TCS Annual Report 2019-20
TCS Annual Report 2019-20
TCS Annual Report 2019-20
(` crore) (` crore)
Note As at As at Note As at As at
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Note As at As at
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Lease liabilities 6,906 44
Other financial liabilities 8(g) 291 287
Unearned and deferred revenue 697 844
Employee benefit obligations 14 417 330
Deferred tax liabilities (net) 17 779 1,042
Other liabilities 10(g) - 413
Total non-current liabilities 9,090 2,960
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Lease liabilities 1,268 -
Trade payables 6,740 6,292
Other financial liabilities 8(g) 6,100 4,903 NOTES FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
Unearned and deferred revenue 2,915 2,392 As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board
Provisions 10(f) 293 239 For B S R & Co. LLP N Chandrasekaran Rajesh Gopinathan Keki M Mistry
Employee benefit obligations 14 2,749 2,356 Chartered Accountants Chairman CEO and Managing Director Director
Firm's registration no:
Income tax liabilities(net) 3,712 2,667 101248W/W-100022
Other liabilities 10(g) 3,283 3,235 Yezdi Nagporewalla V Ramakrishnan Rajendra Moholkar
Total current liabilities 27,060 22,084 Partner CFO Company Secretary
Membership No: 049265
Mumbai, April 16, 2020
(` crore)
Balance as at April 1, 2019 Changes in equity share capital during the year Balance as at March 31, 2020
375 - 375
*Refer note 8(l).
These consolidated financial statements have been The functional currency of the Company and its Entities controlled by the Company are consolidated
prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting Indian subsidiaries is the Indian Rupee (`). from the date control commences until the date
Standards (referred to as “Ind AS”) prescribed under The functional currency of foreign subsidiaries is control ceases.
(` crore) (` crore)
As at As at
As at As at
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Considered good
Inter-corporate deposits 27 58 Security deposits 824 737
Loans and advances to employees 2 2 .).'! ƫ(*!/ƫ3%0$ƫ*'/ 1 1
29 60 +*#ġ0!.)ƫ*'ƫ !,+/%0/ 348 -
In the previous year, ‘Others’ include a liability accrued towards exercise of put / call Loans receivables include inter-corporate deposits of `8,198 crore, with original
option for acquisition by maturity period within 36 months.
The fluctuation in foreign currency exchange rates may have potential impact (` crore)
on the consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive USD EUR GBP Others
income and equity, where any transaction references more than one currency
Net financial assets 2,140 239 82 1,145
or where assets / liabilities are denominated in a currency other than the
functional currency of the respective entities. Considering the countries and Net financial (3,257) (325) (160) (249)
economic environment in which the Group operates, its operations are subject liabilities
0+ƫ.%/'/ƫ.%/%*#ƫ".+)ƫý1010%+*/ƫ%*ƫ!4$*#!ƫ.0!/ƫ%*ƫ0$+/!ƫ+1*0.%!/ċƫ 10% appreciation / depreciation of the respective functional currency of
ƫ ƫ $!ƫ.+1,Čƫ/ƫ,!.ƫ%0/ƫ.%/'ƫ)*#!)!*0ƫ,+(%5Čƫ1/!/ƫ !.%20%2!ƫ%*/0.1)!*0/ƫ Tata Consultancy Services Limited and its subsidiaries with respect to various
primarily to hedge foreign exchange. Further, any movement in the functional foreign currencies would result in increase / decrease in the Group’s profit
currencies of the various operations of the Group against major foreign before taxes by approximately `39 crore for the year ended March 31, 2020.
currencies may impact the Group’s revenue in international business.
Geographical concentration of trade receivables, unbilled receivables and March 31, 2020 Due in Due in Due in Due Total
contract assets is allocated based on the location of the customers. 1st year 2nd year 3rd to after
5th year 5th year
The allowance for lifetime expected credit loss on trade receivables for
Non-derivative financial
the years ended March 31, 2020 and 2019 was `133 crore and `187 crore
respectively. The reconciliation of allowance for doubtful trade receivables
is as follows: Trade payables 6,740 - - - 6,740
Lease liabilities 1,722 1,514 3,517 4,034 10,787
(` crore)
Other financial liabilities 5,407 12 279 - 5,698
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 13,869 1,526 3,796 4,034 23,225
Balance at the beginning of 1,020 831 Derivative financial 693 - - - 693
the year liabilities
Change during the year 133 187 Total 14,562 1,526 3,796 4,034 23,918
Bad debts written off (43) (9)
Translation exchange difference 27 11
Balance at the end of the year 1,137 1,020