Lab 1 SP19
Lab 1 SP19
Lab 1 SP19
Lab-1 Manual
This introductory lab allows students to understand the basic concept of the discrete-time
signals and their representation on MATLAB. Furthermore, it demonstrates some basic
MATLAB codes in order to achieve hands-on it.
Pre-Lab Work
MATLAB is a high-level programming language that has been used extensively to
solve complex engineering problems. The language itself bears some similarities with
MATLAB works with three types of windows on your computer screen. These
are the ‘Command window’, the Figure window and the Editor window. The Figure
window only pops up whenever you plot something. The Editor window is used for
writing and editing MATLAB programs (called M-files) and can be invoked in
Windows from the pull-down menu after selecting File |New| M-file. In UNIX, the
Editor window pops up when you type in the command window: edit filename
(‘filename’ is the name of the file you want to create).
The ‘ Command window’ is the main window in which you communicate with
the MATLAB interpreter. The MATLAB interpreter displays a command >>
indicating that i t is ready to accept commands from you.
• View the MATLAB introduction by typing
>> intro
at the MATLAB prompt. This short introduction will demonstrate some basic
MATLAB commands.
• Explore MATLAB’s help capability by trying the following:
>> help
>> help plot
>> help ops
>> help arith
• Type ‘demo’ and explore some of the demos of MATLAB commands.
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• You can use the ‘command’ window as a calculator, or you can use it to
call other MATLAB programs (M-files).
Say you want to evaluate the expression a3 + √bd-4c, where a=1.2, b=2.3, c=4.5 and
d=4. Then in the ‘command’ window, type:
>> a = 1.2;
>> b=2.3;
>> c=4.5;
>> d=4;
>> a^3+sqrt (b*d)-4*c
Note the semicolon after each variable assignment. If you omit the semicolon, then
MATLAB echoes back on the screen the variable value.
Symbol Meaning
Pi π (3.14...)
Sqrt indicates square root e.g., sqrt(4)=2
ˆ indicates power(e.g., 3ˆ2=9)
Abs Absolute value | .| e.g., abs(-3)=3
NaN Not-a-number, obtained when comparing mathematically undefined op-
ererations, such as 0/0
Inf Represents +∞
; Indicates the end of a row in a matrix. It is also used to suppress
printing on the screen (echo off )
% Denotes a comment. Anything to the right of % is ignored by the
MATLAB interpreter and is considered as comments
’ Denotes transpose of a vector or matrix. It’s also used to define strings,
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x. ∗ y = [x1 y1 , x2 y2 , ..., xn yn ]
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The arithmetic operators + and — can be used to add or subtract matrices, scalars or
vectors. By vectors we mean one-dimensional arrays and by matrices we mean multi-
dimensional arrays. This terminology of vectors and matrices comes from Linear
>> X=[1,3,4]
>> Y=[4,5,6]
>> X+Y
ans = 5 8 10
To compute the dot product of two vectors, you can use the multiplication operator *. For
the above example, it is:
>> X*Y’
ans= 43
Note the single quote after Y. The single quote denotes the transpose of the matrix or a
To compute an element by element multiplication of two vectors (or two arrays) you
can use the .* operator:
>> X .* Y
ans = 4 15 24
That is, X.*Y means [1×4, 3×5, 4×6] = [4 15 24]. The ‘.*’ operator is used very
often (and is highly recommended) because it is executed much faster compared to
the code that uses for loops.
array ‘x’ -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
indexes of ‘x’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ans = 0
Similarly, you can allocate memory for two-dimensional arrays (matrices). The
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ans= 1 1 1 1 1
Note: Memory allocation is needed when in your code you have to refer to some
variable which has not been created yet. If in such cases you proceed with referring
the variable without first allocating memory for it the MATLAB will generate an
error saying ‘unknown variable’. So the commands zeros, ones and randn may be
used to allocate this space.
if statements
switch statements
for loops
while loops
break statement
The if, for, switch and while statements need to terminate with an end statement.
if x>0
str = ‘positive’;
elseif x<0
str = ‘negative’;
elseif x = = 0
str = ‘zero’;
b. What is the value of x after execution of the above loop?
FOR loop:
for i = 1:10
The above code computes the sum of all numbers from 1 to 10.
