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Thesis It Guys 1

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Chapter I



As today's society is becoming more and more dependent on new technology,

increasing attention is given to Computer Literacy, which is the current information age

is no less significant was reading, writing and calculus in the 19th and 20th centuries

(Anderson, 1983) like reading which is sometimes rightly called by socialization

scholars, the socialization of socialization, computer literacy becomes an essential

precondition for successful socialization and professional career. For this reason,

education is being an important factor in society development, plays an essential role in

addressing the issues of literacy and in particular computer literacy. According to Senator

Oreta, three to four out of five students lacked knowledge in using computers (Philippine

star 2002. Computer Literacy can be understood or being different from informatics

literacy (understand computer science principles and programming concepts).

This functionality includes being able to solve and avoid problems, adapt to new

situations, keep information organized and communicate effectively with other computer

literate people. Computer Literacy as the knowledge and ability to use computers and

related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use

to programming and advanced problem solving. Computer literacy can also refer to the

comfort level someone has with using computer programs and other applications that are

associated with computers.


Another valuable component of computer literacy is knowing how computers

work and operate. Having basic computer skills is a significant asset in the developed

countries. It is also an understanding of the concepts, terminology and operations that

relate to general computer use. It is the essential knowledge needed to function

independently with a computer. This functionality includes being able to solve and avoid

problems, adapt to new situations, keep information organized and communicate

effectively with other computer literate people.” (Computer Literacy USA, retrieved

19:22, 5 December 2011 (CET). Computer literate is a term used to describe individuals

who have the knowledge and skills to use a computer and other related technology. This

term is usually used to describe the most basic knowledge and skills needed to operate

software products such as an operating system, a software application, or an automated

Web design tool.

Computer literacy is becoming an increasingly essential skill. It involves learning

how to access information and perform basic operations on a computer. It can be

understood in the same way that traditional literacy applies to print media. However,

because computers are much more advanced than print media in terms of access,

operation and overall use, computer literacy includes many more types of cognitive and

technical skills, from understanding text and visual symbols, to turning devices on and

off or accessing parts of an operating system through menus. There are many different

specific skills involved in computer literacy. Higher level skills like coding, HTML Web

development and network administration are not usually referred to as computer literacy.

Some basic maintenance of a computer, or use of products like the Microsoft Office suite,

may fall into this category of knowledge.

Computer literacy courses may offer instruction on how to use Microsoft Office,

how to use an operating system and how to use an Internet browser. Those with higher

level skills, like programmers, are sometimes called "power users."

Nowadays, computer is a must in all level of academic studies and electronic

resources also become the top source in finding information about researches because its


However, in developing countries like Philippines, there are places {e.g. schools,

provinces, remote areas, etc.} that lacks awareness about technologies specifically on

computer and internet, San Manuel High School is one of this place.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of this study is to determine the computer and information literacy

among Grade 11 Students of San Manuel High School. Specifically, the study sought to

answer to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents be describe in terms of;

1.1 age

1.2 gender

2. What is the level of literacy in using basic computer operations in terms of;

2.1 Basic computer operation;

2.2 Using word processing;


2.3 Using and creating spreadsheets;

2.4 Creating multimedia operation; and

2.5 Using Internet;

4. What is the implication of this study to the respondents?

Significance of the Study

This study will help to find out the prevalence and contributing factors of how the

Grade 11 Students of San Manuel High School good in terms of being Computer Literate.

This study will be significant to the following: Researchers, Future Researchers,

Students, Teachers, Community and School.

Researchers because the result of the study can be a basis for other researchers’

future references. It will also give them idea in the importance of computer in the

research process. They may include other variables to deeper the study for effective

Computer Literacy Program.

Future Researchers will also benefit because this study will help the student

researchers to be aware and knowledgeable of the process involve in Computer Literacy.

It would help that to be a better analyst and it can be help as a future reference for more

studies in the future.

Students will also benefit because the output of this investigation would make the

student aware of an updated technology and use the technology to improve their learning

experiences, Computer helps to speed the learning process for students because it creates

more efficient learning environment in many ways.


Teachers- the output of this investigation would make the teachers aware of and

updated on technology and use the technology to improve instructional materials,

learning experiences, teaching competence, and students performance. Also the

computers can help teachers in terms of information access and research. Moreover, they

will also be aware of their weaknesses and strengths about computer; and consequently ,

make the necessary adjustment from outdated to updated trainings and seminars.

School will benefit also because the outcome of this study will be basis for a

program which will benefit schools. Elevating equality of education of students through

the use of computer, providing computer application and high-quality standard in


Community will benefit also because the outcome of this study will be basis for a

program which will benefit the whole community. The Community has the possibility to

increase their Economic growth as the time pass by because they are aware on what was

happening at present.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused to the Computer Literacy of Grade 11 students of San Manuel

High School S.Y 2018-2019.

The findings were the basis for a proposed Computer Literacy of Grade 11

students of San Manuel High School. This study covered the assessment of the student’s

Computer literacy in terms of basic computer operations communication and the internet

word processing, editing, and graphics. The respondents are the Grade 11 students of San

Manuel High School. There are 6 strands namely, the Tile Setting, Tourism, Hairdressing

and Animation which is under the Tech-Voc while Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) and Accountancy Business and Management (ABM) are under the Academic


Definition of Terms

Assessment- means to evaluate a student s progress in learning new skills and

knowledge (strong, etal.2014) In this study assessment means to estimate the literacy rate

of teachers in computer applications.

Communications/Communication network- Is to convey message from one

point or place to another.it is associated with machine to machine communications, such

as terminals to computer to computer communication (Dhotre,2007).

Computer- an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in

binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program

Computer literacy- Means being knowledgeable about the capabilities of

hardware and software and understanding how computers and the internet can enhance

student’s educational experiences (Reynolds, etal.2007)

Graphics/Graphics Presentation- Is an image designed to visually enhance a

presentation, typically to convey information more easily to people. It can be used in

electronic slide shows, as well as printed handouts, overhead transparencies, word

processing documents and web page (Morley,2009).


Information Communication Technology ICT- Means of any piece of

technology that allows users to create, store, displaying formation in all its forms (text,

images, videos and audio) and communicate it over distance ICT includes computers,

handheld computers and cellphones and the convergence of any of this


Internet- is a worldwide collection of separate, but interconnected, networks that

used daily by millions of people to obtain information, disseminate information, access

entertainment or communicate with others (Morley,2009).

Teacher- Means a person employed in an official capacity for the purpose of

giving instruction to student in an educational institution, whether public or private

(Molina 2001)

Word Processing- is a software program that includes tool for entering, editing

and formatting text and graphics. It allows you to create and enhance a wide range of

documents quickly and easily (Bessken,2009


Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, both local and

foreign, which provides a background and frame of reference upon which the conceptual

framework and other entries of this study were formulated.

Foreign Literature

We have come a long way from using just desktop PCs in the 1980s to using a

wide variety of technology for instruction purposes such as the internet, the iPod,

Blogging, laptop computers, podcasting, e-Learning platforms (e.g. Moodle,

Blackboard), interactive whiteboards with video-capture technology, streaming videos,

and using iPod as a digital notebook. We have also moved from a local classroom to a

global classroom via distance learning technology.

