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Sublevel Btbg-1 - The Red Crystal Caverns:: Wand of Fireballs

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Sublevel BtBG-1 – The Red Crystal Caverns:

This sublevel can be accessed from any level you choose – the players happen upon an open pit
or well encrusted with ruby-colored quartz – as are all the caverns and chambers of the sub-
level. The opening funnels downward, nearly a hundred feet, before opening into the ceiling of
area 1.

This sublevel is filled with a labyrinth of quartz-choked corridors (particularly the SW corner of
the level), some little more than narrow tunnels, some up to ten feet or more across. Many
monsters lurk and wander through the tunnels in search of prey.

Wandering Monsters (1d20, check each turn)

1-10 – no encounter

11 – Giant Slug

12 – Gelatinous Cube

13 – Bugbears(3d4, see area 26)

14 – Zombies(4d6, see area 16)

15 – Giant Rats(5d10)

16 – Basilisk

17 – Black Pudding

18-19 – Red Crystal Gargoyles (2d3, see area 1)

20 – NPC Party (3d3 NPCs, levels equal to average party level)

Keyed Area Descriptions:

1. Red Crystal Pit – The floor, walls, and ceiling (100’ high) of this cathedral-like cavern
are composed of dark, blood-red quartz. Much of it is sharp, and anyone coming into
contact with a surface with any great force sustains 1d2 points of damage. Torchlight
reflects crazily in the room. A breeze blows through the room, causing many of the
crystalline outcroppings to tinkle like wind chimes. A group of ruby-crystal gargoyles lurks
in the shadowy upper corners of the cavern, waiting for passersby to pounce upon. They
keep a small treasure hidden beneath a pile of victims’ bones in the easternmost alcove –
400gp, 40pp, a crumpled, jeweled gold hair-net w/150gp, a set of four gilded goblets
w/75gp each, an onyx and platinum ring w/100gp, a set of ivory dice, and a ruby-tipped
wand of fireballs (7 charges). The NE and E doors are trapped. (6 Gargoyles AC5;
HD4+4; HP24,24,20,18,15,10; Atk 2claws(1d3)bite(1d4)horns(1d6); SaveF4).

2. The Pool of Making – A 20’x10’ pool, 5’ deep, has been carved into the floor of this
chamber. The water within it looks bloody, but this is due to the crystals. A brass plate is
set into the bottom of the pool, just barely visible from the surface, and covered in
runes. Read Magic reveals the runes to be an inscription of the Enchant Item spell; the
spell may be read aloud once every 28 days as if it were a magic user scroll. A rusty bell
lies in the SE corner of the room.

3. Vault of the Red Oni – A bas-relief depicting an Ogre Mage with red fangs conceals a
secret door. Both eyes appear depressable, the left opens the door, while the right blasts
everyone in front of it with a cone of cold. Within is a square chamber with a domed
ceiling. The walls here are smooth and devoid of crystal and have been painted over with
scenes of Oni slaughtering humans. A steel weapon rack is bolted in the center of the
floor and holds 4 glaives-guisarms, 4 pikes, and 4 halbards. One of the pikes is +1, +3
vs. aquatic creatures, and all the weapons are supernaturally unbreakable and rust-proof.

4. The Yellow Throne – The SW door to this room is wizard-locked, and the portcullis to
the N can only be opened by means of a lever at the dead-end of the short corridor west
of the room. The walls and ceilings are of the default red crystal, but the floor has been
set with 4’-wide tiles of black marble. A yellow-painted wooden throne sits at the mid-
point of the E wall. Anyone sitting in the throne must roll a d8: 1-2 nothing happens, 3
hair turns permanently white, 4 an ear-splitting shriek comes from the throne, 5 the
apparition of an old man appears, smiles kindly at the PC and fades away again (the next
save the PC makes is at +4), 6 the apparition of a young woman appears, glares at the
PC, and fades away (the next save the PC makes is at -4), 7 the PC is jolted by an influx
of energy (+1d6x100 xp), 8 the PC is drained of energy (-1d6x100 xp). A piece of
parchment is under the throne, with a cartoonish drawing of a dragon burning a temple.

