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Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University School of Technology End Semester Examination Electrical Engineering, Semester VI Date: 17/05/2017 (Wednesday) Time: 2:30 p.m, to 5:30 p.m. Max. Marks: 100 Instructions T. Attempt all questions: 2. Figures to right indicate full marks. 3. Assume suitable data if necessary : Q-1.(A)_ Explain any two theories explaining breakdown in vacuum, (6) (B) i. Explain the suspended particle theory for breakdown of commercial liquids. 4) ji, Following table shows the readings for experiments on insulating|oil. Using the data, (2) develop power law dependence between the gap spacing (d) and the applied voltage at breakdown, [Gap spacingimy) ) 2 cing! [ Voltage at breakdown (kV) 80] 130 200, 240 | (©) i. Explain failure in solid dielectric due to thermal breakdown, re) ii, A solid specimen of dielectric has an area of $ sq. mir and thickness of 5 em. Its (3) resistivity is 6x10" Q.cm and tand = 0.02, relative permittivity = 315. It is subjected to Nose of 6OKV ene at 0H and a 60 KY de voltage, Caley the pawer loss in nitions. ‘sical note on “Corona at high voltages and extra high voltages”. ©) ngth and breakdown voltage of air for a small gap @) distance of Imm and a large gap distance of 20 cm under uniform field & standard atmospheric conditions, Also find the same for atmospheric pressure of 750mm Hg at 35 ii, Explain Townsend's current growth equation due to primary ionization only. Q) (©) Explain the purification of liquids. Explain the role of partial pressure and dissolved gas in (5) a breakdown voltage of a liquid dielectric. OR (©) Explain the pienomena of treeing and tracking in solid dielectrics. ) Q3.(A) With a neat diagram, explain the principle of operation of a resonant transformer (5) for generating high AC test voltages. State the advantages of resonant transformers over the cascade connected transformers? (B) What is Tesla coil? How are High frequencies AC high voltages obtained from a Tesla (5) coil?” Draw the equivalent cireuit of tesla coil. Discuss the analysis of output waveform for the tesla coil (©) A 4-stage Cock croft Walton type DC voltage multiplier circuit has all capacitors of (6) 0.05 UF is fed from 1S0kV. If 1.7m of current is t be supplied to the load by this circuit, determine (a) the % ripple (b) the voltage drop and % Voltage regulation if the supply frequency is (i) 50Hz and (ji) 1SOHz. Calculate the same parameters for an 8-stage circuit for a load current of 3.5mA, the supply frequency being 150Hz. Q-4.(A)_ Discuss the various components used in the development of an Impulse generator. Draw (6) B « Q5.(A) 8) (B) © 6. (A) (BY and explain the operation of Modified Marx circuit for standard impulse voltage wave generation. ‘What is a trigatron gap? Explain its functions and operation, A 12-stage impulse generator has capacitors each rated at 0.3,1F, 150 KV. ‘The capacitance oof the test specimen is 400pF. Determine the wave front and wave tail resistances to produce 1.2/S0us impulse wave, Also determine the maximum output voltage of the ‘generator, if the charging voltage is 125 kV ? Explain how a sphere gap can be used to measure the peak value of voltages. What are the parar* ters and factors that influence such voltage measurements? Discuss. various methods of measuring high impulse voltages with the help of neat diagrams. OR Discuss the following methods for measurement of high AC Voltages. (a) Series Impedance Ammeter _— (b) CVT A generating voltmeter has to be designed so that it can have a range from 1SkV to 250kV de. If the indicating meter reads a minimum current of 2uA and maximum current of 35 WA, determine the capacitance of the generating voltmeter, Assume that the speed of driving synchronous motor is 1500 rpm. What is non-destructive testing of insulating materials? Give very briefly the characteristics of these methods. Draw and explain High voltage Schering bridge for measurement of tand and capacitance of Insulating materials. won Discuss the following terms w.r.t High voltage testing of Electrical Apparatus: Vahstind voltage (b} Flashover voltage and () 80% flashower voltage wvivus high voltage tests carried out on Line insulators. OR ts? Explain the impulse testing and Separate source insthamers with neat connor! and loss fuetor of an HV Bushing. Ssliat the sigmificance of impulse vl ‘stand test condicted on 1 A sclivoing bridge was used jo measure the eapacita At balance condition of bridge, the observations were: ‘The value of standard capacitor ~ 100 pF Pure resistor = 636.2 Variable capacitor = 0.00125 uF Variable parallel non-inductive resistor = 31802 Determine the values of unknown capacitance and dielectric loss factor. Page 22 a) ©) (6) G) 6) (3) Oy 6) wo (6, Course Nam Course Code: EE 319T Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University School of Technology Re-Examination, August 2017 B, Tech. in Electrical Engineering, Semester VI igh Voltage Engineer Date: 09/08/2017 (Wednesday) ‘Time: 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Instructions: Qt (A) @) © ) © Q2, @ (B) © Q3.(A) (B) «© O40) «By ©) Q-5.(A) a) T. Attempt all questions 2. Figures to right indica 3. Assume suitable dat necessary Answer any four: Explain the theories for breakdown in vacuum, Explain the phenomena of corona formation and factors affecting corona Explain any two theories describing the conduction and breakdown in commercial liquid, Explain in detail the intrinsic and thermal breakdown in solids, Explain Streamer’s theory. Write a technical note on any two: Treeing & Tracking Liquid Dielectric purification Paschen’s Law in High voltage engineering State the various methods for producing high AC voltages of power frequency. ‘What is a cascaded transformer? Explain why cascading is done? Di neat diagram a three stage cascaded transformer. Determine the percentage ripple voltage and regulation of a 8-st croft—Walton type DC yoltage multiplier circuit having stage capacitancs of 0.02 nF, Supply Voltage= L00kV at a frequency of 200 Hz and a load current = Sma. Explain with neat diagram the principle of operation of a resonant transformer for generating high ac voltages. How it is advantages over the connected transforme: cascad Define Impulse Voltage. What is the necessity of generatin n various terms pertain high impulse 0 the standard voltages in H.V. laboratories? Ex} impulse voltage wave with neat sketch, What is a chopped impulse wave? What is a Tesla coil? How are high frequency ac high voltages obtained from a Tesla coil? An impulse voltag 0.12 wR and 120 KV. IF it has to produce 1.2/50jt8 waveform across & lead capacitor of 1.000pF, Find the values of the wave front and wave tail resistances, Explain sphere yap arrangement for the measurement of peak values of high generator has 8. ages with each condenser rated for voltages and discuss the factors influencing it oR rineiple and operation of generating With on voltmeter for measuring high DC Voltages. sketch, explain the (24) (10) o) 4 to) (6) 6) (oy 16) (B) © Q6.(A) (A) (B) What is CVT? Explain how a power frequency high ae voltages are measured using a CVT. Also state the advantages of CVTs. A resistance divider of 1200KV (impulse) has a high voltage arm of 15 kQ and a low voltage arm consisting 15 members of 150 ohms resistors in parallel. The divider is connected to a CRO through a cable of surge impedance 75 ohms and is terminated at the other end through a 75 2 resistor, Calculate the exact divider ratio. List out various High voltage tests to be carried out on Line Insulators. Explain power frequency and Impulse tests performed on line insulators. OR Draw a neat diagram of High voltage schering bridge and explain how the tand and dielectric constant is measured? Explain the impulse testing and Separate source voltage withstand test conducted on transformers with neat connection diagrams age 20f2 6) © (8) @) @) ee i i a 4 Hg li Hi rat eta Ee ——~ ipo

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