An example of a school system with a 21 st Century infrastructure is Saugus Union

of California. Saugus Union has remained on the cutting edge of technology (THE 2006

Innovators, 2006). Examples of their use of technology in instruction include PDAs and

interactive whiteboards, podcast lesson reviews via students’ MP3 players, and broadcast

streamed via the Internet. A key component to their success has been technology

specialists who deliver ongoing professional development. Saugus Union’s futuristic

philosophy has allowed the district to improve communication and collaboration among

students, staff, parents, and the community.


While Saugus Union made its ways to post an edge in advance technology mostly

intended for instruction, it was not perceived as norm because not all school systems are

operating with this innovative use of instructional technology even though 99% of

fulltime teachers had access to computers or the internet somewhere in their schools by

1999, ACCORDING to a National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) study

(Roward, 2000). Then about the same time as the NCES report, Stanford University

Professor Larry Cuban bemoaned the status of technology use in education by writing a

book entitled, “Overload and Underused: Computers in the Classroom (2003). Recently,

writing in the Phi Delta Kappa, Allen (2008) discussed one of the issues addressed by “A

Nation at Risk”, namely, that schools were not adequately preparing students to address

the country’s needs for highly skilled workers in new and evolving fields. Allen implied

that although education has spent large amount of money on technology for instruction,

perhaps education has not kept pace with the use of technology in schools over the last 25


According to Peerless, Fieldman, and German (Digest of Literature on the Impact

of the Computer in Instruction, 2003), since its introduction in schools in 1982, the

personal computer has been touted as an instrument that would revolutionize education.

Large investment of resources in hardware, software, and personnel have made the

computer a common and prominent feature in most schools today.

The 21st Century is said to be the educational genre for computer technology in

the classroom. The Campus Computing Project, which annually surveys 600 2-year and

4-year public and private institutions in higher education from throughout the US, found

that integrating instruction technology into the classroom remains the top priority for all

types of higher education institutions in the US, as it has been for the previous five years,

and is expected to remain so far at least the next two to three years (Green, 2001).

Technology is a part of everyday life in the 21st Century. As a result, according to

a Digest of Technology Education, it should also be prevalent in the 21 st Century High

School classroom (Soine, 2000). Classroom technology should also become an integral

part of the core mission for the institution (Johnson, 1997), with its primary focus rooted

in the paradigm shift from teaching to learning (Jafari, 1999; Reynolds and Wermer,

1998). According to Reil, Schwarz, Peterson, and Henricks (2000), programs that foster

the use of computer technology in the classroom increased familiarization with

technology and led to empowerment in technology as well as teaching. Bilimoria (1997)

in his book cautioned the future generations would be computer literate and would expect

technology in the classroom. In order to find ways to avoid becoming “pedestrians on the

information superhighway”, the author recommended that faculty members cease to view

themselves as the “receptacles of knowledge in our societies” and expand their

professional competencies as facilitators and technologists.

Technology allows faculty to build a bridge between the classroom and the world

(Ward & Clark, 2000) and allows students to experience real-world opportunities in the

classroom (Hull, 1999), which are highly valued (Lang, 2000). Technology can be the

curriculum, a mechanism for the delivery of course materials, a means of supplementing

instruction, or an instructional device (Ginsburg, as cited in Imel, 1998) to enhance

learning (Milliron & Miles, 1999). According to Bates (2000), reasons for using

technology to enhance the classroom experience includes improvement of learning

quality, providing students with opportunities to learn technology skills, extending access

to post-secondary instruction, and expanding the search of technology in the world

outside the classroom.

While the infusion of technology into the traditional classroom delivery can

provide what Tait & Mills (1999) termed, “…an adventure in the pursuit of knowledge,”

(p.152) the curriculum itself must be the driving force, with technology use in an

adjunctive capacity (Chizmar & Williams, 2001); Duhaney & Zemel, 2000; Hammer &

Kellner, 2000). Smith (1997) reported a tendency of faculty to jump on the technology

bandwagon due to the expectations of peers or supervisors or because the technology was

available, rather than for the value of it would add to the curriculum.

Hammer & Keller (2000) contended that faculty must get beyond the mechanics

of using technology to the point of truly incorporating into their classrooms. They also

expressed a need for faculty to assist students in developing “their own cultural artifacts

with the educational setting” (New Educational Technology: Challenges and Potential,

Section 4) as a means of bringing quality to learning. The use of technology for

instruction in the classroom should serve to “empower and enlighten” both students and

faculty (New Educational Technology: Challenges and Potential, section 18). The

implementation of computer technology in the classroom can be characterized as the

selection of experiences and activities that augment traditional instruction in ways that

provide enrichment without overshadowing the intended objectives (Jewett, 2000).


Instructional technology is a vital part of career and technical education and

“encompasses not only the computer but also other technologies and delivery systems”

(Lu & Miller, 2002) that may be used in the classroom. In recent years, there has been an

increased emphasis on the integration of technology into curriculum, especially at the

high school level (Peake, Briers & Murphy, 2005). Lu & Miller (2002) described the

technology used in the classroom to be in various forms including computers, DVD/VCR

players, digital and video cameras, televisions, cooking equipment, and welding

equipment. They also described how classroom technology can help the teacher to use,

assess, alter, and present information in a variety of ways.

For teachers to enhance the learning experiences of their classrooms, they need to

use up-to-date and interactive technologies. These include Design Your Own Home for

housing and interiors, My Amazing Human Body for nutrition and wellness, and Cyber

Snacks for food production (Keane, 2002). The Internet also serves as a valuable teaching

tool, helping to enhance the curriculum though free downloads, interactive websites, and

e-Mail (McFadden, Croxall, and Wright, 2001).

The Internet is an ever-changing entity and it is important that teachers stay

current on what is available to them. According to Masley, Sweaney, and Valente (2000),

there are three main reasons of the importance why teachers must stay abreast of current

technology trends. First, the Internet is a very useful tool and can be used to provide

hands-on learning experiences for the students. It provides quick and easy access to a

wealth of information from around the world. Second, as our culture has become more

technologically-oriented, so must our students if they are to live and work in today’s

society. By incorporating the Internet into the classroom, the teacher is helping the

students learn how to find information and successfully use technology. Third, teachers

are constantly getting new technology and it is up to them to explore their students to it in

order for them to be successful in the work force.

There are certain phases teachers go through when incorporating technology into

the classroom. Sandholtz, Ringstaff, and Dwyer (1997) created a model describing five

(5) phases educators go through when increasing their use of technology.

As teachers progress through each of these five (5) phases, they develop a better

understanding as to how to use technology in the classroom.

A. Local Literature

In the Philippines, many teachers have doubts about using computers. It is

common to feel apprehensions towards the machines. Even knowledgeable users do not

understand many of the computers are working and how should they? Its like few

understand the innards of cars and yet we drive them without trouble.

According to Monico V. Jacob, President & CEO, STI, in his message during the

PCPS3 Training Program (PC for Public Schools-Phase 3), as educators, “you are tasked

with developing the minds of your charges and preparing them for the challenges they

will be facing in the years to come”. However, the country’s limited resources make it

difficult to maximize the students’ potential and the educators are faced with the

quandary of making education more meaningful to them,(Monico V. Jacob, 2007). Jacob,

in the training; addressing on teacher-participants “….as you embarked on this step


towards enhancing your computer technology skills, you are challenged to step up and

make a difference. The power to chart the course of your students’ destiny is in your

hands”.As support to the country’s quest for quality and competitive education, the

government of Japan, through the Department of the Department of Trade and Industry,

sought to augment the teaching standards by providing public high schools throughout

the country access to computer technology bundled with free intensive teachers training

and workshop on the use of computer for their instruction. This act of concern and

benevolence from various education stakeholders addresses the means of ushering the

Filipino students to the digital age. The initiative makes every Filipino child more

globally competitive and, in turn, will drive the country towards progress and innovation

(Monico V. Jacob, 2007).

