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Study of Computer Awareness Amongst The Secondary School Teachers of Nasik District in Relation To Different Variables

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In the present digital era, the development in several of computer technology

has reached beyond imagination and expectation. Even though computer has a lot of
applications in various fields one should not forget its application in the field of
education. World is progressing rapidly with the help of computers in a very short
period, man has brought about his own progress computer has become part of life and
its scope is increasing day by day. Computer is a must how one cannot do without
computers eg. Banking, Education, Science, Business, Sports, Tourism etc. in all
these lines work has become difficult without computers It is very useful and helpful
in the teaching and learning process therefore computer have created a revolution in
the content of education and in the nature of learning process they have the capability
of multiplying the human intellect beyond part conceptions and have tremendous
implication in education.

Teachers are highly aware that they need good volume of in-service training,
self-learning and home works for fruitful implementation of innovations in
instruction. As part of implementation of various educational policies and
interventions primary school teachers are receiving a good number of in-service
training experiences. Even then, a need for concentrating on quality aspects of in-
service training programmes was felt from the opinions of teachers. If the expected
needs of teachers are not satisfied through participation in those in-service training
programmes, there comes chance for evolution of negative attitude towards in-service
training programmes. The fact that the number of needs assessment studies among
primary school teachers is found to be less also inspired the investigator to conduct an
in-service training needs assessment study among primary school teachers. For, a
need assessment survey determines both what teachers want to know and what they
need to know. Thus, it was found that survey studies for assessing the level of
Instructional Technology Awareness and In-service Training Needs of Primary
School Teachers are very few in number and that assessment of the level or index of
Instructional Technology Awareness and In-service Training Needs among Primary
School Teachers will pave light for planning effective in-service training programmes
in future. Teachers and their educational arrangements have to complete with them to
impart more knowledge within a short a short time needs new transactional and
communication technology on a large sale. For this computer knowledge is essential
for teachers computer Awareness may be stated as knowing about the various
fundamental aspects of computers and the basic skills involved in the operations of
computers it also includes the application of computer in teaching and learning

Teaching seems to be a very simple process but actually it is not. It is really a very
complex activity teacher is an very important factor in this process of education. The
importance of teachers in 21 century has become all the viable in case of education
for everyone. Bearing in mind the changing role of teacher in the context of the 21
century it is very important for teachers to acquire skills of handling computers and its
different aspects like multimedia, internet, e-mail etc.
The teachers possess a favorable attitude towards computers they man not be
interested in it , which in turn will atteast their knowledge off computer and also they
will find teaching with help computer difficult which in turn will atteast student
learning therefore it the teachers have favorable attitude towards computer then there
may be a chance for them to be motivated in acquiring Awareness of computer as it is
clear that the computer knowledge is very much needed for teachers There are some
studies conducted aboard on computer Awareness and also the attitude towards
The central and state governments are taking tremendous efforts to
implements the computer application in every sector. State government has
introduced computer related courses in the higher secondary school and in other
classes also the government has started supplying computer to higher secondary
school with suitable software computer has made computer literacy a must in every
field all the government officials need have basic knowledge of computer and it has
been made computer by government.
Computer Awareness means the knowledge of computer hardware input
devices as output devices ets and the skill of using various applications like MS word,
Microsoft excel, PowerPoint, Ms point etc. of computer and to test the awareness of
usage of computer in education and other fields.
Broadcasting by radio or television conferencing and computer
communication all offer means of delivering teaching material to learners without
these physical arrangements. Teaching involves more than distribution. Well designed
printed material, cassettes, or broadcasts are designed to promote learning, often by
stimulating an active response from the learner. In choosing technologies, therefore,
the policy maker has to consider not just how material will be distributed but how
they can be designed to facilitate learning and to resolve tensions between these two
aims. Efficiency of the computer cannot be overestimated in data processing. It opens
up new vistas for educational development and renders multiple services ranging from
aid to management and research to the various didactic uses in teaching and training.
Computers are greatly used in pedagogic research and experiments. They are found
very useful in evaluating and checking school work. They can store and retrieve
vast quantities of information about the entire school going population without much
time and difficulty. Data profiles of each pupil for the entire school carrier are
prepared and maintained easily with the help of the computer plays in important role
lifelong education and enables students to acquire knowledge and explore problems.
This develops their decision-making facilities and improves conditions for mutual
interaction between the pupil and system. Data processing thus brings about variable
intellectual revolution. The International Education Commission has aptly observed,
„‟The paramount virtue of the computer is that it release man form the routine of
mental labour, freeing the human mind to specialize in operations where it remains
irreplaceable, such as posing problems and taking decisions‟‟.
Whether networked or „‟stand alone‟‟, computers are often merely used in the schools
as a tool for reinforcing learning. These type of drill and practice activities area still
the dominant uses of computers at the end of the 1990s.there was, however, some
movement away forms rote learning and towards communication and information
processing activities designs to support learning of course content. For example, in
1989, a majority of higs school computer coordinators viewed the computer as a tool
for academic tasks as opposed to a resource to a learn about computers or a means to
improve basic skills. This trend bodes well for GIS activities since they are chiefly
concemed with expressing, storing, and analyzing spatial information.
Use of computer a means for programmed Instruction programmed instruction was
conceptually introduced by B.F. skinner. Today the computer is used to present
subject , often using sound and animation .Then questions are posed to the student
and answers lead to other topics of investigation or the repetition of previous one
that were not properly learned. Computer as a productivity tool both in content area
and area of study for future use this means teaching general software such as word
processor, electronic spread sheet, graphic database and communication system. The
internet as an information resource enables students to freely search for education
E –Learning
An innovative application of computer in the teaching and learning process is e-
learing .E-Learning may be Network –based or Internet –based which includes text,
video, audio, animation and virtual environments.
 E-learning is learning on Internet time.
 E-learning is the use of network technology to design, deliver, select,
administer, and extent learning.

