Santos Brochure
Santos Brochure
Santos Brochure
Construction management
Who we are
our industries our services
> Power Generation > Contracts & Claims Management
> Heavy Engineering & Construction > Project & Construction Management and Support
Engineering Support
KEY Commissioning
• Quotations
• Vendor Selection
SERVICES • Management
• Checking
• Testing
• Start-up
• Sub-contracts
• Calibration
• Training • Overhaul
Project Management
• Plant Operation • Repairs
operating sectors
Power Generation
Our long experience in the power industry spans all Cement & Mineral Processing
phases from design through to the operation and For over 20 years we have participated in a
maintenance of the completed facility. The plants broad range of cement and mineral
we have worked on are located worldwide and processing projects in Africa, Asia, Europe
include simple cycle gas and steam turbines, and the Americas. These have included
combined cycle and diesel engine power plants greenfield cement plants, alumina refineries,
together with transmission and distribution systems. lead, zinc and nickel plants, bulk terminals,
steel mills and copper mines.
Santos has a worldwide services capability. We combine our global expertise with our extensive
knowledge of local markets. This expertise is delivered to our customers through our partnerships
with local companies in many countries. We are confident that whatever your requirements we
are equipped to be your partner.
key service benefits
It’s all part of Santos Engineering’s dynamic, full-service approach, which is based on
partnership, understanding and shared goals.
explore the CD-ROM
santos engineering
Explore this CD-ROM to learn more about Santos Engineering’s full menu of services.
View our experience list and see some of the projects we have completed for our customers.
Windows Mac
MS Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP Mac OS 8.6 or above
486 - 100mhz processor or above PowerPC 100mhz processor or above
32mb RAM 32mb RAM
CD-ROM drive CD-ROM drive
Mac | PC