According to Inosanto (1994) in his article “Incorporating Computers into

Education Setting”, application of computer in the academe addresses the demand for

faster, more accurate processing of data to help teachers to prepare education report using

spreadsheet software such as Excel. Teachers can also use PowerPoint presentation

application software in delivering interactive lessons. The article shows the connection of

computer in the lives of the teachers. It discusses how it could help the teacher ease the

task of preparing effective lecture presentation and how it could process the student data

for evaluation.

Clemente (1997) in his article “Planning the Use of Information Technology for

Literary Development”, stressed that information highways will not replace or devalue

any of the human educational talent needed for the challenges ahead. For him, improved

technology in Education will be very beneficial in every area of society.

The researcher agrees with the idea that education does not advance intellectual

growth but the personality as well. To achieve this, the interaction of teacher and learner

should be practiced to reap the fruit of human development.

In “Technology: An Integral Part of Education” (Religiosa, 1998), the author

mentioned that the technological revolution in education demands a new type of literacy

– computer literacy. Unless both learner and teacher adapt to it, the society would remain

in technological and cultural shock. The ease and convenience brought by the use of

technology has also a demand in the implementers of education. The administrators, staff,

faculty and students must have knowledge on the use and function of the computers to

fully maximize its capacity in the process of learning.

One hindrance to the further development of the technology-based instruction is

the misconception that computer will soon replace teachers in the classroom. This was

disclaimed by Van der Poll at the 1995 Philippine Congress on Interactive Technology in

Education. He also cited that the trend nowadays is to use multi-media in training the

students because absorption capacity through this medium is much higher than chalk-talk

instructional method. He said this technique is an enhancement of both pupil capability to

learn and teacher capacity to train.

According to Rivera and Sembrano, computer can be used in schools in three

genetic ways, one, as a learning tool (teaching or learning with computers); two, as itself

the object of study (teaching learning about computers) and three, as a planning and

management tool for teachers and school administrators. These three modes are distinct

but there are applications which employ two (2) or even all modes at the same time.

One visible advantage of using technology in teaching is the ability of the

computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) materials to repeat the teaching process over and over

without deterioration. Unlike teachers, their level of teaching falls down as he reaches his

saturation point.

As mentioned by Rivera and Sembrano, inorder for the teacher to promote

learning, he has to choose the appropriate teaching material. Some teachers have the

wrong notion that the only commercially available audio-visual aids make good learning

devices instead of developing their own. At the same time, both authors have said that

instructional materials should be used in the classroom frequently and not only for special

occasions like demonstration teaching, supervisory observations, and inter-visitations.

Materials should be used as motivational devices, sources of bulk of information, and a

summary device.

Camarao noted that the computer is used in the instructional process as a teaching

machine. Using programmed-instruction format, it has the capacity and capability to

intersect with the students which is a very critical factor in the learning process.

Moreover, the computer can store many instructional modules and can provide a display

feature that makes learning interesting.


Jerome Dumlao (1992, p. 84) says that the following are some ways on how

computer users can be active and effective participants in the emerging information

society: Feel comfortable using and operating a computer system. Be able to make the

computer work for you through judicious development or use of a software. Be able to

interact with the computer – that is, generate input to the computer and interpret output

form. Understand the impact of computers on society, how and in the future. Be an

intelligent consumer of computer-related products and services.

He further emphasized that students are about to embark on emotional and

intellectual journey that will stimulate imagination, challenge every resource from

physical dexterity to intellect – and perhaps alter everyone’s sense of perspective.

Learning about computers is more than just education, it is an adventure.

Dumlao’s point of view centers on how people should view computers, its effect,

and the underlying principle connected to its uses. His point is taken into consideration

for it brings substance to the study being undertaken. Though, the focus in on computer

as a tool for learning, the study being undertaken considered other aspects of instruction.

From an excerpt of an on-line forum on the software guru - Bill Gates, the world’s

richest man at 48, whose name is synonymous to success, presented by Ricci Barrios

(2004, p.11-13) says that, bringing the technology into every home is at the center stage.

Advance software is bringing the power, connectivity and flexibility of the PC to all

kinds of smart devices, making digital entertainment available wherever people want it.

Hardware and connectivity advances have cleared the ways for software to tackle

the complexity that users face today, and to expand the possibilities for computing in

countless ways. He also added that the digital world is now in a position to deliver on

many long time industry dreams, such as PCs that can store a lifetime’s worth of digital

memories, communication and collaboration through integral texts, voice and video, pen-

and-speech-based user interfaces and rich new media experiences. Computers become

increasingly essential for more of the things we do every day, security, privacy,

manageability and ease of use are becoming much more crucial.

With the presentation of Barrios about the on-line forum of Bill Gates, it adds up

as to how one can venture into something great and become successful and creative with

it. This provides an immeasurable gains in the conduct of the study regarding how

teachers can also become successful and creative, worthy of their chosen career.

In “Anything Goes” column of Eppy Gochangco (2004, p. 10), he pointed out that

communication has never been as efficient as today. Technology has changed the way

people interact with each other. Just as efficient hi-tech communication immediately

connects people, it also gives people a venue for emotionally distancing themselves from

others. People use the internet and cellular phones to communicate with each other

without even seeing them.

As a trend brought about by the advancing technology, all levels in the

educational system are pushed to get into the use of technology for instruction and

learning. Teachers in the Philippine classroom must be upgraded on their classroom

management for better results as well as ease in work preparation.


Thus, the researcher study is centered on giving a better means of preparing

interactive and trending teaching tools and devices, pushing the student-clientele to get

along with the demands and trends of the modern world of education.


It is generally believed that education is the bed rock for every technological and

economic development of any Nation.

The impact of computer literacy on students’ academic performance in EsanWest

Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. To guide the study, four (4) questions

were raised and answered. This is to determine the impact of computer literacy in the

academic performance of students in the senior secondary schools in Esan West Local

Government Area of Edo State. Data were got with the use of an instrument titled:

Questionnaire on Students’ Computer Literacy Level and Computer Usage (QSCLLCU).

One hundred and twenty (120) out of 1,200 final year students, representing 10% were

used from the fourteen (14) existing secondary schools in Esan west local government

area of Edo State, Nigeria. The findings revealed that: computer literate students perform

better than non-computer literate; computer literate female students perform better than

male students who are also computer literate; computer literate students who are not

addicted to the use of computer facilities perform better than those who are addicted;

computer literate students in co-educational secondary schools perform slightly better


than those in single sex schools. Based on the findings, one of the recommendations was

that, all the students in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State should be taught

how to use computer facilities to search for valid information related to their academic


As a result of that, the three (3) tiers of governments are trying to reform

educational system through training of teachers by giving them scholarships, good

conditions of service, enhanced salaries and pay them salaries as at when due. Despite

this efforts made by the governments, there is still persistent increase in failure rate as

always indicated in the annual reports by the national examination bodies such as WAEC,

NECO, NATEB and JAMB. The failure rate has led to numerous researches that looked

at the teachers’ method of teaching, teachers’ characteristics, teachers attitude and

students’ attitudes towards education and its attendant effects on academic performance

of students as a result of the failure rate, the teaching process seems to move from teacher

centered to student-centered method of teaching, yet the story almost remain the same

many studies have revealed that students have poor attitude towards education and as a

result of that academic performance is affected negatively. Hence, for many years now in

Nigeria, many people are in doubt of the quality of products of her education from

primary, post primary and tertiary institutions. Education discourse on poor academic

performance seems to be the issue of the day.

