Part Winding Resonance: Demerit of Interleaved High-Voltage Transformer Winding
Part Winding Resonance: Demerit of Interleaved High-Voltage Transformer Winding
Part Winding Resonance: Demerit of Interleaved High-Voltage Transformer Winding
26 456
2 authors:
Abhinandan De N. Chatterjee
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur 9 PUBLICATIONS 142 CITATIONS
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Abstract: Interleaved transformer winding is a new and promising development in the field of design
of high-voltage transformer windings. Although the strengths and weaknesses of the interleaved
winding concept against surge voltages are theoretically known, implementation in a practical
multiwinding EHV transformer may lead to various complications and the winding can show
unpredictable behaviour contrary to existing knowledge. A comparative assessment of interleaved
transformer winding has been made by EMTP simulation of two identical multiwinding EHV
transformer models having interleaved and noninterleaved conventional disc windings. The
observations regarding relative surge performance of interleaved and noninterleaved windings may
throw some light on optimum interleaving of the disc coils in transformer winding. The tap changer
or regulating winding forms a weak point in H V transformers and is found to be responsible for the
majority of failures. Distribution of impulse voltage in the regulating or tap-changer winding has also
been studied. The results of these observations may be useful in finding suitable explanations for the
failure of tap-changer windings in EHV power transformers
-1001 I I 6 I
60 I \ a
> LO
20 5 0 0 k
-20 Y
-LO 0
- 60 >
-801 I 1
0 50 100 150 200 250
o b -2001
- M I - GND
- - HHM5-GND H T l - GND
disc n u m b e r
- HM20 -GND HT25 - GND b
-- HM40 -GND HT33 - GND -0.5us ----Ius .....2)Ls - 1ous
Fig. I Tune ~ ( eendence ofpotentud to groundfionz d@ermfpomts of wind- - - - 3oUs 50ws xxxx 1 0 0 ~ s
ing for mterleuvedDdeJzgn Fig.3 Spatial distribution potential along length of winding3
a HV main winding a For interleaved design
b Tap wnding b For noninterleaved design
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 147, No. 3, May 2000 169
The improvement in linearity of the potential distribution 100
curves for the interleaved design is caused by the large
increase of series capacitance of the winding discs owing to
interleaving, while shunt capacitance values remain practi-
cally unaltered for both designs.
Waveforms of the disc voltages for interleaved and non-
interleaved designs are presented in Figs. 4 and 5. respec-
tively. For either design, the line end discs are observed to
be highly stressed. However, the severity of voltage stresses
is greatly reduced in the case of interleaved design. The
peak value of potential across the first line-end disc is
found to be as high as 88kV for the noninterleaved design
(Fig. 5a), which is about 16'Yn of the applied impulse peak -401
and eight times the expected peak value assunling ideal uni- a
form distribution. The corresponding peak value for the
interleaved design is 22.5kV (Fig. 4u), about twice the
average value expected from an ideal uniform distribution. 10
The 5th and 15th discs are observed to be stressed at volt-
age peaks of 44 and 30kV for noninterleaved design. These 7 5
stresses are reduced to 19.5 and 13kV, respectively, by 1
interleaving winding sections. Further reduction of stresses B o
on the line-end disc is possible if instead of two-section c
interleave grouping, four or more sections are grouped
together, thereby further increasing the self capacitance of
line-end discs. Other known methods of stress control like
use of line-end shields is also possible.
1 1 1 5 1 -
25 r 0 50 100 150 200 250
15 b
H M I - HM2
HM 5 - HM6
H T l HT2
HT5 - H T 6
.... HM15-HM16 HT16 - HT17
HM25 - HM26
HT20 - HT21
-_ HML5 -HM46 HT32 -HT33
Fig. 5 7 " e cieyauimce of d ~ ~ p t e n i l a l s fironwitet
or leuwd &sign
U F ~nidm
I winding discs
h Foi tap windiiig discs
+2 [( N );
excitation in an interleaved winding compared to a conven- 1.
tional disc winding. Resonance phenomena were shown in HI = H - 111 k + -12
((p2 -72)
the interleaved tap winding due to incident standard light-
ning impulse at the line terminal. This is a very critical situ- (111 $ + 1.270)
ation where the voltage across the resonating discs becomes N
an almost undamped high-frequency oscillation of consid-
erable magnitude, the peak value of the wave being practi-
cally limited by the winding resistance. High voltage
stresses were also observable at the earthed end and open
part of the tap winding. The condition will be of greater
concern when the transformer is operated at -10% tapping, where H depends on the number of turns N in the disc coil
thereby making the full portion of tap winding open- and its value is obtained from [14]. /3 = Blp, y = C/p, value
circuited. In such a case the voltage stresses developed may of In k is also obtained from [14]. All other nomenclatures
be sufficiently high to cause failure of the tap winding. are given along with Fig. 6.