The one use of computer mentioned above that was not seen as a growth area was
programming in the school has reached a saturation point. The availability of
computers, databases and spread sheet has helped the teachers to improve their
efficiency and effectiveness.
Two way communications is also possible, of course, through face to face contact. In
making decisions about technologies we need to consider not just those that are
mediated but also the role of face to face contact if this is part of the distance
education system we are crating. Thus, the planners‟ decisions are usually about set of
technologies, chosen according to their appropriateness for the subject matter and the
audience and their cost.
A Classroom Teacher ,writing on a blackboard , and getting questions from students
does all three at once .In open and distance learning we may use print to present
material ,the mail to distribute, it and and face to face tutorial sessions for feedback
and dialogue .A variety of of computer based technologies have been used including
the distribution of sample lesson plans on CD –rooms , setting up exchanges by
computer conference between teachers „colleges, encouraging the interactive use of
computer based learning materials, encouraging the use of web based materials, and
using computer conferencing to encourage discussion among learners. A Range of
dedicated website have been created for the professional development of Teachers.
Wherever teachers have access to the internet, these sites can increase the exchange of
materials and interaction between teachers and direct them to other teacher‟s
education resources, experts and professional associations.
Multi-faceted roles of today’s teacher
Rich quantities of innovations are being practiced in the current scenario of education.
While discussing on the role of today‟s teacher, Trilling and Hood (1999) compared
the characteristics of learning of the knowledge based society and industrial society.
In Industrial age, teacher was a director, and knowledge source while, in Knowledge
age teacher is a facilitator, guide, co-learner and consultant. In Industrial age the
process of learning was curriculum-directed, time-slotted, rigidly scheduled and fact-
based. In Knowledge age, learning changed to a mode of open, flexible, on-demand,
student directed, real-world and concrete. Action & reflection, discovery & invention,
collaborative, community–focused, open-ended, creative diversity, computer
mediated, dynamic multimedia interaction, worldwide unbounded communication,
multi-dimensional performance assessment by experts, mentors, peers and self
became the main traits of today‟s learning and instructional environments. Role of
teachers change over time in response to new patterns of educational governance and
managements, new kinds of students, new theories of teaching and learning, and the
arising new technologies (Chapman & Adams, 2004) Educationists are claiming that,
we are on the way with „child centered education‟, „learner-oriented instruction‟,
„participatory–approach‟, „competency-based instruction‟, „brain compatible
learning‟ etc. Still teacher is the prime medium of classroom activities. As
innovations and reforms in education occur, the meaning of teacher effectiveness also
changes. But, certain basic ingredients of effective teaching still tend to persist, which
includes knowledge of substantive curriculum area, pedagogic skills, familiarity with
multiple instructional strategies, ability to be reflective, self-critical and motivate
students to learn (Chapman and Adams, 2004) While the term „learner-centered‟ is
invoked in many curriculum documents, there is little agreement on its meaning.
Learner-centeredness is a concept that cannot be captured in finite, static, and
unquestioned definitions (Paris & Combs, 2006) In midst of learner-centered reforms,
teacher is still a high-status participant in the classroom interaction process. When the
process of instruction get more transformed to learner-centered, teachers are currently
faced with a variety of challenges like class size, diversity in student populations,