5. The Black Ball – An 8’-wide sphere of black marble sits in the center of the floor here.
It weighs well over a ton. Three empty wine bottles (Paravignian Chablis) are scattered

6. Crypt of Fangs – A stone sarcophagus sits in the center of this room. Its lid is carved
into the form of a robust, inhuman, tusked huntsman. Four massive clay urns with wax-
sealed stoppers sit at its four corners. Any attempt to disturb the urns or sarcophagus
causes the urns to explode outward, releasing the mummified remains of four enormous
black hounds. If the hounds are defeated, they and their urns will reform over the course
of 28 days. Within the sarcophagus are the desiccated remains of an old Oni with a
peaceful expression, and nothing of value. (4 Mummy Hounds – AC4; HD5; HP
30,28,22,12; Atk Bite(2d6); Save F5; 5% chance per hit of contracting disease).

7. The Frozen Garden – This vast chamber is covered in gently terraced gardens, fruit-
bearing orchards, and sparkling pools and fountains – all are completely frozen and
covered in sparkling ice and snow, all of which glints red from the crystals above. A
beautiful young maiden, wearing little but a silver collar, may sometimes be found
wandering through the gardens, singing merrily to herself and stopping to admire the
odd frosty blossom. She is Ymylda, a sorceress and servant of Chaos who is far older
than she appears. The white dragon Glauring, which beds in the E alcove atop a heap of
snow and treasure (4000sp, 600gp, 200pp, 16 pearls w/100gp each, 4 diamonds

w/500gp each, a suit of gold-inlaid chainmail w/2500gp, a crystal chandelier w/350gp, a
matched set of silver daggers w/25gp each, a silver skullcap with obsidian studs
w/150gp, a +2 mace covered in holy runes, a +1 shield shaped like a teardrop, and a
leather case containing four potions of invisibility), is enraptured with her. (Ymylda –
AC7; MU7; HP21; atk dagger(1d4); Save MU5; Spells charm person, sleep, magic
missile, protection from good, invisibility, web, phantasmal force, slow, suggestion, ice
storm; Ring of Protection +2, Collar of Cold Resistance, Potion of Gaseous Form, jewelry
w/1400gp. White Dragon – AC2; HD7; HP42; atk 2claws(1d4) bite(2d8); Save F7; Special
Cold Breath 70’ cone.)

8. The Paint Abyss – The floor of this room is painted to appear as a bottomless pit. It is
empty save for a small bundle of embroidered towels (“E.H.”) sitting near the door.

9. The Waving Wench – A statue depicting a curvaceous woman stands in the center of
the room, smiling invitingly and gesturing towards the S door.

10. The Weeping Wench – A statue depicting a curvaceous woman stands in the center of
the room, hiding her face in one hand as if weeping, and making a warding gesture
toward the S corridor with the other hand.

11. Office of the Coroner – Seven steel tables fill the center of this room, and there are
steel drains in the floor. The corpse of a man, only a few days old, lies bloating on the
far left table. There is a 10% chance per round that a Carrion Crawler appears from the
W opening in search of food.

12. Fountain of the Fish – The portcullis to this room is locked, and can be raised via a
winch on the W wall. In the center of the room is a fountain with a marble fish “jumping”
out of it and trickling water from its mouth. A tile mural on the floor depicts a romantic
pair of Ogre Magi sitting by the fountain. The water is clean, clear, and cool, and very
refreshing to drink.

13. Cavern of the Deadly Murals – This vast cavern has a museum of sorts set up in the
center – four murals hanging from eight 10’-tall wood posts. Each mural depicts a
gathering of ghostly looking, tusked faces. Anyone studying the faces closely must save
or age 1d10 years per round they stand and stare. A mated pair of fearsome, red-furred
lions lairs in the cavern. A recent victim, a dwarf, lies in a far corner with all his limbs
gnawed off. A pouch at his belt contains a packet of dust of sneezing and choking and he
wears a floppy, blue hat which conveys a +1 bonus to any saving throws against charm-
type enchantments. (Lions AC6; HD5+2; HP31,24; Atk
2claws(1d4)bite(1d8);SaveF5;Special 65% stealth).

