Li - (2016) - Prediction of Residual Stress and Part Distortion in Selective Laser Melting
Li - (2016) - Prediction of Residual Stress and Part Distortion in Selective Laser Melting
Li - (2016) - Prediction of Residual Stress and Part Distortion in Selective Laser Melting
Procedia CIRP 45 (2016) 171 – 174
Selective laser melting (SLM) is widely used to make functional metal parts. The high-temperature process will produce large tensile residual
stress (RS) which leads to part distortion and poor product performance. Traditional modeling approaches are not practical to predict residual
stress and part distortion due to the exceedingly high computational cost. In this study, two efficient multiscale modeling methods have been
developed to across microscale laser scan, mesoscale layer hatch, and macroscale part buildup for fast prediction of residual stress and part
distortion. A concept of equivalent heat source has been developed from the microscale laser scan model. In the “stress-thread” method, the
local residual stress field was predicted by the mesoscale layer hatch model using the equivalent heat source, then the residual stress field is
imported, i.e., “stress-thread”, to the macroscale part buildup model to predict residual stress and part distortion. In the temperature-thread
method, the powder–liquid–solid material transition has been incorporated. A body heat flux obtained from the microscale laser scan model is
applied, i.e., “temperature-thread”, to the hatch layer. Then multiple hatches are sequentially “deposited” in the macroscale part buildup model
with different scanning strategies. The predicted part distortions by both methods were compared and compared with the experimental data.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CIRP CSI)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CIRP CSI)
Keywords: residual stress; selective laser melting; distortion, multiscale modeling; selective laser melting; additive manufacturing
2212-8271 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CIRP CSI)
172 C. Li et al. / Procedia CIRP 45 (2016) 171 – 174
The objectives of this study are to develop and compare based on the thermal data in the microscale scan model for
temperature-thread based and stress-thread based multi-scale both methods, the heat load is directly applied to the
approaches for efficient prediction of part distortion and mesoscale hatch model. Third, the thermal history of one
residual stress by: (a) developing a novel equivalent heat hatch layer is applied to the macroscale part model, and each
source in mesoscale layer hatch from a microscale laser scan; hatch layer is activated one by one until the whole part is
(b) calculating the residual stress field and distortion of a built.
practical part at macroscale; and (c) compare the predicted
distortion results with the experimental data. 3.1. Micro laser scan model
Stress-Thread Temperature-Thread
Output Meso layer hatch model Meso layer hatch model Output
x Temp. field of x Thermal-mechanical analysis x Thermal analysis x Temp. history of
one hatch x Equivalent heat input x Equivalent heat input one hatch
x Local RS field x Whole hatch heated at same time x Whole hatch heated at same time
Stress-Thread Temperature-Thread
Output Macro part model Macro part model Output
x RS field x Mechanical analysis x Thermal-mechanical analysis x RS field
x Part distortion x Apply local RS field x Apply equivalent heat source x Part distortion
x Applied hatch by hatch x Applied hatch by hatch
Fig. 1 Stress-Thread based and Temperature-thread based method for the prediction of distortion of SLM parts.
C. Li et al. / Procedia CIRP 45 (2016) 171 – 174 173
Temp. (°C)
Temp. 3000
mechanisms were considered in the macro part model, i.e.,
(a)Stress-thread 2000 heat conduction to the substrate, the heat convection of the
melt pool to the surrounding powder bed and atmosphere, and
the heat radiation to the atmosphere. For both methods, the
0 0.05 0.1
two sides of the substrate was fixed during the process and
Melt pool center Time (s) released at the last step.
(b) Temp.-
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