variety of instructional strategies, classroom management problems, social
accountability pressures, curriculum changes, and new technologies and the like.
The process of instruction is complex and this takes place in two contexts–curricular
context and programmatic context-and to be perceived in terms of three phases – pre-
engagement phase, engagement phase and post-engagement phase (Martinez-Pons,
2001) The contexts are so important since they determine the ways in which
instruction is planned and carried out. The curricular context of instruction involves
the regular school or educational settings and their instructional efforts are part of an
on-going curriculum whose activities are repeated cyclically. The programmatic
context of instruction involves teaching –learning activities designed to meet some
specific organizational goal such as bringing teachers up to date on aspects of their
work or to meet some social needs. Whether the context is curricular or
programmatic, the instructional endeavor is to be discussed as a three-phase process.
Efforts like learner needs assessment, diagnosis, fixing instructional objectives, task
analysis, test development, pre-testing, grouping, instructional module development
and it‟s debugging are included in the pre-engagement phase of instruction. The
engagement phase of instruction covers instructional implementation, module
implementation, situational assessment, final adjustments, formative evaluation and
corrective activities. Summative evaluation and remediation are the major actions in
the post-engagement phase of instruction (Martinez-Pons, 2001) Teachers are
expected to answer themselves an expanded set of key questions throughout the three
“pre-pro-post” sessions of instruction. Proper planning of instruction,
contextualization, natural presentation of the subject matter, rationale for the selected
instructional-learning strategies, persistence of motivation among students, group size
formation, group dynamics and behavior, assurance of individual performance during
group works, appropriate teacher behavior, fulfillment of curricular objectives, proper
integration of contents, timing and pacing of instruction-learning, continuous
evaluation, comprehensive evaluation, varieties of assessment, classroom
management, classroom ecology, instructional flow, etc are major the demands that
are being raised before a teacher. That is, the role of a teacher varies among that of a
designer, director, event-manager, facilitator, student, researcher, psychologist,
philosopher, sociologist, creative artist, etc. Coping with and conveying the
technological developments, creating knowledge explosions are other challenges for
role diversity of classroom teacher. For implementing ideas like „transformative
learning experiences‟ grounded in socio-cultural changes resulting from fusion of
digital technologies such as internet, wireless connectivity, digital imaging and virtual
classrooms raises need for assimilation of role-diversity on the part of teachers
(Pearson and Somekh, 2006)Teachers of the twenty-first century are further expected
to take on expanded roles and responsibilities such as curriculum developers, action
researchers, team leaders and staff development facilitators. This multiplicity of roles
suggests that the traditional conception of teacher effectiveness has been rendered
anachronistic. Recognizing this widened range of professional responsibilities and
needs, teachers are to give divergent opportunities for enhancing their individual
knowledge and competencies, and should give best support for better conditioning of
texture of classroom life. As stated by Dave, Teachers can act as trail-blazers in the
lives of learners and in the process of education for development. If teachers acquire
professional competencies and commitment, and if they are enabled and empowered
to perform their multiple tasks in the classroom, school and community in a genuinely
professional manner then a chain reaction can begin starting with a sound teacher
performance and culminating into high quality learning among increasingly more
students in cognitive, affective and psychomotor areas of human development