14. Wall of Obsidian Swords – This chamber has roughly hewn walls. On the W wall,
three obsidian great-swords hang from iron hooks. Only those who have made
allegiances with Chaos may grasp the swords, all others suffer 6d6 points of negative
energy damage. The swords are powerful (as +2 great-swords), but brittle and heavy.
After 2d4 successful attacks, an obsidian sword will shatter into pieces, reforming upon
the Wall of Obsidian Swords 28 days later.

15. Chamber of the Talking Head – The walls of this chamber are filled with niches
holding mummified heads and skulls, mostly human but a few of various humanoid and
demi-human races as well. One head is still in pretty good shape, and berates anyone
entering the chamber loudly (increase rate of wandering monster checks accordingly).
The head will veer wildly from insulting to pleading, alternately demanding and begging
that PCs carry it with them and put it somewhere else, because it has been in its niche
for too long and is terribly bored. Elsewhere in the chamber, behind the tusked skull of a
half-orc, is a small leather pouch containing a handful of moldy acorns and a garnet

16. Maze of Pale Slime – This huge cavern is filled with a forest of giant fungi and
mushrooms of all descriptions, some of which excrete gold and valuable gems as they
process the minerals of their environment. Each turn, explorers have a 25% chance of
turning up 1d10gp worth of gold dust and a 5% chance of turning up an actual ruby
worth 1d20x10gp. Unfortunately, this maze-like subterranean forest is stalked by a
number of oozy predators (and occasionally their undead victims). Roll 1d6 each turn to
see what shows up in the PCs vicinity: 1-Ochre Jelly, 2-Black Pudding, 3-Slithering
Tracker, 4-Gelatinous Cube, 5-Grey Ooze, 6-Zombies(2d6). Any corpse left in this area
more than an hour has a 25% chance (cumulative per day) of arising as a zombie.

17. Vault of the Mad Elf – This chamber is shut away by a door of solid, unbreakable glass
with no visible handle, knob, or keyhole. If the door is touched, a magic mouth appears
and demands a password. If the password is given, the door swings open. The chamber
within is visible through the glass door, and is a richly appointed place with a gurgling
fountain of fresh water, a heavily laden fig tree, and an assortment of oversized divans,
couches, and chairs. Paintings of dancing Oni (Ogre Magi) adorn the walls. An elven lord
(lvl9) lounges about the place, muttering to himself. He has been driven quite mad by his
near 100-year imprisonment in the chamber. He knew the password once, but it cannot
be used from the inside, and he has long since forgotten it. Behind him, a graceful door
leads to a long closet filled with 1000gp worth of ornate clothing, a suit of +1 Plate Mail
on a manikin, a +2 shield, and a +2 longsword, +3 vs. dragons.

18. Gallery of Souls – The walls of this chamber are lined with 26 framed paintings
depicting various noble human men and women. The eyes of all appear to follow
intruders, pleading silently as if in great torment. Any attempt to molest the paintings
gives the vandal an electric shock for 1d6 points. The ceiling here is crowded with bats,
and their droppings are thick on the floor. Unseen in the upper reaches of the chamber is
a winding chute, hundreds of feet long, leading up and out into the above-ground world.

19. Hall of the Misty Mirror – A 10’ x 10’ mirror hangs on the S wall of this chamber.
Anyone looking into the mirror sees the room and its contents as if cloaked in a weird,
swirling green mist. If the mirror is touched, a wraith is summoned into the chamber in a
puff of noxious green smoke and attempts to drag the offender through the mirror into
the wraith-world beyond. Beyond the mirror lurk twelve more wraiths – three of them
possess +1 broadswords that glow a soft rosy hue when undead are within 60’. Each
sword has a 1500gp black pearl set into the pommel. (13 Wraiths – AC3; HD4;

HP24,24,22,21,20,20,20,18,15,15,14,11,9; Atk Broadsword(2d4) or Touch (1d6 plus level
drain); SaveF4; Special Level Drain with touch atk.)

