2
C. projections of beams on either side in
lower tier are such that bending moments 40. The main advantage of a steel member,
under columns are equal is :
D. bending moment under the columns are A. its high strength
kept equal to the bending moment between
B. its gas and water tightness
to two columns
C. its long service life
E. all the above.
D. all the above.
2. The main type of butt joints, is a double 8. For the economical design of a combined
cover footing to support two equal column loads,
the projections of beams in lower tier are
A. shear riveted joint
kept such that bending moment under
B. chain riveted joint
column is equal to
C. zig-zag riveted joint
A. bending moment at the centre of the
D. all the above. beam
B. half the bending moment at the centre of
3. Outstanding length of a compression the beam
member consisting of a channel, is C. twice the bending moment at the centre
measured as of the beam
A. half of the nominal width D. none of these.
B. nominal width of the section
C. from the edge to the first row of rivets 9. In rolled steel beams, shear force is
D. none of these. mostly resisted by
A. web only
4. The equivalent axial load may be defined B. flanges only
as the load which produces a stress equal to C. web and flanges together
A. maximum stress produced by the D. none of these.
eccentric load
B. maximum stressed fibre
10. When plates are exposed to weather,
C. bending stress tacking rivets are provided at a pitch in line
D. none of these. not exceeding (where t is the thickness of the
outside plate).
5. If d is the distance between the flange A. 8 t B. 16 t
angles of a plate girder, vertical stiffeners are C. 24 t D. 32 t
provided at a distance not greater than E. 48 t
A. d but not less than 0.20 d
B. 1.25 d but not less than 0.33 d 11. The greatest gauge of long rivets should
C. 1.5 d but not less than 0.33 d not exceed (where d is the diameter of the
D. 2.0 d but not less than 0.50 d holes).
E. 2.5 d but not less than 0.50 d A. 2 d B. 4 d
C. 6 d D. 8 d
6. The beam outside a wall upto floor level E. 10 d
above it, is known as
A. rafter B. purlin
C. spandrel beam D. lintel
C. �𝑓𝑏𝑡
+ 3𝑓𝑐2 D. �𝑓𝑏𝑡
− 3𝑓𝑐2
17. The channels get twisted symmetrically
with regard to its axis
A. parallel to flanges
B. parallel to web
34. Water pressure in a 80 cm water main 39. Working shear stress on the gross area
is 10 kg/cm2. The minimum thickness of the of a rivet as recommended by Indian
metal required for the water main, not to be Standards, is
stressed more than 200 kg/cm2, is A. 785 kg/cm2 B. 1025 kg/cm2
A. 1 cm B. 1.5 cm C. 2360 kg/cm2 D. none of these.
C. 2 cm D. 2.5 cm
E. 3 cm 40. Pick up the correct statement from the
35. In a tension member if one or more A. Loaded columns are supported on
than one rivet holes are off the line, the column bases
failure of the member depends upon : B. Column bases transmit the column load
A. pitch to the concrete foundation
B. gauge C. Column load is spread over a large area
C. diameter of the rivet holes on concrete
D. all the above. D. In column bases, intensity of pressure on
concrete block is assumed to be uniform
E. All the above.
36. The size of a butt weld is specified by the
effective throat thickness which in the case
of incomplete penetration, is taken as 41. The ratio of hydrostatic stress to the
A. 1/2 of the thickness of thicker part volumetric strain within the elastic range, is
B. 3/4 of the thickness of thicker part
A. modulus of elasticity
C. 3/4 of the thickness of thinner part
B. shear modulus of elasticity
D. 7/8 of the thickness of thinner part
C. bulk modulus of elasticity
E. none of these.
D. tangent modulus of elasticity
E. all the above.
37. The thickness of the web of a mild steel
plate girder is less than d/200. If only one
horizontal stiffener is used, it is placed at 42. The deflection of beams may be
A. the neutral axis of the section decreased by
B. 2/3rd of the depth of the neutral axis A. increasing the depth of beam
from the compression flange B. increasing the span
C. 2/5th of the depth of the neutral axis C. decreasing the depth of beam
from the compression flange D. increasing the width of beam
D. 2/5th of the height of the neutral axis E. none of these.
from tension flange
E. none of these.
43. For a cantilever beam of length L built- 48. The stress in the wall of a thin cylinder
in at the support and restrained against subjected to internal pressure, is
torsion at the free end, the effective A. hoop compression B. shear
projecting length l is C. torsional shear D. hoop tension.