Review of related Literature/ Research:-

Angeli and Valanides, (2005) conducted a study to evolve an Instructional Systems
Design (ISD) model that was based on an expanded view of Shulman‟s concept of
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) The study was conducted among Cyprus
preservice elementary teachers who participated in an Instructional Technology
course. The main question that was investigated in the study was how to develop
elementary teachers‟ Information and Communication Technology related
Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Totally 312 preservice teachers participated in the
study which was designed into three phases. Case-based instruction was applied in the
first phase of the design experiment. A new Instructional Systems Design model was
developed and assessed in the two other sessions of the design experiment. In the first
two phases of the study, teachers were guided to use multimedia-authoring tools,
while in the thirds phase teachers were asked to use a modelling tool. The ISD model
was found to be effective. The study constituted a starting point of intensive future
research efforts for seeking more culturally bound or situated ISD approaches where
the influence of school context and teachers‟ epistemological beliefs and experiences
are to be more considered in ICT enhanced instruction. The study suggested that
teachers are to be made more competent to teach with ICT with more knowledge
about different tools and their affordances, specific pedagogies, specific contents,
specific learners and in specific contexts.
Al-Bataineh and Brooks, (2003) undergone a historical look at the lessons learned
in the twenty years of computer-based technology integration in educational systems
in U.S.A. Phases of print automation of the 1980s, a more learner-centered shift in the
early to mid 1990s, internet shifts focus to high order thinking in the late 1990s and
current challenges were discussed. Vision with support and proactive leadership from
educational system, skilled educators in the use of technology in learning, assessment
of the effectiveness of technology for learning, technical assistances, ongoing
financial supports and policies supporting new learning environments were the themes
identified as current needs and challenges.

Baker, (2003) synthesized the reflections on emerging issues related to contemporary

technology-enhanced assessment. Linkage to cognitive demands or requirements,
methods for attributing validity for various assessment purposes, procedures for
generating multiple instances of a task, analytic approaches for providing reports
targeted to users, quality control routines to assure content quality, appropriateness to
the learner and fairness were recommended as the minimum features that are to be
included for technology design and assessment. Placing learning at the heart of the
endeavor is to be considered vital in the synthesis of technology and assessment.

Buendia, (2002) examined the manner American primary school teachers deployed
Instructional Technologies according to their contextual conditions and institutional
systems of knowledge. The theoretical framework firmly identified the curricular
initiatives and teachers‟ practices as another aspect of Instructional Technology. The
study analysed the history of revolution of Instructional Technologies. Instructional
Technology within the frame of study was conceptualized as devices, texts or
instruments constructed to enable, shape or manage human beings to fulfill particular

Braund and Reiss, (2006) analysed the problems of science education in schools.
The study suggested reformations in the science curriculum, pedagogy and nature of
pupil discussions in science instruction. The study criticised that current science
education is too routed in the science laboratories and substantially greater use needs
to be made „out-of-school‟ sites for teaching science in schools. The study revealed
the importance teachers‟ competency to complement laboratory-based school science
teaching by out-of-school science learning that draws on the „actual world‟ through
field trips, the „presented world‟ in science centres, botanic gardens, zoos and science
museums and via the „virtual worlds‟ that are increasingly available through
information and communications technologies.

Singh, B.K. (1988) studied growth and development of technology in education in

secondary schools in Bihar‟s Monghyr district. The objectives of the study were to
study the growth and development of educational technology in the secondary school
of Bihar with and investigation of its impact in science. The findings of the study
were there is very less use of technology in the secondary schools in Monghyr dist.
those secondary school which were using the advance technology were brighter than
other schools. There are very few schools where advance technology used while

Rajseker’s and Vaiyapuri Raja P, (2007) studied knowledge and attitude towards
computer in higher secondary school teachers. The objectives were study the level of
the computer knowledge of teacher their attitude towards computer and the nature of
the relationship existing between the teacher computer knowledge and their attitude
towards computer. The findings of the study were teachers are weak in their computer
knowledge; there was no significant difference in computer knowledge between the
teacher secondary grade teacher and graduate teacher. Also there was no significant
difference in computer knowledge. Between the teacher working in government
schools and private schools and there was no significant difference in attitude towards
computer between teacher working in urban area and rural school.

