IBM - Moving Ahead With Intelligent Automation
IBM - Moving Ahead With Intelligent Automation
IBM - Moving Ahead With Intelligent Automation
The advances of artificial intelligence
are astounding
UBS bank has explored the potential of AI to create of the huge amount of financial and economical data
the best possible customer experience. No wealth available.
management advisor is able to know all the latest
information on every asset category and every market. The underlying IBM Watson technology provides the
For a knowledgeable and unbiased advice, FaceMe1 backend intelligence2 to the avatar. This example
modeled an avatar after the Chief Investment Officer from the Banking Industry illustrates how advances
in Switzerland. This avatar is the second expert in the in AI will bring the customer interaction to completely
room with the client. It is trained to look for important new levels, finally supported by zero-touch digital
information relevant for an investment decision out processes from the front-office to the back-office.
© faceme
Beyond the hype
Analysts agree that 2019 the hype around automation technologies will pass beyond the climax
and we enter the trough of disillusionment. The hype is underpinned by great success stories,
the disillusionment comes with the experience that there is no magic in the technology itself.
Elon Musk admitted that excessive automation was a mistake and also Toyota, still a relentless
pioneer in robotics, increased the human part in automotive production after facing quality issues
and falling profits due to high levels of automation
So – what’s in for you in 2019 and beyond to reap the benefits of this new wave of automation
and steer clear of the pitfalls?
Understanding the opportunity
Intelligent automation is changing the way enterprises done, bringing new operating models, organizational
operate by using advances in technology to optimize constructs and value creation opportunities.
processes, personalize customer experiences and
enhance decision making: The value of automation primarily comes from the ef-
ficiencies it creates by taking over simple but tedious,
Robotics process automation (RPA) is automating re- repetitive tasks from work packages that were cove-
petitive manual tasks, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ex- red by humans before. The impetus is not necessarily
tending the automation capabilities through learning, to replace people, but to transform the work that hu-
reasoning, decisioning and discovery capabilities and mans do and create new ways of working to serve the
Blockchain is bringing in trust across ecosystems. clients best. We call this the Cognitive Enterprise.
Beyond simple automation
Basic automation is good for rules-based, repetitive Example: A Fortune 75 global consumer goods com-
tasks with well-structured activities, clearly defined pany used advanced automation and resolved work-
rules taken from well-structured data sources, and flow problems upwards of 30 percent more quickly
systems that result in visible and measurable outco- and improved employee productivity by upwards of 50
mes. percent
Beyond simple automation
However, many processes aren‘t that simple, or the Possibly not all required information was found or
simple part of it only covers part of the volume. It contained in the document. But business rules could
might well be that only a tiny fraction of customers apply to deduce the order number e.g. based on who
would engage over the self-service interface, while sent the order and whether there is a unique current
others might stick to sending e-mails, letters, possibly order that contains the item for which the quantity has
even fax. to be changed.
Augmenting the human part of reading the request Finally, the interaction between the human and the
and extracting the relevant information – like: what backend system could be transformed with the help
is the order number, who is the sender, what item is of an intelligent assistant with whom the expert or
to change – is something that could be done with customer could have a dialogue to get this job done,
Artificial Intelligence combined with technology to and we will shortly see an example for this.
make rule-based decisions.
• Virtual Assistants • Optical Character Recognition • Machine Learning • Robotic Process Automation
• Chatbot, Messaging • Natural Language Processing • Deep Learning • Microservices Architecture
Steer clear of disillusionment
So – how could you reap the benefits of this new wave Similarly one needs to take into account how repeti-
of automation and steer clear of the pitfalls? Setting a tive or unique the tasks are. The less repetitive and
clear course and realistic expectations should get you simple, the less automated you can get. But that’s also
started or help you pull through. the good news: “humans are underrated”. Experts are
not particularly fond of the repetitive and stupid parts
Early successes by applying simple robotics process of their work. On the contrary, they will appreciate the
automation might create unreasonable expectations. aid of an AI-powered assistant that munges through
Automation comes at a cost and pays off depending huge amounts of data to come back with the reduced
on the volume. Intelligent automation even more so list of relevant pieces of information on which to conti-
as you need to have a sufficient amount of training nue their work of reasoning, making decisions, impro-
data and also put your specific training efforts into the ving customer experiences – in tasks as varied as legal
development. contract reviews, medical treatment decisions, claims
analysis, fraud management, cyber threat analysis or
supply chain optimization.
