P&L and Balance Sheet
P&L and Balance Sheet
P&L and Balance Sheet
Name: Sivakumar P
Group 1, Sec-1
M/S Arvind textiles Ltd., for the period ended - 1.4.2020 to 31.03.2021
Particulars Note No Rs.
(IV) Expenses:
(c ) Change in Inventories -
(e ) Finance cost -
Name: Sivakumar P
Group 1, Sec-1
Note Amount
Particulars No Rs.
1. Shareholder's Funds:
Name: Sivakumar P
Group 1, Sec-1
4. Current Liabilities:
1. Non-Current Assets:
2. Current Assets:
(b) Inventories
TOTAL [1 + 2] 13029000