S.K. Panday studied Teacher attitude towards computer in relation to sex, age and
experience. The objectives of the study knew the level teachers attitude towards use of
computers in secondary schools of Uttarakhand state. Majors findings of the study
were, Teachers above 40 years and having length service more than 20 years have
more favorable opinion about computer knowledge but they sue less computer in
classroom teaching their counterparts, there was no significant difference between
male and female teachers of computer education and also in rural and urban teachers
attitude in relation to utility of computer in their classroom teaching.
Sibien, K.K Annaraja P. studied Teachers, Trainees, Computer, Competency
enhances their technology use in class room teaching. The objectives of the study
were found out the level techno-pedagogical skills. Skills in learning materials
instrumental strategy, communication evaluation and guidance of the secondary
teachers. Also finding the significant difference between secondary teacher, education
student who have attended computer course and who have not attended computer
course. Finding of the study were there was significant difference between secondary
teacher education students who have attended computer courses in their skill in
learning, evaluation and techno-pedagogical skill. While comparing the means source
of secondary teachers education student who have attended computer course and who
have not attended computer course in their skill in learning secondary teacher
education students who have attended computer course are better than those who have
not attended computer course in their skill in learning. This may be due the fact that
secondary teacher‟s education students who have attended computer course have a
solid foundation and can work with their previous knowledge and experience. While
compeering mean scores of secondary school teacher education student who have
attended computer course and who have not attend computer course in their skill in
evaluation. Secondary teaches education students who have attended the computer
course in the skill in evaluation, secondary teacher education students who attended
computer course are better than those who have not attended computer course in their
skill in education

K. Saikumari, studied computer phobia of IX standard students and their attitude

educational usage of computer. to investigate the level of computer phobia among IX
standard students investigate the computer phobia of IX standard students in terms of
locality of the school ,age , gender and ,type of management of school the second
objectives was attitude of IX standard students towards computer usage education in
terms of a locality of the school, age, gender and types of management of schools not
influence the computer phobia of IX standard student and their attitude towards
computer usage in education. the investigator also realized that the role of the teachers
in significant in helping the students get rid of their computer phobia so the teachers
working in urban and rural areas must be given computer literacy to guide their
students the teachers working in government so that they can help their students to
develop a positive attitude towards computer learning and usage the government
must ensure that all the schools in urban and rural areas have the infrastructure
facilities to have a computer lab and well trained teachers that students can
methodology in despite their conclusion.
Sangeetha, (2000) collected the opinions of primary school teachers of Kerala towards
the use of computers. 300 teachers 41 primary schools of Kannur district participated in
the study. Desirable opinions about the academic use of computers were reported from
the part of primary school teachers. Emerging need for computer usage among teachers
was given as conclusion in the work.

Hennessy, et.al (2005) reported a collaborative programme of projects undertaken by

15 teacher researchers of Cambridge University using various forms of computer-
based ICT to support subject teaching and learning. A typology of pro-active and
responsive pedagogic strategies for mediating pupil interactions with ICT was
identified. The strategies emerging illustrated how teachers structured instructional
activities judiciously; supported guided and challenged, encouraged pupil
collaboration, experimentation, reflection and analysis; avoided floundering and
maintained a focus on subject learning; integrated the use of other resources; and
developed information handling skills. The study was drawn on socio-cultural
learning theory as a conceptual framework for analysing how teachers can structure
classrooms activities and interactions during „Technology-integrated Instructional
Conversations‟. A cross-case analysis was conducted by lesson observations, follow-
up teacher interviews and teachers‟ research reports.

Hung, (2001) described the dominant schools of thought in relation to learning

theories and how computer mediated technologies. The study illustrated how learning
theories can be integrated in computer instructional contexts. Behaviorism,
cognitivism, constructivism, and social constructivism were discussed in the light of
different instructional strategies

Shyni, (2000) analysed the views of secondary and higher secondary school teachers
regarding the use of computers in education. 160 secondary school teachers and 155
higher secondary school teachers participated in the study. It was identified both strata of
teachers have almost similar views regarding the use of computers in education. The
study emphasised need for encouraging computer education in schools and the need for
making teachers competent to cope with recent changes in the field of computer

Balasubramanian, (2002) investigated about the need for computer education in teacher
training programmes, both pre-and in-service teacher education. The study recommended
that all teacher educational institutions and training programmes have to include
computers as an integral part of their instructional aids. The study also identified that
most private schools were comfortably placed in the accessibility of computers, but the
same cannot be said about government schools. The study concluded with an urgency of
computer literacy among schoolteachers and also recommended longer training
programmes to prepare teachers to develop instructional software for their students.

Joy and Manickam, (2002) conducted a study among fifty primary school teachers who
were undergoing an in-service teachers' training programme. The major objective of the
study was to assess the index of teachers' knowledge in computers and computer assisted
instruction awareness. The level of teacher competency of the teachers undergoing in-
service training did not shown any change as a result of the in-service training
programme. The investigator commented that it may be a reflection of the reliability of
the test. Gender difference was also not found in the achievement through in-service
training. The study found that the teachers' attitude towards the use of computer became
more favourable with the increase in the awareness about use of computers in the process
of instruction. The study concluded with a suggestion that the contents that enrich
positive attitude towards computer assisted instruction are to be included more in the
future in-service training programmes for the teachers.