Uniqueness of work
Increase the
Assist humans in their of employees
decision making, with with Cognitive
next-generation workflows Systems
e.g. in customer service
Reduce departmental
work by combining nextgen
workflow design + low code
Supplant human-labor
with ‚bot’-driven tasks
Clear course towards The Cognitive
Sources: 19th Global C-suite Study, IBM Institute for Business Value, 2018,
Roland Berger, “Automotive manufacturing requires human innovation”, 2018
Clear course towards The Cognitive
Leverage the IBM Garage, our award winning prescriptive Method to re-imagine
your processes by putting the human in the center. The methodology is fueled
by a collaborative culture incorporating:
Case Studies
Case Study 1:
Intelligent Mail Assistant
Business problem
The volume of online inquiries is growing 23% a year.
Maintaining the quality of client relationships, while
dealing with an ever-rising stream of customers and
client requests, meant reinventing the role of client
Crédit Mutuel, one of France’s advisor or losing their competitive edge 11
Case Study 2:
Replenishment Advisor
Business problem
Dynamically changing market conditions across
continents and time zones create challenges in the
largely distributed supply chain. The goal was to
optimize the replenishment planning and minimize
BASF is one of the world’s largest disruptions 12
Case Study 3:
Intelligent automation in insurance
Business problem
ROLAND wanted to explore the potential of Intelligent
Automation with the help of Natural Language
Processing (NLP) and AI to adress two business
challenges. The first is to detect so far unnoticed
The ROLAND Group is a recourse potential, which in the industry is estimated
to be in the order of 3% of claims. Secondly, ROLAND
network of specialists operating wants to improve efficiency and customer loyalty by
throughout Europe and accelerating the handling of coverage requests. 13
Case Study 4:
Sales order automation
Business problem
The client was looking for a way to improve efficiency of
its inside sales agents by reducing time in the creation
of sales offers to free valuable resources from repetitive
simple tasks. Yearly more than 250,000 sales orders
This industrial company is needed to be manually processed to fulfill the requests
of hundreds of customers.
operating worldwide in more
than 70 countries and specialized Solution
IBM designed and developed an AI based sales order
in producing and processing automation solution. A responsive user interface was
technologically sophisticated used to dynamically drag & drop mails from Outlook to
get a sales order recommendation. Once the mail was
high performance materials imported, the customer and multiple steel products
were extracted from the mail using Watson Natural
Language APIs. The information identified was then
used to automatically make material suggestions
searching through customer databases. After the user’s
confirmation of the displayed sales order, existing
interfaces were leveraged to directly import and
complete the order in the customer’s SAP system.
Case Study 5:
Sales and Inventory Reconciliation
Business problem
The company sought to improve its sales and inventory
reconciliation processes. These processes consisted of
manual reconciliation of over 1,000 reports per day. The
labor-intensive, repetitive and time-consuming process
This global cement and building created a high risk of defects.
Case Study 6:
Intelligent Legal Assistant
Business problem
More and more clients try to solve their legal problems
online. But human legal specialists do not scale.
Lawyers today spend 80% of their time on problems
they or their colleagues have solved before.
QNC is building platforms for
online legal advice and legal tech After running a deep analysis of the existing legal
serving hundreds of lawyers, content of more than 200.000 cases QNC has set up
with IBM an intelligent legal assistant based on Watson
in-house legal departments and that is deeply integrated into the lawyer’s workflow
hundreds of thousands clients and suggests answers to repetitive legal problems.
QNC has rolled out the system to different law firms
monthly and in-house legal departments where it reduces the
time spent on answering relevant cases by up to 60%.
The Prime Legal AI legal data model is being constantly
improved by growing content. Each law firm can use the
platform exclusively with their legal content.
© IBM Corporation 2019
Varghese Abraham
Associate Partner ,Cognitive Process Automation Offering
Leader, Cognitive Process Automation Offering Leader
Markus Brandes
Executive Partner, Head of Digital & Cognitive Solutions