Rotary Holiday Exchange Program: Istrict
Rotary Holiday Exchange Program: Istrict
Rotary Holiday Exchange Program: Istrict
Dear Rotarian,
R.I. District 1620 invites 20 young people from the EEMA Region to a roundtrip in Belgium
in July 2011 . Theme : « BELGIUM , COUNTRY OF CONTRASTS »
Costs : Participants will pay for their travel costs to Belgium and back.
Insurance : Each participant must be fully insured against accidents, sickness and third party
liability according to the existence of an agreement or not between his/her home
country and Belgium.
Application : Printed application forms,in triplicate, with passport photos must be sent before
May 15th to : RTN Virginie VANDENABEELE
Rue du Seigneur 32 Bte 19
B-7110 La HESTRE.
Tél: 32 499 96 79 88
E-mail :
We have the pleasure to invite 1 girl OR 1 boy from your country. In the meantime, we
Yours in Rotary,
Districts 1620-1630-2170
Jean Claude WARNANT
La Tassenière 13 , B-5500 DINANT BELGIUM
Tf++32(0)82-224343 Fax :++32(0)82-224343
Dear friend,
District 2170 Belgium invites you, if you are certified, to send one boy and one girl from your
country or district to his annual holiday tour.
PROGRAM : Visit Brussels area, Antwerp, Bruges, The Flanders, The Ardennes,
The first four nights in Youth Hostel, the remaining with Rotarian families.
LANGUAGE : Participants are expected to have a working knowledge in English.
AGE : 16 (not younger that 16 in July 2010) – 18 ( not older that 18 in July 2010)
INSURANCE : All participants must be insured against illness, accident and third party
damages according to Rotary International recommendations.
If there is no insurance the participant will pay 50€ for this insurance when arriving in
Full accommodation will be provides by the district 2170 Belgium.
CLOSING DATE : A lot of invitation is being sent out. The number of participants is
however limited to the first 24 registered.
Acceptance will be made in order of entry of the completed application form.
No application will be accepted after 15th May 2011.
Important note :
Please let me know immediately if your candidate fails to come in order to give another
candidate the possibility to participate.
Sincerely yours in Rotary,
Dear Friend,
District 2170 Belgium invite you, if you are certified, to send one boy OR one girl from your
country or district to their annual holiday tour.
CLOSING DATE : A lot of invitations are being sent out. The number of participants is
however limited to the first 20 registered.
Acceptance will be made in order of entry of the completed application form.
No application will be accepted after 31 May 2011.
District 1630 Belgium invite you, if you are certified, to send one boy or one girl from your
country or district to his annual holiday tour.
Invitation to the
ROTARY “Meet Bulgaria Unique harmony of ature” SUMMER CAMP
2 July to 11 July 2011
Dear friends,
District 2240 - Czech Republic invites you, if you are certified, to send one boy or one
girl from your country or district to the Czech Summer Camp
PARTICIPANTS: 16 – 18 years old, one boy or one girl from each country,
16 participants altogether.
The first 16 will be accepted.
Dear friends,
District 2240 - Czech Republic invites you, if you are certified, to send
one boy or one girl from your country or district to
Aim of the camp: To make a film. Participants can train creative skills in artistic
workshops: Filming/Editing film, Acting, Dancing,
Musical/Singing, Stage and Costume designing.
Meeting Czech literature – Inspirited writing.
Languages: English,
Registration Fee: Payment of 50 € must be sent to the club for confirmation. Upon
arrival, each participant will be paid back the full amount in cash
in CZK or EUR.
Camp Sobotín:
around camp:
Rotary Youth Exchange
Short-Term Summer Tour(STEP) Application
These camps bring together participants from several countries and take place usually in summer. Camps may have
themes such as sports, culture, nature, language, computer or participation in a community service project. Some camps
provide leadership training and address international concerns. By bringing together international participants, camps
promote cultural tolerance and international understanding through friendship.
Where possible young people with disabilities will be included in the camp or tour programs, however for the more
severely disabled special camps known as 'Handicamps' are organised where participants can be assisted by a carer.
In addition to this Application Form further information from participants will be required by the organisers.
Page 1
Read all directions on each page carefully before completing the application. Use the checklist on the last page to ensure
that you have completed all sections and obtained all necessary signatures.
If you are accepted into the short term program this application will be sent to the hosting country and will serve
as your introduction to the people who will organize your stay or host you.
Components of Your Application
• General Information: Pages 3 - 7 containing your Personal Information, Acceptance of the Rules and Conditions
and the Guarantee Form;
• Supplementary Information: Pages A, B or C dependent upon the program in which you wish to participate;
• Copy of your passport or birth certificate.
Data Protection
Your information will be shared with Rotary International, the Sending and Hosting Rotary Districts Youth Exchange Organizations’ and Clubs, your
appointed counselor and host families. It will only be used for official RI business and not sold to or shared with other third parties, unless required by
law to be released.
Page 2
Short-Term Summer Tour/Camp Smile!
Attach or insert a recent, good-quality
Program color photo of yourself (head and
Personal Information Original photos must accompany all
four sets of the application.
Before you begin your application, please Attach photo with glue or
read all instructions on the prior pages. double-sided tape; do not staple.