Rajagopalan, (2002) investigated about teaching strategies adopted by schoolteachers

and their pupil‟s achievement. The study was conducted among 50 secondary school
Malayalam teachers and 400 pupils. The study revealed that well experienced teachers
especially in government schools were not using preferred teaching strategies for
imparting effective attainment of the objectives envisaged through language education.
The study indicated about the absence of timely implementation of inservice teacher
training programmes that created lack of familiarisation among teachers with effective
and new instructional strategies.
Rasku-Puttonen, et al (2002) investigated about the role of teacher in the promotion
of successful learning and collaboration in Information and Communication
Technology based learning environments. Instructional scaffolding in the technology
based learning environments was another key issue in the work. The persistence of
important role of teacher even in the individualised and child-centered instructional
environments was proven in the study. A need for research and developments for
realizing pedagogical innovations was revealed in the conclusions. The study
concluded that novel practices in teaching will be challenging in inservice training
programmes of teachers adopting technology based learning environments

Swamy, (2002) reviewed different areas of information technology and its context in the
field of instruction. The study suggested that teacher educators and teacher training
programmes should recognize the new skills and needs required for today's instruction
process, and train teachers to develop those skills. The study concluded that the teacher
community must welcome a partnership with new electronic instructional methods. The
importance and features of on-line instruction were more discussed in the study.

Usha Devi, (2002) reported an immediate need for orienting the in-service teachers in
Information Technology skills. The study also recommended Information Technology as
a compulsory content in the preservice teacher education courses. The study identified the
areas required in-service training programmes for teachers. Hyper-text, multi-media
instructional techniques, computer assisted instruction, internet, intranet, and intelligent
tutor system are some of the areas identified, in which in-service teachers training
programmes were to be conducted.

Unwin, (2005) explored some of the reasons for the identified gulf between the
rhetoric advocating use of ICT in education in Africa and the reality of classroom
practices. The study also outlined a possible framework for the successful
implementation of teacher training programmes that makes advantageous use of
appropriate ICTs. Six fundamental principles of good practice were insisted in the
study that is to be addressed for such programmes to be effective. The six principles
were a shift from an emphasis on „education for ICT‟ to the use of „ICT for
education‟, an integration of ICT practice within the whole curriculum, a need for
integration between pre-service and in-service teacher training, a need for
development of relevant and locally produced content, a need for appropriate
educational partnerships and an emphasis on the development of sustainable costing
models. The paper concluded with a framework for action to deliver the very real
benefits of ICT for teacher training in African countries.

Andrea, (2004) analysed the history of Information and Communication Technology

education in Hungarian public education sector that dates back to the 1970s. In Hungary
as well as in most countries that ICT education was introduced as a compulsory school
discipline. The study reports that a shift was observed from a technology-centred towards
a teaching-learning centred approach. In-service teacher training programmes were
introduced in large numbers to satisfy the accelerating needs of schoolteachers in the late
1970s. The study describes a design contest for school computers that was launched by
the Hungarian Ministry of Education to equip a large number of schools with affordable
and easy to use computers, completely with pedagogically valid educational programmes.
An unrealised project was also illustrated in the study that was designed with objectives
to give in-service training for schoolteachers of different disciplines to use computers in
their preparation and daily teaching practices. The main problem identified for the
dissemination of ICT-based instructional methods is the low level ICT competency
among teachers. More intensive in-service training programmes on ICT for the
schoolteachers were recommended in the study.

Kirkwood and Price, (2005) discussed issues relevant for teachers and instructional
designers anticipating using information and communication technologies.. The study
summarised that although ICTs can enable new forms of teaching and learning to take
place, they cannot ensure that effective learning outcomes are achieved. The discussion
concluded that it is not technologies, but educational purposes and pedagogy make
students how to work with ICT and why it is of benefit them to do so. The importance of
appropriate contextual instructional approaches and designs was revealed in this work.
Knowledge about students‟ use of media as well as their attitudes and experiences can
help teachers and instructional designers develop better learning experiences.

