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Eric MiniLink Brochure 150608 Lowres

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the network
The network node
Data traffic is growing at a steady pace and there is a definite need to increase data
capacity in RAN and backhaul. The timing of this increase will vary from market to
market, as well as from site to site. Some markets have yet to deploy HSPA, while others
have already deployed LTE on a large scale. In addition, 5G mobile communication will
become available around 2020, evolving from LTE. This means that a microwave network
node for the future requires high node capacity, compact and modular building practice,
advanced packet functionality and features that are aligned and backward-compatible The MINI-LINK portfolio provides
across different network nodes. the right solution for each part of the
network, enabling sound investments
according to the current demand in
terms of site requirements and traffic,
which is expected to increase over time.

High Node Capacity

The rapidly rising capacity demands have led some different, however. Not only can microwave solutions MINI-LINK has a market-leading switch capacity
market observers to point to the need for fiber, es- meet virtually every conceivable backhaul requirement of 60 Gbps and can connect more than 20 radio
pecially in metropolitan and suburban areas, and to today, with gigabit-per-second capabilities; they will link directions in a very compact form factor.
express the view that microwave solutions will not be continue to evolve to meet ever-increasing capacity With 1, 2.5 and 10 Gbps interfaces, fiber rings
able to keep up in the future. The reality is somewhat demands and unprecedented levels of flexibility and and multi-Gbps E-band links can easily be con-
cost-efficiency. nected to the node.

The increasing complexity of current and future networks

calls for flexible and well-integrated microwave nodes. Flexibility & Modularity
The MINI-LINK Mix & Match approach offers
• Managed network performance unmatched flexibility. All frequencies, all building
Superior network performance is becoming increas- practices, all site types, LOS & NLOS, all appli-
ingly important for satisfying users and reaching cations and all packet technologies are sup-
operators’ business goals. The network must be ported by MINI-LINK.
optimized end-to-end, looking at RAN and backhaul.

• Scalable sites & networks TCO Efficiency

Microwave equipment must be scalable; not only in
Node solutions have been shown to reduce
capacity, but also in terms of adding new sites, new
product investment costs by 40 percent com-
directions and new packet functionality.
pared to a ‘hop-by-hop’ approach. Compact-
In a dense urban environment, deployment of small cells with backhaul that are quick to
ness and smaller footprints with reduced site
install and have low visual impact is one of the major challenges.
• Small cells implementation
costs and high RAN integration will reduce TCO
Deploying vast numbers of outdoor small cell sites
through shared power and cooling.
in city environments requires microwave equipment
By 2020 about 50% with an attractive design, that is easy to install and
of all sites will use that can manage NLOS situations in urban areas.
Future Proof
Microwave transmission • LTE migration
New applications in LTE and LTE Advanced put new
MINI-LINK offers efficient migration and ex-
pansion through a high level of reuse, hop-
for backhaul requirements on microwave equipment, for instance compatibility between nodes and requisite sync
in terms of phase and time sync. There is also a need and packet support. SW upgrade of existing
for higher capacity and sometimes to support new microwave nodes makes the rollout of new RAN
technologies. services faster and cheaper.
Invest as
You Grow
By combining MINI-LINK outdoor and indoor units, all network scenarios are supported with The world’s smallest high power The world´s most deployed Simplicity & speed for packet E-band link for packet transport
superior performance and lowest possible cost of ownership. radio unit microwave radio unit supporting nodes applications
any packet transport technology
› 6-42 GHz frequency band › 6-42 GHz frequency band › 70/80 GHz frequency band
› 1.3 Gbps in 112 MHz › 6-42 GHz frequency band › 600 Mbps in 60 MHz › 1 Gbps capacity
The Mix and Match approach supports operators in optimizing choice of building practice (all outdoor
› 65% size and 35% weight › 680 Mbps in 56 MHz › Ethernet connection to RBS › Ethernet connection to RBS
finding solutions that enable substantial savings and or split) and frequency band depending on specific reduction compared with RAU2 › Split mount with indoor or IDU or IDU
superior performance. MINI-LINK supports all fre- needs and local spectrum costs. It also allows you › Split mount with indoor modem modem
quencies, all building practices, all site types, LOS & to evolve sites over time. A built-in site switch/router
NLOS, all applications and all packet technologies. also lowers operation, maintenance and power costs.
Cross-product compatibility, including hop-compatibil- These are all examples of why a mix and match ap-
ity, allows the portfolio to function like a set of building proach is a more sustainable way forward for network
blocks, configurable in a range of deployment scenarios. expansion than merely looking for the lowest “box”
The different outdoor units offer unique flexibility in product cost.

MINI-LINK 6351 MINI-LINK 6352 Switch 6391 Fronthaul 6392

+ +
The world’s smallest Gbps V-band Very high capacity microwave, also Compact outdoor switch All outdoor microwave
link, optimized for small cell suitable for fiber extension with Ericsson Radio providing wireless CPRI,
evolve deployments with zero footprint
› 60 GHz frequency band
› 70/80 GHz frequency band
› 5 Gbps capacity in 750 MHz
System building practice
› Multiport configurations
using the E-band
› 70/80 GHz band
› 1 Gbps capacity › 10 G interface, 2.5 G and 1 G › Flexible interfaces › 2.5 Gbps capacity for
› 2.5 liter in volume–everything interface to the L2 switch › Efficient power solution CPRI 3
MINI-LINK TN MINI-LINK 6363 MINI-LINK 6352 included in the ball › 20 μs latency for
› Ethernet connection to RBS coordination
or IDU




