Munich Philharmonic Orchestra: Lorin Maazel
Munich Philharmonic Orchestra: Lorin Maazel
Munich Philharmonic Orchestra: Lorin Maazel
Fortieth Concert of the 107th Season 107th Annual Choral Union Series
The. name. MUNICH PHILHARMONIC hoi, a fiing to it £OA lover* ofi classical
music. I am there.^oAe. very ple.a*e.d that this e.x.ce.ptio natty tale.nte.d
o Aches tna ^Aom the. capital o& Bavaria ha* de.cide.d to tour the. Unite.d
Stated {)OA the. fairst time. in its history and to give. concerts under
the. dire.ctlon o& LoAin MaazeJL in * hmeAA.can c^ttu {, OctobeA
M to 3J, 1985.
The. language, o^ mo6^c, Like, no otheA., bAsingA pe.ople. and nation*
toQ^tkeA., uniting thm <ln the. bond* ofi ^fLie.ndkki.p . With thLb -In mind,
the. 30veA.nme.nt o& the. Fe.deAal Re.pubtlc o& GeAmany ha* give.n it*
{, *uppoKt to the. touA o& the. MUNICH PHILHARMONIC a* paAt o^ it!>
cJLo*e. cultuAal cooperation with the. Unite.d States. It viem the. tout
a* an e.x.pA.eA*ion ofa the. cto*e. &Asle.nd*hip whic.h e.xiAtt> between the.
(inite.d States and the. Fe.deAal Republic. o{\ GeAmany.
I *inc.eA.e£y hope, that American will. deJLight in thue.
e.ncounteAA with the. ma*teApie.c.e^> o& mu*ical tfiadition.
I wi*h the. osLc.hz*tA£L and it* conducitoA. a *uc.c.e^*f,ul touA. o& the.
(inite.d States.
Hans-Dietrich Genscher
Minister for Foreign Affairs
of the Federal Republic of Germany
The. MUNICH PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA wiU. viAJjt the. United State* o&
America and Canada in October. 1985. And, no doubt, it* member* witt
be. welcome, a* amba**adoAA o& the. City o& Munich. I am very happy
inde.e.d that thLi, v-l*it witt provide, ye^t another mu*ical bridge.
between QUA countnieA, between Munich and the. American and Canadian
ho*t citiu. AccoAding to the. wo Ad* o& authoA KaAl. JuLlu* WebeA,
"Mu*ic i^ the. tAue. general language, o^ mankind." 1 hope, that the.
{,ir*t American tour o& the. MUNICH PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA wi£t make,
a valuable, contribution euen to deepen the. mutual understanding
between QUA. nation*, apaAt. &Aom pAomoting our cultural A.eJLatlon*.
In thi* *e.n*e., I wish e.very *ucc&** to the. concert o& the. MUNICH
PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA in the. United States o& and in
Canada, and an impA&**ive. musical highlight to its audie.nces.
Munich, September 10, 1985
George Kronawitter
Lord Mayor of Munich
Concertmasters: Solo:
LOR IN MAAZEL Karlheinz Hahn
Werner Grobholz
Sreten Krstic Conductor Herbert Gruber
Thomas Wolf Peter Flahmig
Ingolf Turban Max Spenger
Klaus Kosbahn Wolfgang Schroder
Deputy Concertmaster: Herbert Stoiber Wilhelm Mehls
Karel Eberle Wolfgang Stingl
Gunter Pretzel Bassoons
Mathias Freund
Josef Kahlscheuer Solo:
Erich Bieder Cellos Richard Popp
Hans Schuster Concertmasters: Friedrich Edelmann
Gunther Feldt Heinrich Klug Josef Peters
Max Fischer Helmar Stiehler Jorg Urbach
Carla Moll Michael Hell Jurgen Popp
Manfred Hufnagel
Katharina Kruger Franz Fischer
Ernst Faehndrich Horns
Masako Shinohe
Claudia Ruf Hermann Dirr Solo:
Philip Middleman Will! Schmid Eric Terwilliger
Nenad Daleore Paul Holzfurtner Wolfgang Gaag
Harald Orlovsky Erich Bruckner
Jorg Eggebrecht David Moltz
Fritz Eickhoff Hartmut Hubert
Johannes Fink
Erhard Dimpfl Robert Ross
Second Violins Wieland Wagner
Herbert Heim
Principals: Gerhard Pawlica Karl Hammer
Klaus Mynter Alois Schlemer
Alexander Uszkurat Double Basses Gottfried Langenstein
Christian Gansch
Solo: Trumpets
Gunter Klein Herbert Duft
Julie Hessdorfer Erwin Gotz Solo:
Friedrich Eisler Matthias Weber Jean-Francois Michel
Norbert Vichr Uwe Komischke
Alfred Brandlhuber Yoshinori Suzuki
Stephan Graf Erich Rinner
Wolfgang Prohaska Hermann Goss
Karlheinz Wetzel Albert Stangl
Otto Bernhard Franz Unterrainer
Herold Flintner
Jurgen Gottmann Franz Urbas
Frank Jorg Sirch Trombones:
Ilona Weninger
Berthold Gotschel Wolfgang Nestle Solo:
Dietmar Forster Matthias Bernhard Dankwart Schmidt
Gustav Kolbe Dany Bonvin
Josef Thoma Flutes Abbie Conant
Martin Manz Solo: Robert Meissner
Max Hecker Bernhard Weiss
Violas Michael Faust
Concertmasters: Hans Billig Tuba
Annemarie Binder Albert Muller Thomas Walsh
Helmut Nicolai Albrecht Hampe Timpani
Martin Albrecht Rohde Fritz-Peter Ruppert Solo:
Deinhart Goritzki Peter Sadlo
Tivadar Popa Oboes Stefan Gagelmann
Jurgen Schmidt Solo:
Peter Chr. Steinkrauss Ulrich Becker Percussion
Gero Rumpp Michael Helmrath Arnold Riedhammer
Rafael Wojsyk Walter Schwarz
Hans-Dietrich Rave Gerhard Hermann Manfred Trauner
Jorge Sutil Bernhard Berwanger Karlheinz Becker
Susan Goetting