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Andi Woodworks Pvt. Ltd. - 14-15

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Notes :
Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2018
Annexures As on 31st March As on 31st March
Particulars 2017 2018


1 Shareholders’ funds
(a) Share capital 1 100,000.00 100,000.00
(b) Reserves and surplus 2 181,600.48 71,346.41
(c) Money received against share warrants - -
2 Share application money pending allotment
3 Non-current liabilities
(a) Long-term borrowings 3 545,000.00 545,000.00
(b) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) - -
(c) Other Long term liabilities
(d) Long-term provisions
4 Current liabilities
(a) Short-term borrowings 4 ###
(b) Trade payables 5 3,690,581.00 1,491,149.00
(c) Other current liabilities 6 - -
(d) Short-term provisions 7 156,384.58 49,417.00

TOTAL 4,673,566.06 2,256,912.41

1 Non-current assets
(a) Fixed assets 8 185,227.03 75,357.03
(i) Tangible assets
(ii) Intangible assets
(iii) Capital work-in-progress
(iv) Intangible assets under development
(b) Non-current investments ###
(c) Deferred tax assets (net) ###
(d) Long-term loans and advances ###
(e) Other non-current assets 9 12,000.00 16,000.00
2 Current assets
(a) Current investments ###
(b) Inventories 10 4,126,863.87 1,588,308.97
(c) Trade receivables 11 - -
(d) Cash and cash equivalents 12 319,475.16 162,469.00
(e) Short-term loans and advances 13 30,000.00 414,777.41
(f) Other current assets 14 - -

TOTAL 4,673,566.06 2,256,912.41

xdsz ###
The schedules referred to above and the Statement on Significant Accounting Policies form an integral part of the
Balance Sheet.

This is the Balance Sheet prepared as per For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
the explanation and documents given to us.

For and on behalf of

G. S. W. & Company
Chartered Accountants Director Director

Ayush Agarwal
Place :
Date :
Notes :
Profit and loss statement for the year ended 31st March, 2018

Annexures As on 31st March As on 31st March

Particulars 2017 2018 A
I. Revenue from operations 15 7,570,189.00 5,635,687.00
### o
II. Other income 16 52,948.97 ### n
III. Total Revenue (I + II) 7,623,137.97 5,696,060.00
### 1
IV. Expenses: t
(a) Cost of materials consumed 17 6,456,147.02 5,001,352.39 M
(b) Purchases of stock-in-trade - - a
c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, - - r
work-in progress and stock-in trade c
(d) Employee benefits expenses 18 556,320.00 443,750.00
(e)Finance cost 19 3,670.08 1,271.00 2
(f) Depreciation and amortization expenses 20 123,480.00 ### 0
(g)Other Expenses 21 323,962.45 ### 1

Total expenses 7,463,579.55 5,592,796.59


V. Profit before exceptional and extraordinary items and tax (III-IV) 159,558.42 103,263.41
VI. Exceptional items (Preliminiary expenses w/off) ###

VII. Profit before extraordinary items and tax (V - VI) 159,558.42 103,263.41
VIII. Extraordinary Items ###

IX. Profit before tax (VII- VIII) 159,558.42 103,263.41

X Tax expense:
(1) Current tax 53,170.00 21,020.00
(2) Deferred tax (3,865.65) 10,897.00
49,304.35 31,917.00
XI Profit after tax 110,254.07 71,346.41

XII Profit (Loss) for the period 110,254.07 71,346.41

The schedules referred to above and the Statement on Significant Accounting Policies form an integral part of the P & L A/c.

This is the Profit and Loss A/c prepared as per For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
the explanation and documents given to us.

For and on behalf of

G. S. W. & Company
Chartered Accountants Director Director

Ayush Agarwal
Place :
Date :

Share Capital 1
As on 31 March 2017 As on 31 March 2018
Share Capital
Number Amount Number Amount
Equity Shares of Rs.10 each 10,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 100,000.00

Equity Shares of Rs.10 each 10,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 100,000.00

Subscribed & Paid up

Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up 10,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 100,000.00


Reserves & Surplus 2

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Reserves & Surplus 2017 2018
a. Securities Premium Account
Opening Balance - -
Add: Premium on share issued during the year - -
A - -
b. Profit & Loss A/c
Surplus/(Deficit) in Statement of Profit and Loss -
Opening Balance 71,346.41 -
Add:Profit/(Loss) for the year 110,254.07 71,346.41
Add: Income tax refund - -
Add: TDS - -
Add: Income tax - -
Total (A+B) 181,600.48 71,346.41
181,600.48 71,346.41

Long Term Borrowings 3

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Long Term Borrowings 2017 2018
Unsecured Loan
(a) From Directors
Ankit Mahendra 260,000.00 260,000.00
Disha Vadera 285,000.00 285,000.00
A 545,000.00 545,000.00
(b) From Related Parties B - -
(c) From Others C - -
Total 545,000.00 545,000.00

Short Term Borrowings 4

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Short Term Borrowings 2017 2018
Loans & Advances - -

