Urfinic Deity Family: Similar To The Mythical Gods of Finland
Urfinic Deity Family: Similar To The Mythical Gods of Finland
Urfinic Deity Family: Similar To The Mythical Gods of Finland
Alphabetical Listing
Ahto (Ahti): 1st Rank. The god of all water. The old man of the sea. Husband of
Aijeke: 2nd Rank. God of fire and lightning. Brightness of dazzling sort is sacred to
Aino: 6th Rank. The goddess of streams and rivers. She is concerned with fish and
riverine life.
Ajatar (Ajattara): 3rd Rank. The Serpent deity of darkest evil. It is the bringer of
Akkruva (Avfruvva, Harfru): 3rd Rank. The sea goddess. She is concerned with all
matters pertaining to the salt waters. She frequently appears as a mermaid. Her
Beiwe: 4th Rank. A sun god and patron of the Tundra lands.
Cacce-jielle: 5th Rank. The water god and consort of Cacca-jienne. He is Evil and
seeks to wreak harm. In this regard he will appear as a fish or human. There are
malign spirit deities serving him and his consort. They are of 9th Rank and are
Cacce-jienne: 5th Rank. The water goddess and consort of Cacca-jielle. Her
disposition is also evil. She is served by the same water spirits as is her consort.
Hiisi: 3rd Rank. The great god of living evil. He often takes physical form of an
Ilmarinen: 2nd Rank. The sky god. Patron of smiths, magic forgers, and alchemists.
Joukahainen (Jouko): 4th Rank. Malign god of ice and snow. Foe of Vainomoinen.
Juksakka: 5th Rank. The goddess of summer and Protectress of boy children.
Kaleva: 6th Rank. A deified mortal hero who is the Patron of the southern valley lands.
Kekri: 4th Rank. An underworld dimensions deity and lord of the spirits of good
Kerki: 5th Rank. The god of cattle and domestic animals and like livestock.
Kuippana: 4th Rank. The god of woodlands who is the Patron of travelers.
Kurra: 7th Rank. A demigod and heroic deity who is a companion of Lemminkainen
Leib-olmai: 5th Rank. A bear god and the god of bears. The alder is sacred to him.
Lemminkainen: 5th Rank. The handsome and heroic deity of romance and adventure
who is the son of Lempi. He is the Patron of adventurers, explorers, rogues, and
warriors, for he is himself a handsome and rogue and lover. He is a foe of Louhi.
Lempi: 4th Rank. The god of erotic love and the father of Lemminkainen.
Louhi: 3rd Rank. Goddess of Evil and witchery, worker of malaign powers, and the
Protectress of the dark land of Pohjola. She is the mother of Pakkanen and two
Loviatar: 3rd Rank. Goddess of disease, illness, blindness, and malformation. She is
Luonnotar (Ilnatar): 2nd Rank. The great creator goddess who is the daughter of Ukko
Liekko: 4th Rank. The god of flora. He sometimes appears on the material plane as a
Luot-kosjiki (Luot-chozjik): 5th Rank. The god of reindeer and sub-artic herd animals.
Maanhaltija: 5th Rank. The goddess of the fruits of the land and productivity.
Madderakka: 3rd Rank. The goddess of fertility and the Protectress of childbirth. She
Mana: 4th Rank. The goddess of the underworld. She is the wife of Tuoni and the
Nakimneito: 5th Rank. The goddess of fresh water, springs, and of horses. She is the
wife of Nakki.
Nakineiu: 6th Rank. The evil goddess of bogs and marshes and the wife of Nakk. She
is a shape-shifter who takes material form on earth to lure men to their deaths.
Nakk: 6th Rank. The evil god of fog and mist and the husband of Nakineiu. He is a
shape-shifter who takes material form on earth to lure men to their deaths.
Nakki: 5th Rank. The god of fresh water, springs, and of horses. He is the husband of
Nules-murt: 3rd Rank. The god of wild vegetation, great forests, and deserted places.
Nyyrikki: 3rd Rank. The god of rain. He is the son of Tapio and Meilikki and the
brother of Tuulikki.
Ovda: 7th Rank. The god who is the guardian of caves and ruins. He is a servant of
Pakkanen: 3rd Rank. The evil god of winter, ice, and frost. He is the son of Louhi.
Pales-murt: 6th Rank. A god and the Protector of wild flora. He is a servant of Nules-
Pellervoinen: 3rd Rank. The god of light and warmth, the Lord of spring and summer
Pauanne: 3rd Rank. The god of thunder and storms. He is an AVATAR of Ukko.
Peko: 4th Rank. the god of barley and all grains who is concerned with good weather
Rossakivo (Rossthiof): 5th Rank. The Trickster god of thieves, swindlers, and
Sarakka: 5th Rank. The goddess of spring and Protectress of newborn infants.
Storjunka: 4th Rank. The god of hunting and the chase who is the Protector of the
northern lands.
Sural: 5th Rank. The malign god who is the guardian of wildernesses. He is a servant
of Nules-mert.
Tapio: 2nd Rank. the great god of earth and air. He is the husband of Meilikki and the
Tiermen (Turem): 5th Rank. The god of lightning and the bow who is the Patron of
Tuonetar: 2nd Rank. The goddess of death who is the daughter of Tuoni and Mana and
Tuoni: 1st Rank. The God of dead and lord of the underworld. He is the father of
Turas: 3rd Rank. A Giant and the god of sea storms and tidal waves.
Tuulikki: 3rd Rank. The goddess of wind. She is the daughter of Tapio and Meilikki,
Ukko: 1st Rank. The great god of the heavens and sky. He is the active son of Jumala
Avatar: Pauanne.
Uksakka: 5th Rank. The goddess of autum and Protectress of girl children. Daughter
Vainomoinen: 3rd Rank. The god of music, poetry, magical singing, and all
robust and vigorous old man with white hair and beard. His sphere is called
Vaksoza: 5th Rank. the god of milling, flour, bread, etc. He is the Patron of millers,
bakers, and cooks as well. Offerings to him are porridge and butter.
Vellamo: 2nd Rank. The goddess of the sea and wife of Ahto.
Wipunen: 3rd Rank. A primeval Giant god skilled in extraordinary capacities and
Yskal-pydo-murt: 5th Rank. The god. and protector of wild fauna. He is a servant of
Zemepatis: 6th Rank. The god of agriculture and produce. He is the husband of
Zemepeiti: 6th Rank. The goddess of gardens ans the harvest. She is the wife of
Zevrotar (Zevrona): 6th Rank. A goddess of wild fauna and the wilderness.
Sampo: Any special magical device fashioned by deities that produces material
Tuonela: The other-dimensional plane of the dead with two spheres: Manala, the