Perhaps computer literacy may improve the knowledge and ability of students for

higher academic performance. Computer literacy is the knowledge and ability to use

computer and technology efficiently. Computer literacy can also be referred to the

comfort level someone has by using computer programmes and other application that are

related to computers.

The occurrence of computer literacy continues to grow at an outstanding rate. A

computer is an electronic device that has the ability to accept data, store data, process

data by following a set of instructions (programme) to produce result. Computer always

change; they become smaller, faster and more powerful. These changes have motivated

the modern society to become comfortable with basic computer related skills. Computers

are like common pen and paper for writing especially primary, and post primary school

students. Many applications especially communicating computers are preferred over pen,

paper type writers because of their ability to retain information and make editing easy. It

is also a fact that computer is becoming common place and powerful. The concept of

computer literacy is almost above basic functionality to more powerful application under


Computer competencies are essential for success in the business world especially

in education. These competencies are a useful tool for students to utilize to integrate them

into curricula for all level of students education. Some believe that Computer Literacy

has involved preparation of persons to serve as worthy citizens in their communities and

understand how society operates in an information age (Burniske, 2001). Recently,

Computer Literacy has been an issue of educational research in the university.

Technological advances necessitate learning, maintaining, and upgrading of computer

related knowledge (Hindi, Miller, & Wenger, 2008). Computer Literacy is an emergent

need for medical and paramedical students in the third millennium due to rapidly

changing information society. Nowadays, students confront new challenges which vital to

their survival in the information age (Ikolo & Okiy, 2012). One of the most applicable for

IT and computers is in telemedicine and telehealth. Telehealth is applying the ICT for

giving health care remotely. Furthermore, IT-based computer can be used for educating

nurses, students, patients or care givers (Arbabisarjou, 2010).

In recent years, it grows parallel with the growth of information technology and

communication (ICT), using of computer systems, health electronic file and health

information system (HIS) are integrated in the life, education and health. There is no

agreement on Computer Literacy; the topic certainly is quite relevant to key stake-

holders: students, educators, and business practitioners (Kim & Keith, 1994; Kretovices

& MC Cambridge, 1998; Hindi, Miller, & Wegner, 2010). An overview, Computer

Literacy involves conceptual knowledge related to basic terminology (including social,

ethical, and global issues) and skills necessary to perform tasks in word processing,

databases, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, and basic operating system functions

(Hindi, Miller, & Wegner, 2010). Since common technology allied in computer programs

(like Microsoft), peer-to-peer programs (like Skype), and social networking programs

(like Twitter), we agree with Son, Robb, and Miadji (2011) on what Computer Literacy is

(Murray & Blyth, 2011). Son et al. (2011) wrote” Computer Literacy is the ability to use

computers at an adequate level for creation, communication and collaboration in a literate

society. Ballsntine and McCourt et al. measured Computer Literacy using several sub-

dimensions such as “knowledge of general computing”, spreadsheets, databases,

email/internet and presentation soft-ware.


Computer Literacy considered as a collection of skills pertaining to the use of

basic information and communication technology in an internet-computer based

environment as well as the knowledge that relates to the legal and ethical issues and risks

of ICT usage. The terms “Computer Literacy” and “computer knowledge” will be used

interchangeably (Poelmans, Truyen, & Desle, 2009). Computer skills are vital for

medical practitioners of the future. Health care professional can no longer the application

of IT to health care because they are key to E- health (Gour & Srivastavad, 2010). IT has

had a positive impact on health care delivery system worldwide, particularly in the areas

of disease control, diagnosis, patient management, teaching and learning (Ikolo & Okiy,


Availability of computers have resulted in our ability to rapidly and

effectively,retrieve,analyze, share, and store large volumes of information related to

patient care and for teaching-learning process in teaching hospitals (Masood, Khan, &

Waheed, 2010) and they noted that computer skills are vital for medical practitioners of

the futures. The increasing use of IT in healthcare to posit that healthcare services

efficacy and efficiency can be improved through informatics technology and systems

and,thus, provide higher–quality healthcare for patients (Tung-Cheng, 2011).

To use technology effectively for the advancement of patient care and the

education of the medical students, medical staff must possess a variety of computer skills.

Medical field is an information intensive profession. The availability of affordable

computers and the advancement of IT have resulted in our ability to rapidly and

effectively access, retrieve analysis, share, and store volumes of information pertinent to

patient care and for learning process in a teaching hospital (Blen, Miller, & Malyuk,

2000). The final version of the developed Computer Literacy scale included six

constructs (software, hardware, multimedia, networks, information ethics, and

information security) and 22 measurement items. Computer experiences has a major

positive impact on all our literacy factors well. Exact sciences have a significantly score

than students of other branches.

Computer Literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to use computers and

related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use

to programming and advanced problem solving (Ikolo & Okiy, 2011). Anuobi

(2004) described C Computer Literacy as having a basic understanding of what

computer is and how it can be used as resource. Computer skills are vital for medical

practitioners of the future. To use technology effectively for the advancement of patient

care and the education of the medical students, medical staff must possess a variety of

computer skills. Medical field is an information intensive profession. The availability of

affordable computers and the advancement of IT have resulted in our ability to rapidly

and effectively access, retrieve, analyze, share, and store large volumes of information

pertinent to patient care and for learning process in a teaching hospital (Balen, Miller, &

Malyuk, 2000).

Lack of Computer skills is an issue which can hold back many of the pedagogical

opportunities that students can exploit to assist in their medical sciences teaching (Murray

& Blyth, 2011).


Female students have a significant lower Computer Literacy score than male

students (Ikolo & Okiy, 2012). Computer Literacy for the students should include generic

data management, presentation and communication applications as well as search

strategies and techniques. For empowerment of medical sciences students in applying

computer and IT in medical sciences education and performance of their professional

activities in future, awareness of medical sciences students and their interests to learn

computer skills in students of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences.


Technology nowadays has become prevalent in our society. It revolutionized the

way people see and appreciate things especially in the fields of education. Teachers,

parents and students now realize their significance in the quest for knowledge in this age

of information technology. It makes the teacher’s task easier while sustaining a high level

of interest among their students.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the Philippines is a

milestone in the educational system. It opens a wide variety of opportunities both for

teachers and students. Transferring of information, collecting of data and researching are

the multiple benefits that people can get from ICT, but it still a dream for many. Most

public schools in the Philippines have no complete ICT facilities and most teachers are

not ICT literate which results in poor student and school performance.

The iSchools Project in the Public High Schools of Tarlac Province is one of the

projects of the former Commission on Information and Communications Technology


(CICT) which is now Information and Communications Technology Office (ICTO)

which supports the efforts of the Department of Education to integrate ICT in education.

