Physical Education and Health 11: Learning Activity Sheet (Week 4)
Physical Education and Health 11: Learning Activity Sheet (Week 4)
Physical Education and Health 11: Learning Activity Sheet (Week 4)
Name of Learner: __________________________________Grade Level: _______________
Section: __________________________________________Date: _____________________
Background Information
Moderate physical activity refers to activities equivalent in intensity to brisk walking or
bicycling. Vigorous physical activity produces large increases in breathing or heart rate, such as
jogging, aerobic dance or bicycling uphill. Fitness standards are higher than health standards.
Learning Competency
Fitness standards are higher than health standards. People can get fit by becoming more
active. Whenever you are you can perform physical activities that is appropriate for your
Directions: Choose 1 from the pictures of various settings at the right side and create a possible
moderate to vigorous physical actvity that you can do at that place.
Setting Activity
1. Covered Court Moderate: Walking for 30 minutes
Vigorous: Jogging for 30 minutes -1 hour
“Being healthy isn’t about the weight you lose, it’s about the life you gain.”
Criteria Rating
Content is relevant. 2 4 6 8 10
Content is convincing. 2 4 6 8 10
Spell words correctly. 2 4 6 8 10
Total (30pts)
Prepared by:
Rheena-Ann D. Padilla