YU - CNS - Motor Tracts
YU - CNS - Motor Tracts
YU - CNS - Motor Tracts
Motor Pathways
1. Vestibulospinal tracts
2. Tectospinal tracts
3. Reticulospinal tracts
4. Rubrospinal tracts
◼ Cerebral cortex initiates voluntary movement.
◼ Corticobulbar tracts
◼ Cortex to nuclei of CNs
◼ 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11&12
Sceletal muscles of
the trunk and
Corticobulbar Tracts
◼ The corticobulbar tracts arise from the lateral
aspect of the primary motor cortex. They receive
the same inputs as the corticospinal tracts.
4. Exaggerated reflexes
LMNL Paralysis
◼ Injury any where following the AHC
2. No reflex actions
Below T1 → Paraplegia.
Central Gray Matter - Central
Cord Syndrome
◼ Seen in syringomyelia (progressive cavitation
around or near the central canal of spinal
cord especially in cervical segments)
Clinical presentation:
It is of two types:
4. Impotence.