Its goal is to contribute to the efforts of the Philippine government in bridging the digital

divide by developing an educational digital network that equips public high school

teachers with ICT literacy skills as well as access to relevant digital content and

applications in education that they may use to make learning effective (iSchools Project

Scope Plan). The project focuses on integrating ICT in education towards strengthening

classroom learning and instruction by expanding access to various sources of

information. The project hopes to enhance the capability of public high school students in

order to successfully compete with their peers for jobs and other opportunities in the

expanding global knowledge economy.


We have come a long way from using just desktop PCs in the 1980s to using a

wide variety of technology for instruction purposes such as the internet, the iPod,

Blogging, laptop computers, podcasting, e-Learning platforms (e.g. Moodle,

Blackboard), interactive whiteboards with video-capture technology, streaming videos,

and using iPod as a digital notebook. We have also moved from a local classroom to a

global classroom via distance learning technology.

An example of a school system with a 21st Century infrastructure is Saugus

Union of California. Saugus Union has remained on the cutting edge of technology (THE

2006 Innovators, 2006). Examples of their use of technology in instruction include PDAs

and interactive whiteboards, podcast lesson reviews via students’ MP3 players, and

broadcast streamed via the Internet. A key component to their success has been

technology specialists who deliver ongoing professional development. Saugus Union’s

futuristic philosophy has allowed the district to improve communication and

collaboration among students, staff, parents, and the community.

The 21st Century is said to be the educational genre for computer technology in

the classroom. The Campus Computing Project, which annually surveys 600 2-year and

4-year public and private institutions in higher education from throughout the US, found

that integrating instruction technology into the classroom remains the top priority for all

types of higher education institutions in the US, as it has been for the previous five years,

and is expected to remain so far at least the next two to three years (Green, 2001).

Technology is a part of everyday life in the 21st Century. As a result, according to a

Digest of Technology Education, it should also be prevalent in the 21 st Century High

School classroom (Soine, 2000). Classroom technology should also become an integral

part of the core mission for the institution (Johnson, 1997), with its primary focus rooted

in the paradigm shift from teaching to learning (Jafari, 1999; Reynolds and Wermer,

1998). According to Reil, Schwarz, Peterson, and Henricks (2000), programs that foster

the use of computer technology in the classroom increased familiarization with

technology and led to empowerment in technology as well as teaching. Bilimoria (1997)

in his book cautioned the future generations would be computer literate and would expect

technology in the classroom. In order to find ways to avoid becoming “pedestrians on the

information superhighway”, the author recommended that faculty members cease to view

themselves as the “receptacles of knowledge in our societies” and expand their

professional competencies as facilitators and technologists.

Technology allows faculty to build a bridge between the classroom and the world

(Ward & Clark, 2000) and allows students to experience real-world opportunities in the

classroom (Hull, 1999), which are highly valued (Lang, 2000). Technology can be the

curriculum, a mechanism for the delivery of course materials, a means of supplementing

instruction, or an instructional device (Ginsburg, as cited in Imel, 1998) to enhance

learning (Milliron & Miles, 1999). According to Bates (2000), reasons for using

technology to enhance the classroom experience includes improvement of learning

quality, providing students with opportunities to learn technology skills, extending access

to post-secondary instruction, and expanding the search of technology in the world

outside the classroom.

Instructional technology is a vital part of career and technical education and

“encompasses not only the computer but also other technologies and delivery systems”

(Lu & Miller, 2002) that may be used in the classroom. In recent years, there has been an

increased emphasis on the integration of technology into curriculum, especially at the

high school level (Peake, Briers & Murphy, 2005). Lu & Miller (2002) described the

technology used in the classroom to be in various forms including computers, DVD/VCR

players, digital and video cameras, televisions, cooking equipment, and welding

equipment. They also described how classroom technology can help the teacher to use,

assess, alter, and present information in a variety of ways.


The Internet is an ever-changing entity and it is important that teachers stay

current on what is available to them. According to Masley, Sweaney, and Valente (2000),

there are three main reasons of the importance why teachers must stay abreast of current

technology trends. First, the Internet is a very useful tool and can be used to provide

hands-on learning experiences for the students. It provides quick and easy access to a

wealth of information from around the world. Second, as our culture has become more

technologically-oriented, so must our students if they are to live and work in today’s

society. By incorporating the Internet into the classroom, the teacher is helping the

students learn how to find information and successfully use technology. Third, teachers

are constantly getting new technology and it is up to them to explore their students to it in

order for them to be successful in the work force.

According to Monico V. Jacob, President & CEO, STI, in his message during the

PCPS3 Training Program (PC for Public Schools-Phase 3), as educators, “you are tasked

with developing the minds of your charges and preparing them for the challenges they

will be facing in the years to come”. However, the country’s limited resources make it

difficult to maximize the students’ potential and the educators are faced with the

quandary of making education more meaningful to them,(Monico V. Jacob, 2007). Jacob,

in the training; addressing on teacher-participants “….as you embarked on this step

towards enhancing your computer technology skills, you are challenged to step up and

make a difference. The power to chart the course of your students’ destiny is in your

hands”.As support to the country’s quest for quality and competitive education, the

government of Japan, through the Department of the Department of Trade and Industry,

sought to augment the teaching standards by providing public high schools throughout

the country access to computer technology bundled with free intensive teachers training

and workshop on the use of computer for their instruction. This act of concern and

benevolence from various education stakeholders addresses the means of ushering the

Filipino students to the digital age. The initiative makes every Filipino child more

globally competitive and, in turn, will drive the country towards progress and innovation

(Monico V. Jacob, 2007).

From an excerpt of an on-line forum on the software guru - Bill Gates, the world’s

richest man at 48, whose name is synonymous to success, presented by Ricci Barrios

(2004, p.11-13) says that, bringing the technology into every home is at the center stage.

Advance software is bringing the power, connectivity and flexibility of the PC to all

kinds of smart devices, making digital entertainment available wherever people want it.

Hardware and connectivity advances have cleared the ways for software to tackle the

complexity that users face today, and to expand the possibilities for computing in

countless ways. He also added that the digital world is now in a position to deliver on

many long time industry dreams, such as PCs that can store a lifetime’s worth of digital

memories, communication and collaboration through integral texts, voice and video, pen-

and-speech-based user interfaces and rich new media experiences. Computers become

increasingly essential for more of the things we do every day, security, privacy,

manageability and ease of use are becoming much more crucial.

It is generally believed that education is the bed rock for every technological and

economic development of any Nation.


The impact of computer literacy on students’ academic performance in EsanWest

Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. To guide the study, four (4) questions

were raised and answered. This is to determine the impact of computer literacy in the

academic performance of students in the senior secondary schools in Esan West Local

Government Area of Edo State.

Computer competencies are essential for success in the business world especially

in education. These competencies are a useful tool for students to utilize to integrate them

into curricula for all level of students education. Some believe that Computer Literacy

has involved preparation of persons to serve as worthy citizens in their communities and

understand how society operates in an information age (Burniske, 2001). Recently,

Computer Literacy has been an issue of educational research in the university.

Technological advances necessitate learning, maintaining, and upgrading of computer

related knowledge (Hindi, Miller, & Wenger, 2008). Computer Literacy is an emergent

need for medical and paramedical students in the third millennium due to rapidly

changing information society. Nowadays, students confront new challenges which vital to

their survival in the information age (Ikolo & Okiy, 2012). One of the most applicable for

IT and computers is in telemedicine and telehealth. Telehealth is applying the ICT for

giving health care remotely. Furthermore, IT-based computer can be used for educating

nurses, students, patients or care givers (Arbabisarjou, 2010).

