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P&L and Balance Sheet

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Classification: Internal Use

Name: Sivakumar P
Group 1, Sec-1

Profit and loss statement as on 31.03.2021

Profit and loss statement as on 31.03.2021

M/S Arvind textiles Ltd., for the period ended - 1.4.2020 to 31.03.2021

Particulars Note No Rs.

(I) Revenue from operations 4 6375000

(II) Other Income 5 27500

(III) Total revenue 6402500

(IV) Expenses:

(a) Material consumed 6 1450000

(b) Purchase of stock in trade -

(c ) Change in Inventories -

(d) Employee benefit expenses 700000

(e ) Finance cost -

(f) Depreciation and Amortization expenses 7 407000

(g) Other expenses 8 816500

Total Expenses 3373500

Classification: Internal Use

Name: Sivakumar P
Group 1, Sec-1

(V) Profit & loss before Tax (III-IV) 3029000

(VI) Provision for Tax -

(VII) Profit loss after Tax (v-VI) 3029000

Balance sheet as on 31.03.2021

M/S Arvind textiles Ltd., Balance sheet as on 31.03.2021

Note Amount
Particulars No Rs.


1. Shareholder's Funds:

(a) Share capital 5000000

(b) Reserves and Surplus 2529000

(c) Money received against share warrants

2. Share Application Money pending allotment:

3. Non - Current liabilities:

(a) Long term borrowings (debentures) 5000000

(b) Deferred Tax Liabilities

(c) Other Long Term Liabilities

(d) Long-term provisions 500000

Classification: Internal Use

Name: Sivakumar P
Group 1, Sec-1

4. Current Liabilities:

(a) Short-term borrowings

(b) Trade Payables

(c ) Other current liabilities

(d)Short -term provisions

TOTAL [1 + 2+3+4] 13029000


1. Non-Current Assets:

(a) Fixed Assets

(i) Tangible Assets 2 3663000

(ii) Intangible Assets

(b) Non - Current Investments

(c )Long Term Loans & Advances

(d) Other Non-Current Assets

2. Current Assets:

(a) Current investments

(b) Inventories

(c ) Trade receivables 725000

(d) Cash and cash equivalents 1 8291000

(e ) Short-term loans and advances

(f) Other current assets (Prepayment) 3 350000

TOTAL [1 + 2] 13029000

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