20. Harem of the Harpies – A group of harpies makes its home in this cavern, which is
filled with tall columns of red quartz. In the center of this crystalline forest is a 40’ wide
iron pen containing 3d6 men (80% 0-lvl human, 10% demi-human lvl1d6, 10% human
lvl1d6+1), all filthy, starved, injured, and drooling from constant exposure to the harpies’
mind-bending siren songs. The men are kept here for food and other less savory
purposes. A heap of bones and torn clothing is piled in the SE corner of the room. The
harpies’ treasure is kept in three locked chests perched precariously atop three
particularly tall crystal columns (Chest 1- 1600gp, 12 small emeralds w/50gp each; Chest
2 – 2500sp, 6 hunks of amber w/75gp each; Chest 3 – 66pp, 12 platinum rings w/20gp
each, 3 elegant silver circlets w/100gp each, a battered tin lamp that magically lights on
command, and a bottle of rare perfume w/150gp). Once every month or so Glauring (see
Area 7) comes here to kill and eat a harpy because his maiden finds them offensive. (15
Harpies – AC7; HD3; HP18, 18, 18, 16, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 5; Atk 2
talons (1d3) or weapon (1d6); Save F3; Special Charm song, Charm touch)

21. Half a Halfling – This chamber is empty except for a half-eaten Halfling. All this poor
fellow’s possessions have been looted save for a bent silver flute. The door to the S is
locked and trapped.

22. JDE’s Room – This room contains a cheap wooden table. On the table are a couple of
chipped plates, two empty cups, and a manikin head with a parchment note beneath it.
The note reads, “please be seated, your host will be with you shortly.” Carved into the
table are the words “JDE3 wuz here”.

23. Crystal Distillery – Seventeen wooden barrels, tops open, are scattered around the
room. Reddish fluid drips from the crystalline ceiling here, and is collected in the barrels.
This liquid has an earthy taste and roughly the same alcohol content as wine. There is a
10% chance that a wandering monster is already here and very inebriated.

24. Punch & Judy – A small wooden stage is set up in this room with a curtain behind it. In
a box off to one side is a selection of Punch & Judy puppets.

25. Major Statuary – The statue of a mutton-chopped military officer stands in the center
of this room. If anyone enters the room, it begins shouting orders via magic mouth like
“you there, stand at attention!” and “drop and give me fifty!” and “Once more into the
breach my boys, hep hep!”.

26. Cave of Echoes – The quartz in this cavern is so dark as to be almost black, and eerily
non-reflective of light. It is, however, highly acoustical and noise will echo crazily around
the place. A small Bugbear war party has been bivouacked in the NW area of the cavern
for a couple of weeks now, as they are enamored of a natural liquor produced by the
caverns (see Area 23). Several wooden barrels of the stuff stand outside their tents. The
bugbears wear orange and black-lacquered scale mail, ornate feathered headdresses,
and wield wicked curved greatswords and heavy crossbows. Old Crastie, a witch, lives in
a small hut in the far E area of the cavern. The Bugbears have learned not to mess with

her (judging from the 7 bugbear heads mounted atop her hut), and do their best to
pretend she doesn’t exist. Old Crastie is actually an elderly female Oni (Ogre Mage), but
will avoid revealing the fact. She will however tell the tale of how once the entirety of the
Red Crystal Caves were home to a large clan of Oni, who were systematically hunted
down and killed over a century ago by a trio a fiery demons (efreet), one of whom still
lives in the adjoining chamber. She will offer a diamond worth 5000gp to the party that
brings her the fire demon’s head, and will offer two potions of fire resistance up front as
well. (26 Bugbears – AC5; HD3+1; HP 19, 19, 18, 18, 18, 17, 16, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 14,
13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 10, 10, 9, 6; Atk Greatsword(1d10), bite(2d4), or
heavy crossbow(1d8); SaveF3; 2d6 gp/1d6 pp each.)