Computer Literacy considered as a collection of skills pertaining to the use of

basic information and communication technology in an internet-computer based

environment as well as the knowledge that relates to the legal and ethical issues and risks

of ICT usage. The terms “Computer Literacy” and “computer knowledge” will be used

interchangeably (Poelmans, Truyen, & Desle, 2009). Computer skills are vital for

medical practitioners of the future. Health care professional can no longer the application

of IT to health care because they are key to E- health (Gour & Srivastavad, 2010). IT has

had a positive impact on health care delivery system worldwide, particularly in the areas

of disease control, diagnosis, patient management, teaching and learning (Ikolo & Okiy,


Computer Literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to use computers and

related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use

to programming and advanced problem solving (Ikolo & Okiy, 2011). Anuobi

(2004) described C Computer Literacy as having a basic understanding of what

computer is and how it can be used as resource. Computer skills are vital for medical

practitioners of the future. To use technology effectively for the advancement of patient

care and the education of the medical students, medical staff must possess a variety of

computer skills. Medical field is an information intensive profession. The availability of

affordable computers and the advancement of IT have resulted in our ability to rapidly

and effectively access, retrieve, analyze, share, and store large volumes of information

pertinent to patient care and for learning process in a teaching hospital (Balen, Miller, &

Malyuk, 2000).

Lack of Computer skills is an issue which can hold back many of the pedagogical

opportunities that students can exploit to assist in their medical sciences teaching (Murray

& Blyth, 2011).


Technology nowadays has become prevalent in our society. It revolutionized the

way people see and appreciate things especially in the fields of education. Teachers,

parents and students now realize their significance in the quest for knowledge in this age

of information technology. It makes the teacher’s task easier while sustaining a high level

of interest among their students.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the Philippines is a

milestone in the educational system. It opens a wide variety of opportunities both for

teachers and students. Transferring of information, collecting of data and researching are

the multiple benefits that people can get from ICT, but it still a dream for many. Most

public schools in the Philippines have no complete ICT facilities and most teachers are

not ICT literate which results in poor student and school performance.

Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework is the study which uses input-process-output model.

The input contains the profile of students/respondents, age, gender, number of hours of

Computer Usage per week and Ownership of the computer. The process frame specifies

the step in doing the research about gathering data’s, range of questions and documenting

the data gathered by the researcher. The study on Computer Literacy of the Grade 11

students in San Manuel High School is for students by espousing the idea that the

classroom performance of the students is critical factor for their academic performance.

For example, students may attribute their academic performance to their teachers while

the teacher may attribute their teaching performance to their students.



Profile of the students/

Age Computer Literacy of
-Gender the Grade 11 Students
-No. of Hours of in San Manuel High
Computer Usage per School
week -Interview
-Ownership of the
computer -Survey Improve their
Computer Competencies -Questionaire academic
-Microsoft Word performance.
-Microsoft PowerPoint
--Microsoft Excel
-Microsoft Publisher Knowing how capable
-Photoshop the students to apply
-Video Editing for a job.
-Installing and repairing
a Computer

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, source of data, sampling design, data

gathering instrument, population and sample and the statistical treatment of data of the


Methods and Procedure

This chapter presents and discuss the method of research instrument, and the

procedures used in this study, the sources of data, sampling design and also the statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

This study employed the descriptive method in gathering information regarding

the Basic Computer Literacy of the Grade 11 Students in San Manuel High School.

The descriptive method of research was used in the study. The study intended to

find out the following: What is the level of literacy of the respondents in terms of

computer competencies? What is the implication of this study to research?

In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers utilized a

questionnaire type of descriptive research method to gather data.

Sources of Data

The sources of data came from the respondents. The researchers made

questionnaires answered by the Grade 11 students of San Manuel High School. Data were

gathered through questionnaire checklist. The researchers choose the respondents from

the 6 sections in Grade 11 so that each member of the population has an equal chance of

being selected.

Population and Sample

Only one school participated in this research study which is the San Manuel High

School of Tarlac City. The respondents came from the Grade 11 students of San Manuel

School. In overall we have 141 respondents and we computed our sample size using

Slovin’s Formula.

Data Gathering Instruments

The materials and instruments to be used for gathering data are questionnaire-

checklist and were prepared with great care by the researchers. The questionnaires were

distributed to the selected respondents from Grade 11 students of San Manuel High


All data pertinent to the study were gathered personally by the researcher. The

primary data were gathered from the filled up questionnaire administered to the

respondents of the school covered in this study.

Sampling Design

In order to gather the data, the researchers used the following steps, First Conduct a

question to be answered by the respondents, second Writing a questionnaire checklist,

Third Giving the questionnaire to the student to answer it, fourth after 5 minutes collect

the questionnaires. Next analyze and tally the data, and last Computation of total mean

score and total weighted mean.

Statistical Treatment of Data


The respondents of the questionnaire checklist were carefully tallied, tabulated

and organized with the used of weighted mean, frequency counts, percentage and ranking


The researchers used the following formula:

WM = % = WM(100)
WM = Weighted Mean
F = Frequency
N = Total number of respondents


TWM = Total Weighted Mean

N = Total number of respondents

TMS = Total Mean Score

To interpret the data, the researchers used the Likert Scale.

1 - Fundamental Awareness

2 - Novice

3 - Intermediate

4 - Advanced

5 - Expert

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of all the data from the respondents

of the study. The data gathered were presented in the given table. Weighted mean, frequency

counts, percentage and ranking distribution were tabulated in the table.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents be describe in terms of;

1.1 age

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

17-18 90 64 1
15-16 45 32 2
19- Above 6 4 3
Table 1
(n = 141)
Table 1. shows the Profile of the respondents in terms of their Age, seventeen to

eighteen (17-18) got sixty-four percent (64%) it was ranked one (1), ages fifteen to

sixteen (15-16) got thirty-two percent (32%) ranked two (2), ages nineteen and above (19

and above) got four percent (4%) and got the lowest ranked three (3).

1.2 gender
Table 2
(n = 141)

Gender Frequency Percentage Rank

Female 80 57 1
Male 61 43 2
Table 2. shows the Profile of the respondents in terms of their Gender, most of the

respondents are Female and got fifty-seven percent (57%) it was ranked one (1) while

Male got forty-three percent (43%) and got the lowest ranked two (2).

2. What is the level of literacy in using basic computer operations in terms of;

2.1 Basic computer operation;

Table 3. Basic Computer Operation

1. Basic Computer Operation Mea Interpretation


1.1 Log on and off the computer 3.75 Advanced
1.2 Power on and off the computer 3.80 Advanced
1.3 Open and close the applications 3.87 Advanced
1.4 Open, save and close files 3.76 Advanced
1.5 Print documents 3.82 Advanced
1.6 Identify parts of the computer 3.75 Advanced
1.7 Use/ Adjust volume controls 3.80 Advanced
1.8 Insert and eject media input devices 3.57 Advanced
1.9 Troubleshoot common technology problems (e.g. Printer, Out of
paper or toner, Computer, Power cords, Network connections, and
Peripheral connections) 3.43 Intermediate
Average Weighted Mean
4.00 Advanced

As shown in the table pertaining to the basic computer operation of respondents, open and close

the application got the highest rate with the weighted mean of 3.87 followed by print documents having

3.82 weighted mean. Third in rank is power on and off the computer and use/adjust volume controls with

a weighted mean of 3.80 followed by open and close files having weighted mean of 3.76 while

Identifying parts of computer and Log on and off the computer got a weighted mean of 3.75 then

followed by the insert and eject media input devices got a weighted mean of 3.57 and described as

Advanced and the Troubleshoot common technology problems got the lowest rate with

the weighted mean of 3.43 and describe as Intermediate.