A. l = 0.7L B. l = 0.75L
C. l = 0.85L D. l = 0.5L 49. The diameter of a bolt hole is taken as
E. l = L the nominal diameter of the bolt plus
A. 1.0 mm B. 1.2 mm
44. In a built up section carrying a tensile C. 1.4 mm D. 1.6 mm
force, the flanges of two channels are turned E. 1.5 mm
A. to simplify the transverse connections
50. Pick up the correct statement from the
B. to minimise lacing following:
C. to have greater lateral rigidity A. Tacking rivets are used if the minimum
D. all the above distance between centres of two adjacent
E. none of the above. rivets exceeds 12 t or 200 mm, whichever is
45. If P is the wind pressure in kg/cm2, v is B. Tacking rivets are not considered to
the velocity in km/hour and K is a constant calculate stress
of proportionality, then C. Tacking rivets are provided throughout
A. P = K/v2 B. v = K/P2 the length of a compression member
C. P = Kv2 D. P = Kv composed of two components back to back
D. All the above.
46. Length of an outstanding leg of a
vertical stiffener, may be taken equal to
A. 1/10 th of clear depth of the girder plus
15 mm
B. 1/20 th of clear depth of the girder plus
20 mm
C. 1/25 th of clear depth of the girder plus
25 mm
D. 1/30 th of clear depth of the girder plus
50 mm
E. 1/50 th of clear depth of the girder plus
50 mm.
SECTION - 5 𝑓 2 𝑓 2
B. �𝑃𝑠 � + �𝑝𝑡 � = 1
1. In a grillage footing, the maximum shear 𝑆 𝑡
force occurs at the 𝑓𝑠 2 𝑓𝑡 2
A. edge of grillage beam C. �𝑃 � + �𝑝 � > 1
𝑆 𝑡
B. edge of base plate 𝑓 2 𝑓 2
C. centre of grillage beam D. �𝑃𝑠 � + �𝑝𝑡 � ≤ 1
𝑆 𝑡
D. centre of base plate.
5. According to IS: 800-1962, the coefficient
2. If d is the diameter of column, D is the of expansion of steel per degree centigrade
side of square base, W is total axial load and per unit length, is taken as
p is the allowable bending stress, the A. 0.000008 B. 0.000010
thickness (t) of the base plate, is C. 0.000012 D. 0.000014
3𝑤 𝐷 E. 0.000016
A. 𝑡= � � �
16𝑃 𝐷−𝑑
3. Modified moment of inertia of sections 7. On steel structures the dead load is the
with a single web, is equal to moment of weight of
inertia of the section about Y-Y axis at the A. steel work
point of maximum bending moment and is B. material fastened to steel work
multiplied by the ratio of C. material supported permanently
A. area of compression flange at the D. all the above.
minimum bending moment to the
corresponding area at the point of maximum
8. The net area of round bars to resist the
bending moment
tension, is the area of cross section at
B. area of tension flange at the minimum
A. mid-section
bending moment of the corresponding area
B. root of the thread
at the point of maximum bending moment
C. difference of (a) and (b)
C. total area of flanges at the maximum
bending moment to the corresponding area D. none of these.
at the point of maximum bending moment
D. none of these. 9. With usual notations of the letters, the
shear stress fs at any point of the cross-
section is given by
4. Rivets subjected to shear and an
externally applied tensile force, should be so A. fS = FQ/It B. fS = Ft/IQ
proportioned that C. fS = It/FQ D. fS = IF/Qt
𝑓 2 𝑓 2
A. �𝑃𝑠 � + �𝑝𝑡 � < 1
𝑆 𝑡
10. The least permissible clear dimension of 16. Under a concentrated load, bearing
the web of thickness t in the panel of a plate stress fb in a beam, is given by (where b is