Burnett, et al (2006) conducted a study on the transformative influence of new digital

technology connections on the practical implications for transforming literacy in primary
schools in U.K. Children‟s‟ digital texts were analysed alongside interview and
observational data were used for the study. The study revealed the emerging need for
making primary school teachers to be equipped with latest digital technologies, to
promote new literacy practices in the classrooms through production of new kinds of
digital texts and new technology to offer children in classrooms, to explore broader
notions of literacy, and new forms of communication and learning in primary classrooms.
The study also documented the emergence of peer-based learning relationships and
changing perceptions of teacher‟s role.

Carmichael and Procter, (2006) conducted a study on the use of electronic networking
in primary and secondary schools in U.K. The survey was conducted among 250 teachers.
The study discovered that while use of IT is a well-established element of classroom
practice, teachers made less use of electronic networks. The study made comment that
time is needed for in-service teachers to make sense of new practices for themselves.
More in-service training to make teachers sense of new practices in ICT for themselves
was recommended in the study. The study concluded that there is still much to be done in
the area of providing resources, services and online environments, which are supportive
of innovation and knowledge creation about teaching and learning.

Chaudhary, (2006) edited and analysed 15 papers of ICT initiatives and quality
improvement in Elementary Education in India. The material revealed that teachers could
facilitate learning process by building awareness on contextual issues, help children learn
concepts, acquire theoretical knowledge about curriculum areas and also provide
individualised instruction to learners.

Lee, (2006) conducted a study on online learning in primary schools in Hong Kong. The
study was conducted to explore how primary teachers use an online Integrated Learning
Environment (ILE) catered for individual learning difficulties. The study recommended
that when adopting ICT for teaching and learning in primary school classrooms, teachers
should be sufficiently open-minded to explore different approaches and apply adaptation
strategies. The study concluded that teachers are to train well to understand the rationale
and philosophy for the use of ICT to cater for individual differences.

Passey, (2006) analysed uses of ICT by primary and secondary schools in England. The
study identified that the evolved wide diversity in the forms and uses of ICT had created
challenges for teachers to select appropriate uses of ICT to support learning most
effectively in specific situations. The study identified a clear need from the part of
teachers to know how each form of ICT supports precise aspects of learning in each
subject area, topic and activity. Teachers also need to consider the different forms of
technological resources that are accessible, how these specifically work within learning
environments in classrooms and other settings, and how uses of resources match social,
behavioural, emotional and cognitive needs of pupils.

Postholm, (2006) conducted a study on the teacher‟s role when pupils work on task using
ICT in project works. The study acknowledged ICT and project work were challenging
issues for many teachers to deal within the classrooms. The study was conducted in three
classrooms in threes schools at the lower secondary school level in Norway. The data
were collected through observation, tape recordings, video recordings and logbook entries
throughout project periods in the classrooms. The study reported that ICT places great
challenges on the teachers and heavy demands on both pre-service and in-service teacher
training programmes in Norway. Teachers need to be trained to determine when and why
ICT should be used, and also how the equipment should be integrated in proper
instructional situations.

Stemler, et al. (2006) proposed seven strategies for teachers for dealing with practical
issues of teaching. The study highlighted the importance for in-service training for
teachers to have sound practical skills in interacting with students, parents, administrators
and other teachers The study presented a new framework for conceptualizing practical
skills in dealing with others that follows directly from Sternberg‟s theory of successful
intelligence. Comply, consult, confer, avoid, delegate, legislate and retaliate were the
seven strategies suggested for teachers to improve their interpersonal skills.

Need of the study

It is felt as the need of the hour for teachers to undergo self-criticism, to introspect
regarding the deplorable state of affairs in the field of education. Significance of self-
analysis from the part of teachers about their Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and
Threats (SWOT) are with an alarming call. If the teachers are provided with necessary
skills and competencies and are thus, empowered they can inculcate the skills in other
persons and mainly in pupils. Computer has covered all fields today see that in every
educational institute, computer use has become unavoidable. But the researcher
himself is from countryside it is found that teachers from village have little
Awareness of computer, but teachers from cities have good knowledge of computer
and they are making use of it for other things related to education and for teaching and
Learning It was observed by the researcher the difference between the Awareness
than a rural teacher or urban teacher has it reality Researcher studies the teachers‟
computer Awarness and their attitude towards computer.