27. Caved-in Room – This room is filled with heaps of broken red quartz, evidence of a
recent cave-in. Crushed red powder still drifts down from above periodically, but there is
not really any danger of another collapse any time soon. Under the rubble toward the S
of the room is the crushed body of a young mage. He has been looted of everything but
his cheap-looking wooden staff – this staff actually has a hidden compartment inside
containing six scrolls – haste, polymorph other, polymorph self, remove curse, wizard
eye, conjure elemental.

28. Green Room – This room has been sloppily painted green. The floor is covered in
taloned footprints.

29. Cage Room – An iron cage hangs from a chain from the ceiling in the center of this
room. Inside is the corpse of a thief, his rotting hands still clutching the bars. A sign is
hanging around the thief’s neck, and reads “I am a Naughty Boy”.

30. Vault of the Blue Oni – All the doors to this room are locked and trapped (magical
blasts of cold, 3d6, save for half). The walls of this room are painted with scenes of finely
dressed Ogre Magi engaged in various artistic and romantic pursuits. A large, engraved
stone trunk in the center contains 20,000sp, 5000gp, 400pp, 25 carnelians w/100gp
each, 50 tiny sapphires w/10gp each, a +3 returning spear, a +2 short sword of
sharpness, a +2 Heavy Crossbow of Speed, a Wand of Frost (25 charges), a furry white
Cloak of Winter (allows wearer to pass without trace and move normally in snow and ice,
and imparts cold resistance), and an Onyx Hound Figurine. Runes in the ancient
language of the Ogre Magi are engraved on the trunk’s lid, and read “My fire burns
unending, speak my name and banish shadow’s ire.” If the answer (“sun”) is spoken in
Ogre Mage, the trunk slides open. Otherwise, if an attempt is made to open the trunk,
1d4 Ogre Mage-sized shadows spring forth from the stone each round to assail the
intruders, until all intruders are dead or flee. (Shadows – AC7; HD3+3; HP15each; Atk
touch(1d4+Str Drain); SaveF3; Special drain1pt of Str w/touch).

31. Cavern of the Fire Lord – This vast, scorching hot cavern is filled with jets of flame,
roiling black smoke, and the stench of brimstone. Three wide fiery pits are in the floor at
the center of the cavern, and between them stands the Great Fire Lord A’Ang Dru’Orr, a
sneering, bloodthirsty Efreet who came, along with his two brothers, to make war with
the Oni of these caves more than a century ago. The Oni were vanquished, along with
his two brothers. Now only he is left (and Old Crastie next door, unbeknownst to him),
and he lurks here brooding over his dark plots and designs. He will brag of looting five of

the legendary Seven Vaults of the Oni and destroying their contents in the fiery pits. The
massive bones of Oni litter the floor of this cavern. (Efreet – AC2; HD10; HP77; Atk Fiery
Mattock 2d6; Save F10; Special Fly24, Wall of Fire at-will.)

32. Vault of the Green Oni – The N door to this chamber is locked and trapped. The walls
are painted with pastoral scenes of Ogre Magi wandering through a rosy-hued crystal
maze while a fiery artificial sun blazes overhead. The remains of three blasted iron chests
litter the floor.

33. Octopus Chamber – The door to this room is secret – a bas-relief octopus has three
arms that must be depressed to cause the wall to slide open. Within is a cubical chamber
with a domed ceiling painted to resemble a starry sky. The walls are painted in an
undersea motif with coral and waving seaweed. A circular pool is set into the floor at the
center of the room, and the bottom is filled with gold coins (333gp). Anyone taking a
coin from the pool will be plagued with bad luck (-1 to all attacks and saves) until the
coin is returned.

Al Krombach



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