girder, is restricted to the length of the bearing plate and h is the
A. 150 t B. 160 t depth of the root of the fillet).
C. 170 t D. 180 t 𝑊
A. 𝑓𝑏 =
E. 200 t
B. 𝑓𝑏 =
11. Long column is one
A. which is more than 3 m long C. 𝑓𝑏 =
B. whose lateral dimension is less than 25 𝑊
cm D. 𝑓𝑏 =
C. which is free at its top
D. which has a ratio of effective length and 17. If R is the reaction on the bearing plate,
least lateral dimension more than 15. the minimum moment of. inertia of the
bearing stiffener provided at the support of a
12. Rolled steel beams are : plate girder of overall depth D, the maximum
A. mainly used to resist bending stress thickness of the compression flange T,
B. used as independent sections to resist carrying total load W, is
compressive stress A. (D2T/250).(R/W)
C. used as independent sections to resist B. (D3T/250).(R/W)
tensile stress C. (DT/250).(R/W)
D. All the above. D. (DT/250).(W/R)
13. Tacking rivets in tension members, are 18. A beam may be designed as a cased
provided at a pitch in line not exceeding beam if
A. 25 cm B. 50 cm A. section is of double open channel form
C. 75 cm D. 100 cm with the webs not less than 40 mm apart
B. overall depth and width of the steel
14. The effective length of a compression section do not exceed 750 and 450 mm
member of length L held in position at both respectively.
ends but not restrained in direction, is C. beam is solidly encased in concrete with
A. L B. 0.67 L 10 mm aggregate having 28 days strength
160 kg/cm2
C. 0.85 L D. 1.5 L
D. width of the solid casing is kept at least
E. 2 L
100 mm more than the width of the steel
flange and having a concrete cover of 50 mm
15. When the ratio of the moment M to
E. all the above.
axial load P is greater than, the resultant of
the compressive bearing pressure which acts
at a distance Y from one side, is given by 19. The economical depth d of a web plate in
which allowable bearing stress is fb, and the
A. y = (L/3 – M/P) B. y = (L/2 – P/M)
maximum bending moment is M, as
C. y = (L/2 + M/P) D. y = (L/3 + M/P)
suggested by Rawater and Clark, is
E. y = (L/5 + M/P)
C. B = b + 75 mm 3𝑤 𝐵2
D. B = b + 100 mm
C. 𝑡= � �𝐴2 − �
𝑃 4
E. B = b + 125 mm
𝑃 𝐵2
D. 𝑡 = � �𝐴2 − �
3 4
22. Design of a riveted joint is based on the
26. If the thickness of a structural member
A. Bending stress in rivets is accounted for
is small as compared to its length and width,
B. Riveted hole is assumed to be completely it is classified as
filled by the rivet
A. one dimensional
C. Stress in the plate in not uniform
B. two dimensional
D. Friction between plates is taken into
C. three dimensional
D. none of these.
E. None of these.
1 B 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 B 7 B 8 B 9 B 10 D
11 D 12 E 13 D 14 B 15 E 16 B 17 A 18 B 19 D 20 B
21 D 22 A 23 D 24 B 25 C 26 E 27 D 28 C 29 B 30 E
31 B 32 C 33 C 34 E 35 C 36 B 37 D 38 D 39 A 40 D
41 A 42 C 43 C 44 B 45 D 46 D 47 B 48 C 49 B
1 C 2 D 3 E 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 A 8 C 9 C 10 C
11 D 12 E 13 D 14 A 15 C 16 C 17 E 18 D 19 A 20 C
21 D 22 B 23 E 24 D 25 C 26 B 27 D 28 D 29 B 30 B
31 C 32 E 33 A 34 C 35 C 36 B 37 C 38 B 39 A 40 A
41 B 42 C 43 D 44 C 45 A 46 C 47 C 48 B 49 D 50 A
1 C 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 A 9 A 10 B
11 D 12 E 13 E 14 C 15 D 16 D 17 B 18 D 19 C 20 D
21 A 22 C 23 A 24 C 25 E 26 D 27 A 28 C 29 C 30 C
31 C 32 E 33 D 34 C 35 D 36 D 37 C 38 B 39 B 40 E
41 E 42 A 43 B 44 C 45 C 46 C 47 D 48 D 49 D 50 D
1 B 2 C 3 C 4 D 5 C 6 D 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 D
11 D 12 D 13 D 14 A 15 B 16 B 17 B 18 E 19 E 20 C
21 D 22 B 23 D 24 E 25 C 26 B 27 C 28 A 29 D 30 D
31 A 32 C 33 A