Total - -
Trade Payables 5
As on 31 March As on 31 March
Trade Payables 2015 2014
Sundry Creditors A
Sundry Creditors 262,581.00 1,257,775.00
262,581.00 1,257,775.00

Director Remuneration Payable B

Ankit Mahendra 138,000.00 80,000.00
Disha Vadera 210,000.00 80,000.00
348,000.00 160,000.00

Others C
Advance From Customers 3,080,000.00 73,374.00
3,080,000.00 73,374.00

Total 3,690,581.00 1,491,149.00

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Other Current Liabilities 6 2015 2014

Total - -

Short Term Provisions 7

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Short Term Provisions 2015 2014

Provision for Tax 53,170.00 21,020.00

Provision for Deferred Tax 7,031.35 10,897.00
Audit Fee Payable 25,000.00 12,500.00
Professional Fee Payable 5,000.00 5,000.00
VAT Payable 66,183.23 -
Total 156,384.58 49,417.00

Other Non-current Assets 9

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Other Non-Current Assets 2015 2014
Pre-operative Expenses 16,000.00 20,000.00
Less: Pre-operative expenses w/off (Amortised) (4,000.00) (4,000.00)
Total 12,000.00 16,000.00

Inventories 10
As on 31 March As on 31 March
Inventories 2015 2014
Closing Stock of Material 4,126,863.87 1,588,308.97

Total 4,126,863.87 1,588,308.97

Trade Receivables 11
As on 31 March As on 31 March
Trade Receivables 2015 2014
- -
Total - -

Cash & Cash equivalent 12

Cash and cash equivalents As on 31 March As on 31 March
2015 2014
a. Balances with Bank A
SBI 9,121.66 3,500.00
UBI 264,570.50 65,012.00
273,692.16 68,512.00
b. Cash in hand B 45,783.00 93,957.00

Total 319,475.16 162,469.00

Short Term Loans & Advances 13

Short Term Loans & Advances As on 31 March As on 31 March
2015 2014
Loans & Advances to Related Parties
Advance to Suppliers 394,519.00
A 394,519.00

Prepaid Expenses B - -
Balance With Revenue Authorities
VAT Receivable - 258.41
Advance Tax deposited 30,000.00 20,000.00
C 30,000.00 20,258.41

Others D - -

Total 30,000.00 414,777.41

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Other current assets 14 2015 2014
` `
MAT Credit - -

- -

Revenue From Operations 15

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Revenue from operations 2015 2014
Sale 7,570,189.00 5,635,687.00

Total 7,570,189.00 5,635,687.00

Other Income 16
As on 31 March As on 31 March
Other Income 2015 2014
Incentive Received 52,948.97 60,373.00

Total 52,948.97 60,373.00

Cost of Material Consumed 17

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Cost of Material Consumed 2015 2014

Opening Stock A 1,588,308.97 -

Add: - Purchase during the year B 8,302,245.64 6,045,517.64
9,890,554.61 6,045,517.64
Add : - Direct Expenses 692,456.28 544,143.72
10,583,010.89 6,589,661.36
Less : Closing Stock C 4,126,863.87 1,588,308.97

Total 6,456,147.02 5,001,352.39

Employee Benefit Expenses 18

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Employee Benefit Expenses 2015 2014
Staff Welfare Expenses A 52,320.00 28,750.00
52,320.00 28,750.00
Salaries & Wages B
Directors 360,000.00 280,000.00
Staff 144,000.00 135,000.00
504,000.00 415,000.00

Total 556,320.00 443,750.00

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Finance Cost 19 2015 2014
Bank interest - -

Total - -

Depreciation and Amortization 20

As on 31 March As on 31 March
Depreciation And Amortization 2015 2014
Depreciation 119,480.00 17,842.97
Pre operative Expenses W/off 4,000.00 4,000.00
Total 123,480.00 21,842.97

Other Expenses 21
As on 31 March As on 31 March
Other Expenses 2015 2014
Accounting Charges 30,000.00 16,000.00
Audit Fees 12,500.00 12,500.00
Advertisement 17,000.00 -
Legal Expenses 5,000.00 5,000.00
Business Promotion 46,850.00 15,750.00
Bank Charges 3,670.08 1,271.00
Printing & Stationary 6,545.00 1,313.00
Conveyance Expenses 83,559.00 44,759.00
Office Expenses 46,714.00 3,675.00
Repairs & Maintenance 34,089.00 4,703.00
Misc Expenses 1,096.45 31.71
Small Amount Adjustments - 10.52
Postage & Courier - 70.00
Telephone Expenses 40,609.00 20,768.00

327,632.53 125,851.23
Note 1 Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets Gross Block

Balance as at 1 Additions/
April 20X0 (Disposals)

a Tangible Assets

Assets under lease
Assets under lease
Plant and Equipment
Assets under lease
Furniture and Fixtures
Assets under lease
Assets under lease
Office equipment
Assets under lease
Others (specify nature)
Total - -

b Intangible Assets

Brands /trademarks
Computer software
Mastheads and publishing titles
Mining rights
Copyrights, and patents and other intellectual property rights,services
and operating rights
Recipes, formulae, models, designs and prototypes
Licenses and franchise
Others (specify nature)
Total - -

c Capital Work In Progress

Total - -
d Intangible assets under Development

Total - -

Note 2 Disclosure pursuant to Note no.I (iv) and J (iii) of Part I of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956