MINI-LINK 6351 Switch 6391 MINI-LINK 6351 Widely deployed MINI-LINK TN & CN have set Highest node capacity in the smallest High performance long haul system
the standard. New NPU and MMU bring higher form factor
› Up to 8 + 0 radio link bonding
link and switch capacities and IP routing
› 70% size reduction compared with TN › 1024 QAM support
› 2 carriers per modem, 4096 QAM, MIMO › 2 carriers per modem, 4096 QAM, › 2 in 1: long and short haul in
prepared MIMO prepared one node
› 10 G, 2.5 G and 1 G interfaces › 10 G, 2.5 G and 1 G interfaces
› 60 Gbps switch capacity › 60 Gbps switch capacity
evolve Reuse existing MINI-LINK
equipment of installed radio,
antenna and cabling enables

mini-link savings of up to

networks 40%
The MINI-LINK portfolio supports network evolution and expansion in a cost efficient
way. Flexibility is key when addressing backhaul challenges. Site-specific requirements,
such as time-to-market considerations and the quality of available backhaul assets, will
determine the best solution.

Evolve and grow by 6691/6692 is hop-compatible with sub-millisecond latency. The most
reusing existing base MINI-LINK TN. common fronthaul solution is fiber
In essence, the MINI-LINK portfolio but it is also possible to imple-
provides the right solution for each To add small cell hops to your ment fronthaul systems over high
part of the network. This will enable MINI-LINK TN aggregation site, use performance wireless links. Front-
sound investments according to MINI-LINK 6351 and use the avail- haul 6392 is an all-outdoor and Ericsson Radio System Ericsson Network Manager
the current demand in terms of site able Ethernet interfaces. zero footprint microwave product The Ericsson Radio System is an The Ericsson Network Manager
requirements and traffic, which is designed for wireless fronthaul end-to-end modular system for makes it possible to handle all
expected to increase over time. Packet evolution applications. building radio access networks with network technologies through the
Full flexibility, SW upgrades, nodes As networks evolve with more integrated backhaul solutions run same management platform. This
and hop compatibility will provide a advanced structures like rings or by one network management sys- ranges from the different radio ac-
unique opportunity to invest when meshed, a routed network can tem. MINI-LINK is a fully integrated cess technologies through Wi-Fi,
and where necessary, avoiding gradually be implemented. With IP Meet the part of the Ericsson Radio System microwave, optical, Ethernet to IP, MINI-LINK is the market leader
over-dimensioning, which would
entail excessive spending.
routing, it is possible to terminate
layer 2 domains, support redundant
future demands with pre-tested and verified solu-
tions that work seamlessly together
circuit and packet core and IMS
and VoLTE.
in microwave transmission. With
840 customers in 175 countries
topologies and measure end-to-end and boost user with the other elements of the radio
The MINI-LINK nodes use plug-
in units, which make it easy to
IP service performance. Since MINI-
LINK has built-in Ethernet Switching
performance system such as baseband, enclo-
sures and power solutions.
Ericsson offers a complete set of
customize configurations and make
future upgrades. By reusing exist-
and IP Routing functionality, cost
and complexity will be reduced by With the Ericsson Radio System,
services for mobile backhaul, rang-
ing from consulting and learning to
3 2 00000
ing MINI-LINK equipment, filling eliminating the need for external we are moving from the fairly static management services. Ericsson has delivered over 3.2
up empty slots and just adding a equipment. environment of a cabinet-based million microwave radio units
new modem and radio, the savings site to a more modular system that MINI-LINK the market leader
can be up to 40%. With MMU4 A Wireless Fronthaul can be adapted to specific operator MINI-LINK is the market leader in
you can enable higher capacities The connection between the radio needs. The EC bus in the Ericsson microwave transmission. With 840
in MINI-LINK TN with 4096 QAM. and the baseband in RAN is re- Radio System, is a small plug that customers in 175 countries, MINI-
With NPU 1D in MINI-LINK TN ferred to as ‘fronthaul’ and is con- makes a big difference. It allows LINK is in use in all of the world’s
20p, higher switch capacities and nected through a CPRI interface. you to connect all of the equipment climate zones. Ericsson has de-
10G interfaces can be used. When Fronthaul is the transport means on a site. It provides power savings livered over 3.2 million microwave
even higher capacities are needed, to connect multiple macro cells or and reduced noice levels as climate radio units, beginning in the late
just add a MINI-LINK 6352 to your small cells in a coordinated and control enables the node to request 1970s. One third is used for trans-
MINI-LINK TN to enable up to 10 centralized RAN. It is not uncom- varying levels of cooling. It also sim- port packet traffic, which makes
Gbps capacities. For cost efficient mon for fronthaul links to require plifies operations and maintenance Ericsson the number one supplier
network expansion, MINI-LINK multiples of Gbps of capacity with with node inventory information. of packet microwave.
Leading transformation through mobility
We are a world leader in the rapidly changing environment of communications technology –
providing equipment, software and services to enable transformation through mobility.

Some 40 percent of global mobile traffic runs through networks we have supplied. More than
1 billion subscribers around the world rely every day on networks that we manage. With more
than 37,000 granted patents, we have one of the industry’s strongest intellectual property rights

Our leadership in technology and services has been a driving force behind the expansion
and improvement of connectivity worldwide. We believe that through mobility, our society can
be transformed for the better. New innovations and forms of expression are finding a greater
audience, industries and hierarchies are being revolutionized, and we are seeing a fundamental
change in the way we communicate, socialize and make decisions together.

These exciting changes represent the realization of our vision: a Networked Society, where every
person and every industry is empowered to reach their full potential.

The content of this document is subject to revision without

notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and
manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or
damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document

SE-417 56 Göteborg, Sweden EN/LZT 20/28701-FGB 101 004 Rev. A
www.ericsson.com © Ericsson AB 2015

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