2.2 Using word processing;

Table 4. Word Processing

2. Word Processing Mean Interpretation

2.1 Start a new Document 3.65 Advanced
2.2 Save a document 3.64 Advanced
2.3 Select text and change ( e.g. Font size, Font type, Style or effects
( bold, underline, etc.( and Color) 3.73 Advanced
2.4 Cut, copy and paste text 3.60 Advanced
2.5 Use undo and redo icons 3.69 Advanced
2.6 Select and resize graphics, pictures, clip art 3.52 Advanced

2.7 Select multimedia clips 3.81 Advanced

2.8 Create a new file using Save as 3.48 Intermediate
2.9 Print 3.49 Intermediate
2.10 Format text, lists, or paragraphs (e.g. Spacing, Margins, Tabs,
Bullets, Alignment (right, left, center, justify), Indention, Poetic
forms, Outlining, Columns, Text direction, Text art, and Word wrap) 3.43 Intermediate
2.11 Use the spell check, grammar check, and thesaurus 3.44 Intermediate
2.12 Use tools to rotate, edit, or highlight text 3.46 Intermediate
2.13 Insert graphics and clip art 3.52 Advanced
2.14 Insert text boxes 3.41 Intermediate
2.15 Create columns and tables 3.48 Intermediate
2.16 Use number keys or number pad for mathematical function 3.59 Advanced
As shown in the table pertaining to the table of word processing of respondents Select

multimedia clips got the highest rate with the weighted mean of 3.81 followed by Select text and change

having 3.73 weighted mean. Third in rank is use undo and redo icon with a weighted mean of 3.69

followed by starting a new document having weighted mean of 3.65 while saving a document got a

weighted mean of 3.64 then followed by the cut copy and paste got a weighted mean of 3.60 followed by

use number keys or number pad for mathematical function then followed by inserting grapics and clipart

and selecting and resize graphics, pictures, clip art and described as Advanced and then followed

by Print got the weighted mean of 3.49 then followed by Create a file using save as

having a weighted mean of 3.48 then next is using tools to rotate, edit, or highlight text

having a weighted mean of 3.46 then followed by use the spell check, grammar check

and thesaurus having a weighted mean of 3.44 then followed by Format text, list or

paragraph having a weighted mean of 3.43 and last is the insert text which got the lowest

rate with the weighted mean of 3.41 and describe as Intermediate.

2.3 Using and creating spreadsheets

Table 5 Creating Spreadsheets

1. Spreadsheets Mean Interpretation


3.1 Select a cell 3.21 Intermediate

3.2 Enter data into a cell 3.05 Intermediate
3.3 Format cells and data (e.g. font size, style, color, alignment,
decimal places, currency date/time, percent) 3.09 Intermediate
3.4 Create a basic chart or graph 3.22 Intermediate
3.5 Select multiple cells 3.27 Intermediate
3.6 Insert, delete, and format cells, rows, or columns 3.51 Advanced
3.7 Format, delete, and copy cells, rows, or columns ( e. g. width,
height, color) 3.33 Intermediate
3.8 Manage headers and footers 3.19 Intermediate
3.9 Select appropriate graph and elements to display data 3.16 Intermediate
3.10 Use sort option (ascending and descending) 3.25 Intermediate
3.11 Use simple formulas such as sum and average/mean 3.16 Intermediate
3.12 Use editing tools such as fill down and fill cross 3.28 Intermediate
3.13 Set print area and print spreadsheets and graphs 3.25 Intermediate
3.14 Insert chart and graphs into other document 3.26 Intermediate
3.15 Apply principles and elements of data analysis 3.13 Intermediate
3.16 Create and use spreadsheets for assessment, productivity, and
problem solving 3.28 Intermediate
3.17 Create complex formulas such as median mode and
percentage 3.15 Intermediate
As shown in the table pertaining to the table of Creating Spreadsheets of respondents Insert

delete, and format cells, rows or columns got the highest rate with the weighted mean of 3.51 and

describe as Advaanced then followed by Select text and change having 3.73 weighted mean. Third in

rank is use undo and redo icon with a weighted mean of 3.69 followed by starting a new document

having weighted mean of 3.65 while saving a document got a weighted mean of 3.64 then followed by

the cut copy and paste got a weighted mean of 3.60 followed by use number keys or number pad for

mathematical function then followed by inserting grapics and clipart and selecting and resize graphics,

pictures, clip art and described as Advanced and then followed by Print got the weighted

mean of 3.49 then followed by Create a file using save as having a weighted mean of

3.48 then next is using tools to rotate, edit, or highlight text having a weighted mean of

3.46 then followed by use the spell check, grammar check and thesaurus having a

weighted mean of 3.44 then followed by Format text, list or paragraph having a weighted

mean of 3.43 and last is the insert text which got the lowest rate with the weighted mean

of 3.41 and describe as Intermediate.

2.4 Creating multimedia operation

Table 6. Multimedia Presentation

3 Multimedia Presentation Mean Interpretation

4.1 Apply pre-production organizational concepts (such as
storyboarding and visual organizers 3.16 Intermediate
4.2 Open and close a presentation or presentation template 3.27 Intermediate
4.3 Save a presentation file 3.42 Intermediate
4.4 Create an original presentation or use a template 3.30 Intermediate
4.5 Rearrange slide using slide sorter or a storyboard feature to
organize a presentation 3.43 Intermediate
4.6 Choose a slide format 3.45 Intermediate
4.7 Use icons and menus 3.44 Intermediate
4.8 Type/enter text or create a text box 3.40 Intermediate
4.9 Change ( e.g. font size, font type, style or effects (bold,
underline, etc.), color) 3.60 Advanced
4.10 Cut, copy and paste text 3.52 Advanced
4.11 Use undo and redo icons 3.28 Intermediate
4.12 Select and resize graphics, pictures, clip art 3.57 Advanced
4.13 Select media clips or sounds 3.40 Intermediate
4.14 Create a new file using Save as 3.46 Intermediate
4.15 Use page setup 3.32 Intermediate
4.16 Print 3.54 Advanced
4.17 Use slide show tool 3.37 Intermediate
4.18 Select slide transition and animation 3.44 Intermediate
4.19 Insert graphics, clip art, sounds and multimedia files
( including narration) 3.42 Intermediate
4.20 Format text ( e.g. double spacing, bullets, numbers, alignment,
indention, outlining, columns, text direction, text art 3.52 Advanced
3.42 Intermediate

As shown in the table pertaining to the table of Multimedia Presentation of respondents Change

font size, font type style or effects got the highest rate with the weighted mean of 3.60 followed by select

and resize graphics, pictures, clip art having a weighted mean of 3.57 then followed by Print having a

weighted mean of 3.54 then next is the Cut, copy and paste text and the Format text including the bullets

double spacing numbers alignment indention and numbers are having a weighted mean of 3.52 and

describe as Advanced. While the Create a new file using save is having a weighted mean of 3.46

followed by Choose a slide format having a weighted mean of 3.45 then followed by Select slide

transition and animation and using icon menus are having a weighted mean of 3.44 next is the

Rearranging slide using a slide sorter or storyboard feature to organize a presentation is having a weighted

mean of 3.43 while the save a presentation file and the inserting graphics, clip art, sounds and multimedia

files got the same weighted mean of 3.42 followed by the type/enter text or create a text box and the

selecting media clips and sounds got also the same weighted mean of 3.40 then followed Use slide show

tool having 3.37 weighted mean followed by the Use page setup having a weighted mean of 3.32 then

followed by the Creating an original presentation or use a template is having a weighted mean of 3.30

then followed by the Using undo and redo icon is having a weighted mean of 3.28 then followed by

Open and close presentation or presentation template having a weighted mean of 3.27 and last is the

apply pre-production organizational concepts which got the lowest rate with the weighted

mean of 3.16 and they are describe as Intermediate.