The break statement lets you exit early from a for or a while loop:
x = -10;
while x < 0
x = x + 2;
if x = = -2
MATLAB supports the following relational and logical operators:
Meaning Symbol
Equal ==
Not equal ˜=
OR |
Write a code that print your name five times using FOR loop and WHILE loop.
5. Plotting:
You can plot arrays using MATLAB’s function plot. The function plot (.) is
used to generate line plots. The function stem(.) is used to generate “picket-fence”
type of plots. Example:
>> x=1:20;
>> plot(x) %see Figure 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Example of a plot generated using the plot command is shown in Figure 1, and
example of a plot generated using the stem function is shown in Figure 2. More
generally, plot(X,Y) plots vector Y versus vector X. Various line types, plot
symbols and colors may be obtained.
using plot(X,Y,S) where S is a character string indicating the color of the line,
and the type of line (e.g., dashed, solid, dotted, etc.). Examples for the string S
You can insert x-labels, y-labels and title to the plots, using the functions
xlabel(.), ylabel (.) and title (.) respectively. To plot two or more graphs on the
same figure, use the command subplot.
The subplot (m, n, p) argument in the subplot command indicates that the figure
will be split in ‘m’ rows and ‘ n’ columns. The ‘p’ argument takes the values 1, 2,
. . . , m × n. In the example above, m = 2, n = 1,and, p = 1 for the top figure and
p = 2 for the bottom figure. For instance, to show the above two plots in the same
figure, type:
>> subplot(2,1,1), plot(x)
>> subplot(2,1,2), stem(x)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
average of the array. In general, you can pass more than one input argument and
can have the function return multiple values. You can declare the function average,
for instance, to return 3 variables while taking 4 variables as input with the
following statement:
function [y1, y2, y3] = average(x1,x2,x3,x4)
In the command window it has to be invoked as:
>> [y1, y2, y3] = average(x1,x2,x3,x4)
In-Lab Work:
A signal is a function that conveys some useful information about the behavior or
attributes of some phenomenon. Signals are mathematically represented as a function of
one or more independent variables i.e. y =ƒ( .., ) where .., are the
independent variables that could be time or space and ‘y’ is the independent variable that
in this case represent the signal values. In this lab, we will mostly be dealing with signals
which are the function of time only and in case of discrete signals, we will replace time
with the variable ‘n’ which will only take discrete values.
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1. Signals in MATLAB
Signals are divided into two major types.
MATLAB representation
In MATLAB, signals are represented by using two
variables i.e. y=sin (t) where variable‘t’ represents the
time axis and ‘y’ represents the signal values.
>> t=0:0.01:7;
>> y=sin(t);
>> plot(y)
MATLAB representation:
>> n=0:7;
>> y=sin(n);
>> stem(n,y)
Plot the array ‘x’ w.r.t ‘n’ and label its axis.
Replace ‘0’s by ‘1’s in an array ‘x’ starting from the index ‘i + n0’ upto
the last index of the array.
Else- If ‘n0’ is greater than 0
Replace ‘0’s by ‘1’s in an array ‘x’ starting from the index ‘i - n0’ upto the
last index of the array.
Replace ‘0’s by ‘1’s in an array ‘x’ starting from the index ‘i’ upto the last
index of the array.
Plot the array ‘x’ w.r.t ‘n’ and label its axis.
Note: The value of the delay ‘n0’ must not exceed the maximum or minimum value
of the vector ‘n’ i.e from above mentioned cases ‘n0’ should lie exceed 9 or 10
(ignoring the negative sign of the negative values).
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Lab Tasks
In-Lab Task-1: Generate a Continuous time cosine signal and plot it.
In-Lab Task-2: Generate a Discrete time exponential signal and plot it.
In-Lab Task-3: Write a MATLAB program for the ‘running average’, a running
total is a sequence of partial sum of a given sequence/signal. For example, the running
totals of the signal {a, b, c, …}are a, a+b, a+b+c, ... Use that program to find the
running total of the discrete time signal of length N=100. Write your program
so that it is
flexible. That is, you should be able to invoke your program from the command
window as follows:
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>> y=running_averagel(x)
where x is the input signal, and y is the running total of that signal.
where ‘ m ’ is the mean value of the signal x. For signal x, use all the integers from
1 to 1000.
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Post-Lab Task-3: Generate a step sequence u [n] as described in In-Lab section, use it
to generate an impulse as δ [n] = u[n] – u[n-1].
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