Brain Motors Centers
Brain Motors Centers
Brain Motors Centers
The Brain
Motor Centers
and the The motor centers in the brain and the
descending pathways that direct the local control
Descending system
Pathways They
Cerebral Cortex
Functioning in both the highest and middle
levels of the motor control hierarchy.
Critical function in both the planning and
ongoing control of voluntary movements.
A large number of neurons that give rise to
descending pathways for motor control come
from two areas of sensorimotor cortex on the
posterior part of the frontal lobe:
The primary motor cortex
(sometimes called simply the motor
The premotor area
Other areas of sensorimotor cortex;
The supplementary motor cortex, which
lies mostly on the surface on the frontal
lobe where the cortex folds down
between the two hemispheres.
The somatosensory cortex.
Parts of the parietal-lobe association
The neurons of the motor cortex that control muscle groups in various parts of the body are
arranged anatomically into a somatotopic map.
Subcortical and Brainstem Nuclei
Numerous highly interconnected structures lie in the brainstem and
within the cerebrum beneath the cortex, where they interact with the
cortex to control movements.
Their influence is transmitted indirectly to the motor neurons both by
pathways that ascend to the cerebral cortex and by pathways that
descend from some of the brainstem nuclei.
Subcortical and brainstem nuclei are also important in learning skilled
Prominent among the subcortical nuclei are the paired basal nuclei,
which consist of a closely related group of separate nuclei.
They form a link in some of the looping parallel circuits through which
activity in the motor system is transmitted from a specific region of
sensorimotor cortex to the basal nuclei, from there to the thalamus,
and then back to the cortical area where the circuit started.
• The cerebellum is located dorsally to the brainstem. It influences posture and movement indirectly by
means of input to brainstem nuclei and (by way of the thalamus) to regions of the sensorimotor cortex
that give rise to pathways that descend to the motor neurons.
• The cerebellum receives information from the sensorimotor cortex and also from the vestibular system,
eyes, skin, muscles, joints, and tendons— that is, from some of the very receptors that movement
• One role of the cerebellum in motor functioning is to provide timing signals to the cerebral cortex and
spinal cord for precise execution of the different phases of a motor program.
• The cerebellum also participates in planning movements— integrating information about the nature of
an intended movement with information about the surrounding space.
• Unstable posture and awkward gait are two other symptoms characteristic of cerebellar disease.
Descending Pathways
The influence exerted by the various brain regions on posture and movement occurs
via descending pathways to the motor neurons and the interneurons that affect
them. The pathways are of two types:
The corticospinal pathways, which, as their name implies, originate in
the cerebral cortex;
And a second group we will refer to as the brainstem pathways, which
originate in the brainstem.
Neurons from both types of descending pathways end at synapses on alpha and
gamma motor neurons or on interneurons that affect them.
Sometimes these are the same interneurons that function in local reflex arcs, thereby
ensuring that the descending signals are fully integrated with local information
before the activity of the motor neurons is altered.
Corticospinal Pathway:
The nerve fibers of the corticospinal pathways have their cell bodies in
the sensorimotor cortex and terminate in the spinal cord.
In the medulla oblongata near the junction of the spinal cord and
brainstem, most of the corticospinal fibers cross (known as decussation)
to descend on the opposite side.
The skeletal muscles on the left side of the body are therefore
controlled largely by neurons in the right half of the brain, and vice
Brainstem Pathways:
Axons from neurons in the brainstem also form pathways that
descend into the spinal cord to influence motor neurons. These
pathways are sometimes referred to as the extrapyramidal system.
i. Impulses from the gamma motor neurons cause contraction of end portions of intrafusal
fibers (stimulus).
ii. This stretches and activates the central portion of the intrafusal fibers, which initiates
the reflex action for development of muscle tone by discharging the impulses.
iii. Impulses from the central portion of intrafusal fibers pass through primary sensory
nerve fibers (afferent fibers) and reach the anterior gray horn of spinal cord.
iv. These impulses stimulate the alpha motor neurons in anterior gray horn (center)
v. Alpha motor neurons in turn, send impulses to extrafusal fibers of the muscle through
spinal nerve fibers (efferent fibers)
vi. These impulses produce partial contraction of the muscle fibers resulting in
development of muscle tone (response).
When the frequency of discharge from gamma motor neurons increases, the activity of muscle
spindle is increased, and muscle tone also increases.
Stimulation of gamma motor neurons increases the muscle tone. Lesion in gamma motor
neurons leads to loss of tone in muscles.
Abnormal Muscle Tone
Abnormally high muscle tone, called hypertonia, accompanies a number of diseases and
is seen very clearly when a joint is moved passively at high speeds.
Spasticity is a form of hypertonia in which the muscles do not develop increased tone
until they are stretched a bit.
Hypotonia is a condition of abnormally low muscle tone accompanied by weakness,
atrophy (a decrease in muscle bulk), and decreased or absent reflex responses.
The skeleton supporting the body is a system of
long bones and a many-jointed spine that cannot
stand erect against the forces of gravity without
Maintenance of the support provided through coordinated
Upright Posture muscle activity. The muscles that maintain
and Balance upright posture—that is, support the body’s
weight against gravity—are controlled by the
brain and by reflex mechanisms “wired into” the
neural networks of the brainstem and spinal
For stability, the center of gravity must be kept
within the base of support the feet provide.
Once the center of gravity has moved beyond
this base, the body will fall unless one foot is
shifted to broaden the base of support.
The afferent pathways of the postural reflexes
come from three sources: the eyes, the
vestibular apparatus, and the receptors
involved in proprioception (joint, muscle, and
touch receptors, for example).