IEE Pioc -Eleclr Poiiei Appl Vol 147 No 3 Mal 2000 171
If on the other hand the second coil has its radial dimen-
O !
-JCL sion c2 greater than axial b2 the coil is to be replaced by
I two coplanar circular filaments 33' and 44' located at the
i median plane but having equivalent radii r2 + 6 and r2 - 6,
! respectively, where
N turns I
I 1
7-2 = A (1 + g) (9)
I and
Fig.6 Schrmutic diugrum of disc coil
U = mean radius of disc coil (10)
P = winding pitch
C = thickness of insulation
B = height of insulated conductor The mutual inductance between the two coils is then given
N = tums in disc coil
c = Np = approx. radial width of disc coil by the formula
j 4 ;
! A
L' i 3'
M ibetween pairs of coils, where i indicates the number of
coils away from the reference coil, the equivalent induct-
ance of the whole winding section is given by the formula
Fig.7 Redctwn of coils to eyuivulentjlmnents
+ &)
between two such lumped elements gives a result with 4%
7-1 = a (1 (7) accuracy in most of the practical cases.
C, is calculated at mid-turn of a disc coil, applying the for-
I (X.3)
1 mula for parallel-plate capacitors with electrodes separated
by paper dielectric.
I -7---
-J--- I I
I I M M F distribution
h 1 1
7.3. I Determination of average interdisc capaci- Fig.9 MMF dutrrbutwn M lmninated conductorsplaced m slot
tance: For calculating the capacitance, the voltage is
assumed to be evenly distributed among the turns w i t h a 7.4 Equivalent high-frequencyresistance of disc
disc coil. The calculation of resultant interdisc capacitance coils
is based on the principle that sum of the energies accumu- Fig. 9 shows a case of subdivided (laminated) conductors
lated in all the part capacitances within a section is equal to placed in iron slot. It is assumed that the conductor is
the entire energy of the section. Let Cdr = resultant inter- divided into N layers, each of height h l , width b and length
disc capacitance between two interleaved members and C, L. Total height of all the layers is h = N hl. The average
= resultant interdisc capacitance between two adjacent loss ratio for N layers is given by
interleaved groups. Since there are 22 turns in a main wind-
ing disc coil, each interleaved disc pair consist of four turns.
Assuming a linear distribution voltage among the turns,
and applying the energy principle where RDcis the DC resistance, and R A C is the equivalent
1 1 resistance at high frequency, considering the skin effect,
-CdrV2 = -c@ and
2 2
where f is frequency and p is the resistivity of the conduc-
tor. The generalised expression can be extended for a trans-
former winding if each winding of axial height Lc can be
considered to be located in a slot of width H,, which is the
height of the transformer window. Comparing Fig. 10 for a
transformer with that of laminated conductors placed in
Sunilarly slots, as in Fig. 9, eqn. 17 can be modlfied as
+ 32 + 52 + . . . + 212)+
(452 + 472 + 49’ + . . . + 65’)
c d and C, are calculated at mid-turn of the disc coils, lbt-
applying the formula for capacitance between parallel-plate
electrodes, assuming that pressboard covers 35% of the
total horizontal surface area of a disc coil and oil covers the
remaining 65%.
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 147. No. 3, May 2000 173
neutral-current waves
- 20
-301 I I I I
0 20 40 60 80 100
time,s XIO-6
Fig. 11 Compurison of actual rmdsimulated neutrularrent waves
a Neutral current wave of original transformer obtained during impulse testing
b Simulated neutral current wave obtained from the developed model
HV main winding
parallel path 2 parallel path 2 parallel path 1 parallel path 1
disc 11-46 disc 1-10 disc 1-10 disc 11-46
174 IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 147, No. 3, May 2000