2.5 Using Internet

Table. 7 Exploring Internet

Internet Mean Interpretation

5.1 Creating email address 3.63 Advanced
5.2 Read an email 3.64 Advanced
5.3 Compose and send an email 3.59 Advanced
5.4 Reply to a message 3.64 Advanced
5.5 Delete an email 3.40 Intermediate

As shown in the table pertaining to the usage of internet of the respondents, Replying to a

message and Reading an email both got the highest rate with the weighted mean of 3.64 followed by the

Creating email address having 3.63 weighted mean. Third in rank is compose and send an email with a

weighted mean of 3.59 and they are describe as Advanced. While Deleting an email got the lowest rate

with the weighted mean of 3.40 and describe as Intermediate.

4. What is the implication of this study to the respondents?

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusion and the


Summary of Findings

1. Age bracket seventeen to eighteen (17-18) has sixty-four percent (64%) , ages

fifteen to sixteen (15-16) has thirty-two percent (32%) and ages nineteen and

above (19 and above) has only four percent (4%). There were 80 (57%)

Female and 61 (43%) Male. There were 64 (45.39%) have their computer or

laptop at home while 77 (54.6%) doesn’t have any computer or laptop at

home. There were 86 (61%) used their computer less than 5 hours per week

and 55 (31%) use their computer 5-9 hours per week

2. The item “open and close the application” got the highest rate with the weighted mean of

3.87 followed by print documents having 3.82 weighted mean. Third in rank is power on

and off the computer and use/adjust volume controls with a weighted mean of 3.80

followed by open and close files having weighted mean of 3.76 while Identifying parts of

computer and Log on and off the computer got a weighted mean of 3.75 then followed by

the insert and eject media input devices got a weighted mean of 3.57 and described as

Advanced and the Troubleshoot common technology problems got the lowest

rate with the weighted mean of 3.43 and describe as Intermediate. The item

“Select multimedia clips” got the highest rate with the weighted mean of 3.81 followed by

Select text and change having 3.73 weighted mean. Third in rank is use undo and redo icon

with a weighted mean of 3.69 followed by starting a new document having weighted mean

of 3.65 while saving a document got a weighted mean of 3.64 then followed by the cut

copy and paste got a weighted mean of 3.60 followed by use number keys or number pad

for mathematical function then followed by inserting grapics and clipart and selecting and

resize graphics, pictures, clip art and described as Advanced and then followed by

Print got the weighted mean of 3.49 then followed by Create a file using save

as having a weighted mean of 3.48 then next is using tools to rotate, edit, or

highlight text having a weighted mean of 3.46 then followed by use the spell

check, grammar check and thesaurus having a weighted mean of 3.44 then

followed by Format text, list or paragraph having a weighted mean of 3.43

and last is the insert text which got the lowest rate with the weighted mean of

3.41 and describe as Intermediate. The item for “Insert delete, and format cells, rows

or columns “ got the highest rate with the weighted mean of 3.51 and describe as

Advaanced then followed by Select text and change having 3.73 weighted mean. Third in

rank is use undo and redo icon with a weighted mean of 3.69 followed by starting a new

document having weighted mean of 3.65 while saving a document got a weighted mean of

3.64 then followed by the cut copy and paste got a weighted mean of 3.60 followed by use

number keys or number pad for mathematical function then followed by inserting grapics

and clipart and selecting and resize graphics, pictures, clip art and described as

Advanced and then followed by Print got the weighted mean of 3.49 then

followed by Create a file using save as having a weighted mean of 3.48 then

next is using tools to rotate, edit, or highlight text having a weighted mean of

3.46 then followed by use the spell check, grammar check and thesaurus

having a weighted mean of 3.44 then followed by Format text, list or

paragraph having a weighted mean of 3.43 and last is the insert text which got

the lowest rate with the weighted mean of 3.41 and describe as Intermediate.

The item for “Change font size, font type style or effects got the highest rate with the

weighted mean of 3.60 followed by select and resize graphics, pictures, clip art having a

weighted mean of 3.57 then followed by Print having a weighted mean of 3.54 then next is

the Cut, copy and paste text and the Format text including the bullets double spacing

numbers alignment indention and numbers are having a weighted mean of 3.52 and

describe as Advanced. While the Create a new file using save is having a weighted mean of

3.46 followed by Choose a slide format having a weighted mean of 3.45 then followed by

Select slide transition and animation and using icon menus are having a weighted mean of

3.44 next is the Rearranging slide using a slide sorter or storyboard feature to organize a

presentation is having a weighted mean of 3.43 while the save a presentation file and the

inserting graphics, clip art, sounds and multimedia files got the same weighted mean of 3.42

followed by the type/enter text or create a text box and the selecting media clips and sounds

got also the same weighted mean of 3.40 then followed Use slide show tool having 3.37

weighted mean followed by the Use page setup having a weighted mean of 3.32 then

followed by the Creating an original presentation or use a template is having a weighted

mean of 3.30 then followed by the Using undo and redo icon is having a weighted mean of

3.28 then followed by Open and close presentation or presentation template having a

weighted mean of 3.27 and last is the apply pre-production organizational

concepts which got the lowest rate with the weighted mean of 3.16 and they

are describe as Intermediate.


1. The respondents were Advanced. Most respondents use internet for communication purposes

like online social networking. Respondents possess sufficient skills in word processing. The

literacy level of respondents in spreadsheets is sufficient for basic tasks only especially in

performing data entry tasks which are needed in calculations and computations. Most

respondents know how to use graphic application for creating presentation.

2. There is significant difference in the computer literacy of the respondents when it comes to their

age, ownership of computer and the number of usage of computer per week.

3. It is consider that the students of Grade 11 in San Manuel High School are most

literate in terms of Internet. Most of them are prevalent in using Social Media like

facebook, having their computer/ gadgets at home; having a computer subject at

school, spending too much time in using computer is a big advantage to learn fast

and to become a computer literate that made it easy for them to improve their

academic performance.


Based from the findings and conclusions on Computer Literacy of the Grade 11

Senior High School students in San Manuel High School, to improve more and enhance

their knowledge regarding computers, the following are highly recommended:

1. Start with the basics—and ensure you know how to use a computer.

2. A collaborated computer literacy program in the school must be implemented to cater to the

needs of students.

3. Take a free online or-in person computer course.

4. Attending computer trainings and seminars must be encouraged to improve the computer

literacy level of students.

5. Apply the knowledge and get hands-on practice.

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