Significance of the study:

Teachers will be fairly benefited by this research because teacher will
understand the importance of computer use in teaching and learning by this research.
In the same way they will understand there level of computer awareness and it
adequacy. A principal will know the awareness of the staff and if they are below the
expected level he can understands the reasons behind it. This research is helpful for
the principal for application of increasing the knowledge of the staff.
Government has undertaken the policy of emotional intellectual physical
development/ progress of the students for the different workshops are organized for
this also teacher need to have computers awareness for that research will be
. Variables of the Study
1. Computer Awareness
2. Moderator Variables:
a. Locale
b. Gender
c. Experience
d. Computer
e. Faculty
Operational definition –
Computer Awareness - knowing about the various fundamental aspects of computers
and the basic skills involve in the operation of computers.
Secondary School Teacher - the teacher who teaches Eighth to Ninth and Tenth
standard, are secondary school teachers.

Broad Aim of the study:

To Study the computer awareness amongst the secondary school teachers of Nasik
district in relation to different variables.
Objectives of the study:-

1) To study the level of Computer Awareness Secondary School Teachers of

urban area.
2) To study the level of Computer Awareness of Secondary School Teachers of
rural area.
3) To compare the Computer Awareness amongst secondary school teachers with
respect to their locale.
4) To study the level of Computer Awareness of male secondary school teachers.
5) To study the level of Computer Awareness of female secondary school
6) To compare the Computer Awareness amongst secondary school teachers with
respect to their gender.
7) To study the level of Computer Awareness of experienced secondary school
8) To study the level of computer Awareness of below experience secondary
school teachers.
9) To compare the computer Awareness amongst secondary school teachers with
respect to their experience.
10) To study the level of computer awareness of MS-CIT secondary school
11) To study the level of computer awareness of NON MS-CIT secondary school
12) To compare the level of computer awareness of computer with respect
to computer literacy secondary school Teachers.
13) To study the level of computer awareness of Art s faculties secondary school
14) To study the level of computer awareness of science faculties secondary
school Teachers.
15) To compare the level of computer awareness of different faculty secondary
school Teachers.

Hypotheses of the study-

1) There is no significant difference in the Computer awareness amongst urban
and rural Secondary School Teachers.
2) There is no significant difference in the Computer Awareness on amongst
male and female Secondary School Teacher.
3) There is no significant difference in the computer Awareness on among
Experienced and below experience Secondary School Teacher.
4) There is no significant difference in the computer Awareness on
among MS-CIT and Non MS-CIT Secondary School Teacher.
5) There is no significant difference in the computer Awareness on among
ART and SCIENCE Faculties‟ Secondary School Teacher.
There are approximately 600 secondary school in Nasik district. Out of
these 600 schools 100 schools which are located in urban area and 100 schools
from rural area of Nasik district will be selected as sample for (present) the
The technique for selecting the sample will be simple random sampling

Table -01
Number of schools
Total Schools in Schools in
school Urban Area Rural Area

600 50 50

Table -02
Number of Teacher
Total Teachers in Teachers in
school Urban Area Rural Area

600 350 350

As the researcher wishes to study the Computer Awareness among the
Secondary School Teachers from Nasik District hence the study will be done
by Descriptive survey method.
A) Tools for Data Collection –
1. Primary Data Sheet
2. Computer Awareness scale- prepared by the
B) Statistical Technique‟s
1) Descriptive Analysis – mean, medium, mode, standard
Deviation, kurtosis, skewness
2) Inferential Analysis –„t‟ Test

Scope and Delimitations of the Study –

The present study is a humble attempt by the investigator to assess the

level of awareness on the different aspects of Instructional Technology among
secondary school teachers. This research will include secondary school
teacher from Nasik district, primary school teachers and teachers from the
colleges, Higher and Technical education teachers will be excluded. This
research will include only secondary School teachers from Marathi medium in
Nasik district and the English, Urdu, Gujrathi; medium school‟s secondary
school teachers will be excluded. This research will include only secondary
school teachers in Nasik district and the non teaching staff and other staff will
be excluded. This research will include only Nasik district secondary school
teachers and teachers from rest of the district will be excluded. This research
will include only Computer Awareness of secondary school teachers Nasik
district and the other computer related knowledge and skill will not be
included in the present study. This research will include only aided secondary
school teachers in Nasik district and the un aided secondary school teachers in
Nasik district will be excluded.


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