B2017 Process Design Based On Temperature Field Control For Reducing The Thermal Residual Stress in Glass Laser Bonding
B2017 Process Design Based On Temperature Field Control For Reducing The Thermal Residual Stress in Glass Laser Bonding
B2017 Process Design Based On Temperature Field Control For Reducing The Thermal Residual Stress in Glass Laser Bonding
Process design based on temperature field control for reducing the thermal MARK
residual stress in glass/glass laser bonding
Yanyi Xiaoa,b, Wen Wangb, Xingyang Wua, Jianhua Zhanga,b,
School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China
Key Laboratory of Advanced Display and System Applications of Ministry of Education, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China
Keywords: This paper presents a process design method based on temperature field control for reducing the thermal
Thermal residual stress residual stress in glass/glass laser bonding. The effect of the starting point, the shutting down rate of the laser
Laser bonding and the substrate temperature on the temperature field and sequential residual stress of the substrates was
Viscoelasticity investigated by ANSYS and experimental validation. The results show that the residual stress could be reduced
by starting the bonding avoiding the corner of the path, turning the laser off gradually and heating the glass
Temperature field
substrates, which influence the temperature field at the scale of point, line and surface, respectively. Thereby,
the formation probability of cracks is inhibited, and the bonding quality is improved.
Corresponding author at: School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China.
E-mail address: jhzhang@oa.shu.edu.cn (J. Zhang).
Received 25 November 2015; Accepted 17 December 2016
0030-3992/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Xiao et al. Optics & Laser Technology 91 (2017) 85–91
Y. Xiao et al. Optics & Laser Technology 91 (2017) 85–91
Table 1
The physical properties of the glass frit and the glass substrate used in the FEA model. other physical properties of the glass substrate and the frit remain
unchanged to the temperature, shown as Table 1.
Material Density, ρ (kg/m3) Poisson's ratio
3.3. Thermal stress analysis
Glass substrate 2540 0.23
Glass frit 2768 0.186
The temperature distribution was calculated by APDL. The load of
the surface heat was achieved through the nested loops to establish a
nG ⎛ t ⎞ four-dimensional matrix (x-coordinate value, y-coordinate value, time
G (t ) = G∞ + ∑ Gi exp ⎜− ⎟
and laser intensity). The whole processing time was divided into 550
i =1 ⎝ τiG ⎠ (1)
segments and the laser flux of each segment was calculated for the
⎛ whole model. The total laser flux of all the segments was loaded on the
t ⎞
K (t ) = K∞ + ∑ Ki exp ⎜− ⎟ top surface of the glass frit. The calculated temperature distribution
i =1 ⎝ iK ⎠
τ (2) was set as a load to reload on the model and the element type was
transformed to SOLID 185 unit to obtain the final thermal stress. The
where G∞ and Gi were shear modulus, K∞ and Ki were bulk modulus,
thermal stress was calculated under thermal to structure coupling. The
τiG andτik were the Relative time of Prony series components,
choice of the element type was SOLID 70 unit [19]. In the stress
analysis, eight cases of the laser processing based on the three-factor
In the heating source model, laser intensity distribution was
two-level full factorial experimental method was simulated.
Gaussian distribution [18]:
Y. Xiao et al. Optics & Laser Technology 91 (2017) 85–91
Table 2
Thermal stress of the bottom surface of upper glass substrate via different processing factors of improvement (×106 Pa).
Time (s) C/NH/D C/NH/G M/NH/D C/H/D M/NH/G M/H/D C/H/G M/H/G
the stress of the whole sample gradually decreased and the thermal 4.2. Impact of the improvements
stress expanded to the whole sample along the glass frit. In the end, the
stress only existed at every corner of the glass frit rectangle. The eight experiments with different laser processing factors were
Based on the temperature distribution analysis, the temperature simulated and the maximum thermal stresses at the bottom surface of
showed a steep decrease after turning off the laser, namely at 49 s. With the upper substrate at each key time were recorded in the Table 2. M
the time passing by, the decrease rate slowed down, and the thermal was the starting point in the middle of rectangle's side, C was the
stress exhibited a corresponding abatement. The heat conducted from starting point at the corner of the rectangle; H was using the heating
the laser ending point to the whole substrate along the rectangle of the substrate during pre-bonding to post-bonding, NH was no heating the
glass frit. At each corner of the rectangle, owing to the relatively large substrate; G was the gradually reducing the laser power, D was directly
superficial area, the temperature showed a steeper decline compared to shut down the laser.
the side of the rectangle. The decreasing behavior of the temperature The eight stress contours under the different factors were similar
after the bonding is closely related to the thermal residual stress. except the values. Based on the Table 2, the thermal stress of each
processing improvement was drawn in Fig. 6 and the partially enlarged
view of 49–50.4 s and 140–250 s were shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8,
Y. Xiao et al. Optics & Laser Technology 91 (2017) 85–91
In Fig. 6, all the lines exhibited the same trend. At 79.72 s, the
CHD, MHD, CHG lines had an increase compared to the CNHD
obtained from the normal process. However, in Figs. 7 and 8, the lines
with the H factor at least had a discount of 15% of the initial and final
stresses compared to the normal line. Namely, the method of heating
the substrate can reduce the initial and final stress, and have a
relatively stable and low decreasing rate of thermal stress. The MHG
line in Fig. 6, under all the three factors, had the smallest thermal
stress among the eight lines. The laser processing with three factors
would reach the lowest thermal residual stress according to the
simulation results.
The M method is a point-scaled control of laser bonding to optimize
the temperature field, and it has a slight reducing effect to the thermal
stress. The G method is a line-scaled control of laser bonding, which
has a better reduction effect compared to the M method. The H
method, which is a surface-scaled control, could get the best optimiza-
tion among the three methods. It is clear that the larger the controlling
Fig. 6. The thermal stress after bonding. scale, the more reduction of the thermal stress. By combining the three
temperature field controlling methods, the thermal stress could have
get well controlled.
4.3. Validation
5. Conclusions
Y. Xiao et al. Optics & Laser Technology 91 (2017) 85–91
Fig. 9. The micrograph of (a) CNHD (b) CNHG (c) MNHD (d) CHD (e) MNHG (f) MHD (g) CHG (h) MHG samples.
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