The following disclosure should be made for each class of asset as required
Particulars 20X0-X1 20X1-X2
` `
Asset details:
Balance as at 1 April
Impairment/ Revaluation
Balance as at 31 March
Gross Block Accumulated Depreciation
Acquired Revaluations/ Balance as at 31 Balance as at 1 Depreciation Adjustment
through (Impairments) March 20X1 April 20X0 charge for the due to
business year revaluations

- - - - - -

- - - - - -

- - - - - -

- - - - - -

20X2-X3 20X3-X4 20X4-X5
` ` `
d Depreciation
On Balance as at
disposals 31 March

- -

- -

- -

- -
Fixed Assets - As per ROC
For the year ended 31st March 2015
Fixed Assets Gross Block Accumulated Depreciation Net Block
Dep Rate As at 1st Additions Disposals Balance as at Balance as at Depreciation Balance as at Balance as at Balance as at
April 2014 31st March 1st April 2014 charge for the 31st March 1st April 2014 31st March
2015 year 2015 2015
Tangible Assets

Cellular Phone 13.91% 6,250.00 - - 6,250.00 507.14 4,034.00 4,541.14 5,742.86 1,708.86

Computer 40.00% 78,750.00 161,550.00 - 240,300.00 17,062.50 92,833.00 109,895.50 61,687.50 130,404.50

Printer 40.00% 8,200.00 6,800.00 - 15,000.00 273.33 7,947.00 8,220.33 7,926.67 6,779.67

Air Conditioner 13.91% 61,000.00 61,000.00 - 14,666.00 14,666.00 - 46,334.00

Total 93,200.00 229,350.00 322,550.00 17,842.97 119,480.00 137,322.97 75,357.03 185,227.03

Fixed Assets - As per Income Tax
For the year ended 31st March 2015
Particulars Dep Rate Opening Additions Depreciation Closing
Balance Before 6 Months After 6 Months Total Charged Balance

Plant & Machinery 15.00% 5,312.00 61,000.00 - 66,312.00 9,946.80 56,365.20

Plant & Machinery 60.00% 34,780.00 85,500.00 82,850.00 203,130.00 97,023.00 106,107.00

Total 40,092.00 146,500.00 82,850.00 269,442.00 106,969.80 162,472.20

rate of
Salvage Remainin ion of
Rate of
Closing WDV value @5% g Useful Old Depreciation
Sl BASIS- ORIGINAL Depreciation Tentative Actual Date Current Useful Life Used till
Name Of Asset WDV as on of Asset - of Org Block of Asset life as on Asset for the year
No SLM/WDV COST of ASSET used upto Date of use of Addition Year Use Life WDV Date
31.3.14 Asset 01.04.201 wef (FY 2014-15)
Value 4 01.04.14-

1 Cellular Phone WDV 3/31/2014 6,250.00 13.91% 5,742.86 219.00 8/24/2013 3/31/2015 365.00 313.00 Computers 3 0.600000 2.40 70.25 4,034.00

2 Computer WDV 3/31/2014 78,750.00 40.00% 61,687.50 196.00 9/16/2013 3/31/2015 365.00 3,938.00 Computers 3 0.536986 2.46 67.28 41,501.00
Computer WDV 3/31/2014 85,500.00 40.00% 85,500.00 - 8/1/2014 3/31/2015 242.00 4,275.00 Computers 3 - 3.00 63.16 35,804.00
Computer WDV 3/31/2014 76,050.00 40.00% 76,050.00 - 12/3/2014 3/31/2015 118.00 3,803.00 Computers 3 - 3.00 63.16 15,528.00

3 Printer WDV 3/31/2014 8,200.00 40.00% 7,926.67 - 3/1/2014 3/31/2015 395.00 410.00 Computers 3 - 3.00 62.74 5,382.00
Printer WDV 3/31/2014 6,800.00 40.00% 6,800.00 - 8/25/2014 3/31/2015 218.00 340.00 Computers 3 - 3.00 63.16 2,565.00

4 Air Condition WDV 3/31/2014 61,000.00 13.91% 61,000.00 - 4/26/2014 3/31/2015 339.00 3,050.00 Plant & Machinery 10 - 10.00 25.89 14,666.00

322,550.00 304,707.03 415.00 292,201.00 294,658.00 2,042.00 16,129.00 - 28.00 1.14 26.86 415.63 119,480.00
earnings closing wdv
for NIL as on 31-03-
useful 2015





- 185,227.03

NET PROFIT 159,558.42

Add : dep as per ROC 119,480.00

Less : dep as per IT 106,969.80
172,068.62 31,832.69

Income Tax due 30.90% 53,169.20 51,621.00

Interest 5,865.00 1,549.00

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