Passport Size
1. Program Information
This application refers to the following Short Term Exchange Program (please tick the appropriate box):
Family to Family Individual Exchange New Generations Individual Exchange
Group Exchange / Tours New Generations Group Exchange
Youth Camps Other
2. Applicant Information
Full Legal Name as on passport or birth certificate (use capital letters for your FAMILY name; e.g., SMITH John Name You Wish to be Called Male
Date of Birth (e.g., 23/April/2008) Citizen of (Country) Place of Birth (City, State/Province, Country)
Postal Address (if different) - Street Town/City State/Province Postal Code Country
3. Parent/Legal Guardian Information (Preferred but not essential if applicant is over 18 years of age)
Full Name of Father/Legal Guardian Rotarian? If yes, name of Rotary Club
Yes No
Yes No
Parent/legal guardian to contact first in the event of an emergency (specify “Father”, “Mother”, etc.):
Check here if your parents are divorced or separated. If applicant is under 18 authorizations must be obtained from all parents/legal guardians and
others who have legal rights to decisions affecting the student’s participation. Explanation is required if signatures of two parents or legal guardians
are not provided.
Page 3
Applicant’s Name
4. Personal Background
Religion Do you have any special requirements regarding religious observance? Please detail:-
Dietary Restrictions (Enter “None”, or explain with details – e.g., vegetarian, vegan, allergic to…)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Answering yes to these questions will not automatically eliminate you as a candidate; however, it may require special consideration of host family or host
5. Languages
Your Native Language
Proficiency in Non-Native Language(s)
(indicate Poor, Fair, Good, or Fluent)
Non-Native Language(s) Years Studied Speaking Reading Writing
6. Health Declaration
Do you have any mental health/medical/dental conditions? Yes No
Have you been treated for mental health/medical conditions in the past two years? Yes No
Have you taken any prescribed medications in the past six months? Yes No
Do you have any special health requirements (disabilities, allergies etc.)? Yes No
If you have answered ‘YES’ to any of the above please explain fully in the space below providing as much information as possible, including the name of
any medication and the reason prescribed and include a copy of the doctor’s prescription. Use additional sheets of paper if necessary.
For more personal and background information please use the appropriate Supplementary Page.
7. Sending District and Club Contacts (to be completed by Sending Rotary Club and District representatives)
Sending District Number Name of Sending District Youth Exchange Chair E-mail Address
Home Phone Number Business Phone Number Mobile Phone Number Fax Number
Sending Rotary Club Name of Sending Club Youth Exchange Officer E-mail Address
Home Phone Number Business Phone Number Mobile Phone Number Fax Number
Page 4
Applicant’s Name
E-mail Address Home Phone Number Business Phone Number Mobile Phone Number
Page 6
Applicant’s Name
Name of District Youth Exchange Chair Name of Club President Name of Club Secretary / YEO
Signature of District Youth Exchange Chair Signature of Club President Signature of Club Secretary/YEO
Name of District Youth Exchange Chair Name of Host Club President Name of Host Club Secretary /YEO
E-mail Address of District Youth Exchange Chair E-mail Address of Host Club President E-mail Address of Host Club Secretary/YEO
Signature of District Youth Exchange Chair Signature of Host Club President Signature of Host Club Secretary/YEO
Date Home Phone Number Date Home Phone Number Date Home Phone Number
Home Phone Number Business Phone Number Mobile Phone Number Fax Number
Page 7
Applicant’s Name
What are your school, college or university education attainments and vocation?
What is the reason for your programme participation (e.g. choice of specific youth camp)?
The Hungarian YEO hereby invites young people from your District to join
the Summer camp in Hungary: HUNGARIAN BRIDGE 2011
Please use the application forms for EEMA-camps and advise the applicant to fill in the application
forms by typing or by using block letters. Would you please send the forms as soon as possible,
but before 30th of April at the latest to my e-mail or to post-address.
Please confirm receipt of this invitation. Thank you very much for your co-operation.
PROGRAMME: The camp consist of two parts. The first part is to spend one week not in the
capital with Hungarian families to get an idea of the Hungarian country lifestyle.
After this family week the participants will meet in Budapest stay in a youth sports
hostel. The camp programme (up to the weather) contains:
Day A: Budapest 1. (sightseeing, Parliament, chair-lift, fun-fair, Zoo)
Day B: Budapest 2. (museum, Citadella, the Royal Palace of
Buda, Evening walk, 3D cinema)
Day C: Szentendre, Open Air museum
Day D: Cycling tour – Vác, Nagymaros
Day E: Boat trip, Esztergom, Visegrád
Day F: Programmes in the camp, sport, competition, cooking
23 of July going home.
EQUIPMENT: Ordinary personal clothes and hygienic equipments. Please also take your
student card, insurance, and appropriate clothing for trips, rain, heat and cold.
Should you have any special eating wishes please write it by all means!
We would also like you to prepare a short presentation (PPS for computer) about
your country so that the other participants could get some information about it.
COSTS: During the two weeks the participants spend in Hungary are going to get full
board at the host families and from Rotary. So all need is only to take pocket
money for Museums, cinema and other tickets, and for public transport we need
money too .
CAMP LANGUAGE: On the you find the members of
Hungarian Bridge 2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 - 2010.